A NARRATIVE PLAINEY SHEWING, That the Priests of England are as truely Antichrist (who got up since the dayes of the Apostles) as the Pope and His Clergie: Denying Christ to be both a King, a Priest, and a Prophet; With a serious warning to the PARLIAMENT not to uphold and maintain them by a Law, under any pretence whatsoever: As also a warning to all People, that (upon peril of their immortal souls) they be no longer deluded and bewitched by their Sorceries; But that they come to Christ the true Light, which will lead them out of the paths of sin, into the way of peace.

By one who (through mercy from the Lord) hath escaped the snares of sin and deceit, and bin brought (through Judgement) into His pure fear, known by the Name of John Chandler.

LONDON, Printed for the Author. 1659.

A Narrative, plainly showing, that the Priests of England are as truly Antichrist (who got up since the daies of the Apostles) as the Pope and his Clergy, &c.

GIve ear Oh all ye Priests of England, for this word is to you, to shew (by the true light which hath enlightned me) that ye are Antichrist, and that the Spirit of spiritual Whore­dome and Fornication is in and upon you, as truly as in and upon the Pope and his Clergy, so called: For ye deny Christ the Son of God to be both a King, Priest, and Prophet, both by your words and actions; and what doth he or they more? First, Ye deny Christ to be a Priest, who, by the eternal Spirit, hath offered up him­self once for all, to put an end to all carnal Covenants, National Chur­ches, Ministry, and Maintenance, and to perfect for ever them that are sanctified. Now ye uphold by Doctrine and practise the Covenant with the seed after the flesh, as it was with the Jew outward of old; of which, Circumcision in the flesh was a signe, which were both but fi­gures of the Jew inward, who was to be circumcised without hands by the circumcision of Christ in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh: Ye uphold this (I say) by sprinkling of Infants under the for­mer pretence, which ye apply to them as a Seal of the said Covenant, so accounting them as Christians & Members of your Church, which is according to generation, and not according to regeneration, which thing alone gives persons a right to be Members of Christ's Church, which is his body: so the matter of your Church is the World, and not the Saints. And as for a National Church: before Christ, the true light, was manifested in that body which died at Jerusalem, there was but one in the whole World, to wit, in the Land of Judea, which was a figurative State; to hold forth, that the Saints of Christ, in his day, (wherever they were gathered out of the World) were a royal Nation [Page 4]and peculiar people unto him, as Peter calleth them: & after Christ's departure, when the Apostles and Saints had received power from on high, they went forth in that power, and by their Ministry gathe­red the Seed of God out of several Nations, Cities, and Places, who were the Churches of Christ; but ye, in stead hereof, have raised by your carnal Covenant with the carnal Seed, many National. Churches (as ye call them), and ye neither tremble nor are ashamed to father them upon Christ, who is a pure, holy, and spiritual head, and must have no other body. But these are seen in the light to be but so ma­ny Cities of the Nations, which John in his Revelation mentioneth, which, he saith, fell, when great Babylon came into remembrance be­fore God, to give her the Cup of the Wine of the fiercenesse of his wrath. As for a Nationall Ministry, or Ministry setled all over the Nation, which are your selves, it is suitable to a Na­tional State, to wit, a certain peculiar Tribe, known by distinct Gar­ments, and appropriating the exposition and opening of the Scriptures to the people, to themselves; as the Priests, the Tribe of Levi were, and did under the Law, before Christ, by God's command; which first Priest-hood there was a necessity of disanulling (saith the Apo­stle), by reason of its faultinesse, imperfection, and unprofitableness; wherefore Christ (whose Father's Law to do, was within his [...] heart) came and offered up himself once for all, and so put an end to that first Priest-hood, which ye most wickedly and ungodlily still en­deavour to hold up, together with its maintenance, Tythes, or the Tenth of the encrease, (which ceased with the first Priest-hood) most wickedly & unjustly forcing the same from People by a Law of Man, and punishing the refusers, whereas the Jewish Priest-hood had it by the Law of God; Neither give or allow ye one penny out of it to the Fatherlesse, Widow, or Stranger: So that, are ye not rightly called Priests? Surely ye need not snuff at it▪ for Ministers of Christ ye can in no wise be called who thus, so visibly, withstand his everlasting Priest­hood. Ye are also seen to deny the Faith of and on Christ the ever­lasting High Priest, though ye will acknowledge