A small Treatise of DIPPING;
Wherein is clearly shewed, that the Lord
Christ ordained Dipping for those onely that profest
Faith and
- I. Proved by Scriptures, from the Commission of Christ, and practice of the Apostles, and Primitive Churches.
- II. By arguments, with Answers to some obiectons, Psal. 119. 130. The entrance of thy word giveth light, It giveth understanding unto the simple.
- III. Also a parralell betwixt Circumcision and Dipping, Matth. 15. 8, 9.
- IV. An Answere to some Obiections by D. B.
This people draweth nigh me with their mouth, and honoreth me with their lips, but their heart is farre from me; But in vaine they doe worship me, teaching for Doctrines the Commandements of men.
THE Lord Jesus Christ in that great Charter of the Holy Gospel, Matth. 28. 18. 19. 20. having received all power in Heaven and Earth, saith, Goe, and make Disciples, all Nations, dipping them in the Name of the Father, and of the Sonne, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. And lo I am with you alway even to the end of the world.
And Marke 16. 15. he saith; Goe yee into all the world, and [Page 2] preach the Gospel to every creature, he that shall beleeve and bee dipped, shall be saved: but he that will not beleeve shall bee damned.
Likewise Luke the 24. 47. he saith: And thus it behoveth Christ to suffer, and to rise againe the third day, and that repentance and remission of sinnes should be preached in his Name, among all Nations, beginning at Ierusalem, now yee are witnesses of these things.
Thus it is cleare, that the Lord Christ commanded his Apostles, and servants of the Gospel, first of all to teach, and thereby to gather Disciples: And afterward to dip those that were taught and instructed in the mysteries of the Gospell, upon the manifestation of their faith: which practice ought to continue to the end of the world, Matth. 28. 20. Eph. 4. 5. Heb. 13. 8.
Secondly, that the Apostles, according to this Commission of Christ did alwayes practise, Acts 2 36, 37, 38. Peter lift up his voice, and said to the Iewes, Let all the house of Israel know for a certainty, that God hath made this Jesus, whom you have Cruci [...]ed, both Lord, and Christ; now when they heard this, they were pricked in their hearts, and said unto Peter, and the rest of the Apostles, men and brethren, what shall we doe; Then Peter said vnto them, Repent and be dipt, every one of you, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sinnes, and yee shall receive the gift of the holy Spirit, for the promise is to you, and to your Children, and to all that are afarre off, even so many as the Lord our God shall call; And with many other words, did he testifie and exhort them, saying, save your selves from this untoward generation, Then they that gladly received his Word, were dipt; And the same day were added unto them about three thousand soules, and they con [...]inued in the Apostles Doctrine, and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and Prayers.
Againe, Acts 8. 5. 6. 12. 37. 38. Then Philip went down to the Citie of Samaria, and preached Christ there; and the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Phillip spoke, hearing and seeing the miracles that he did.
And when they beleeved, Phillip preaching the the things concern [...]ng the kingdome of God, and the Name of Jesus [Page 3] Christ, they were dipt both men and women; againe Phillip said to the Eunuch, If thou beleevest with all thine heart, thou mayest; And he answered, and said, I beleeve that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and hee commanded the Charriot to stand still, and they went downe both into the water, both Phillip and the Eunuch, and he dipt him.
Againe it is evident, Acts 10. 44. to the 48. that those only, that received the holy Spirit by Preaching the Word, were dipt, in these words, while Peter yet spake these words the holy Spirit fell on all them that heard the Word, and they of the Circumcision, which beleeved, were astonished as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was powered out the gift of the holy Spirit, for they heard them speake with tongues, and magnified God, Then answered Peter, can any man forbid water, that these should not be dipt, which have received the holy Spirit as well as mee, And hee commanded them to be dipt in the Name of the Lord.
Againe, Acts 16. 14. A certaine woman named Lidia, a seller of Purple, of the Citie of Thyatira, which worshiped God, heard us, whose heart the Lord opened, that shee attended to the things that were spoken by Paul, And when she was dipt, and her houshould, shee besought us saying, If you have judged me to be faithfull to the Lord, come into my house, and abide there, and she constrained us; and verse 30. 31. 32. The Jaylor said, Sirs, what must I doe to be saved and they said, beleeve in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt bee saved, and thine houshold; and they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house, And he tooke them the same houre of the night, and washed their stripes, and was dipt, hee and all his straightway, and when he had brought them into his house, he set meat before them, and rejoyced, beleeving in God, with all his houshold; and Acts 18. 8. the chiefe Ruler of the Synagogue, Crispus beleeved on the Lord, with all his house, and many of the Corinthians hearing, beleeved and were dipt.
Thus it is cleere, that the Institutions of Christ, as also the practise of the Apostles, concerning Dipping, was only to administer it upon such, and such onely as did manifest faith and [Page 4] Repentance, desiring it, and this is cleere in the Apostles words, Heb. 6. 1. 2. where the right order of the principles is laid downe; saying, leaving the Principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us goe on to perfection, not laying againe the foundation of Repentance from dead works, and of Faith towards God, of the Doctrine of Dippings, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternall Judgments, &c. vers. 4. 5, 6. Thus you see it proved by Scripture; Now it followes to be proved by arguments grounded on Scripture, that the Lord Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all administrations, being the Priest, Prophet and King of his Church, in that great Commission of his, Matth. 28. 19. hath not appointed one Dipping for Iewes, another for Gentiles one for men, another for women; one for old, another for young; one for the primitive times, another for present and future; one upon manifestation of repentance and faith professed, another upon doing it by God-fathers and God-mothers, much lesse having right thereunto by the faith of their parents, for Habak. 2. 4. The iust shall Ioh. 3. 36. Rom. 1. 17. 1 Ioh. 5. 10. Heb. 10. 33. live by his faith: therefore not the faith of others; For as there is one Body, one Spirit, and beleevers called in one hope of calling, one Lord, one Faith: so also one dipping, which was to be administred onely on those that were made Disciples by teaching, and not on those who had it professed by others, which Christ commanded not, Matth. 28. 19. Therefore Infants by expresse prohibition are excluded, as is cleare in the 1 Sam. 15. 19. 22 23. following discourse: wherefore from that which hath beene spoken, we argue thus:
1. They onely are to be dipped that are made Disciples by teaching, Matth. 28. 19.
Infants cannot be made Disciples by teaching, thefore Infants are not to be dipt.
2. Againe, Every precept affirmative, containeth under it a negative. To make Disciples and dip them, is the affirmative contained under it, dip not those that are not made Disciple, by teaching.
3. Againe, if the command of Christ our Saviour for making disciples by teaching before they are dipt, be Evangelicall and perpetuall, as all the Precepts of the Gospel are, then it ought [Page 5] to bee performed and observed in the Church of Christ for ever.
The Major Position is true, Isai. 9. 7. of the increase of his government and peace there shall bee no end upon the Throne of David, and upon his Kingdome, to order and establish it with judgement and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeale of the Lord of Hosts will performe this. And Mat. 28. 18. 19. 20. All power is given to me in heaven and in earth; Goe ye therefore and teach all Nations, dipping them in the Name of the Father, and of the Sonne, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. And lo, I am with you alway, even to the end of the world.
