A VVARNING FROM THE LORD TO THE INHABITANTS OF UNDERBARROVV, and so to all the Inhabitants in ENGLAND, Where it shall-meet with them, who holds up the false Teachers, and false worship, and who beats, stone, stock, and persecute, and hail out of their Assemblies, those who are sent by the Lord, to speak his word free­ly; with an exhortation, that they hast to meet the Lord by true repentance, by putting off the works of darkness, lest the Lord cut them assunder, by his sword, which is already drawn and put into the hand of his servants.

Also, a word to my Brethren, and Companions in tribulation in the Kingdome and patience of Jesus Christ, who is by the world scornfully called QUAKERS.

With the manner of my passage through the dark world, (wherein the simple ones may see the deceits of the man of sin in his act­ings like the true spirit) to warn all to follow the true light within, which leads unto God, & to beware of the voice, lo here & lo there,

By one who is a labourer in the Vineyard, who is not known to the world; (though named of the world) EDVVARD BURROUGH.

London, Printed for Giles Calvert, and are to be sold at the Black-spread-Eagle, at the West end of Pauls, 1654.

A warning from the Lord, to the Inhabitants of Vnderbarrow, and so to all the Inhabitants in England.

TO all you the Inhabitants of Ʋnderbar­row (profane ones and Professors) you my neighbours and Country men ac­cording to the flesh (but strangers as in the spirit) to you all who are in the cu­stomary, formal, traditional worship of heathen, and under the barren, dry and empty mi­nistry of man, which stands in the will of man, and have proceeded out of the carnall inventions and ima­ginations of fallen man, and is not according to God, nor to the practice of the Saints in former ages and ge­nerations. To you all do I clear my conscience in the presence of God, by declaring to you in writing, being that I can not have freedome (through the subtilty of the serpent, Act. 6. 58. from 51. who doth work alwayes to prevent the living truth to be declared, and the deceits of himself to be discovered and made manifest) to declare in word among you: I have been sent by the Lord moved of him to come, and to declare to you the word of the Lord, to the directing of your minds, where to wait to attain the true knowledge of the Lord, and of that one thing needful, the eternal welfare of your souls, and to lay open the deceits of the serpent, who doth work in the cursed deceitful Ministry, which is uphold by you, whereby your souls are kept in the death, and only [Page 2] your dark minds fed and nourished by the painted and serpent-like expressions and declarations, coming out of the carnal wisdome and brain-knowledge of your hireling, Isa. 56. 10, 11. who walks in the way of the false Pro­phets of Israel, which the true Prophet called greedy dumb dogs, four several times hath the Lord by his e­ternal spirit working in me, moved me to come into the Congregation and Assembly, he himself is the witness that I came not of man, nor by the will of man, but contrary to the will and desires of man, Jer. 1. 6. wherein stands the true Ministry of God, Jon. 1. 2, 3. now as it was ever, the true Prophets, Gal. 1. 1 Ieremiah and Ionah witnessed the same, and the Apostle Paul, and as it is known to you unto whom I speak, that I could not have liberty to declare to you the truth from God, who came not to you with entising words, neither what I had gathered out of the Scripture from without me, neither to speak my own imaginations and conceivings, as your false hireling doth, but to declare the Word of the Lord, to the convincing of your dark understandings, that you might see the deceits by which you are and have been led, that your souls might have been redeemed up to God, out of the imagined worships of the world, to worship in spirit and in truth, hear ye the Word of the Lord ye people, all your carnall, traditional ordi­nances and observances is abomination to the Lord, Isa. 66. 3. all your praying and praising is odious in his sight, Joh. 9. 21. for all your worship is an imitation and an imagination of the dark mind of man, Prov. 15. 9. and was never commanded by God, therefore consider all ye people what you are do­ing, and reject not the Lord, nor his everlasting truth, but prize your time, and now seek the Lord while he may be found, Isa. 55. 6. and call upon his name while he is near, your souls are kept in the death under your dead Mini­ster, and under his dead doctrines, dead reasons, points and uses, which he speaks from the Saints conditions and experiences, but is an enemy to the substance, and to [Page 3] them in whom the same conditions are made manifest in the power of truth, and he doth make manifest him­self to be in the same generation of them, who had the form of Godliness, but denies the power; having the Letter as the Pharisees had, but persecuting the sub­stance as they did: All people consider whether he be not in the generation professing God and Truth in Word as the Scribes and Pharisees were, Mat. 2. 5. but persecu­ting the Son of God, who is the substance of Truth, where he is born and made manifest, he is in the gene­ration of them who professed Abrahams freedom, Joh. 8. 44. and that God was their Father, Mat. 23. 3. 27. but were of their father the Devil; for his works they did, they said, and did not, as he doth, as it is made manifest, he is a whited Wall, a painted Sepulcher, which Christ the Son of God cry­ed wo against, who was and is the Light, by which all Deceivers, Hirelings, and false Teachers, are discove­red, & cryed out against: The Light which is Christ, do I witness to be made manifest in me from God the Fa­ther of Light, daily leading me up to him, to live in purity and uprightness, praises be to him for ever, in which Light I see your Teacher to be a hireling, a gree­dy dumb dog, seeking for his gain from his Quarter, one that God never sent, but hath run and was not sent, therefore doth he not profit you at all; and from this Light, which is Christ, do I declare against him, as know­ing him that he hath not the Word of the Lord, but the Letter: Freely do I Declare against him, as knowing him to be a Deceiver, and an Antichrist, being once I was deceived by him, but now through the rich Love of my Father, who hath made himself known to me, and hath shined by his eternal Light in my heart, do I see him and all such to be Antichrist, and no Minister of Christ: From the mouth of the Lord I do Declare it, That you are led blindly by him; your blind guide and you are ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the living Truth by his Ministery; [Page 4] he layes heavie Burdens upon you, Mat. 2. 5. he is in the genera­tion of them who had the Law and the Prophets, but persecuted him who came to fulfil the Law, and who hath the substance of the Prophets; he hath the Saints Conditions and Experierces in the Letter, but who are brought to witness the same Conditions and the same strait way in which they walked? He is an enemy to all people, to you from God I do Declare it; he is one that God never sent to speak his Word to you, he calls good evil, and evil good; and puts light for darkness, and darkness for light; Isa. 5. 20. and therefore Wo is his Porti­on, Jer. 5. 31. and Wo is the Portion of all that upholds him: What will ye do in the end thereof? He doth bewitch you to observe, That Calling is an Ordinance of God, which he never commanded: Poor people! your souls lies in the death under the power of darkness and cor­ruption, under your dead Minister, and under his dead carnal Observances; and your dark Minds, your Wit and Reason is only fed, Jer. 23. 14. and so the enemies of the Lord are strengthned by him, Joh 14. 6. and you remain in ignorance and in blindness, and cannot attain the true Riches; for Christ only is the Way to the Father, the Light in every man which leads to the Father; but this Light he denies as having enlightned every one that comes into world, as several times he hath done to me in Argu­ment: Here he makes Christ a lyar, and doth not know the first Principle of Religion, nor the Light which leads unto God, but is a Heathen, and knows not God, for this is the Light which all the Servants of God in all generations witnessed, and which Light we do now witness, praised be the Lord for evermore, who hath in his Light led us to himself, and hath shewed the Deceits of him to us, and of all such as he is; he is in the generation shutting the kingdom of Heaven against men, Mat. 23. 13. neither entering h [...]mself, nor suffers others to en­ter that are entering: Through the power of the Lord made manifest, am I bold to Declare against him, who [Page 5] walks not in the Doctrine of Christ, and therefore is an Antichrist and doth deceive you, professing him­self to be sent of God, and walking contrary to the Truth of God; a Hypocrite, saying, and not doing: Ye my Country-men, be not deceived by him, try him by the Scriptures, and see how he walks according to the Declaration, as they did who were Ministers of Christ, not by the Will of man; but his Ministery is by man, and according to man, and had his Call from man as it is known to you all; but they who were true Ministers witnessed the contrary, neither received they their Gospel from man, Gal. 1. 1. 12 but by the Revelation of Jesus. The true Ministers of Christ, sent forth by Christ, wit­nesses now the same thing, for Christ, the same that e­ver he was, which is now made manifest in the Saints, and his Ministery is the same, which is not by man, but contrary to man; Gal. 6. 