TRUTH (the Strongest of all) Witnessed forth in the Spirit of Truth, against all DECEIT: And Pleading in Righ­teousnesse its owne cause, to the understanding of the Simple, against a very great number of lyes, slanders, per­verting of the Scriptures, contradictions and false damnable doctrines, held forth by the INDEPENDANTS.

AND In particular by one JOHN BUNION, (one of Gogs Army) in two severall Bookes put forth by him, against the despised scattered People called QƲAKERS.

AND IS A REPLY Unto his second Book, CALLED A VINDICATION, &c.

Wherein what was wanting in his former of fulfilling wicked­nesse is now appeared; by his adding sin unto sin, against God and against his owne soule.

And this is to cleer the Truth from above 100 of John Bunions foule dirty lyes and slanders: By a friend of the Truth as it is in Christ Jesus; and not as it is in mens carnall apprehensions, EDWARD BURROUGH

LONDON: Printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black -spread-Eagle, near the West end of Paules 1657.



THOƲ hast here a very great number of about 100 or more as may be proved inpar­ticular if need require. lyes and slanders, and unjust dealing, and false doctrines, &c. Laid open and reproved in plainesse, and not in hypocri­sie, and of contention there is not sud­denly an end being begun; therefore seeing the unbe­lieving heart of John Bunion cannot believe me when I speake the truth in justnesse, nor may I beleive his lies and slanders uttered in hypocrisie; what is laid downe is left to thee, soberly to judge of betwixt us, while we are both silent: And this know the one is a Deciever and the other is as a Deceiver yet true; and thus may thou weigh things equally.

First, considering of many lyes and slanders truly charged upon him in my first, of which he is guilty from his first, and he hath not at all cleared himselfe of them in his second, which an honest man ought to have done, before he had gone further; for I soberly desired witnesse of what he said: But be hath added to the number of his wickednesse, and not proved justly what he hath said against us: And it is not for his sake, for little hopes I have of his conversion, but the rather that he will be [Page] hardened, nor for my owne sake as if I were unsatisfied concerning him that this is written, but to undeceive the simple of what his wickednesse may falsly suggest in­to the minde as if all were truth that he spoke, if his wickednesse were not reproved.

Againe, Consider that I have cleared the truth of my words which he hath wrested and thereby taken occa­sion against the truth, by answering his owne concepti­ons and not my plaine words, so my words (which are words of truth) being defended, all his reply is made void: So I have not so much desired to answer every particular of his words, as to vindicate my owne words, and the truth from his false slanders and accusations.

E. B.

TRUTH (the strongest of all) Witnessed forth in the Spirit of Truth Against all DECEIT.

O HOW hath Satan filled the hearts of men, in this generation (as well as in former ages) with envy against the truth, and with wrath against the way thereof, and how hath he filled them with craft, and deceitfull subtilty, to offend the way of the Lord, in all manner of persecuting, and evil speaking against it openly, and also in secret gainsay­ings, in hipocrisie, and how are men armed to defend them­selves in their naughtinesse, laying hid under the vaile of fair speeches, and fine arguments, using the Scripture in the words of mans wisedome, to oppose the power and life of righteous­nesse, even as the Scribes and Pharisees of old, how zealous were they in their observances, and in fulfilling the Commands and traditions of their fathers, having set themselves in Moses seat, professing Moses and the Prophets words, and yet perse­cuted Christ the life, and substance of Moses, and the Prophets, and as it was then, so is it now, how are Christs words, and [Page 2] the Apostles professed and preached by such who are enemies o the life of Christ made manifest in mortall flesh, and secret­ly opposing the doctrin of the Apostles, who said, Know ye not, that Christ is within you, except you be Reprobates. But the mighty day of the Lord is come, and comeing, wherein all hearts are made manifest, and the secrets thereof discovered, and the light is springing out of darknesse, and the Sun is breaking thorow the clouds to give light to all men and Nations, and the great whore which hath decked her selfe in divers colours to deceive, shall be made naked and bare, and the day of great striving is come, and now every man stands up for his interest, to defend his possession, for the just Judge standeth at the doore, to enquire by what Law every man holds his Inheritance, and he findeth many holding their Re­ligion, and Profession, by the traditions of men only, and not by the Revelation of Christ Jesus in them, and such he will dispossesse, though they strive against him, yet all is in vaine, and though they plead Antiquity, yet that will not prevaile, and in that the day of great striving is come, betwixt the Lamb and his followers, the Draggon and his followers, every one of that Party appearing with such weapons as the Devil hath armed them withal, and with such Armour as the wicked hath they come, appearing under divers colours, to fight against Zion, yet under one Head, and Prince of darknesse, and unto one Purpose, even that the seed of Jacob may be rooted out, and that the way of truth may not prosper, that then the wicked may goe on in their wickednesse, without reproofe, and ungodlynesse may be hid under hypocrisie and above all other means, that is used at this day, to keepe up the Kingdome of the Devil, and to offend the Kingdome of Christ; this is Cheife, striving against the light of the world, opposing it, and denying it, and by crafty arguments, and cunning speeches, seeking sutable Scriptures, (as they suppose) to ground their false arguments upon, against this very thing, that the light of Christ is given to every man that comes into the World, or that the light which convinceth and Reprooveth every man of sin within him, is not the light of Christ, nor worthy to be ta­ken notice off, but naturall and such like, and no way suffici­ent [Page 3] to life and salvation; if the unjust men persecute, it is such as walke in the light of Christ Jesus, that cannot fulfill the wills and customes of men, and so are not of the World, but contrary to it, in all its wayes and workes which are evil, and if the wise men of the World make any argument, it is against the light, with which Christ lightneth every man that comes into the World, so that all the envy of the Devil, whether under this or that colour and appearance, is against the light of Christ Jesus and them that walke therein, and if the light be but denyed, and not balieved in, nor regarded, then may the Devil have whole Possession of the heart of man, and if the light of Christ Jesus within, be owned and loved, and walked in, then Christ is received, and there the Devil is dispossessed, and therefore it stands him upon, above all other things to possesse people against the light within, which Christ hath given, that then he may not be discovered in the heart; but may keepe all his goods in peace, and have quiet Possession in his habita­tion? Well, be it so, though all men of that Kingdom doth gain­say the light of Christ, by this or that way of wickednesse, yet it is precious unto us, and I cannot but earnestly contend for it against all gainsayers, and yet strives not for mastery to our selves, nor to exalt any thing of our selves, but only the Lord and his truth, which he hath made more deare to us, then either life, or name, or liberty, and though so it be, that this way be spoken evil against every where, yet the Lord owneth it, and us who are faithfull therein, in the presence of our enemies, to the confounding of the wisdome of this world; and whereas John Bunion hath formerly set himselfe divers wayes to oppose the truth under the account of his great zeale against error; but especially in a Booke sometime since, put forth by him, thinking thereby to offend the way of righ­teousnesse; and now a second time hath appeared, with a de­fence upon his former, called A Vindication, &c.

Of the former and his defence, is more to the laying open his folly, and to the uncovering of his blindnesse and wicked­nesse, then his first offence given by him, which caused me to write in short four sheets of paper, to clear the truth from what he had spoken against it.

[Page 4] And now having again a second time appeared in many words without knowledge yet in great zeale, hath brought forth ma­ny things reprovable, even lyes and slanders, and evil speeches in abundance, yet with great pretence of holynesse, and sober­nesse, and he hath not only helped me, but the truth which is my cheife, and moving cause, (that the truth may be clear) of this my second Reply unto him, and not for my own sake in any thing, for I more prize to be accounted a foole, and dis­praysed in the world, then to be honoured thereby, and when iniquity shall come to an end, and transgression shall be fini­shed, his shall be the Kingdome and the Inheritance of Rest eternall, that hath kept himselfe clean and pure, from a lying and slanderous tongue, and who hath done righteously and fulfilled the will of God, For it is not every one that saith Lord, Lord, that shall enter into the Kingdome, but he that doth the will of the Father which is in heaven, and in that day when the Booke of all consciences shall be opened, and every thing brought to judgement, then shall the light in every ones con­science answer the Lord in the justnesse of his dealings, and even then (if not before) shall this John Bunion know the light in all mens consciences is of force; when he shall be judged and then shall he see, he hath wronged the Lord, and dealt evil against his own soule, in speaking evil of what he hath not known, and in giving false judgement of what he hath not understood, and till that day I leave him (without praying for fire to devoure him) only may reprove his lyes errors, contradictions and false dealing, and clear the truth from his false Charges, and only to the most cheifest things whereof he accuses us, in short I may Reply.

And whereas thou saist, There is one that hath ventured to stand up against the truth, and hath published a booke in which there is a great number of Heresies cunningly [...]ented by him and also many things there falsly Reported of thee, To which I an­swer, that same Booke published called The true saith of the Gospel contended for, &c. Shall clear it self from this reproach that I have not stood up against any one truth, or uttered any Heresie or lye against thee, Several lies and slanders was proved against him in that book, which he can­not clear him­self of; mark that. but in that Booke did witnesse forth the truth against many things falfly layd down by thee [Page 5] against the Quakers, and that same Booke with sobernesse read, without partiality and prejudice, doth clear it selfe from these false aspersions, and prove thee a lyer herein, and I leave it to the honest hearted to judge, who reads that book while I with patience and not seeking any revenge, doe bear thy reproaches, counting them greater riches then thy praise.

And farther thou saist, Only by the way thou thinkest good to mind me of my cloathing my selfe with the words of the Pro­phets and Apostles, &c.

Answ. true enough by the way, out of the truth, and out of Christ who is the way, hath thou spoken this, and so hath uttered in falsehood, and by, or out of the way, neither have I cloathed my selfe, and yet am I cloathed, with the life of the Prophets and Apostles, and not only with their words, nor do I fight against them (though thou falsly say it) but bears wit­nesse unto them, in doctrine and conversation, and against thee, all the seed of evil doers, and take backe thy own words to thy self, who art in that generation, which hath the words, but art without the Lying per­verting Scrip­ture is an evil l [...]fe. life in the evil life.

Farther thou saist, I have broken out with a false Testimony of John Burton and thee, at which thou seemest to be much offended, that I should say thou art joyned with the broken Army of Magog, and hath shewed your selves in the defence of the Draggon, against the Lamb, &c.

Reply, what needest thou be troubled at this, have I not spo­ken the truth, and have I not said well herein, for you are joyned with all the wicked in the Nation, and as lyars and swearers and drunkards, persecutes with violence, and as the proud and wanton are filled with scorning and singing wicked rimes in the streets, even so also are you come in Print, and all of you against them called Quakers, the drunkards and swearers they beate, them and abuse them, and cast them as for dead into diches, with stoning in the high wayes, and in the streets beating downe with staves, and the wanton they sing there rimes in scorne in Alehouses, and Taverns against them, and thou and thy fellowes and generation appeares in open Print, slandering and reviling them (yet in pretence of zeale for God) and all this you doe against us who have the [Page 6] witnesse that we are of God, and that the whole world lyes in wickednesse, and now are not you all joyned as an Army, and doe you not shew your selves in the defence of the Draggon, lyers and flanderers is of the Dra­gons party; what wrong I have done you, let the upright in heart judge, whether I have given false testimony against you or no, and though you have noted it for a lye in the Margent, yet the lye is thy own, who hath gain-said the truth herein, and called it a lye, and I have dealt justly with thee, in the sight of God and all that know him, and when the booke of thy conscience is opened, thou shalt also confesse to this thing, when thou standest condemned with them, with whom thou art now joy­ned, against us, who have the testimony that we are of God, and worshippers of the Father in the spirit and truth, and my words were spoken by the spirit of the Lord, and that in thy conscience shall witnesse them, in the day of the Lord▪ though now thou Opprobriously say, I said that desolate Zion is compassed about with enemies to make her a­destruction, &c. here are flung into the wind. And whereas thou seemesto be greatly offended, that I should say parte of the first booke is a Corrupted grain of Babylons treasure, &c.

