A Perfect CATALOGUE of the Lords Spiritual assembled in Parliament, Ranked in their Order; whereof the five first take Place by Act of Parliament, the rest according to their Consecration.
Counties under their several Jurisdictions. | Parishes in each Dioc. | |
A. DOctor Will. Juxon, Lord Archbish. of Canterbury His Grace, Primate and Metropolitan of all England; was Consecrated Bish. of London 1633. translated from Lond. to Canterbury, 1660 | Kent part. | 257 |
A. Dr. Accepted Frewen, Lord Archbishop of York, & Metropolitan of England, was consecrated Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield 1644, translated from thence to York, 1660. Y. | York shire. Notinghamshire. | 581 |
Dr. Gilbert Shelden Lord Bishop of London, was consecrated Octob. 28. 1660. | London, Essex, Middlesex, Hartfordsh part. | 623 |
Dr. John Cossens Lord Bishop of Durham, was consecrated Decemb. 2. 1660. Y. | Durham, Northumberland, Man Isle. | 135 |
A. Dr. Brian Duppa Lord Bishop of winchester, Prelate of the Garter, and Bishop Lord Almoner; he was Consecrated Bish. of Chichester 1638. from thence translated to Sarum 1640. and from thence to Winchester, 1660. | Hamshi [...]e, Surrey, VVi [...]ht Isle, Guernsey Isle, Jernsey Isle. | 362. |
[Page] A. Dr. William Peirs Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells, Consecrated 1632. | Somerset-sh. | 388 |
A. Dr. Matthew Wren Lord Bishop of Ely, was Consecrated Bishop of Hereford, 1634. thence translated to Norwich, 1635. from thence to Ely, 1638 | Cambridge-sh. Ely Isle. | 141 |
A. Dr. Robert Skinner Lord Bishop of Oxon, Consecrated Bishop of Bristol, 1636. thence translated to Oxon, 1640. | Oxfordshire. | 195 |
A. Dr. William Roberts Lord Bishop of Bangor, and Sub-Almoner, was Consecrated 1637. | Carnarvon-sh. Anglesey Isle. Merioneth. Denby-sh. part. | 107 |
A. Dr. Henry King Lord Bishop of Chichester, was Consecrated 1641. | Sussex. | 557 |
Dr. Humphrey Henchman Lord Bishop of Salisbury was Consecrated Octob. 28. 1660. | VVileshire. Berkshire. | 248 |
Dr. George Morley Lord Bishop of Worcester, was Consecrated Octob. 28. 1660. | VVorcester-sh. VVarw. sh. part. [...] | 248 |
Dr. Robert Sanderson Lord Bishop of Lincoln, was Consecrated Octob. 28. 1660. | Lincoln-sh. Leicester-sh. Huntingdon-sh. Bedford-sh. Buckinghamsh. Hartford-sh. p. | 1255 |
[Page] Dr. George Griffith Lord Bishop of St. Asaph, was Consecrated Octob. 28. 1660. | Denby-sh. part. Flint-sh. part. | 121 |
Dr. William Lucey Lord Bishop of St. Davids, was Consecrated Decemb. 2. 1660. | Glamorg. sh. pt. Cardig. Breckn. & Radnor part. Mountgom. part. Pembr. Carmar. | 308 |
Dr. Benjamin Laney Lord Bishop of Peterborough, was Consecrated Decemb. 2. 1660. | Northamp. sh. Rutland-sh. | 293 |
Landaff, was Consecrated Decemb. 2. 1660. | Glamorgansh. p. Monmouthsh. | 177 |
Dr. Richard Stern Lord Bishop of Carlisse, was Consecrated Decemb. 2. 1660. Y. | Cumberland p. VVestmerland. | 93 |
Dr. Brian Walton Lord Bishop of Chester, was Consecrated Decemb. 2. 1660. Y. | Cheshire Richmond-sh. Flint-sh. part. Cumberland p. Lancashire. | 256 |
Dr. John Gauden Lord bishop of Exeter, was Consecrated Decemb. 2. 1660. | Devon-sh. Excter City. Cornwal. | 623 |
Dr. Gilbert Ironside Lord Bishop of Bristol, was Co [...]ecrated Januar. 13. 1660. | Bristol City. Dorset-sh. | 236 |
Dr. Edw. Reynolds Lord Bishop of Norwich, was Consecrated Januar. 13. 1660. | Norfolk. Suffolk. | 1121 |
Dr. William Nicholson Lord Bishop of Gloucester, was Consecrated January. 13. 1660. | Gloucester-shire. | 267 |
[Page] Dr. Nicholas Monck Lord Bishop of Hereford, was Consecrated Januar. 13. 1660. | Hereford-sh. Shrop-sh part. VVorcest sh. p. Radnor-sh. part. | |
Lord Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. | VVarwick-sh. p. Stafford-sh. Deriby-sh. Shrop-sh. part. | 241 |
A. Notes the Antient Bishops; Y. the Diocesses in the Province of York, all the rest are in the Province of Canterbury.