IN WHICH ALSO The most predominant and reigning Diseases and Distempers afflicting Humane Nature in this Age, are briefly hinted at; together with their Cure by appropriated and adapted Medicines, wherein the Author, (through the Blessing of God upon his Endeavours) hath been very Successful: and those Remedies which by long Practice and Experience, he hath found both safe and effectual in restoring languishing and afflicted Nature, he hath here published for the good of all.

The following Chymical Medicaments and Preparations may be had at the Author's House

In Grace-Church-street, Nagshead-Court, at the Sign of the Three Golden Keys near Lumbard-street, where any may be furnished with what Quantities they please, especially those who make great Voyages, they being such as will keep their Vertues throughout all Climes and parts of the Word, being proper for Prevention as well as Cure.

London, Printed by John Bringhurst, for the Author, 1682.


AS the Diseases and Distempers incident to Humane Nature are many and grievous, such is the favour of God granted unto us by the indulging hand of his Providence, that he hath largely contri­buted to its comfort herein, whereby we are furnished with Means or Remedies, with his Blessing to remove the same. And he hath also decreed, bounteous Nature should not be wanting to us therein. Wherefore what God hath communicated unto us in this Science, either by infor­mation from Himself, or by Experience in the Practick Part of Physick, I hereby publish for the benefit of the Sick the following Medicaments, being also prepared with that Care which Art and Nature do require.

