A HORRIBLE AND BLOODY PLOT TO Murder Sir Thomas Fairfax, Sir William Brere­ton, Sir Thomas Middleton, Colonell Moore, and above one hundred more of the Parliament Men, Colonels, and other Officers and Gentlemen.

WITH The Names of the Knights, Esquires, Gentle­men, and others that were chief Actors therein. The Copies of the severall Indictments, Bills, and other Parchments and Papers; and the Names of the Judges, Justices, and Grand Iury; and their pro­ceedings therein. With Letters from the Committee of Chester, and other Gentlemen of the Country sent up about the same.

These are copied out by the Originall Papers, delivered into the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, and are printed and published accor­ding to Order of PARLIAMENT.

London, Printed by B. Alsop, for E. Griffin. 1646.


YOu are desired to adde this to your former La­bours for the Common-wealth, to deliver the Packet herewith sent, to the honourable Com­mittee at Goldsmiths Hall London, for Compositions: Here are Copies of the Indictments preferred at the As­sizes before the Judges at Chester, in February, 1642. whereby Sir Thomas Fairfax, Sir George Booth, Sir VVill. Brereton, Sir Thomas Middleton, Sir William Fairfax, Col. Ashton, Col. Moore, Col. Mitton, and hundreds more stand indicted of high Treason, for taking up Arms, and adhe­ring to the Parliament in this warre, together with the Indictments: here is a List of the Jury that found these Indictments, there is about 18 of this Jury, that would never (that it can be remembred) appear upon any grand Jury before this which is very remarkable, many of them now are compounding for their Estates, And it doth ap­peare that divers doe compound without a Certificate hence of the nature of their delinquency, &c. Mr. Brere­ton of Ashley who was one of this Jury, hath compounded already, and his delinquency uncertified or tequired: Here is a Copy of the Letter sent by the Committee here to the Committee for Compositions; by which you may be satisfied of the proceedings, when the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall are thus informed herein they know best what use to make hereof for the Common-wealth : Here is also a particular Indictment against Col. Moore, and the Exigent whereupon he was returned out-laawed,—Mr. Iohn Wilson gave judgment thereupon, who is now com­pounding for his estate. If the Processe, Outlaries, and [Page 2] Returns had been taken out, it wou [...]d have taken up so much labour and time, as I doubt they would not have been ready in any due time such hath been the care and industry of the adverse Party in all their proceedings. You may observe what an inveterate hatred they have had against Sir William Brereton who is indicted in eve­ry Indictment, And it may well be remembred they pre­pared an Engine or Instrument for him, if they had prospered at Middlewich Battell, when we took Sir Ed­ward Moseley, Col. Ellis, and divers other Gentlemen of quality; at which time Sir Thomas Aston fled away: But I would not trouble you any further. This is all at present herein, my other Letter being so large; onely I am

Your faithfull Friend and Servant, S. C.

YOur Letter per Post I received whereby I understand you are informed, That the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, doth compound with all men what ever Fact they have committed against the Commonwealth; yea though they have been Instruments to burn Towns and houses, to the destruction and ruine of whole Families, and have had their hands in blood, by whom many soules have suffered death; And therefore you have forborn to deliver the Letter directed to Goldsmiths Hall, and the Indictments therewith sent; Notwithstanding which, you are againe desired to take the pains to deliver them; The Gentle­men here conceive they are bound in Conscience, and by their late Nationall Covenant, to doe their duty in their place, to bring Delinquents to condigne punish­ment, and can do no lesse right to themselves then to in­forme that Honourable Committee, being a Committee [Page 3] of the Members of Parliament in the Premises, who are Members in the making of the Law, and can best judge of condigne punishment,—You may doe them a noble favour; And therein you shall engage me to remain

Yours to command S. C.

The Certificate from the Committee of Chester, to the Committee of London, concerning the Indictments against Sir Tho: Fairfax, Sir W. Brereton, and many others.

Honourable Sirs,

AMongst such Delinquents as we the Committee for Sequestrations for the City of Chester, in order to our proceedings finde most notorious in this County: We cannot omit with respect to severall heads in the Natio­nal Covenant by us taken, and our duty to the Parlia­ment, to publish and make known unto you the nature and quality of the offences of certain Gentlemen tran­scendent in the eyes and judgment of the Body of this County far above others, though in hostility against the Parliament.