Therfore persons upon the manifestation of Repentance and faith, onely are to be dipped.
4. None but those that doe expresse that inward Baptisme. Matth. 3. 11. Acts 10. 47. 48. are to be dipped.
Infants cannot expresse that inward Baptisme, therefore infants ought not to be dipped.
5. Whatsoever was written afore time was written for our learning, Rom. 15. 4. For whatsoever things were written aforetime, were written for our learning, that wee through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.
Infants dipping was never written aforetime: Therefore infants dipping is not for our learning.
6. We are commanded to stand in the way, and aske for the old pathes, which is the good way, and walke therein, and wee shall finde rest unto our soules, Jer. 6. 16.
The old and good way under the Gospell, is the Institutions of Jesus Christ. This is that Moses that said unto the Deut. 18. 15. Asts 3. 2 [...], 23. & 7. 37. Children of Israel, A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you, of your brethren, like unto mee, him shall yee heare: And it shall come to passe, that every soule which will not heare that Prophet, shall bee destroyed from among the people.
But the dipping beleevers is that good old way of Christ, and infants is not: Ergo.
Againe, the Lord complained, Judg. 5. 6. his people walked [Page 6] in by-paths, that are of their owne invention, and not of his appo [...]ntment. From whence we reason thus:
They which walke in a way, or set up an invention which God hath not commanded, walke in a by-path.
But the dipping of infants God hath not commanded:
Therefore the dipping of infants is a by-path.
Againe, if there be conditions required of all those that are dipped, and none are to be dipped before the performance of these conditions; then are not infants to be dipped.
The first is true, Acts 2. 38. Then Peter said unto them, Repent and be dipped every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sinnes, and yee shall receive the gift of the holy Spirit. And verse the 44. And all that beleeved were together, and had all things common. And Acts 8. 37. Philip said to the Eunuch, If thou beleevest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And Luke 3. 7. 8. Iohn faith to the multitude that came forth to bee dipped of him: O generation of Vipers! Who hath fore-warned you to flye from the wrath to come; bring forth therefore fruit meet for repentance: and begin not to say within your selves, We have Abraham to our Father: For I say, that God is able of these stones to raise up children to Abraham.
Thus that repentance and faith is required before dipping, is cleare not onely by Scripture, but also acknowledged in the Catechisme of the Primer set forth by authority; where it is As Godfathers and Godmothers manifested, though by others; contrary to these Scriptures, Hab. 2. 4. Rom. 1. 17. Heb. 10. 38.
The second cannot be denied, seeing infants have not the use of these faculties for the performance of repentance and faith: therefore infants are not to be dipped.
This is proved thus: They onely are to be dipped in whom repentance and faith is manifested by hearing the Word preached.
But in persons of yeares onely is repentance and faith wrought by hearing the Word preached (the reason is) persons of yeers have eares to heare, and faith commeth by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God, Rom. 10. 17. and Acts 11. 14. who shall tell thee words wherby thou and all thy house [Page 7] shall be saved. And James 2. 17. faith without workes is dead yea no faith at all.
Therefore persons of yeares are onely to be dipped.
Againe thus: If the new Testament be as plaine and perspicuous as the old; and Christ the Mediator of the new Testament, as faithfull as Moses the Mediator of the old Testament. Then the persons to bee dipped, and the conditions of dipping, and the time when, are as clea [...]e and faithfully described in the institutions of dipping, as the persons condition and time of circumcision.
But for infants dipping there is no expresse description of of the persons, condition, time; whereas true dipping, which is that one dipping, Ephes. 4. 5. which is the dipping of repentance for remission of sinnes, Mark. 1. 4. it is most evidently and faithfully set downe for persons, condition and time, viz. Persons confessing their sinnes, Mat. 3. 6. whereas persons unrepentant are put by, Luke 7. 29. 30. And all the people that heard him justified God, being d [...]pped with the dipp [...]ng of Iohn; but the Pharisees and Lawyers reiected the counsell of God against themselves being not dipt of him.
Persons beleeving, Acts 8. 12. 13. 36. 38. Persons penitent. Acts 2. 38. Persons that received him, and are made Disciples by teaching, Matth. 28. 19. Iohn 4. 41. 42. Persons borne againe, not of corruptible seed nor by the will of man, but of God, Iohn 1. 12. 13. 1 Pet. 1. 23. begotten by the word of truth, Iames 1. 18.
Thus for true dipping there is a certaine time appointed, as was for Circumcision, Acts 8. 37. yea commanded, Acts 10. 48. And he commanded them to be dipt in the Name of the Lord. And 22. 16. And now why tarriest thou so long? arise and be dipped, and wash away thy sins, calling on the Name of the Lord: therefore such persons onely are to be dipped, who are thus particular described, wherein the new Testament is as cleare as the Old; and Christ the Mediator of the new Testament, as faithfull as Moses the Mediator of the Old. So it appeares what subjects are to be dipped, whereas if otherwise, then is not the New as cleare as the Old, nor Christ as faithfull as Moses; which to say, is bla [...]phemy.
3. Againe, if the Lord doth make his Covenant of the new Testament with those onely which know him by faith, which [Page 8] at the hearing of faith preached, doe apprehend and apply the promises contained in the Covenant, and not to any by vertue of fleshly generation, though the naturall children of Abraham.
Then not any by vertue of fleshly generation, are under the Covenant, though the naturall children of Abraham.
The first is proved, Heb 8. 10. 11. For this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel: After tho [...]e dayes saith the Lord I will put my Lawes into their minde, and write them in their hearts, and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people, and they shall not teach every man his neighbour, And every man his brother saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me from the least to the greatest, Isai. 59. 21. Iohn 1. 11. 12. Eph. 1. 13. Rom. 3. 16. 21. 22. Gal. 3. 26.
2. The second is proved, Rom. 2. 28. Matth 3. 9. Joh. 8. 39. Rom. 9. 8. For he is not a Iew that is one outwardly, neither is that circumcision, that is outward, &c. Therefore none by vertue of fleshly gener [...]tion, though the naturall children of Abraham, are under the covenant.
4. Again, if the covenant which the Lord made with Abraham and his seed under the Gospel, concerning life and salvation through Christ, is meant his spirituall seed, and not his naturall, then Abrahams spirituall seed under the Gospel, are under the covenant of life and salvation and not his naturall.
1. The first is true, Rom. 4. 11. 12. 13. 16. Gal. 3. 7. 9. 22. 23. 29. Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are of the children of Abraham?
2. And the second is proved, Matth 3. 9. Rom. 9. 7. 8. Gal. 3. 22. And think not to say within your selves, we have Abraham to our father; for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.
Therefore the covenant which God made with Abraham and his seed under the Gospel, concerning life and salvation, was with his spirituall seed, not his naturall.
From hence we reason thus: They onely are to bee dipped, and received into the Church of God, to whom the covenant doth appertaine.
But the covenant doth appertaine to the spirituall children of Abraham, not the naturall.