Catalogus Medicamentorum Chymicorum. A Catalogue of Chymical Medicaments.
Aquae Medicinales. Medicinal Waters.
AQua Oplithalmica EYe Water
Aqua Reginae Hungariae Queen of Hungaries Water
Aqua Diaphoretica Sudorifick Water
Aqua Febrifuga Water against Agues
Aqua Epidemica Surfeit Water
Aqua Expulsiva Expulsive Water
Acetum Antimonii Vinegar of Antimony
Gas Sulphuris Ens primum
Aqua Nephritica. Nephritick Water.
Spiritus. Spirits.
Spiritus Salis Spirit of Salt
Spiritus Vini Hispanici Spirit of Sack
Spiritus Salis dulcis Spirit of Salt dulcified
Spiritus Nitri dulcis Spirit of Nitre dulcified
Spiritus Salis Armoniaci Spirit of Salt Armoniack
Spiritus Vitrioli dulcis Spirit of Vitriol dulcified
Spiritus Cornu Cervi Spirit of Harts-horn
Spiritus Balsamicus Balsamick Spirit
Spiritus Salviae Spirit of Sage
Spiritus vini Tartarisatus Spirit of Wine Tartarized
Spiritus Cochleareae Spirit of Scurvy-grass
Spiritus Mellis Spirit of Honey
Spiritus Glycyrhizae. Spirit of Licorish
Spiritus Compositi Drops.
Spiritus Antepilepticus Epileptick Drops
Spiritus Antinephriticus Drops against the stone
Spiritus Adjuvans Helping Drops
Spiritus Antiparilyticus Drops against the Palsey
Laudanum Liquidum Helmon'ts Drops
Spiritus Cephalicus Drops to strengthen the Head
Circulatum Medium Middle Circulate
Remedium Princepis. Princes Drops.
Tincturae. Tinctures.
Tinctura Cordialis Cordial Tincture
Tinctura Lilii Tincture of Lilly
Tinctura Solis Tincture of Gold
Tinctura Digestiva Digestive Tincture
Tinctura Corallorum Tincture of Coralls
Tinctura Anodyna Pain-stilling Tincture
Tinctura Tartari Tincture of Tartar
Tinctura Regalis Royal Tincture
Tinctura Antimonii Tincture of Antimony
Tinctura Aurata Golden Tincture
Tinctura Succini Tincture of Amber
Tinctura Balsamica. Balsamick Tincture.
Elixiaria. Elixirs.
Elixir Cordiale Cordial Elixir
Elixir Proprietatis Elixir of Propriety
Elixir Helmontii volatile Elixir Volatile of Helmont
Elixir Sulphuris Vitrioli Elixir of the sulphur of vitriol
Elixir Diaphoreticum Sweat-causing Elixir
Elixir Cochleareae Elixir of Scurvygrass
Elixir Juniperinum Elixir of Juniper berries
Elixir Aurantiorum Elixir of Oranges
Elixir Citriorum Elixir of Citrons
Elixir Subtilitatis Elixir of Subtlety
Elixir Salutis Elixir of Health
Elixir Lavendulae Elixer of Lavender
Elixir vitae Elixer of Life.
Essentiae. Essences.
Essentia Olivarum Essence of Olives
Essentia Cornu-cervi Essence of Harts-horn
Essentia Stomachica Stomach Essence
Essentia Eboris Essence of Ivory
Essentia Mannae Essence of Manna
Essentia Melissae Essence of Baume
Essentia Menthae Essence of Mint
Essentia Majoranae Essence of Marjerom
Essentia Thymi Essence of Time
Essentia Salviae Essence of Sage
Essentia Chamaemeli Essence of Chamomil
Essentia Helenii Essence of Elicampane
Essentia Croci Essence of Saffron
Essentia Mellis Essence of Honey.
Species. Powders.
Pulvis Bezoarticus Bezoartick Powder
Bezoardicum Minerale Mineral Bezoar
Bezoardicum Metallicum Metalline Bezoar
Aurum vitae Gold of Life
Antimonium Diaphoreticum Antimony Causing-sweat
Mercurius Diaphoreticus Mercury Causing-sweat
Species Salutaris Species Powder
Pulvis Resolutivus Resolving Powder
Pulvis Lithontripticus Powder against the Stone
Pulvis ad Dentes Powder to fasten and whiten Teeth
Ens Veneris Ens of Venus
Pilulae. Pills.
Pilulae Polychrestae Pills of great Ʋse
Pilulae Regales Royal Pills
Pilulae Lunares Lunar Pills
Pilulae Amicae Sweetning Pills
Pilulae Speciei (salutaris) Species Pills
Pilulae Cephalicae Head Pills
Pilulae Roborantes Strengthening Pills
Pilulae Laudani Paracelsi Pills of Laudanum Paracelsis
Pilulae Antipodagricae Pills against the Gout
Pilulae Pectorales Pectorall Pills
Pilulae Galliae Gallican Pills
Pilulae Francofortenses Francfort Pills
Pilulae Starkii Matthews Pills
Pilulae Delaunei De Laun's Pills
Pilulae Solaris Solar Pills
Grana Angelica. Dr. Anderson's Pills.
Extracta. Extracts.
Extractum Febrifugum Extract against Agues
Extract. Hydropicum Extract against Dropsies
Extract. Animale Animal Extract
Extract. Vegetabile Vegetable Extract
Extract. Orvietanum Extract of Orvietan
Extract. Specificum Specifick Extract
Extract. Catholicum. Ʋniversal Extract.
Olea. Oyls.
Oleum Succini Oyl of Amber
Oleum Mastichis Oyl of Mastick
Oleum Cerae Oyl of Wax
Oleum Thuris Oyl of Frankincense
Oleum Caryophyllorum Oyl of Cloves
Oleum Camphorae Oyl of Camphire
Oleum Absinthii Oyl of Wormwood
Oleum Anisi Oyl of Anis-seeds
Oleum Spicae Nardi Oyl of Spikenard
Oleum Butleri Butler's Oyl
Oleum Sulphuris per Camp. Oyl of Sulphur
Oleum Vitrioli. Oyl of Vitriol.
Salia. Salts.
Sal Tartari Salt of Tartar
Sal Sennerti Salt of Sennertus
Sal Martis Salt of Mars
Sal Saturni Salt of Saturn
Sal Antimonii Salt of Antimony
Sal Succini Salt of Amber
Sal volatile Oleosum Sylvii Sylvius his Salt
Sal seu Lapis salutis. Salt of Health.
Tabellae. Loz [...]ges.
Tabellae Cordiales Cordial Lozenges
Tabellae Pectorales Pectoral Lozenges
Tabellae Aperitivae. Cleansing and opening Lozenges.
Balsami. Balsoms.
Balsamus Sulphuris anisatus Balsom of Sulphur-anisate
Balsamus Sulphuris communis Balsom of common Sulphur
Balsamus Sulphuris Vitrioli Balsom of Sulphur of Vitriol
Balsamus Sulphuris Antimonii Balsom of Sulphur of Antimony
Balsamus Succini Balsom of Amber
Balsamus Animalis Animal Balsom
Balsamum Rubrum. Lucatellus Balsom.
Ungenta. Oyntments.
Ungentum Martis Oyntment of Mars
Unguentum Flavum Yellow Oyntment
Unguentum Coeruleum Blew Oyntment
Unguentum Primum First Oyntment
Unguentum Secundum Second Oyutment
Linimentum Vitrioli Liniment of Vitriol
Unguent. Diaphreticum Diaphretick Oyntment.
Emplastra. Plaisters.
Emplastrum Aureum Golden or Stitch Plaister
Empl. Magneticum Magnetick Plaister
Empl. Bezoarticum Bezoartick Plaister
Empl. Rubrum Red Plaister
Empl. Nigrum Black Plaister
Empl. Tertium Third Plaister
Empl. Febrifugum Ague Plaister
Empl. Wurtzium. Felix Wurtz's Plaister.
Aurum Potabile. Potable Gold.