In February Anno Dom. 164 [...]. after the Battell at Edg-Hill, the Assizes or great Sessions was held at the Castle of Chester, Judge Mellwood, and Justice Pretherough being Judges, Sir Richard Gravesnor high Sheriffe, Sir Richard Floyd the Kings Attorney, and Mr. Iohn Wilson one of the Coroners of the County: At which Assizes there were indicted of high Treason Sir Thomas Fairfax, Sir George Booth, Sir W. Brereton, Sir T. Middleton, Col. Moor, the present high Sheriffe of Chester, and the rest of the Deputy Lieutenants of this County that stood for the Parliament, The Committees for the county, & for Seque­strations, and hundreds more of the well affected and [Page 4] faithfull to the Parliament in this county for taking up Armes and adhering to the Parliament in this Cause and Warre, All which were afterwards outlawed in the year, 1643. The severall persons whose names are in a Sche­dule here inclosed being of that grand Jury, and did re­turn upon the severall Indictments Billa vera. Whereby so much as in them lay to bring these honourable persons and all the rest into a capacity subject to the greatest of punishment, by death, and perpetuall ignominy, their blood stained, and all their estates reall and personall for­feited: which proceedings being under the colour, and ground of a law, many have been further hardned in their principles and proceedings against the Parliament: All which Jury, saving three or four, it is not known have e­ver appeared, or would serve upon any grand Jury before that time. For your fuller satisfaction of the proceenings in the premises, we have procured Copies of the said In­di&ments, which herewith we present unto you, desiring your mature consideration thereupon, in point of Com­position (if you shall think fit, to compound with them) who had determined (if it had pleased God to have given them power through the county) to have prosecuted these Indictments in the strictest Letter thereof, wherein lay neither Pardon, nor Reprieve; And withall to adde this further to your indesatigable labours, to make a re­port hereof, with the said Indictments and Proceedings to the honourable House of Commons; to the end, order may be directed for the Indempnity of his Majesties loy­all and faithfull Subjects who have stuck to the Parlia­ment in an evill day, And such further proceedings may be made thereupon, as in their grave judgments may be thought meet; wherein you shall engage this County to serve you, And therein none moae then

Your faithfull and humble Servants,
  • John Whitworth.
  • Ralph Judson.
  • John Whitle.
  • Sam: Buck.

