HIS MAJESTIES Most Gratious ANSVVER At the Delivery of the PROPOSITIONS for PEACE.

Certified to the Parliament by a Letter from the Earle of Pembrook, and the Commissioners.

WHO Presented them to the KING on Tuesday last, at Hampton Court, Septemb. 7. 1647. Also His Majesties last Propositions.


Printed in the Yeare, 1647.

My Lord,

YEsterday in the Evening we presented the Propo­sitions to the King, according to our Instructions.

His Majesty said, that he would give us His Answer as soone as he could.

And whereas onely three of us are required to returne with it, our humble suite is, That having waited upon this service so much longer then we expected:

Now (at length) we may be permitted, all of us to return with his Majesties Answer, and be discharged of this imployment, which shall be acknowledged as a great favour, by

Your Lordships most humble servant, Pembrook & Montgomery, &c.
For the Right Honourable the Earle of Manchester, Speaker of the House of Peeres pro tempore.
Charles Rex.

AS the daily expectation of the comming of the Propositions hath made his Majestie this long time to forbeare giving his answer unto them, so the appearance of their sending being no more for any thing he can heare, then it was at the first comming hither notwithstanding that the Earle of Louderdale hath beene at London above these ten dayes, (whose not comming was said to be the on­ly stop) hath caused his Majesty thus to anticipate their comming to him, and yet considering his Condition, that his Servants are denied accesse to him, all but very few, and those by appointment not his owne Election, and that it is declared a crime for any but the Commissioners, or such who are particularly permitted by them, to converse with his Majesty, or that any Letters should be given to, or received from him, may he not truly say, that he is [Page 2]not in case fit to make Concessions, or give Answers, since he is not master of those ordinary Actions which are undoubted Rights of any free borne man, how meane his birth be? And certainly, hee would still be silent as to this subject, untill his Condition were much mended, did he not preferre such a right understanding betwixt him and his Parliaments of both King­domes, which may make a firme and lasting Peace in all His Dominions, before any particular of his owne or any earthly blessing: and therefore. His Majesty hath diligently imployed his utmost endeavours for divers months past, so to informe His Understanding, and satisfie his Conscience, that he might bee able to give such Answers to the Propositions, as would be most agreeable to His Parliaments but He ingenuously professes, that notwithstanding all the paines that He hath taken therein, the nature of some of them appeares such unto him, that without disclaiming that Reason which God hath given him to judge by for the good of Him and His People, and without putting the greatest violence upon His owne Conscience, Hee cannot give His consent to all of them. Yet His Maiesty (that it may appeare to all the World how desirous He is to give full satis­faction) hath thought fit hereby to expresse His readinesse to grant what He may, and His willingnesse to receive from them, and that personally if His two Houses at Westminster shall ap­prove thereof, such further information in the rest as may best convince his judgement, and satisfie those doubts which are not yet cleare unto him, desiring them also to consider that if His Majesty intended to winde himselfe out of these troubles by in­direct meanes, were it not casie for him now readily to consent to what hath on shall bee proposed unto him, and afterwards chuse his time to breake all, alledging, that forc'e concessions are not to be kept surely he might, and not incurre a hard cen­sure from some indifferent men. But maximes in this kinde are not the guides of His Maiesties actions, for he freely and cleerly avows, that he holds it unlawfull for any man, and most base in a King to recede from his promises for having been obtained by force or uncler restraint; wherefore His Majesty not only re­jecting those acts which he esteemes unworthy of him, but even passing by that which he might well insist upon a point of ho­nour, in respect of his present condition, thus answers the first Proposition. That upon His Majesties comming to London, he [Page 3]will heartily joyne in all that shall concerne the honour of his two Kingdomes or the Assembly of the States of Scotland, or of the Commissioners or De­put [...]es of either Kingdome, particularly in those things which are desired in that Proposition, upon confidence that all of them respectively with the same tendernesse will looke upon those things which concern his Majesties Honour.

In answer to all the Propositions concerning Religion, His Majestie pro­poseth, that he will confirme the Presbyteriall Government, the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, and the Directory, for three yeares, being the time set downe by the two Houses, so that his Majesty and His Houshold be not hindred from that forme of Gods Service which they formerly have; And also, that a free consultation and debate be had with the Divines at Westmin­ster (twenty of His Majesties nomination being added unto them) whereby it may be determined by His Majesty and the two Houses, how the Church shall be governed after the said three yeares or sooner, if differences may bee agreed. Touching the Covenant, His Majesty is not yet therein satisfied, and desires to respite his particular answer thereunto untill His comming to London, because it being a matter of conscience he cannot give a resolution therein till he may be assisted with the advice of some of His owne Chaplains (which hath hitherto bin denied Him) and such other Divines as shall bee most proper to informe Him therein; and then He will make clearely appear both His zeale to the Protestant profession, and the Union of these two King­domes, which he conceives to be the main drift of this Covenant. To the 7th and 8th Propositions, His Majesty will consent. To the 9th His Ma­jesty doubts not but to give good satisfaction when he shall be particularly in­formed how the said pen [...]lties shall be levied and disposed of. To the 10th His Majesties answer is, That h [...]e hath beene alwayes ready to prevent the practices of Papists, and therefore is content to p [...]sse an Act of Parliament for that purpose; And also, that the Laws against them be duly executed. His Majestie will give His consent to the Act for the due observation of the Lords Day, for the suppressing of Innovations, and those concerning the Preaching of Gods Word, and touching Non-Residence and Pluralities, and His Ma­jestie will yeeld to such Act or Acts as shall be requisite to raise monies for the payment and satisfying all publique Debts expecting also that his Will be therein included. As to the Proposition touching the Militia, though his Maje­sty cannot consent unto it in terminis as it is proposed, because thereby he con­ceives, hee wholly parts with the power of the Sword entrusted to him by God and the Lawes of the Land, for the protection and government of his people, thereby at once devesting himselfe, and dis-inheriting his Posterity of that right and Prerogative of the Crowne which is absolutely necessary to the Kingly Office, and so weaken Monarchy in this Kingdome, that little [Page 4]more the the name & shadow of it wil remaine: yet if it be only security for the preservation of the Peace of this Kingdome, after the unhappy troubles, and the due performance of all the agreements which are now to be concluded, which is desired (which his Majesty alwayes understood to be the case, and hopes that herein he is not mistaken) his Majesty will give aboundant satis­faction, to which end he is willing by Act of Parliament, That the whole power of the Militia, both by Sea and Land for the space of ten years be in the hands of such persons as the two Houses shall nominate, giving them power during the said terme to change the said persons, and substitute others in their places at pleasure, and afterwards to returne to the proper Channel againe, as it was in the times of Queene Elizabeth and King James of blessed memo­ry. And now his Majesty conjures his two Houses of Parliament, as they are English-men and lovers of Peace, by the duty they owe to his Majesty their King, and by the bowells of compassion they have to their fellow Sub­jects that they will accept of this his Majesties offer, whereby the joyfull newes of Peace may be restored to this languishing Kingdome, His Majesty will grant the like to the Kingdom of Scotland if it be desired, and agree to al things that are propounded touching the concerving of peace betwixt the two Kingdomes.

