A VINDICATION OF Lieut. Gen. Cromwell, AND Com. Gen. Ireton, Against the scandalous aspersions cast upon them in a Posted LIBELL signed by one TOMPSON.

And likewise a true state of the Case concerning the said TOMPSON.

By A. C.

⟨march .7 th. LONDON, Printed for Laurence Chapman. 1647.

A Vindication of Lieu. Gen. Cromwell and Com. Gen. Ireton, against a posted Libell signed by one TOMPSON.

THis Tompson being a Corporall of Capt. Pitchfords Troop in Col. Whaleys Re­giment, about five moneths agoe was with some idle company at a Taverne in the Town where that Troop quar­tered; where in drinking and gaming late in the night he fell into a drunken quarrell with some of the company about some money they were at play for; and the Mistris of the house with some of the servants endeavouring to part them, he kickt her on the face, kickt and beat some of the servants, and then clamorously charging her and them that they had feloniously pickt 20 li. out of his pocket, he went and fetcht his sword, with some other of his comrades, and with his sword drawn fell upon the houshold, woun­ded three of them, chased away the rest, drove the Mistris of the house into a chamber for shelter, seized upon one of the servants and took him prisoner away with him, threatning him to tie him neck and heeles [Page 2] together, with other terrible threats and ourages to the family. Hereupon being complained of to the Regimentall counsell of that Regiment, he (at last) confest before the Councell, that his clamour of 20 li. taken from him was but a pretence, and that it was not really done to him: The rest of the abuses and outra­ges were fully proved against him, and to all or most of them himselfe confessed. For these and the like matters of Brawling and Baratry he was censured by that Councell (with something of reparation to the family) to be cashierrd the Regiment at the head of it the next Randezvouz; but at their next Randezvouz (through some neglect or other) being not brought forth, the sentence of cashiering was not formally ex­ecuted upon him, onely he was put out of the muster, and the Regiment-marshall soon after was ordered by the Major to discharge him from the Regiment. But he taking occasion and encouragement from the muti­nous distempers then wrought or endeavoured in the Army by the London-agents and their partakers, closed in with them, and took the boldnesse resolutely to continue with the Troop and Regiment, to march and take quarter with them in despight of the Officers; which accordingly he did, endeavouring to enflame discontents and distractions amongst them, and some­times for the same purpose imployed himselfe as an Agent in the name of that Regiment to other Regi­ments of the Army: In which he endeavoured and en­dangered to raise great disturbances.

Afterwards there being another Rendezvouz of that Regiment he came thither with the Troop, obtruding himselfe in despight and contempt of the Officers to be and act in the place from which he was cashiered, and [Page 3] at the Rendezvouz the Officers requiring his depar­ture (as being cashiered) he refused to submit to that censure, making clamorous out-cries to the souldiers, That the Regimentall Councell had proceeded ille­gally against him. To which the Officers replied, That if he thought they had wronged him, he might com­plaine to the Generall and Councell of war at the head quarter, and there the matter being re-examined he might have reparation if cause appeared. But that also he refused, crying but, That he could expect no justice there, but he would and did appeale to the Regiment; And by such mutinous outcries he endea­voured, and did endanger a great mutiny and distur­bance in the Regiment, but the Officers with much a do pacified them for that time: After which he would needs continue to march and take free quarter with the Troop, and endevoured to raise further mutines, and disturbances in the Troop and Regiment, and in other Regiments of the Army; untill at last the Colonell or Major caused him againe to be apprehended and sent to the head quarter (then at Windsor) where he was for these things committed Prisoner to the Marshall Gene­rall, to be tryed for the same by the Councell of War there. But being brought before the Councell, and charged with these things, he refused to answer them, pleading that he was cashiered, and so being no Souldi­er, that Councell had nothing to doe with him; and this he did with very insolent and contemptuous language and carriage to the Court: The Councell neverthe­lesse thought fit to proceed against him, either as a Souldier (if the sentence of cashiering were not exe­cuted upon him) or (if it were) then as one pretend­ing to be a Souldier, and obtruding himself into the [Page 4] Army, to be and act as a Souldier, without being en­rolled in some Troop or Company, by the government whereof he might be kept in order (against which sort of persons the Articles of Warre (made lawes by the authority of Parliament,) doe expressely provide and authorize the Court Marshall, to proceed as well as a­gainst offending Souldiers:) But the proceeding to Judgement upon him, being suspended (while some fur­ther examinations were to be taken) and he ordered to be continued Prisoner that while in the Marshall's cu­stody; during this suspence, coming to Lievtenant Ge­nerall Cromwell with pretences of extreame necessity, about some occasions of his own to go to London, and promising faithfully to render himselfe againe into the Marshall's hands within a few days limitted, he obtain­ed leave of the Lievtenant Generall to goe upon his parole. But instead of rendring himselfe againe a Pri­soner into the Marshall's hands, he sent to the Generall, and Councell a Declaration and Protestation against them, (which it seemes his businesse at London, was to get drawne and Printed,) wherein after much revileing and tedious disputes against all power of the Court Martiall, and all exercise of Military discipline, either upon Souldiers or others, except in Actuall warre, (al­though it be expressely authorised by Parliament, and limited by certain laws, for the restraining of disorders and abuses amongst the Souldiery) he concludes with a protestation against the Councell of War, as a com­pany of Robbers, Theeves, and Murtherers; threat­ning that if they should any further meddle with him, he would raise the Hue and Cry of the Kingdome a­gainst them as such, and would endevour by all meanes in the world to destroy them, or to that effect.