THe Iury for the Lord the King present upon their Cestr. ss. Juratores pro Dom. Rege super sacr : suum presen­tant. Quod Guilielmus Brereton, [...] ­per de Hand­ford in Com. Cestr. Baronet, Tho. Fairfax nup. de Nant­wich in Com. predicto mile [...] &c. oathes, That William Brereton late of Handford in the county of Chester Baronet, Thomas Fairfax late of Nampt­w [...]ch in the county aforesaid Knight, William Fairfax late of the same in the county aforesaid Knight, George Booth late of Dunham in the county aforesaid Esq; Will: Marbury late of Marbury in the county aforesaid Esq; George Spurstow late of Spu [...]stow in the county aforesaid Esq; William Massie late of Massie in the county afore­said Esq; Thomas Croxton late of Ravenscroft in the coun­ty aforesaid Esq; Iohn Bromhall late of Namptwich in the county aforesaid Mercer, Richard Holland late of Middle­wich in the county aforesaid Esq; Peter Leigh late of Tar­vyn in the aforesaid county of Chester Iron-Monger, Iohn —Timore [...] Dei pro ocu­lis suis [...] habentes nec debit: sigeanti­am suam pon­derantes, sed instigatione [...] diab [...] [...] & seducti di­lectionem ac veram et de­bitam obe­dientiam quas veri & fideles subditi dom. nostri Caroli nunc Regis Angliae, &c. erga ipsum Dom : Regem gererent & de [...]ure gerere tenent. peni­tus subtrahen­ces ac machi­nantes, & to tisviribus suis intendent: pa­cem et comu­nem tranquil­litatem hujus Regni Anglie, perturbare de­cimo Octavo Die Julii, An­no Regni dicti Dom. nostri Caroli Dei grat: An­gliae Scotiae Franciae, & Hibernie Re­gis fidei de­fensor : &c Decimo nono apud Nampt­wich, in Com. predicto pro­ditorie com­passa verunt imaginat: fuer & intende­bant guerram rebellionem & insurrectionem contra dictum dom: Regem inf [...] hoc Regnum Angliae leva­re & suscitar [...] & ad easdem proditiones imaginationes & intentiones suas predictas per implendas & ad effectum redigend. ii­dem Guiliel­mus Brereton, Tho. Fairfax, &c. Booth of Dunham aforesaid, in the county of Chester afore­said Esq; Iohn Leigh late of Boothes in the county of Che­ster aforesaid Esq; Humphry Bulkley late of Wbatcraft in the county of Chester aforesaid Esq; Gilbert Gerrarrd late of Crew-wood in the county aforesaid Gent. Thomas Hint late of Tarvin in the aforesaid county of Chester Beere-Brewer, S [...]. R [...]tcliff [...] late of Tarvin aforesaid, in the co: [Page 6] aforesaid Beer-Brewer, Hugh Witney late of Coole in the county aforesaid Gent. Iohn Cheswys late of Mickle in the county aforesaid gent. Mathew Trevis of Teverton in the county of Chester aforesaid gent. Robert Duckenfield late of Duckenfield in the county of Chester aforesaid Esq. Iohn Trevis late of Horton in the county of Chester aforesaid gent. Richard Iudson late of Rushton in the county of Ches­ter aforesaid gent. Richard Lecester late of Pool in the coun­ty aforesaid gent. William Peare-tree late of Namptwith in the county of Chester aforesaid Clerke. Edward Bold late of Acton in the county of Chester aforesaid Clerke Richard Foule [...] of Bartamley in the county of Chester aforesaide Clerke. Richard Oseley late of Waverham in the county of Chester Clerke. Peter I [...]re late of Christleton in the county of Chester aforesaid Clerke. Thomas Cotton late of Cotton in the county of Chester aforesaid Esqu. Robert wright late of Tarvin in the county of Chester aforesaid pistor. Willi­am Davis late of Ashton in the county of Chester aforesaid gent. Alexander Elcock late of Poole in the county of Che­ster aforesaid, William Raven late of Elworth in the coun­ty of Chester aforesaid gent. Iohn Lownes late of Small­wood in the County of Chester aforesaid gent. Richard Ea­ton late of Anlin in the county of Chester aforesaid clerke Richard Brooke of Smalwood in the county of Chester a­foresaid Yeoman, Ralph Poole late of Odrode in the coun­ty of Clester aforesaid Yeoman, William Kent late of Sha­vington in the county aforesaid Yeo. Iohn Hancocke late of Odrode aforesaid in the coun. of Chester aforesaid clerk Thomas Slade late of Shavington in the county aforesaid Yeoman. Richard Pever of Odrode in the county of Che­ster aforesaid Yeoman. Robert Slade late of Shavington in the county of Chester aforesaid Yeoman, Mark Ialiwer ver late of Shavington aforesaid in the county of Chester aforesaid Yeoman, Thomas Stanly late of Alderly in the [Page 7] County aforesaid Esq; Peter Stanley of Alde [...]ly aforesaid in the Co: aforesaid Gentleman, Heary Varnon late of Has­lington in the County aforesaid Esquire, Ʋ Ʋilliam Wat­son late of Macclefield in the County aforesaid Gent. Iohn Crew of Namptwich in the County, aforesaid Yeoman, Robert Low late of Crowton in the County aforesaid yeo­man. Peter Dod late of Tusnington in the County afore­said Yeoman, Allen Ʋ Ʋalley late of Kinderton in the County aforesaid Yeoman, William [...]te late of Alvand­ley in the County aforesaid Yeoman, Iames Ʋ Ʋhi [...]l [...]y late of the same in the County aforesaid Yeoman, William Walley late of Davenham in the County aforesaid Yeo­man, Richard Tutche [...] late of Crowton in the County afore­said Yeoman, Ioseph Hall late of [...] in the County Poste [...] scile. pred. vicesimo nono dic Jan. Anno Decimo nono supradi­cto vi & ar­mis &c. apud Namptwich pred. in Com. predicto con­tra dictum Dom. Regem supremum ve­rum & ind [...] ­bita [...]: Dom. suum cum magna multi­tudine, genti­um sur. predi­ctis ignot : ad numerum [...] ­um mille per­sonarum modo guerrino ar­mat. & arraiat : vid. cum [...]m­panis [...]lice drums▪ g [...] ­diis, ha [...]is, & tormentis, & aliis armis tam invasivis quam defensi­vis illicite & proditorie ad-tunc & ibidem [...]n simul con­gregar. & as­semblat. guer­ram publicam contra dictum Dom. Regem apud Nampt­wich pred. in com. predicto dicto vicesimo nono Die Jan. Anno supra­dicto prodi­torie par­averunt, ordi­naverunt perpetrave­runt, & leva­ver : contra li­geanc: suas debitas in magnum pe­riculum per­sone Regie di­ [...]i Dom. Regis ac subversio­nis Regni sui Angliae ac contra pacem dicti Do. Re­gis nune Cor. & dignitat. quas ac contra formam Stat. in hujusmodi casu edit : & provis. Attorn. Dom. Regis pro. Iur. magna. Billa vera. aforesaid Yeoman, Iohn Miller late of Kingsley in the County aforesaid Yeoman, Iohn Sarton late of Crowton in the County aforesaid Yeoman, George Edge late of King­sley in the County aforesaid Yeoman, and Robert Blinston late of Netherton in the County aforesaid Yeoman, not having the fear of God [...]ore their eyes, nor regarding their due allegeance, but being moved and seduced by the instigation of the Devill, utterly withdrawing the love as also the true affection and obedience which a true and faithfull Subject of our Lord CHARLES now King of England, &c. towards Him then King, bear and are bound to bear. As also endeavouring, and with all their po [...]er striving the common peace and tranquility of this king­dome to disturbe, the 29 day of January, in the yeare of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord CHARLES by the grace of God of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, &c. the Nineteenth, at Namptwich in the said County trayterously contrived imagined, and intended a Rebellious War & Insurrection against the said Lord & King to raise & stir up within the Kingdom of England. And for the accomplishment of their said In­tention; and to bring the same to passe; they the said William Brereton, Thomas Fairsax, &c. afterwards, that is [Page 8] to say, the said twenty ninth day of January in the yeare aforesaid, in the county aforesaid, against the peace of our said Lord and King, with force of Armes, &c. at Nampt­wich aforesaid the said twenty ninth day of Jan. with a great number of people unknown to this Jury, to the num­ber of three thousand persons, armed and arrayed in a warlike manner with Drums, Swords, Pikes, Guns, and other Armes, as well offensive as defensive, falsly and trayterously then and there together in a publike Warre against our said Lord and King at Namptwich aforesaid in the county aforesaid the said twenty ninth day of Ja­nuary in the year aforesaid, trayterously ordered prepared and levyed against their Allegeance due to the great dan­ger of the person of the said Lord and King, the subversi­on of this Kingdome of England, And against the peace of our Soveraign Lord the King his Crown and Dignity, and against the forme of the Stat: in that case provi­ded.