Therefore the spirituall children of Abraham are to bee dipped, [Page 9] and his naturall are not, till they become spirituall.
From whence we reason thus againe:
If the naturall children of Abraham are not to bee received into the covenant of the new Testament, by vertue of the covenant made unto Abraham the father of the faithfull, and no beleeving Gentile hath the like promise, title, or priviledge to his naturall children, as Abraham had to his, then no beleeving Gentile by vertue of the covenant made to Abraham, hath that priviledge of the admittance of his naturall children into the covenant of the new Testament by dipping.
But the first is true, Luke 3. 8. Rom. 9. 6. 8. And 4. 13. 16. Now seeing the promise is of the faith, that is, upon the condition of faith, Iohn 1. 12. Acts 8. 37. Rom. 10. 9. 10. Luke 7. 29. 30. Which faith, is a living and working faith, not dead 2. Iames 17. 18. 21. 22. 23. Without which Condition, none are to be admitted into the Covenant of the Gospel, though the naturall children of Abraham, Matth. 3. 7. 8, 9, 10. Asts 2. 37. 38. 41. And no beleeving Gentile, though never so holy, have not that honor, or dignitie, as Abraham had, to be the father of the Faithfull, yea of all that beleeve, Gen. 12. Gal. 3. 3. 8. Whether Jewes or Gentiles; But hath this honor, or dignitie onely to be Christs, to be the Children of Abraham by faith Gal. 3. 7. 26. So that this Covenant standeth between GOD and man, man [...]fested by holy Writ is; That as there is but one Lord; one Faith; and one Dipping: Ephes. 4. 5. which is the Dipping of Repentance for the Remission of sinnes, Mark 1. 4. so there is but one way or entrance into the Covenant under the Gospel, so as the Father, to wit an Infidell, after Convertion is admitted and received a Member into the Church of Christ upon the manifestation of his faith and repentance by Dipping; even so his naturall children, those begotten after the Parents Convertion and admittance into the Church must come in the same way as the Parent did, or else he cannot see the Kingdome of God, Iohn 3. 3. Mark 1. 4. Except he die in Infancie, or a larger mercy be showne of God, then is revealed to us in his VVord, Therefore we conclude thus with Deu. 29. 29. secret things belong to the Lord our God, But revealed to us, and to our children for ever, And say with Paul, Rom. 11. 33. Oh the depth [Page 10] of Riches, both of the wisdome and Knowledge of God, how vnsearchable are his Judgments, and his wayes past finding out.
But for his reuealed will, Christ saith Iohn 15. 15. That he declared all things which he heard of his Father, but he neuer declared Dipping of Infants, but forbid it as is proved from the negative part of the Commission, Therefore he never heard it of his Father. And the Apostle Paul, Acts 20. 27. saith, That he had declared the whole counsell of God; But hee never revealed the Dipping of Infants; Therefore the dipping of Infants is none of the counsell of God, And therefore as the Jewes were brought by Ceremonies, to know Christ, so let Christians learne to know first, as the Lord saith, Isai. 53. 11. By his knowledge shall my Righteous servant justifie many, And Jere. 31. 34. all shall know me, from the least to the greatest, and Phillip. 3. 3. we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and reioyce in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.
Quest. 5. But what is the true ordinance, of the dipping of Christ, and wherein doth it differ from childrens Dipping, which is the best way to shew the truth; and what benefit doth Beleevers receive by it.
Answ. That Dipping whereof we speake, is Dipping, burying, or plunging a Beleever in VVater, he desiring of this Ordinance of an Apostle, Prophet or Evangelist, To whom Christ by his Church, hath committed the Administration, In the Name of the Father, and of the Sonne, and of the holy Spirit, Matth. 28. 19. 20. in which definition, you may observe these two parts.
- 1. The matter, and that is a true subiect of a Beleever, confessing sinnes, and faith, desiring the ordinance.
- 2. Water the Element, and so you have the matter, for the true forme, which is:
First, Christs power, putting life into the Ordinance, in his owne Institution, delivered in these words, to the Apostles, goe yee;
Thirdly, the right verball forme of words, in the Name of the Father, and of the Sonne, and of the holy Spirit.
Fourthly, consider the ends, the Lord aimeth at, in giving this ordinance of dipping to the Apostles, and so to the Church.
First, he will have them all conformable to himselfe, Rom. 8. 29. Matt. 10. 13. Mark. 1. 9. Luke 3. 21. for before that hee went about the worke of God, hee went to Iohn, to be dipped of him, so before we take on us, to make publike profession of Christ, or any part of the Gospel, much more to preach, wee must be Dipped; and so put on the right profession of the Gospel, Gall. [...] as many of you, as have been dipped into Christ, hav [...] [...] Christ.
Secondly, God doth by this holy ordinance▪ assure, and manifest, that he hath washed us from all our sinnes, by the blood of Jesus Christ, Acts 22. 16. And doth truly and visably receive us into the Covenant of grace, whereby wee are partaker of all the Promises, therein contained, that doe concerne the planting us in Christ, or forgivenesse of sinnes, and Gal. 3. 26. Hos. 14. 3. Gal. 4. 4. 5. 5. 6. receptation of persons, both that wee being fatherlesse, by nature, God will be a Father to us; for yee are all the Children of God, by faith in Iesus Christ.
Againe, we are lost in Adam, therefore we are washed in the Name of the Son, for he hath redeemed us, that wee might receive the Adoption of sonnes, and because yee are sonnes, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying Abba Father, who of God is made into us wisedome, righteousnesse, sanctification, and Redemption. 1 Cor. 1. 30.
Thirdly, we are unable, to will, or to doe any thing that is good, And therfore wee have the holy Spirit to begin all in and perfect all for us, and to worke all our works, in us, Isai. 26. 12. Lord thou wilt ordaine peace for us, for thou also hast wrought all our workes, in us; And Rom. 8. 26. Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our Infirmities, And Col. 1. 29. whereunto I labour, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily, And Phil. 2. 13. It is God which worketh in you, both to will and to doe all his good pleasure.
Fourthly, Hereby the Beleever, that was by nature afarre off, a Farrenner, and Stranger, is by the blood of Christ made nigh. Ephes. 2. 12. 13. 14. And is by this Ordinance of Dipping, in union with the whole body of God upon earth. 1 Cor. 12. 13. [Page 12] And may challenge a right in the priviledges of the Gospel, in any place wheresoever, he commeth into the Communion of the Saints, Acts. 9. 26, 27, 28.
Fiftly, this is Christs Livery, by which Christians are knowne from all other, and the Church from the world. Gal- 3. 27.
Sixly, if at any time any should aske us, who req [...]ireth us to walke in such a holy fellowship, and communion, wee are inabled to it by Christ, and so assured of Countenance in it, by the Lords Supper, for hee that saith he is in Christ, and hath fellowship with him, ought himself so to walke, even as he hath walked. John 1. 2. 6.
Seventhly, That the person thus dipped, is first visibly sealed, to the day of Redemption, Secondly, he hath truely a right to Communion, as being dipped into that one body, whereof Christ is head, 1 Cor. 12. 13. Thirdly, that hee is mortified, Rom. 6. 4. crucified, dead and buried, and risen againe with Christ, Gal. 3. 2. 3, 4, 5.
