HIS MAJESTIES LETTER IANVARY the 24 th. IN ANSVVER TO THE PETITION OF BOTH HOVSES Of Parliament, as it was presented by the Earle of New­port, and the Lord Seymer. Ian. 21. 1641.

HIs Majesty having seene and considered the Petition presented unto Him, the one and twentieth of this instant, by the Earle of Newport, and the Lord Seymer, in the names of both Houses of Parliament. Is pleased to return this Answer. That Hee doth well approve of the desire of both Houses, for the speedy pro­ceeding against the persons mentioned in the Petition; wherein His Majesty finding the great inconveniences by the first mistake in the way, hath endured some delayes, that He might be informed in what Order to put the same; But before that that be agreed upon, His Majesty thinkes it unusuall, or unfit to discover what proofe is against them, and therefore holds it necessary, lest a new mistake should breed more delayes; (which His Majesty to His power will avoid.) That it be resolved whether His Majesty be bound in respect of pri­viledges to proceed against them by impeachment in Parliament; Or whether He be at liberty to prefer an Inditement at the Common Law, in the usuall way, or have His choice of either: VVhereupon His Majesty will give such speedy directions for the prosecution, as shall shew His Majesties desire to satisfie both Houses, and to put a determination to the businesse.

London Printed for HENRY TWYFORD. ⟨1641⟩

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