To the Lords and Commons of Parliament Assembled at VVestminster.
WE being deeply sensible of the miseries and calamities of this Our Kingdom, and of the grievous sufferings of Our poor Subjects, do most earnestly desire that some expedient may be found out, which by the blessing of God, may prevent the further effusion of blood, and restore the Nation to Peace, from the earnest and constant endevouring of which, as no discouragement given Vs on the contrary part shall make Vs cease, so no successe on Ours shall ever divert Vs. For the effecting whereof We are most ready and willing to condescend to all that shall be for the good of Vs and Our People, [Page 2] whether by way of confirmation of what we have already granted, or of such further concession as shall be requisite to the giving a full Assurance of the Performance of all Our most reall Professions, concerning the maintenance of the true Reformed Protestant Religion established in this Kingdom, with due regard to the ease of tender consciences, the just Priviledges of Parliament, and the Liberty and Property of the Subject, according to the Laws of the Land; As also by granting a generall Pardon without or with exceptions, as shall be thought fit. In order to which blessed Peace, We do desire & propound to the Lords and Commons of Parliament assembled at Westm [...]nster, That they appoint such, and so many Persons as they shall think fit sufficiently authorized by them to attend Vs at Our Army, upon safe conduct to come and return (which We do hereby grant) and conclude w [...]th Vs, how the Premisses and all other things in question betwixt Vs and them, may be fully settled; [Page 3] whereby all unhappy mistakings betwixt Vs and Our People being removed, there may be a present Cessation of Arms, and, as soon as may be, a totall disbanding of all Armies, the Subject have his due, and We be restored to our Rights. Wherein if this Our offer shall be accepted, there shall be nothing wanting on Our part, which may make Our people secure and happy.
Given at Our Court at Evesham the 4. of Iuly, 1644.