A CATALOGVE OF THE NAMES Of the Divines approved of by the House of COMMONS, for each severall County in this Kingdome of England and Wales.
LONDON, Printed by T. Fawcet, for Thomas Bankes, 1642.
A Catalogue of the Names of the Divines approved of by the House of Commons for each County here under written.
- MAster Thomas Dillingham of Deane
- Mr. Oliver Boles of Sutton.
- Mr. Wilkinson of Wadsden.
- Mr. Valentine of Chausan.
- Doctor Twist of Newberry.
- Mr. Rayner of Milton.
- Mr. Gammon of Mogen.
- Mr. Hix of Lawrick.
- Doctor Hoile.
- Mr. Bridge.
- Doctor Wincob.
- Mr. Thomas Goodwin, A New England man.
- Mr. Leigh.
- Mr. Case.
- Doctor Lane of Bennit Colledge in Cambridge.
- Doctor Googe of Black-Fryers, London.
- Mr. Pine of Deane Forrest.
- Mr. VVhitten of Morton.
- Doctor Bromrick of Katherine Hall.
- Doctor VVard of Sidney.
- Mr. Iohn VVhite of Dorchester.
- Mr. Edward Peale of Compton.
- Doctor Gennison.
- Mr. Morton.
- Mr. Stephen Marshall of Pinchingreene.
- Mr. Obediah Sedgwick of Cogsand
- Mr. Levill of Rippon.
- Mr. Michael Thwaite of Cherrey Hinton.
- Mr. VVilliam Mew of Estringers.
- Mr. Iohn Danninge.
- Mr. Thomas Batthurst of one of the Ortons.
- Mr. Philip Nye, Chaplaine to the Lord Mandevill.
- Mr. John Greene of Bencome.
- Mr: Stanley Gower of Bramton Bryant.
- Doctor Smith of Berkway.
- Doctor Burges of VVatno.
- Mr. VVilson.
- Mr. Francis Taylor.
- Mr. Anthony Tuckey of Boston.
- Mr. Coleman of Blinton.
- Mr. Charles Earle of VVinnick,
- Mr. Richard Herick of Manchester.
- Mr. Clayton of Shovell.
- Mr. Gibbes of Leicester.
- Doctor Caleb Downy of Hackney.
- Mr. Burroughs, Preacher of Stephney.
- Edmund Calamy of Aldermanbury,
- Mr. Walker of St. Iohns Parish.
- Mr. Carroll of Lincolnes-Inne.
- Mr. Seaman.
- Doctor Harris, Warden of VVinchester.
- Mr. Morbie.
- Mr. Reynolds of Bramson.
- Mr. Hill of Tichmarsh.
- Doctor Sanderson of Bonthbie.
- Mr. Iohn Foxcraft.
- Mr. Iohn Iackson of Grayes-Inne.
- Mr. William Carter of London.
- Mr. Iohn Acrosmith of Linne.
- Mr. Thomas Thurrogood.
- Mr. Robert Harris of Hanwell.
- Mr. Robert Crosse of Lincolne Colledge.
- Iames Primate of Armath.
- Doctor Stiles Person of St. Georges neer the Bridge.
- Mr. Samuell Gibson of Burley.
- Mr. Whittakers.
- Doctor Featley of Lambeth.
- Doctor Stanton of Kingston.
- Mr. Francis Cooke of Yaxworth.
- Mr. Lightfoot of Ashley.
- Mr. Sammuell Hildeisham.
- Mr, Corbet of Martin Colledge.
- Mr. Iohn Langley of Westendon.
- Mr. Christopher Tisdell of Ʋphusban.
- Mr. Thomas Young of Stonemash.
- Mr. Iohn Philips of Rentall.
- Mr. Samuell Creeke of Runton.
- Mr. Comet of Limmington.
- Mr. Benjamin Pickering of East Odeley.
- Mr. Nye of Chaphum.
- Mr. Henry Hall.
- Mr. Henry Hutton.
- Mr. Henry Scudder of Colingborne.
- Mr. Thomas Baily of Maningford.
- Mr. Arthur Salloway of Seavenstocke.
- Doctor Pridiax, Bishop of Worcester.
- Mr. Burges of Sutton Coleby.
- Mr. Vines of Weddington.
- Mr. Richard Burlye, Chaplaine to the Lord of Peterborough.
- Doctor Temple of Battersey.
- Mr. Chute of Lamber
- Mr. Nicholson.
- Mr. Gattaker of Redriffe.
- Mr. Richard Floid.
- Doctor Christopher Pashley of Hollofell.
- Mr. Hen. Toser, Fellow of Exeter Colledge in Oxford
- Mr. Spursto of London.
- Mr. Francis Channell.
- Doctor Hacket, of St. Andrewes Hollorne.
THe Lords and Commons doe declare, that they intend a due and necessary reformation of the Government and Liturgy of the Church, and to take away nothing in ther one or other, but what shall be evill, and justly offensive, or at least unnecessary and burthensome: And for the better effecting thereof speedily to have consultation with Godly and learned Divines. And because this will never of it selfe attain the end sought therein, they will therfore use their utmost endeavours to establish learned and Preaching Ministers, with a good and sufficient maintenance throughout the whole Kingdom, wherein many dark Corners are miserably destitute of the means of Salvation, and many poore Ministers want necessary provision.