A SERMON PREACHED On the 30 th. of January, 1683/4.

Being an ANNIVERSARY FOR THE Martyrdom OF King CHARLES the First.


LONDON, Printed for Randall Tayler near Stationers-Hall. 1684.

Preached on the 30th of January, 1683.

LUKE 21. Verse 25, 26. ‘And there shall be Signs in the Sun, and in the Moon, and in the Stars, And upon the Earth, Distress of Nations, with Perplexitie, the Sea, and the Waves Roaring, Mens Hearts failing them for Fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the Earth. For the Pow­ers of Heaven shall be shaken.’

THere is Prophetick mention of two Fatal Times, as they are fore shewn by the Prophet Daniel, and by our Saviour Jesus Christ. [There shall be Dan. 12. 1. (saith Daniel) a time of Trouble, such as never was since there was a Nation, even to that same time▪ and at that time, thy People shall be deliverd.] And this seems to be the very time my Saviour Fore-Bodes by the Signs in my Text mentioned. For if we observe, He adds saying [then (as much as to say when you see those Luke 21. 27, 28, 29, 30, 31. Signs) shall they see the Son of Man coming in a Cloud, with Power and great Glory: And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your Hands, for your Redemption draweth nigh.] And as sure as the Sprout­ing Fig-tree, is a Prodromer that Summer is at Hand, [Page 2] even so when ye see these things (that is the Signs in my Text, &c. [Then know ye that the Kingdom of God is nigh at hand. By the [Son of Man] spoken off by Christ, seems to be understood the same Person, who by Daniel is Stiled, [Michael the cheif Prince.] Of whom as 'tis said here, that [He shall come,] so it is spoken there say­ing [he shall stand up.] And both these seem to speak of the coming of Christ to Reign, but that not Per­sonally as some imagine, but by his Vicegerent, as saith the Prophet Isaiah, [Kings shall be thy Nursing Fathers, Isa. 49. 22, 23. Dan. 10. 21. when I set up my Standard to the People, and they shall bring thy Sons in their Arms, &c.] And thus Michael the Son of Man, or the Cheif Prince shall stand up, and come, to deliver the Ancient Jews and Israelites his People out of Captivity, by the Hands of Christian Kings his Earth­ly Angels and Ministers, or Vicegerents. The Total Sum of all which things Amounts thus far, That the Jews and Israelites shall be converted, to the Christian Faith, and then shall be delivered out of Captivity by the mighty Power of God, and be restored unto their own Ancient Country and Land, called Palestina; but [immediately be­fore those Days shall be great Tribulation, such as was not Mal. 24. 21. since the beginning of the World to this time, no, nor ever shall be,] But now withal we are to understand, that this time of Trouble, or Tribulation, is to be twice re­peated, whereof once, as has been afore shewed, and a­nother time before that, [when the Abomination of Desola­tion shall be set up in the holy Place.] And when [Michael Dan. 9. 26, 27. Luke 21. 32: is also called Messiah, all come in Person, and shall be cut off, but not for himself, in the midst of the Week,] there shall be, and follow the [first Tribulation,] which [was to be fulfilled, before that Generation wherein our Saviour lived, was quite passed over. And this has already been fulfilled once, or acted & repeated over the first time; And is to be expected to be acted over a second time, and that second time is justly supputed to be near at hand.

Now to Calculate these things Regularly and Exactly, according to what is expressed, by that Holy Prophet, and confirmed by our Saviour. The ground Plot of all these things is the coming and standing up of Michael, who is the Messiah, our Chirst, our Saviour, who came first personally in order to Suffer that we may be Redeem­ed. At this time [He came unto his own, and his own re­ceived him not,] but took, and Crucified, & slew him, [and Joh. 11. 11▪ Acts 2. 23▪ Mat. 27. 25. called down the Vengeance of his Bloud, upon their own Heads, and upon the Heads of their Children.] And hence followed the [first Direful Tribulation, the like whereof was never known before.] It was in the Thirty Third Year of our Saviours Incarnation, upon Friday the Third of April at a little after Three a Clock in the Afternoon, at Joh. 19. 30 what time [hanging upon the the Cross, He bowed down his Head and Died.] And on the Thirty Seventh Year af­ter, on the Fourteenth of April, Titus with the Romans at a Pascal time, shut in the Jews into the City of Je­rusalem by a close Siege, at what time, it was infinitely Joseph. of the War [...] throng'd with People, who from all parts had come thi­ther to the Passover. On the Third of May he took one Wall by Assault, and on the Eighth of May another Wall. On the Fourteenth of July the dayly Sacrifice ceased for want of Victims. On the Twenty-Fourth of July the Castle called Antonia was taken by the Romans, and the same day the Northern Porch of the Semple was burnt, and on the Twenty-Seventh Day the Western Porch was burnt by the Jews themselves. On the Eighth Day of August the Romans entred the Temple, and on the Tenth Day it began to burn with Violent Flame. Then did the Romans kill the Preists, and prophaned the Alter, and the Bloud ran down the Steps like VVater in a time of Rain. On the Eighth of September being Saturday or the Dio. [...]ewish Sabbath, the Romans entred the higher City, and took it. At this Siege were slain, what by Sword, Plague, [Page 4] and Famine 1100000 Mortals, besides what were slain at other times and places, and sold for Slaves. Here ceased the dayly Sacrifice, and the Abomination of Desolation was set up, and continued standing so, until the times of Trasanus, and Hadrianus Emperors of Rome. In time of Euseb. Dio. Trajanus the Jews Rebelled in Egypt, and Kyrene, and Kypuus, and Mesopotamia, and endured vast Slaughters: In time of Hadrianus they Rebelled in Judaea, and were soon tamed. But in the Year 128 Hadrianus converted Jerusalem into a Roman Colony and called it Aelia-Capitolina, Euseb. & Dio. and erected the Temple of Jupiter, by the side of the Jew­ish Temple, whence occasioned the last and Fatal Re­bellion of the Jews, under Barchochebas their Leader, who slew many Romans and Christians, but in the Year 135, or one Hundred and Three Years after Christs Euseb. & Dio. Death with much difficulty they were utterly Broken and Ruined, and by Wars, at this time Perished 580000 Souls, besides Infinite Numbers more who died of Fire, Plague, and Famine. Then was a Swines Head Engraven over the Gates of the City, with other Pagan Images, and the Jews were utterly forbidden ever to come there more, unless once by the Year, to bewail the Abomina­tions and away again, and here now the Abomination of Desolation was at the highest Pitch, at what time also a Temple to Jupiter was erected at Golgotha, and another Paulin. Hieron. to Venus at Bethlehem. And hence forward the Jews utter­ly left off their several Ceremonies, as well Christians as other Jews. After these things, 179 Years, or in the Year of Christ 314, was Maximinus the last Pagon Tyrant, rout­ed and overcome by Licinius the Confederate of Constan­tine the Great, and soon after Died Tormented of God, at Thausus in Kilikia, and Himself called in the Edict of Persecuting Christians before he Died. But he no sooner Dead, but Idolatry was every where cast down, and the Abomination of Desolation at Jerusalem was set aside, [Page 5] and the Ancient Name of Jerusalem again recovered, Euseb. Eccl. Hist. Churches were Built up, and Idol-Temples pull'd down; and thence forward ceased the Abomination. And this was that first time of Tribulation, the like whereof was ne­ver before known, and it continued 244 Years, during which space, the Jews were utterly Destroyed, or driven into Exile, and the Christians were continually Perse­cuted with Fire and Faggot.