This Choice and Noble Preparation is added here as a Seal to all the rest as being a great help for renewing and restoring of Languishing Nature.

AS the preceeding Catalogue informs of some sublime, and other the most useful Chymical Preparations; be pleased to receive this further information concerning some eminent and particular Cures, whereby the Distempers following may be deprived of that advantage they otherwise might arrive at.

I. Of the Scurvy.

The Eminently Afflicting Distemper of this Land radically con­sidered, the Learned acquiesce herein, that it is an ill habit of the body, or a disproportion of Humours, commonly called the Scarvy, [Page]whose hostile quality assaults nothing less than the purest part of the blood, whence a putrefaction thereof ensues, and consequently an Abridgement of Life, even in Infancy, if a timely Remedy be not found. Wherefore in any Sex or Age or at any season of the Year, in England, Holland, or America, let our Anti-scorbutick Medicins be known, and esteemed as true Specificks, which with much ease pre­serve from, and Cure the Scurvy.

The Symptoms of the Scurvy in the Phlegmatick and Melancholick are

Ill digestion of food, extream cold and dulness of head, shortness and difficulty of breathing, weakness in the back, pain in the Limbs, more especially in the knees and joynts of the Arms, swelling in the Legs and Stomach, botches and breakings forth of the Body, with a heaviness of the whole, and great aptness to sleep.

For Cure of these, Ʋse

Spiritus Cochleareae Spirit of Scurvygrass
Pilulae Regales Royal Pills
Essentia Stomachica Stomach Essence
Pill. Polychrest. Pills of great Ʋse.

Symptoms of the Scurvy in the Sanguin and Cholerick.

Great Drought, and inveterate Head-ach, pains in the sides, in­flammations, especially in the Legs and Face, dizziness in the Head, and great unaptness to sleep, also impostumes, and risings in several parts of the body, which are Cured with

Elixir Cochleareae Elixir of Scurvygrass
Pilulae Regales Royal Pills
Spiritus Adjuvans. Helping Drops.

Descending to particulars we begin with the Head, and Medicines conducing to the Cure thereof.

II. Diseases of the Head.

The Head is a noble yet tender part of the Body, and is often weakned by Distempers incident thereunto, which are sufficiently known to the Patient, by the pain and stupidity they expose him to, and to us by Symptoms, Names or Terms appropriate, as Im­postumes, [Page 7]Convulsions, Apoplexies, Vertigo, Megrim, Lethargy, Falling Sick­ness, Palsy, &c. In order to the Curing whereof we have successfully used and do recommend

Elixir Sulphuris Vitrioli Elixir with the Sulphur Vitriol
Pilulae Polychrest. Pills of great Ʋse
Spiritus Cephalicus Drops to strengthen the Head
Aqua Ophthalmica Eye Water
Pilulae Francofortenses. Francfort Pills.

III. Diseases afflicting the Neck and Throat.

Some are afflicted with Inflammations, whence arise Cancers and Ʋlcers, others have hard tumors and swellings, called Scrophulae, or the Kings-Evil, which fix themselves there as much as in any part of the Body, and as much as most Enemies to Health.

