The Kings Majesties Message brought by Captaine Titus to the Parliament on Munday, October 2. 1648.
HIs Majesty did use many earnest endeavours for a Personall Treaty, which He hoped might have been obtained at Westminster, between Him and His two Houses of Parliament immediately; yet they having made choice of this way by you their Commissioners, His Majesty did gladly and cheerfully accept thereof in this place, as a fit meanes to begin a Treaty for Peace, which might put an end to his owne sad condition, and the miseries of His Kingdome; For an entrance whereunto. His Majesty hath already expressed His consent to the first Proposition: But finding you are limited by Instructions which you have no Warrant to Communicate unto Him, And having cause by your Papers of the 20 of this present to beleeve, that you have no power to omit or alter any thing, though He shall give you such reasons as may satisfie you so to doe, without transmitting the Papers to the two Houses at a far distance, where His Majesties reasons, expressions, and offers upon Debate cannot be fully represented; and from whence their Answers cannot be returned without much waste of the time allotted for the Treaty heere: And having lately received another Paper concerning the Church, containing in it selfe many particulars of great importance, and referring to divers Ordinances; Articles of Religion, and other things (11 or 12 in number) of great length, and some of them very new, and never before presented to his Majesty: The due consideration whereof will take up much time, and require His Majesties presence with his two Houses before a full resolution can well be had in matters of so high consequence; To the end therefore that the good worke now in hand may (by Gods blessing) proceed more speedily and effectually to an happy Conclusion; And that His two Houses of Parliament may at present have further security, and an earnest of future satisfaction: His Majesty upon Consideration had of yours, makes these Propositions following:
Concerning the Church.
HIS Majesty will consent that the calling and sitting of the Assembly of Divines at Westminster be confirmed for Three yeares by Act of Parliament.
And will by Act of Parliament confirme for Three yeares the Directory for the publique worship of God in the Kingdomes of England and Ireland, and Dominion of Wales.
And will likewise confirme for Three yeares by Act of Parliament the forme of Church Government, which yee have presented to Him, to be used for the Churches of England and Ireland, and Dominion of Wales; Provided, that His Majesty, and those of His judgement, or any other who cannot in Conscience submit thereunto, be not in the meane time obliged to comply with the same government or forme of Worship, but have free practice of their owne profession. And that a free Consultation and debate be had with the Assembly of Divines of Westminster in the meane time, (20 of His Majesties nomination being added unto them) whereby it may be determined by His Majesty and His two Houses of Parliament how the said Church-Government and forme of publique Worship after the said time may be settled, or sooner, if differencs may be agreed. And how also Reformation of Religion may be settled within the Kingdomes of England and Ireland, and Dominion of Wales. And the Articles of Christian Religion now delivered to Him may in like manner be then considered of and determined, and care taken for the ease of tender consciences.
And concerning the Bishops Lands and Revenues, His Majesty considering that during the troublesome times divers of His Subjects have made contracts and purchases, and divers have disbursed great sums of monies upon security and engagement of those Lands; His Maje [...]ty for their satisfaction, will consent to an Act or Acts of Parliament, whereby legall Estates for Lives or for Yeares (at their choice) not exceeding 90 yeares shall be made of those Lands towards the satisfaction of the said Purchasers Contractors, and others to whom they are ingaged, at the old Rents, or some other moderate Rent, whereby they may receive satisfaction.
And in case such Lease shall not satisfie, His Majesty will propound and consent to some other way, for their further satisfaction.
Provided, that the propriety and inheritance of those Lands may still remaine and continue to the Church and Church-men respectively according to the pious intentions of the Doners and Founders thereof: And the rest that shall be reserved to be for their maintenance.
His Majesty will give His Royall Assent for the better observation of the Lords day; For suppressing of Innovation, in Churches and Chappels, in and about the Worship of God, and for the better advancement of the Preaching of Gods holy Word in all parts of the Kingdome. And to an Act against enjoying Pluralities of Benefices by Spirituall persons, and Nonresidency. And to an Act for regulating and reforming both Ʋniversities, and the Colledges of Westminster, Winchester, and Eaton.
His Majesty will Consent to an Act for the better discovery and speedy conviction of Popish Recusants, as is desired in your Propositions; And also to an Act for the Education of the Children of Papists by Protestants in the Protestant Religion.
As also to an Act for the true levying of the penalties against Papists, to be levied and disposed in such manner as both Houses shall agree on, and as is proposed on his Majesties behalfe.
And also to an Act to prevent the practises of Papists against the State. And for [Page 3]putting the Lawes in execution. And for a stricter course to prevent hearing and saying of Masse.
