Certamen Brittannicum, Gallico Hispanicum.
A True Relation of a conference holden between
Charles Stuart King of
Scots, Don Lewis de Haro, and the Cardinall
Mazarine the two Grande Favorites of the Courts of
France and
THE two State Favorites and grande Polititians of Europe Don Lewis de Haro and Cardinall Mazarine the two publike Embassadours for the Kings of Spaine and France to mannage the treaty of marriage between the said King of France and the Infant of Spaine, having according to former resolutions met on on the borders of both Kingdomes, after many nicetyes satisfied, objections resolved, and severall ceremonious complements of respect past, they began to consult of those things, the setling whereof was the foundation of their meeting: wherein among other things, it fell into consideration, who should be included within the articles [Page 2]of the peace to be concluded thereby and who debarred, amongst whom the Cardinall desired that the King of Scots might be one in regard his Master had (contrary to the Law of Nations, friendship and alliance) banished him out of his Court and Kingdome: whereupon Don Lewis answered, there is the more reason he should be taken in, for though his neerest kindred, who had formerly been obliged to his Father, had forced him to retreate from among them, yet seeing he had cast himselfe upon his Master, he should finde he did not relye on a broken reede, which while he trusted would run into his hand, but that he would be to him as Castle of defence, wherein he might shelter him from the injurious stormes which undeservedly did threaten him, so that whether or no he be nominally admitted by you it much matters, since he is an allye, a friend and confederate of my masters, all whose allyes must and shall be necessarily included. Many dayes and much time being spent in these debates: and notice thereof being brought to the King of Scots, he thought it very convenient to goe to the place of meeting, and there to make his application to that noble person who had stood up so much for his interest, and having at last attained to the end of his journey, (hoping to Crowne this beginning of his desires with successe) he went privately to the Lord Don Lewis, who though somewhat astonished at his sudden and unexpected arrivall did yet neverthelesse treate him with many extraordinary civilityes, the usuall testimonyes of a condiall affection, with promise in convenient time to procure a meeting between themselves, and the Cardinall, in which they would consult what was necessary, and what was fit to be done, whereby he should see, that no stone should [Page 3]be unturned, if it might raise him an advantage or procure him an assistance, so as he on his part, would not stand in his own light, and run himselfe into a Dilemma, with too much obstinacy in some particulars, at which time they parted with a reassurance of a future meeting suddenly.
According to his promise about the midst of September last past the Spanish Grandee gained a meeting: where they after some respects (each reserving to himselfe his own Grandezza, Don Lewis began; there hath been, Sir, some controversy between the Cardinall his Eminency and my selfe about your interest, I judging it necessary that upon a conclusion of a peace between two the most potent Princes of Europe, (a third being now distressed through the malevolent dispositions of ill affected and rebellious subjects should not be left out, whereunto the Cardinall replyed, I confesse it is a work of charity and piety, but where the interest of the state whereof I am a subject, cannot but suffer by such a concession, I must crave pardon: you know or at the least have heard, how the King my Master was compelled to make a peace with the English State, and upon what unequall term we gained the same, he left many of his friends and kindred in the in the Lurch, and was glad to give Dunkirk and some other places for the purchase therof. He was particularly bound to banish this noble person here present and never to aide or assist him, but to take all persons, his friend, and allves to be our enemies, so that I cannot saluo honore regiae majestatis, conclude any thing as to that point.
And doth my Cosen truly (said the King of Scots) so highly prize his so dearly bought peace: surely he cannot but know that the person with whom he made, it was no [Page 4]better then a regicide, a person who washed his hands in the sacred blood of his King, without any just or equall quarrell, for to him and his villanous retinew all things were lawfull that might any way serve their turn, all their actions and passions how diverse and inconstant soever were in their ambition swallowed up and thereinto converted, they forbeare no manner of murthers, breach of faith and buying other mens fidelity, they esteeme as a vertue and think no place strong where an horse laden with gold may enter, not any Citty or State unconquerable, where any of the greatest hope to be made greater can loose the sense of other mens sorrow and subjection: pardon my deviation, he that speakes of his owne greifes, of his owne troubles speakes sensible: such then I say, were the men your Masters men, subjected himselfe to: and I pray for what reason, why out of a spirit of revenge the one sought, the other did conclude a peace, the first to satisfie his desire on the Prince of Conde, the other that he might fulyll his cruelty towards me.