Eightly, that the Beleever, may in that day role away all the reproach of Egypt, or Antichristianisme, renouncing the marke of the beast in our right hands, by holding, or fighting for him, or in our forehead, Revel. 13. 16. by dipping of Infants, that false Constitution of Rome to beget grace, thus it is cleere; who is the true subjects of Dipping, And who are not.
Now the Lord Jesus came not till the fulnesse of time, Gal. 4. 5. and when he was come, never undertooke any Administration, though he were heire of all things, Heb. 1. 3. but in an orderly way, as hath been shewed, nor will hee contract marriage with any, though the husband of all his Church and members, Hosea 2. 19. I will betroath them unto me in Righteousnesse, And in Judgement, and in loving kindnes [...]e, And in mercy, yet not with any that are so young, and under age, Gal. 4. 1. 2. 3. that they are not sencible of the want of Christ, or any benefit they receive by him, or what contract they make with him; In short, all those holy ends that God aimed at in true dipping, are wholly made voide, and of no effect in the dipping of Infants, which the Lord Christ commanded not, Jere. [Page 13] 7. 31. Revel. 22. 18. Matth. 28. 19, 20. nor came into his heart; And cursed is he, that shall adde to the Word of the Lord, Deut, 4. 2. & 12. 31. Prov. 30. 6. If any man shall adde to these things, God shall adde to him the Plagves that are written in this book, and therefore that [...]very one would be incovraged to bring out their Talent, and not to hide it in a napkin, to the overthrowing of all the inventions of the man of sinne, Psal. 137. 8, 9.
Objection 1.
NOW follow certaine answeres to divers objections; As First Matth. 19. 13. 14. In which it is cleere, children were brought to Christ, therefore he d [...]pt them, or it was their right, say they.
Answ. 1. It doth not follow, that because Christ received, and blessed them, that therefore he dipped them, for hee dipped none at all, Iohn. 4. 2. but his Disciples.
Secondly, this place is put in, to be read at the sprinkling of children; for the whore hath sweet words, as soft as oyle, and with these faire speeches, she maketh the nations yeeld to her. Pro. 7. 21. but the simple only beleeveth her, Pro, 9. 16. 17. For this place, as all may see; makes nothing at all for sprinkling of children.
Thirdly, if they were infants of Eight daies old (as Circumcision was Administred) And that their parrents were Jewes, they might not be dipt, before nor after the Eighth day, and then their Mother would lie in, and be very unfit to goe abroad, much lesse to carry out their children, If they were not of the Jewes, but Gentiles, then had they no right, they knowing not God, And their Children not borne of beleeving parents. Acts 2. 30. Gen. 17. 9. 10. 11.
Fourthly, we must not thinke so meanely of the servants of Christ, or thinke his Disciples so untaught, that if Christ had instituted the dipping of infants; and so had practised the same, that they would forbid, or keep any away f [...]om Christs Ordinance, But rather, of all others, observe all things, as Christ commanded them, to the end of the World, Matth. 28. 20.
[Page 14] 5. In both these places, there is not one word spoken of Concerning Dipping in many Chapters before and after, and therefore they came not for Dipping vn [...]o Christ he never did it to any, having greater works to doe; to writ, the more Noble worke of preaching; an [...] working miracles, as hee thought good for to confirme his doctrine for the generall good, in all places, where he came.
The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath Anointed Isay 61. 2. 3. Luk. 4. 18. 19. me to preach the Gospel to the poore, he hath sent me to heale the broken-hearted; To preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering sight to the blinde, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the Acceptab [...]e yeere of the Lord, Acts. 10. 37. 38.
6. If the dipping of infants, be Gods Ordinance, Christ was not so faithfull, over his House a sonne as Moses a servant was; For Moses made, and set out all things, according to the patterne, Heb. 8. 5. but if Christ received any patterne for dipping infants, hee hath left no rule for it, by precept, or example.
And for those that doe it from Circumcision, they set the Lord Jesus, and the Apostles to schoole to Moses, to learne of him in the Law, to teach the Gospel, but we have not so learned Christ, as to thinke his care, and faithfulnesse lesse then Moses; and therefore he had no such command of God, as to institute Dipping of infants, for if hee had, hee might have said to those that brought them; have they been dipt, and all the rest of your children, at home, look to it; and for time to come, see that you passe not the Eight day, for you know, Circumcision was not to be omitted; Remember how angry God was with that good servant of his, Moses, Exod. 4. 25. but heere is not a word for any such end; And therefore, no ordinance of God; for the truth is, there is nothing in these places for dipping beleevers; which is Gods Ordinance, much lesse for the dipping of infants, which he commanded not; neither came into his heart, Iere. 7. 31.
But for Answere to this, Christ would shew his mercy to [Page 15] all, both jew, and Gentile, Acts. 13. 48. for theres no difference, Col. 3. 11. But the fame of Christ, being spread abroad, as hee was famous in all places; Insomuch, they thought them happie that could but see him, Luke 1. 9. 6. and those that could but touch the hem of his garment, were healed of whatsoever disease they had, Matt. 4. 23. Luke 6. 17 18, 19 hence it came to passe, they came thronging in upon Christ, And brought their Children, for it is naturall for Parents to desire the good of their Children, as well as their owne, Matth. 15. 25, 26. where the Woman of Canaan came to Christ, in the behalfe of her daughter; crying, Lord helpe me.
Secondly, Christ by imbracing, and blessing them, doth shew himselfe to be Saviour of Iew, and Gentile, young, and old; for there is no other Saviour, and so that hee receiveth none upon decent; but though he be poore, and have no money, yea, nor money worth, yet hee will give them milke, and wine, without money, and without price. Isai. 55. 1. 2.
Thirdly, to teach his Disciples, humility, and selfe-deniall, for he that is not a little childe, in lowlinesse, love, humility, and selfe-deniall, hee shall not inherite the kingdome of God, Matth. 18. 3. Mark. 10. 13. 14. 15.
Obiection. But the promise is made to the faithfull, and their seed, for Acts, 2. 38, 39. Peter saith, the Promise is made to you and to your children, and to all that are afarre off, even so many as the Lord our God shall call.
Answ. In these words, is not so much as any shew of truth, for Dipping of infants, for the words are part of an Exhortation, of incouraging these Converts, pricked at the heart, vers. 37. for they cryed out, what they should doe to be saved, the Apostle answers.
First, Repent and be dipped, every one of you, for the remission of sinnes.
Then comes with this incouragement, for the promise is made to you, and to your children, And to all that are afarre off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call, that is not to you Jewes onely, but to the Gentiles also, to so many as the Lord our God shall call of them▪ and so it answeres to a case of conscience, that they might bring, being sencible of their [Page 16] owne unworthinesse, in crucifying▪ CHRIST.
