Still Bloody Newes from Jreland.
WIll Jrish Rebels never cease their cruelty: J am sorry for it, but yet let them assure themselves that at length they will have the worst, but now give me leave gentle Reader, not expiating their crimes to declare what cruelty by them hath beene used from the Northeast to the Southeast of Jreland.
Their cruelty hath had effect so farre that they have taken Tambit, burned Armagh, and Toyhull, taken the Newery, and beaten downe Dundalke, surprised the Castle of my Lord Blayg, affronted my Lord Moore, and flew 300 of Souldiers, still affirming that their holy Father the Pope assisted them. Which being effected they retyred to the utmost end of Jreland.
Once they flew back to the West part, but that was but to encrease their forces, which did appeare by their overrunning of the South-West County of Tyrone, the Kingdome of Jreland from the County of Monahan, which they beate downe and put to destruction according as they did Bel Tarbit.
[Page] They overthrew Armagh, and burned Loggall, the Newery, and strengthned themselves by taking Anney.
With two thousand men they beate down Dundalke, also they beate downe almost to the same number in the County of Warthedefloure, the men and women there in a most cruell manner they slew, their Tangeshire were of this opinion that the dogs should eate the flesh of Ahab wh [...] they slew righteous Naboth, notwithstanding te [...] confidence they put in their holy Father the Pope.
Their sole intents are bent to destroy the Protestant Church there, but the good men hope by the assistance of God that they shall be prevented of their purposes.
Their crueltie continues in the aforesaid Countries, and they the Rebellious Papists think them safe by entertaining Trecherous hearts, but let them know this that God is the Revenger of the cause of the innocent, mauger all the malice of the Devils in Hell.
Their trechery also bends to the Counties of Caynith, Comming, and the County of Carring, where they got great abundance of meate and ammunition, which in part doth maintaine their Rebellious hearts, against the Protestants, and destroy them in such cruell and bloody manner.
A True Relation
OF 4 Irish Troopers, who came to a place nere to Armagh, to a poore Cottage, there being no body in the house but a young maid, about the age of 18. Desired of her that they might stay there that night, but loath she was to grant them their request, yet being loath to displease them, for feare of her life, she granted their request, and they all went to bed together, both the 4. Rebels and the maid, but sore against her will, and the Rebels lust began to grow so great, that they went about to Ravish her: but she having before taken an oath that never such a blemish, should come upon her, she resolutely told the Rebels, that she would loose her life, before their lust should be satisfied upon her, and having her knife neere at hand, she thrust it into one of their bowels, which the Rebels seeing, desperately drew their swords & out off, first, her right arme, then her left, then both her legs, then they tied a rope about her middle, and drag'd it about, which having done they ript ope her belly, and saved as much of her blood as they could, saying, that her puritane sisters should be glad of that to drinke,
Likewise the Rebels doe much harme in many places in the kingdome of Jreland, turning the reverend Minnisters out of their Pulpits, plucking one limbe from another, saying, that the dogges of Roome shall eate the flesh of those Puritane [Page] Rascals that railes against their holy father the Pope.
Also in some places of Jreland, there have many ships arrived laden with great store of Ammunitiō for warre, thus they dayly tiranize over the poore Protestants.
There was also 3. Merchants in Gallway that had a ship came from Spain to Gallway laden with salt, wherein there was buried great store of muskets, Powder and shot.
- Thomas Lench.
- Thomas Athy.
- Francis Carnen.