7. be not deceived, God will not be mocked, Mal 4. 1. for he is terrible, and his day is powerful and dreadful, that shall come upon the Heathen, and upon the workers of iniquity, and upon all D [...]ssemblers and Hypocrites, all your carnal Worship, and Ordinances, and Observances, is but mocking of God, and dissem­bling with him, and is but an imitation and an imagina­tion of the Mind of fallen man, imitated by you and your Minister, droven by the imaginations from the true Worship of God, which the Saints in former ge­nerations was exercised in, who was led, not by imagi­nation, as you are, but by the Spirit of God, as all the Servants of God are: Now as ever was, true Baptism [...]own, Mat. 3. [...]. which is by the holy Ghost and with Fire, and the Baptism with one Spirit into one Body do we wit­ness; but that which your Chief Priest and false Hire­ling hold up, I Deny it; it is not of God, but is an imitation, and is abomination in the sight of God; and therefore from God do I Declare against it, and against your Hireling that upholds it among you. True Communion of Saints I own, for we have Union, and [Page 6] the Bread, 2 Cor. 10. 14. which we break is the Body of Christ; and the Cup which we drink is the Blood of Christ, by which we are nourished and fed up to eternal life; Joh. 6. 53. for he that eats not Christs Flesh and drinks his Blood, he hath no life in him, he among you that can receive it let him, but your Communion I Deny, for it is Hea­thenish, and no more but an imitation, having procee­ded out of the imagination of the Proud: Your brea­king of Bread, and drinking of the Cup is abomina­tion; and God never commanded it, and this doth your Pharisee uphold, sitting in the Seat of Christ and of the Saints, as the Pharisees did in Moses seat, saying, and not doing: True singing I own with the Spirit and with understanding, 1 Cor. 14. 15. singing in the Spirit, making me­lody in the heart to the Lord, Eph. 5. 19. this singing was and is among the Saints in the Church of Christ, Rev. 14. 3. this is well pleasing to God, Isa. [...]5. 10. for it is not an imitation, nor by tra­dition, as your singing is, but it is true Sacrifice, the Song of the Redeemed ones, which none can learn but the Redeemed ones of the Lord, who is come and co­ming to Zion with songs and everlasting Joy upon their heads; but your singing is Carnal, Traditional, and Heathenish, and is an imitation, and is not with the spi­rit of Jesus, but with the spirit of the World, with the spirit of Drunkards, Swearers, Lyars, Mockers, Scorn­ners, Covetous ones, with the spirit of Wrath, Envie, Malice, with the spirit of Cain, with the spirit of the Scribes and Pharisees, and chief Priests, who persecu­ted the Saints which sang in truth in former generati­ons, and now the deceit is turned into the form of sing­ing, and they that live there, persecutes them that sings in the power; Amos 6. 5. for thus it was ever, They that lived in Profession in the Word Outwardly, persecuted them that lived in the power of which was Professed, and there you and your Hireling is; but know that the Lord will take an account of you, and give unto every man his reward, Rom. 2. 6. according to his deeds: You and your [Page 7] Priest, have got the Form of Baptism, of the Com­munion, of Singing, and of a Church; but the pow­er and substance of these Ordinances you know not, for they are hid from all vulturouus eies, and from the generation of the Pharisees, and Serpents, who are cal­led of men Master, and which have the chief place in the Assemblies, as your Hireling hath, and who is called of men Master, Mat. [...]. as they were which Christ cryed Wo a­gainst: true Preaching of Jesus Christ Crucified we own and do witness, for the Preaching is out of the Will of man, out of Form and Custom, and is foolishness to the wisdom of the World; now as it was ever, this is not with the inticing words of mans wisdom, but in the demonstration of the Spirit, 1 Cor. 1. 18 21 and of Power, and the Preaching of the Word of Faith, which is nigh thee in thy mouth and in thy heart, 1 Cor. 2 4 that Preaching we do own, Rom. 10. 8. 17 for Faith comes by the hearing of this Word Preached, and the Prayer with the Spirit of truth we do own, for that is not in word to be seen of men, but led to that, not by Custom, Form, and Tradition, but by the eter­nal Spirit, which proceeds from God, which hath free recourse to God, Isa. 66. 18 which God heareth and doth accept, for there iniquity is purged out of the heart and is not regarded, for he that regards iniquity in his heart, God will not hear his Prayer; but the Preaching and Pray­ing of your Hireling I do deny, for they are abomina­tion to the Lord, for his Preaching leads from God, stands in his own Will, in his own Time, in Form, Cu­stom, and Tradition, and your Souls are not refreshed by it, neither is true Faith known among you; for how can he being evil speak good things? A corrupt Tree cannot bring forth good fruit, Mat. 12. 34. said he; Who cried Wo unto them that said and did not, Mat. 7. 18 in which generation he is, how can he teach and direct toward true Religion, 1 Cor. 3. 11 being he denies the Corner stone, the first Principle of Religion, which is the foundation, which no other can any lay, Joh. 1. 9. the Light of God, which [Page 8] hath enlightened every one that comes into the world, which he denies to have enlightened every one; poor people! I do pitty your souls (God is my witness) to see you lie in darkness, in ignorance, and blindness, and in deadness, under your dead Hireling, and under his dead traditional Preaching; your wisdom, reason, and dark minds is only fed and strengthned by his prea­ching, Mat. 7. 26 and you all are but building upon the sand, hearing but not doing, and we, who have suffered the loss, and have witnessed the destruction of that build­ing, do now Declare freely against it where it is stan­ding, for we know the depth, height, and breadth of all your Profession, and of all your carnal Worship, and Observances; Jer. 23. 29 and the Word of God is as a fire, which will burn up; and as a hammer, which will beat down all your imagined Worships and carnal Ordi­nances: And his Praying is abomination to the Lord, for it is as theirs was, which the Son of God cryed Wo against, which stood Praying in the Synagogues, and which made long Prayers, Mat. 6. 5 and the Praying of all such we do Deny, for their Prayers is as the Scribes and Pha­risees was, who were called of men Masters, as they are now, and who were sayers and not doers, as your Hireling is; therefore all you people consider, and di­ligently weigh these things: If I Declare to you the Truth, own it without respect of persons, if I speak a lye, let me be accounted as accursed for ever; and all you simple ones, who are seeking the living among the dead, who are in the simplicity, seeking after the truth, and yet are bewitched to observe that which God ne­ver commanded, Luk. 24. 5 and to seek God in that way which he was never found in, Joh. 14 6 for Christ alone is the way to the Father, and he is but one from generation to generati­on; in all generations for your sakes do I lay open the deceits of your Hireling and chief Priest, who is in the way of Balaam, following the wages of unrighteous­ness, and do advise you as from the mouth of the Lord▪ [Page 9] to cease from man, whose breath is in his nostrils, and to cease from all your customary carnal Observances, Isa. 2. 2 [...]. which God never commanded, but is only an imitati­on, and an imagination; your souls are kept in death, under the power of Corruption, Pride, Drunkenness, Covetousness, Oppression, and Earthly-mindedness, Wantonness, and the lustful Nature ruling is head in you, Isa. 29. 13 and among you are that generation that draws neer God with their mouths, Ezek. 33. 31 but your hearts goes af­ter Covetousness, and are far from the Lord; ye Wor­ship an unknown god, and are persecuters of the true God, and of his Servants, as ever it was in all generati­ons by Priest and People, as it is now with you and your Priest, they that professed truth in word, perse­cuted them that witnessed the Power, Jer. 5 31 the horrible filthy thing is committed among you, Luk. 6. 26 and you love to have it so, but what will you do in the end thereof? you are in the generation of your forefathers, who spoke good of the false Prophets, but persecuted the true Prophets; so it is now among you, he that hath the Word of the Lord from the mouth of the Lord to declare unto you, him you revile and mock, and scorn and persecute, but he that speaks the imagination of his own heart from the Saints conditions, him you own and hear, and here you shew your selves to be them which Christ spoke of, which would receive them that come in their own name, Joh. 5. 43 but will not receive him that cometh in the name of his Father; Repent, and turn to the Lord, Eze. 14 9 lest his judgments come upon you and de­stroy you with an utter destruction; Prov. 21. 15 the day of the Lord is terrible and dreadful, which will come upon the wicked, Amos 5. 18 and upon all the workers of iniquity: Be ashamed ye Heathens, you maintainers of the greedy dumb dogs, and upholders of the horrible filthy thing, the persecuters of the righteous seed; the contemners of the Just, the generations of Serpents, who cries, Let Barrabas go free; mat. 23 ye generation of Hypocrites, who [Page 10] professes God, mat. 23. 35 but persecutes the Son of God where he is made manifest, of this Generation, in which you are: Isa. 1. 6 Shall all the righteous blood-shed be requi­red even from Abel? mal. 1. 