¶ A Proclamation for a solemne Fast on Wednesday the Fifth of Februarynext, upon occasion of the present Treaty for Peace.

WHere as Almighty God in his Iustice to punish the Common and Crying sinnes of the Land, hath sent a Civill Sword throughout all Our Dominions, which hath miserably wasted and threatens a speedy and utter desolation to the same. And now in the height of these Calami­ties, a Treaty is assented to, to beginne at Ʋxbridge on Thursday the Thirtieth day of this In­stant January, touching the Composing and ending of those unhappy differences and distra­ctions, about which so much blood hath been already spilt, which Treatie, may by the bles­sing of God (who is the disposer of all mens hearts and of all events) be a meanes to produce a Peace. And whereas it is the duty, and hath been the practice of Christians under afflicti­on, to set apart some time for publique and solemne Humiliation and Prayer, for removing of Gods judgements, and particularly for a blessing and good successe to the meanes conducing to their deliverance. We doe therefore by this Our Proclamation appoynt and straitly Charge and Command, that on Wednesday being the Fifth of February next ensuing, a solemne Fast be kept in all places within Our Dominions, whether the notice of this Our Proclamation shall or may come before that time, that both Prince and People may then joyne together in a true Humiliation and Devout and earnest Prayers to God, that he would be pleased so to blesse and prosper this in­tended Treaty, that it may produce a happy Peace in all Our Dominions, such as may be for his honour and the good of his Church, and of Us and all Our Subjects. And We doe hereby charge and require all Our Subjects, of what degree or condition soever they be, which shall have notice of this Our Proclamation, That they doe religiously pre­pare and apply themselves to a due observation of the same, by Fasting, Humiliation, and Prayer on that day, and in hearing of Gods word, as they will answer to God their neglect of this Christian duty, and as they will answer to Us the neglect of this Our Just and necessary Command. And for the better and more orderly observation of this Fast, We doe hereby appoint, that the Forme of Prayer and Service of God set forth in the Booke heretofore published for the Monthly Fast, with such alterations and additions as shall be prepared and fitted for this present purpose, and published in Print before the said day, shall be used in all Churches and Chappells where this Fast shall be kept.


Printed at Oxford, by Leonard Lichfield, Printer to the University. 1644.

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