From this time forward, saith our Saviour, [The Jews shall be led Captive into all Nations, and Jerusalem, for the most part is to continue trodden under foot of the Centiles, [until the time of the Gentiles be fulfilled.] That is, (as Luke 21. 24. it shall seem) The Gentiles shall enjoy the Holy City and the Holy Places, and the Jews shall be utterly cast out from thence, until such time as the Gentiles becoming abo­minably wicked, in some measure like unto what the Jews once were, by reason whereof, that woful Tribu­lation did befal them; and then shall be Signs in the Hea­vens, foretokening a Second Repetition of the like woful Tribulation which is to befal the Gentiles, whether Pa­gans, Schismaticks, or loose Christians, who are to Perish Vers. 27, 23. 29▪ &c. by Sword, Plague, Fire and Famine, in some measure as the Jews also did. And in those Days, the Jews and Israelites [Are to lift up their Heads, and to look up for that, They are to be Redeemed and Delivered, and these are perpetually to be cast out.] Thus are we forewarned by our Blessed Saviour: But Daniel measures out the time thereof into parcels, and points at the Years, when things shall come to pass in order. To this purpose, having his Eye fixed upon the Redemption and Deliverance of the Jews and Israelites, called his People, with great care and Anxiety of Mind; desiring to know when it should come to pass; Loe, the Holy Angels favouring his Desires, enquire for him, saying, [To the Man Cloathed in Linnen, with a Girdle of Gold about his Loins, whose Body was as [Page 6] Beryl, and his Face like Lightening, and his Eyes as it were Dan. 10. 5. 6. Ch. 12. 5, 6, 7. Lamps of Fire;] How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?] unto which was answered, by a solemn Oath, from the Man in Linnen, (who seems to be the Christ,) [That it shall be for a time, and times, and an half: and Vers. 7. when he shall have accomplished to scatter the Power of the Holy People, all these things shall be finished.] Intimating that there shall be [a Scattering of the Holy People,] as it was when Christ was taken, saying, [I will smite the Shepherd, and the Flock shall be scattered abroad.] This Mat. 26. 31. Zach. 13. 7, 8, 9. saying was first written by the Prophet Zachariah, say­ing, [Awake, O Sword, against my Shepherd, and against the Man who is my Fellow, (saith the Lord of Hosts,) Smite the Shepherd, and the Sheep shall be scattered: and I will turn mine Hand upon the little Ones. And it shall come to pass, that in all the Land, (saith the Lord,) Two parts therein shall be Cut off, and Die, but the Third shall be left therein. And I will bring the Third part through the Fire, and will Refine them as Silver is Refined, and will Try them as Gold is Tried: they shall call on my Name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my People; and they shall say, The Lord is my God.] Christ was smitten; but not with the Sword, the Awakement of the Sword therefore looks beyond Christ, there is another scattering of the Holy People to be made, besides that of the Apostles, when Jesus was Murdered, and yet is to be such as shall correspond therewith, and be thereunto answerable. And that [He] who is to do this, is to be some Great Man, among the Gentiles, either Pagan, or Schismatick: and seems, as described by St. Paul, to be that Man of Sin the 2 Thes. 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, &c. Son of Perdition, who is to be Revealed in his time, who will Exalt himself above all that is called God, or that is Worshiped, so that He, as God sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing Himself that He is God. That Wicked One, even He, whose coming is after the working of Sa­tan, [Page 7] with all Power and Signs, and Lying Wonders. This is He, who shall do by the [Holy People] as the Jews did by Christ, when they Murdered Him; under a pretext of Justice. And this is to be done before the Conversion of the Jews, but after this is done, then mat­ters will hasten apace unto their Deliverance, even in those Days, [before that Generation shall pass away, where­in Luke 21. 32. these things shall be done, all of it shall be fulfilled.] And this scattering is to be made, at under the Time of [a Time, Times, and an Half:] So as at the end of those Times, and under that very Generation, wherein the Scattering shall be accomplished, then shall be the Re­storation of the Jews; [But the very Day, or Year, much Mal. 24. 36. less the Hour, (time was) when the Angels of Heaven did not, and no Man did know, but the Father only.]

But this first Answer being Mystical, and unintelligible to the Learned Prophet, He Prayed for farther Informa­tion, saying Himself to the Man in Linnen, [O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?] as who would say, D [...]n. 12. 8. [When shall this Time, Times, and an Half begin?] or, when shall He, [who is to scatter the Holy People, and their Power appear?] unto which is Answered, [At the Vers. 11, 12 end of 1290 Days, and at the end of 1335 Days; from the Time that the Daily Sacrifice shall be taken away▪ and the Abomination that maketh Desolate, be set up.] This Vers. 9, 10. Answer was still Mysterious unto Daniel, for it was to re­main Sealed up, as a Riddle hard to be unfolded, until the time of the end, but at that ends time, the whole Myste­ry shall appear open and manifest unto the sight of all wise Men. And now that ends time seems to be come▪ For our Eyes have seen, and our Ears have heard, the ac­complishment of almost the whole matter come to pass. For Observe we, First, That the Daily Sacrifice ceased on the 24th of July, in the Year of Christs Incarnation 70, for want of Victims, next the Abomination began to stand [Page 8] up, on the same Year, and on the next Month when Idol Sacrifice was layd upon Gods Alter, and when the most holy place, by Fire was Converted into Rubbish, and was Troden with profane Feet, and continuing in its Ashes, it was made desolate. But especially the Abomination and Desolation was then perfected at what time Idol Temples were erected in the Place of Gods House, & the whole Na­tion of the Jews, utterly driven away Root and Branch, out of the whole Kingdom, by Aelius Hadrianus. And this Abomination of Desolation, and Cessation of dayly Sacrifice lasted until the Reign of Constantine the Great the first Christian Emperour; who in the 7th. Year of his Reign, & of Christ 313. set fourth Edicts in Favour of the Euseb. Eccl. Hist. Christian Religion, & Licinius & Maximinus the other Em­perours assented unto the same. But in the End of the same Year Maximinus perswaded by his Magitians, re­newed the Persecutions, but was Routed in Battel by Li­cinius, and soon after in 314 Died of the hand of God, And then every where Idolatry was Destroyed, and Gods Gospel Worship was set up at Jerusalem, all Idol Temples being there abolished and cast out. Here therefore end­ing the Abomination, & the daily Sacrifice being restored; Hence are we to begin the first Term of Daniels Times, and to reckon onwards. The times mentioned are two, where­of Ezek. 4. 4, 5, 6. Dan. 9. 25, 26, 27. the first is of 1290, and the second 1335 days, which according to the usage of Holy Writ are to be understood of so many Years, as they are called Days. And now count we from the Year of Christ 313, an Addition of 1290 Years, and they will set us in the Year of Salva­tion 1603. Which is the very Year whereon King James came into England, and began to possess the Crown of great Britain, and on the same Year was the Saventh great Conjunction in the Fiery Triplicity, and at the end of the Year was a new Star in Seventeen degrees of Sagita­ry. And the second Term mentioned by Daniel, which [Page 9] bounded his 1290 Years was the Time, Times, and an half. So as 'twas not the deliverance of his People, which at end of those Years was forshewn, for the Years are long since come up and gone by, and no such thing is done, and the fore it follows, that at end of this Date, or Term of Time, the other mentioned by the same Author is to take place. And thus after 1290 Years from the A­bomination of Desolation set up, is to follow a Time, Times, and an half, and then is to be expected the Deli­verance. And so from the coming into England of King James, there was to be expected a Time, and Times, and an half, and then shall follow the Restoration of the Jews. And whether we will have it the time of Reign of One King, and Two Kings, and an Interregnum, or a­ny other way, and whether we will esteem these times to be reckoned by our Kings Reigns in England or Germa­ny, or at Rome, it cannot be long to the end there­of.

The second Computation of Time mentioned by Daniel is 1335 days, which also turned into so many Years, and added unto 313 do set us in the Year of Christ 1648, at end whereof the most sacred Prince, our late Sovereign of blessed memory, King Charles the first, of great Brytain, Suffered Martyrdome, and then the Sheepheard being smitten the Sheep were scattered, and many of them cut off, and the residue, were tryed and refined as Silver or Zech. 13. 7, 8, 9. Gold tryed in the Fire. And on the same Year was the Grand Signiour, or great Emperour of the Turks at that time Lord of the Holy Land, cut off, Summoned, Try­ed, and Condemned by the pretended high Priest or Muf­ti, and the rest of the Divan, somewhat after the rate Mr. Ri­cauts Tur­k [...]sh Hist. of our Saviour. And on the same Year were great trou­bles in the Empyress of Russia, and Abassia, and in France, and at Naples in Italy, and diverse other places. But es­pecially here in England, both Magistracy and Ministry, [Page 10] the two Holy Offices, appointed by God Almighty, and sometimes executed by Christ, were utterly cut off and a­bolished, and the whole Body of the holy People, who had in any wise stood up in defence of holy Authority, Power and Discipline in Church and State, were dissipated, Slain, and driven into Exile. And he that did these things was, especially the late Protector Oliver Cromwel, a Man of ob­scure Birth, who advanced his Fortune by perjury and Lyes, Hypocrisy, Murder, Rapines, and Rebellions, and there­fore appears to have been beyond Pope or Turk, or Ma­homet, the greatest Impostour that ever was born, and most Eminently the Man of Sin, beyond all Men besides that ever were known or Read of. And thus have we attained unto the utmost Term of the last Number in the Year of Christ 1648/ [...], 1335 Years precisely since the A­bomination of Desolation set up, and taken down. And now therefore [Blessed is he who waiteth, for that we have arrived at the Year 1335.] And the time of the Gentiles seemeth to be fulfilled. They having done unto a most holy Prince, Defendor of the Faith, true Ancient Catho­lick and Apostolick, in a great measure as the Jews did un­to Christ. And now therefore to the Jews says our Savi­our [Look up for the Day of Redemption draweth nigh!] But unto the Heathens, the Pagans Hereticks and Schis­matical Christians; Unto you waite a time of Trouble and Tribulation, such as never was since there vvas a Na­tion, even unto that same time, saving that trouble of the Jews long since acted, vvhereof this of yours is but a second part of the same, once more repeated over a­gain, according to the Nature of your Crime in Com­parison of theirs, these hastening to be, as those vvith them once vvere, [Dayes of Vengeance, that all things Luke 21. 22. which are written may be fulfilled. And novv as there have been, are, and are further Expected, [Signs in the Sun, and in the Moon, and in the Stars and upon the Earth, [Page 11] distress of Nations with perplexity, the Sea and Waves Roaring, Mens Hearts failing them for Fear, and for look­ing after those things which are comming on the Earth, for the Powers of Heaven shall be shaken.