But have not I spoken the truth herein also, when I say, I have numbred up part of your work and this is the sum thereof, that part which I have numbred viz. your lyes and false reproa­ches against the Quakers, is a corrupted grain; yea, and of Baby­lons These are some of the words which he sayes flung into the wind. treasure too. I am not ashamed of my words, though thou would defend your worke by saying, Your discourse was of the Birth Righteousnesse, death, blood, &c. And of the second coming of the son of Mary, &c.

To which I say, these things and the knowledge of them, by the spirit of God, is not counted by me Corrupted nor of Babylon, though now I answer as in my last, the words I own, but thy voice I deny, and knowes it to be the voice of the stranger, and for this saying, ha I not, nor never shall have any burthen upon my Conscien [...]e, (though thou would say it) but 'tis cleared in the sight of God, even though I say all that thou speakest▪ I deny, or thy speaking of any thing of the Kingdome of God; with thy lying spirit.

And whereas thou art offended, that I should say you are described to be the flock of Ishmaell, and of the seed of Cain, [Page 7] whose line reacheth to the murdering Preists, &c.

And thou saist, I am very sensorious, and utterest many words without knowledge, &c.

Reply, Yea, your words doth describe your nature, for by your voice I know you, to be none of Christs sheepe, and ac­cordingly I judge, in just judgement, and in true knowledge, and doe not falfly sensure, nor utter words void of know­ledge, and my words shall be witnessed by you in the day of the Lord: Envy is of Cains nature and seed, and in that you are, and lyars are of Ishmaels stock, and you are guilty of that, let the sober Reader try; and you are among the murdering Preists party, and close joyned to them, in doctrin and practise especially in writing against us.

Now no wrong have I done you, that thou needest to be troubled, and seekes to cover your selves by thy faire words in thy answer as if you were righteous, but all will not hide you, your works make you manifest to be no lesse then what I have said of you.

Then farther thou art hot against me, in that I say, you are found enemies to Christ, revealed in his Saints, and this thou hast noted it in the Margent for false, but thou dost not well to be angry; it is true, what I have spoken, thy own words doe prove it, in saying there was nothing in thee, to be taken notice of; this was a denying of Christ within, and such as deny him are found enemies to him within, So the lye is thy own, who hast denyed truth, let the wise Reader judge, and thy many words in a pretending answer will not cover you from the guilt of what I have charged upon you and not falsly, and what I have said hitherto is true, and not false, though thou fainingly say, thou marvels I should be so over-seen, as to utter so many false things in so little a space; nay, my understanding was open, when I wrote forth that book, at which thou art so tormented, that it hath caused thee some months travellin anguish to cleare thy selfe, and yet cannot be at rest, and thou art over-seen who resists the reproofe of thy wickednesse.

Then thou goes about to justify thy brother Burtons words, who wickedly laid it down, as thou immpudently goest to [Page 8] justify it, who joyned in his accusation, and slanders Quakers with Ranters, and this would thou justify we are one, against my just answer, which denyed them in the fourth page of my first where I said, between Quakers and Ranters there is no more union &c. then betwixt light and darknesse, good & evil, and that answer stands untouched by thee, and is true, and in justifying John Burtons wicked slander, thou art more wicked in comparing the Principles, and saist it will appeare they agree in one &c.

But what a wicked course hast thou taken to clear him, by adding thy own wickednesse, let all consider that reads, for doe not I desire in plainnesse in my first, in these words, if thou dare lay viz. That the Quakers deny Christ to be a reall man: Second­ly, that they fancie him to be God manifest in their flesh; Thirdly, that they make his humane na­ture with the fulnesse of the God­head, to be but a tipe of God: these things were charged up on us. the Charge only upon the Quakers, write in plainesse, and bring testimony of thy accusation, and thou may receive a farther answer but not a word in plain answer, to this is returned, though soberly desired, neither time nor place, nor witnesses evidenced to clear your selves, of your first slanders, which had been more honest, then to have slan­dered, afresh passing over your first, but it seemes you can­not cleare your selves in honesty, and so fulfill your wicked­nesse by adding to your lyes and slanders, as thou impudently doth in thy comparing the principles of the Ranters with the Quakers.

And to save thy brother from shame & guilt, thou art fallen thy self into the snare, & justly may be judged, to exceed him in wickednesse; and thou saist, (with shame to thy selfe, I re­peat it) that the This is a lye; Quakers will not own Christ without them, but thou brings not testimony of this asserion, til then, be thou reckoned, and shall be plauged for a lyar, which will be for e­ver for we own him as he is ascended far above all heavens who fills all things, yea and without us too, so that instead of proving the first false accusation, thou adds another slander and the That the Ranters and Quakers deny all teaching but the teach­ing within; and yet con­demnes prin­ciple by pract­ise. second thing wherein thou compares them, is unsound for though we witnesse, (yea thousands) yet we need no man to teach us, but as the anointing with in us, as the Saints did 1 John, yet we cry not down the ministry of God, but ownes it, and cryes down such by whom people cannot come to the knowledge of the truth, though they be ever learning, who [Page 9] Preaches for hire and goes for gifts and rewards, and loves the wages of unrighteousnesse, and this was the Apostles doctrin, as it was ours, and is no heresie (though thou may so judge it) sor we say by the same spirit as the Apostles did, they that are of God heareth us who are in the truth, which is but one, and there is not another; and the Apostles which witnessed the Saints needed no man to teach them, did exhort them, and yet did not condemn principles by practice.

Then thou goes on, and sayes The Ranters are not for bap­tisme, and breaking of bread, and are not the Quakers the same? But what doth this prove, and thou saist, the Ranters are with­out sin, and how farre short of this opinion are the Quakers, and the Ranters would not own the resurrection, &c.

And how say you, Doe you believe the very bodies shall rise, &c.

Reply, Friend this is farre short of proving these things up­on us, by querieing them to us, let the Reader consider: But it may be impudency hath not so wholy eaten out honesty in thee, as that thou dare charge us wholy with these things, but would Intrude into us by thy Questions, as though the thing were so indeed, but thou may be ashamed of thy worke, is this sufficient proofe of evill against us, to aske us whether it be so? what hast thou proved in all this against us (if we were guilty) thinkest thou we will accuse our selves, this is absurdity, and wickednesse in thee, falsly to charge us, and to bring no better evidence, but thy bare words; and as we deny the Ranters, so doe we thee, and sees you both to be enemies to the life of God: But thy last and cheife proofe (as thou thinkest) that we are one is that the Ranters are sinners, and the Quakers are lyars, the first I will not vindicate, but this last is dispu­table, and thy proofe of it is first thou saist, from what thou hast said already, to some pages of my first booke, to which I have Re­plyed, and leaves it to the Reader, only doth say, thou hast not yet proved one lye against me in the sight of God not men, thou art the lyar if thou say thou hast and honest men shall be judge betwixt us: and thy second proofe is more to the disco­vering of thy ignorance then yet hath been, and to clear thy selfe from my In my first Booke. charge against thee (viz.) to be a wrester [Page 10] of the Scripture, which yet I stand to, thou art fallen into grievious error; my first charge is true upon thee, that thou perverted or wrested that Scripture; Rev. 13. 18. in saying the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the World; for that Scripture saith since, or from the foundation of the world, hast thou no more sence, art thou and all thy company so ignorant that you know not betwixt before and since a time, how are you blinded, and yet persists in your wickednesse, and will not be reproved, therefore this is a double iniquity in thee, to thy shame remember it, for I have said true, though thou under­stand it not in my first booke I said, there is as much difference, betwixt before, and since in that thing, as betwixt a lye and truth, for to say the blood was shed before the foundation of the world, as thou dost is a very lye but to say it was shed since or from, is truth, and that Scripture is truth, Rev. 13.

And thou art the lyar, & wrester of it & I have not wronged thee in my first, though thou impudently and ignorantly would clear thy selfe, and lay iniquity upon me, but further to clear thy selfe thou saist, thou said, in Gods account it was shed, before the world was: and this is little lesse then blasphemy, what, is God a hypocrite like thy selfe? to account that for truth, which is a lye as I have proved, O horrid error and perfect blindnesse! but this wil not cover thee, nor thy shame, from the eye of men, where is thy proofe for such a doctrine, that God accounts that which is a lye for truth? largely is manifest thy folly; Repent if thy heart be not void of shame, for what thou hast spoken herein; and let the Reader understand this diffe­rence, thou saist the blood of Christ, was shed before the foun­dation of the world, according to that Scripture, Rev. 13. I say thou perverts the Scripture, and lyest grosly in the maine thing it selfe, and saith it is Read the Scriptutes mark the sence. betwixt before. and from. since, or from the foundation of the world; let the honest judge, and now it is seen, the lye rests upon thy own head; who wrests the Scripture; and belyes the Lord, and me, and goes on in thy wickednesse after re­proofe, and take thou the Ranters, they are thy companinons, in lying and sinning, and not ours.

And further thou art offended that I should say, and would faine reckon it for a lye, that all thy worke is a secret smiting, and an obscure shooting against the manifestation of Christ [Page 11] within, which words I own to be truth concerning these, and am not ashamed of them, though thou say, I say falsly, and when the booke of thy conscience is opened, thou shalt con­fesse it, only I leave viz that which you said; there was nothing in any man to be taken notice of; this is a denying of him with­in. this to be consideredseriously and judged by them who are spirituall, and they shall be my witnesses, and the lye is of thee and thy father, whose wickednesse is sufficiently seen by what is said, if I should say no more; again thou saist it is an untruth of thee, to say thou art one of those that doe preach for hire, through covetuousnesse making mer­chandize of soules, my words are not so laid down, thou hast rested them for thy purpose, though it availes nothing: but I said thou art in their steps, that through covetuousnesse with fained words, makes merchandize of soules and thou art found among them that preaches for hier, and I have spoken the truth herein, let the light in all consciences judge, who are not seared in many things, I might instance that thou art in their steps, and among them that act such things as further may be proved, and the wisedome of God so fore saw, to keep me clear and my words to be defended, though I expected no lesse from thee, as to this thing, then is come to passe, but the lye is of thy selfe, who would deny the the truth is he is in their steps, and among them; truth; the next thing that thou wilt charge upon me to be a lye, I passe, here the Reader may expect it in its place, and though thou say the Ranters and I and my fellowes are of the same mind in many things &c.

To which I Reply, Their practices I deny, and the ground in which they stand and their false doctrines yet dare we not deny any truth as it is in Christ; though they, as thou may professe it in words, which is seldome they doe, for we have respect unto the truth, for the truths sake only, but how un­charitable art thou in thy measure and judgement: Consider, as if he should say, J. Bunion is of the same mind with the Pope in many things; the Pope holds Christ was born of Mary, and was crucified and raised again, and ascended, &c. And this holds John Bunion, and is of the same minde with the Pope in many things; and therefore must partake of the same plagues with the Pope as thou said of us, though thou hast by unequall mea­sure thus judged us, yet I render not evil for evil, but in love to thy soule, shewes thee thy folly and weaknesse.

[Page 12] Then thou goes on having passed by the two viz. that the Quaker [...] undervalues the Lord Je­sus, and doth not lay him for their [...]oundation. slanders cast upan us, by John Burton, in your first booke which I charged you withall in mine to which not one word as to evidence your slanders but hath slipped it over as a foule guilty man, which charge stands upon you both; that you are slanderers herein, and my first answer I am not ashamed of, though you snarle much about it, and would taint it or undermine it: but thy subtilty is to weake, truth confounds thee and thy simpli­citie, which is that we prise the Lord Jesus Christ, God man to be precious unto us, and hath owned him alone to be the foundation whom God hath lyed, and in his light we are sa­ved, &c.

As I said in Page 7. against which words thou canst not just­ly except, nor yet prove the contrary and yet as a man that loves to heare thy owne tongue, thou layes down many things impertinent as to the cause in hand.

