To all that observe Dayes.
THe Lord is a witnesse against all your Idolatry who are following Idols, and observing dayes, and times, and seasons, which is idolatry. Oh London! what, art thou falling back into Popish Idolatry again? which sometime there hath been a spirit in thee which hath denyed? What, have you lost your zeal for the Lord? and is your zeal quite dead which once was in you against the practices of the whore of Rome? Alas, what do you meane, in your observing the Popish Mass-dayes, in observing Christmas, as you call it. I had thought that spirit had been banished; And I looked e're this, that observing of dayes would have been quite extinguished; and I hoped that your mindes and hearts would have enclined to better things, and would wholly have forgotten and left off all your superstitious practices, which had any foundation or savour of the Popish Church. But alas, I see your zeal for God is grown dead, and the spirit of Idolatry cleaves fast unto you; even so fast is it seated in your hearts, that an Act of Parliament, or any outward teaching or profession can separate you from Idolatry; and I perceive there is nothing till the just judgement of God fall among you, because of your sins that can worke out of your hearts, the spirit that runs after Idols. You seem to be joyned to Idols, as if an Idol were your God; is not this idolatry? As if you kept dayes wholly to the Lord, you keep your Shops shut, and you forbear all manner of worke, and you put on your fine apparell; and yet you go into vanity, into pride and wantonnesse, and commits great wickednesse in the sight of God, in pleasures, in sports, and lusts, and drunkennesse, and idlenesse, and all this is idolatry. And thus you keep your holy-dayes, as you call them, spending your time in vanity, both Masters and servants, Parents and children; And ye say ye will keep Christmas, and ye are greatly offended at them that will not, and cries against them, and scoffes at their godliness; and thus are you glewed to the old customes of the Romish Church, that whore, from whence you have learned these things; for she was the first that ever instituted and practiced these cursed abominations; and her practices which she was the author of, are you zealously performing even in London, the place of great Reformation as you professe: And thus are you doing, that call your selves the Reformed Churches, and that seems in words to deny her; yet are you treading in her steps of idolatry. What, observing Christmas in London yet? What, ye of the Reformed Churches? What, ye that have seemed some years since to turne away from these things, are ye even again observing these things? Oh! hypocrisie and deceit fills your hearts. Oh yee hypocrites! that cries against the Romish Church, and yet are observing of her practices, in feasting and ryoting and ryotousness, in drinking and wantonnesse, in idleness and sports, and this ye call keeping the holy-dayes. Oh wretched idolatry! The Lords judgements will come upon these things, the Lord is a witnesse against you. What, is all your profession come to this? Have not some of you cryed against the Pope and his inventions these many years? and are you sitten down in the practice of his inventions? It seems you are but reformed in words, and onely hath denyed the Pope in words, but are beholding to him for an invention, that ye may keep Holydays as ye say, which ye keep unholy; and manifold abominations in those days do abound to your shame. Therefore repent ye Idolaters, the time is at hand when the Lord will overturn, and overthrow all your idolatrous wayes, and practices. As for the Quakers, they feare God, and they dare not joyne with you in these abominations; and therefore you despise them, and say in your hearts, who shall controul you; for these things will ye do, and none shall prevent you. And thus is the Popish spirit of Idolatry shewed forth in thee, oh London, and thy reformed peeople are guilty of Popish superstitions and vain idolatries, till the judgements of the Lord enter upon you, and smite you, you will not regard nor return.