1 Repent, and cease from all your former waies and doings, from Pride, Drunkenness, Covetousness, and Oppression, from Lying, Swearing from Mirth, and Wantonness, and vain Pleasures, for the day of the Lord cometh that shal burn as an Oven, and the Proud, and all that do wickedly shall be as stubble, 2 Thess. 1. 8 fully dry, for the Lord will be avenged of his enemies, and render vengeance in flames of fire upon all that know not God, mal. 3. 2 and that obeys not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who can stand when he appears? Isa. 33. 14 Who can dwell with everlasting burnings? Even he that doth righteously, and that is purged from iniquity: Jer 9. 25 But then wo unto you all Hypocrits and Professers, and to the wicked and profane ones, ye shall all partake of the righteous Judgment, Jer. [...]. 20 and drink of the Cup of the Lords Fury and Indignation, for your iniquities are seen, Rev. 6. 16 and your transgressions are not covered from the Lord; all your Profession will not hide you from the presence of the Lamb, for in your Sacrifices are found deceit, and in your Offerings lodges iniquity, the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it, therefore be ashamed of all your Profession, and of all your Glorious Carnal Ordinances, for the Lord is coming to uncover you, H [...]b. 1. 13 and to make you and your profane Hireling manifest, for God is pure and holy, and no iniquity dwels with him, Psal. 102. 7 nor none that works wickedness, therefore stop thy mouth thou Hireling who Preaches for hire, & Devines for money; and leans upon the Lord, mic. 3. 11 and useth thy tongue, and saith, he saith it, when the Lord never spoke to thee: Thou art in the Generation of the Scribes and Pharisees, Jer. 23. 31 and be ashamed ye upholders of him, for now every tree that brings not forth good fruit, must be hewen down, the Lord hath said it, Mar. 3. 10 his word is as a fire, which will burn [Page 11] up all the wicked; Heb. 4 12 his Word is sharper than a two edged sword, which will cut down and wound the head of the wicked; ye Mockers & Scorners, ye Swearers and Liars, ye Proud & Covetous ones, ye Merry-hearted and Wanton ones, dreadful is the day that shall come upon you, Joel 2. 2. 10 12 the Lord will make his power known, and glorifie himself in your destruction, except you repent, and turn to the Lord: Ye hard hearted ones and rebellious ones, Exod. 7. 8. 9 Chap. the Plagues of God is to rest upon you, there­fore prise your time, and repent, and fear the Lord God Almightie, Rev. 14 7 and lay aside your vain wicked waies, and confess your sins, and forsake them, for such shall find mercy: Pro. 28. 13 All ye People, mind the Light of God within you, and hearken to that which shews you what is sin, Ioh. 1. 5. 9 and evil, which shews you your proud minds, your carnal coveteous desires and affections, which checks and reproves you for your ungodlie deeds; Ioh. 8. 12 this Light shines in darkness, but the darkness cannot comprehend it: Ioh. 11. 9. 10 this is the Light which hath enlightened every one that cometh into the World, which Light is Christ, he that follows this Light walks not in darkness, but hath the Light of life; he that hates this Light stumbles, and walks in darkness, igno­rance, Iude 1. 4 and blindness, as you do, turning the grace of God into wantonness, Tit. 2. 11. 12 which same grace is the Saints Teacher, this is the free Grace of God which hath appeared to all men, which in all Generations taught the Saints to denie ungodliness and wordlie lusts, and led them into puritie and holiness: This Grace do we witness, praised, praised be the Lord, to be led by it, which ever was the Saints leader, and through the tea­ching of this Grace do we denie your Hireling, and all such Pharisees and Hipocrites, who makes a prey upon the poor people; and if you stop not into their mouths, Ezek. 34. from 2 to 9 they even prepare War against you, as the false Prophets of Israel did; and dailie are we taught by it in the waies of God to do his service, Micha 3. 5 praised be [Page 12] the onlie Lord of glorie for evermore, who hath ga­thered us up to himself (to be taught alone by his grace) out of the mouth of your Hireling, who once made a prey upon us, but eternal praise and glorie to our God, who in his Light hath discovered unto us his nakedness and his shame, his hypocrisie and deceit, in the eternal Light of God do we see him, and all such to be blind guides, and leads the poor blind people in darkness and in ignorance, and none is able to come to the true knowledge of the eternal Truth in his Mi­nisterie, for he is no Minister of God, but an Anti-Christ, [...] Ioh. 1. 7 denying Christ to be come in the flesh, denying the Light to have enlightened everie one, as several times he hath done to me; but my Father who is Light and Glorie, hath now made him manifest: and in that Light Christ Jesus, do I see him to be one whom hath run, whom God hath not sent, therefore doth he not profit you at all, nor puts no difference from the pre­cious and the vile in you, nor leads you to discern the clean from the unclean, the pure from the impure in you, Ezek. 22. 26 but speaks the Divination of his own brain, feeding your dark minds, and from the eternal Light made manifest in me from God the Father (who is over all, and above all) do I Declare against him, and against all Hirelings and greedie dumb Dogs, that seeks for their gain from their Quarter, Is. 56. 10, 11 as he doth, freelie do I declare as knowing them to be deceivers and blind guides: For the simple ones sake among you, who are insnared and kept in ignorance by him under his dead, drie, barren, sloathful Ministerie; Repent ye people, who lies in the Captivitie of Babylon, Rev. 13. 10 under your Baby­lonish Merchant, now is the Lord leading his Sons and Daughters out of Egypt out of bondage, and now he that hath led Captive is led into Captivitie, praised and honored be the God of Saints for evermore, who hath redeemed us out of the mouth of your Idol shep­heard who feeds himself with the fat, Ezek. 34 and who hath [Page 13] enlightened our dead Consciences, 2 Cor. 4 [...] and hath shined in our hearts, in his eternal Light, and of this have I received freelie, and from this do I let forth freelie, to the laying open the deceits of your Hireling: Now is the day of your Visitation, wherein the Savior of the World stands at the door and knocketh, Rev. 3 20 if anie open to him he will come in; therefore prise your time, and hear the Word of the Lord, Col. 3. 8, 9 and lay aside the works of darkness, Lying and Swearing, Mocking and Scorning, and beating of your fellow Servants: Mat. 24. 4 [...] to 51 Wo unto you ye Strikers, who hardens your hearts against the Lord, and against those who declare to you the wickedness of your waies; the Lord will come when you are not aware, and give you your Portion with Hypocrites and Unbeleevers, Ioel 2. 12. and cast you into utter darkness: Repent, and turn to the Lord your God with mourning and lamentation, and cease from all your former waies and doings; Isa. 1. 16 cease from Covetousness and Oppression, ye aged people; and cease from Lightness, Vanitie, and Pride, ye yong People; and from all your Priests and Steeple-houses, for there your Lightness, Pride, and vain minds are fed and nourished, and the enemies of the Lord are strengthned. Dear people, there had I once fellowship with you in your Pride, Lightness, and Vanitie and there was once my joy and delight; but now am I chosen by the Lord out of all these things praised be him for ever, to serve the Lord, in declaring against all these abominations, Isa. 2. 12. in whom they are stan­ding: For, Wo unto the proud and light vain minds, who are tripping upon the mountains, and whose hearts are not subject to the Lord; against all these abomina­tions do I Declare as from the Lord, and do advise you as from him, to depart out of these abominations, for the day is coming when you must be separated from all your lovers, a day of darkness and miserie; therefore prise your time, and hearken unto the Light of God within you, Ioel 2. 2 which reproves you for your filthie and [Page 14] ungodlie deeds and words; 1 Joh. 1. 7 this Light will lead you to God, Iohn. 4. 24 out of all filthiness, obeying it; this will separate the clean from the unclean in you, 1 Thess. 1. 1 and will lead you to be taught of God, and to have unitie with God, and with the Saints; for it was in the Light that the Saints had unitie; this Light will lead you out of your Hypo­critical and deceitful carnal Worships, to Worship in spirit and truth; this Light will lead you to the true Baptism, out of your deceitful imitation of a Baptism, which your Hireling upholds among you; this Light will lead you to the true Church in God, out of your formal imagined Church, and to the true Communion of Saints, and true singing to God, out of your hea­thenish Communion and Singing: Therefore all ye people mind the Light, for the Light hath enlightened everie one, which is the Savior and Redeemer of him that loveth it, and bringeth his deeds to it, but is the Condemnation of him that hateth it, Iohn 3. 19▪ and walks not in it; therefore all people mind this Light which is of God, this will lead you up to God, this is the way to the Father, and none comes to the Father but by me said he who was, and is the Light; this Light loving it and walking in it, Iohn 14 6 will free you from all the burdens which the Pharisee lies upon you, Mat. 23. 