The Kings Attorney Prosecutor.
The Jury of Inquest.
The Bill is found.

THe Jury for our Lord the King upon their oaths pre­sent Cestr. st. Juratores pro Dom. Rege super sacr : suum presen­tant. Quod Guilielmus Brereton, [...] ­per de Hand­ford in Com. Cestr. Baronet. Georgius Booth nuper de Du [...] ­ [...]a [...] in Com. predi [...]o miles & Baronett. &c. that Ʋ Ʋilliam Brereton late of Handford in the county of Ch [...]ster Baronet, George Booth late of Dunham in the county aforesaid Knight and Baronet, Tho. Brom­field late of VVitton in the county aforesaid Gentleman, Henry Brook late of Norton in the county aforesaid Esq; Ralph Ardern late of Hard [...]n in the county aforesaid Esq; Robert Gregg late of Hapesford in the county aforesaid Gent: Robert Gregg junior, late of the same of the county aforesaid yeoman, Nathaniel Lancaster late of Tarpurley in the county aforesaid Clark, Iohn Rathbone late of Er [...]y in the county aforesaid Gentleman, Thomas Malbore senior, late of Namptwich in the county aforesaid Gentleman, Thomas Malbore junior, late of the same in the county a­foresaid Gentleman, George Malbore late of the same in —Timor [...] Dei pro ocu­lis suis [...] habentes nec debit: ligeanti­am suam pon­derantes, sed instigatione [...] diaboli [...] mo [...] & sedu [...]i di­lectionem [...]c veram et de­bitam obe­dientiam quas veri & fideles subditi dom. nost [...] Caroli nunc Regis Angliae, &c. erga ipsum Dom : Regem gererent & de [...]ure gerere tenent. peni­tus subtrahen­ces ac machi­nantes, & to tisviribus suis intendent: pa­cem et comu­nem tranquil­ [...]itatem hujus Regni Anglie, perturbaredo­cimo Octavo Die Julii, An­no Regni dicti Dom. nostri Caroli Dei grat: An­gliae, Scotiae Franciae, & Hibernie Re­gis fidei de­sensor : &c. Decimo nono apud Nampt­wich, in Com. predicto pro­dictorie com­passaverunt imaginat: fuer & intende­bant guerram rebellionem & insurrecti­onem contra dictum dom: Regem infra hoc Regnum Angliae levare & suscitare & ad easdem prodictiones imaginationes & intentione suas predictas perimplen­das & ad effe­ctum redi­gend iidem Guilietmus Brereton, Georgius Booth &c. the county aforesaid Gentleman, Iames Gar [...]ide late of Tarvin in the county aforesaid Gent. Richard Golb [...] of the same in the county aforesaid Gent. Iohn Bostoc [...] late of Tatton Hall in the county aforesaid Esq; Roger Bradley late of Bradley in the county aforesaid Gent. Tho. N [...]den late of Namptwich in the county aforesaid Mercer, George Edgely late of Ashton in the county aforesaid Gent. Will. Edwards late of Tarond in the county aforesaid Mercer Will. Edwards junior, late of the same Gent. Iohn Wynne late of the same Ironmonger. Rob. Ʋenables late of Antro­bus in the county aforesaid Gent. Iohn Ru [...]ter late of God­cr [...]ft in the county aforesaid Gent. R [...]chard H [...]a [...]h late of Frodsham in the county aforesaid Yeoman, William Witter late of the same in the county aforesaid yeoman, Thomas Ba [...]er late of the same in the county aforesaid yeoman, [Page 10] [...] [Page 11] [...] [Page 10] Humph. Minshall, late of Kinderton in the County afore-foresaid Gent. Pet. Minshal late of the same in the Coun: aforesaid Gent. Ioseph Hall late of Fr [...]dsham in the Co [...] aforesaid Gen. Humph. Iohnson late of Nuton in the coun­ty aforesaid Gent, Galbert Ireland late of Crowton in the county aforesaid Esq; Ʋ Ʋilliam Harri [...]on late or Minshal Vernon in the co: aforesaid yeo: R [...]. Farrington of Stanthorn in the county aforesaid yeoman, Thomas Basnet late of the same in the county aforesaid yeoman, Ʋ Ʋilliam Ʋ Ʋalley late of Davenham in the county aforesaid yeoman, Tho­mas VValley late of Shipbrook in the county aforesaid yeo­man, Thomas Axon late of Lostwich in the county afore­said yeoman, Iohn Piersun late of Stanthorn in the county aforesaid yeoman, Iames VVright late of the same in the county aforesaid yeoman Iohn Milton late of Clive in the county aforesaid yeoman, Ralph Becket late of Nuton in the county aforesaid yeoman, Ioseph Smallw [...]d late of Sproston in the county aforesaid Webster, Iohn Damel late of Daresbury senior, in the county aforesaid Gent. Ʋ Ʋil. Tomlinson late of Ʋ Ʋarton in the county aforesaid Gent. Iohn Ʋ Ʋarburton late of great Budworth in the county a­foresaid Gent. William Iohnson late of Fredsham in the county aforesaid Smith, & R [...] Pike late of the same in the county aforesaid yeoman, and Gilbert Gerhard of Crew in the county aforesaid Gentleman, not having the feare of God before their eyes, nor regarding their due allegeance, but being moved and seduced by the instigation of the Divel utterly withdrawing the love, as also the true obe­dience, which a true and faithfull Subject of our Lord Charles, now King of England, &c. towards him their King, bear and are bound to bear; As also endeavouring, and with all their power striving the common peace and tranquility of this Kingdome of England to disturb, the 18. day of July, in the year of the Raign of our Soveraign Lord Charles by the grace of God of England, Scotland, France and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, &c. the 19 at Namptwich in the said county, trayterously contrived, [Page 11] imagined and intended a Rebellious Warre and Insur­rection against the said Lord and King, to raise and stirre up within this Kingdome of England: And for the ac­complishment of their said intentions, and to bring the same to passe, They the said VVil. Broreton, George Booth; &c. afterwards, that is to say, the said 18 Day of July in the year aforesaid, with force of Armes, &c. at Nampt­wich aforesaid in the county aforesaid against the Peace —Postea sci­licet predicto decimo octa­vo Die Julii, Anno supra dicto vi & ar­mis, &c. apud Namptwich predictem in Com. pred. contra dictum Dom. Regem supremum verum & in­dubitatum Do. suum cum magna multi­tudine genti­um suratori­bus pred. ig­not. ad nume­rum T [...]um mille perso­narum modo guerrino armat. & arraiat : videlicet cum Tympanis Anglice Drums, gladiis, hastis, tormentis & aliis armes tam invasivis quam defensivis illicite & prodit. ad tunc & ibidem in simul congregat: & assemblat: guerram publicam contra dict. Dom. Regem apud Namptwich predictam in Com. predicto dicto decimo octavo Die Julii Anno decimso nono supredicto proditorie parayerunt, ordina­verunt, & levavetunt, contra pacem dicti Dom. Regis runc Coro­nam & dignitatem suas, ac contra formam Statutorum in hujusmodi casu edit: & provis. Attorn. Dom. Regis prosecutor. Inq. Magna. Billa vera. of our said Lord and King, their supream, true, and un­doubted Lord, with a great number of people unknowne to this Jury, to the number of three thousand persons, ar­med and arrayed in a warlike manner, with Drums, Swords, Pikes, Guns, and other Arms, aswell offensive as defensive, falsly and trayterously then and there together in a publike warre against our said Lord and King at Namptwich aforesaid, in the County aforesaid, the said 18. Day of July in the year aforesaid, trayterously, orde­red, prepared, and levyed against their Allegeance due, and against the peace of our said Lord and King, his Crowne and Dignity, And contrary to the forme of the Statute in that Case provided.