Secondly this answeres; that the promise is made to them; And not onely to them present; But to their posteritie, yea, and to all that are called, though never so farre off, the Lord calling them, as he hath done you, they may come in by faith, for a part in Chrst, as well as Abraham your Father, or you his children, or the children after you, But what is this to the dipping of Infants: for children, in this place, and many other the like, is not meant, infants of seven, or eight daies old, that is p [...]eaded to be dipped, But the linially descended sonnes of Abraham, Acts. 13. 26. Rom. 9. 27. loines, men and women, of age, full growne, for the Converts did not scruple the dipping of their Infants, they knew not that they should be dipt themselves, untill Peter tells them of it; And exhorts them to it; thus you see plainly, this makes nothing for dipping of Infants.
Objection 4.
But children are holy, and therefore may bee Dipt. 1 Cor. 7. 14.
The scope of the former part of the Chapter, is to answere cases of Conscience, put, or sent by some of the members of the Church to the Apostle, be [...]ng absent from them at Philippi.
1. VVhether it was lawfull for them to marry, verse, 1. 3.
2. About the lawfull use of libertie, in their marriage estate, vers. 3. 4. 5.
3. If they being married, the one being a Heathen, whether they might continue, to dwell together or no, And not as in Esrahs time▪ put away their wives. Esiah. 10. 3, 4, 5, 6. VVhere they were to put away their strange wives, that were not of the seed of Israel, and herein is the case of the children being holy, where the Apostle answer [...]s;
1. Negatively, they may not part, though one be an unbeleever, and that for these reasons.
First he, or shee that beleeveth not, is sanctified, as a cleane vessell, by the blessing of God, for the lawfull use one of another, in that honorable Estate of Marriage. Heb. 13. 4. else were [Page 17] were your children uncleane, that is Bastards, but now are they holy, that is, borne in lawfull marriage, Deut. 23. 2. That holy Ordinance of God, instituted by him in Paradise for our first parents, in the estate of innocency before the fall, and grac'd by our Lord Christ, himselfe, to shew that he was by a woman in that estate, Matth. 22. 23. Acts 4. 27. as also by his holy presence, and first miracles that he wrought, John 2. 1. to the 7. but before thou passe, 1 Cor. 7. 14. consider that if the words be truely translated, the unbeleeving parent and the childe hath all one holinesse, or sanctification, and so rendred in the Latine, and would be so in the English, were it not to blinde the Reader.
Thirdly, Christ is pleased to set out the mysticall sweet, and heavenly union and communion betwixt him and his Church by this holy Communion; for this cause should a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joyned to his wife, and they two shall be one flesh; this is a great misery, but I speake concerning Christ and his Church, Ephes. 5. 31, 32.
Fourthly, true holinesse floweth from faith in Christ, and not by generation of holy parents, but by regeneration wrought by the Spirit of God, John, 1. 12. 13. and 3. 3. 5.
Fifthly, God doth not make promise to any faithfull man and woman, and their seed now under the Gospell, Psal. 89. 27. 28 but to the Lord Jesus Christ and his feed, that everlasting father of the faithfull; Esay 9 6, 7. and 59. 21. Gal. 3. 29.
6. If you say the promise was made to Abraham [...]nd his seed, Gen. 17. 9, 10. viz. to his naturall seed, then it was to give them the Land of Canaan; but if to the spirituall seed, as it was to Christ, Gal. 3. 16. then the Land of Canaan, was the type, and eternall by Christ, and faith in the new Covenant, is the truth, but you must prove this promise made to a woman; also if it helpe any thing by this conclusion, so that if but one be a beleever of the parents, and that be the woman, it must hold that the children be holy by the promise made to her, and by her faith.
Oject. 5. Children are of the Kingdome of God, and therefore have right to all the Ordinances of God, and so to Dipping, Marke 10. 14. Mat. 19. 14.
Answer. Whereas it is objectected, children bee of the [Page 18] Kingdome of God, and have right to all the Ordinances, and so to Dipping. This consequence necessarily followes, that they have right also to the Lords Supper aswell as Dipping, seeing, right to all.
The Argument is grounded, because they are of the Kingdome of God, and that Christ saith it; which being true, as they would beare us in hand, that Christ would have them to receive Dipping. We desire that to be shewn, where, or when Christ dipt any, or commanded it to be done by any other; at else that they would appoint Godfathers and Godmothers, as they call them, to eate the Supper, as well as to professe repentance, and faith, and desire Dipping for them, to the Law, and to the testimony; if they speake not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them, and Jerem. 23. 30. to the 40. The Lord will bring an everlasting reproach upon the Prophets, which cry, the burthen of the Lord, when the Lord hath not sent them, but Prophesie false dreames, and cause his people to erre by their lies, and by their lightnesse, yet he sent them not.
Object. 6. But the maine Objection, children were circumcised under the Law, therefore under the Gospell they ought to be Dipped.
Answer. Is it a sufficient reason, because Abraham, at the, command of God, under the Law, circumcised his males, Gen. 17. 11. and you shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you.
Therefore we must dip infants under the Gospell, which Christ commanded not, as is before proved, neither came into his heart to imagine, Jerem. 7. 31.
Secondly, why might not Ieroboam better build an Altar at Betheel, 1 Kings 12. 28. 32. 33. seeing God commanded Iacob, Gen. 35. 1, to doe it; but Jacob built the Altar, according to the command of God, verse 7. and was approved of God for it; and Ieroboam offered upon the Altar, which he had made in Betheel the fifteenth day of the eight moneth, even in the moneth which he had devised of his owne heart, and had this memoriall, that he made Israel to sin.
Againe, it is alledged that Abrahams children were circumcised, [Page 19] because they were under the covenant so that the word because seemes to be the reason that the children were circumcised, because, they were under the covenant, or because they were Abrahams seed which I deny, my reason is;
First, if they were circumcised, because they were under the covenant; then onely Isaac was to be circumcised, because he onely was under the covenant, as is cleare, Gen. 17. 19. my covenant will I establish with him for an everlasting covenant. Now Ishmael and the sons of Keturah, were the sons of Abraham, yet were they not under the covenant.
Secondly, whereas some seemes to give the reason, because they were Abrahams seed, then the pupills, or servants which were borne in the house, or bought for money were not to be circumcised. But the pupills and servants that were borne in the house, or bought with money, were circumcised as well as Abrahams children, borne of his body. Therefore they were not circumcised because they were Abrahams seed.
Thirdly, if they were circumcised, because they were under the covenant, then all these children and servants were under the covenant, and so should have had right to the inheritance of the Land of Canaan, as well as Isaac, and so should have kept Circumsion in their posterities for ever; which thing was not done by any but Isaacks posterity.
But now to give a Reason why Circumcision was administred; was because God commanded it, his command giving a being to all his Ordinances: from whence it is cleere; that as Abraham, the father of them that should beleeve, at the command of God, circumcised himselfe, and all his males in his house, because it was Gods Commandement.
Even so the faithfull, the children of Abraham ought to dip those, and those onely that profess repentance, and faith at the command of Jesus Christ; and that because Christ hath commanded it, Matth. 28. 19, 20. But the first is true, therefore the second.
