Another famous VICTORIE Obtained by His EXCELLENCIE The Earle of ESSEX.

Against the Kings Army, neer Reading, Oxford, Marlow and Healy. Decem. 3.

Wherein is declared the manner how these three Regiments gave the Kings Army the overthrow, killing about 1100. of them, and taking great store of Ammnition, money, and prisoners with the losse of 300. men.

Namely, the Orange Coats, commanded by his Excellencie: The Green Coats, commanded by Colonell Goodwyn: The Blue-coats, commanded by Colonell Langham marchant in London.

Also, His Majesties proceedings at Ox­ford, and the great preparations that are made there to entertain the Queen of Bohemia.

Decemb. 6. Printed for Ioseph Neale.

Another Glorious VICTORIE OBTAINED By his Excellencie, and Col. Langham against the Cavaleirs, at their second surrounding of the Kings Army, neer Reading, Marlow, and Henley, Decemb. 2.

UPon the first day of Decemb. His Ex­cellencie had intelligence that the Ca­valeirs were resolved to leave Oxford Reding, Marlow, and Henley, and to betake themselves further downe into the West Countries, thereby thinking to strengthen their wicked and Tyrannicall Crew, and to furnish themselvs with such Arms and Am­munition which they stood in extraordinary need of: Whereupon his Excellency taking the same into serious consideration, and fin­ding [Page] that it would prove very prejudiciall unto them, if that they did neglect and let this opportunity slip, he forthwith called a Coun­cell of Warre, where his Excellency very no­bly declared himself unto most of the Officers and Commanders, and after some time spent in consultation thereupon, it was concluded that severall Regiments of Horse add Foote should be forthwith drawn out of the Mayne Body to wheele about towards Reding and Marlow, and so by that means to get beyond the kings Irmy, which was accordingly put in execution and performed.

And upon the second of this month his Excellencie caused and gave command that severall Pieces of Ordnance should be with all expedition Planted against Marlow and Henley, where the Cavaleers had strongly in­trenched themselves.

The Ordnance plaid for the space of two hours very furiously, doing great execution upon the Enemy, and after they had done playing, His Excellencies own Regiment ad­vanced up towards the aforesaid Towns, to­gether with the Lord Sey his Regiment and Colonell Langham, accompanied with four­teene Troops of Horse, who performed that which they took in hand so undantedly, and with such Noble and Heroick courage, that they may well be styled, the undanted spirits of Christendome.

For no sooner had Colonell Langham [Page] brought up his Regiment and placed them in a fa [...]r battalia, but they immediatly fell on, fighting for the space of three hours most in­tollerable, being resolved either to lose their own lives, or to win that honour which the former Blew-Coats hath lost.

It is credibly reported, that the Enemy lost in this fight at the least seven hundred men, besides many hundreds that are taken Prisoners.

Then the other two Regiments com­manded by his Excellency and the Lord Sey marched up to relieve Collonell Langham, where they did great execution, the Orenge Coats fighting with the same Courage and Resolution as they formerly did at Kinton, and after much shot spent on both sides, the Cavaleirs retreated, and left the Towne of Marlow, together with above two thousand of their Confederates dead behind them, be­sides many that were slain and taken Priso­ners, as they were running away.

Thus by the great mercy and providence of God his Excellencie hath obtained the vi­ctory, giving unto them a farre greater Over­throw then they had at Kinton, insomuch that they have now cleered the Townes of Mar­low and Henley.

A True Relation of His Majesties pro­ceedings at Oxford.

IT is credibly informed, that His Majesty will abide this Winter Quarter at Ox­ford. Also there is great preparation for Her Majesty the Queene of Bohemia, and her Son the Prince Elector, who is expected with his Majesty on saturday next for there is sent the Lord Capell, the Lord Seymour, and other Gentlemen of quality to meet them at Dover, and for the safe conducting of them to His Majesty. The City of Oxford is strongly fortifying it selfe, and there shall bee foure Troops of Horse, containing a hundred in a Troope, that shall every night keepe cen­tinell at the foure thorow-fares to the City; as also foure Foot-companies a mile from the Horse.

His Majesty hath lately proclaimed a Proclamation, that what Souldier soever shall rob or pillage any house in the said City, shall be punished with death, which hitherto hath been observed. There are three Gentle­men in Election to be Lord Privy Seale, but [Page] I imagine Mr. Holborne will have that for­tune of Honour, though the Lord of Dorset have the place in reversion; Master Hide stands likewise for it, who is as great with His Majesty as any, if not greater, for he is the man that draweth and correcteth all His Majesties Declarations, Proclamations, and Protestations, and what not before they are published to the whole World. There came the last night intelligence to His Ma­jesty, that there were neere fourescore Troo­pers taken at Harlow Roe by the Parlia­ments forces, before the taking of which there were ten or more slaine, but in the con­ducting of them towards London a party of Horse about fortie were set on the Parlia­ments Forces to rescue their fellowes, were likewise taken upon the Forrest of Windsore. I have not for the present any more newes to write you save this, that neere my house at Abbingron there were two of the Kings Forces hanged in the High way for cutting a Marker-womans throat; There is farre more mischiefe done by the Irish and weleh­women then by the Souldiers themselves all men, women, and children are greatly in feare of them. Upon Saturday last his Majesty in Triumph knighted Master Si­denham, Sir Edmund Sidenham, who is also knight Marshall. There were some few [Page] Lines in Uerse presented to His Majestie by the Provost of Queenes Colledge. His Majesty doth hourely expect a Message and Propositions from the House concerning a Peace, but upon Saterday next you shall heare and receive of me at large, in the mean time I leave you to Gods protection and tuition, and rest

Your affectionate Friend and Kinsman, T. C.

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