his person in words, (for how else should ye be Antichrist and the false Prophet?) who en­tring himself once for all into the holy of holies, doth give forth liv­ing vertue to all his Members, who wait in his light, to feel his pure life, whereby they are purged and purified thoroughly from sin, by the living Faith and Hope which entreth within the Vail, and all your vailes and coverings, and so are perfected for ever; for Christ's work is perfect and everlasting: But ye cry out, Blasphemy, Blasphemy, To [Page 5]say that Christ thoroughly freeth or purgeth any Man or Woman from Sin, while they live here, but in part onely, so denying the ef­ficacy of Christ's blood which is his life, which cleanseth those who sincerely confesse their sins, from all sin, so making them perfect, as pertaining to the conscience; which I testify none can ever be, while any sin is standing, which, while so, will certainly raise up guilt and condemnation there, through God's pure witnesse shewing the evil: wherefore, since ye (being out of the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ) cannot witnesse Victory over sin and transgression, ye enter not into the true, spiritual, and eternal rest, prepared for the people of God; but maintain and uphold a natural day, to wit, every first day of the week, as for an outward Sabbath or Rest, which ye are not ashamed to call the Christian Sabbath or Rest: Is this day the true Christian's rest? or have they peace with God all the week, and all their daies, and for ever, standing in his everlasting Covenant, which is to give them Rest from their labours and sore bondage? But the Sabbath day which we sanctify, not speaking our own words, or thinking our own thoughts on his Holy day, which is one continual day, known to him, and his people that stand in obedience, ye Priest's know not, and how then should ye declare it to others; but your Sabbath which is a natural day, we see to be but your Market-day, wherein ye vent your wares for money and not the true Christian's Rest. Thus do ye plainly deny (Oh ye Priests) Christ Jesus the Son of God, to be the onely High-Priest. And that he should be a King to reign alone in righteousnesse, ye cannot endure; (yet will ye call Him in your Pul­pits, King Jesus, Judas like, giving him a Hail-Master:) For whereas the Lord God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, hath set this his King upon his holy Hill of Zion, in this his day, to rule and govern in the hearts of his People, in righteousnesse and peace; ye endeavor what ye can to pull him down out of his Throne, and set up the Laws of man in his place: For ye have been endeavouring for divers years, and we well know it is your principle still, to force all people in the Nation (be they never so tender conscienced, or never so sensible of God's power working in their hearts a loathing of your dead traditi­ons, and idol and carnal Worship, and drawing their minds to wor­ship him in Spirit and truth) to submit to the same, and bow to the King of Babel's Image, upon pain of great punishment; yea at this day do ye so ride the Beast or tyrannical Magistracy, that ye have di­vers Lawes of theirs against the Saints, thereby to constrain them (if ye could) to yield to your covetous, proud, and wicked Wills, and restrain them from opposing or troubling of you in your evil waies [Page 6]and deceit; when as the Saints who are the Lambs followers, are con­strained by their King (Christ the Power of God) to cross and stand li­ving Witnesses against you in all your false, wicked, and deceitful pra­ctises, whereby ye seek, for honour and profits sake, to keep His Rule & Authority from rising in the hearts of men; but He must and shall Reign, till He hath put all His enemies (within and without) under his feet, and made every one bow to his name, which is his power: turning the Beast and false [...] Prophet or Whore that is carryed by him, into the lake of fire: for do ye think that the Lord God is not very jealous for His holy Name, (who will be the onely Law-giver of his People) when as Men-shall by Lawes made in their own wills, go about to force them to do that which his pure and holy Law in their hearts, and Word, which is like fire in their bones, contradicteth? Is not this for the Beast to make direct War with the Lamb, and is it not so in this Nation? but the Lamb, and the Saints by his blood, the word of their testimony, and loving not their lives unto death, but pa­tiently suffering, shall have the Victory; and then, wo be to all the Re­bellious and proud of the Earth, saith the Lord of Hosts; for a great War is begun, neither will the Lamb lay down his two edged sword procee­ding out of his mouth which is his word, but in righteousnesse will Judge and make War, so long as there is but one Nation throughout the World that withstandeth his living Truth: and we know him nearer than so; that in us he will not suffer one high