For the Cure of which we recommend such Medicinal Preparati­ons as the nature of the grief requires wholly to extinguish both the Diseases and its Symptoms, as are

Piluae Polychrestae Pills of great Ʋse
Pilulae Caeruleae Blew Pills
Pulvis Resolutivus Resolving Powder
Tinctura digestiva Digestive Tincture
Elixir Cochleareae Elixir of Scurvy-grass
Linimentum Vitrioli. Liniment of Vitriol.

IV. For the Stomach.

A weak or foul Stomach if the humors annoying it be not eva­cuated or corrected, it not only is disabled to convert food into good nourishment, but on the contrary corrupts what should nourish, and turns it into an unprofitable mass, whereby the Body suffers, and many distempers follow, which may be prevented or remedied by the Use of such Medicines as are particularly adapted to remove the evil, and settle or establish the good order thereof, viz.

Pilulae Species (Salutaris) Species Pills
Pills Polychrest. Pills of great Ʋse
Essentia Stomachica Stomach Essence
Aqua Diaphoretica Sudorifick Water
Acetum Antimonii Vinegar of Antimony
Gas Sulphuris. Ens Primum.

V. For the Breast and Lungs.

The distempers and afflictions of which are inveterate Coughs, Catarrhs, Astmahs, Consumptions, caused by a flux of Humors or rheumatick distillations on the Lungs; attended with shortness of breath, want of appetite, and many other infirmities, which so im­paireth the Body, that no part thereof enjoyeth the function, nature hath ordained it for: to cure which we commend such Medicines as are truly renovating and effectually restoring the Patients with ease, viz.

Balsam. Sulph. Communis Balsom of Sulphur, common
Extractum Sulphuris Extract of Sulphur
Pilulae pectorales Pectoral Pills
Spiritus Adjuvans Helping Drops
Acetum Antimonii Vinegar of Antimony
Gas Sulphuris Ens primum
Remedium Principis. Princes Drops.

VI. For the Heart.

The profoundest Students in Nature, and Spagyrical Science in all Ages, esteem'd it their duty to regard the Heart as the seat of Life, nor would I appear to have any other than a venerable esteem of this Aphorism, and to tender both the Fabrick and Life of Man, as the workmanship and delight of the great Creator. In order whereunto as it hath pleased him to place me, where I might be serviceable to them, so have I made it my study to be faithful herein, and by the same hand have been conveyed unto me such select cordial Medicines, as are necessary to fortifie the Heart, and to withstand or overcome the afflicting pains of it; such as are

Tinctura Lilii Ticture of Lilly
Elixir Vitae Elixir of Life
Essentia Croci Essence of Saffron
Spiritus adjuvans Helping Spirit
Tinctura Solis Tincture of Gold
Aurum Potabile. Potable God.

VII. Obstructions of the Liver and weakness of the Spleen.

The Liver being the fountain or spring of the little Rivers or Veins of the Microcosme, if this be obstructed or hindred in its office, the other parts of the body languish and complain thereof, whence dangerous diseases are threatned. The Spleen also when it is beset and overcharged with ill juyces commonly called humors, it is afflicted and stirs up the passion thereof, afflicts the vitals, oppresseth the Spirits, and fiills the Body with vapors and melancholy fits, and annoys the head with dizziness and other afflictions, which are so many, that for brevity sake we omit them: however we have Medi­cines if not Arcanums, that powerfully tend to reconcile the discord in Nature, which ariseth on that account, viz.

Pilulae Lunares Lunar Pills
Pilulae Polychrest. Pills of great Ʋse
Pilulae Regales Royal Pills
Elixer Cochleareae Elixir of Scurvy-grass
Tinctura Tartari Tincture of Tartar
Tinctura Aurata Golden Tincture
Sal Martis. Salt of Mars.

VIII. For the Bowels and Belly.

These parts of the Body are also often afflicted, as with Gripings, Excoriations, Bloody-flux, Colick, Iliack-passion, and other violent paint, for which there are special Remedies found to restore them (with Gods Blessing) to their natural and ordained ease, viz.

Bezoardicum Metallicum Metalline Bezoar
Species Salutaris Species Powder
Elixir Salutis Elixir of Health
Elixir Juniperinum Elixir of Juniper-berries
Aurum Potabile Potable Gold
Pilulae Regalis Pills Royal.