These vvords are foreboding marks of those Days of Tribulation I have mentioned before, and a discription of the State of that Tribulation, and the ground Plot of both.

1. The Marks foreboding are called Signs, and are Described by their Scituation either in the Sun, or Moon, or Stars, or on the Earth.

Signs in the Sun and Moon are all extraordinary and un­usual Eclipses, as when Total, and the Stars appear by Day, or is accompanyed with strange Meteors or Constel­lations. Unusual and Stange Colour, such as black or bloudy, or pale and dark for any long time. Unusual shapes, such as extraordinary big or small, or when Crosses or other Signs appear in the Bodys of either.

Signs in the Stars are when new Stars, Comets or unusual Meteors do appear, and that of horrible Colours, shapes, quantity, and bigness, and do last long or do mischeif. Great Conjunctions, and Constellations, and Crouds of Planets in mutual Opposition or Conjunction, or shews in the Heavens of Armies or Monsters, &c.

Signs upon Earth are Monstrous Births, Apparitions of Ghosts, strange Thunders, Hail-Storms, Frosts, Earth­quakes, moving of Mountains, Trees, Houses, or Towns, prodigious Winds, &c. Strange Voices heard and not known whence they come. Raining of Bloud, Wool, Wheat, Stones or such like. Breaking forth of new Wells, Rivers, and such like.

Now these things are wont to be aboundantly more plenteous in Pagan Countrys, then in Christian, because where God teacheth by his word, there is the less need of the warning by strange Prodigies. And 2ly, because [Page 12] where we know to despise Signs and Wonders, they pass over the less noted or headed, but where Men do most ad­mire, Sathan makes shew oftentimes of greater wonders then really they are; and counterfeit strange Signs.

Before the destruction of Jerusalem, was seen a Flam­ing Comet in form of a Sword, which hung over Jerusalem a whole Year. Armies were seen Fighting in the Air, A Voice was heard in the Temple saying [Let us go hence.] The great Gate that Twelve Men were usually aiding to open and shut, in the Night time, opened of its own ac­cord. And what was most of all, one Jesus Son of Ana­nel, for four Years together went about the City continu­ally pronouncing Woes against the City, Country, and Temple, and no Whipping or Punishment would make him cease. Now never were more greivous Calamities then befel that place at that time. And yet we Read of greater and more grievous Signes, before the Falling down of the Northern Inundations about the Year of 400, vvhen the Goths, Vandals, Hunns and such like barbarous People over ran the Roman Empire. And far vvorse before the Massacre of Romans in Britain in Neroes Time, And the Massacre of Romans by Mithridates, and the taking of Rome by the Gaules. And yet before the Fearful Massacre at Paris in 72 vve Read of very mean Prodigies boding thereof. The truth is, there Lurks much of Learning in the Case, Pro­digies and strange Signs are Significant, but they require an Interpretor, there is a curiosity in the Signification, more then every body knovvs, only thus far vve knovv, that such things are Direful vvhere-ever the danger Lights, and in common Threatnings all Men are to be­vvare.

Now to take a view of the prodigies of our own Age at present, depending with their Woes looking in our Fa­ces, are first a prodigious Hailstorm in London, and Ten Miles round, on the 18th. of May, 1680. The like where­of, [Page 13] has not been known of many Ages; in Novemb. and December of the same Year, followed the prodigious Comet, in form of a Spit of great length; which coming out of the South, appeared for Twelve Months, and made abode with us in our Northern Latitude for some Months. February 11th. 1681. Was a total Eclipse of the Moon Fa­tal and Bloody, in 4° of Virgo. August 1682. Was another Comet in the Northern Hemisphere, which shone sometime and moved Southwards. In October came up the great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, which yet Reigns in the Second Decanate of Leo; and on December the 5th. a fearful Torch appeared double, which coming from North-East, and South-West, met in Mid-Heaven, and dash­ing at each other, vanished with a great blaze of Light. And lastly, on Jan. 17. vvas a visible Eclipse of the Sun in the 8th. of Aquarius, almost Total in the Western Horison. And besides these are talkt of several Visions seen in the Ayr, and noyse of Drums beating, heard, no Man knovvs from vvhence, and strange Prophesies of Destruction and much Mischief attending us, and great Rumours of Wars every vvhere. But the Pulpit is no place to tell strange stories in; I shall omit therefore the crovvd of Heresays, of Mock Suns and Moons, and several Vapours, besides re­lations of nevv Springs and Rivers broken out, vvhich ne­ver vvere vvont to shevv themselves but against times of extremity. And novv vvhat these things signifie belong not unto this place to decide; but do rather lead me to give vvarning, that in such cases every body do fear the vvorst, and the best vvill mend it self. That is, God sends these vvarnings that vve may repent of our sins, and in expectation of danger, to stick the closer unto our God, in all holiness of Conversation. And this the rather, be­cause in the next place, vve are forevvarned that after these Signs shall follovv, Distress of Nations with Perplexity, the Sea and the Waves roaring, Mens Hearts failing them [Page 14] for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the Earth. Here in this Prophesie have vve first descri­bed the thing forevvarned, [Distress of Nations] Intima­ting, that after the Signs aforesaid, not all the vvhole World, but yet Nations, several Nations, vvhomsoever it may concern, shall be greatly distressed; that is, they shall suffer great Assaults, and shall be much Tottered and Shaken, or Overturned, and shall have no Supporters, or Assisters, to preserve from a fall, or to raise up being down: Or in short, They shall have so great troubles, that they will not know which way to turn them in order to deli­verance. 2. Is described the height of this distress; that is, [with Perplexity] Intimating that their Calamities shall be like unto a Line intangled and knit into so many knots that it cannot be undone; They feeling themselves lock't up, and fenced about with abundance of Dangers threatning, and yet so puzled with Mischief upon Mis­chief, as if the untying of one knot, were the making of three. 3. Is set forth the Form and Shape of the Distress, as being like the hideous Waves of the Sea, Roaring, Ra­ging, and Threatning, and Foming with Salt Froth, as if they would Swallow and Devour all before them. For as the Sea in rough Water is fearful to behold, and dangerous to be trusted, such are the dreadful approaching Calami­ties. 4. Is shewed the Effects of this Distress. 1. In Mens Hearts which shall fail for fear, And 2ly. In their Eyes which shall increase the fears of the Heart, by seeing and beholding the Miseries as they approach nearer and nearer, and the great Mischief which they do. [The Spi­rit of a Man (saith Solomon) will bear its Infirmities, Pro 18. 14. but a wounded Spirit who can bear?] The Heart is the support of a Mans Spirit, and so long as the Heart holds up stout and confident, it carries him off through many temptations: but if a Mans Heart fail him, then all his Spirits break, and evaporate into meer Air and Emptiness. [Page 15] And the Heart failing, Man lifts up his Eyes, as if they should help him, and yet they by seeing, and beholding the great Clouds of approaching Evils do rather increase and heighten the Sorrow, while they have no tydings to tell but of grievous Mischief and Miseries continually threatning, and yet can they not chuse but look up still, though they can behold no Comfort. After this rate was the Church of Judah found, when the Lord beheld the State thereof, as of [People that hear nothing but Voices Jer. 30. 5, 6, 7. of trembling, where is nothing but fear, without hopes of Peace. Wherefore (saith the Lord) do I see every Man with his hands on his Loyns, as a Woman in Travail, (as if Man also should Travail with Child) and all Faces are tur­ned into paleness. Alas, for that day is great, so that none is like it: It is the time of Jacobs trouble.] This was when the Caldeans oppressed and over-ran the whole Kingdom of Judea, but at that time they were delivered. Even such are the Calamities that are now approaching upon the World, and some Nations perhaps may escape with small harms, and others may be safe enough: But some where, and on some certain Nations, these great Tri­bulations, the like whereof were never before knovvn, are novv like to happen in a short space. For now the Powers of Heaven are shaken, as our Saviour saith in my Text, For the Powers of Heaven shall be shaken. And this is the third thing, the Cause and Ground vvork both of the Signs and the Miseries forevvarned. The Povvers of Heaven are either Efficiently or Instrumentally so Efficiently and Principally are, God himself, and after him his Holy Angels, the Povvers of Heaven. Instrumentally the Sun, Moon, and Stars, and all the Hosts of Heaven, are the Povvers and Strength of Heaven, by vvhich according to Nature God Acts upon Earth. Novv God and his Angels are too high to be shaken, but their Instruments may be shaken, and that either vvhen God shall shake them, as a [Page 16] Man shakes his Weapon when he brandisheth his Sword to strike therewith. And thus God shakes the Powers of Heaven, when the Sun, Moon, and Stars, seeming to dash one against another, either by Body or Aspect, do make even the Earth and all its Inhabitants to shake and trem­ble at their Motions. And here also the Potentates on Earth, in a sense called the Powers of Heaven, because the God of Heavens Agents, are also shaken by the greater Powers of Heaven above. And thus the late gaeat Co­met, and the great Eclipses, and the great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter now in being, are the shaking of Hea­ven, our Saviour speaks of; And after these, its to be fea­red, many Prodigies and Signs will still appear more and more both in Heaven and Earth, until the forewarned Distress of Nations doth come upon them. Now what these Comets, Eclipses, and Conjunctions do signifie, belongs not to this place or time to be Treated on; nor yet do I think my self concerned to say how near or how far off those threatened Calamities are unto the Nations. Only supposing the worst, give me leave by help of the con­text to describe them so far as Gods Word gives us warn­ing, and so I shall come to Application.