And to speake the truth, infants are not dipped, because the males of Abraham were circumcised, Gen. 17. or because children were brought to Christ, Mat. 19. nor because the promise is made to Beleevers and their children, 2 Acts. Nor [Page 20] because Children are holy, 1 Corin. 7. 14. Nor because they were all Dipped, unto Moses in the Cloud, and in the Sea, 1 Cor. 10. 2. Or because God, or his Sonne Christ, who is faithfull, as a Sonne, ever commanded it; or that the Scriptures approved it, or will admit of any such thing, or because they are of the Kingdome of God, Mark. 10. 14.
But because it hath been invented by men, and confirmed by the Pope, thereby to bring in all Nations under him; And the better to colour the matter, knowing that Repentance and faith, with desire of the Ordinance, is required, hath appointed God-fathers and God-mothers, as they call them, upon the profession of whose Faith and Repentance, with desire of Dipping, the Infant is sprinkled; Thus have they made the word of God, of none effect, by their traditions, Matth. 15. 6. 9. but in vaine, saith God, doe they worship mee, teaching for Doctrines, the Commandements of men.
And if Naboth would not sell, nor change his Vineyard with Ahab, because it was the inheritance of his Fathers, 1 King. 21. 2. 3. how much more ought every beleever stand for, and not part with the Institutions of Jesus Christ, the inheritance of our Everlasting Father, the Pr [...]nce of Peace, Isai. 9. 6.
Now followes to shew the Paralell betweene Circumcision and Dipping, and wherein the priviledges of the faithfull are as large as the Jewes, insomuch as theirs were Circumcised, and these are not Dipped, also wherein they agree, and differ.
1. It doth not follow, that because Abrahams seed by the Command of God, were to be circumcised, Genes. 17. 10. that therefore the faithfulls naturall seed should be dipped at the Comm [...]nd of Antichrist, for circumcision of the Males, was one of Gods Sacred institutions, given to Abraham, by Gods speciall commandment, for that Church for ever, so long as they dwell in the Land of Canaan, And so to continue a Nationall Church, and so is of the Lords owne tight hands planting. Acts. 7, 8. Gen. 17. 1.
But dipping of Infants was never heard of, in all the institutions of Christ, or preachings of the Apostles, nor in the principles of the planting of those Thirteene Churches, in any of those 14. Epist [...]es, and so you see the first part of your Objection groundlesse.
Secondly, The p [...]iviledges of the Gospel, are more large to Beleevers, under the Gospel, then to them under the Law.
First, that in Christ, all the Promises are absolute, yea, and in him Amen, 2 Cor. 1. 20.
Secondly, that Abraham did not circumc [...]se the Females; But under the Gospel, both are to be dipt, for there is no difference. Col. 3. 11.
Thirdly, they had the Gospel but in darke shadowes; Heb. 10. 1. but we have the substance, or the body of Christ, Coll. 2. 17.
4▪ Circumcision was a hard and painefull Ordinance, and did both hinder worke and travell, and by the foreness of it indanger death, Gen. 34. 25. Josh. 5. 8, 9. and therefore is called a yoke that neither wee nor our Fathers could beare, Acts 15. 10. but under the Gospell wee have a faire, easie and comfortable Ord [...]nance in comparison of that; and therefore happy are wee that may wash and be cleane, 1 Kings 5. 13.
5. Their Circumcision did injoyne them to ke [...]p the whole Law in the perfection, or else they must be d [...]mned, Gal. 5. 3. but in Dipp [...]ng wee are but to be [...]eeve the Gospell, and [...]o Christ is the end of the Law, for righteousness to every one that beleeveth, Rom. 10. 14. And if this be not a greater priviledge, or benefit, then any of the Iewes, had by their Circumcision, let all beleevers judge, Cor. 1. 14. 32, and the spirit of the Prophets are subject to the Prophe [...]s.
Sixtly, our priviledges, is more, and larger, for that it is now given to all Nations, that was then confined, to the Jewes. Matt. 28. 19. 20. Acts 10. 24. And m [...]ny of their Prophets, Kings and Righteous men; desired to see those things that wee see, but have not seene them, Matthew 13. 17. For John was the g [...]eatest that was bo [...]ne, bee [Page 22] fore him; yet he that is least in the Kingdome of Christ, is greater then hee, and so our priviledges, more, Matth. 11. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Objection. 1.
But dipping is come in the roome of Circumcision, which did tipe out dipping to us.
That cannot bee, for then one tipe should tipe out another; But Circumcision did tipe out the truth, which is the Circumcision of the heart, and the dipping of the Spirit, Rom. 2. 26. 27. 28. 29. both made without hands, Coll. 2. 11. 12. but so never was Circumcision nor Dipping.
Objection. 2.
But can you shew wherein Dipping and Circumcision doth agree and differ; for that dipping of Infants, is gathered out of Circumcision, for because Infants were to be circumcised the eighth day, the [...]efore many doe thinke by the same proportion from the Law to the Gespel, children are to be dipped the eighth day, or before.
It doth not follow, that because Jewes were to obey God, in his Commandment, Gen. 17. 10. that therefore we are to obey the man of sinne, Acts. 4. 18. 19. in his traditions, Marke. 7. 13. And therefore till you prove dipping of infants an institution of the New Covenant, as is proved, Circumcision was of the old; you doe but begge that by tradition, that you should prove by the Word of God, but can never.
Now followes, wherein Circumcision, and Dipping agree, and differ.
They agree in these particulars.
First Circumcision of infants, was Gods sacred Ordinance, under the old Covenant, Gen. 17. 10.
So dipping of Beleevers, Heb. 8. 8. 9. 10. is Gods Ordinance, under the New Covenant, Matt. 28. 19. 20. Jere. 31. 33.
2 They were both given to the Church for Gods glory, and our good, but to shew his right, to command; James, 4. 12. and our duety as well as theirs to obey, Acts 5. 31. 32. Hebr. 5. 9.
[Page 23] 3. Cicumcision was to put a visible d [...]fferen [...]e betwixt the Church and the World, or all Na [...]ions, Exod. 12. 48. so likewise dipping is to put a difference betwixt the Church and the World, Marke 16. 16. Acts 2. 39, 40, 41. John 15. 18. 19.
4. That as many of any Nation as would b [...]e circumcised, was made a proselite, and so might eat the Passeover, Exod. 13. 48. So every one of any Nation being taught by the Word, beleeveth, and is dipped, is made a Disciple, Acts 16. 32. John 4. 1, 2. and may lawfully eat of the Lords Supper, Acts 20. 7. for the Jewes did never part the [...]e two Ordinances, Exod. 12. 48. And therefore if you will dip your children, you may as well give them the Lords Supper; but if they bee uncapable of that, because they cannot examine themselves, 1 Cor. 11. 28. nor descerne the Lords Body, 1 Cor. 11. 23. no more are they capable of dipping, because they cannot confess faith and sinnes, Mat. 3. 4. 6. nor desire dipping, Acts 8. 36. 37, 38. Acts 2. [...]9, 40.
