HIS MAJESTIES LATE PROTESTATION Before His Receiving of the Sacrament.
His MAJESTIE being to receive the Sacrament from the hands of the Archbishop of Armagh, used these publique expressions, immediately before the blessed Elements; He rose up from His knees, and beckning to Bishop Usher for a short forbearance, made this Protestation.
MY Lord, I espie here many resolved Protestants, who may declare to the World, the resolution I doe now make. I have to the utmost of my power prepared my soule to become a Worthy Receiver: And may I so receive comfort by the blessed Sacrament, as I doe intend the establishment of the true Reformed Protestant Religion, as it stood in its beauty, in the happy daies of Queene Elizabeth, without any connivance of Popery. I blesse God, in the midst of the publique Distractions, I have still Liberty to Communicate; And may this Sacrament be my Damnation, if My Heart doe not joyne with my Lips in this Protestation.