The Kings Attorney Prosecutor.
The great Inquest.
The Bill is found.

THe Jury for our Lord the King, present upon their oaths, That VVilli [...]m Brereton late of Handford in the County of Chester, Baronet, Thomas Middleton late of Parndon in the said County Knight, Peter Egerton late of the same in the said County Esq; Iohn Holcroft late of Tarvyn of the said County Esquire (and many more in the Indictment;) not having the fear of God in their hearts; nor regarding their due Allegeance, but be­ing seduced and moved by the instigation of the Divell, utterly withdrawing the love, true, and due obedience, which a true and faithfull Subject of our Lord Charles now King of England, &c. towards our L. the King bear, and are bound to bear, endeavouring, and with all their power striving the common peace and tranquility of this Kingdom of England to disturbe, the 20 day of January, in the year of the Raign of our Soveraign Lord Charles by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ire­land King Defender of the Faith, &c. the 19 at Nampt­wich in the said County trayterously contrived, imagined and intended, a rebellious warre and insurrection against the said Lord and King to raise and stirre up, and for the accomplishment of their said intentions, and to bring the same to passe, they the said William Brereton, Tho. Mid­dleton, &c. afterwards, that is to say, the said 20 day of Ia­nuary in the 19 yeare aforesaid by force of Arms, &c. at Namptwich aforesaid, in the County aforesaid, against [Page 13] the peace of our said Lord and King, their supreame, true, and undoubted Lord, with a great multitude of people unknown to this Iury, to the number of three thousand persons, armed and arrayed in a war [...]ike manner, with Drums, Swords, Pi [...]us, Guns, and other Armes, as well offensive as defensive, falsly and trayterously, then, and there together gathered and assembled, and a publike war against our said Lord and King at Namptwich aforesaid, in the county aforesaid, the said twentieth day of Ianuary, in the year aforesaid, trayterously ordered, prepared, and levyed against their Allegeance due, to the great danger of the Kings person and subversion of this Kingdom; and contrary to the peace of our said Lord and King, his Crown and Dignity; and contrary to the forme of the Statute in that Case provided.

