The PARLIAMENTS Resolution Concernings the KINGS Most Excellent MAIESTY.

THE Lords and Commons to witnesse their constant and un­shaken loyalty and affection to his Majesty; doe solemnly de­clare, that if his Majesty shall immediate­ly disband all his Forces; and be pleased to abandon all those wicked Counsels, and leave them to condigne punishment, and re­turne and harken to the wholesome advice of his great Councell; they will really en­devour to make both his Majesty and his Posterity, as great, rich and potent; as much beloved at home and feared abroad, as any Prince that ever swayed this Scepter; which is their firme and constant Resolution.

Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Par­liament, that this Declaration be forthwith Printed and published.

Hen. Elsyng Cler. Parl. Do. Com.

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