4 and from all the taxes of Pharaoh's Tax-masters, and will lead you into the mysteries of the Kingdom of God, to know him who is invisible, and is present everie where, yet hid­den from all dark minds, who lives in the imaginations and imitations, as you and your Hireling doth: If you love this Light and walk in this Light, it will bring you to be witnesses of the Scripture and of the Saints Con­ditions which you are but talkers of; this is the [...]ight from which they spoke that spoke the truth of God, Isa. 56 and from this Light did Isa. cry who lived in the obe­dience of it, Ier. 23 against the greedie dumb dogs, Ezek. 34 that sought for their gain from their Quarter; Micha. 3 and did Jeremiah, Mal. 2 Ezekiel, Micha, and Malachy, cry against [Page 15] Hirelings, and against those that said, The Lord saith it, and he never spoke to them, and against them that Preached for hire, and that Divined for money, and that taught for the fleece, and yet leaned upon the Lord as your Pharisee doth, saying, Is not the Lord among us? And from this same Light do we Declare against all such, and seeth them to be abomination to the Lord, now as they did then, praised, praised be the Lord for ever, for now the abominations of the whore is made manifest that sitteth upon manie waters, Rev. 17. 1, 2, 3 that hath made all Nations drunk with the Wine of her Fornication, and now is the Judgment of the Whore come, and the day wherein she must reckon to drink the wine of the Wrath of God; and he who was, and is this Light, cried Wo against then that said, and did not; Mat. 23 and against them that had the chiefest place in the Assemblies, and that were called of men, Masters: this same light do I witness, to be made manifest from God the Father of Light, and am not ashamed to de­clare it before men, Mat. 10. 33 for he that denies Christ before men, he must be denied by Christ before the Father; and this Light lived the Saints in, Acts 26 24 and spoke from, who were called Mad-men, and Deceivers of them that professed truth in word, but persecuted them in whom the Son was born and made manifest, in which genera­tion you and your Priest dailie makes manifest your selves to be, therefore repent, and come down ye high minds and lifted up spirits, for the Lord is against you, and hearken to the Light of God in you, and wait in it according to measure, and cease from all your formal, customarie, traditional worshipping, and from all your dumb Teachers, who are Antichrists, and denies the Light as having enlightened everie one; John 14. 6 this Light is the onlie way to the Father, which all must (who comes to God) follow and walk in, for he that walks not in this Light, 1 John [...], 10, 11 walks in darkness, and stumbles, and knows not whither he goes; and there are all Priests and [Page 16] people in darkness and ignorance, who walks not in this Light; therefore love the Light and obey it, it will separate you from all filthiness and corruption, and lead you into puritie and holiness, without which none shall see God, and here is your Teacher alwaies present with you, which teaches to denie ungodliness, and the wicked waies of this world; he who walked in this Light, 1 Joh. 5. 19 by this Light saw all the world to lie in wicked­ness, but said they were of God, and all that were of God heard them who dwelt in the Light, 1 John 4. 6 but he who disobeyes this Light, follows the blind guids of the world as you do, and sets up Teachers to themselves having itching ears, 2. Tim. 4, 3 and that Ministerie is of man, and by man called to the Ministerie by the earthlie powers, by earthlie Magistrates, or at Oxford, Cambridge, or Newcastle, all this Ministerie, who is here called is by man, and their Gospel is of man, which the true Gos­pel is not, and he that harh the Word of God to de­clare from God, Gal. 1. 16 his Call is not by man, neither doth he go to man to be approved; for he that Preached the true Gospel, consulted not with flesh and blood, and so it is now, the same thing do we witness, and to be Ministers of the everlasting Gospel, called not by man, but by God, praised be the Lord for ever, from generation to generation, who hath revealed himself unto Babes, and hath hid himself from the Wise and Prudent of this World; Mat. 11. 25 stop your mouths ye Ministers, which is by man, which Gospel is according to man, for now the Lord is arising, whose Angel is gone forth Preaching the everlasting Gospel: Rev. 14 6. Sing praises to the Lord for ever ye Redeemed ones, who are brought from under the emptie, dead, deceitful Ministerie, which is by man, to be true witnesses of the true Mini­sterie which is of God: therefore be ashamed ye up­holders of the deceitful Ministerie, Nah [...]. 3. 4 which is but the Ministerie of witchcraft, by which your eies are dark­ned, and under which your souls lieth in blindness and [Page 17] ignorance under the power of witchcraft and sorcerie▪ Be confounded ye Back-sliders, who once heard the Word with joy, and received it; who were once among us, yet not of us; Mat. 13. 25 who hath chosen the glorie of this world, rather than the everlasting Truth, and hath sold your birth-right of the everlasting inheritance, for the satisfying of your earthlie minds, with the earthlie treasures: Hear the Word of the Lord ye sloathful Servants, who not abiding waiting upon God, eats and drinks with the Drunkards, and beats your fellow ser­vants, Mat. 24 4 [...]. to the end. and are now become haters, mockers, and revilers, suddenlie will the Lord come and cut you all asunder, and give you your Portion in the Lake that burns with fire, Psa. 50. 22 except you repent: Repent you Back-sliders, and consider ye that forgot God, now while you have time, before the Lord swear in his wrath that ye shall not enter; hearken to that which convinceth you of your filthiness, the Light of God within you, which shall eternallie witness us to be true, which Light shall be your Condemnation, John 3. 19 because you love darkness rather than Light; ye are returned with the Dog to his vomit, 2 Pet. 2. 20 22 and with the Sow to the wallowing in the mire, your latter end is worse than your begin­ning, and the Parable is fulfilled upon you, for lying against the Truth will the Lord plead with you, and wo will be your Portion for ever, for the liars shall not enter into the Kingdom of God; therefore all people fear the living God, Rev. 21. 8 and prise your time, and see where you are, his servants you are unto whom you do obey; all must give an account to the living God, Rom 6. 16 and must receive according to what is done in the Bodie; in such an hour will the Master come which you are not aware of, Rom. 2. 6 and will take account of your stewardship, for God hath given unto everie one a Talent, Luke 16. 2 therefore spend not awaie your time in wickedness, and in a deceitful Profession of God, feeding your dark minds with the dead formal Preaching, of your dead carnal [Page 18] blind Pharisee, but hearken to the Light of God within you, and improve everie one his Talent, the good and faithful servant improves his to the honor and riches of his Master, Mat. 25. 20 21, 24, 25 but the sloathful servant hides his in the earth, living in the filthiness, saying he hath no power; now see which servant you are, and read your selves within, how you stood covered in the presence of the living God, for wo unto him that is covered but not with the Spirit of the Lord; the servants of God brings forth fruit unto God, Isa. 30. 1 bears the image of their Father, and the servants of the Devil brings forth fruits of darkness, 1 Cor. 11. 7 and bears the image of the Devil, which is glorious to the carnal eie, and feeds the carnal mind: The Seed of the Woman is but one in all generations, Gal 5. 19, 20, 21 and the Seed of the Serpent is but one, which ever was, is ruling and reigning in the Children of Disobedience, who are disobedient to the Light of God within them; and betwixt these two Seeds is Enmitie, the one against the other, each Seed is known by its fruit; the old bottle pours out old Wine, Gen. 3. 15 the new bottle new Wine; therefore all people sink down to within, Mat. 12. 34 and call in all your wandring thoughts, imaginations and affections, and desires, and see which seed is head in you, and see what your desires and affections goes out after, for where your hearts are, there is your treasure; see what you do possess of God in your Souls, and what you are made witnesses of, for he that believeth hath the wit­ness in himself, 2 Joh. 5. 10 and 4. vers. and Faith is the Victorie over the world, he that can receive it▪ let him: Dear people, I have freelie Declared to you the Truth, and from the love of God shed abroad in my heart to your Souls, and for the Seed sake in you, which lieth in death, captiva­ted under your Wisdom and Reason, have I spoken the Word of the Lord, which if you own it, and abide in it, shall be the savor of Life, and in eternal joy shall you witness me to be true in what I have Declared, but if you harden your hearts, and kick against the Truth, [Page 19] and against what I have Declared, shall be the savor of death unto Death, and in eternal torment and miserie shall ye witness me in what I say, for to that which should exercise the Conscience do I speak in everie one of you, and to that in you have I cleared my Con­science, and have freed my Spirit; this is the day of your Visitation, the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it: Remember that you have been shewed the Deceits which you live in, and have been warned of the miserie and desolation that shall come upon you, except you lay these things to heart, and turn to the Lord. Fare­wel.