IX. For the Stone, Gravel of the Kidneys and Stoppage of Ʋrine, also weakness of the Back.

The Stone and Gravel by their extremity of pain, have exposed many Patients to great Travail and Expence to seek a Remedy, and when they fall into the hand of such as attempt the Cure by way of [Page 10]cutting, it often misseth its desired end, to the Patients grief, and sadning of their Friends. But the Medicines we give are not only safe, but effectual in dissolving or wasting gradually the hardned mat­ter, to the Comfort of the Patient, as may be experienced in the following Medicines.

Spiritus Nitri dulcis Spirit of Nitre dulcified
Pulvis Lithontripticus Stone Powder
Elixir Salutis Elixir of Health
Sal Succini Salt of Amber
Aqua Nephritica. Nephritick Water.

X. For the Gout and Sciatica.

The Gout is attended with pains so violent, that those that feel them think it impossible to express the sense thereof, to speak nothing of the long continuance of the same with some, which at last ushers them to the Shades, yet for this rooted greif is also a Balm afforded, viz.

Tinctura Digestiva Digestive Tincture
Aqua Diaphoretica Sudorifick Water
Pilulae Antipodagricae Gout Pills
Pil. Polychrest. Pills of great Ʋse
Bals. Animalis Animal Balsom
Ol. Butleri. Butler 's Oyle.

XI. Surfeits.

Surfeits either of heat or cold, eating or drinking any thing noxious to the Stomach, are incident to most Complexions and Ages, which often bring the strongest to that weakness, which terminates in the Grave. In this cause, without any offence to any, we are furnished with such Remedies as do recover with pleasure and ease. viz.

Elixir Vitae Elixir of Life
Pil. Polychrest. Pills of great Ʋse.
Pilulae Regales Pills Royal
Essentia Stomachica Stomach Essence
Species Salutaris. Species Powder.

XII. Impostumes and Pleurisies.

Impostumes proceed from an indisposition of the blood, and thereby become Chronical, or from accident and then they are acute, as in the Pleuresie, which often assaults the Life with such violence, as [Page 11]puts the Patient in danger of a speedy death, to prevent which we recommend

Spiritus Adjuvans Helping Drops
Pilulae Regales Royal Pills
Pil. Polychrest. Pills of great Ʋse
Unguentum Diaphoreticum Diaphoretick Oyntment
Emplastrum Aureum Golden or Stitch Plaister.
Specif. Digestiv. cum Aq. Regin. Hung. Tinctura Digestiva Digestive Tincture
Aqua Regin. Hungariae. Queen of Hungaries water.

XIII. Feavers and Small Pox.

Feavers are no less than a passion of the blood, which hath often boldly challenged the Physitian, by afflicting his Patient, to allay the fury and rage thereof. In this case we advise the region of the Sto­mach to be anointed with our Diaphoretick Balsom, then take

Spirit. Adjuvans Helping Drops
Pulvis Bezoardicus Bezoartick Powder
Circulatum Medium. Middle Circulate.

XIV. Small-Pox.

When the Small Pox are attended with a kind of Malignant Fea­ver, be the Patient young or old use the Diaphoretick Balsom to the Stomack, as also to the Reins of the Back, and the side too, in case there be any pain there, which will soon procure ease and bring out the Small Pox, which being out, and any one of the following Me­dicines being administred, the Sick will find the benefit, and the Ob­server satisfied.

Pil. Polychrest. Pills of great Ʋse
Spiritus Adjuvans Helping Drops
Tinctura Solis Tincture of Gold
Aurum Potabile. Potable Gold.

XV. Tertian or quartan Agues.

The Cause of Agues is in Man, it being a Creation of his own, a Chaos, made up of passion and fear, by which a matter is contracted, into which a particular spirit enters, of a violent nature, by the con­tinuance of which other diseases are contracted according to the habit of the body, which daily grows weaker, because of the continual assaults of Life, which at last unwillingly yields to leave its habita­tion: [Page 12]to prevent which the vital spirit is to be assisted, and the acci­dents removed by such experienced Medicins, to a perfection of the Cure, which hath been often performed in old and young, both Summer and Winter: such are

Pil. Lunares Lunar Pilln
Pil. Polychrestae Pills of great use
Aq. Febrifuga Water against Agues
Bezoard. Minerale Mineral Bezoar
Pil. Regales Royal Pills
Emplast. Febrifugum Ague Plaister
Elixir Diaphoreticum. Sweat-causing Elixir.