Truly said Don Lewis and that possibly might be the designe of both; for I know the King of Spain was tampered with, to the same purpose and when by policy and undermining the effect could not be attained, then straight a war was included with Spaine, Jamarca seized on by violence, and Dunkirk with some few other places stollen into by craft, but I really beleive, that if they should take a veiw of their Treasury and but reckon the men those inconsiderable places have cost them, they would quickly find the blood and treasure hugely to over-ballance the worth thereof. For what advantage have they gotten thereby for Jamaica is so poore a place, that without continuall fresh supplyes the souldyary and people there [Page 5]must starve, and then observe but the danger of bringing in provision, the place being wholly invironed with Islands under the King of Spaines dominion well fortified, well attended on by ships and populously rich and the whole place will not countervaile either half the danger or charge. And as for Dunkirk which they boast is the key into Flanders, if they can make no better use thereof for the future, then they have hitherto done, it may possibly prove to them mors in olla, a thing of so hard a digestion that their greedy stomacks shall be forced to restore, let it be as it will, quoth the Cardinll, we shall endeavour to hold out own and neither meddle in the settling or unsetling Common-wealths or Kingdomes.
'Tis well, answered the King of Scots, but you were I am sure of another minde when you were banished out of France: but the wheele with you was quickly round, thanks to your policy, and Machiavellian principles: but as to the maine point for this is but beating about the bush, my desire is that as in this happy treaty and conclusion of a peace, and a marriage, most of the Princes, and states of Europe will have a share of happinesse, I alone may not be set aside: and I am very well assured, that if my condition (as being most wrongfully expulsed out of my Fathers Kingdome and my lawfull inheritance) were but taken in among the rest of your friends, the very sense thereof would so move other neighbour Princes and states, that they would suddenly turn their many promises into actions, and instead of words aide me with Swords.
I must deale ingeniously with you, said Don Lewis, it is the intent of my Master to take you in as an Ally and Friend: and I am sure having him, you gaine the whole [Page 6]house of Austria, who by reason of their great power and sway in the Empire, (as having the Emperor of their kindred) command the cheife and greatest part of Europe: for by that meanes all the Catholike Princes there will be assistant: and if you but weigh the alliance between these, the Dane, the Pole, and severall others, in the whole, it will be found that two third parts of Europe will all follow.
I must confesse replyed the Cardinall, you have said much to the purpose, the Leagues and Alliances you have spoken of are many and very strong, but most of them will find businesse enough to defend themselves against the Swede and his partakers, for though by the new League they may seem sorely to threaten him, yet he is able by Himselfe and his Confederates (as he hath done some years already) to find them imployment at home.
Indeed (retorted the King of Scots) I think your cheif hopes is on the King of Sweden, who if I be not mistaken, is in the League with your Eminencyes Master, as also with my Enemies: but I hope (and something I have of confidence to assure me thereof) that the Marquess of Brandenburgh (not to mention my Cosen of the Palatanate) who is late joyned with the Emperor and house of Austria, will so pull his fethers, that on a sudden he shall not flye farre abroad.
It may be so (answered the Cardinall) but now admitting all your hopes to be certainties, they will little availe, for his Holinesse is not at all thought of : and with out all dispute he will goe farre in Italy: 'tis true, Italy is divided into four parts, viz. Lumbardy, Tuscany, St. Peters Patrimony; and the Kingdome of Naples: In Lumbardy stand many rich Governments, as the Dukedome of Millayne (which is my Masters) of Mantua, of Florence, and [Page 7]others of lesse note: none of which you have mentioned; these together St. Peters Patrimony, and the State of Venice are all at his Holiness beck.
What then (answered Don Lewis) is not my Master the eldest son of the Church? I am confident his Holiness will as soon bend towards him as the greatest. Is not the Kingdome of Naples his? are not you to deliver him the Dukedome of Millayne? Doth not he keep a good Fleet of Galleyes at Otrauto continually, which is the neerest passage from Italy into Greece to prevent any invasion from the Turkes: why then should he have lesse hopes of his Holiness then you. And I dare presume that if his Majesty of Scotland here present will be but reconciled to the Church of Rome, all difficulties will so easily be removed: that he shall but ask and have Men, moneys, ammunition, Ships, and what not, without the help or thanks of your Master, or his Freinds who have already once apostatized from him.