Now to this purpose we are to note, that at this time of my Text, our Saviour is upon Answer to three Que­stions. As 1. When shall these things be, meaning the Destruction of Jerusalem, vvhich a little afore, Christ had been Treating upon. 2. What shall be the Sign of Christs Mal. 24. 3. coming; that is, by his Vicegerent to deliver the Jews out of Captivity. And 3. What shall be the Signs of the end of the World. Unto all vvhich our Saviour ansvvers comprehensively, as if, vvhat is the Sign of the one, shall be the same of all three. And look hovv it is like to be in that day, vvhen the vvhole World of Heaven and Earth are to Perish by Fire, and be Destroyed, even so after the same rate shall it happen vvhen Jerusalem is to be Destroyed, [Page 17] and when the Gentile Nations are many or most of them to be distressed. For at each of all these three times shall be great Tribulation, such as the like was never known before, besides or since, excepting the very Paralels. Of these the Destruction of Jerusalem is past, the Calamity of the Gentile Nations even now waits them. And the end of the World shall come in its time.

But will some say, in what particular manner shall these things be? to which I answer in a three Fold respect.

1. In respect of the Cause moving to bring on such Ca­lamities upon the Nations, with Gods Vengeance for Great and Crying Sins. [For (Says our Saviour) These Luke 21. 22: be the Days of Vengeance, that all things that are written may be fulfilled. Before Jerusalems and the Jews fall, Jesus the Christ was most wickedly murdered by his own People, at whose hands he had most singularly and incomparably well deserved. And for Vengeance, because of that Death, came up the Fatal Tribulation of those Days. And now is expected [that the Times of the Gentiles be fulfilled,] That is till [They or some of them shall prevail and accom­plish to scatter the Power of the holy People, then shall their v. 24. Vengeance come.] The Turks are at this time, and for ma­ny Years have been Lords of the Holy Land, and do Tread Jerusalem under Foot, and do keep it away that the Jews, the Right Owners cannot possess it at this Day, they are a Barbarous sort of People, that have neither Law nor Gospel, nor any thing of good Education to help their Government, and therefore it Pleases God to bear with their Rude Manners so much the more. [But yet having a Law written in their Hearts, their Conscience bearing witness, and their Thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another.] When they break out in Ex­travagancies against all Laws of Nature and Conscience, then will God judg them, and the Jews shall be restored. And for these Extravagancies the Jews have a long time [Page 18] tarried. But now so it was, that on the Year spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, namely in the Month of August in the Year 1648, Loe, the grand Council of that King­dom, namely the Mufti, who is esteemed their high Priest, and as it were the wisest Man in all their Kingdom, to­gether with the Grand Viziar, and all the great Bassa's who made up the great Divan or Grand Council, Conspired together, to Murder their Lord and Emperour, Sultan [...]i [...]ar [...]s [...]ife of I­ [...]r [...]. Ibrahim, the Grand Seigniour, unto whom they were but Slaves or Common Subjects. And accordingly they Summoned him with a Writ of Justice, (called a Stelfa,) before them, to Answer his Misdemeanours; which Writ he not Obeying, though Twice or Thrice repeated, They Condemned him to Death; and exposed him to be first imprisoned, and afterwards Murdered. And accordingly it was done unto him. And now therefore say we, the Turks in their kind, have done unto their King, as once the Jews did unto Christ, and by thus doing have scatter­ed the Power of the Holy People, that is the Power of the Ottoman Family, which was always esteemed Sacred among the Turks, and he was a King, which is an Office, whereby he was (though otherwise a vile Wretch) a Sacred Officer, as Gods Vicegerent in that Country. And now therefore the time is fulfilled of the 1335. days spoken of by Daniel, and Vengeance waits the Turks for that Fact, and when that Vengeance falls, then the Jews are to be restored. True it is indeed, that Sultan Osman first, and after him Sultan Mustapha were afore this de­throned by the Turks, but then those things were done Tumultuously, and not by a solemn Council and Court of Judicature as was this, and therefore on that very Year, the iniquity of that Nation of Gentile People was Ripened, and Vengeance waits them therefore.

Now as the Turks, so the Museovites and Abassines, Christian Gentiles of two great Empyres, whereof the one [Page 19] in Asia, and the other in Africa, were in their great Coun­cils guilty of much of the like Jewish wickedness against their Soveraign Princes as the Jews had been, though they did not break out into absolute Murders. So also the Italians at Naples about the same Year were guilty of the same sort of Contempt against Authority. The French also about the same time, together with the Princi­pal of their Nobility, were of the conspiring humour, in the same age, and at the same time. But above and be­yond all others were the Scots and English Famously No­torious for their Jewish Principals.

This, This is the Kingdom, where at the ends of Time, Isa. 32. 2. [Behold a King did Reign in Righteousness, and Princes Go­verned in Judgment] [and was a hiding place from the Wind, and a Covert from the Tempest, yea as Rivers of water in a dry place, and as the shadow of a great Rock in a Weary Land.] But alas, such was our hard Fate, that here also arrived the Jewish Abomination of Iniquity, and [Loe, Lamene 15, 16. the joy of our heart is ceased, and our Dance is turned into Mourning: And the Crown is fallen from our Heads, Woe unto us, that we have Sinned.] [For the Breath of our Nostrills, the Annointed of the Lord, of whom we said, un­der Ch. 4. 2▪ his shaddow we shall Live among the Heathens, he was taken in their Pitts.] Here, Here it was of all places in the World, where the Murther of Christ was so Lively Acted over a Fresh, in all Points as if the same Christ that Suffered at Jerusalem, had come again from the Dead to Dye at London, and to be Murdered over a new by a Barbarous Jewish English Council. Here were the Lively Representations of all Jewish Sects of Pharisees, Sadduces Essenes, and Herodians. The Perfect Portraictures of He­rod and Pontius Pilatus, of Annas and Caiaphas, John and Alexander, and the whole Kindred, the Cheif Priests and Elders, The Rulers and Scribes, and Captains of the Ci­ty, and Captains of the Army, and the very Face of the [Page 20] whole Sany dryn or high Court of justice. Here also was a King, then whom never Prince better had deserved at the hands of his People, by all mens, and very Enemies, confession, who tendered the welfare of his Subjects, even as a Mother would do by her Sucking Child; so truly humble, so exceeding gracious, so Heavenly Pious and Devout in all Points, so meek, so harmless, as any Dove, and yet wise, unto Admiration, as a Serpent, so Faithful to his Oath, so observant of Duty to God and Man, as rare­ly was the like so gracious and Heavenly Prince ever known. And yet they drove him from his House and Home, and rendered him in worse State then the Foxes vvhich have Holes, they pursued him, and set forth Pro­climation after him, that if any Man knevv vvhere he was, he must reveal it to the tvvo Houses, they caught him by Treachery of Money, betrayed by a Judas of his ovvn House, more then one and another, they Imprisoned Him, and left him carelesly, as it had been on purpose, that the Army might seize on him, They led him up and dovvn in Triumph, Voted no more Addresses to him, and Finally they Spat on him, Mock'd him, Scorn'd him, cry­ed Justice, Justice, at him, and Execution, Execution, against him, as others once said Crucifie, Crucifie, him. They Ex­amined him, they judged him, they caused the Army Men to Condemn him, and upon a Scaffold before his own Door, they Cut off his Head, they Smote the Shepherd and scat­tered the Flock, they slew the Heir and divided his Inhe­ritance among them. Thus Died our Soveraign much after the manner as did our Saviour, and was as Honourably Buried by honourable Men, and was after the same Rate heartily and bitterly Lamented, both by Men and Wo­men, who stood afar off with Loud Lamentation and out Cries, and smote their Breasts and so Returned. And as our Saviour had his fore-runner St. John the Baptist, so had our Soveraign an holy Man, the Arch-Bishop of Can­terbury [Page 21] William Laud, his Fellow Sufferer, who led him the way to the Block, and Suffered much after the same Rate as John the Baptist had done before him. And as our Saviour Suffered not for his Sin, nor in Observance of any Law of God or Man, but because he would not Plead. So our Soveraign and the Arch-Bishop were Con­demned, not for their Crimes, but as was said of our Sa­viour, lest the Papists, (that is the Romans) should come and Root out both the place and the Nation, and they made a Law after the Fact was done, after the manner of the Barbarous Turks, without president of True Jew or Holy Christian, and that without warranty of any Law of God or Man, to put them both to Death, and that to as it shall seem not at all for any Crime done, but meer­ly because the one was a King, and the other an Arch-Bishop, they having nothing else against either the one or the other, with any Colour of blame as could amount to touch either their Lives or their Estates. And thus alas, it lyes upon us also to call to mind, that the [Time of the Luke 21: 24. Dan. 12. 7. Gentiles is fulfilled here too,] and that with us also has been [He who hath accomplished to scatter the Power of the Holy People:] and that I Fear me in the most Notorious manner that ever vvas knovvn, beyond all that they have done in any other Kingdoms or Countrys? And vvhat is yet vvorse, the Turks are a Barbarous, and illiterate sort of Brutes, but our Country Men are such, as [knew the will Luke 12. 47. of God, and yet prepared not themselves, nor did they ac­cording to Gods Will, but rather quite contrarily, and there­fore are in so much the more danger to be Beaten with many Stripes.]