XVI. Weakness of the Back.

By reason of relaxation or fluxes, and other griefs, is the back often weakned, and weakness in that part of the Body is an inlet to many distempers, to prevent and restore which, we direct Medicines proper and effectual for the curing thereof, provided the Patient take first for three or four days after another of Antiscorbutick Pills, and then

Pilulae Roborantes Strengthening Pills
Pilulae Polychrest. Pills of great use
Extract. Specificum. Specifick Extract.

XVII. For the Dropsie.

The Dropsie is a Distemper known to reduce the esteemed and worthy Structure of Human Nature into an unprofitable Mass, favou­ring neither the corpulent nor the slender. But our design here be­ing chiefly to give a Catalogue of Medicines prepared, and not so much a Treatise of the Cause of Diseases, our omission thereof will be excusable. Yet this we say, whilst the Liver is obstructed, the Reins defective, the Kidneys wasting, and weakness predominant, the event inevitably follows. But the means ordained for the Cure being carefully prepared, hath not returned without the desired Success, being in time carefully administred, such Medicaments are

Pilulae Lunares Lunar Pills
Tinct. Cordialis Cordial Tincture
Elixir Vitae Elixir of Life
Elixir Salutis Elixir of Health
Pilulae Polychrest. Pills of great Ʋse
Extract. Hydrop. Extract against Dropsies
Aurum Potabile. Potable Gold.

XVIII. For the Palsie.

The Palsie afflicts not only the Head, but taketh also possession of other parts, to the debilitating and making useless, part of, if not the whole Body, if seasonable administrations of restorative, vivifying and strengthening Medicines be not procured, for the preventing and speedy Cure of which, we recommend these following Medicines, by which many with the blessing of God have been restored to the acti­vity and use of their Limbs.

Pilulae Lunares Lunar Pills
Pilulae Regales Royal Pills
Pilulae Polychrest. Pills of great Ʋse
Elixir Lavendulae Elixir of Lavender
Spiritus Adjuvans Helping Drops
Aurum Potabile. Potable Gold.

XIX. Ruptures and Broken-Bellies.

This infirmity often happens to many, either by violent exercise, as hard riding, suddain lifting or overstreaching of the body, or from indispositions, as ventrosities and extream cold, when the body is reduced to impotency by continued and weakning afflictions. Those that are bowed down and labour under the deviding violenqu thereof, are most sensible of the misery they endure. Would to God they might be sensible of his Mercies herein, that puts me, as experienced in the effectual curing hereof, to publish the same for the content and satisfaction of many. And please to be informed, that to avoid pro­lixity, we delight not in the tedious commendations either of these or any other Medicinal Preparations: yet I doubt not that those who shall have occasion to use them, may find the benefit thereof, in a far higher degree of Service, than I commend them.

Pilulae Regales Royal Pills
Pilulae Roborantes Strengthening Pills
Spirit. Adjuvans Helping Drops
Unguent. Primum First Oyntment
Unguent. Socundum Second Oyntment
Emplastrum Tertium. Third Plaister.

XX. Fistula's and stubborn Ʋlcers.

Fistula's when once setled have always been difficult to remove, the humors which cause it being so corroding and fretting, that it forceth a current where Nature never intended it, and that often near the Eye, a place for its tenderness very remarkable, as well as in other parts of the body, for which we are stored with excellent Balm and Specifick Remedies appropriated to the several members, wheresoever they happen to fix themselves, as

Aqua Diaphoretica Sudorifick Water
Pilulae Ceruleae Blew Pills
Pilulae Regales Royal Pills
Extract. Animale Animal Extract
Extract. Vegetabile Vegetable Extract
Pilulae Polychrestae Pills of great Ʋse.

XXI. Leprosie and Tetters.

No doubt but those who are troubled with this Evil, would be glad to be clear of it, for nature allows as little of deformity as pain: neither can these diseases be said to be without pain, for they are numbred among the Enemies of Life. However effectual Remedies are here prescribed for the rooting of them out, as also for preserving the inward parts from being hurt thereby, and consequently from the danger that would ensue: for the Cure of these make use of

Aqua Diaphoretica Sudorifick Water
Pilulae Ceruleae Blew Pills
Extract. Animale Animal Extract
Tinctura Digestiva Digestive Tincture
Unguent. Flavum. Yellow Oyntment.