The Kings Attorney Prosecutor.
The great Inquest.
The Bill is found.

THe Jury for the Lord the King present upon their oaths, That William Brereton late of Handford in the county of Chester Baronet, Andrew Blacon late of Weston magna in the said county, &c. Not having the fear of God before their eyes: but being moved and seduced by the instigation of the Divell, utterly withdrawing the love, as also the true affection; which a faithfull Subject of our Lord Charles now King of England, &c. towards him their King, bear and are bound to bear; As also endea­vouring, and with all their power striving the common peace of the kingdome of England to disturbe the 29. day of January, in the yeare of the Raign of our Soveraigne Lord Charles, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, &c. the 19. at Namptwich in the said County, trayterously con­trived, imagined and intended a rebellious warre and in­surrection against the said Lord and King, to raise and stirre up within this kingdome of England; and for ac­complishment of their said Intentions, and to bring the same to passe, they the said W. Brereton, &c- afterwards, that is to say, the 29. day of Ian. in the yeare aforesaid, with force of Atms, &c. at Namptwich aforesaid, in the county aforesaid against the peace of our said Lord and King, their supream true & undoubted Lord, with a great number of people unknown to this Jury to the number of 3000. persons, armed, and arrayed in a warlike manner with Drums, Swords, Pikes, Guns, and other Arms, aswel offensive as defensive, falsly & trayterously then & there in a publike war against our said Lord & King at Nampt­wich aforesaid in the county aforesaid, the said 29. of Ian. in the year aforesaid, trayterously ordered, and prepared against their Allegeance due, and against the peace of our said Lord and King, his Crown; and Dignity; and contrary to the forme of the Statute in that Case provided.

The Kings Attorney Prosecutor.
The great Inquest.
The Bill is found.

Examined with the Originall, By me Thomas Acton.

A Coppy of an Inditement against John Moore Esquire found by the grand Jury.

JƲr. pro dom. Rege super sa­ [...]am. suum presen [...]t, quod Johannes Moore [...]. nuper de Weston in Com. Ceste. Ar. [...] dei in [...]rde suo non habens, nec debit. [...] suam p [...]d [...]ans, sed instigation. dia­bolica [...]. & seduct [...] dilec­tionem & reram & debit. obedi­entiam; quas rerus & fidel sub­dito dom nost. Caroli nun [...] regis Angl. &c. erga ipsun [...] Dom. Re­gem gerere [...] & de jure gerere tenetur penitus subtrabens & machinani, & totis viribus suis intendens, pacem & com. tranquilitatem hujus Regni Angl. preturbare vicesimo die Ianuar. Anno B [...]gni dom Ca­roli dei grat. Angl. Scot. Franc. & Hiber. Regis fidei defensore, &c. decimo n [...]no apud Weston in Com. pred. proditorie compassavi [...] imaginat. fuit & intendebat guerram, Rebellio­nem [Page 16] & insurrectio [...]m, cont. dict. Dom. Ragem infra hoc Regnum Angl. levare & suscitar Et ad easdem proditiones imagina­tiones & intentiones suas prae­dict. permiplend▪ & ad effect. redigend. It Johannes Moore postea seil. predict. vicesimo die Ianuar. Anno superdicto vi & Armis, &c. apud Weston pred. in Com. predict. cont. dict. Dom. Regem supremum ver [...]m & indubitat. dom suum. c [...]m magna multitudine Gent. Iar. predict. ignot. ad numer. cen­tum personar modo guerr [...]io armat & arraiat. viz. cum Tympanis, Anglice Drums, Gla­diis, Hastis, Tormentis & aliis Armis tam in vasivis quam defensivis, illicite & proditorie ad tunc & ibidem in simul con­gregat. & assemblat. guerram publicam cont. Dict. Dom. Re­gem apud Weston predict. in Com. predict. dict. vicesimo die Ianuar. An supradict. proditorie paravit, ordinavit & levavit, cont. pacem dict. dom. regis nunc Coronam & dignitat. su. ac cont. formam Statuti in hujus­mod. casu edit. & provis.

Attorn Dom. Reg. pros.
Jur. Billa vera.