Since this (it seemes) he hath continued about Lon­don and (as is informed) hath been frequently amongst the Souldiers about Westminster, endevouring to stirre up mutinous distempers amongst them; untill on Sa­turday last, the Lievetenant Generall, and Commissary Generall, going from the House of Commons, to at­tend the Generall upon a Councell of Warre at White­hall, and meeting this Tompson as they came out (know­ing that he was duly a Prisoner to the Marshall Gene­rall as aforesaid; but falsefying his parole, had never since rendred himself into the Marshall's hands accord­ing to it,) They charged two Souldiers with him, and immediately appointed an Ensigne of the Guard, to see him brought before the Generall at White-hall, where by his Excellencie's appointment, the Marshal Generall did resume him into his custody, to be tryed by the Councell of Warre, upon those things for which he was formerly committed. And this is all that grand violation to the Rights and Liberties of the free Com­mons of England, for which the Lievtenant Generall, and Commissary Generall were (in that Tompsons be­halfe) posted up the other day, about the Towne in Printed Tickets, whereby (in stead of the Hue and Cry, threatned in his Protestation) an Alarm was given to the people, as if the estates, liberties, and lives of all the free commons of England were at one stroke, ready to be destroyed in him. But what protection to their liberties, estates, or lives, against the violences of Soul­diers, or others the poore Commons might expect from this fellow and others, of his temper (though zealous p [...]etenders for the same) if their licentious humor should prevaile, men may take a measure by those abu­ses, and outrages, and violences done to the poore [Page 6] people, for which this fellow was first complain'd of and censur▪d, and upon censure for which, all his later clamors▪ out-cries, and mutinous practises have ensued. From which and other l [...]ke instances it may justly be doubted, that this fellow and such as he, would faine be such free Commoners, as to communicate freely of what any other man hath, and to say or doe freely what they will and can against any man without con­troule for it, and till then will never thinke themselves in the full state of free-commoner-ship.

If any doe doubt the truth of the causes and pro­ceedings against this man (as they are before alledged) they may see them at large (with much advantage a­bove what's here exprest) as they are upon Record, in the hands of the Judge Advocate at White-hall; where and from whom also they may understand the later p [...]oceedings of the Generall, and Councell of Warre against him on Wednesday last, in the tryall and just condemnation of him, together with the grounds there­of, as also his unparallel'd insolent, contemptuous, con­tumeliou [...], and menacing carriage against the Generall a [...]d whole Councell at his tryall, not becoming a Christian or a civill man.



Gilb. Mabbett.

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