Ob. But will some say perhaps, whatever that Sin was, 'tis pardoned by the Act of Oblivion, and more have suf­fered by reason thereof, then the Kings Majesty desired: And where no Man complains, how can any Man say where is the wrong?

Ans. True it is, I Answer, Some have died to expiat this Bloud-shed, and of those, some by the immediat hand of God, both before and after it was shed; such as Brooke, Pym, Hambden, Stroud, and Hoyl, Rouse, and divers others, and some by the mediat hand of Justice, such as Harrison, Ca­ry, Cook, Peters and the rest; and so too, it was in the Case of Christs Bloud, Herod and Pilat died of Gods hand, Jos. of the wars. Lu. 19. 41, 42, 43. Ch. 23. 34. and others came dropping after, and Thousands, and Ten Thousands, Perished here and there for the same Reasons; Jesus Christ seemed more then satisfied with these, and less then these things; who Prayed and wept in Prayer, and was earnestly intent with God, that his Murderers might be Pardoned; as also it was done by our good King who suffered. But yet Gods Vengeance would not be so satisfied: For though it slept long, yet Wrath and Vengeance too came at last, and when it did come, with a Vengeance it came indeed. For after Christs Bloud al­most forgotten, and all things seem'd with them so very safe, that the very chief Murderers made a pish at it, when the Apostles talk'd of bringing this Mans Bloud (as they contemptuously call'd it) upon them: and most of the great ones were dead in their Beds. And yet at 37 Years end, after Christs Death, Inquisition came at last after Christs Bloud: And then as our Saviour had fore­warn'd [was such a time of Tribulation, as from the World, beginning unto that time, the like had never been before.] Mat. 24. 21. For look by how much it had been the longer ere Venge­ance came, when it fell at last, it fell so much the hea­vier and more foul, even unto utter Desolation and Extir­pation of those on whom it fell; and so is it to be feared it may be here.

There was a King, and a great King, that was a most Innocent and Holy Man, that has been slain, and there was a most Reverend and Innocent Church-Man, even one who stood to Minister before the Lord our God, was put [Page 23] to Death in cold Blood, and many Thousands, and Ten Thousands that were truly Loyal Subjects, and Innocent and Holy Men, were slaughtered in the Wars; and under colour of Law, (which made the matter so much the worse) great Robberies were committed, by Taxing and Sequestration, and Decimation, and such like Courses, and all this was done, not only without dread of Gods Maje­sty, who says, [touch not mine annointed, and do my Pro­phets Ps. 165. 15. no harm] but also Entitling Gods Cause to their Murders, Rapines, and Rebellions, as if the most High had been also such an one as themselves. But now what says Holy Writ to these things? But that [He who sheds Gen. 9. 6. Num. 35. 21. Mans Bloud, by Man shall his Bloud be shed, And that Bloud defiles a Land so, as by no means it can be cleansed, but by the Bloud of him, whose Guilt lies at Stake.] Yea so it is, that if a Man be a Murderer or a Robber, be it but of a privat Man, yet most an end, though it be 20 or 30 Years after first; yet at last, usually Gods Vengeance meets with him, by one chance or another; yea, though he have the Kings Pardon to help him out, it will not save him from Gods displeasure, [when he makes Inquisition for Bloud, and Ps. 9. 12. forgets not the cry of the Humble.] And is it so with single and private Persons? How much worse then may we just­ly expect it will befal such impudent wretches, who sha­med not in open sight of the Sun, and in cold Bloud, to justifie the worst of Murders, and to Entitle the Name of the Lord thereunto? Lord who shall stand the Vengeance when the Bloud of such as Charles the First, of England, of blessed memory, and the Sacred Arch-Bishop Laud, the Earls of Strafford; Darby, and Montross, the Lord Capel, and the Reverend Huet, and multitudes of such Noble and Holy Martyrs, lying under the Altar, shall cry out with a loud Voice, saying, How long Lord, Holy and True, dost thou not Judge and Avenge our Blood, on them Rev. 6. 10. that dwell on the Earth? This seems in truth to be the cry [Page 24] of the Martyrs in Queen Marys days, unto whom it was answered, [They should rest yet for a little Season, until their Rev. 6. 11. fellow Servants also, and their Brethren, that should be kil­led as they were, should be fulfilled; and white Robes were given unto every one of them to rest in, in the mean time.] And the Fellows and Brethren tarried for, are those Mar­tyrs of our late times. That those Martyrs of Queen Ma­rys days, were an Holy People, their Trial in Fire did plainly testifie, and that the Faith and Worship which they practised, was truly Religious and Holy, is witnessed by the Martyrdoms they indured therefore. And were they an Holy People, and was their Worship Holy and Allowable; so then must needs be the Faith and Worship of all such who trod exactly in the same steps, and endu­red the same Tests. And does the Bloud of such Sacred and great Saints lie at Stake calling for Vengeance, and that accompanied with Brethrens Bloud of so great weight as was that of our Predecessours? Then let the Jews look up; for they are risen up who have equalled their iniqui­ties, and the Redemption of the Jews therefore draweth nigh. But as for us, we have great Reason God knows to look down, and let all wise Men consider it! The Irish Rebels in 1641, who Murdered so many Thousand Pro­testants, have in some measure tasted Divine Vengeance for the same. And the Scotish Rebels who were at bot­tom of all our Woe, and gave the first Alarm to all the Bloud of the late times, and did tear and rend our Church­men, as Swine would do by the best of Jewels; have in some measure been whipt for so doing, and that somewhat severely. But our English Rebels, whether Presbyterians, Indipendants, or others, who Murdered the Two great Witnesses of Gods House, the Bishop first, and then the King, and that not Treacherously and Rashly, as the Pa­pists in France did by the two Royal Henry's there; but solemnly and in cold Bloud, by a Court of Judicature, In­titling [Page 25] the God of Heaven to have a share with them in their Sin; did act a Murder with a Witness, mingled with Hypocrisie and Blasphemy in a high degree, and yet have not (to speak on) been once called to account for the same. But alas the time is now coming on, and the Chil­dren then unborn must Rue the time, for the Bloudy Inso­lencies of Cromwel and Bradshaw, and their other Fellows. For the Bloud of these Days was of more Worth and grea­ter Value, and is more to be mist, then Te [...] Thousand times Ten Thousand common Protestants. These were Saintly Rebels who did these things, and therefore it seems as if God has designed to make it known to all the World, how much they were Diabolical Hipocrites: Ma­ny of them, no doubt, were truly good Men, meerly drawn in and deluded, and these have had space of Repentance, which was not in vain unto them. But the rest vvere Vile Deceivers, vvho meerly counterfeited Saintship, and therefore the King Pardoned them, in expectation, that be­ing truly Penitent, of their own Selves, and out of their ovvn Hearts, they would have Restored ill-gotten-Goods, Reformed their Lives, and have Implored Gods Pardon at the Throne of Grace; and God has given them full time, as He did once by the Murtherers of Christ, that they may remain without all Exception, that it may be seen to the uttermost, if ought of Goodness abide in them. But instead thereof, being grown worse and worse, and now at last retaining a meer Naked Name of Religion, fraught with Malice and Hypocrisie, and hastening unto new Rebellions Daily, upon the very Old Principles, without any thing of the signs of true Piety, they seem even dropping Ripe for Vengeance. For though true it is, that his present Majesty has fully granted them Par­don, and no doubt he did well in it, because it was his Fathers Will, it should be so, and we ought to have the utmost Veneration for the Commands of Dying Parents, [Page 26] and especially for Saintly Ones, such as the Father in this Case certainly was. In Obedience therefore to that Command, the King has Pardoned, and no Man beneath the King, can therefore deny or disanul the same, and Woe be to that Man who shall yet think of such a thing! And seeing the King and his Cavaliers have fully Pardon­ed, who shall Condemn? But Ah, Alas, these Pardons extend only unto Exemption from Corporal Punishment by the Pardoners, but tend nothing at all towards an Expiation with God, without true Repentance for their Bloudy Crimes. And in case of Rapine and Blood, it seems no Tears nor Ails of Confession, can be esteemed with God Penitential enough, without Restitution and 1 King. 21. 19, &c. v. 27, 28, 29. Satisfaction, at least, unto the utmost of the Penitents Ability. We may remember, That by a Free-Parlia­ment, in the Choice of which, neither the King nor the Bishops, nor hardly any Cavaliers, had Votes, the late War, in a most free Debate, has been Adjudged to be a Notorious Rebellion on the Conquerours part, which was the Parliaments side, and that the Covenant, which was the Bond of that Consederacy, deserved to be Burnt; which if so, by what a fair Umpyrage has God then de­termined, at whose Door lies all the Blood-guiltiness! And if so, what a Fatal Blood-guiltiness of Crying Mur­thers, lies then at those Mens Doors? What Fearful Ac­counts of Taxes, Sequestrations, and such like, have all Men on that side to Answer for, before the Tribunal Throne of God? And how many Thousands are there in City and Countrey, who are made Rich meerly out of the Ruins of Consciencious, Religious and Loyal Sub­jects, by means of Plunder, and Sequestration, and Deci­mation, and Moneys of Composition wring'd out of their Pockets, by an high Hand? With Men indeed, in such a case of Rebellion, these things were uneasie to be decided, and therefore, by an Act of general Oblivion, [Page 27] all such matters were reasonably Pardoned by His Maje­sty, by Advice of Parliament: but I am speaking now of the Scrutinies of Heaven only, which search into the deepest Secrets of all Hearts. The Parties Wrong'd were willing to Pardon, that is, they were contented quietly to let go their Goods, and to let go all benefit of the Law, in order to recover their Rights; but yet neither the King nor the Cavaliers, made any Deed of Gift, in order to Estate the Robbers in their Stolen Goods. The Act of Oblivion was pleadable in all Courts, except that of Conscience, but there it was of no force. Gospel-Statutes therefore required all Rebels and Thieves, not­withstanding all Acts of Parliament, tending to Oblivi­on, and Excuse, from Law-suits, and from all Recoveries of the Kings Courts, to make their Peace with God by an hearty Repentance, and to make their Peace with the individual wrong'd Parties, either by a Restitution, or Satisfaction, or some such Acknowledgment and Con­fession, of the wrong, as might give content to the Par­ty wronged. But how few be they who have done this? And now therefore, though neither the King, nor the Cavaliers, have any thought, in the least, of expectati­on of any Satisfaction for such old Wrongs. Yet it ap­pears by the foreboding Signs, that the Time is coming, and is at Hand, wherein God will make Inquisition for Innocent Blood, and call to Account for these things. Be there therefore any Body remaining among these guilty Rebels, and King-Killers, who were really good Men, but were beguiled, and thinking they did well, put their Hands to the vvrong, and tasted of the Blood of Gods Witnesses, the King, or the Bishop, or their Aiders, and have not to this Day found out the Sin that lurks in the Case; it is high time for them to avvake, and look about them, and to make their Peace in time; for the Blood of the Innocent Crys for Vengeance, and the thin [Page 28] Cheeks, lean Pockets, and Thread-bare-Coats, of poor oppressed Cavaliers, do Cry aloud for Vengeance; yea, though the present Laws are silent in the Case, and West­minster-Hall makes no Inquisition in such Cases. And now too, the Time of Forbearance is growing off, and Rev. 11. 13. the Time is coming, when all Impenitents shall tast of the Rod, and the rest shall Repent, and give unto God his true Glory. And so much may serve for the first form or manner of Tribulation, in respect of the efficient Cause thereof, namely, Gods Vengeance.