im­agination or evil thought to exalt it self unrevenged. Wherefore re­pent of your opposition against the Lord and his Christ, lest ye be slain before his face; and cease to infuse falsely into the Magistrates head, that he is the keeper of both Tables, thereby still to animate him, to make Laws about Religion and the Worship of God: For it is a lye every way; for he that can keep both Tables in his own parti­cular, loveth the Lord God with all his heart, and his neighbour as himself; which I am sure they do not, for they have divers Idols which their hearts run after, as Pride, Riches, and Honour, &c. which draw their hearts from God, neither do they to their neigh­bour as they would be done by, being hard hearted, implacable, unmerciful, &c. nor much lesse can the Magistrate cause both Tables to be kept by others: For can he by his outward sword make men love the Lord God with all their hearts, and their neighbour as them­selves, or can he onely restrain men from doing outward wrong and violence, and constrain them outwardly to do justice? which is far from keeping of both Tables of the righteous Law, as the Saints that are turned to the true light which makes manifest, right well know, [Page 7]Ye deny (Oh ye Priests) Christ the Son of God to be a Prophet also, by setting up your own manifold Doctrines, Inventions and Traditi­ons, instead of His pure Teachings; who being the true light that lightens every man that cometh into the World, is given by the Fa­ther of lights, to be a Covenant of light to the Nations: that whoso­ever of the Nations that believeth in that which makes manifest his evil deeds, and cometh sincerely to the light to have all evil discove­red, judged down, and destroyed; might find and feel the light of life quickening him up to God, and giving him power and domini­on over sin and transgression, whereby (that which letted being taken out of the way) peace and reconciliation with the Lord God of Hea­ven and Earth he might come to witnesse: Thus is Christ the Prophet raised up by Gods power, whom every one is to hear, lest he be cut off; but ye Priests not only not believe in this light your selves, but give cautions to your people how they receive it, calling it a natural and insufficient light to lead to God, or save the soul, that so ye may in the room thereof, usher in the Scriptures (which were but words given forth from the light) as the onely rule and guide: whereby ye get much money by repeating them to the People in a forme or me­thod; for ye know, as People come to know and follow the true teacher which is the holy anointing, or true light within them; they will be taken off from your dead words and teachings, and so will no longer put into your mouths, giving their money for that which is not Bread; for ye are convinced in your own consciences that ye minister not to the People by the pure gift of God, or Spirit's Baptism, by which the Apostles and Saints of Old ministred, who before they would stir or open their mouths, waited for the Fathers promise, even the Spirit of Truth: And therefore to Salve up the matter, have ye most falsly and corruptly distinguished between extraordinary and ordinary Ministers of the Church: the Apostles who had prophesie, Miracles, and Revelation, ye say, were extraordi­nary Ministers: which gifts ceasing, ordinary Ministers God teacheth by, to wit, Pastors and Teachers, who come to be fitted thereto by ordinary meanes; as Languages, Book-Learning, Study, Industry, &c. Oh ye blind guides! know ye not that the gift of a Pastor or Teach­er in Christ's Church, was the effect of the Baptism of the Spirit, as well as the gift of an Apostle; Prophesie, Revelation, Miracles, or any other? and dare you to assume the name of Pastors or Teachers, and yet deny the Power whereby such formerly ministred, which was the Power from on High? Is not this right-Antichrist to assume the [Page 8]Office, and out of the Power and Life whereby it should be admini­stred? Nay, denying any such thing to be now, as Revelation, or the gift of discerning of Spirits, &c. without which none in the Apostles days could be Pastors or Teachers: So ye deny the true Pro­phe [...], whose reaching is in all Ages one and the same to His; onely in the Apostacy from His Light and Truth, He hath bin withdrawn; but now is come to Teach and to Instruct His People again; that with the Light they may see, discern, and comprehend all false Prophets; who for many years have filled the World with decait and errour, and by the same Light may see Him who is invisible, and the glory that was with Him before the World was: So seeing the true Original of all, which is eternall Power and Wisdom: Riches, Glory, and Honour everlasting. And because ye Priests and blind guides are swerved from the light of Christ, which should be the onely Counsellour and Director, there­fore ye in your ordinary gifts, (as they are called,) which is but carnal wisdowe, presume