By him who is dispised, and had in derision among you, who is not greater than his Lord; and therefore is contented to be called a Blasphemer and a Sedu­cer, as he whom I serve was, by them of your gene­ration. E. B.

TO all you my Countrie people of everie degree, who are Inhabitants in Ʋnder-barrow, have I cleared my Conscience, and have freelie Declared to you the Word of the Lord, and have laid open the Deceits of your Deceitful Ministe­rie and Minister, and have directed you to that in eve­rie one of you which leads unto God, and which is the way to the Father, which is the true Light which hath enlightned everie one that comes into the World, which light all who loves and follows, walks not in darkness, but walks up to God out of the Fall, from [Page 20] under the Curse, into the Being; but all who hates this Light, and follows the imagination of their own brains, and of the divination of their Hirelings and Pharisees, this Light shall be their condemnation, be­cause they walk not in it; even this Light, which is come into the World in everie man, even the witness in the Conscience which is placed by God, shall for ever witness against you, and against all your false wor­ships and Hirelings, and shall bear testimonie to what I have in this little Volume declared to be true, when the Book of Conscience shall be laid open, for to eve­rie mans Conscience am I made manifest in what I have to you declared as concerning your Hireling whom God hath never sent, but is in the way of the false Prophets and Pharisees, for he that abides not in the Doctrine of Christ hath not God, 2 John 1. 9. but is an Antichrist, and of the Devil. And as concerning the Light within you, that Light will bear witness to it self, that everie one of you to whom I speak, hath this Light, which shews you sin, your lying, swearing, pride, and wikced waies, covetousness and wantonness to be sin: this is the true Light, which is, as ever was, foolishness and a stumbling block to the wise ones: This is the Light which your Pharisee denies to have lightned everie one, and this Light shall for ever witness me to be true, and shall witness this poor people among you who is despised & contemned by you, & scornfully cal­led Quakers, to be the servants of God, whom I do own as my Brethren in the sufferings of Jesus, who are my joy in the Lord. Now all people everie where, to you all, a word from the Lord, though I have spoken in this small Volume, as moved by the Lord of Heaven and Earth, to the Inhabitants of Ʋnderbarrow, as declaring against their false Teacher, and false Worships which they uphold: now freelie and plainlie do I declare a­gainst all thy Teachers, O England, who are one in the same generation with him in the Seat of Christ, and of [Page 21] his Apostles, professing themselves to be sent of God, but walking contrarie to his commands, in the same footsteps which the Scribes and Pharisees walked in, which were persecutors of the Son of God; and which he cried wo against, they who said and did not, as all these thy Teachers do, who are called of men Masters as they were, and have the chiefest place in the Assem­blies as they had, and Praied standing as these thy pro­fessed Ministers do: Now the same Light which ever was, the Saints did, which is, Jesus Christ is now born and made manifest, which is witnessed among the saints, in which Light I see all thy Teachers, O England, to be drunk with the Wine of her that hath deceived the na­tions, who sits upon a scarlet coloured Beast, and is arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones, and hath the golden cup in her hand full of abominations, whose name is writen in her forehead, Mystery, Babylon the great, the Mo­ther of Harlots, and abomination of the Earth: And in this Light do I declare against them all which are in the generation of the false Prophets of Israel, which seeks for their gain from their Quarter, and which steals the word from their neighbor, and have taken the words of the Prophets of Christ and of his Apostles and sel­leth the divination of their own brain upon the Scrip­tures, which the holie men speak forth freelie to the poor blind people, and teacheth for the fleece; and if ye stop not into their mouths, they prepare War against you, and which are called of men Master, which Christ forbids: Against all these freelie (as from the Lord) I do Declare to be no Ministers of Jesus Christ, but are Seducers, and blind Guides, and are Antichrists, and leads the poor blind people in the waies of death and destruction; for they are no Ministers of Christ that abides not in the Doctrine of Christ: these have run, but hath not been sent by God, and therefore is not your Souls profited by them, but are in the dark hea­thenish [Page 22] nature, as by your fruits is made manifest, lean­ing in the imaginations, and not in the counsel of the Lord, and in lying, swearing, drunkenness, covetousness, and oppression, and according to the course of this world; these iniquities are ruling among People, Priests, and Rulers in this Nation, from the least of them even to the greatest, everie one is given to cove­tousness, from the Prophet even to the Priest, everie one deals falselie: All your Hirelings and greedie dumb Dogs I do denie, and all who are of God denies all such, and are taught of God in the waies of God, which ever the world derided: All thy Teachers, O England, is denied of them who are taught of God, and whose Teacher is the anointing, needs not anie man to teach them: And by thy Teachers who are in the way of the Pharisees, art thou blindlie led in the waies of darkness and ignorance, and all thy carnal worship, which is in everie part of thee upheld, which is to Read, Sing, and Preach upon the Saints Conditions, which were witnesses of God: All this I do denie and freelie declare against as from the mouth of the Lord, to be no worship of God, but imagination and an imitation of the Worship of God: And the li­ving eternal God of Heaven and Earth is but mocked by you, in your imagined worship; for your reading of anothers condition, and singing of that which you live not in, and preaching that which is gathered from without by imagination, and conceiving upon that which the Prophet Prophesied, or which Christ spoke, who was, and is the substance, and which the Apostles witnesses; this is carnal and heathenish, and was never commanded by the Lord, nor is no worship of the true God, and against this worship I do from the Lord declare, as in the eternal Light of God seeing it, to be deceitful and abomination to the Lord, being I am Redeemed up to God by his eternal Spirit, and to wor­ship in Spirit and in Truth, and am not limited to a [Page 23] day, place, or time; neither at Jerusalem, nor in this Mount, &c. and am freed and redeemed out of this fallen mans invention and tradition, which is but Cains sacrifice, which God doth not accept, but is abomina­tion in his sight, praised be the Lord for evermore. And O England, I do declare against all these thy Teachers, and against all this thy Worship, as from the mouth of the Lord, as moved of the Lord to speak this word un­to thee, Thou hast spent thy money this manie Gene­rations for that which is not bread, and thy labor for that which doth not satisfie thee, all thy imagined for­mal Worships and carnal Traditions and Ordinances of man is the Lord risen in his servant to declare a­gainst: And the same Light which ever made manifest deceitful Worships, and the deceitful Hirelings, and them that cried, Peace, peace to the people when the Lord spake no peace, is now risen and speaketh in thy ears, O Nation, the same everlasting Light, which the true Prophets lived