But it had been more honest to have helped thy brother Burton, from under my true charge and cleared the truth if thou had been able, but thou hast left him in the dirt under the charge of a slanderer; and art unfaithfull to him, and goes a­bout to inquire what it is (as thou saist) to lay Christ for a foundation; thou confesses what I have said is fairly spoken, and yet thy envious minde and unbelieving heart seemes to be offended at my words, and to them that can believe I speake plainly, and doth not bege thy beliefe, nor any maes, but com­mends my selfe to every mans conscience in the fight of God, and knowes no other Jesus, nor Saviour, nor Foundation, then he that John was sent to prepare the way before, who was, and is, and is to come; who said I am the light of the World, and now my words are defended to be truth in the fight of them that are spirituall; and thou and such may heare▪ but must not understand, who have hardened your hearts least you should believe, and therefare is given up to gainsayings, till the wrath of God breake out against you; and let John Burton remem­ber my words, where I said he is fallen into the pit which he digged for another, and he undervalues the Lord Jesus▪ whose doctrine is to speake truth, but he hath lyed and slandered and so is out of Christ the foundation, and undervalues him, [Page 13] who keepes not his sayings, but is a worker in darknesse, and not in the light: And as to that where I say, thus much is the mind of the penmans spirit, (of the first Epistle of the first Booke) secretly smiting at the doctrine of true faith and sal­vation (to wit) Christ within, I have said the truth in righ­teousnesse, and doe own my words though thou say I have done him a great deale of wrong, &c.

But I leave it to be judged by them that are spirituall, and not unto thee, to give false meaning of my words, and doth not he say in that Epistle of some that have been depending too much upon some thing they call Christ, and the rigteousnesse of Christ within them, &c.

Let the wise in heart judge, whether this be not as I have said, even a secret smiting against Christ within, without which as I have said, there can be no salvation, for he that hath not Christ in him, is a reprobate, and this I speake, not in opposi­tion, but as a testimony of Christ Jesus, that dyed, and rose againe, and ascended, who is within, and without also, and if any preach another Jesus, let him be accursed, and repent, who art in the wrong doing thy selfe, falsly charging me; no­ting in the Margent, with speaking falsly, when I spake the truth, and the false speaking rests at thy doore, and is driven thither with the power of truth.

Then whereas thou would justify thy former wickednesse, in charging the Quakers to be decievers, against my just an­swer The chil­dren of God were ever counted de­ceivers by this generation, but the way which he cal­led delusion doe we wor­ship, the true God, &c. in page 8. of mine; which stands free from any of thy vaine arguments, and uncontroled though resisted, but it ap­peares my words sticks close unto thee; and torments thee, and that we are deceivers thou saist it will easily appeare with much impudence confidence, thy arguments we shall try.

And (saist thou) First, the Quakers deny the man Christ Jesus without them, and own Christ no other wayes but as he is within, &c.

Reply, How impudent art thou in forging lye after lye, and building them up in thy worke one upon another, and a wick­ed course thou takes to clear thy former slanders, truly char­ged upon thee in my first, even by laying another upon it.

[Page 14] Friend, By this thy deceitfull flander, while thou hast thought to prove us deceivers, hath proved thy selfe one, even a false accuser, mayst thou not blush to say we own Christ no otherwayes, then as he is within? we own him which was, is, and is to come, who is within us, and without us, as I have said in my first, we own him as the Scripture speakes of him, and it is known to the Lord, and in his sight we are approved, whether thou be ieve it or not; for I begg not beleife of thee, but leaves thy double slanders to be read, and judged of, by all honest people, and in the interim, know it is a bad way to prove us deceivers by thy lyes, this the rather is a witnesse to us that we are of God, and against thee, to be of the Devil, who was a lyar from the beginning, and thou his Child succeeds him; in lying.

Thy second proofe is, That we are deceivers, because (saith thou) We doe perswade soules that Christ is crucified in them, dead within them, kept down with something within them, which was never taught by them that spoke the Scriptures, &c.

Reply, These words are falsly laid downe, but what thinkest thou of such who might crucifie to themselves Or in them­selves. a fresh the Son of God, and put him to open shame, as it is written, this they could not doe, above Starrs, they being men upon the earth, and Christ was sent to preach to the spirits in Prison, he that can read let him understand this doctrine was preached by them that spoke forth the Scriptures, who had the spirit of God, but in b [...]indnesse I finde thee, and I think so I must leave thee: and doth not feed the Serpent, yet my words are plain to him that hath an understanding, and an eare open, and de­ceiver belongs to thee, and at thy doore it lyes, and thou can­not remove it.

Farther (thou saist) We perswade soules that that man that was borne of the Virgin Mary, is not above the clouds, and the Starres, when as the Scripture saith a cloud received him out of their sight.

Reply, This is another lye, uttered without fear or know­ledge, or honesty, we doe not perswade soules to believe any such thing, but beares witnesse to the truth of that Scripture, that a cloud received him out of their sight, and we say he is out of their sight and must appeare [Page 15] againe in sight, and this is a wicked way of thee, to prove us de­ceivers, by slandering us, adding more to thy own sin, and the more will be thy burthen, in the day of the Lord when plagues and torment is thy portion, from which thou shalt not flye, though now thou be above shame.

Farther, (saist thou) We perswade soules not to believe that, that man that was crucified, and rose again, &c. Shall so come again to judgement, as he went away, and shall raise up men and women out of their graves, and cause them to come into the valley of Jehoshaphat, thou saist we strive to beate soules off from be­lieving this, &c.

Reply, O how swiftly thy lying tongue runs without feare, as though neither God nor man took notice of thee, or that e­ver thou should be called to question for them, many lyes to­gether thou hast here foulded up in one, thy lyes I deny, and this to be one; hast thou set thy selfe to tell lyes O abomi­nable wickednesse maist thou not tremble? when thou considers what thou falsly saist of us contrary to my words, who said in the truth of my heart, we own him to be what the Scripture speaks of him and not otherwise? it seemes thou cannot believe when I speake truth; I number up thy lyes and returnes them backe to thee to read, and by all this; is it not true, that thou art of the same spirit with thy fellow, and abounds more in lyes, as I said in my first, his was but about 3, thine manyfold more, but thy lyes is no testimony against us, that we are de­ceivers, but they shall lay heavy upon thee at one day, when we shall be cleare, for in the affirmive.

I further say that, that Christ Jesus that was crucified, and rose again, shall come as he went away to judgement, and the dead shall be raised, and every man shall receive according to their deeds, and he shall set to judge the Heathen round about, according to Joel 3. and thy portion in that day shall be how­ling and gnashing of teeth, for the lyars Portion is the lake.

Thou saist again the Quakers make no difference between that light, wherewith Christ as he is God hath enlightned all, and the spirit of Christ he gives not to all.

Reply, I put thee to prove that they are contrary or devided [Page 16] one against the other, for thus Christ saith, I will send you the comforter even the spirit of truth, which must needs be the spirit of Christ and he shall reprove or convince the world of sin, and of righteousnesse; now mark that same spirit of the Father and of the Son, who is the comforter of the Saints is the same, and not another that doth reprove the world, he that can read let him understand the world cannot receive the com­forter yet have they given to them that which doth reprove them; which is with the light of Christ Jesus, of the same, and not contrary nor divided; if thou hast an ear, thou may heare, the error is in thy selfe who art without understanding.

Further thou saist, They say that every one hath that which is like the spirit of Christ, even as God, as the spirit of Christ, which thou saist is desperate blasphemy, and cryes out with an out-cry, O wonderfull deceit! &c.

Reply, I would have all to take notice, that thou hast wronged my words, in wresting of them for thy wicked pur­pose, to have a ground of slander, there is no such words in the tenth Page of my book, which thou quoatest, but in one place, I say, till thou prove the light of Christ John 1. 9. (which thou confesses every man hath) to be contrary to the spirit of Christ, (Mark) I shall say every man hath that which is one in union, and like the spirit of Christ, even as good as the spi­rit of Christ, according to its measure; these words I must own.

But let the sober Reader take notice how fouly thou hast wronged my words Till he could prove the light, Jo. 1. 9. to be contra­ry to the Spirit of Christ, when he prayes his I may shut my mouth. leaving out the strength of them, to take occasion of slander, when thou had proved the light of Christ (which in John 1. 9. is spoken of) to be contrary to the spirit of Christ, then had been a better season, for this charge against me:

O thou impudent and shamelesse man! so unjustly to deal against the upright, who envies thee not but pitties thee there­fore when thou or any man can prove the light of Christ spo­ken of John 1. 9. and John 8. 12. to be contrary to the spirit of Christ, then I may own the judgement and charge upon me, but till then thou art proved a lyar; for the light of Christ spoken of John 1. 9. that light is one in union, and not contrary, and is of the like­nesse [Page 17] of the spirit of Christ, and as The wit­nesse is as good as the Judge; in measure. good in its measure, and these words I stand to, to vindicate against all thy lyes, and wresting of words and out-cryes, who is an unfit fellow to judge what blasphemy is, who is so blind that thou knowest not the difference of words, betwixt, before, and from, as I have shewed:

Repent, If so be thou may find mercy.

Then further thou saist to cover my selfe and deceit, I doe ap­ply, that which should be to the children of God, &c. And yet cannot reprehend my answer, which is just and saithfull, that the Children of God were alwayes counted deceivers, and this is true, as thy selfe confesses but wickedly saith in thy answer, and most lyingly too, and blasphemy is fallen out of thy mouth, The Devil knowes how to take Childrens bread, and cast it to doggs.

Reply, Now let all consider what thou hast said, Christ Je­sus is the bread of life that came downe from Heaven, the childrens bread, and they have no other, Now the Devil can­not take Christ Jesus who only is the childrens bread, and give him to doggs, O horrid! canst thou behold this, and not be smitten to the heart, what wickednesse and ignor ance lodges in that heart that can utter those things; Though thou think, thou hast done bravely in thus saying, yet the wisedome of God turnes thy words upon thy own head into confusion and grievious error, I deny it though thou affirme it, that the Devil can take, or knowes how to take Christ Jesus and give him to doggs.

Further thou saist, I am grieved, that thou shouldest say none but a company of Notionist and Ranters, &c. are carried with the Quakers, &c. and saist thou, this appears in all mens sight, &c.

Reply, Thou art a lyar, I am not greived at thy flanders and wicked reproaches, But rather rejoyces therein, that I am one worthy to beare them, and all men that can see, sees thee a false accuser herein, for such who have feared the Lord, and served him, and are, and have been honest and upright to God and man, have owned us, and have been neither Ranters nor such like; and we rejoyce, if any that hath been so, be turned from it unto God, to live in righteousnesse though thou note [Page 18] it for a false thing in the margent. (But to make it appear false thou hast corrupted my words) which are though some of all sorts of people be brought to God, yet thou The words seems to be are left out, by him which carrie the strength of my words. seems to be of­fended herewith, and these my words are true upon thy head, for I aske not withstanding some were such, are they such who are in wickednesse, since they owned us? then why dost thou wickedly (as though thou wert offended at it) upraides us, that such, or such are carried away with us, as though none else which is thy lye uttered in thy hastinesse.

And whereas thou art offended, (thou saist) that I should say thou art like the Pharisees, whether I spake so or no, how ever I own that thou art like them (at least) even one among them.

As further I shall manifest, then thou hast over-leapt (with a false excuse of passing by many railings as thou saist) which it seemes troubles thee that I should truly In my first booke. charge thee to bring forth lyes without feare, and that the Ranters and light Notionists, and thee we deny, till you to turne to the Lord by repentance, and if you turne from your iniquity we dare not deny you.

And further I truly charge thee, that thou art puft up in thy lyes and slanders, and advanceth thy selfe above the Innocent, who exceeds thee in faith towards God, and in good workes towards man, and whose conversation is in heaven, but thine is among the hirelings, &c. And this thou hast skipped over, as a deceitfull child, with a poore excuse, which thou may be ashamed to call these railings, but that thy heart is void of shame, let the sober Reader judge else, then thou saist I stum­ble at that, wherein in thy first thou said the Devil perswades these men to believe,

First, That salvation was not compleatly wrought out for sinners by the man Christ Jesus, &c.

Reply, Here thou art a lyar again, I stumble not, for I walk in the light and doth not stumble, but I reproved thy lye, and slander, and said this accusation is clearly false wickedly cast upon us, for there is no salvation in any other, neither is it wrought by any other, but by Jesus Christ, &c. As page the 9 of my first may be read, but thou hast not at all removed, [Page 19] the true charge against thee, that I charged upon thee, upon these words (viz.) a believer of lyes, a slanderer, a false accu­ser, which stands true upon thee still, and will for ever till thou remove it by repentance, for thou canst never clear thy selfe a­ny other wayes, and thou saist I have left some words out, but this is but a poore catch, for doe I not make an Et caettera at the end of thy words, and if thou wert not too ignorant, thou mightest understand that which followes is included and con­joyned.