I must confesse (answered the King of Scots) I would very willingly be reinstated in my Kingdomes and would even give, forgive, grant or doe any thing even beyond expectation to be hoped from me to come to that happynesse, but to seek or gain them, and to loose or hazard my hopes of Heaven, I dare not, I cannot, for I shall sooner choose to dye an exile from my native Country then to banish or change the Religion I have been bred and born in for a settlement there.
Alas (answered the Cardinall) what is your Religion but a new fangle, a thing never thought of till Luther's time. I deny that (replyed the King) for it is the same in its purity which was professed in the primitive Church, so that it is as old as Christianity at selfe: and all along [Page 8]hath been upheld (but with some mixtures I must confesse) I need not say much herein, a great part of the World are therein as well satisfied as my selfe.
Yea (replyed Don Lewis) but you cannot shew that it was ever openly preached or professed till of late dayes.
I suppose (answered the King) your excellency in this point is misinformed, what think you of the Waldenses, of John Wickliffe who openly preached and upheld the same even in the publick and famous University of Oxford, in the time of King Edward the third of England, and favoured by John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster, and other great men of that time: Were John Husse and Hierom of Prague no body, who in defence thereof, both sacrificed their lives. It is founded upon the word of God, and is the same which is taught in the Doctrine of the Prophets: yea by Christ himselfe, and his Apostles, and is of greater antiquity then that which is grounded but upon the decrees of counsels and humane traditions: but I shall not argue any further thereof, for I am no Prophet, nor no Prophets Son.
But quoth the Cardinall this obstinacy will never do you good: your Father might have still b [...]en a King, or you his peacefull Successor, if he had not been so resolutely bent in these points: And for this very cause, I take exceptions against you: you know what Machiavell saith, It matters not whether a Prince have Religion or no, so he make a pretence thereof sufficient to serve his own ends: you must learne to transforme your selfe into any shape, for Qui nescit dissimulare, nescit regnare. It is usually found in Counsels of State, that the busie heads of a few doe carry all the rest: And many times Men make a surrender of their own judgements to him that hath gotten [Page 9]a name by giving happy directions in troubles forepast.
A faire Argument hath your Eminency used (said the King) but I doubt hardly sufficient to work on me: for I am like Antigonus (one of Alexanders Captaines) who was as good a Man of Warre, of as deep judgment, as high a spirit, and as great undertaking as any of the rest, but his employment was lesse, which made him lesse respected, but his thoughts were as high as theirs, for he valued himselfe by his own worth, not by the opinion of others, in like manner, I though at present kept an exile by those who ought to be my Subjects, have yet neverthelesse the thoughts of a King: for why may not the same providence that cast me of, put me in again, Saepe redit pulsâ nube serena dies.
In truth (said Don Lewis) your resolution is much to be commended, and generally we finde good successe to be the reward of a well grounded patience, and if you can with the contented minde of Socrates, conclude that every place is the wise Mans Country, and all parts a Palace to a quiet minde, you will not misse the reward of your patience, for Saepe premente Deo fert Deus alter opem. And for my own part, I do here protest to your Majesty, that I shall in what I may assist you, and that I will be earnest with the King of Spaine my Master to that purpose.
But I pray (quoth the Cardinall) let not your excellency be over hasty, for since it hath pleased the divine providence to bring the affaires of these two great Crownes to so hopefull a period: I hope this shall not be any cause of breach, and therefore shall rather honour this noble Prince with the title of freind: Some of his evill-willers we have seen to fall, those that have risen have waded through [Page 10]a Sea of blood: And those that now remaine are ready to destroy one another about parting the Stakes, I wish therefore the effects may prove successfull, and that the event of our conference may be a happy amen towards his settlement.
Yet if you please (quoth Don Lewis to the King) I shall not advise you to trust to the inconstancy of the French Nation: but rather that you will goe to the Court of Spaine, where your retreate shall be warranted and safe, whereupon after many congratulation [...] on both sides at the present they parted.
This is the exact relation of the conference, as neere as possibly could be gathered, which for publick satisfaction I have here made publick, that the World may see that that poor banished Prince the King of Scots is neither so helpless nor freindless as many Men imagine.
Shortly after this conference ended, the King took his course directly for the Court of Spaine, where according to information from thence since received, he is safely arrived, and with courtesie and humanity entertained.