in, who cried against them that sought for their gain from their Quarter, and that cried against the horrible filthie thing which is upheld in thee, O England, this same Light is made manifest in the despised People, called Quakers, in this North part of the Nation, O People; your Teachers hath beguiled you, and have taught for the fleece, and fed themselves with the fat, but your souls are hungred by them: for they are in the Generation of them that said and did not, they love the wages of unrighteousnes, and fol­lows the Error of Balaam for reward, and have de­voured souls for dishonest gain; but the onlie true God is arising to beat the mountains to dust, and to cleave the rocks asunder: In thee, O Land, will the Lord make manifest his power, and will stretch forth his arm for the deliverance of his Chosen, and for the redemption of his two witnesses, which hath laid slain in the great City in this Land, which they that dwell upon the earth have rejoiced over, and made merrie, [Page 24] and triumphed in their slaughter; the Lord is arising to require his flock at the hands of the Idols shep­heard. O ye Idol dumb Shepheards, the Lord will be avenged upon you, for you have scattered the sheep of his pasture, and have fed your selves with them; the Lord of Hosts is grieved with you, and have shaken his hands at your dishonest gain, and ye shall no lon­ger wear Garments to deceive; ye have long deceived the simple by your lies, and by your lightness, but now you are discovered and made manifest in the eternal Light of God, and the mysterie of Witchcraft is not hid now from the Saints: Therefore, O England, hear the Word of the Lord, Thy Prophets are light and treacherous persons, thy Judges, Judges for reward, and thy Priests preach for hire, and thy Officers im­prisons the just, and thy Rulers are evening wolves, which seeks for the prey, and the Lord of Heaven and Earth is grieved with these things, Therefore, O Land, tremble at the presence of the Lord God of Jacob, for Esau shall become a place for Dragons, and shall be disinhabited in the day of mourning, and lamentation is coming upon thee, for that which the Lord hath not planted will he pluck up, and everie corrupt tree shall be cast into the fire: All thy corrupt Judges, and Officers, and Rulers will the Lord cut off utterlie from the face of the earth, and will restore to his people Judges as at the first, and Counsellers as at the begin­ning: the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it: There­fore, O Land▪ prepare to meet the Lord thy God by true repentance, by putting off the works of darkness, thy Pride and thy Oppression, O Nation, is seen by the Lord, and the cry of the Oppressed through thy pride and tyrannie is heard in the eares of the Lord of Sab­bath, and he will avenge the Cause of the Poor and needie; that is, Oppressed by Priests in their Tythes, by Lawyers in their Fees, and by Officers in their un­righteous dealings: and the Seed of Abraham shall [Page 25] go free, and Israel shall no longer be subject to Pha­raoh, nor to his Tax-masters. O England, in the North part of thee is the Light of God arisen, which shines clearlie, and which discovers the abomination of thy Teachers and of thy Worship, and we are bold to declare against them, and against all thy corrupt Officers, Judges, and Rulers, and this Light shall shine through the Nation, and shall be spread over King­doms, and the fire is to be kindled which the Lord hath promised, which shall burn as an Oven, and the proud and all that do wickedlie, shall be as stubble: This fire shall proceed out of the mouth of the two Witnesses, as it did before they were slain, and shall devour the enemies of the Lord: the sword of the Lord is drawn in thee, O Nation, and put into the hands of them which is hated and despised by the Rulers and Officers, which is scornfullie called Quakers, but they shall con­quer by the sword of the Lord which the Lord hath put into their hands, over Countries and Dominions: For, O Nation, the Lord is with them, and thy unjust Rulers and Officers cannot hurt them, not a hair of their head shall perish without my heavenlie Father: It is for a testimonie of their Fathers love to them that they suf­fer shame and reproach, and some of them imprison­ment by the unjust Rulers, and for a witness against them that some of them are brought before them, the Lord is chusing the weak things of this World, and he is making manifest his Counsels to Babes, and reveal­ing his Counsel and eternal Truth to Children, and keeps his hidden Treasures from the eyes of the Wise, and vulturous ones, Praises, praises be to him for evermore: For the Lion of Judah is opening, and hath opened the Sealed Book, let all his Saints rejoice for evermore. This is the day of thy Visitation, O Nation, wherein the Lord speaks to thee by the mouth of his Servants in word and writing, therefore return to the Lord thy God from whence thou art fallen: Now will [Page 26] the Lord gather his Jewels and Chosen ones out of thee, and will raise up the dead which lies slain under thy Teachers and Pharisees, which makes a prey upon the people, which was never sent by God to speak un­to thee. O Land, Hear the Word of the Lord, De­part from all thy Teachers, for the Lord hath drawn his Sword, and lifted up against the false Prophet, and the Vials of Indignation shall be poured upon him, and upon, all that hpholds him in his Whoredoms, and Witchcraft, by which he deceiveth the simple; there­fore lest thou be partaker of their Plagues, depart from them: And all people, mind that measure of Light within you, which the Lord hath lightened everie one of you withal, for the Lord is risen to teach his people himself, and he is fulfilling his prophesie in thy ears, O Nation, they shall teach no more everie man his neigh­bor and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord; for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them saith the Lord; for I will put my Law in thine inward parts, and write it in their hearts, Jer. 31. 33. The Lord is about his great and wonderful Work in thee, and all the Wars and Contentions in thee, O Land, hath but been a making way for this Work of the Lord, and hath not been the Work which the Lord hath purposed: This Work is made known to them that feareth the Lord, and abideth in his Counsel: The Lord will overturn, overturn the Nation, and will create new Heavens and new Earth, wherein shall dwell righteousness, in which all the Chosen of the Lord shall rejoice for evermore; And all the Kings and Nobles shall cast down their Crowns before this Glorie: And all the men of War shall lay down their Armour and Weapons of War: And Nation shall not lift up a Sword against Nation any more: For the Lord will establish Righteousness and Peace; this will the Lord bring to pass in thee, O England, through the de­struction of that which now liveth, and through [Page 27] the Resurrection of that to Life which now lieth in Death: Hear, O Land, give eare, O People, for the Lord of Heaven and Earth is now turning the World up-side down, all old things shall pass away, all things shall become new by fire, and by his sword will the Lord plead with all flesh, and the slain of him shall be manie; corrupt Judges and Officers will the Lord sweep away, and their name shall no more be found in the Nation, the fire is kindled and the sword is drawn, happie is he that keepeth himself from fighting against the Lord in this his Work, & happie are ye, O Brethren, that stands faithful to the end to see these things ac­complished, great shall be the battel, it is now begun, many shall see death, & shall yet live to see these things.