even to sit in the Temple of God, as God, to wit, by your several Synods and Councils, which ye (if ye could) would have according to your own minds: who undertake to set forth Ca­nons, or Rules, and Directories and Faiths, for the Worship of God, and to excommunicate, and receive in; and to judge of Truth and Error; and to use the Magistrate to enjoyn by punishment the observance thereof: although Christ the true Prophet hath directed his People in a new and living way; whose teachings and directions these Priests either wholly deny, or think insufficient, or else they would never presume to set forth Canons, Directories, &c. for the people of God to walk by. Thus are ye discovered to be compleat Antichrist; nor want ye any thing of the Pope and his Clergy, in es­sential matters, for all your pretended Reformation, onely in some superstitions, [...]esse material, ye differ: If ye shall say, Ye are wronged, in that the Pope takes on him to forgive sins, as Christ's Vicar, which is a high presumption, which ye are not guilty of; I say, you are guil­ty of the same thing in your corrupted Judgments, and would soon make it appear by practise, were ye not by God's providence restrai­ned; for the Pope's forgivenesse of sins is no more than a declaration outwardly of what he thinks God doth confirme in heaven, by ver­tue of his Office or Chaire, as Peter's Successor; and ye in your seve­ral Synods and Presbyteries, appropriate the power of excommuni­cation, or binding and loosing, to your selves, by vertue (as ye think) of Faith and Office; and wherein lyes the difference betwixt you, [Page 9]save in this, That the Pope's presumption is Monarchical, or done by one man, and yours (as I may say), Aristocratical, or done by divers, whom ye count the chief of the Church; and what difference is there between one to be called Christ's Vicar, and out of his life; and ye to call yourselves his Ministers, Pastors, and Elders, and be out of it also: And as for Merits or Justification by works, which ye count a damnable Doctrine among the Papists, which ye say ye utterly deny: See the smal difference betwixt them and you herein; for ye both, looking upon a Christ without, after the flesh, but denying the true light within, they think Christ died and suffered, &c. to make their works meritorious; & ye say, your works are accepted for his death and sufferings, and Intercession's sake; though neither of you (being not come to true [...] light in your selvs, which leads to the life, which is the blood, in which all works should be done and performed) can, in truth, sense, and feeling, witnesse acceptation, one no more than the other; so that ye, praying, singing and preaching in your Steeple-houses, fasting, or doing any other work in your own Wills, ye must of necessity look for an acceptation of them for the deed done, if ye will have any, as well as the Papists, seeing ye know not a living Christ in you, in which they must be accepted. As for Images, which the Papists worship: ye make your selves, and services, Images for the people to worship: as also the Lawes of men, which ye say are to be obeyed in the things of God, which is a more mysterious and dange­rous Idolatry, because not so grosly and plainly appearing, and therefore not so easily to be avoided: also ye call the Steeple-house or Tower-house, a Church, which is gross and sottish I dolatry. And whereas perhaps ye will say, the Pope selleth Pardons and, Indulgences for mony, as he did when Lu­ther fell off from him; Can ye make me believe that the same thing (in effect) would not appear among you Priests, if your Government were established, who now make gain the chief Motive of your prea­ching, and take mony for sprinkling Infants, Marriages, Burials, Fu­neral Sermons, &c. Would there not be partiality and respect of persons among you, in admitting people to your communion, and in your proceedings in casting our and receiving into your Church? Have no such things appeared in Scotland among their Presbyteries? or in New- England at any time? or among you? Did not the Pastor or Teacher of Boston in New- England, not long ago, when the Elder­ship (so called) would have excommunicated the Keeper of Bride­wel for his most cruel and inhumane usage of one of our friends, (through malice and enmity to the Seed of God) hinder their procee­dings [Page 10]against him? and do not malice and enmity proceed from the same Root, as Covetousnesse, Respect of Persons, and the Love of mony do? Nay, did not the Apostate Greek Church, for 1200 years age, call one of their Synods or Councels, to wit, the Councel of E­phesus, Robbing, or a Councel of Robbers? and are not all these Syn­ods, whether Oeconomical, National, Provincial, Classical, or Pa­roc [...]ial, in one and the same ground? and have they not proceeded from one & the same Root, as others before them have done, & what then can be expected but the same fruit?