Then thou goest on, and saist I am offended that thou should say the Devil deceives soules by bidding them follow the light that they brought into the world with them, telling them that will lead into the Kingdome &c.

Now my answer to this is sober, and just Page 10. of my first. as will appeare, though thou say vainly, I seem to be gravelled, because I in­formed thy mistake, who said pervertingly either in subtilty or for want of wit, the light which they brought into the world with them; when as the Scripture saith, Christ is the light which lighteth every man that comes into the world, Joh. 1. 9. which light as I did I doe affirme, will lead into the Kingdome of peace and rest, and deny it if thou canst, for the light of Christ, doth reveale Christ, and the light lighteth every man that cometh into the world, then thou heapes up many words though thou falsly say, I corrupt that Scripture Ja. 8. yet I lay it down in its own words, and saith, that is or was the true light, that lights every man that comes into the world, and that light (which hath so done) will lead all that believes in­to the Kingdome, for Christ saith I am the light of the world, and though thou ignorantly would seem to say this is error, yet I affirme it that h [...], the same which saith I am the light of the world, is he, and no other, which lighteth every man that comes into the world and this I suppose thou wilt call a filthy error, but the filthinesse is in thy owne heart and error too, through ignorance of the knowledge of the things of God, who would faine (if thou could) make it appear, that that Christ which lighteth every man that comes into the world, John 1. 9. is not the same that saith I am the light of the world, John 8. 12. Thy confused words seems to carry this meaning, [Page 20] let the Reader judge, whether that be not the same Christ Je­sus, which John speaks of; Jobn 1. 9 as it is written of John 8. 12. and though thou ignorantly say I would have roome to broach my folly, yet thou lets out of thy vessel insides of leaves, of lyes slanders and folly and thou saist, when he said I am the light of the world, he was without he did not meane any light within, and thou presumptuously bids me deny this if I can, to which I say, the same Christ, which said I am the light of the world, was he which was before Abraham, who was a light to the Gentiles, and lighteth every man in the world; yea, he was and is given to be a light, where his person (which was supposed the son of Joseph) never came, and doe thou deny this if thou can that all men may see thy folly, for there is not many Christs, but one Christ, which is not only within but without, not only without, but within, but is all and in all, let him that reads understand.

Then thou saist, the light wherewith Christ, as he is God, lighted every one, is the soule of man, which is the life of the body, and is a creature and hath one faculty of its owne Nature called conscience.

Reply, Now lets try this doctrine and consider what thou hast said, it amounts to thus much that conscience is of the na­ture of the soule of man▪ and the soule is the light of Christ, as God.

Therefore thou hast said the conscience is the light of God which must needs be without sin, this is more then I have or dare say, I might here fitly ask thee, if thou knowe what the word conscience signifies, in true understanding, and yet though thou hast uttered this that conscience is a faculty of the soule, which thou saist is the light of Christ as God, which light of God must needs be of the nature of God pure and not impure, yet in the next page thou saist, Conscience is a poore dunghill, creature in comparison of the spirit, &c. and in another page calls conscience poore, soe empty beggerly things, &c.

What now John Bunion; is that which thou hast concluded to be the light of God, but a dunghill creature and loe, and empty and beggerly in comparison &c. For shame cease such Divinity, least all thy fellowes reproove thee; O how doth thy ignorant zeale lead thee into snares and trape thy owne feet [Page 21] Conscience which thou saist is the light of God, is Nature it selfe▪ then it must needs be that every mans nature (which is sinfull say I) is the light of God, O what horrible doctrine this proves in its explanation!

Blush, and be ashamed when thou considers; then thou cryes out in reproofe; O wonderfull sayes thou, That men should make a God and Christ of their consciences! I know none that doth it, nor that ever spoke so highly of conscience, as thou hast here done, yet we say our consciences beares us wit­nesse in the holy Ghost, and this is our rejoycing, the testimo­ny of our consciences; and if our consciences condemn us not, then have we confidence towards God, and yet makes not God and Christ of our conscience, as thou secretly would charge us withall; then thou goes on and would seeme to prove but cannot, that something besides the light of Christ con­vinceth of sin, but thy reach is too short, though thou wind a­broad, and lets thy thoughts into the pit of thy owne reason, to bring up a thing to confound truth, but cannot; for this is thy proofe, where they were all convinced by their owne con­sciences Jo. 8. Now all these I say were men come into the world, and therefore according to Jo. 1. 9. were lighted with the light of Christ, and thou hast confessed that conscience is the light of Christ as God; which is no lesse then I have affir­med, then wherefore hast thou waded so farr, when at the end thou art forced to confesse my position, thy words being ex­plained, that it is the light of Christ that doth convince of sin, and can find no other thing besides that, then thou saist, here is something besides the spirit of Christ that doth convince of sin &c.

But yet I say, nothing besides the light of Christ, as thou hast confessed, and that was that only which I affirmed in the 10 page of mine▪ about which thou hast made all this stir and to no purpose, (as to prove any thing convinceth of sin but the light of Christ) and in that I said he that convinceth of sin a­gainst the law leads up into the fulfilling of the law, which still I own, though the world would contradict it but cannot, and I clearly see thou hast not reached the understanding of my words, But answere [...] [...]hy owne conceiving and not my [Page 22] words, for I doe not say or thinke that righteousnesse comes by the law, yet that is righteousnesse, which condemneth that which breaks the law, if thou hast an eare thou may heare, and as I said it is the word of truth, the righteousnesse of the law must needs be fulfilled in judgement, upon you all, and by Christ Jesus in you, if ever you receive the salvation to your soules, and thou hast not yet learned what I mean, and though thou say that for justification, thou lookes beyond the law to the sonne of Mary; but I say thou must not look beyond it for condemnation; who are in transgression, and not recon­ciled to God, through condemnation in the flesh, for it will reach you to condemnation, and thou saist, Thou understands that I doe in all my disoourse disowne Christ without, by preten­ding to a Christ within, To which I say thy understanding deceives thee, who, it may be feared, blinds thy owne eyes; that thy conscience may not condemn thee for slandering, but while I am approved in the sight of God, of those things whereof thou accuses me falsly, and wickedly, I matter no­thing what a lyers judgement is of mee, my answer to thy 6 Query shall prove me clear, and thee a lyer herein, that we own Gods Christ as the Scripture deelares of him as I have said, and the darknesse of my words is to blinde the eye of subtilty, and not to deceive the hearts of the simple, (though thou would say it) see if thou now can tell what I say.

And whereas thou art offended that I say many more things in thy Booke I passe by, as being not pertinent to the thing in hand, my words are true, for the thing in hand was proving us decievers, and that was the most of that I medled withall, or [...]urposed to oppose; and to other things that thou speakest of in short, my answer was, and is the words (or some of them) I own, and thy voice I deny without any blasphe­ming or error, in the view of all the world (though thou would say it) for whatsoever a lying spirit speaks, I deny it to be the voice of Christ, though it may be some of his words and thy spirit is a lying I pirt; & though thou be offended that I should say fooles loves to be medling; yet its true enough, is not he a soole who is alyer and a slanderer, [...]at understands not be­twixt [Page 23] before a time, and since a time, judged in thy own con­science, and thy faire words, as that it must needs be (saist thou) That the Saints of God must be called foolos, &c. I say neved presume the name of Saint, but clear thy selfe of thy lyes and slanders, and perverting Scriptures, and learne the First principle of Religion, Even that which Condemns thee.

And as to that which I say is true, that the Pope can speake as much of Christ without as thou, I own it, and may add; I beleeve he can speake more then thou of Christ without, and with as good or better understanding; though both a like sar from the Kingdom of God; yet in thy answer, thou askes me if I put no difference betwixt the speaking of; and beleeving in Christ without; Yea, I doe a great deale for he that beleeves in in him hath the witnesse in himselfe of him, and his heart is purifyed, and he is a new creature, which thou art not, but thou I suppose would be reckoned a Believer, for I think the Pope hath both more words, and more good workes and makes as much conscience of lying and false accusing as thou, for ought as may be understood, of a tree by the fruites, which is our way to judge as Christ hath given us example; then in that I said thou hast answered thy selfe a question de­ceitfull, thou art offended, and boasts thy selfe against me, Charging me to be an enemy to the truth, and the like, in that I did not manifest thy deceit; but now I shall, therefore to stop thy proud boasts in that answer thou calls it a sad doctrin which saith, follow the light which Christ hath enligh ned every man withall, and other such like things following that questi­on which are deceitfull, and wicked, and thou thereby is pro­ved the enemy to truth thy selfe, and thou and thy words are both deceitfull and therefore boast not thy self: then thou an­swers my Question which was, doth not the Scripture wit­nesse that all who have not Christ within are Reprobates; the Question is sound, and of worth to be noted, and in thy an­swere thou sayes, yes it is true, to which I soberly Reply, then what a condition are all in, that hath not Christ within, nor no knowledge of him, but what they have of him as he is without, by the letter without doe thou consider this; and [Page 24] whether it be not of the cheifest prize to life and salvation, to waite for him, and seeke for him within, seeing all that have not him within are Reprobates.

But farther thou would seeme to manifest a great deale of folly in me when all the folly lyes in thy own bosome, and by thy confused words, I understand, thou grounds thy answere upon a lye, and false understanding, and therefore brings thy false reproofe, as if I should hold forth that every man hath received Christ or the Spirit of Christ in him.

This I have never said, but that every man hath the light of Christ given him which I say is one in union, with the spirit of Christ; and I say Christ is given to all, but all re­ceives him not and I see thou understands not my former words that I write in answer to one of thy Queries thou can­not distinguish betwixt a thing being given of God, & a thing being received by man, so that the folly is fallen back, on thee take it who understands not my words but opposes thy own conceivings and false understanding and though I might more truly apply this word folly in that extent, then thou applyed the like word to thy selfe in this same page, yet I leave it to the judgement of the serious Reader, and sayes thy folly is want of wit in the World, and not for Christs sake, then thou would defend thy first wickednesse, in that thou said the De­vill deceives soules by perswading them to follow the light within, which all men have, but my answer to it thou hast not reached, in that I sayd, he that comes to life eternall must fol­low the light within which Christ hath given, which stands o­ver thy head for ever to be truth, but yet how blind art thou in confessing the light within, even conscience is the light of Christ as God, and it sayeth the Devil deceives soules by bid­ding follow the light within.

O abominable doctrine! what doth the Devil deceive souls by bidding follow the light of Christ as God? so John Bunnions doctrine is, let it be noted; now see thou thy folly how it is manifest, and thy pittyfull evasions are weighed, instead of contradicting my former sufficient answer, which thou could no way reach to wrest, or otherwise to answer it, askes a que­stion, [Page 25] which I may answer as soon as thou hast sufficiently re­plyed to my former answer and this is in part an answer to it, it is herisie to say that the light of God (any light of God or Christ) can or doth deceive the soule, and though thou stumble at it, I said well in saying that thy whole purpose is a secret smiting against the light within, let the Reader judge▪

And now to manifest thy ignorance fuly; thou hast confessed the light within even conscience is the light of God; hast not thou cause to repent of these absurdityes and blindnesse who holds forth that the Devil deceives soules by the light of God, seeing thou can find no light within man but that which thou confesses.

Then thou sayes, Thy whole designe was first to shew soules where salvation is to be had, namely in Christ without, and yet hath confessed all that hath him not within are Reprobates, and such have not salvation by him without; Consider there­fore without Christ within no salvation, as I have said, and thou hast confessed it, (Mark it) then to cleare thy selfe from con­tradiction which I charged thee with, thou would cast a con­fusion upon me, in that thou sayes, I would make a defiled con­science, the law and spirit of Christ to be all one, This is falsly spoken, I have never said nor thought that a defiled conscience is the Law and Spirit of Christ a lyar thou art to be noted, and this lye adds to the number and yet consider thou hast said (severall times) that conscience is the light of Christ, as God; and now calls conscience defiled, is the light of God defiled? J [...]hn Bunion saith so, O horrid! read thou thy confusion and grievious error which is brought to thy doore, and there I leave it; thou may blush and all thy witnesse at this; and in that thou calls my answer Scoulding, against thy Epistle, and presumptuously saist, The truth of which thou could be wil­ling to seale with thy Blood.