The Second form or manner of the Tribulation, is de­scribed in respect of the Instruments, It shall be by menas of infinite Bloud and Slaughter, that is at Hand. When ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with Armies, (saith Christ,) then let them which are in Judea flee to the Mountains, and let them which are in the midst of it, de­part out, and let not them which are in the Countries, en­ter thereinto. And he who is on the House-top, let him not come down to take any thing out of his House, and be a Man in the Field, let him not go home for his Cloaths. Intimating, that there shall follow such Universal Massa­cres, Mal. 2. 16, 17, 18. that it shall be in vain for a Man to use Defence a­gainst them, or to use Means to escape, but as good to Die on the House-top, as to come down to Perish below. And be a Man in a way of escape with his Life in the Field, let him take no care for his Goods, the danger be­ing so quick, and so very sharp and great, that without something of a Wonder, a Man shall hardly save his Life. And novv the Time is coming, that the same sort of Tri­bulation Threatens the Gentile Nations vvith perplexity of Distress, as our Saviour then bespake upon Jerusalem vvhether it be Constantinople, or London, or Paris, or Rome, or vvhat other guilty City, let them look to it, and, let us be avvare of vvhat shall follovv. Shall vve ever live to see London Compassed about vvith Armies, or to hear [Page 29] of the Factious, Schismatical or Seditious there raising Tumults or Rebellion, under any pretence whatsoever, though never so spe­cious, and shall they so far prevail, &c. Then let all Loyal Subjects, who have any true Fear of God before their Eyes, and either were not of the late Rebellion, or have repented of their guilt thereof, stay with the King, and pertake with him in his Fortunes, where is the only and greatest assurance of Safety, or if not so, however let them in time betake themselves unto the Mountains, and get them out of the places where the greatest of dangers Lodg­es. There is a Prophecy in force at this time of a [great City that is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, and has the Character of the City where our Lord was Crucified: where is to be expected a great Earth-quake, by means whereof the Tenth part of the City shall fall, Rev. 11 8▪ 13. and there shall be Slain of Men of Note 7 Thousand, and the Remnant affrighted shall give Glory to the God of Heaven.] It does not at all con­cern me at this time to discover what City it is that is here meant. That it is not Jerusalem is sure enough for that, that City lay in Ashes at the time of this Prophecy express't, and is not yet free of the same. And whether it be meant of any City where Christ was Crucified a Fresh by reason of his great Substitute or Vicegerent put to Death much after the rate as he was. And whether this be intended [...] Rome, or London, or Constantinople, I need not Deter­mine. It is enough that warning of such a thing is come forth, let all great Cities inquire saying [is it I?] And London especially, Mat. 26. 21. because of the Sacred Majesty which was here put to Death as Christ was, by an High Court of justice. By the Earth quake is meant an utter overturn of that City, as to its State of Felicity, as Hou­ses or Trees use to be overturned by an Earth-quake, whence shall follow a greivous Massacre of the Tenth part of the Inhabitants, and among them 7000 Persons of Principal Note. The most Reverend Arch-Bishop Usher, who has been a Person well known of good Conversation and Eminent Piety, and with all very much Prophetical, hath lately spoken much to the same purpose of a greivous Massacre or a Bloudy time, that attends some sort of Protestants, which shall exceed the Massacrees of Ireland, and those of 72 at Paris in France, and shall be the sharpest Bloudy time that ever was known. There be also that talk of Prophecies, as if the Streets of London shall Flow with Bloud, like the Kennels with Water after a shower, I give no test to the Truth of this, however [Page 30] I say it is useful to dread the worst. This Massacre most Reverend Usher says shall happen by the Hands of the Papists. And Arch-Bishop Laud at his Death on the Scaffold, took notice of the Pha­risaical pretence of the Jews, for the Murther of Christ, which was, [lest the Romans should come, and take away the Place and Na­tion:] [...]h. 11. [...]. and withal, how remarkably it pleased God to punish them and their Hypocrisie, by the very way that their pretence was grounded; when the Romans came indeed, and took away their Nation, and destroyed the Place, not by any means of Christ or his Disciples; but sent of God purposely to punish their vile Hy­pocrisies and Rebellions. And hence he spoke it as his fear, lest it might be so again here in England, because of the like pretences unjustly raised against the King and Himself, as if favourers of the Roman Papists, and therefore contrived his Death, as the Jews had done the Death of Christ, lest the Papists (the Romans) should come and destroy this place and Nation. And now as the preten­ces here were false and hypocritical, and lying in wait for Sacred Bloud, as those of the Jews; so that Holy Arch-Bishop bespake his fears, lest the Justice of Heaven should punish this City, and these Pretenders, as he did Jerusalem and the Pharisees, Priests and Elders there, by the Roman Catholicks, permitting them as he did the Romans by Jerusalem; to destroy this City and th [...] [...]chismati­cal and Seditious People therein. The words of dying Men are often very truly Prophetical, much more are they so of dying Martyrs, and mostly of such Priestly Martyrs as was this Arch-Bishop. How dreadful therefore at this time, does danger look upon this City, and upon all Men of this Land that stand stained with the Guilt of the late Rebellions, and especially upon all such who instead of Repentance for the same, do shew forth Images of their old sins, as if just about to be acted over again. And as aboding of such Dangers, a general Consternation seems to pos­sess all Mens Minds with Dread and Fears, which usually precede greivous Judgments There is [a Plague past,] [and a Dread­ful Fire,] but these seem but as those things of which Christ speak saying, [they are but the beginning of Sorrow] the Case of Jerusa­lem [...]al. 24. 8. is to us an example of forewarning, and a pattern of what we have to fear. Let wise Men therefore read the story, and fore­seeing thence a Cloud of Tribulation hanging over our heads, let them study the Holy Art of true Repentance and Amendment, that so their own Lives may be given them for a Prey. God be [Page 31] praised, who in all his Judgments remembers Mercy? who would not permit one spark of Fire to fall on Sodom and Gomorrah, before Gen. 19. 2 Pet. 2. 6, 7. Rev. 7. 3, 4. just Lot was safely secured and conveyed away; and who would not hurt either Sea or Land, or suffer his Angels so to do, until all good Men had marks in their Foreheads to be a note of their pre­servation. And so said the most Reverend Bishop Usher, though there shall follow a most terrible severe Massacre, yet the true Saints shall mostly escape it, and the formal, hypocritical, and false Protestants only shall perish. The Papists who are to do this mis­chief, one would think are but thin among us, so far as can be discerned; but what store of them lurk in disguise, or what For­reign Prince may be let in, or may break in upon us, God knows. Some way or other its to be feared, they will prevail for a time. I remember the French renowned Prophet Michael Nostradame, has a Prophesie of a City Built with Brick, that is to be burnt down, and to be Built again with Marble. If it be Londons fate to prove that Building of Brick, there is little to be doubted but afterwards it will be seen again cloathed in Marble. But methinks I dread more the Bloud of the People then the Flame of the Houses. And should the French be the Instruments of this Bloudy Woe, there is as great likelihood their own Metropolis will pay for our Repairs within a few Years after, even Fire for Fire, and Bloud for Bloud. For 'tis but a Factious and Seditious Crew of them, who as it were marked for Vengeance, are so haunted by an evil Conscience, and diabolick Furies, that they cannot rest till they pull down, Judg­ments upon their own heads, and ruin upon their Families. But so soon as Gods Work shall be done on these, there is a Virtuous Breed of Loyal Hearts who never yet bowed knee to Baal, who shall at once rise up and destroy the Destroyers, and burn the chastizing Rods. And thus have I mingled hopes and fears among my hum­ble Conjectures and Prayers; and all to this end, that be [...]t possible evil Men may be drawn in to see and repent their grievous Sins, and good Men may be prepared to glorifie God, and to give him the praise of all his glorious Works. And so much for this second form of Tribulation.

