• LORDS Spiritual,
  • LORDS Temporal,


Began at Westminster the 8 th of May (13 Caroli Regis) and continued to the 30 th of July following, and then Adjourned till the 20 th of November 1661.

According to their Dignities, Offices, and Degrees; with their Assistants, and Officers of Attendance.

Together with the Antient Statute for Placing the Lords in all Parliaments, and other Assemblies of Councils.

London, Printed for Robert Pauley, and are to be Sold by the Several Book-sellers about London. 1661.

A Perfect CATALOGUE of the Lords Spiritual assembled in Parliament, Ranked in their Order; whereof the five first take Place by Act of Parliament, the rest according to their Consecration.

  Counties under their several Jurisdictions. Parishes in each Dioc.
A. DOctor Will. Juxon, Lord Archbish. of Canterbury His Grace, Primate and Metropolitan of all England; was Consecrated Bish. of London 1633. translated from Lond. to Canterbury, 1660 Kent part. 257
A. Dr. Accepted Frewen, Lord Arch­bishop of York, & Metropolitan of England, was consecrated Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield 1644, translated from thence to York, 1660. Y. York shire. Notingham­shire. 581
Dr. Gilbert Shelden Lord Bi­shop of London, was consecrat­ed Octob. 28. 1660. London, Essex, Middlesex, Hartfordsh part. 623
Dr. John Cossens Lord Bishop of Durham, was consecrated Decemb. 2. 1660. Y. Durham, Nor­thumberland, Man Isle. 135
A. Dr. Brian Duppa Lord Bishop of winchester, Prelate of the Garter, and Bishop Lord Al­moner; he was Consecrated Bish. of Chichester 1638. from thence translated to Sarum 1640. and from thence to Winchester, 1660. Hamshi [...]e, Surrey, VVi [...]ht Isle, Guernsey Isle, Jernsey Isle. 362.
[Page] A. Dr. William Peirs Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells, Consecrated 1632. Somerset-sh. 388
A. Dr. Matthew Wren Lord Bi­shop of Ely, was Consecrated Bishop of Hereford, 1634. thence translated to Norwich, 1635. from thence to Ely, 1638 Cambridge-sh. Ely Isle. 141
A. Dr. Robert Skinner Lord Bi­shop of Oxon, Consecrated Bi­shop of Bristol, 1636. thence translated to Oxon, 1640. Oxfordshire. 195
A. Dr. William Roberts Lord Bi­shop of Bangor, and Sub-Almo­ner, was Consecrated 1637. Carnarvon-sh. Anglesey Isle. Merioneth. Denby-sh. part. 107
A. Dr. Henry King Lord Bishop of Chichester, was Consecrated 1641. Sussex. 557
Dr. Humphrey Henchman Lord Bishop of Salisbury was Con­secrated Octob. 28. 1660. VVileshire. Berkshire. 248
Dr. George Morley Lord Bishop of Worcester, was Consecrated Octob. 28. 1660. VVorcester-sh. VVarw. sh. part. [...] 248
Dr. Robert Sanderson Lord Bishop of Lincoln, was Consecrated Octob. 28. 1660. Lincoln-sh. Leicester-sh. Huntingdon-sh. Bedford-sh. Buckinghamsh. Hartford-sh. p. 1255
[Page] Dr. George Griffith Lord Bishop of St. Asaph, was Consecrated Octob. 28. 1660. Denby-sh. part. Flint-sh. part. 121
Dr. William Lucey Lord Bishop of St. Davids, was Consecrated Decemb. 2. 1660. Glamorg. sh. pt. Cardig. Breckn. & Radnor part. Mountgom. part. Pembr. Carmar. 308
Dr. Benjamin Laney Lord Bishop of Peterborough, was Conse­crated Decemb. 2. 1660. Northamp. sh. Rutland-sh. 293
Landaff, was Consecrated De­cemb. 2. 1660. Glamorgansh. p. Monmouthsh. 177
Dr. Richard Stern Lord Bishop of Carlisse, was Consecrated De­cemb. 2. 1660. Y. Cumberland p. VVestmerland. 93
Dr. Brian Walton Lord Bishop of Chester, was Consecrated De­cemb. 2. 1660. Y. Cheshire Richmond-sh. Flint-sh. part. Cumberland p. Lancashire. 256
Dr. John Gauden Lord bishop of Exeter, was Consecrated De­cemb. 2. 1660. Devon-sh. Excter City. Cornwal. 623
Dr. Gilbert Ironside Lord Bishop of Bristol, was Co [...]ecrated Ja­nuar. 13. 1660. Bristol City. Dorset-sh. 236
Dr. Edw. Reynolds Lord Bishop of Norwich, was Consecrated Januar. 13. 1660. Norfolk. Suffolk. 1121
Dr. William Nicholson Lord Bi­shop of Gloucester, was Con­secrated January. 13. 1660. Gloucester-shire. 267
[Page] Dr. Nicholas Monck Lord Bi­shop of Hereford, was Conse­crated Januar. 13. 1660. Hereford-sh. Shrop-sh part. VVorcest sh. p. Radnor-sh. part.  
Lord Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. VVarwick-sh. p. Stafford-sh. Deriby-sh. Shrop-sh. part. 241

A. Notes the Antient Bishops; Y. the Diocesses in the Province of York, all the rest are in the Province of Canterbury.

LONDON, Printed for Robert Pawley, 1661.

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