XXII. Sore Breasts and Cancers.

The Breasts and Paps are known to be very tender parts, and subject to many griefs, which some have found mortal, others given over as incurable, especially in Cancers. To be silent in what God hath discovered to us herein, were to obscure a Blessing many might desire, and in a modest sense have right to enjoy. Is there not a [Page 15]Balm ordained for the afflictions of any part of the Body? Except we prove ungrateful to God and unjust to our selves, we cannot plead ignorance, as to the order and manner to the aforesaid griefs, in any part of the Body, whilst they are yet growing, for several have found the certainty of it to their comfort and our Satisfaction, the Medi­cines are

Pilulae Polychrest. Pills of great Ʋse
Extract. Animale Animal Extract
Mercur. Diaphoreticus Mercury causing Sweat
Elixir Cochleareae Elixir of Scurvy-grass
Ens Veneris Ens of Venus
Oleum Butleri Butler 's Oyl
Pilulae Gallicae. Gallican Pills.

XXIII. Barrenness.

Barrenness may not justly be attributed to Nature, for Nature was ordained to bear and bring forth, and therefore rarely nourisheth any thing that opposeth her course herein: nevertheless accidents often prevail against Nature, whence obstructions proceed, and unnatural consequences do follow. But having by Gods permission contem­plated the state of things that are, I took Liberty to write of this Subject, seeing that many in a married state, who might have ex­pected to bear Children, have proved Barren; and know this to be a certain Truth, that unnatural defects and obstructions may by a Divine Blessing on Physical Means be effectually removed, and Na­ture restored to enjoy its decreed and ultimate end or honour. Whence know that our consideration and studies herein for Medicines, have plentifully furnished us to the certain content and satisfaction of many. Which follow:

Elixir Cordiale Cordial Elixir
Pilulae Polychrest. Pills of great Ʋse
Tinct. Corallorum Tincture of Coralls
Tinct. Solis Tincture of Gold
Aurum Potabile. Potable Gold.

XXIV. Of Children and Rickets.

The Tenderness of the Antients towards Children in the time of breeding their Teeth, extended to careful search of such means as might contribute to their Ease and Relief in the Extremity and Violence thereof, the Knowledge of which we Promote and Esteem, having found profitable,

Manila Necklaces
Pilulae Polychrest. Pills of great Ʋse
Tinct. Antimonii Tincture of Antimony
Aurum Potabile Potable Gold
Extractum Catholicum Ʋniversal Extract
Remedium Principis. Princes Drops.

Besides the fore-recited Maladies, there is one more which those that are afflicted with, never desire to possess one year, much less to Entail it on their Posterity; the malignity whereof infects the Bones that flourish with Marrow, and the Breasts that flow with Milk, fills the Body with Wounds, unnatural Sores and Putrefactions, but before it arrive to such an exalted degree of danger, it is atten­ded with Syptoms of less Note, sufficiently known not to be repeated here.

The Cure whereof in that regular way as Nature requires, we most approve and esteem of, which is carefully practised by us, whereby to rectifie the great indisposition of the Body, and to recover the corrupted mass of the blood to health, in order to which make use of

Aqua Diaphoretica Sudorifick Water
Pilulae Gallicae Gallican Pills
Aq. Expulsiva Expulsive Water
Pilulae Polychrest. Pills of great Ʋse
Merc. Diaphoreticus. Mercury causing sweat.

The Conclusion.

Other Diseases, Sicknesses and Infirmities not mentioned here were omitted for Convenience sake, and not of neglect, or for want of a due consideration of the Cause and Cure thereof: but we would esteem the Opinion of the Antients in this matter, whose Labour and Care was undoubtedly great, both to preserve and recover health, as their large Volumes extant witness for them; as also to honour this Worthy, Princely and Antient if not Sacred Science, and would not so much as have the terms thereof prostituted to every uncultivated mind, but with Gravity, commended and admired as the necessary means to enjoy Health, during the time of our Pilgri­mage, or sojourning here: whereby, if the Divine Power permit, we may arrive to a full Age, which was in days past accounted a great Blessing.

‘The Fear of the Lord prolongeth Life; for of the Most High cometh Healing.’

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