THe Jury for our Soveraign Lord the King, upon their Oathes do present. That Io. Moor late of Eston in the Coun­ty of Chester, not having the feare of God in his heart, nor cōsidering his due allegiance, moved and se­duced by the instigation of the de­vill the love, the true and due o­bedience, which a true and faith­full subject of our Lord Charles now King of England, &c. towards his said Lord and King beareth, and of right i [...] bo [...]nd to beare, al­together withdrawing, and i­magining and with all his power intending, the peace and common tranquillity of this Realm of Eng­land to disturbe, the 20 day of Ianuary, in the year of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, & Ireland King, defender of the faith, &c. the 19th at Weston in the said County, [Page 16] trayterously did contrive, imagine and intend War, Rebellion and Insurrection against the said Lord and King within this Kingdome of England, and the same did ga­ther and stir up, And to performe and bring to passe, such his Trea­sons, Imaginations & intentions, The said Iohn Moore, afterwards, that is to say, the said 20th day of Innuary in the said year with force of Armes, &c. at Weston aforesaid in the said County against the said Lord and King, his supreame true and undoubted Lord, with a great number of people to the Jury un­knowne to the number of 100 persons, Armed and arrayed in a Warlike manner, that is to say, with Drums, Swords, Pikes, guns▪ and other Weapons, as­well offensive as defensive, falsly and trayterously then and there did gather and assemble toge­ther in a Warlike manner against the said Lord and King at West­on aforesaid the said twentieth day of Ian. in the yeare aforesaid, Trayterously prepared, ordered, and levied, against the peace of the said now Lord & King, his Crown and Dignity, and contraty to the forme of the Statute in that case made and provided.

The Kings Atturney prosecuteth the grand jury.
A true Bill.

The tenth of Febr. 19. Carol. A Coppy of an Outlary against Iohn Moore Esquire; with the returne of the Coronor Com. Cestr.

CArolus Dei gra. Angliae Scotiae Fran. & Hiberniae Rex, fidei defensor, &c.
vic. Cestr. salute

Precipi­mus tibi quod non omittas propter aliqut. libertat. Com. tui quin exigi faci­as Johannes Moor nu­per de Weston in Comit. tue, Ar. de Com. in Com. quousq: secund. legem & cōsuetud. regni nosti. ang. ut lagat finon compervet, Et si compreint tunc eum capias & salve custod. Ita quod habiam Cor. eus co­ram Iustic. nostris Cestr. apud Cestriam primo die prox. Session. Cestr. apud Cestr. tenend. Ad respond. nobis de qui Iusdam pro­diton. Rebellion, & In­surrect, [Page 18] unde idem Jo. hannes indictas existit. Et ad saciend. & recipi­end. quod cur nostra de eo tunc & ibib. constit Et a [...] istat [...]mp. Cestr. apud Cestr. ad cert. diem mand. Iustin. nost. quod predict. Jo. non est invent. in Bal­livo tua. Et habe [...] ibi. hoc Br [...].

Per K. Febr. 20. Car.
CHARLS by the Grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland King, defende of the faith, &c.
To our Sheriffes of Chester greeting.

Wee command thee notwithstanding any liberty within thy County, but that thou cause Joh [...] Moore late of Weston in the said Coun­ty Esquire, to bee summoned to ap­peare untill according to the Lawes and Customes of the Kingdome of England, hee be Outlawed if hee ap­peare not [...] doe appeare, that thou take and keepe him in safe custody, so that thou bringest his Bo­dy before our Justices of Chester, sit­ting at Chester the first day of the next Sessions of Chester at Chester to be held, to make answer unto us con­cerning diver [...] ▪ Treasons, Rebellions and Insurrections, whereof hee the said Iohn is Indicted, and to doe and receive what our Court shall thinke [Page 18] fit concerning him, And from that time wee command our Justices of Chester at a certaine day to certifie the neglect of appearance of him the said Iohn within thy Baillwick. And thou shall bring thither this Wait;

By K. February, in the twentieth Yeare of King Charles.

The Sheriffes returne is thus Englished.

VIrtute istiut [...]ble. mihi direct. ad Com men Cestr. tent. apud Cestr. in Com. Cestr. in com. Auta. [...] Com. pred. die Lunae videl. quarto die Martii, Anno Regni dom. Regis infra script. decimo [...] infra nominat. Johannes Moor primo exact. suit & non comparait, Ad. Com. meum Cestr. tent. apud Cestr. in com. Cestr. in com. A [...]la plime. com. [...] Lun [...] videl, primo, die April. Anno Reg. a [...]c [...]. [...] Regis vicesint [...]. Jo. Moor [...]. fuit & non [...] Cestr. tent apud Cestr. in com. Cestr. in com. Aula Pllo [...] [...]om pradi. die Lunae, viz. vitesinet novo die Apr. Ann. ult sup. pred. Jo­hannes Moor [...]ertia non [...] [Page 20] exact. fuit & non compar. Ad com. meum Cestr. tenti. apud Cestr. in com. Cestr. in com. Aula. plim. com pred. die Lunae, viz. vicesimo Septemo die Maii Ann. ult sup praedict. Joha. Moore quarto exact. fuit & non comparuit. & ad com. meum Cestr. tent. apud Cestr. in com. Cestr. in com. Aula plimt. com. pred. die Lunae videlic. vice simo quarto die Iunii An. ult supradict. pre­dicto Johan. Moore quin. exact fuit. & non compar. ideo pred. Johan. Moore pre judic. Jo. Wilson Gen. coronat. dict. dom. Regis com. pred. scundum legem & consuetudinem Regni Anglie ultagat est.

