A LETTER from an honourable Gentleman in the Court, certifying the Examination of Mr. Iohn Cheisly Esquire, Secretary to the Commissioners of Scotland, Who was taken and stayed at Newcastle, with his Answer to the many Interrogatories put unto him by the Governour and Major thereof, concerning Major Generall Massies going into Scotland, to rayse an Army: And the Scots preparations to invade this Kingdome. With some other advertisements concerning Peace. Together with the certainty of the safe landing of Sir William Waller, Mr. Anthony Nicols, and other impeached Members, at the Brill in Holland.
Printed in the Yeere, 1647.
I Have received your Letter advertising the health and present condition of his Majesty, and the report of Major General Massies going into Scotland; as also the confinement of Mr. John Cheisty Esquire, at New castle, who being examined, as you write, by the Major and Governour of that Towne, I must confesse I doe much affect your expressions, That he behaved himselfe resolutely like a Gentleman, and expressed himselfe discreetly like a Secretary: and I do verily beleeve, that the Answer which he made to the Interrogatories to be very reall and according to his conscience.
1. That he knew not where Major Generall Massie was, and had nothing to satisfie them whether he was in Scotland, or no.
2. That as for his owne particular, his Dispatch from London into Scotland, was in no relation to any designe of Major Generall Masey, or to rayse any new war, but to labour to the utmost of his abilities for the establishment of a true peace, and the preservation of a right understanding betweene the two Kingdomes.
3. That as hee had given already sufficient demonstrations to both Kingdomes of his integrity for five yeeres together, so he could not but lament his present unhappinesse to have his fidelity now suspected, and his indevours so churlishly examined, which did promise to themselves a more fair construction.
Sir, these indeed were honest expressions, in the which I do still observe and commend your candor, that you are carefull to render to every one their due, and to continue your wonted course, which is wisely to steer betwixt the two great factions in this Kingdome, the Whirlepoole, and the Rocke, without fear or danger of splitting against the one, or ingulphing within the other.
[Page 2]But since you are pleased to put your command upon me, to give you my opinion, and what I conceive will be the event of these fid times, and whether the Scots will take up Armes, and what it is probable that Major Generall Massy, (if there) may performe in the Kingdome of Scotland, or if the mercy of God shall so dispose it, that there shall no sword bee drawne betwixt the two Kingdomes, what may be the best meanes to reconcile the two different parties of this Kingdome, I will use my endevour to satisfie you, beseeching you heerafter that you will put me upon more easie duties, and impute no more unto me, then I am well able to discharge.
For the Scots invading this Kingdome with a new Army, (let their Pulpits presse it never so much) I beleeve it is a thing at this present not to be feard. For unto the making of a war (it is a maxine in state) that there are required these two great sinewes, Money, and Provisions; without which, men wil fail, and war will fall of it selfe. For the first, you cannot be ignorant, that the Kingdome of Scotland is extreamly necessitated: How many Letters of Invitation were sent unto them before they entred our Kingdome last, when the North was unplundred, and the Kingdome in a more plentifull condition to satisfie the appetite of the greedy soldiers then now it is: and yet the common soldiers would not then stir without three pound English, payd for advance to every man. Where is this mony to be had there now? what a sum would this rise to amongst twenty thousand men, although no man was to have above the allowance of a common soldier? But suppose (which is impossible to be granted) that this money was to be had, and the soldier on his march, what encouragement would he send for the future, where would he look for recruits? their demeanour when they were heer last, being so full of rapine and oppression, that the weaker sort of our Nation in the North (beleeve it Sir,) do tremble to heare of their comming againe into this Kingdome, and the more manly and resolute party will stand on their guards, and lose their lives every man in his own defence, before they will be perswaded to re-admit them.
Besides, they know very well, that there is a party in this [Page 3] Kingdome, that doth so strongly hate them, that if their Covenant should hang a little lower in our Churches, their very Dogs would go neere to lift up their legges against it. And as they are destitute of money and incouragement, so they are in great distresse for provision, and (God blesse them) they doe stand in as great a need of health as that: for besides want of health, the Pestilence raging in many of their chiefest Cities and Towns, it may appeare in what distresse they are for want of provision both for man and horse to sustaine an Army; by the advance of Lievtenant Generall Lesley into the Highlanders, in the beginning of the last Spring, he being not able to march up against the Enemy, having reliefe neither for horse nor men. And where should they expect this relief if they should march into England? The people who already know their tempers and have suffered almost beyond expression, will on the first rumour of their advance, take all that they have with them, and drive all that they have before them, before they will bee made a prey unto such guests againe.