But as to the Covenant, His Majesty is not yet therein satisfied that He can either signe or sweare it, or consent to impose it on the Consciences of others. Nor doth conceive it proper or usefull at this time to be insisted on.
Touching the Militia, His Majesty conceives that your Proposition demands a far larger power over the Persons and Estates of His Subjects, then hath ever hitherto been warranted by the Lawes and Statutes of this Realme; yet considering the present distractions require more, and trusting in His two Houses of Parliament that they will make no further use of the power therein mentioned, after the present distempers setled, then shall be agreeable to the legal exercise thereof in times past, or just necessity shall require, His Majesty will consent to an Act of Parliament.
That the Lords and Commons in Parliament of England now assembled, or hereafter to be assembled. or such as they shall appoint during the space of 10 yeares, shall Arme, Traine, and Discipline, or cause to be Armed, Trained, or Disciplined, all the Forces of the Kingdomes of England and Ireland, and Dominion of Wales, the Isles of Gernesey and Jersey, and the Towne of Barwick upon Tweed, already raised, both for Sea and Land service, And shall from time to time during the space of 10 yeares raise, levy, arme, traine and discipline, or cause to be raised, levied, armed, trained and disciplined any other Forces for Land and Sea service in the Kingdomes: Dominions, and places aforesaid, as in their judgements they shall from time to time during the said space of 10 yeares thinke fit to appoint. And that neither the King, His Heires or Successours, or any other but such as shall act by the Authority, or approbation of the said Lords and Commons, shall during the said space of 10 yeares exercise any of the powers aforesaid.
That Monies be raised and levied for the maintenance and use of the said Forces for Land service, and of the Navy and Forces for Sea service, in such sort, and by such wayes and meanes as the said Lords and Commons shall from time to time during the said space of 10 yeares think fit and appoint, and not otherwise.
That all the said Forces both for Land and Sea service so raised or levied, or to be raised or levied; And also the Admiralty and Navy shall from time to time during the said space of 10 yeares be imployed, managed, ordered and disposed by the Lords and Commons in such sort, and by such wayes and meanes as they shall thinke fit and appoynt, and not otherwise.
And the said Lords and Commons, or such as they shall appoynt, during the said space of ten yeares shall have power.
TO suppresse all Forces raised, or to be raised, without authority and consent of the said Lords and Commons, to the disturbance of the publick [Page 4]lique Peace of the Kingdomes of England and Ireland, Dominion of Wales, the Isles of Gernsey and Jersey, and the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, or any of them.
2 To suppresse any forain Forces who shall invade, or indevour to Invade the Kingdomes of England and Ireland, Dominion of Wales, the Isles of Gernsey and Jersey, and the Town of Barwick upon Tweed, or any of them.
And after the expiration of the said ten years, neither the King, His heires or Successors, or any person or persons by colour or pretence of any Commission, power, deputation, or authority to be derived from the King, his Heires or Successors, or any of them, shall without the consent of the said Lords and Commons, raise, arme, train, discipline, imploy, order, manage, disband, or dispose any the Forces by Sea or Land, of the Kingdoms of England and Ireland, the Dominion of Wales, Isles of Gernsey and Jersey, and the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, Nor exercise any of the said powers or authorities herein before mentioned, and expressed to be during the space of ten years, in the said Lords and Commons. Nor do any act, or any thing concerning the execution of the said powers or authorities, or any of them, without the consent of the said Lords and Commons first had and obtained.
And with the same proviso's for saving the ordinary Legall power of Officers of Justice, not being Military Officers, as is set down in your propositions.
And with a Declaration, That if any persons shall be gathered and assembled together, in a War-like manner, or otherwise, to the number of 30 persons, and shall not forthwith disperse themselves, being required thereto by the said Lords and Commons, or command from them, or any by them, especially authorized for that purpose; Then such person or persons not so dispersing themselves, shall be guilty, and incur the paines of High Treason; being first declared guilty of such offence, by the said Lords and Commons: Any Commission under the Great Seal, or other Warrant to the contrary, notwithstanding. And he or they that shall so offend herein, to be uncapable of any pardon from his Majesty, his Heires or Successors.
And likewise that it be provided that the City of London shall have and enjoy all their Rights, Liberties, &c. in raising and imploying the Forces of that City, in such sort as is mentioned in the said proposition.
With these Proviso's following, to be inserted in the said Act.
1 THat none be compelled to serve in the War against their wils, but in case of comming in of strange enemies into this Kingdome.
