A Catalogue of sundrie Knights, Aldermen, Doctors: Ministers and Ci­zens, who denying to contribute Money for the publicke safety, and other misdemeanors, are in custody in Gresham Colledge, Crosby house, and other places in and about the cities of London and Westminster, by authority from the Parliament.

THere is nothing doth more discover the inclination, then to part with that wherunto men have oliged their affections: for such is their naturall love to riches, that they preferre it before honour, reputation, nay even Religion. The Common-wealth shall bee ex­posed to any danger, and suffer under the violent fury of an enemy, rather then they will contribute any thing for the generall good of the Kingdome. And it were no wonder, if there were but some few of this opinion; but when they which should bee more grave and weighty in iudgement, by many thousand pounds then others, shall re­fuse to assist the Parliament with summes of money proportionable to their estates, it shewes that they doe little regard the publicke good, or their owne private safety. Whereupon the names of certaine most eminent rich men of the Citie, being certified unto the Parliament, and they knowing that they might easily spare such summes of money as were of them demanded for the sup­ply of the present distracted occasions of the Kingdome, they ordered it upon mature deliberation, that they should be compelled to satisfie the Parliaments iust desires, which they had formerly refused to doe: And thereupon by order from the Parliament, divers Captaines of the citie, with some of the trained Bands, came on Saturday night last to the houses of these wealthy Citizens, every Ward not searching in their owne Pre­cincts, but in anothers liberty, to avoid the common enemies to iustice, feare or favour; and so without admit­ting of any excuse, they tooke some at supper with many guests at their Tables, others were raised out of their bed, and still as they found them, they tooke them away by authority from the Parliament, and forthwith car­ried them to prison, where they remaine for their contempt of the Parliaments demands concerning money to be issued for the defence of the King and Parliament in these mutinous times: And that those rich men who are so cold in their affections to the cause wherein the Kingdom is engaged, may be discovered, their names well knowne in the Citie, are here likewise inserted.

WHereas Wee the LORDS and COMMONS have Ordered, That it be referred to the Com­mitee for the safety of the Kingdom, To prepare Heads of an Humble Addresse unto His Ma­iestie, composing the present Differences and Distractions, and settling the Peace of the Kingdome, and to present them to the House

To prevent all Misconstructions or Neglects, wherby our iust Defence may be hindred, We doe Declare, That the Preparation of Forces, and all other necessary means for the Defence of the Protestant Religion, the Priuledg of Parliment, the Laws and Liberties of the Subiect, shall be prosecuted with all vigour.

Henry Elsinge Cler: Parl. D. Com.
  • Sir Kenhelme Digby
  • Sir Henry Garraway
  • Sir Georgc Whitmore
  • Sir John Cordwall
  • Sir John Jacob
  • Mr Rogers
  • Mr Baker
  • Captaine Beale
  • Mr Dole
  • Mr Fish
  • Mr Shaw
  • Mr Dudley
  • Mr Gardiner
  • Mr Bradworth
  • Mr Vivian
  • Mr Garraway
  • Mr Middleton
  • Mr Hollingworth
  • Mr Osbaston
  • Mr Topham
  • Mr Alden
  • Mr Brogram
  • Mr Wingor
  • Mr Acton
  • Mr Kendall
  • Mr Langhorne
  • Mr Ludiner
  • Mr Newton
  • Mr Walcot
  • Mr Clerk
  • Mr Grimes.
  • Mr Ward
  • Mr Pettiward
  • Mr Withers
  • Mr Greene
  • Mr Heather
  • Mr Harwicke
  • Mr Bacon
  • Mr Smith
  • Mr Davenport
  • Mr Shaw
  • Mr Holme
  • Deputy Nedel
  • Mr Barkes
  • Deputy Webbe.

  • Doctor Holdsworth sent for.
  • Dr Hacket
  • Dr Shelley
  • Mr Shoot
  • Mr Squire
  • Mr Udall
  • Mr Swadlin
  • Mr Stone
  • Mr Griffith.
  • Mr Grosse
  • Edward Dobson, alias, cod­pice-Ned, Bookseller neer Newgate.

Printed for Iohn Iackson, G. Green, and F. Smith, and are to be sold in the Old Baily, 1642. Novemb. 7.

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