His Majesties last PROPOSITIONS TO The Commissioners at the Treaty, to be communicated to His two Houses of Parliament assembled at Westminster; Declaring His Royal Assent to sign the Propositions, and to unite Himself with His two Houses, for the conclu­ding of a safe and present Peace. And His Proclamation thereupon, Published by his Majesties special Command, and Dated from Newport 28. Octob. 1648. With the Votes of both Houses concerning the King; And the Proposals of the Lord Gen. Fairfax, touching the set­ling of the Kingdom, and disbanding part of the Army. AGreed upon by His Excellency, and the Councell of War, and presented to the Parliaments Commissioners on Sa­turday last, at the Treaty at St. Albanes between the Parlia­ment and Army.


C. R.


LONDON, Printed for R. RISHTON, 1648.

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