The 3d. is described in respect of the Wrath and Bitterness, and the Torments that are to attend it. Wo be to them (saith our Saviour) who shall be with Child, shall give Suck in those days? Intimating that the Bitterness of the Distress, and Wrath shall be Lu. 21. 23. so great, that People shall not know which way to turn them, [Page 32] or what to do, in hopes to have help. When Wars shall come thick, and Barbarous Souldiers shall range about like roar­ing Devils, seeking whom they may devour, Robbing, VVounding, and Killing all they meet; then Old and Young will be forc't to Fly as they can, and leaving their Goods to save their Lives, in those days what shall the poor VVoman do, with a small Child at her Breast, or a smaller in her Body? Loath she is to hazard the Fruit of her VVomb to save her own Life, and therefore She Flies with the Babe in her Arms; till tyred with the Burthen in her Bosom, when 'tis too late, with an heavy heart she leaves it to the Mercies of the Merciless, and becomes her self at the next step an Object of the same wrath. VVithin the walls She is rather worse than without; where preserving Life a few weeks the longer, the Famine bites worse there, then the Sword did in the Fields. Here the Mother has not Food to satisfie her own Hunger, and yet is fain to feed her tender Infant from her Heart-Bloud, until violent Hun­ger constraining, necessity of Nature draws her in to flay and eat the Fruit of her VVomb to allay the fierce Bitterness of incessant Hunger. And such was the hardship in Jerusalem, that one Mi­riam a rich Matron, after many constraints, having sodden the Flesh of her Child to quallifie her hungry Appetite; was rob'd of it when ready to sit down and eat, by the rude and Seditious Rab­ble, led in by the smell to find the Prey; and finally, She dyed as Thousand others did, the painful & lingring death of Famine. But our Saviour has not intailed the whole Flock of Woes on teem­ing Women alone, but rather instanced in one case, leaving us to judg of the rest, and of the whole Body of Hercules by his Foot. Hence therefore are we to conceive, or saying to our selves, woe also to the great Rich Men, mighty and wealthy in Mony and Land, whose Heart's glued to the World, as fast as the good Womans bo­wells to her sucking Infant, when they shall see their Barns full of Corne all of a light Flame, and their Feilds full of Cattel, quite emptyed, drove and cleared, their Chests full of Mony Rifled, their Daughters ravished, their Sons Slain in the VVars, & themselves shut out of doors Languishing in some Ditch, as full of Care and Grief as their Hearts can hold, ignorant, for Anguish of Spirit, whether be best for them to Dye of Hunger Languishing in obscurity, or to be Slain by the Sword, or to expose themselves a Captive at the Ene­mies Mercy. For when the Rich Man looseth his VVealth, it is, as if his Armes were tearing from his Shoulders, or as his Soul [Page 33] driven out of his Body, and Flying for refuge into the Arms of De▪vils. But to go on, we may conceive in that Day, Woe also to the Voluptuous and loose Livers, Adulterers, Drunkards, Gamesters, and such like, who know nothing to make discourse on but their fond Pleasures of Vanity and Folly. These are they whose God is their Belly, whose Glory is in their shame, who mind Earthly things, Philip. 3. 1. Who can no more Live without Wine and VVomen, Chambering and VVantonness, then they can Swear and Swagger without an Head. VVhen these therefore shall see the Days that they must be kik't and Spurnd like Dogs, and may not Budg one Word of ans­wer, nor turn again; that they must be Stript and Rifled both of Mony and Cloaths, and all the Cringing, Fawning and Flattery, that every they were bred up to, cannot gain them one Meals Meat, nor an half-peny to Buy one Corn of Tobacco, or a lick of Bran­dy. Woe therefore to those Quondam Blades who were wont to Huff and Hector all they met, and who but they where-ever they came, but then barefoot and barelegd, with match-cord on their Arms, crouching and beseeching, like Beggars, leading to the Stocks, shall be fain to sneak and shrink before every Ragged Boy, who drives them with a VVhip, as a Pedlar does his Ass. VVoe to them that do now call Evil Good, and Good Evil, for that in those Days they shall find the difference. But yet again, to go one Step further. VVoe also to the Proud and Scornful ones, who are us'd to take State upon them, and were never yet made to stoop nor to bow the Knee, for that in those Days the Kings of the Earth and the great Men, and the Rich Men, and the cheif Captains, and the mighty Men, and every Bondman, and every Freeman, shall Rev. 6. 15, 16. hide themselves in the Dens, and in the Rocks of the Mountains, and shall (for great fear and anguish of Spirit) beg of the Rocks and Mountains to fall on them, and to hide them, from the Pursu­ing VVrath. Oh that such might call to mind the Nobles of Jeru­salem, in the Siege of that Famous City, who when the Temple was on Fire, and they standing on the VValls, had fair means to escape, and yet desperately possest with bitter angush of Spirit, and con­founded in the perplexity of their woful State, threw themselves headlong into the Burning Flames of the Rubbish of the Holy Temple, rather then make escape to lengthen their desperat Lives. Joseph of the Wars. Lastly, VVo, VVo, to the whole Crowd of the Prophane VVorld, because in those Days, all their whole Hopes shall at once expire, and turn to Dust. Oh how unspeakably Lamentable was that [Page 34] Agony of all People at once in the Holy Land, at what time the Flame of the Temple, like the blaze of a mighty Bonfire, ascend­ed with violence up to Heaven, then was there an Universal Shriek all over the City, and on the Mountains all about, far and wide, every where within Sight of the Fire, the doleful Noises, answered with Mutual Outcrys, and most bitter Moan; And as if it had been their only remaining pleasure to bewail, there was no end of their Lamentation. For on the Temple of the Lord, as they called it, having fondly set their Hearts, when they saw it on a Light Flame, it represented in their Phantasies, as if the Body it self had been an Hell-Fire, where remained no more Hopes but that the Soul also must needs Perish. Now in our Days we have no such Temple to Lament, but yet every Man has his Diana, which is as great in his Imagination as was Diana with the People of Ephesus: which when it happens to be destroyed, our whole hopes do fail therewith: and when a Mans Heart fails, it is, as when the Foundation of an House gives way, at what time, besure the whole Building is to Perish therewith; while the Spirit bears up, it bears all Calamities, but when the Spirit is once wounded, then a Mans burthen immediately becomes insupportable. For in such a Pro. 18. [...]4. case dispair approaches, and like a Storm oppresseth the Mind and Imagination, after which follows such a Confusion in all Thoughts, that a Man is no longer able to Govern himself by Council, but Rashly exposes himself unto the Mercy of every Eminent Dan­ger, as the Jewish Nobles, when they threw themselves head-long into the Fire, or as Judas, when he Hang'd himself. And such is the like to be the Torment of the ensuing Threatning Times, So much therefore may serve for this three-fold Description. I come next unto Application.

