❧ By the King.

❧ A Proclamation for putting the Laws against Popish Recusants in due execution.

THe Kings most Excellent Majestie, having been formerly moved by His Parliament, for putting the Laws in execution against Papists, whereto He hath from time to time still given His gracious Answers, expressing His willingnesse thereunto: But now finding, that no such proceedings against them have been yet had, as might answer His Majesties expectation: His Majestie therefore, out of His Princely and pious care, as well for maintaining the true Protestant Religion established in this Kingdom, as for suppressing by lawfull wayes, all increase and growth of Popery; Hath thought fit to publish His Royall Pleasure therein; Wherefore His Maje­stie doth hereby straitly charge and command, all and every His Iudges and Iustices of Assize, Sheriffs, Iustices of Peace, and other His Officers and Ministers whatsoever, whom it doth any way concern, That they, and every of them, according to the duties of their severall Offices and places, do forthwith, and without further delay, put in due and effectuall execution the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, provided and made against Po­pish Recusants, and that without favour or connivence; As they tender His Majesties just and Royall Commands, the good of this Church and Kingdom, and will answer for neglect of their duties herein.

❧ God save the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barket, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie: And by the Assignes of John Bill. 1641.

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