¶ A Proclamation for the ease of the Citty of Oxford, and Suburbs, and of the County of Oxford, of unnecessary Persons lodging or abiding there.

HIs MAIESTY being inforced to draw into these parts and places diverse Regiments of Souldiers, who want fit places to Billet them in, by reason (as He is informed) there are many Women and Children as well as Men, who have no necessary employment either about His Majesties Person, or Court, or Army, and yet have thrust themselves into Hou­ses and Lodgings in these places, from whence they keep out others, which must be pla­ced here, and are but a burthen in the consuming those provisions which are and must be made for those, whose attendance and service is necessary, Hath therefore, by the advice of the Lords and others His Highnesse Commissioners, of His Princely care, thought fit to publish and declare His Royall Pleasure and Command as followeth.

1. That all such as have Houses, or parts of Houses, or other Roomes, sit for the entertaining, lodging, or disposing of any Souldiers, or others, doe truly deliver the number of roomes they have, the number of bedds, the true number of Persons there lodged, entertained or receaved, and their names, as neere as they can, and to whom they doe belong, or under whose command they are.

2. That all such as are so lodged or entertained doe truly deliver what their qualities are, under whose command, or upon what attendance, either to the Court or Army, what their names are, and doe truly set downe what bedds they have to receave them, and where.

3. That if any doe refuse to give such true information, or doe mis-informe in any thing, or doe colour any others to lodge there which ought not so to be, that He or Shee shall be subject to that punishment which the offence deserveth.

4. That if any Person shall not immediatly, or within twenty foure houres after the publishing of this Proclamation, depart from this Citty and Suburbs thereof, and County aforesaid, who cannot justify their abiding here as aforesaid, they shall be sent away by the Officers of the Army, or Ministers of Iustice, as the case shall require, with such disgrace as they deserve for such their fault herein.

5. That if in this County there be any Women or Children lodged or entertained under pretence of at­tending the Army, or any Souldiers therein, that the Commanders in that place shall examine and certify to the Kings Commissioners, what they conceave to be fit, According to whose Certificate, that shall be done which shall be just in such case.

6. That if any have houses of abiding in this County, or neere thereunto, that they remove thereunto speedily, where they shall have the Kings Protection for their safety.

7. That if any shall in any of these things offend, they are hereby to know, that they shall not only in­curre the danger of contempt to His Majesty for such their offence, but also such other punishment as the nature of their offences shall deserve.

8. That if any Person come into the Citty or Suburbes thereof, he shall that night, or before, discover unto S t Iacob Ashley the Governour of the Citty, his owne name, and the names of his servants, or company, and the place from whence he came, and the occasion of his comming. And that the Master of the House shall, before any new commer shall lodge in any house, deliver the name of such Person and his company to the Governour of the Citty, upon the like pain as aforesaid.

God save the King.

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