Reply, Scoulding I deny, but I have reprooved thy lyes in the authority of the Lord, and be not so proudly puft up in boasting: what sayes thou? shall thy blood goe for this that the Quakers are deceivers and that the Devill deceives soules by bidding them follow the light within wich thou saist is con­science, [Page 26] which thou confesses is the light of God, & that the blood of Christ was shed before the world was, and that the Scrip­ture say so, and that we deny that Salvation was compleat­ly wrought by the man Christ Jesus, with severall other things noted for lyes; what sayes thou John Buniot? art thou so de­sparate as that thou wilt hazard thy blood upon this account? if it be so, sure the Devil hath great power over thee; cease thy boasting least the Lord make thee an example, and though thou would exhort me, thy spirit I deny, and so thy words I judge, and cannot receive good from an evil Spirit; then thou comes on falling on thy own foule ignorance againe, and would faine clear thy selfe, but by thy stirring thy owne wickednesse here­in, thou makes it cast an odious sight to all that passe by, (we may follow thee a little, seeing thou art not yet weary) and faine would thou make it appear that the blood of Christ was shed before the world was; & saist it was in Gods account, but to this I have spoken and largely shewed thy blindnesse to all men, and adds this upon thy head, thou art a lyar and perverter of Scripture to say that the blood of Christ was shed before the world was.

And further thou art a lyar, to say that God accounts a thing for truth which is a lye, a sad error and wicked.

And further thou art a lyer, to say that I corrupt thy words, for I had not laid open thy nakednesse so fully, if thou had not persisted in thy blindesse, as now I am forced to doe, but e­nough of this and more then ever thou canst clear thy selfe of honestly, and yet to cover thy owne shame charges me falsly with folly to speake evill of things I know not, or else with mad­nesse, &c.

Reply, Friend be not so confident, I know the difference be­twixt, before, and since, or from, and know that God accounts not a lye for truth (as thou holds out) thy own folly and mad­nesse, behold, who commits iniquity, in lying on the Scripture, and on God, and on me, and yet persists after a sober reproof, and resists the reprover with opprobrious words, let confu­sion of face cover thy impudent forehead, while I forgive thee and seekes not vengeance against thee, then through thy mi­stake of my words, thou hast falsly gathered a subject to op­pose, [Page 27] and fights with thy own understanding mightily, and thinkes thou confounds me, and its thy selfe▪ for however thou understands my words, either for want of wit, or otherwise, it never entred into my thoughts, with charging thee to believe that Christ is a tipe, only I charge thee that thou said so of o­thers, So that I thinke this is a mistake in thee for want of knowledge to understand my rehersall of thy words, being transcribed at the shortest, not to fill volumes, and through thy owne misunderstanding of my laying downe the words, thou heavily yet vainly charges me with corrupting thy words, which God is my witnesse I have not done, though thou be guilty herein.

But further, I deale plainly, and slanders not in secret, as thou dost, we doe not look on Christ to be but a shadow and tipe, if thou affirme I shall answer further, and as to that (thou saist) I say Jesus is the substance of that answer to I stand though thou say, Thou doubts I doe not speake plainly, &c.

Reply, As I have said I seek not a proofe of my faith of thee, nor any man, nor doe I begg thy beliefe, while I am ap­proved in the sight of God, herein I matter not what a lying spirit doubts of me, so that what vain arguments, or Queries thou raises from thy owne false doubt I passe by, being by the present thing branching out in things on the by, if I should ex­amine every particular, I might fill a vollume.

And whereas thou hast answered my question, which is; did Christ put an end to the law for them, who yet live in the transgression of the law, or doth he justifie that which the law condemns, before the worke of the law be finished? In thy answer thou saist, Christ did put an end to the law for righteous­nesse, for all that the father hath given him, This is little to the Question:

I say that transgressors of the law are not Christs but chil­dren of disobedience, and children of wrath, and such God hath not given to Christ, who are his enemies, nor Christ to them is not given, but to condemne them in that estate and thou saist there is many given to Christ, who yet lives in their sins, the Apostle John saith, he that sins is of the Devil, and hath not known God, and such as are of the Devill are not Christs, [Page 28] and in that I said doth Christ justifie that which the law con­demns before the worke of the law be finished, and not one tittle of the law shall faile, till all be fulfilled, thou hast not reached the understanding of my words, for while disobedience stands & the transgressor lives, the work of the law is not finish­ed nor fulfilled, but to that is condemnation and not justifica­tion, if thou hast an ear thou maist heare, for he that trans­gresseth the law is an enemy to Christ, and Christ fulfills not the law for his enemies they must beare their own burthen, and though this thou cannot understand now, yet in the day of judgement shalt thou feele it, and when the burthen of thy own iniquity is upon thee, then shalt thou confesse to what I have said, and read me in what now thou canst not understand, and in the meane time I deny that Christ hath put an end to the law for thee, who art a lyer, and breaks one, and so is guilty of all.

Many of thy words might be weighed and searched, but I am no picker of quarrells, but to my last Query, thou saist little to the purpose, which is; what assurance have any, that the law is fulfilled for them, who are yet transgressors of it, in them­selves? but saist, Assurance comes through believing and obedi­ence to the law is a fruit of believing, &c. Saying every one that hath the hope of the Son of God purifies himselfe as he (Christ) is pure.

Reply, Then he that hath not the fruit, (viz.) obedience to the law, we may judge by the fruit, or for want of fruit is no believer; and he that is not purifyed as he is pure (Christ) hath not the hope of being the Son of God, but is without hope, now see where thou art, why it breaks the law, and is without (thy owne noted) fruit of believing neither is puri­fyed as he is pure, and so is without hope, this is according to thy own affirmation, if thou cannot beare it blame thy selfe for laying downe such a position, as hath proved thy selfe to be an unbeliever and without hope; and so without God in the world; one that is for condemnation, and to be judged into the state where now thou stands.

And whereas thou saist, I would lay assurance on obedience to the law. thou lyest in this also, my words are, the law must [Page 29] be fulfilled in you by Christ, in judgement and in righteous­nesse, if ever you receive salvation▪ and these words are true against all thy opposition, neither doe I affirme that by the deeds of the law any flesh living shall be justified (but the con­trary) though thou would falsly (yet secretly) cast it upon me, and wickedly calls this my frothy argument, where I said the Law convinceth and is a School-master to bring to Christ, &c.

But the froth proceeds out of thy mouth, for this argument comprehends thee, and stands out of thy reach for all thy de­testable speeches against me, and the truth, and the rest of my following words thou hast passed by, where I say, who ownes not that which convinceth of sin, how can they own him that takes it away by his blood? and this is truth, and tell me in justnesse according to my first Query in that page, how is sin taken away from thee, more then from the Pope, seeing neither of you hath the fruit of ceasing to commit sin, and art not thou in the froth, who opposes me as though (I should say yet never did nor thought) that justification must be sought by the deeds of the Law and so gathers a false conception, and fights with it, and keeps thy self doing in 9 sheets against 4 and yet hath passed over many speciall things, almost the chiefest, and though no flesh shall be justified by the deeds of the law, yet must all flesh living be condemned for the transgression of the law by Christ, who freely gives life to all that believes, if thou hast an eare thou may heare; in the next thou seems (or would at least) to defend thy selfe from my charge which shall (if it doth not) ley heavie upon thee, which is that I call thee slanderer, and truly too, from thy words where thou falsly ac­cused the Quakers with boasting, and hipocrisy, and in thy answer thou saist, I need not be offended, for thou dost not know our fellow for boasting in that (thou saist) we cry up our selves and condemn all others, &c.

But this is no proofe of the former accusation but an addi­tion to thy former wickednesse, let honest men consider I as­ked thee when thou did heare any of them boast or see them live in hipocrisy, but not a word to this sober desire, but adds sin to sin a bad way to cleare thy selfe and thy God; be asha­med, [Page 30] crying up selfe, we deny, but yet must say or else say falsly that we are of God and the whole world lyes in wick­ednesse, and he that is of God heareth us, and is one with us and this is as the Saints testified, and is neither boasting nor hi­pocrisy, then to my question which was, will that faith which is without works justifie, and thou faist no, & c,

Then I Reply, what is thy condition and theirs, who are not only without works of faith; but in the very works of darknesse, as lying and salfe accusing, &c. And seeing thou saist no, Consider, whether thou have faith and whether thy works which are like good workes proceed not from the un­beleiving ground, and this I adde to my next I asked which thou hast passed by, must not every one receive according to their deeds, in the day of judgement, and then thou runs out in high words against me, in that I said, if to talke of him (Christ) his birth, blood, &c. Were faith in him, and liv­ing by faith, then few would want it; and further I add the Pope himselfe would have it, and my words are just and ho­nest, without exception or contradiction, but only that some­thing thou must needs say; though thou say many can talk of Christ, that will fall short of Heaven, &c. And askes me a question, and saist is there not enough in them, (viz.) birth blood, &c. to justifie, &c. I answer the knowledge of all things whatsoever without, will not justifie, except Christ be within, and if he be within, the power of his life, blood, birth, &c. is known and received and felt, and in this I preach, not any other Gospel then the Apostles, who said, say not who shall ascend or descend to fetch him, (Mark) but it saith it, the word of faith (or of the Gospel) which are not devided, Rom. 10. is nigh thee in thy mouth, and in thy heart, and thou falsly againe charges the Quakers with corrupting, (and beguiling many) by those Scriptures.

Reply, Beguiling is thy owne, and corrupting of Scriptures too, as is proved, and while thou accuses us falsly in these things, thy selfe art proved truly guilty, in the sight of all that are spirituall, and as to thy charging me That the man Christ Jesus is not very pleasant to me, And with Scoulding, &c.

[Page 31] Thy slanders I beare with patience, and thy reproaches which is not for evil but for Christs sake, who dyed at Jerusa­lem, and is revealed in me, and for shame cease to say Thou art ruled by Scripture, a lyer, and slanderer, and perverter of Scriptures, is not led with the spirit that gave forth the Scrip­ture but is ruled by the Devil, and is out of Scripture rule, then thou goes on and would justifie thy ignorant saying, How are they deceived who owne Cbrist; no otherwise then as he was be­fore the world began, &c.

And my Page the 14 of my first. answer to it thou hast not touched nor truly con­tradicted which stands over thee and is sufficient to all honest people, and Christ we owne the same yesterday to day and for ever; and doth believe the father granted that request, and he is glorified with the same glory that he had before the world was, and though thou tell me of a double meaning yet in plainnesse I speake without doublenesse the fault is in thy weaknesse, and sottishnesse, and blindnesse of heart, who knowes not that which is infinite and immortall, and eternall the flesh of Christs body is so.

Then thou falsly charges me again (in that I said) if eve­ry spirit be of God which doth in words confesse thus (viz.) that Christ was with the father before the world was (was borne and suffered in the flesh and was buried and raised, &c.) then is not the Pope himselfe antichrist, &c. As (in my 14. page) which putting on a vaile and ventering upon thy words.

But I have spoken the truth herein let that in thy conscience answer in nakednesse without a vaile, the vaile is on thy heart, and thou cannot understand me, and so this is thy simple poli­cy to say the vaile is on me, and what of that if I ventred on it, it is but in the feare of God, though I should say I deny all that thou saist, or the speaking of any thing, for I doe not own thy voice, though some of thy words be true, and though thou speake words of truth, yet therefore I reprove thee, and sometimes may not let it passe for truth, for Christ is my ex­ample herein, who reproved the Devils, though they confes­sed him, (Mark that) but the chiefe part of my words are passed over, and read over again and see if it is not truth it [Page 32] selfe, where I said it is not much better nor more accepted to confesse Christ in words to become, and yet in works to deny him, then it is both in words and works to deny him, the one is wicked in prophanesse, the other in hipocrisy, the one is a lyar, and the other a false witnesse, and let the honest Judge; then whereas I said Christ is a mystery and unto him he is light, and shall be salvation where his person, supposed sonne of Jo­seph, never came; which words are true, not gain-saied by thee, though thou aske, Did he obtain salvation for any with­out that body which he took of the Virgin.

