[Tudor rose]




[Scottish thistle]

❧ His Majesties Answer to a Message sent to Him by the House of Commons, concerning Licences granted by Him to persons to go into Ireland.

HIs Majestie hath seen and considered the Message presented to Him by the Lord Compton and Master Baynton, the 19 th of March, 1641. at York, Touch­ing such persons as have been Licensed by his Majestie to passe into Ire­land.

Though He will not insist upon what little Reason they had to su­spect that some ill-affected persons had passed into Ireland, under colour of His Majesties Li­cence (Inferences being slender Proofs to ground belief upon) yet He must needs avow, That for any thing that is yet Declared, He cannot see any ground why Master Pym should so bouldly affirm before both Houses of Parliament, That since the stop upon the Ports by both Houses against all Irish Papists, many of the chief Commanders now in the head of the Rebells, have been suffered to passe by his Majesties immediate Warrant; For as yet there is not any particular person named that is now so much as in Rebellion (much lesse in the head of the Rebells) to whom His Majestie hath given Licence;

And therefore according to His Majesties Reply upon that Subject, His Majestie ex­pects, That His House of Commons publish such a Declaration, whereby this mistaking may be cleared, That so all the World may see His Majesties Caution in giving of Passes; and likewise, That His Ministers have not abused His Majesties Trust, by any surreptiti­ous Warrants.

And lastly, His Majestie expects, That henceforth there be more Warinesse used, before such publike Aspersions be laid, unlesse the Grounds be beforehand better warranted by suf­ficient Proofs.

¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie: And by the Assignes of John Bill. 1641.

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