Wherefore, Oh ye Parliament of England, open your eyes and see what a Gospel-Ministry ye do at present, and think ye ought to, main­tain, as are the Priests: and consider that in so doing, ye are but the Beast spoken of by John in his Revelation, which carried the Whore, and so are enemies to Christ's Kingdome. Know ye assvredly, That whilst ye do this, the hand of the Lord is against you, and the Lamb will never cease making War with you by his Saints, his Followers, and that by the Word of his Mouth ye shall be slain: and if ye will not withdraw your power from supporting, and by Laws upholding these false Prophets, and their Maintenance; (for denying of which, and divers other things, the Saints have greatly suffered, and are still lya­ble thereunto); that both ye and they shall go down into the Pit to­gether, for the Mouth of the Lord hath spoken it: whose anger is hot in this his day, against all unrighteousnesse of men, wherewith the earth hath been long corrupted and burdened; who hath looked down from heaven in pitty, and at length visited his captivated Seed, and wo be to the Oppressour which in the day of the Lord's delive­rance would still hold it in the chains of Babylonish captivity. There­fore chuse you whether ye will now leave a good savour behind you, or a stink in the nostrils of God and his People; whether ye will be accounted those that undo every yoak, and let the oppressed go free, or Magistrates that bear not the Sword in vain, but such as are a ter­rour to evill doers, (of whom the Priests are the chief) and a praise to them that do well: or whether ye will, by the Saints who do and shall walk in the light of the Lamb, be esteemed the Beast which pusheth at the Saints and innocent Ones, which (saith John) opened his mouth in Blasphemy against God to blaspheme his Name, and his Tabernacle and those that dwell in heaven, miscalling the truth, calling them Sectaries, Heretiques, Seducers, Enthusiasts, Troublers of Israel, &c. Know this Oh thou Parliament! and all future par­liaments, that while the false Prophet [...] in this or these three Nations, are upheld of you by a Law, or any kind of set-maintenance whatsoe­ver [Page 11]that the Seed and Saints of God must needs suffer: and if so, How can a Blessing, and not a Curse, from the Lord God of heaven and earth, be expected? For this is the Lord's promise, to his Church in the last daies, The Nation that will not serve thee shall perish, yea, (saith God) those Nations shall be utterly wasted: Wherefore, since it's hard for you (though great and lofty) to kick against the pricks; and for ye Pot-sheards of the earth to strive against your Maker; and since the Lord God Almighty hath decreed the utter ruine of the Whore, that hath bewitched all Nations from his pure life by her Sorceries and Iuchantments, and since the Priests are seen by the light of Christ, to be such Sorcerers, and the generality of these three Na­tions to be thus bewitched; I advise you in the love of the Lord (O ye of the Parliament, and all other that are called Magistrates, to break off your sins by repentance in your own particulars, to wit, your Pride, Covetousnesse, love of Money, the Honour and Glory of this wicked World, respect of Persons, giving and receiving Honour one of ano­ther, Courting one another, &c. which hinders you from believing in the true light, which will shew you, and reprove you for all these things, and more, if ye hearken to it, and in humility and lowliness of mind, do seek the honour that cometh from God onely; which is his gracious acquittance and acceptance of all the penitent, who turn unto him, with their whole hearts, stamping his Image and Mark upon them, & by his eternal Spirit witnessing in their conscien­ces that they are his, and shall receive an eternal Inheritance as Co­heires with Christ; this is honour enough, and will blast all the fading Honour and Glory of the World as a flowr: And Oh ye Magistrates & Rulers! till ye come to witnesse somewhat of this in your own parti­culars, I cannot expect that ye should act aright and thorowly for God: Now there is a Prophesie in John's Revelation, that the Kings of the Earth shall bring their Honour & Glory into the Holy City, new Jerusalem, that comes down from God out of Heaven; As any of you shall do so, ye will truly and freely give all Honour to the Lord, and expect none but what He giveth you: then would none of you dare to make any Law against the Saints or the Truth; but on the contra­ry: Or to maintain the false Prophet, but would leave him to himself, to stand upon his own Legs; but into this (O ye Rulers of the Earth) ye are not yet come, but are at present seeking your own Honour, Pro­fit and Interests, and being out of Gods living Power, run to State-po­licy, to make that your refuge, and a cover for your present actings; saying, if we should not maintain and uphold a National Mini [...]tery, [Page 12]we should not be like any nation; and the Nation it self would be so incensed and divided, that the destruction thereof would be feared; also how should so many Ministers with their Families live? Now ye Magistra [...]es and Rulers, consider in the fear of God, where ye are that thus reason: where were the Jews when they