5. As all that were circumcised had visible right to the Land of Canaan, and all the benefits thereof, Josh. 5. 9. so hee that is dipped,0 being a fit subject, hath a visible right to all the priviledges of the Gospell, Acts 2. 41, 42, 46, 47.
6. As he that was circumcised, might perish, if he had not the circumcision of the heart and spirit, Rom. 2. 28, 29. so he that is truely dipped with water, if he have not the dipp [...]ng of the spirit, Matth. 3. 11. may perish, as Simon Magus, and many others, Acts 5. 21, 22. 1 Cor. 7. 19. Gal. 5. 6. and 6. 15.
7. As circumcision did not seale any thing to any of the Jewes, but to Abraham, Rom. 4 11. and that faith which hee had, being uncircumcised. So dipping is not a seale to any, but a signe to all what God hath wrought in us, and for us; but the true and onely seale is the Spirit, Ephes. 1. 13. Cor. 2. 1. 21. both to us, and from us, to God and men, John 3. 33 James 2. 18.
8. As those that were Circumcised, nothing could hinder them from the Land of Canaan, but Rebellion and unbele [...]fe, nor cast them out of the good Land, when they were in it, Deut 28. 15. Numb. 14. 24. Heb. 2. 3. So nothing can hinder any from Dipping or cast them out of the Vis [...]ble Chur [...]h of [Page 24] Christ, but disobedience, and unbeliefe, Hebr. 4. 2. & 12. 25. 26.
9. As those that were circumcised in the flesh, God of his free mercy g [...]ving them that which was thereby signified, they did injoy Canaan, and all those outward priviledges; but as the first f [...]uits, they had respect to far better things to be injoyed hereafter, Hebr. 11. 25. and Abraham sought a City whose maker and builder was God: So they that are d [...]pped have those things, whereof their outward washing is but a signe, and by continuing [...]n well doing, Rom. 2. 7, 8. and beleev [...]ng they seeke more then we can here fully injoy, Phil. 1. 23.
10. Finally, if any that were of the seed of Abraham, or a Proselite, did neglect circumcision, hee did grievously sinne against God, and as much as in him lies to provoke God to displeasure, Exod. 4. 24, 25, 26. so any that be now of the faith of Abraham, but new borne babes in Christ, it is their great sin to omit dipping if they [...]now it, and my have it, Acts 22. 16. for without it they cannot rightly put on the profession of Jesus Christ, Gal. 3. 27. nor meddle with any other the holy things of God in the Church fel [...]owship, Acts 2. 39.
Now followes wherein they differ, which I conceive the best way the more plainely to shew the nature of them both.
First, circumcision was an Ordinance of God, instituted for the old Covenant of Workes before and under the Law, G [...]n. 17. 9. 10. Exod. 12. 48. But Dipping is onely for the Gospell, and both be [...]ong to the new Covenant of grace, Mat. 28. 19. Hebr. 8. 11.
2. They that were Circumcised, were bound to keepe the whole Law, Gal. 5. 3. and so a heavy bondage, Acts 15 10. but they that are dipped are onely to beleeve, and see all done in Christ, they by faith apprehending it, Luke 8. 50. Rom. 3. 28. Gal. 3. 26. 1 Col. 17. 18. 19.
3. Circumcision was an Ordinance belonging onely to that one Nation of the Jewes, and that within the compasse of the Holy Land onely, but no further; and therefore neither in [Page 25] Egypt, nor in the Wildernesse did they Circumcise, Josh. 5. 8, 9, 10.
But Dipping doth belong to all Nations, whosoever are beleevers, Matth, 28. 19. 20. Mark. 16. 15, 16. Acts 8, 36, 37, 38.
4. In Circumcision, the Male only might enjoy it, Gen. 17. 9, 10. But Dipping both Male and Female, for they are all one in Christ Jesus, Gal. 3. 28. Collos. 3. 11. Acts 16. 15, 16.
5. Circumcision did belong to all of Abrahams carnall seed, under the Law, Gen. 17. 13, 14. But Dipping to his Spirituall seede, onely under the Gospel, Gallat. 3. 16. 29.
6. As a Male-child of Abrahams seed of eight dayes old, might be Circumcised, Gen. 17. 11, 12. 13. But now either Male or Female, Coll. 3. 11. of the everlasting Fathers seed, Isai. 9. 7. a new borne babe in Christ must be dipped, Act. 8. 37. Acts 16. 15. If they can come to any place, or person, to whom God hath committed this Ordinance.
7. Vnder the old Covenant, they were first to be circumcised, And then to Beleeve, But under the Gospel, wee are first to beleeve, and then to be dipped, Acts. 2. 38. Heb. 6. 2. they being under the New Covenant.
8. Circumcision did Inrite those persons, that received it, into the visible land of Canaan, Genes. 17. 8, 9, 10. But Dipping doth not give us any outward Inheritance in any Land or Countrey, But doth manifest to all men, that the Lord hath not onely given to those that obey, Hebr. 5. 9. That right in the Kingdome of grace, but also the Kingdome of glory.
9. Those that were circumcised under the old Covenant, did worship for grace, and so all that they did, was to make an Attonement: But we under the New Testament, worship from a principle of grace, which doe shew forth the glory of God; And this is the true difference betwixt literall and spirituall worship, Psal. 92. 14. Cor. 2. 3. 14. to the 18. And so between circumcision and dipping.
[Page 26] 10. Circumcision did always go before preaching the word; bu [...] dipping doth follow, Matth. 28. 19. 20. Acts. 8. 34. to the 37. Acts 2. 37, 38.
11. Circumcision was a seale to Abraham, of his faith he had, Rom. 4 11. but to none of his posteritie, But Dipping is not a seale to any of the faithfull, now but the Spirit of God, is the seale of life. Ephes. 1. 13. 2. cor. 1. 21. 1 Joh. 3. 24.
12. Circumcision doth differ from Dipping, both in the matter, forme, end, and time, of continuance.
1. For the matter, an infant, a Male of Abrahams seed by nature, a prosselite, or bought with money, but the subject matter of Dipping, is a Beleever of ripe yeeres, but an infant in grace.
2. For the forme, a round cutting of the foreskine of the instrument of generation, very sore, and grievous, Josh. 5. 6. 7. But the forme of Dipping, is water or plunging▪ under water, Matth. 3. 13. 14 15, 16. John. 16. 1 [...]. 33. Mark. 19. 10. John, 3. 23. which is much easier.
3. In respect of the end of it, Circumcission did but manifest an outward right to temporall inheritance in the land of Canaan; but Dipping doth witnesse to Be [...]eevers, that they have a visible right into the Kingdome of heaven, Luke. 12. 32, not onely in grace here, but in glory hereafter.
Againe, in respect of the time, for circumcision was to continue so long as the Jewes, continued to bee a Nationall Church, and then to end at Christs death, but Dipping is to continue so long as Christ hath any Church upon earth, Mat. 28. 20. till the Kingdome be delivered up; and God shall be all in all. 1 cor. 15. 28.