And that the powers above mentioned, or concerning the Land Forces, other then for keeping up, and maintenance of Forts and Garrisons, and the keeping up, maintaining, and pay of this present Army, so long as it shall [Page 5]be thought fit by both Houses of Parliament, be exercised to no other purposes then to the suppressing of Forces raised or to be raised, without authority and consent of the said Lords and Commons as aforesaid, or for suppressing of any Forraine Forces which shall Invade, or indeavour to Invade the Kingdomes, Dominions, or places aforesaid.
And that the monies bee raised by generall, and equall Taxations, saving that Tonnage and Poundage, and such imposts as have been-applyed to the Navy, and be raised as hath been usuall.
And that all Patents, Commissions, and other Acts concerning the premisses, be made and Acted in His Majesties name by Warrant, signed by the Lords and Commons, and such other as they shall authorise for that purpose.
If it shall be made satisfactory to His two Houses to have the Militia, and powers thereupon depending, during the whole time of His Majesties Reigne, rather then for the space of ten yeares, His Majesty gives them the election.
TOuching Ireland, His Majesty having in two preceding propositions given His consent concerning the Church & the Militia there in all things an in England: As to all other matters relating to the Kingdome, after advice with His two Houses, He will leave it to their determination, and give His consent accordingly, as is herein hereafter expressed.
Touching publicke debts, His Majesty will give consent to such an Act for raising of monies by generall and equall Taxations, for the payment and satisfying the Arrears of the Army publick debts and engagements of the Kingdome, as shall be agreed on by both Houses of Parliament, and shall be audited and ascertained by them, or such persons as they shall appoint, within the space of 12 moneths, after passing of an Act for the same.
His Majesty will consent to an Act, that during the said space of 10 yeares the Lord Chancellour, or Lord Keeper, Commissioners of the Great Seale, or Treasury, Lord Warden of the Cinque ports, Chancellour of the Exchequer and Dutchy, Secretaries of State, Master of the Rolls, Judges of both Benches, and Barons of the Exchequer of England, be nominated by both Houses of the Parliament of England to continue quam diu se bone gesserint: And in the intervals of Parliament, by such others as they shall authorize for that purpose.
His Majesty will consent that the Militia of the City of London and Liberties thereof, during the space of ten years, may be in the ordering and Government of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons in the Common-councell Assembled, or such as they shall from time to time appoint, (whereof the Lord Mayor and Sheriffes for the time being, to be three) to be imployed and directed from time to time, during the said space of ten years, in such manner as shall be agreed upon, and appointed by both Houses of Parliament. And that no Citizen of the City of London, nor any of the Officers of the said City [Page 6]shall be drawn forth, or compelled to go out of the said City or Liberties therof, for Military service, without their own free consent.
That an Act be passed for granting and confirming the Charters, Customes, Liberties, and Franchises of the City of London, notwithstanding any Nonuser, misuser, or Abuser.
And that during the said ten years, the Tower of London may be in the Government of the City of London, and the cheif Officers and Governour from time to time, during the said space to be nominated, and removeable by the Common-councell, as are desired in your Propositions,
His Majesty having thus far expressed His consent for the present satisfaction, and the security of His two Houses of Parliament, and those that have adhered unto them, touching your foure first Propositions, and other the particulars before specified: As to all the rest of your Propositions delivered to Him at Hampton Court, (not referring to those heads) and to that of the Court of Wards, since delivered; As also to the remaining Propositions concerning Ireland; His Majesty desires onely when He shall come to VVestminster Personally to advise with His two Houses, and to deliver His opinion, and the reason of it; which being done, He will leave the whole matter of these remaining Propositions to the determination of His two Houses, which shall prevaile with Him for His consent accordingly.
And His Majesty doth (for His owne particular) onely propose that He may have Liberty to repaire forthwith to Westminster, and be restored to a condition of absolute freedome and safety, (a thing which He shall never deny to any of his Subjects,) and to the possession of His Lands and Revenues; And that an Act of Oblivion, and Indempnity may passe, to extend to all persons, for all matters relating to the late unhappy differences; which being agreed by his two Houses of Parliament, His Majesty will be ready to make these his Concessions binding, by giving them the force of Laws by His Royall Assent.
REsolved by the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled,
That they are not satisfied in the Propositions made by his Majesty in his Letter. And that a Letter be sent to the Commissioners in the Isle of Wight, to acquaint them that the Houses do well approve of their proceedings, and doe give them thanks for their great care and paines in managing of this important and weighty businesse; requiring them still to proceed, and act punctually according to their Instructions.