You we [...]e pleased to hint in your Letter, that there were some of quality in Newcastle, who would be ready to entertaine them: Sir, the disposure of such a Towne as Newcastle, doth not lie at the pleasure of two or three Merchants, besides it is garrisoned by such soldiers, as (I beleeve) will not on easie conditions surrender it to the Scots. You may adde to this that Colonell Lambert is not idle in the North, but is watchfull to discover all their designes, and to observe all their motions, and were they resolved to re-invade this Kingdome, there is no doubt, but that with a powerfull Army, hee would meete them halfe way to give them entertainment.
But Sir, there is one thing more then all this, which is, the pleasure of the King which you write mee word would certainly countermand them in the march, or if they should advance into this Kingdome, they are like to passe under the notion of Traytors. Is it likely, Sir, that a Nation so provident as the Scots, who pretend nothing more then Allegeance to their King, would adventure themselves in a warre, for which, [Page 4] they shall be sure to be proclaymed Traytors? Is it probable that a Nation so poore as the Scots, should adventure to lose that little which they have, to purchase a certaine and perpetuall poverty, and to inherit nothing but the winde, and their owne melancholy? Is it possible that a Nation so hungry as the Scots, should forsake their meales, and their oaten cakes at home, to endure a wilfull famine abroad? Besides the valour and resolution of the English is well knowne unto the Scots, and is it likely that they will adventure their fortunes, their food, their limbes, their lives, to imbrace a grave, or (which is worse then that) the infamy of a shamefull flight? Religion is made a pretence for all warres, but I could never yet finde that it did ever thrive by any; Schismes and Heresies are never more fruitfull then when the sword is drawne.
But you will object, that the Scots doe expect many abettors, and have much assistance promised them from the Presbyterian party in the Kingdome; it is not doubted, but where will those recruits appeare? Hath not Sir Tho. Fairefax taken the possession of the Tower of London, and all the Magazines of the City, so that if a Musket should be unfixed, or a Pike broken, I cannot direct them for the present where to relieve themselves; nay, are not all the most considerable places in the Kingdome garrisoned by his Army? They must be surely more then desperate that will adventure themselves in this Kingdome without money, without provision, without incouragements, without reserves or recruits, or a place of security to retire unto.
As concerning Major Generall Massey, I doe conceive that you have not stated the question aright, for I believe, it is not to be propounded whether Major Generall Massie would bee in the Head of the Scotch Army, or no, for the defence of the Covenant, or the Presbyterian party; but whether Major Generall Massie would adventure in the service to bring an Army from Scotland into England, if his Majesty should cause him to be proclaymed Traytor that should undertake it; Certainly not: There is no question but the obligation of his Allegeance [Page 5] would put him into a tamer posture. And for my part, if he be in that Kingdome, (as truly Sir, I doe much doubt it, and can give many reasons for it) I doe believe that he would rather indure the melancholy of a man that indured a willing banishm [...] for a while, then incur the sentence and the infamy of a Traitour for ever.
Concerning your desire to be satisfied, what is the best expedient to reconcile the two different parties in the Kingdome: Truely Sir, I would I were as well able to give counsell for the performing of it, as I should receive a most hearty and undissembling joy to see it performed; I would doe very well (as you write) that some good course might be found for the taking away the unagreeable names of Presbyterian and Independent, and that no more they might be heard amongst us; but that wee might be all of one affection as well as of one Nation; but as long as the practice holds, I believe that the names will continue. Sir what doe you thinke (as it hath beene observed in this City of London) that as one King is sometimes free of one Company of the City, and sometimes one King of another, as one King may be free of the Company of the Merchant Taylors and another of the Mercers, not that one of them is a Woollen Draper, or the other a Mercer, but to keepe the Companies even and entire, and to suppresse all envy, f [...]ction, and pride of spirit, which otherwise might grow upon them? so what if his Majesty should seem inclined to the Independent party, and the Prince to the Presbyterian, not that his Majesty is an Independent, or the Prince a Presbyterian? but so to temper by policy, and to poyse both parties that a mutuall confidence and reconcilement may be had, and by degrees so to qualifie and suppresse them, that at length which may be the worke of lesse then seaven yeares) as well their names as practice may be lost, and the Protestant Religion flourish in its native beauty: How happy would it be that free Parliaments should enjoy their knowne Priviledges, and the Kingdome smile againe in peace, safety, and happinesse the end of all their travells?
[Page 6]Sir I have something more to annex, but I am abruptly called away, which I must beseech you to excuse, and with all my rudenesse, that I have already so unmannerly tormented you with the length of this Letter, which I hope will be the easier pardoned because it was in a desire to content you, which shalbe the constant indevour of him, who is,
Sir, As I had made an end of writing this, there came to my hands a certain advertisement confirmed by severall Letters from beyond the Seas, that the impeached Members are safely landed at the Bril in Holland; neither is Sir William Waller or any of them taken prisoners, as it was reported.