forsook and stood not in the counsel of the Lord, but would be as other Nations: And shall the Antichristian State in the several Nations (think ye) uphold it self alwayes by the Nations taking example by each other, so as to prevent the intended purpose of the Lord God in the Whore of Baby­lons destruction? Assure your selves that this block will not hinder An­tichrists Kingdome in this Nation one moment the longer from fal­ling, than the Lord God hath determined. Then, as for the fear of so greatly incensing and dividing the Nation, know ye not, that those who stand simply and singly in the counsel of the Lord faithfully to do his will, shall be carried thorow all opposition and danger? doth any thing weaken and deject the hearts and spirits of men but sin? I find nothing so to do; while the Jews of old, kept out of transgres­sion against the Lord, the promise was, one should chase ten, and ten put a thousand to flight; So ye, if ye knew the will of God, and had sincere hearts to do it, need not fear what man could do: yea, I affirm A blessing should be in your right hand, and upon the Nation, so as it should be preserved in peace and plenty; for this is the Lords promise, Psal. 77. that as his way is known upon Earth, and his saving health unto all Nations, the People shall praise the name of the Lord, and be glad and sing for joy; because the Lord shall Judge & Govern he Na­tions Righteously upon the Earth; then (saith the Spirit) shall the Earth yield her increase, and God even our own God shall blesse us; God shall bless us, and all the ends of the Earth shall fear him. And is not this a beggerly and slavish thing (though bearing the shew of charity and pitty) to let the fear of an outward livelyhood, of some, to be a hinderance of doing the will of God, who giveth life & breath & all things. Hath not Christ said, and do not the Priests acknowledge and Preach as much; that men should first seek the Kingdom of God and the righteousnesse thereof, and all other things shall be added? Now if the Priests State and Kingdom be discovered by the light, to be a Kingdom of darknesse, for which cause they ought not to be upheld and maintained by the Magistrate; Let them first of all repent and be humble, and come to the Light which leads the way into Gods Kingdom, which stands in Peace, Righteousnesse, Purity, Holinesse, and Joy in the Holy Spirit; so waiting and seeking for this Kingdom, in the light, out of their own Wills and Wisdoms, and the Lord by [Page 13]his providence will surely provide for them and theirs: for there is enough in the Creation for every one with contentment. And love is with the Saints, who know allought to be fed and nourished in an honest, upright and just, but not in an unjust way: and therefore can they not pay them (in the way they are in) one six pence willingly, though 'twere to the losse of all. Besides, Oh ye Rulers! doth the Lord God say any where that Babylon should be a whit the more spa­red for Merchants Wives and Childrens sakes? What is a worldly Interest to the glory of God, and the Salvation of Souls? Wherefore lay ye aside, I advise you, these and all such slavish objections: for they will not justifie or excuse your actings before the Throne of God, or answer to that of God in your consciences, which calleth for Justice, Righteousnesse, Holinesse and Equity. And ye people of the Nati­on, consider, that it is not a leight thing that ye are deceived, deluded, and captivated by the Priests and salse Prophets, so as to believe lyes: for, saith the Apostle, the man of sin should come with all deceive-ablenesse of unrighteousnesse in them that perish, who because they received not the love of the Truth, that they might be saved, there­fore God gave them up to strong delusions to believe lies: that they all might be damned, who believe not the Truth, but have pleasure in unrighteousnesse: Mark People, the man of sin, the Spirit of er­rour which worketh in the Mystery of iniquity, deceiveth with all unrighteousnesse, and those who have pleasure in that unrighteous­nesse; but love not the truth, are suffered to beieve lies that they all may be damned: Oh lamentable! Little do people think what Coals of Indignation they heap upon their own heads, that hate the light that reproveth their evil deeds and deceit, and yet call themselves Christians, that plead for the Priests, the Beast, and the Whore, and Idol-worships, and sin as long as they live: hating, revising, deriding, and persecuting the Saints who stand as Witnesses with Christ the Light against all these things. Heate also what John saith Revelations 13. (which Book is a Prophesie of these times) saith he, All that dwell upon the Earth shall worship the Beast, whose names are not written in the Book of Life, of the Lamb slain from the Foundation of the World (if any man hath an ear to hear let him hear:) where by he sheweth) that its a thing of great concernment for people to consider who they worship, fear, obey and serve, whether God, or Man, and his Laws and Will, lest they are for ever excluded from, and never enjoy a part in eternal life. But perhaps, people, ye will say, what is it to worship the Beast or his Image or likenesse; For we scarce know what thou meanest?

