❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation declaring His Majesties expresse Command, That no Popish Recusant, nor any other, who shall refuse to take the two Oathes of Allegiance and Supremacie, shall serve Him in His Army: And that the Souldiery commit no rapines upon the People, but be fitly provided of necessaries for their money.
WHereas We have heretofore, by Our Proclamation, straightly charged and commanded, That the Laws should be put in due execution against Popish Recusants, and We have, and shall have it still in Our care, to suppresse and prevent the growth of Popery, and to use all good means that may tend thereunto, and not to countenance Papists, by any imployment or trust, by or for Vs. And whereas there are now at and neer London great Forces levied, and in levying, and Moneys raising, by way of contribution, and otherwise, towards the charge of raising, and maintaining an Army, or Forces, under pretence of the Order of Our two Houses of Parliament, not onely without Our consent, but contrary to Our severall expresse Commands, published by severall Proclamations, Letters, and otherwise. And the same Forces are actually in so much forwardnesse, as that t [...]ere are divers Horsemen daily Exercised, and Trained in places about London, and great numbers of Foot in raising; and a Generall, and other principall Officers are nominated and declared, and they have accepted and taken upon them those places, and have already done severall Acts of Hostility against Vs, which cleerly appear to be a levying of War against Vs; We have found it necessary, to raise and levy Forces, for the defence of the true Protestant Religion, Our Person, the two Houses of Parliament. And now, lest any Popish Recusants should presume to offer to serve Vs herein, or procure themselves to be listed, as Officers, or Souldiers in Our Army, without Our knowledge, and to the end that Our intention herein may be cleerly known, That whereas one principall aim of raising these Forces, is, for the defence and maintenance of the true Protestant Religion, We may not be served with Papists, as falsly and slanderously hath been objected against Vs, We do hereby declare Our expresse Will and Pleasure to be, and We do hereby straightly Command, That no Person or Persons soever being Popish Recusant, shall presume to come to Our Court, contrary to the Law in such Case provided, nor any Popish Recusant, or Papist take any Office, or Place, or List himself as a Souldier in this Service.
And to the end there may be as full discovery as can be made of such as shall, contrary to this Our Proclamation, be [...] listed into such Our service, We do straightly command and charge all Officers and Souldiers, who shall be entred or listed for this Our service, That upon the first Muster-day after they shall be so listed, they take the Oathes of Supremacy and Allegiance, both which We shall take care shall be tendered unto them according to the Law, thorowout Our Army. And if any shall continue his name in those Lists, and yet shall refuse the said Oathes, We shall not onely cashiere them, but also otherwise proceed against them, according to the Law.
And as We shall be carefull that all Our Officers and Souldiers shall be duly paid, that there be no occasion or pretence of necessity amongst them to burden any of Our Subjects, So we do hereby straightly charge and command, That none of the said Officers, or Souldiers presume to take any thing from any of Our good Subiects, without due payment for the same, nor commit any unlawfull Violence or Outrage. And to all these Our Commands We expect a strict Obedience of all Our Subjects whom it may concern, as they will answer the contrary at their uttermost perill. And being thus carefull that by this Our necessary service, Our Subjects should not in any degree suffer or be wronged, so We do expect and require, That all Our Sheriffes, Iustices of Peace, Majors, Bayliffes, and all other Our Officers and Subjects, should use their best endeavours as there shall be occasion for the assistance and convenient supplies of Our said Officers, and Souldiers, with such things as shall be necessary and fit for them, at reasonable Rates and Prices.
Given at Our Court at York the tenth day of August, in the eighteenth yeer of our Reign. 1642. ⟨August 15 th⟩
God save the King.
¶ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most [...]