A Proclamation for a generall Fast to he held throughout this Kingdome on the second Friday in every Moneth.

VVHen a generall Fast was first propounded unto Vs, in contemplation of the miseries of Our Kingdome of Ireland, We readily gave Our Consent unto it, and in Our Court, and in Our Person have duely observed it, as a Religious duty, fit to be exercised in a time of common Calamity. But when VVe have seen what ill use hath been made of those publicke meetings under the pretence of Religion, in Pulpits, and Prayers and Sermons of many seditious Lecturers to stir up and continue the Rebellion raised against Vs within this Kingdome; And that those who first moved and seemed to affect the reliefe of Our distressed Subjects of Ireland, have deserted the care thereof, and diverted the Meanes ordained for the support and preservation of that Kingdome, to the destruction of Vs and of this Kingdome of England: VVe have thought it fit to Command that such an Hypocriticall Fast, to the dishonour of God, and the slander of true Religion be no longer continued and countenanced by Our Authority, which hath been too long continued already, to such false and Traiterous ends. And yet VVe being desirous (as by Our duty to Almighty God VVe are bound) by all possible meanes to expresse Our own Humiliation, and the Humiliation of Our People, for Our owne sins, and the sins of this Nation, (as VVe have great cause) are resolved to continue a Monthly Fast, but not on the day formerly appointed and so much abused by those who are in Rebellion against Vs, by using it as a principall Engine to their owne de­signes. VVe doe therefore hereby Command, that from henceforth no Fasts, or publicke Meetings under that name be held on the last VVednesday of the Monerh in any part of this Our Kingdome of England, as for many Moneths it hath been, nor upon any other day, then as hereby is appointed by Vs, which VVe are well assured, none of Our Sub­jects may or ought to doe without, much lesse against Our Command: but instead thereof VVe doe expresly Charge and Command, That in all Churches and Chappells in all parts of this Our Kingdome of England and Dominion of Wales, there be a solemne Fast held, and Religiously observed on the second Friday in every Moneth, with publicke Prayers to God, and Preaching in all places where it may be had, when and where we may all both Prince and People as one man, earnestly powre out Our Prayers to God, for the diverting of his heavy judgements from Vs, for the con­tinuing of his Gracious Protection over Vs and this Nation, for the avoyding of all Malitious practices against Vs, and the setling and establishing of a happy Peace amongst us. And to the end that with one heart and voice we may performe so Religious an Exercise, we have caused devout formes of Prayers to be Composed and Printed, and in­tend to disperse them into all the parts of this Our Kingdome, and doe Command that they be used in all Churches and Chappells at the solemne and publicke meetings. And if thus we shall heartily and unfainedly apply Our selves to Our good God and Gracious Father, whom we have offended, and praise him for his many and even miraculous de­liverances past, we may with Comfort and Confidence hope that he will in mercy looke upon Vs, and be reconciled unto Vs.

God save the KING.

OXFORD, Printed by Leonard Lichfield, Printer to the Vniversity. 1643.

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