[Page 14]To worship the Beast or his Image, is to do whatsoever the false Antichristian Powers of the Earth shall command you to do and obey in the faith and service of God; so as [...]f they command what Religion people should professe, what manner or form of worship they shall use in their Steeple-houses, what they shall do against the Saints and Servants of the Lord, &c. they are ready (like Issachar who bowed down his back to the burden) to observe the same, not minding or considering what the light of Christ in their consciences tells them, or leads them unto, and whether it be pleasing or displeasing in the sight of God; so that if the Magistrate will have them keep a Fast, they keep it, or a natural day for a Sabbath, they will observe it; or to hear Praying in their Steeple-houses first, then Reading, then singing of a Psalm, then Praying again, then Preaching in the Priest's dead form, then Praying again, and then a Blessing (so called) on the Peo­ple: they readily do and hear all, and so in other things, though out of the life of God in which all Sacrifices should be offered up; and not moved thereto by the Spirit of God. Or if the Magistrate com­mand any of them to hale the Saints to prison, or otherwise punish them, they will do it, saying, In all such things, we are commanded by the higher Powers, and therefore we must obey: This, People, I de­clare, is to obey Man, rather than God; yea, grievous Idolatry, for the Lord saith in every one of you, Thou shall have no other Gods but me: now what a man serveth and obeyeth, that is his god; so the Lord all this while is forgotten, who is the higher Power; and man, an empty & nothing-Creature obey'd, which must needs kindle his holy anger against all such Idolaters, for he hath said, His glory will He not give to another, nor His praise to any graven Image; now, People, that is not onely an Image, which is made of Wood or Stone, but what­ever created thing any sets up in his heart to serve or obey, besides, or more than his Creator: These sayings are true and faithful. Therefore fear and tremble all people before the Mighty God, who made the Heavens and the Earth, and all that is therein; who gives man his be­ing upon the Earth, & time and means to come out of his fallen and cursed estate by disobedience, which meanes, is by his Son Christ the second Adam, who is made a quickning Spirit to all that receive Him, who is the true Light that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the World, whereby they may see their evil thoughts, words, wayes, & works, and have Power, by believing in the light, to overcome the evil with good, that so, the evil being forsaken, and the good cleaved unto, they (by the power & beauty thereof) may be transformed into the pure Image of God, which was lost by the Fall, whereby the whole Creation [Page 15]hath bin brought out of order: that so peace & reconciliation with their Creator, they may come to feel in themselves, which is a most happy and blessed condition; for this I bear my Testimony unto, before all Nations upon the Earth, that they can never come to enjoy peace with the Living pure Lord God of Life, in whose favour is Life; any further than they come out of sin and transgression, and feel their hearts purged and cleansed from the filth thereof; for the Lord is pure and holy, who can behold no iniquity without reproof, where­ever he finds it: So that its but in vain for any one to talk or think of justification by a Christ without, and not to feel his living vertue, purifying their souls by his good spirit within them, but denying it there; for none but the pure in heart ever did, or ever shall see the face of the pure God. Wherefore, ye people of England, let not the Priests deceive you any longer with their too [...]row coverings, and with the pillows they have so long sewed under your arm-holes, for lucre­sake, whereby ye have been lulled asleep in a wicked security, thin­king your selves good Christians if ye have but kept your Church, as ye call it (which to the Peoples understanding hath bin no more but a Steeple-house, which is like the Papists) and had an outward confor­mity of Religion, though out of the power of godlinesse, living in all manner of sin and licentiousnesse; for now is the Lord risen to awaken the Earth, having put life into his witnesses again, who can­not but Prophesie, and testifie against the World, that their deeds are evil, though they suffer unto death therefore, as some of the Lords servants have (within this few years) done: that so the Lords purpose in raising them up, may be accomplished; which is to gather his precious seed which shall inherit the promise of life, and to lay the wicked and disobedient under eternal condemnation; for the Gos­pel of the Kingdom is like a Net cast into the Sea, which having ga­thered and drawn to shoare both the good and the bad, the good are received into Vessels, and the bad are cast away: So righteous Abel and his offering is accepted, but Cain, the wicked one, envious and murderer, is rejected, and is but a Vagabond, though he build a City; for the day of the Lord burns, and shall burn as an oven, and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly shall be stubble: and the day cometh that shall burn them up, that it shall leave them neither Root nor Branch; but unto those that fear the name of the Lord, shall the Sun of Righteousnesse arise with healing in his wings, and they shall go forth and grow up as Calves in the Stall, and they shall tread down the wicked, for they shall be as ashes under the soles of their feet, as already they appear to be.


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