Answ. That body which was begotten by the holy Ghost is not so carnall as thou supposest, and that spirituall Rock which followed them saved them, and the same son of God the Saviour who was borne a Child to them, was the Prince of peace, yea, the everlasting Father, but thy eye sees not this, and therefore thou saist, Heer's the place where he is not, and the place where he hath not been, (Now thou saist) Thou pas­ses by many things which thou might justly examin, and also ma­ny unseemly expressions.

O thou deceitfull heart [...] and tongue, is this thy excuse when my words are beyond thy reach either to understand or contradict; thou wants that Spirit which can examine of truth, be it knowne unto thee, and what are those unseemly expressions? wilt thou slander alwayes in secret without evi­dence? and if these be they in that I said our innocency will speake when thy black vaile of lyes is taken away, and this is truth, and is no way but seemly to be spoken to thee, who art an enemy of God; then thou would justifie thy further slander, who said, we wrest that Scripture, Jo. 1. 9.

And my answer is, we take it without adding or diminish­ing, which is true and no lye, nor wresting of it, neither in thy Reply can I find that thou proves it, though many words utte­red little to the purpose with adding to thy former slanders, in saying, We would hold that that light is the Spirit of Christ this is not spoken in all my Book, but that it is one in union I say, and not contrary to the Spirit of Christ, but witnesseth of it and to it.

And thou further saith, We say many things which thou know­est [Page 33] to be blasphemy, This is another lye, prove one blasphe­my.

And further thou saist, Christ as he is Mediator doth not enlighten every one that comes into the world, &c.

Reply, Well, thy ignorance and wickednesse vents it selfe forth a pace, let any man read that first of John, and see whe­ther he doth not speake of Christ as Mediator, he saith he was in the beginning with the Father, and was made flesh and dwelt with the Disciples; and his life was the light of men, and the light shined in darknesse, and what was he which ligh­teth every man that comes into the world, and he came to his owne but they received him not, but as many as received him to them he gave power to be the Sons of God, &c.

What saist thou, Was not this spoken of Christ as Media­tor, consider & be instructed rather then let thy blood go for it, however I leave thy doctrin, thy errors herein to be judged by them that are spirituall, and for shame cease such doctrin, the more I rake among the filth, the more vilely and odious it appeares, and for thy proofe of this doctrine, thou brings Mat. 11. 25. and saies here the Father and the Son are spea­king one to another, but what doth this prove though it be so, doth it any way follow that John did not speake of Christ as Mediator, John 1. what vaine productions thou brings from thy impertinent proofes, let them be weighed and taken no­tice of honestly, and thou bids me understand thus much, That nature which is conscience, is the light of God.

I understand thy blindnesse; if this be so as thou saist, then mans nature is pure without sin, as the light of God is; and this is error abominable, contrary to the Scripture which saith, all by nature are the children of wrath, is all by the light of God (as thou sayst nature is) children of wrath; so thy Divi­nity, and take it as it is truly interpreted, I desire not to wrong thy words, thou gives me to understand the greatest ignorance from those things that lately I have heard, no not the like in England; and it is very true, as I said thy folly appeares by thy much medling.

Then thou askes me, What I will have the light called, where­with every man in the world is lightned, and because I doe not [Page 34] call it the Spirit of Christ, thou (as it were) murmurs; be­cause I have cut of thy occasion, and thou cannot bend thy tongue with any seeming advantage against the truth; but in that I say the light of Christ convinceth of sin, which is true, thou on a sudden produces thy bad consequences, and askes if I call nature the light of Christ, and such like, &c.

But they all doe not prove the contrary, so that which con­vinceth of sin, is worth minding and takeing notice of, by all that ever is saved, and as to that where I say, that which may be known of God was manifest in them even in them that was given up to worke unrighteousnesse, &c.

I said the truth which thou art not able to contradict in equity, though thou very ignorantly bend thy answer (as if I had said) the knowledge of God was made manifest in them, when I say plainly in my Booke that they were turned from the knowledge of God, and yet that which might be known of him was manifest in them, and this thou canst not deny, and though my words as layd down are not in the Scripture words in terms, yet have not I said falsly herein, and doe not be a pro­ver of that which thou cannot thy selfe deny, then thou saist, How feeble an argument is this to prove, that every one hath the Spirit, &c.

Reply, Thou blind man, did I goe about to prove any such thing or make any argument thereupon; we are about the light which Christ hath given or lighted every man in the world withall, which light convinceth of sin, and is not con­trary to the Spirit of Christ, unto this was I speaking and this I stood by, and thou conceives another thing from my words and fight against thy own consequences like a man too irrati­onall to understand common English, &c.

Then thou saist, Thou passed by other lame argu­ments which I tumble over like a blinde man in a thicket of bushes.

O be ashamed for ever! thus to evade and shuffle, with such scornefull words; I said that which reproves of sin is the gift of the Spirit of God. John 16. and that which makes mani­fest sin, is light, and whatsoever is reproved is made manifest by the light Ephes. 5. how dare thou call these lame argu­ments [Page 35] tumbling over? what impudence is in thy heart, so to say? when thou art put to confusion, then such excuses thou brings; Well, some may see thy folly? then to my Question which was, whether that light which every man is lighted withall, is sufficient in it selfe for life and salvation to every one that believes; if thou say, not wherein is the blame, in God in his light or in the creature, thou saist, No it is not sufficient, I take it for an answer, and leaves it to be weighed by the sober Reader, and though there be vessels of honour and of dishonour made of the same lumpe as thou saist, yet I further Query, is not every mans blood that perisheth of his owne head, and is not the Lord clear from the blood of all men, even though they goe to destruction, and if the Reader try thy Book over he may judge whose arguments are lame.

Then whereas thou said, Christ as God hath lighted every man that comes into the world, To which I said, then why dost thou say we wrest that Scripture John 1. 9. seeing thou thy selfe hast confessed no lesse then what thou callest wresting in us, and this is truth let all men consider else; that when thou confesses Christ as God hath lighted every man in the world, it is no lesse then what we say, and that Scripture say, which is, that Christ is the true light, and that is he which lighteth e­very man that comes into the world; and maist not thou be ashamed to call this so scornfully a glavering Answer, not be­ing able to clear thy selfe from my just charge, in that herein I charged thee with confusion to oppose us, in that which thy selfe confesseth to be true consider well of it, and let not thy blood goe for the truth of all what thou saist, for I desire it not.

Further thou cries out, Is this all the wit I have, and won­derfull ignorance, Because I said it is not good to neglect fol­lowing the light, but that every one minde the light of Christ Jesus in them; in answer to thy words which was haveing said the light which convinceth of sin is the light of Christ as God, which the neglect of, will be sure to damne, as thou saist, and now let wise men judge of my answer, but thou falls heavi­ly on it; proving that obedience to the law will not justifie, and the like which I doe not at all affirm but to that I say, the [Page 36] law having its opperation upon the disobedient; the justifier comes to be seen, which is he that is the end of the Law, and the law must by him be obeyed or fulfilled in thee, if ever thou be saved from being damned by it.

Consider of this, when thou hast a better understanding, for its yet hidden from thee, then when thou hast thus cried out against my just Answer, tbou tells me what I should have said, Alas poore man, thou reaches not what the knowledge of things eternall is, by that wisedome in which thou art, I need no man to teach me, but the Lord.

Then thou saist. Jesus Christ hath obeyed the Law and justi­fied thee, &c.

Reply, Nay hold, repent first and be turned from thy in­iquities, and believe in him, and boast not thy selfe so proud­ly; thou art in the transgressions of the Law in disobedience to it, a lyar, slanderer, and scorner, one that the Prince of the power of the Aire rules in a childe of wrath, and every one shall dye for his owne iniquity, and the soule that sins shall dye, and wrath to every one that doth evil, and the revelati­on of the judgements of God; Learne what this meanes, or ask them that are of a better understanding then thy selfe.

Then thou seems to minde me of some weaknesse and cries out, Wonderfull foolishnesse, &c.

Because I said the light of Christ given to every man, Jo. 1. 9. as thou confessest, is not contray to the Spirit of Christ, and to the grace of God, but is one in their nature (Mark) and a man cannot possibly love one of them and hate ano­ther, therefore one they are, in the union leading in the same way, unto the same end, and where doth the Spirit of Christ give light, or that grace of God work or lead if not in the con­science? &c,

These are my words, Now let honest men consider and John Bunion be silent, what foolishnesse or wonderfull weak­nesse, is in these words, but is onely to the wisedome which is devillish, which despiseth truth? or what cause was there to blush when I wrote them? as he impudently saith, who can­not contradict them, nor reprove them, and yet railes upon them: no marvell that thou would passe them, as thou saist [Page 37] with such a poore shift to evade with a lye that thou hast spo­ken to it already, when as thou hast not medled of these things.

O let not thy impudency so sottishly carry thee, for thy shame is seen and laid open, its good (in thy light) to passe that which confounds thee, which is past answering, so to save thy credit among thy fellowes, the cause to blush is in thy self, and its brought to thy doore.

Then thou pleads for the Scripture to be the rule in oppo­sition to my Question which is not answered, which was, can there be any surer thing for the creature to look to, to walk to life, or to come to God by, then the light of Christ which every man hath given him, &c.

But thou may for shame cease pleading for Scripture rule, being thy selfe art so farr contrary to it, for he that walkes in the life of the Scripture I have union with him, and the light of Christ is a more surer testimony either to witnesse justifica­tion or condemnation, then any mans words without, whatso­ever; then my other Question was whether the Turks Jewes, and thee and others doe serve sin and lust, because Christ hath not given you light to discover your sins, or because you hate that light, that is given, and much to this thou speakest not pertinent, nor answered in plainesse, I leave it to the Reader to judge, and to read my answer Page 17. of my first, which clears truth from all what thou hast said against it in this par­ticular.

Now I come to the next thing, where thou foolishly char­ges me, That my doctrin is not according to truth, but a lye, Charigng me to affirm that which the Apostle doth deny,

Because I said the spirit is given to every man, though eve­ry man receives it not, and it strives with the wicked though he follow it not, &c.

My words herein are truth, and no lye, neither contrary to the Scripture, and let the Reader be Judge betwixt us, the Apostle saith the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withall, and some of these to whom he writes thus; was wicked, given to incest and idolatry, and other sins, here I prove, it was given to the wicked, and thou confesses [Page 38] the righteous had it, and there is but these two on the face of the earth; Now if thou can find a man that is neither wicked nor righteous then thou hast advantage, then some hath not the manifestation of the Spirit, the Saints had the Comforter the Spirit of truth, and he (the Spirit of truth) convinced or reproved the world of sin; they that were not Saints, but wic­ked had it reproving them, Marke these things; and let honest men judge while both you, and I am silent, whether thy doctrine which denyes that which the Scripture affirmes, or mine which bears witnesse to the same thing which Scriptures speaks, be to be disowned, let an equall line measure; the shame, and false doctrin is fallen upon thee, and thou art of­fended (that I should say thou brings other vain arguments) with a vapour saying Neither I nor my fellowes are able to an­swer, &c.

