WHEREAS a general and open scandal in an ignominious and reproachful way hath been falsely laid upon the Woodmongers in their Trade of selling of Wood and Coals, by some who have (as it hath appeared) with unsized Measures, maliciously and without lawful authority, in a turbulent manner taken upon them to measure Coals, after the said Coals have been sent from the several Wharffs in lawful and well sized Sacks, marked and allowed for that purpose, with allowed sealed Measures in their Carts, which have been proved and tried before the Chief Magistrate of this City, and the Sacks found, when shrunk, to carry the full proportion within the Sack without heaping or topping, yet notwithstanding, by such unskilful in measuring, or partial in action, have found them short in measure, and so divulged it, on purpose to make the Woodmongers odious, although the same being afterwards meated by a sworn Meater, with an allowed sealed Bushel from the Office, was then found full Measure; The Odium is published to all, and beleeved by some; the Truth appears privately, and is known but to a few; Insomuch that the Woodmongers money is often stopped in the Customers hands upon the aforesaid pretence of their Coals not being measure; and Suits at Law, by some contentious, consequently following the same, and by such consequent delays, Customers sometimes take their opportunities and are gone, and the Woodmonger loses his whole Debt; Which Burthen hath long lain upon the shoulders of the Woodmongers: All which being taken into serious consideration, and that the Woodmongers Wharff is his Market to sell his Commodity in, as the Shop is the Trades-mans; and whereas the Woodmongers do pay ready money for all their Coals, and many times beforehand for their Wood, and that Coals and Wood may be sold at the cheapest rate that possibly may be afforded at,
Out of which considerations it is desired, that all persons whatsoever wanting Coals or Wood do come themselves into the said several Wharffs, or send their Servants or Agents thither, to see and approve of such Wood and Coal as they shall desire to have before they be sent from the Wharff. And if any misdoubt their measure, they shall there see their Coals measured with a lawful Measure, into their several Sacks; and for prevention of several Suits begotten as before is expressed, That all persons whatsoever, do take notice that from and after the Fourteenth day of September next they bring or send down their Money for such Coals and Wood, as they from time to time intend to have, before the same be delivered out of the Wharff where they buy: And the said Woodmongers after such delivery from their respective Wharffs, are not to own the new measuring of any such Coals; or make any allowance of any that shall be pretended to be wanting upon such new measuring, forasmuch as every one that will may have the same lawfully measured at the Wharff, and being so measured, to expect his due and no more: And if any shall take the same by consent, they are to have the same lawful size of Sacks marked and allowed as formerly, filled and topped with as equal a hand between Buyer and Seller as possible may be; and the said Woodmongers are not to use any other then the allowed sealed Measures and Sacks at their Wharffs; and that this may be well and truly performed, the Masters and Wardens of the said Woodmongers Company will appoint such Over-seers that shall from time to time see the due performance hereof: Or bring the Offenders to condign punishment.