TO all the Despised and Contemned ones, who are Persecuted, and shamefully entreated by the Ge­neration of the Chief Priests, and by them who liveth in the highest Profession in the Word outwardlie, ye who are the scorn of the Nation, and the derision of all the Heathen, and are called Quakers; you are my bre­thren, children of my Father, have been brought forth by the same Womb, and have sucked the same Breast; Ye are chosen out of the world, out of all worldly glo­ries, and earthlie excellencies, and are not of this world, and therefore the world hateth you, you are brought out of the broad way of the flesh, & are separated from all the world in their waies, worships, and forms of re­ligion, and are redeemed out of the mouths of all idoll dumb shepheards, and hath one Shepheard, and are ga­thered from all the mountains, and out of all the deso­late disinhabited places, and are come into the pleasant sheepfold, where is green pastures and fresh springs of living waters: By Faith with Abraham are ye come out of your native Countrie from among your kindred, and out of your fathers house: And with Moses have you [Page 28] forsaken the glorie of Pharaohs house, and chused rather to suffer affliction among the poor despised people, than to have enjoied the pleasures of sin; but great shall be your reward ye Contemned ones, glorie, and honor, and everlasting happiness is prepared for you if you, stand faithful to the end, the Lord is with you as a mightie ter­rible one, and therefore shall all your persecuters be ashamed and confounded, the sound of a trumpet is heard among you, which makes all nations at a stand, and all the heathen to wonder, and all the rulers, nobles, and chief Priests are in consultation, combining toge­ther to suppress the Armie of the Lord of Hosts, which he is gathering together: fear not, nor be dismaid, for the sounding of your trumpet causes an alarum, and makes all the inhabitants of the land to tremble, and all bowes before the sound of it; for the sound of it is ter­rible to the nations, to all kingdoms and dominions the Lord of heaven and earth is your Captain, which rides upon the Clouds, and whose glorie is above the world, and therfore in the battel shal you obtain the conquest, and all your enemies shall be put to flight, and one of you shall chase a thousand, for he is with you who hath all power in his hand, and all your enemies are limited by him, therefore be not discouraged at the raging and swelling words of your adversaries, but be bold and va­liant and faithful to him, for his is the victorie, and by his own right hand will he get himself the victorie; Ye are my fellow souldiers and fellow members of the same body, and my joy in the Lord, stand faithful to the Lord and be bold and valiant for the truth upon earth, for you hath the Lord chosen of all the families of the earth to place his name among, the Lord of glorie is among you, and he will glorifie his name by you, he wil accomplish his wonders, and make his power known, and the greatness of his name in the sight of the hea­then, let all flesh be silent before him, and let all the Pharisees, and chief Priests, & the wise men of the earth [Page 29] stop their mouths before the Lord, for you have the word of the Lord, and you are made partakers of the everlasting wisdom, and are the beloved of God, for his eternal Son is born and brought forth among you, and therefore doth the wise men and chief Priests con­sult to take his life; but wo unto you persecuters, for they are the seed of evil doers, and better it were that a milstone were hanged about their necks and they cast into the sea, for the Lord hath sought you to worship him, and he is worshiped by you in spirit and in truth, your sacrifice is accepted, and therefore they that are of Cains generation persecutes you seeking after your blood: You are made partakers of the blessing, and therefore doth Esau threaten your destruction, but your preserver is the Lord of Hosts, and therefore shall all their consultations be disappointed: For wo unto them that digs deep to hide their counsel from the Lord, and that takes counsel but not at the Lord; all ye my brethren, be ye faithful and obedient to him who hath called and chosen you out from among the hea­then, out of all imagined worships to worship in truth, serve the Lord in singlness of heart, and give up all to him freelie to be ordered and disposed by him, & look not back at the glorie of Sodom, nor at the riches of Egypt, but follow him, who hath enlightened your dark understandings, & hath gathered you up by his eternal Light, walk in obedience to the Law of God, and to the Light made manifest, for the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far Countrie, which hath given ta­lents to his servants to improve, now all you my belo­ved ones, improve every one your t [...] that the Lord may receive his own with usurie, that he may be glorifi­ed, and that you all may receive a reward, therefore all be bold and valiant in the truth, and fear not man but fear the Lord God almightie, and walk in the fear of the living God and despise not the cross of Christ, but let the cross be your rejoicing, for through the cross is the [Page 30] power of the Lord made manifest: Rejoyce for ever and be exceeding glad that you are counted worthie to suffer shame and reproach, and some of you imprison­ment for the truths sake: thus it was ever, he that was born after the f [...]esh, persecutes him that's born after the spirit but be glad and rejoyce in the Lord, for you hath he chosen and called even to shine as light in the dark world, and to be as a burthensome stone to the nations, your fame is gone abroad through nations, and because of the man child that is born is the nations troubled and the chief Priests and Rulers combined together, but that the Lord may be glorified, and for your sakes will he scatter the proud in their imaginations, and will break in pieces the snares which the pharisees & chief Priests have laid for your feet, and they shall be taken in their own craftiness, & fall into the pit which they have dig­ed for you, for the Lord, who hath called you, will set you upon a rock, & will preserve you out of the mouths of cunning wolves who devours souls for dishonest gain: Sing praises for ever to the Lord our God, who hath chosen us to make manifest his love and truth unto, and hath gathered us up out of the mouth of all idol­shepherds that made a prey upon us, and from all the mountains & hills where we were scattered in the cloudy & dark day, where we were devoured by the wild beasts, being without shepheard and sheepfold, but praises, glorie, and honor for evermore that we are freed out of the crueltie of Pharash, & from under his tax masters, which lies heavie burdens upon the people, rejoyce and he glad in faithfullness & truth unto our King for ever, who is the Lion of the tribe of Judah, who hath opened the book, and unlosed the seals, and hath led us to him­self, and by suffering under all are we made Kings and Priests over all for evermore, he alone is worthie to be praised, who hath avenged us of our adversaries, & hath given her to drink of the wine of the warth of God, who once made us drink of the wine of her fornication; I am [Page 31] with you, you despised ones, and my prayers are for you, and the eternal glorious God of power be with you, and keep you in the middest of this crooked and perverse generation, for this generation seeks the blood of the saints; the beast, which was, is, and now makes war against the lambe.