Touching Ireland (other things being agreed) His Majesty will give satis­faction therein. As to the mutu [...]ll Declarations proposed to be established [...]n both Kingdomes by Act of Parliament, And the Modifications, Qualifica­tions, and Branches which follow in the Propositions, His Majestie onely professes, that He doth not sufficiently understand, nor is able to reconcile many things contained in them; but this He well knoweth, That a generall Act of Oblivion is the best Bond of Peace; and that after intestine Troubles, the wisdome of this and other Kingdomes hath usually and happily in all ages granted generall Pardons, whereby the numerous discontentments of many Persons and Families otherwise exposed to ruine, might not become fewell to new disorders, or feeds to future troubles. His Majesty therfore, desirs that his two Houses of Parliament would seriously descend into these considerations, and likewise tenderly looke upon His Condition herein, and the perpetuall dishonour that must cleave to Him, if Hee shall abandon so many persons of Condition and Fortune that have ingaged themselves with, and for Him, out of a sense of Duty, and propounds as a very acceptable testimony of their af­fection to Him, That a generall Act of Oblivion and free pardon be forthwith passed by Act of Parliament. Touching the new Great Seale, His Majesty is very willing to confirme both it and all the Acts done by vertue there of untill this present time, so that it be not thereby pressed to make voyd those Acts of His done by vertue of His Great Seale, which in honour and justice He is ob­liged to maintaine; And that the future Government thereof may be in His [Page 5]Majesty, according to the due course of Law. Concerning the Officers menti­oned in the 19. Article, His Majesty when He shall come to Westminster will gratifie His Parliament all that possibly He may, without destroying the alte­rations which are necessary for the Crown. His Majesty will willingly con­sent to the Act for the confirmation of the Priviledges and Customes of the City of London, and [...]ll that is mentioned in the Propositions for their particu­lar advantage. And now that his Majesty hath thus farre undeavoured to com­ply with the desires of His two Houses of Parliament, to the end that this a­greement may be firme and lasting, with out the least face or question of re­straint to blemish the same, His Maiesty earnestly desires presently to bee admitted to his Parliament at Westminster, with that Honour which is due to their Soveraigne, there solemnly to confirme the same, and legally to passe the Acts before mentioned, and to give and receive as well satisfaction in all the remaining particulars, as likewise such other pledges of mutuall love, [...]rust, and confidence as shall most concerne the good of Him, and His people; up­on which happy agreement, His Majesty will dispatch His Directions to the Prince His Son, to returne immediately to Him, and will undertake for His ready obedience thereunto.

For the Speaker of the Lords House (pro tempore) to be communica­ted to the Lords and Commons in the Parliament of England at Westminster, and the Commissioners of the Par­liament of Scotland

A Letter from a Gentleman from Hampton Court


THe Commissioners from both kingdomes delivered the Propositions to the King yesternight; There were here with hi [...] Majesty to present them, The Earle of Pembrook, the Lord Moun­tague, [Page 6]Sir James Harrington, Sir John Cooke, Sir John Holland, Ma­jor Generall Browne, Commissioners from both Houses of the Parliament of England, And the Earle of Loutherdale, and three other Commissioners, from the kingdome of Scotland. Here were then with his Majesty the Duke of York, and the Duke of Glocester, his Children.

His Majesty hastens to returne Answer, I perceive that the Pro­positions are little altered (onely in circumstances chiefly) from those which were sent to his Majesty at Newcastle, which, were an­swered from Holdenbey, wherein you may perceive what was then complained of, concerning straitnesse and other things, which is since more satisfactory.

I doe not perceive by any thing that hath been spoken or done, that there is more approbation then before; you remember (I sup­pose) the particulars then tendered to both Houses by his Maje­sties Message of May 12. Since which some overtures have been between Agents from his Majesty and the Army; concerning divers things in reference to the kingdome, and I hope there will be a good issue.

His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, hath both declared, and also propounded some things (in his Declarations and Proposalls) published concerning his Majesty, and also concerning divers things not much different from the Propositions delivered to his Majesty now.

And the whole are matters of great importance: which will take up time to be fully finished: But there will be no delay.

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