But I say true, the arguments are vaine, one is, The Devils are convinced but hath not the Spirit, or such like, Now what is this to the purpose, that thou contends in that wherein no­body strives with thee, nor none affirms against thee, and it is a vaine argument to parelell the Devill in such a cause, as ha­ving the Spirit, but thou art so blind, its hardly possible to let thee see thy ignorance herein. I may not much strive with thee, onely Ile tell thee of those things, and the sober Reader shall judge, to instance a thing impossible to prove things possible, is vaine arguments, so that I have herein done thee no wrong. Then thou cries out of my weaknesse, and that I Blaspheme, and of a great deale of ignorance discovered in me, and bids me be silent, and falsly charges me with Presumption, and such like, &c. Because I said thus much I leave with thee, till thou prove the light of Christ, (which thou confesseth e­very man hath) to be contrary to the Spirit of Christ, I shall say every man hath that which is one in union and like the John 1▪ 9. Spirit of Christ, even as good as the Spirit of Christ according to its measure, these are my words, Page 18. and I own them, and thy answer to them is no contradiction, nor just confuta­tion of them, but lyest in saying I call conscience and nature it selfe the Spirit of Christ, this is false never spoken by me, so that thou hast uttered a pack of railing words without any [Page 39] knowledge or feare of God, in stead of a sober Answer, the blasphemy and great deale of ignorance and presumption ap­pears not in my words, they are truth, and thou hast not pro­ved that the light of Christ is contrary to the Spirit of Christ, Nay, thy simple policy is too short, when thou had done so, then had been a time to have cast these opprobrious speeches at mee, like venomne from a Viper, but the weaknesse (or strength of error) and blasphemy and the great deale of ig­norance and presumption &c, is fallen at thy doore and there I leave it, clear thy selfe from it as thou art able, who without any confutation of the words, falls impudently to charge me thus highly and falsly from the words, be thou silent whise the Reader Judges; then thou goes about to defend thy first wickednesse in that thou said the Devill doth deceive poore soules by bidding them listen within; and turne the minde within, and see if there be not that which doth convince of sin, &c.

And my Answer to this is sound, and stands over thee, and unreproved by thee, though many words thou speakest, yet from the Scripture doth not prove or by honest arguments, that the Devill doth deceive any, by bidding them to turne to the light within, which convinceth of sin, if thou would have cleared thy selfe, thou should have proued thy assertion, ac­cording to my desire I asked thee, was ever such a thing spo­ken that the Devill can deceive any by the light of Christ, but to this not a word in proofe, but faith, Every man hath not the Spirit of Christ, &c.

But further then I Query, Doth the Devil deceive any by bidding them to turn in, and listen to that light spoken of John 1. 9. for that light am I contending for, and not any other con­trary to it, then thou saist▪ thou denyes That Paul bid listen within, telling me of making shelter for my error, &c. This is no error to say that Paul bids listen within, let the Reader judge from that Scripture, Rom. 10. 9. The righteousnesse of faith speakes on this wise, vers. 6 (which is the voice of the Gospel) and vers. 9. what saith it, the word is nigh thee in thy mouth and in thy heart, was not that the end of these words to listen within? the word is in the heart, what saith it there? now the [Page 40] error is thine, that denyes the truth, and the lye is returned to the founder, who denyes that Paul bids listen within, when its plain he saith the word is in the heart, what saith it there?

O that a man professing knowledge and enterprizing such things, should be so sottish! and so unable to finish what he hath begun then thou cryes out-hidiously and notes it in the margent for wresting of thy words, in that I said, thou saist, they are ignorant of the Gospel who closes in with these mo­tions of the light within (or conscience) which doth com­mand to abstaine from the evill, and to practise good, and thy owne words are, now the poore soule through ignorance of the Gospel closes in with these motions of its owne consci­ence (viz.) the motions which convinceth of sin within, which doth command to abstaine from this evill, and practice this good, so let wise men consider whether I have wronged that intent of thy words, and be not so soon angry, for thou canst not vindicate, that they that closes in with these mo­tions of the conscience or the light of Christ within, which con­vinceth of sin within, which doth commmand to abstaine from this evill, and to practice this good, is ignorance of the Gos­pel and doe not evade it by words without knowledge, in picking of quarrels and seeking offences (by different tearms of words) where no occasion justly is given thee. Then my Question thou seemest to answer, which was, what, and how doth the light of the Gospel worke, if not in the conscience, and to command from evill, and to practice good? this Query stands over thy head not consuted nor fully answered, for the true understanding of it thou hast not comprehended, but to thy own conception, thou hast answered as if I should say that every man hath the light of the Gospell working in them to salvation which I never said nor thought, so thy answer is not to the purpose.

Then thou hast passed by ful slightly (as disable to clear thy God and his Spirit, that guides thee, which is the God of this world) of that great sum of wickednesse justly charged upon thee, Page 19. of my last, which according to true col­lection is; by turning the mind within to the light which doth [Page 41] convince of sin, and listning thereunto and claspeing in with the motions of the conscience, which doth command to ab­staine from evil, and to practice good, and closing with some­thing within which thou confessed is the light of Christ, these things preceding, then thou saist, hereby or thus, is the poore soules carried headlong, and at the end of its life doth fall in­to the belly of Hell, this is indeed a sum of wickednesse set forth by thee, which when thou receives it in againe shall re­ceive the interest upon it, of indignation and vengeance, and though thou hast slipped it now, it shall then be reckoned on Jobn Bunions score. Remember thou owest to prove this be­fore thou be heard any more.

Then againe thou cries out, That I have naughtily belyed thee, and the like, because of misplaceing a word, and saying the light of the world, instead of the light brought into the world, thou art an unjust Judge who makes offenders for a word misplaceing, but it is plaine, thou means by light brought into the world, that light John 1. 9. which every man in the world is lightned withall, and if thou doe then thou art a lyar in saying in thy first Booke and in this, the Devil counterfeits the new birth, by perswading it is wrought by that light, and if thou meane not that light, John 1. 9. but that of the Spirit, John 16. (which I say is not divided) then thou art a lyer also, and now while thou charges me to be guided by Satan, and to be a lyar, in the very time hast answerd thy selfe in a lye and cannot get out, Mark it.

Then thou saist, Thou passes by many urgeing expressions, which thou might charge with unrighteousnesse &c.

Reply, I asked thee by what is the new birth wrought, and how, if not by following the light of Christ in the conscience is there any other way to God but Christ Jesus, who hath lighted every man that comes into the world, this is part of that thou hast passed by, with thy lyeing excuse of Rageing expressions of which thou may be ashamed to equivocate thus poorely to save thy owne credit, the charge of unrighteous­nesse justly falls upon thy own head.

Thou further saith, And eates up thy owne wickednesse who said then, and saith it now but most ignorantly, That [Page 42] Satan makes the soul believe is it will but be lead by what shall be made known to it, from the light (or conscience) within it shall doe well, &c.

My last Answer to this, is sufficient, onely I ask thee a proof out of the Scripture for this doctrin, that the Devil doe de­ceive any by the light of Christ, in the conscience within, and till then minde my words, in my last Answer, if ever thou know God, it must be by following, and by being led with the light within, which God hath made known unto thee, else that light is thy condemnation eternally.

Then againe thou chargest me with corrupting thy words for wrighting thee, for their▪ Now a scorner I charged thee to be, from thy words, and that I yet say of thee, taking thy words in thy own sence, as Page 77. of thy first doth manifest thee, unto the single eye, and thou secretly charges us, with following our own spirit, and speaking by our own spirit, but our own Spirit we have denyed, and have received the Spirit of the Father through the light of Christ; whereby every man in the world is lighted to life, or to condemnation, then thou seemes to be highly offended that I should say, thou dost not profit people at all, noting it for false in the margent, but thou needs not be so angry, though thou say The people in the Con­trey where thou dwells will testifie the contrary, &c.

To which I say thou hast no cause to boast of the fruit of thy ministry, nor they of much profit received by thee, witnesse a meeting in Bedford, where a company of thy cheifest mem­bers, I suppose, uttered much wickednesse in lyes and slanders as many can witnesse, and witnesse three of thy brethren, testa­tors of this Booke, who say they know that to be truth, which thou hast declared, and thou art proved a lyer in many things, let them read themselves false witnesses and lyars like thy self, and these things being considered as I said with other things at the end of this, thou hast no cause to boast of thy ministry, nor they of their profit, by it in that Contry, who art uncon­verted yet, from lying and false accusing, and so art not turned from Satans power to the power of God, and as for a carnal ministry of which thou speakes, they are very bad that exceeds thy selfe in carnality, in thy understanding of the things that [Page 43] are spirituall, Then further thou goes on seeming to bring witnesse of thy former slanders, having in thy last, falsly ac­cused us with sad blasphemies and horrible doctrins and thou saist, My speech bewrayeth me, that I am one of them, be­cause saist thou, I say that every man hath the Spirit of Christ.

O thou lying tongue when wilt thou cease thy wickednesse! I never said nor thought so.

And further thou saist, I say there is that in every man which is as good as the Spirit of Christ, my words are the light of Christ, lighteth or is given to every man that comes into the world, which light is not contrary to the Spirit of Christ, but one in the union and as good in its nature according to its measure, and till thou prove that that light John 1. 9. is con­trary to the Spirit, which yet thou hast not done, stop thy mouth and take shame to thy selfe, for being fouly guilty thy selfe of corrupting my words, which thou falsly charges on me.

Other things thou saist, that our society should affirm, but I may have ground to Judge thou art, so slanderous a tongue on me, that the like thou may doe of others.

And whereas I said thou art, confounded in thy discourse I said true herein, as instance, thou saist, that conscience may be seared and evill, and another place that conscience is the light of God, can the light of God be seared, or is it evill? thou holds it forth.

Consider, is not this confusion, other things I might collect, but this one is sufficient to prove thee in confusion and though thou reckon us some time with the Ranters, and some­time with the Pharisees, with many words of bitternesse and envy yet we beare thy reproaches, and when they are taken off then shall we appear, and thou appear and be judged, as we are, by him that is above all. Then thou falsly charges me with corrupting that Scripture, in John 3. 19. Whereas, I neither added nor diminshed but spoke it as is to be seen in my booke. Further chargeing me that I doe not understand a difference between tbe light of the law, and the light of the Gospel, &c.

[Page 44] Friend, I rejoyce in that I am hidden from thee, and that my words are a stumbling to thee, for in that state thou standest the entrance into the Kingdome of God, thou shalt not know whose wisedome is foolishnesse with God, and though thou say the light of Christ is a saving comforting light, so will it be to thee a condemning light, and of all lyars and slanderers, and this shalt thou know though thou art busied up and down, in thy minde seeking occasions against me, from my words, not clearing thy selfe from what I have truly charged upon thee, but accusing me falsly, and this is come to passe, that thy shame might openly appeare, as to that difference of the law, and Gospel; thy wisedome with my knowledge of it, I shall not seed, yet I leave the Reader to consider, Deut. 30. from vers. 11. to 16. And Rom. 10. 7, 8. And what I said yet re­maines upon thee undone to prove by the Scripture, something to convince of sin without, and besides or contrary to the Spirit of God, which thou art never able to doe, for though thou say (as none affirmes) the light in every mans conscience is not the Spirit of God, yet how dost thou prove; or when that it is contrary to the Spirit of God, which in my last I put upon thee, and now I leave it with thee, and then thou would excuse thy first words, in that thou called the Quakers found hipocrites, but hast not yet proved that they live in hipocrisy, and so art a lyer still, and my words are just upon thee, a perverter of the right way of God thou art, and in the day of judgement it shall be proved by thy recompence. Then thou goes about to prove that a naturall man may have power over sin, and abstaine from those things forbidden in the law, and for thy proofe thou instances in Paul, who said he was blamelesse, Phil. 3. Now this was before the com­mandement came from God to him, which let him see the law was spirtuall, and this doth not prove that he had power over sin, for he was in envy, and so a murtherer, and had not power over sin, according as I asked thee, if thou saist he had power over sin, &c.

As thou seems to doe before he was convicted, while he was a naturall man, then it was no sin to persecute Jesus, and this would be blasphemy, the product of thy doctrine, but [Page 45] this thou hast cuningly slipped, where I asked thee to get pow­er over sin, and to abstain from those things forbidden in the Law, is it not further then thou ever came? and because thou wilt not answer, I doe and say yet, and concludes, that John Bunians state is not so good as Pauls, while he was a persecu­ter according to his own doctrine, and thou saist the Gentiles did by nature the things contained in the Law; true, but their state was not condemned, but justified, before the circumcisi­on, and I aske thee, is any condemned by the Lord, who are excused in his sight, or is any justified who is accused, and my words are sound, which thou ignorantly comments upon where I said I rather chose to be of that profession which ab­staynes from those things forbidden in the Law, and to have power over sin then to live in the transgression of the Law, and under the power of sin; yet talking of beliefe in the Son of Mary, &c. Let the Reader judge whether of these Religi­ons is more accepted in the sight of God, thy Religion is pro­ved to be talking of beliefe, in the Son of Mary and art in the transgression of the Law, a lyer a false witnesse in envy and backbiting and such like, thy false beliefe will not save thee in the day of the Lord.

