THE CASE Of the Landlords of the Houses IN White-Fryars, Salisbury-Court, Ram-ally, and Mitre-Court.

THAT by colour of a Clause in the late Act of Parliament (Entituled, An Act for the more effectual Relief of Creditors, in ca­ses of Escapes, and for preventing of Abuses in Prisons, and pretended privileged Places) which giveth Power to Sheriffs, and other Officers, which by Law, have Power to Arrest, and do other legal Executions in the said Places; and in case of Resistance or Refusal, to break open any Door or Doors, divers violent and unruly Persons, have been so bold as (when there was no Resistance, or any Demand to open the Doors) to break open several Houses in the said Places, and carried away the Inhabitants thereof, which hath de­terred many Persons of Value to abide and dwell in the said Places, or to take any of the said Houses to dwell in; whereby the said Places are now almost wholly Depopulated, whereby the Landlords are deprived of their Rent, but notwithstanding are obli­ged to Pay Taxes and Ground-rent to the utter Ruin of many whose Estates lye in some or one of the said Places.

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