If things stand thus, as we have the warranty of Christ and of Daniel for it. Then what kind of Persons ought we to be, and that in all admonition of solid Reason, as well as in Obedience to the Dictates of Conscience and Duty. The answer is obvious, For there is but one Path to follow that bespeaks safety, (all o­thers being visibly defeated) and that is, to pursue the Peace of God, which consisteth in these few Rules,

1st, Set your Affections upon things above, and not on things here Col. 3. 2. below, there is a necessity in the case, this whole world is like to Perish, the Heavens will be melted down, and the Earth burnt to 'Ashes, but the word of the Lord abideth for ever. [God is a pre­sent Psal. 46. 1 2, 3: [Page 35] help in time of trouble, therefore saith the Psalmist, we will not fear, though the Earth be removed, and the Mountains carryed into the midst of the Sea, though the Waters thereof Rear, and be troubled, and the Mountains shake with the swelling thereof.] In God is safe­ty, and no where else; Necessity therefore requires it, [that we set our affections on things above, and not on things here below.] For Col. 3. 2. when such Tribulations come, the like whereof were never known, Riches, Honours, and Pleasures, are but Bul-works of Straw, that can make no kind of Fence, no not at all, or like Plaisters wrong applyed, which vex the Wound, but heal it not, while the greater a Man is in Wealth and Honour, he is but as it were the greater bait, allowing to be the sooner devoured. But in Christ Joh. 16. 33. there is Peace, and in a good Conscience is true safety.

Now here will some say, it may be so, but the Virtues of Object. Gods Peace, and the Glory of things above, are matters, above us, hard to be attained. And though the things of this Life are failable, yet the others not appearing unto our Eye, we must lean unto what we can reach, and let them go as far as they can, and the rest we must adventure.

The truth is, The Natural Man perceiveth not the things (the An. good and great and glorious things) of God, because they are only spiritually discerned, and he has not the Faculty of spiritual 1 Cor. 2. 14, 1 [...]. discerning. But yet 1st, He may perceive, that there be some that have that Faculty, and by Vertue thereof do despise the World, in Comparison of those things of Heaven, which by Eaith they do dis­cern. And 2dly, If others have it, why may not we also gain such a Joh. 16. 7, 13. & Ch. 3. 3, 5▪ Ex. 36. 26. Faculty? seeing Christ has promised, to give us also of his Spirit whch shall teach us all things, both by Enlightning our Minds, and chang­ing our Hearts. And 3dly, If so, what great incouragement have we to try and improve our Faith, that by using the means, such as Reading, Hearing, and Prayer, we may at last see how good the Lord is, and so attain for our selves an Assurance of Safety beyond the Weak and Treacherous supports of Worldly Pomps and Vanities. The importunity therefore of Eminent Dangerous Times, Pregnantly requires and Commands, as we hope to be sa­ved, and do render our own welfare, both here and for ever, to take and follow such an Effectual Course, as may serve us, come the worst come, that can come.

But here again will some say, and confess, that it may be good Object. Council perhaps that is given, to look towards Heaven, but that the setting of the Affection that way which is altogether superna­natural [Page 36] is matter of so great difficulty, that we have no hopes to compass it, and besides the Afflictions by the way thereto, are so Sharp and Severe, that without some incouragement from the things of the Flesh, which naturally we understand, there is no Subsisting.

In answer to this, by our Saviour is proposed saying [In your Pa­tience An. 2 possess ye your Souls. [Intimating, that Patience is a Remedy La. 21. 19. sufficient to support us under all Afflictions and Temtations, and however miscarriages may befall our Bodies, yet our Souls shall be Safe and Chearful, and quit of all Dangers. Patience is a Divine Vertue, whereby a Man is enabled to bear his Cross, with as much ease, as if it were not, the Essence and Strength of this Vertue con­sisteth in a Stock of Courage, and the Power of Habit, Facilitating endurance. The Horse is a Beast of great Courage, and crys Job. 39. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, &c. Pro. 28. 1. A Ha at the sound of a Trumpet, and rejoyceth at the Battel, and the shouting of the Captains. And when the Righteous are made, by the Grace and Power of Gods Spirit, bold as Lyons, can not they Scorn at Fear, think we as well as an Horse, and endure the Wracking and tearing of Flesh, as well as a Mastiff-Dog, and if so, then with how much the more ease shall they bear with the loss of Goods, and Fond Pleasures. And Habit consisteth in the Practice of use, which makes endurance easie. The Labouror, by his use and habit of Labour, can abide to dig all Day, with as much ease, as a Gentleman stands by, and looks on. The Philosophers, and Pagan Men of old, were enabled by meer acquired Habits, to des­pise Wealth and Worldly Honours, and to scorn Bribery, and Flattery, and could choose to be Poor, rather then Dishonest, how much more then shall Christians become Valiant, in contempt of the World, when Secret Influences of Grace shall inspire our Minds and Spirits with inward Courage and Resolutions. Our Duty is therefore to consider the Vertue and Glory, as well as the Necessity of the Work, in setting our Affections on things above, and so put our selves upon the means, with all possible Diligence in the Practice, and we shall soon find Experience enough of Divine helps, giving Encouragement, so as no Difficulty shall be able to dishearten.

3. But then 3dly, We must remember to have a care [lest at any time our hearts be over charged with Surfeiting and Drunkenness, & Cares of this Life, and so the day of Danger come upon us unawares. Lu. 21. 34, 35. For as a Snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the Face of the [Page 37] whole Earth.] Drunkenness and Whordom, and Covetuonsness, destroys more Countrys, Citys, Armies, and Men, then Plague and Famine, and the most Cruel and Bloudy Wars. For in all such cases Men have their Eyes in their Heads, and as they see their Danger imminent, so they exercise their Reason and Wits to prevent it, and whether they Live or Die they make the best of their con­dition. But in these cases wise Men do become, and that by their own Act, Sots and Fools, and expose, and lay open themselves to be baffled, betrayed, abased, and killed, and to become odi­ous to God and Man, a Prey to the Enemy, and God shall nor pity them, nor revenge their wrongs. Now the Righteous do al­so become a Prey unto the Enemy many times, by Gods Permis­sion for Tryal of Faith and Patience, and other Reasons, but then here is their comfort, 1st, That it is not through their own default, nor for want of Eyes, or looking about them, but meerly for that they were abused, and they Suffer for Conscience and Truth, and Righteousness; & 2dly, That God will before or after Death be sure 1 Pet. 4. 18. to avenge their Cause. But now if the Righteous scarcely be saved, but have also their Hell even in this Life, where shall the ungodly and the wicked appear. Good Men have their Tryals of Afflicti­on for a time, and their Hell upon Earth for a while, and Evil Men have their time to Glory in their Prosperity. As our Savi­our says, the true Church Men [shall Lament and Weep, and the Joh. 16. 20. World shall rejoyce] in their Surfeiting and Wantonness, they have Loved the Creature above the Creator, and the Pleasures on Earth beyond the hopes of Heaven, and yet these brute Beasts are allowed to be Merry, and to have the World at Will, and truly careful, and good Men must Suffer Tribulation. But there is a time when Tribulation shall come upon a Land with an Uni­versal 1 Thes. 5. 2, 3. Scourge, like as a Theif comes in the Night: And then when they cry Peace and Safety, Lo, then sudden Destruction will come on, like a Woman in Travel. But in that Day, says Christ, to all who are his, their Sorrow shall be turned into joy. For (says he) I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoyce, so as Joh. 16. 22. Rom. 14. 17. no Man shall be able to take away Joy from you. That is, holy Men shall be comforted with secret cheerfulness from within, in a quite different manner from all pleasures of the Flesh. But World­ly Men whose God is their Belly, and whose Glory is in their Shame, shall be surprized like the five Foolish Virgins, who for want Mat. 25. 1, &c. of Oyl in their Lamps, were shut out when the day came of the [Page 38] Marriage Feast, and shall be taken as it were in a Net, like [...]he Men of S [...]dom, or of the old World, at which times Lot and Noab were preserved alone. Fleshly Lusts War against the Soul by besotting and bewitching it into a Fond security, which tendeth to 1 Pet. 2. 1 [...] its Ruine. To prevent therefore the emminent Danger of Publick Calamities, we must shun Surfeiting & Wantonness, for they expose us into the very gulf of Miseries, and prevent us of all means of escape. But

4ly, We must Watch and Pray always, that we may be counted Lu. 21. 36. worthy to escape. No Man can escape, but by help of God, Man cannot help in such a case, 'tis God only can do it. And God helps none; unless he have a worth in him, and that worth must come by Christ, there is nothing in our selves, no not in the best of us. Here lies the thing therefore, we must be found in Christ, that is, as Men who have put off the ways of the World, in Rioting and Drunk­enness, and Covetuosness, and are experienced in the ways of Christ knowing the value of spiritual Joys, hid Treasures, whose worth the World knows nothing of. And in order to compass these, we must 1st, Watch, that is, Exercise all possible Care and Dili­gence, in taking heed to abstain from Sin, and to increase in Ver­tue and Godliness; take heed of Thoughts that are vain or Evil, how they get ground of us, of Evil Company, lest it seduce us, and above all, of Evil Works, lest they Gain an Habit upon us, and to these purposes are we to Watch. And 2dly, We must pray always, that is, use all possibly Godly means of Hearing, Medita­tion, Reading, & Godly Conference, & above all, especially Prayer always, in a continual course of Prayer, and in frequent Act of Prayer, and all to this end, that we may be found in Christ, and so when the Tribulations come, and the Signs come, and the Per­plexity of all Nations shall come, yet that we may be Safe, Amen.


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