His MAJESTJES DEMANDS AND PROPOSITIONS PROPOUNDED By His Majesty, to the Major, Knights, and Gentry; To the City of Chester, accompa­ned with the Prince, Sir Edward Dering, and 2. Regiments of Horse and Foote, to­geather with their inditious An­swer thereunto.

Likewise the Prince his desire to the Earle of Essex, with the true d [...]scription of the Bataile fought by the Trained Band of Chester, and the Earle of Newcastle, Lord Rivers, Earle of Bristoll, and the Earle of Lindsey, who came to take possession of the said City, September 26. with the Number of them that were Slaine on both sides

As it was sent in a Letter from a Gentleman of note, to a speciall friend of his in LONDON

London, Printed for Thomas Rider Sept. 29. 1642.


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