Istud bre. prout. indorsat mihi deliberat. fuit per pred. Ric. Grosvenor Ar. Rich Grosvenor. Ar. nuper vic. Chestr. in exita. ab of­ficio suo. Robert. Tatton. Ar. vict. com. Cestr.

BY vertue of this Writ to mee directed, to my County of Chester, held at Chester in the County of Chester, in the common Hall, for Pleas for that County, on Munday, that it to say the fourth day of March, in the yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord with in writ­ten the ninteenth, the with named Iohn Moore, had his first summons and appeared not. At my County Court of Chester, held at Chester in the County of Chester in the common Hall for Ple [...] for the County afore­said on [...] is to say, the first day of April in the yeare of the Raigne of our said Soveraigne Lord the Twentieth, the aforenamed Iohn Moore had a second summons, but appeared [...]or A [...] my County Court of Chester held at Chester in the County of Chester, in the common Hall, for Pleas for the said County, on Munday that is to say, the nine­teenth day of April in the Yeare last mentioned, the said Iohn Moore was [Page 20] summoned but appeared not. At my County Court of Chester, held at Chester in the County of Chester, in the common Hall for Pleas in the said County, on Munday that is to say, the seven and twentieth day of May in the Yeare last mentioned, the said Iohn Moore was summoned, but appeare not. At my County court of Chester, held at Chester in the common Hall for Pleas for the said county, on Munday, that is to say the 24 of Iune in the Yeare last mentioned the said Iohn Moore was summoned a fift time, but appeared not. Therefore the said Iohn Moore by the judgement of Iohn Wilson Gentleman the Coro­nor of our Soveraigne Lord the King for the said county, (according to the Law and custome of the Realme of England) is Outlawed.

Signed Rich. Grosvenour Esquire Sheriffe.

This Writ (as it is indorsed) was delivered unto me, by the said Rich Gravenour Esq late Sheriffe of Chester, at his departure out of his Office.

Signed. Robert Tatton Esq Sheriffe for the County of Chester.

The names of the Judges and Justices. Nomina eorum lustic. qui comparu­erunt ad Assisias Cestr. quinto die Febr. Anno regni Caroli Reg. Angl. &c. 19.

  • RObertus Vicecomes Cholmondly.
  • Thom. Mildward mil. Justic. Cestr.
  • Richardus Pritherow Ar. alt. Iust. Cestr.
  • Thom. Cholmley, Ar.
  • Richardus Brereton, Ar.
  • Emanuel Edwards, Ar.
  • Thomas Bromley.
  • Iohannes Werden, Ar.
  • Ionathan Woodnoth, Ar.
  • Iohannes Wilson, Coronator. Com. pred. tunc comp.
  • Willielmus Kelsall Gent. Capital. Constabul. Hund. de
  • Ra. Tunna Gent. Broxon tunc Comp.
  • Iohannes Robinson Gent. Capital. Constabul. Hund. de
  • Christoferus Bennet Gent. VVorall tunc Comp.
  • Fredericus Terry Gent. Bal. libertat. Hundred. de Broxen tunc comp.
  • Willielmus Massey Mil. Bal. libertat. Hundred. de VVorall tunc comp.
  • Richardus Grosvenor Ar. vic. Com. Cestr. tunc.

The names of the Jury. Nomina Iur. jur. supr. Inquisition. magnam ad Session. Cestr. tent. apud Cestr. &c. quinto die Febr. Anno regni Caroli Angl. &c. decimo nono.

  • HUgo Cholmley de Culceley mil.
  • Henric. Bunbury de Stancy Ar.
  • Richard. Brereton de Ashley, Ar.
  • Johan. Bellot de Morton, Ar.
  • Petrus Leicester de neith Tabley Ar.
  • Hugo Wilbraham de Eccleston Ar.
  • Jonathan Woodnath de Sheuton Ar.
  • Thom. Trafford de Bridge Trafford Ar.
  • Edmund. Pessall de Oven Ar.
  • Wil. Hassall de Hankelow Ar.
  • Wil. Brock de Upton Gen.
  • Lauerenc. Wymington de Armitage Gen.
  • Richard. Mallory de Mobberley Gen.
  • Robert. Weever de Cholmondley Gen.
  • Elisha Manwaring de Martyn Gen.
  • Wil. Meyre de Meyre Gen.
  • Stanleus Burroughes de Tassington Gen.
  • Petrus. Hatton de Quistybirches Gen.
  • Johan. Kelsall de Mickle Trafford Gen.
  • Thom. Ponket de Bridge Trafford Gen.
  • Johan. Frygg de Whitby Gen.
  • Jacobus Hulwood de Sutton Gen.
  • Robertus Waynright de Christleton Gen.

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