Lastly, circumcision was a Tipe of inward dipping, the truth of Regeneration or the circumcision of the heart, and Spirit. Rom. 2. 26. to the 29. coll. 2. 11. 12. And not a Type of outward Dipping. Prov. 30. 6. Adde thou not to his words, least he reprove thee, and thou be found a lyar. And Revellat. 22. 22. for I testifie unto every man that heareth the words of the Prophesie of this book If any man [Page 27] shall adde unto these things, God shall adde unto him the Plagues that are written in this book, and Heb. 12. 9. Further more, we have had fathers of our flesh, which corrected us, and we gave them reverence; shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of Spirits, and live?
BEloved, since part of this Treatise was in Presse, there came to my hand a book, set forth by P. [...]. which could I have gotten sooner, I should have answered more fully. But to touch some particulars; and first of Christs not being a Widdower, nor his Church without a head, though I find not this expression, we differ not in the matter or substance, though it bee not alwaies visib [...]e on the earth, as is cleare, Rev. 6. 12. 13. 14. whereupon the opening the eight Seale, heaven departed as a scroule when it is rolled together, and the 11. 7. 12. the witnesses lying dead three daies and a halfe; therefore the Church is not alwaies visible nor the M [...]nistry, but for a time is hid in the Wildernesse, where she is nourished for a time, and times and halfe a time, from the face of the Serpent, Chap. 13. 3. 17. And therefore Christ is no Widdower, nor his Church without a head, so long as his Spouse hath a being in heaven or earth.
2. We grant the Ordinance, being lost, none but a C [...]rist, a Moses, Elias or a Prophet from heaven, can raise it; but beleevers having Christ, the Word & Spirit have this, Mat. 18, 19, 20 & 11. 11. Luke 7. 28. Rom. 10. 6, 7, 8. for the Scripture is as silent of Johns baptising himselfe, and so others, as for one. After the defection of Antichrist to baptise himselfe, being worse then the Apostasie of Israel: And this is plaine, for the Spirit doth not call them falne Israelites, but Sodomites, and Egyptians, that were the worst of all Pagans; and so of all the Gentiles▪ Rev. 11. 2. 8.
3. Israels Apostasie d [...]d not race the foundation of the constitution of the Church of the Jewes, for that was of an infant of Abrahams seed, or a Prosselite to be circumcised, Exod. 12. 48. and so long as they did this, their constitution was true in the Land of Canaan, Gen the 17. 10, 11, 12.
But it is plaine, that Antichrist, as hee hath changed all other Ordinances, both in the Church Minist [...]y, [Page 28] Worship and Government, Esai. 24. 5. So hath he destroyed that true Apostolicall institution: the matter whereof being beleevers confessing sins and faith, desiring the Ordinance, Matth. 3. 6. Acts 8. 36, 37. to false matter of carnall infants, not new-borne Babes of that everlasting Father, Begotten by that immortall seed, Isai. 6. 9. 1 Pet. 2. 23. First being Christ, Gal. 3. 29. and not a fleshly Generation, for that which is borne of the flesh, is flesh, that have not visible Faith neither can they seale unto the Lord. John. 3. 33. as all true beleevers doe, for all true matter for the true church under the Gospel, must know the Lord, Jere. 31. 34. And be all taught of God, Isai. 54. 13. And therefore did the church of Rome or England, Baptize beleevers, onely confessing faith and sins, desiring it, wee would never separate from them, much lesse remove their Baptizme, as false, because it is Gods ordinance in it selfe, but so was never the sprinkling of infants.
2. Whereas you say we are filled with prejudice, that we have not patience to heare, wee shall bee ready, as we have ever beene, to speake, or write: and concerning the vessels of the Lords House, if you performe your promise, I hope you will change your minde; for the Vessels of the Lords House had no relation to the sprinkling of Infants, as hath beene formerly answered, for they were his owne Ordinance, [...]nd need not be new cast, so long as they remained the same, but the sprinkling of Infants was never. And so the Argument to no purpose.
But put the case the Babilonians had destroyed the Lords Vessels, and in stead had made them of Brasse, Copper, Tin, or Lead, whereas they were to be of pure Gold and Silver; had they beene then the Lords Vessels, or would his people have used them in his service and worship, or brought them backe, Ezra 1. 11. or would the Lord have accepted them for his owne Vessels. And thus it stands in truth for the Dipping of Christ, destroyed and raced out both for matter and forme, as hath beene formerly shewed, the matter being a beleever desiring it, the true forme, dipping them into [Page 29] Jesus Christ, in the New Covenant, to be visible heires, Rom. 8. 17. Gallat. 4. 5. Matth. 28. 20. whereas the other is but a tradition of the Church. As Master Rogers in his Treatise of Baptisme, sheweth that his conscience was never convinsed by any Word of God. Also confest by the Jesuits in the 17 controversies. Therefore though in words you denie traditions, yet for the sprinkling Infants you have no better Arguments.
3. Whereas you say the whole Church of [...]olosse; and so children being a part thereof, were baptised. To which I answer, could you prove them Saints and faithfull brethren in Christ, with experience of their love, 1 Chap. 2. 14. 21, 22. and 2. 11. and 3. 8. wherefore he exhorts the Church to beware least any man spoile them through Phylosophy, and vaine deceit, after the traditions of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ, they being compleat in him, in whom dwelleth the fulnesse of the God-head▪ bodily, being circumcised with the Circumcision made without hands, and so buried with Chr [...]st in baptisme, wherein also they were risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, which was by regeneration, and not generation, as Christ saith, John 3. 3. 5. 1 Pet. 2. 3. 1. 3. 21. Rom. 10. 10. and formerly proved, having tasted that the Lord is gracious, to whom comming as unto a living stone, elect and pretious; they as living stones, are built up, a Spirituall House, an holy Priesthood to offer up Spirituall Sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
And whereas he saith, some hold that Christ is to come and Raigne at Jerusalem; wherefore hee would have had them to stay till then for the Ordinance. To which I answer, if the want of the visibility of the Church proveth Christ a Widdower; then the state of the Church of which P. B. is a Member, was unheard of within these two hundred yeares, and so Christ a Widdower, unlesse hee hold the Church of Rome a true Church; which if he doe, how dare they separate from her? If not, some of them, being loving friends, holding the same Principle; how dare they raise [Page 30] up a State before Christ comes, as they say, to restore all th [...]ngs.
Lastly, whereas the clothes, or vestments are said to bee holy, which they weare when they receive the Ordinance of Dipping, they being dipt into the death of Christ: for answe [...], hee might as well have said, the clothes are holy, preached unto, exhorted to repentance, faith, and other duties that men weare when they are in their Assemblies; but as is the man, so is his strength, and for setting our parts Judg. 8. 21. by Gods parts, Ezek. 43. 8. Whether the Dipping beleevers, which Christ comand, or springling Infants, which he commanded not, be it, let every wise man judge; and the Spirit; of the Prophets are subject to the Prophets, 1 Cor. 14. 32. And for the whole houshold, that he speakes of, did hee but consider the Apostles first preaching to them the Word of Faith, and their believing, Acts 16. 31. 32. 34. This Objection is soone taken away, but this hath beene sufficiently spoken to before: therefore I shall leave it to Gods blessing, and thy censure.