E B.

A true Declaration, and a discovery to all the World of my manner of Life; what I have been, and what now I am at present.

I Was brought up by my natural Parents in the pro­fession of Religion, according to the generalitie of this Nation, going one day in seven to hear a man Preach the Word, as they said to me, and to be exerci­sed in the formal worship w ch was then upheld, to reade and sing, and to rabble over a Praier; but I was wan­ton and light, and lived in pleasure, without the fear of God, not knowing of God but by hear-say, and tradi­tion; but when I grew up toward twelve years of age, somthing stirred in me, and shewed me, that there was a higher religion than that I was exercised in; and then I inquired where the chiefest of the Presbyterian Priests Preached, and would have gone some miles of a first day to have heard one of the best of them, which seem­ed liker truth than the other, and so I got up to be a Presbyterian, and followed the highest of the Priests and Professors of that form, and grew in favor with them, then some small of my vanity and lightness I left, and Pride grew up in me, for wisdom grew up in me, then some of my former acquaintance began to scorn me, calling me a Round-head, and the like; and by my laboring here, I gathered knowledge in things without, but yet was ignorant of the living truth: Then when I was about seventeen years of age, it pleased God to shew himself a little to me, and somthing struck me with [Page 32] terror, and when I had been praying, I heard the voice often, Thou art ignorant of God, thou knowest not where he is, nor what he is; to what purpose is thy Prayer? And so much fear and dread came upon me, and broke me off from praying manie times, and trouble came thick into my mind, and fearfulness fell many times upon me, and I was struck off my delights that I formerly lo­ved, and what I had gathered in as of a god, died; and I left off reading in the Scripture, for somthing shewed me that I was very ignorant, and knew not the true God, and the beauty of all things vanished; And I went to some, asking, What God was, which was professed? for I said, I knew him not: but got no satisfaction from any. And I was much separated from the vain waies of the world, and from vain worldlie people, and was made to reprove manie, often, for wickedness, in words and actions, and was much derided, and looked upon scornfully by manie; and then the Preaching of them whom I had formerly much delighted in, was as wither­ed and decayed, yet then it pleased the Lord to snew himself a little in love to me, and I had sweet refresh­ments coming in from him to my soul, and had joy and peace in abundance, and openings of the living truth in me, which the world knew not of, and the mysterie of the Scripture was somthing opened, which before I knew nothing of, and I saw manie glorious things in it, which lie hid under the letter; and I was in much rejoy­cing manie times, and sang praise, for I was brought out of the land of darkness, & could say, I was in the Light, & I grew up to know high things; but not knowing the Cross of Christ, I ran forth in my wisdom comprehen­ding the mysteries of God, having a Light shined in me, and I grew up into Notion, to talk of high things, for it was my delight to comprehend in my busie mind thus being ignorant of the Cross to keep low in it, I ran be­fore my guide up into comprehension, and then was I above manie of the Priests and Professors, and followed [Page 33] only to hear the highest Notionists, that Preached high things, but the fleshlie man was at libertie, and so I be­came one of them in their discoursings, and was looked upon by them to know much; the former terror was gone, and I had got up from under the judgement, and now pride grew more than ever, and self-conceitedness and presumption, and fleshly liberty to the carnal mind, and my delight was much in discoursing, where I played the harlot, and the prodigal, and gave holy things unto dogs▪ and cast pearls before swine (for wisdom was hid from me) and here I lived pleasantlie, for I had the true God, and the true Truth in my comprehension, which by my wisdom in the light I had comprehended, and I had the world in my heart, Pride, Coverousness, and the earthly spirit ruled, and my delight was grown up to that, which once I had no delight in, and the beauty of things grew up, which seemed to be vanished, here I was run from my Husband after other Lovers, and had left the Lord my maker, who had so graciously made mani­fest himself unto me, and had spended my portion a­mong harlots; but I became to be darkned, and had lost that which once I had, and had but in memory that which before I had injoyed, could tell of Experiences, but they were dead to me; and somthing within me be­gan to question how it was with me; for I saw my self to be ignorant more than formerly, and I saw I knew nothing; somthing desiring in me to be from whence I was come, but I grew to be much given to the world to seek after riches, and glorie in it; and▪ fed my self with what I had formerlie enjoyed, and said, Whom God loves once, he loves for ever: (but that was then head, and ruled in me, which he loved never) I was wanton, and lived in the lustful nature, among heathens, crucifying the Lord of Life, but the blood of that which I had slain, cried continually, and the witness which laid slain, would give me no rest, which the earthly made merrie over; and I grew to be weary of hearing any of the [Page 34] Priests, though never so high, for somthing, which shined deep in me, shewed me ignorance in all professi­on, and I was put to a stand many times in my self at those things, which were come to pass; then it pleased the Lord to send his true and faithful Servant and Mes­senger, who is called according to the flesh, Geo. Fax. be spoke the language which I knew not, notwithstan­ding all my high talking, for it was higher, and yet lower: And it pleased the Lord to speak to me by him, that I was in the prodigal state, and above the Cross of Christ, and not in the pure fear of the Lord, but full of corruption and the old nature, though I had pro­fessed freedom, yet it was but such as the Jewes profes­sed; for I saw my self to be in bondage to my own Will, and to my own Lust; and through the word of the Lord spoken to me by him, I began to see my self (the witness being raised) where I was, and what I had been doing, and saw I had been making an image to the first Beast, which had the Wound by a Sword and did live, whose deadly Wound was healed, and was full of Airie Notions and imaginations, and was worshipping the image which I had made, and then I saw my self to be a Child of Wrath, and that the Son of the Bond-Woman lived, and that harlots had been my compani­ons, and was no more worthie to be called a Son: Then trouble and distress came upon me, such as was not since the beginning of the world, and I was at my wits end, and a day of thick darkness and trouble, a day of weeping, and mourning, and miserie, and a day of ven­gance and recompence, came upon me, such as I had never known; one vial of Wrath after another, the great Whore was to be Judged, and to drink of the Wine of the wrath of God, which had made me once drunk with the Wine of her Fornication, and then I separated from all the glory of the World, and from all my acquaintance, and kindred, and betook my self to the company of a poor despised and contemned people [Page 35] called Quakers, and now am I one in that Generation, which is, and ever was, hated of the world, by the chief Priests and Pharisees, and Generation of Serpents, and hath chosen rather to suffer Affliction with a poor despised People, than to injoy the pleasures of Sin with the great multitude (though the worldly pleasures was not wanting to me) and now do I bear witness a­gainst all Forms of Religion, and false Hirelings, and chief Priests, who walks in the steps of the Scribes and Pharisees, and of the false Prophets of Israel, and was never sent of God to declare his Word: And do free­ly Declare against all out-side Profession, and Notion, And do witness Geo. Fox to be a true Minister of God, one that speaks the Word of the Lord from his mouth, one who was sent of God, and who is the Servant and Messenger of the living God, he is the friend of God, and wo unto his persecutors, they are the Seed of evil doers; and now I am despised of my neighbors and carnal acquaintance, and is not greater than my Lord who was called a Blasphemer and a Deceiver as now I am, but praised, praised be the Lord for evermore, who hath separated me from the World and Worldly glo­ries, and hath made me a partaker of his Love, in whom my Soul hath full satisfaction, joy, and content: Thus have I travelled through the World, even unto the end, and am now come to the beginning of that which ne­ver shall have end, which the dark mind of man knows not.

E. B.

I Am a Prisoner for the Truth sake, and for Declaring to man of his Wickedness, and of his Transgression, of the spiritual Law of God which is spiritual, and for writing of a Letter which was written from God, to shew to man of his wicked waies, and how he stood in the presence of God, as by the spiritual light of God (which shines in the hearts of his servants) was disco­vered and made manifest unto me, for who Speaks, Writes, or Declares, from the light of God (which doth discover all the dark paths of fallen man, and all his spiritual Wickedness) Speaks, Writes, and Declares not as from man, whose light is only natural and carnal, (which is darkness in the pure light which is eternal) but as from God, whose light is spiritual, and doth make manifest the secret Whordom of fallen man; and from this light did the Prophets and Ministers of God, who were sent by him to reprove Sin and Transgression, Speak, Write, and Declare, and in this light did the true Prophets Jeremiah, and Hosea, discover Israel to be Adulterous, and in the presence of God to be guilty of Whordom, from whose presence they declared: And all now who are sent of God, to reprove for Sin and Iniquity, declares from the same light of God, and by the same Spirit which Jeremiah and Hosea did, For the pure light of God is but one, from generation to generation, in all generations which discovers Sin and Iniquity, the same light now, as in the time of the Pro­phets and Apostles: and from this light (which is not carnal, but eternal) did all the holy men of God Write, and Declare; And all who are sent of God now, wit­nesses the same light, and Speaks from the same light now, as they did then; for, who cannot witness this [Page 37] light, are no Ministers of God, neither ever were sent of God, to Declare the Truth from God, but are De­ceivers and blind Guides, and speaks from the natural and carnal light, the imagined and supposed light, which hath not seen the living and spiritual God; for Declaring by Writing to a man that he is guilty of all manner of wickedness, naming, Pride, Drunkenness, and Whordom, I am imprisoned; I wrote not as from man, whose light is only natural and carnal, and doth only make manifest carnal Transgressions, of a carnal Law, but as from the eternal and spiritual light, which doth make manifest spiritual Transgressions of a spiri­tual Law; And in this light, is he to whom I wrote, guilty of all manner of Wickedness: Now this which I Declared from God who is spiritual, is above the reach and comprehension of the carnal and earthly law, for by the natural light through the earthly Law, is no natural man able to Judge, of that which is spoken or declared from that which is eternal, and spiritual, (for darkness cannot comprehend the light) which light all the Servants and Ministers of God are guided by, to Act, Speak, or Write; and therefore do I deny to have this Cause put into the Judgement of carnal Lawyers, who Judges by the natural light, through the earthly and carnal Law, yet willing I am before any Authority to Answer for my self, that whereof I am Accused, but to the Judgement of earthly Magistrates I do not stand, but to the Judgement of the living and eternal Judge, who Judges not according to the sight of the eyes, and hearing of the eares, but who Judges with Equity and Righteousness, thus rather I Chuse to suffer imprisonment in the Body, yet free as to God in the Truth, waiting to be Redeemed, not by the earthly Powers, through the earthly law, but by him who is e­ternal, whose law is eternal, who orders all things by his mighty Power, to which Power I give up my self to be kept in it, and ordered by it continually.

[Page 38] Here I have given to all People the ground of my Imprisonment in the particular of it, though I might in few words have declared the thing; for between the Seed of the Woman, and the Seed of the Serpent, is Enmity put; and he in whom the Seed of the Serpent is Ruling, seeks the destruction of him in whom the Seed of the Woman is Raised: And here is the ground of all the Saints Imprisonment, now as ever was, the envie of the Devil working in Fallen man, against the living Truth of God, where it is made manifest.

E. B.

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