Then further thou still confesses that as he is God, Christ lighteth every man that comes into the world, then, where­fore dost thou make all this adoe, in opposing us, in this par­ticular, yet let's try thy Doctrine, whether it be sound, thou saist, this light wherewith Christ as God hath lighted every man, is conscience; and yet sometime saith this conscience is seared and hardned and evill; What is the light of Christ as God, seared, hardened, and evil? J. Bunian holds it forth; this is thy great Ignorance and Blasphemie, and somtime thou saist this light is Nature, and Nature is corrupted and sinfull. And in it, all are children of wrath, what is the light of Christ as God corrupted and sinfull, and is all by it children of wrath? John Bunians Doctrine holds it forth; Though blindnes pos­sessed thee, when thou write this, yet mayst thou blush at the reading hereof.

Then thou goes to give a meaning upon my words; in that I said the Law is light, and light is the Law, which is truth, [Page 46] but I spoke them not for thee to Interpret with thy lying spi­rit, but let spirituall men judge of them then much adoe thou makes in answering my question to thee, but hitts not my words at all: I asked thee and bid thee shew if thou canst any sin which is not against the Law but this thou canst not doe, though you would prove if thou could, that unbeliefe is not a sin against the Law of God; then thou speaks of the obedi­ence of the Sonne of Mary imputed to us, &c. But I say the obedience of him without doth not justifie any; who are in the Nature of enmity against him, who is not a new creature nor condemned in the flesh; and whereas thou secretly char­ges us, with mingling Law and Gospell together; I tell the we know the operation of each, and doth witnesse the Ministrati­on of each, and they are not devided nor opposite one against the other; but that one is the fulfilling of the other, and though thou said you leape over the Law, for Justification, yet it is too high for the to leape over for condemnation. Re­member this, and all thy fained faith while in that Nature thou stands uncondemned, is but as the stubble for the fire; then whereas I charged thee with preaching another Gospel, then the Apostle preached, & my charge is true upon thy head, and my proofe is sound, against thee, he directed to the word with­in, in the heart Rom. 10. what saith it, the word is in the heart, and he turned to the light from darknesse; but thou saith who shall ascend to fetch him, men must follow him to the Crosse without, and to Heaven without, &c. And so art one that saith loe here and loe there; but these things thou hast passed by, with thy lying excuse of quarrelling, a many poore shifts thou art faine to make, and in that I said thou was a lyer, in saying the light (viz.) of Christ as God, doth not shew the soul a Saviour or deliverer, my charge upon the is true and stands vnremoved, and I asked thee, if the light of Christ doth not shew Christ to all that walke in the light, then what can but this; thou hast passed also most deceitfully which stands upon thee to answer or to stop thy mouth, then thou would excuse thy contradictions charged upon thee, in that thou said they are wickedly deluded, who own Christ no otherwise then as he was before the world▪ and yet saying [Page 47] God onely is the Saviour and there is none besides him, and all thou saist cleares not thy selfe from contradiction herein, let honest men be judge betwixt us both, for thou judges false­ly me to be naught, and I am sure thou art naught, and thou will not take my judgement, I may not take thine, (let impar­tiallity judge betwixt us) then thou would excuse thy slan­ders charged justly upon thee, in saying that Quakers make light of the Resurrection, and to prove thy wickednesse, thou askes us whither it be so, i'ts time enough for us to answer when thou hast brought evidence of the first accusation, what poor proofe is this for to cover thy selfe, though to add to thy wickednesse. Thou say, thou knows we deny it, I aske thee when it was, or where it was, O thou enemy of Righteousnes, yea thou shalt arise in the day of judgement to shame and contempt, and this I affirme except thou repent of this thy wickednesse;

Then whereas thou urges me, that I should have answered, the Querie raised from Eph. 4. 10, better, or confuted thine, &c. Doe not boast but heare what I say, thou saist in that answer, that Christ ascended to the right hand of the Father in your Nature. Mark now, thy Nature and your Nature who are one with thee, is sinfull and wicked and of the Divell for so all lyers are, and it is Blasphemie to say sinfull wicked divillish Nature, such as John Bunians is, and his fellowes, is at the right hand of God in Heaven, O horrible! consider of this, and see what thy begging an answer hath brought upon thee, I deny though thou affirme it, that thy and your Nature which is wicked▪ or, a man in that Nature is ascended into Heaven, and therefore boast not thy selfe another time, This nakednes of thine might have been covered but for thy own boasting, and thou saist Acts 1. proves it, let the reader search, If he can find that Christ ascended in sinfull wicked Nature, such as theirs is, who are one with John Bunian, and this is another lie of the Scripture, and though thou with much impudent confidence affirme the Quakers to be deluders &c. I say from that we rather love dispraise then praise, and are as our fore Fathers were counted deceivers and yet are true, and thou art deceived in thy own heart, in that thou understands my words, [Page 48] that I should say as though there were no false Prophets now, because I said they were in the Apostles dayes, which is true, and yet are they now too; even its witnessed by thee, and thy fellowes, who are in their steps, who through coveteous­nes making merchandize of soules, and your people are ever learning, and not able to come to the knowledge of the truth, and goes for gifts and rewards, and are false accusers and such like. Nay but understand me better, for I say thou art a false Prophet, and thou art now, though thy root sprang forth in the time of the Apostles of which thou art a branch, and thy fellows; And though I said that Antichrist was in the dayes of John, and this was before a Quaker was heard of, my words I own, prove that, that the Christians was called Quakers at that day if thou canst, &c. I alow not thee to be my Inter­preter, except I found thee more honest, but doth condemne thy meaning upon my words, and though thou say instead of proving our selves not false Prophets, we prove our selves no Christians, because I said (that word) Quakers was not heard of in those dayes. Now consider, are they no Christi­ans now, whose title or name without, was not given or heard of, in the Apostles dayes, then Protestants are no Christians, nor Independants are no Christians, nor Anabaptists are no Christians, because they were not called so in the Apostles dayes, and while thou hast thought to prove us no Christians, hast cast out thy selfe also, then thou art no better then we, and what poor arguments these are, let the wise consider, and vaine consequences, I did not say there were no Quakers then, but not a Quaker beard of (viz) by that name; for there was thousands of Quakers, who trembled and quaked at the word of the Lord, Moses, and David, Jeremiah, Isaack, Paul with many more were Quakers, and tremble [...]s, though not then so called, but as I said, such as thou hast such thou brings, and thy master will accept thee.

Then thou saist, I fling durt in thy face, because I said if we should diligent search thee, we should find thee in their steps, through feigned words through coveteousnesse, making mer­chandize of soules, loving the ways of unrighteousnesse. And further I said among them thou art found, who art preaching [Page 49] for hire, and loves the error of Balaam who went after gifts and rewards, &c. Now thou seemes to be grieved, and calls this a false accusation, but lets try; the cause admits dispute, art not thou in their steps, and among them that do these things? aske John Burton with whom thou art j [...]yned close; to vindi­cate him and calls him Brother, he hath so much yearly, 150. l. or more (except thou hast some of it,) which is unrighteous wages, and bire, and gifts, and rewards. What saist thou, art thou not in his steps, and among and with him and them that doe these things? if he be thy Brother, and thou so own him, what is evill in him whom thou vindicates, I lay upon thee, but tell me, who have heard thee deny him, and the rest of the In­dependants, in these things which thou knows he doth act, and in thy answer I cannot find the fully clearing thy self by deny­all, but saist that spirit that lead me out of this way is a lying spi­rit, out of what way I say, out of the way of preaching for hire, dost thou meane; nay its a lying spirit in thee, that goe in their steps, and among them that goes in this way, and though thou bid me have a care of receiving by hear-say, what I have (said) received in this, is truth, though thou evade it ne­ver so much.

As to that of some bidding thee throw away the Scriptures, &c. Indeed upon such termes, it might be spoken so as to be owned, a lyer and a slanderer is an unfit fellow to meddle with the Scriptures, or to take the name of the Lord, or of the man Christ Jesus, in his mouth, and I may say truly what hast thou (unrighteous person) to doe, to take his name, and truth in thy mouth, hateing to be reformed.

And in that I say of thy crying against Christ within, this is true who said there was nothing in thee, nor any man (with­out acception) to be taken notice of, as we may prove by witnesse though thou deny it; then, was not Christ within, and what lesse is this, then to cry against him, when as thou de­nyed him within, or else concluded he is not worth taking no­tice of. And though thou say I falsely speak of thee in saying thou calls the Doctrine of Christ within, false opinions, and take in hand to discover it, but the falsenesse is in thee, who hath utterd that which is untruth, and contrary to the Gospel, [Page 50] and now denyes it, or would hide thy wickednesse; for thou having framed an objection, and speaks of some that are for a Christ within, &c. and then thou saist, thou will discover the falsity of such opinions, Now thou dost here reckon the Doc­trine of Christ within false opinion, (or among them at least) let the Reader judge, and be thou silent for shame; but all thou saist cleares thee not, from what I said of thee, God shall judge thee thou lying tongue, and deceitfull heart.

Then thou charges me with folly and to eat my first words, and to be unstable in judgement, and to fight against the truth, &c. From my question asked, doth not the Scripture say, Christ is within, except you be reprobates, and is not this thus much, all is reprobates but they in whom Christ is within, and yet because I said the measure or manifestation of the Spirit, is given, to every man, this thou hast catched. at, and would prove it unsound, but truth is over thee, and both these are true; and further, I say that Christ is given into the world, yea to all, but all receives him not, and they that doe not re­ceive him are reprobates, though he be given but not received, and the folly and fighting against truth is in thy selfe, who saith it is contrary to the Scriptures to say the Spirit is giving to every one, thou here lyest of the Scripture as its proved and I doe not befoole my selfe in saying the words (or some of them) I own in thy book, though I have written against the book, for though thou speak Christ words and the Apostles words, yet thy voyce is the strangers and thy voyce I deny, what ever words thou speakes, and is not befooling my selfe, and here I could justly end my discourse, and what is said is sufficient, to manifest thee and me, to the honest Reader. And thus far thy weapons of slanders are broken, and thy refuge of lyes are layd-wast, and this also is cast by, as our spoyled prey of Babylons treasure, and trampled upon, and know that we are of God, and he that is of God heareth us; and to our God, shall all bow; and before him tremble.

And whereas thou seemes to be greatly offended, and stum­bling very much, at my answers to thy Queries, because thy carnall conceptions is not satisfied, nor thy vaine minde grati­fied, having as thou thinkst great occasion against me thereby, [Page 51] which causes thy mouth to be opened in vapouring words a­loft. against the simplicity of the Gospel, not understanding my words, for the things of the Kingdome of God is a parable to thee and sealed from thee, never to be known in the rea­son in which thou judgest.

But in short thus I Reply, I did not purpose to answer ful­ly to them to feede any mans wisedome with my knowledge of the things of Gods Kingdome; for the Queries were not fully directed to the Quakers; so that quench thy anger, and according to my answer, goe seeke a further answer, (or else be thou still unsatisfied) from them who are led with a spirit of delusion, for such a direction requires no full answer from me, nor any of us who are in the truth and not in the delusi­on, neither did I purpose nor doe I at any time to answer fully to such things are directed in a great part to others, I am not a servant especially to them that are led with a spirit of delu­sion, to fulfill thy will, But yet the short answers that I gave, (which was not in the behalfe of delusion) but for the truths sake, I still own though thou cannot understand them, but products many bad lying wicked consequences from them, and my purpose was not to feed thy foolish wisedome in ans­wering; nor to satisfie thy reason to receive praise from thee or any man for so I know it must be in hearing and seeing, thou must not perceive nor understand, who art of the genera­tion hardened and in parable is the Kingdome of heaven unto thee, and I rejoyce the rather in being a stumbling to thee, in that state wherein thou standest, then that I should have gra­tified thee, for I seek not nor receives honour from man in what I doe; but is covered from the worlds knowledge, and know this, if thou cannot receive the Kingdome of Heaven as a little leaven; thou shalt never know it; But yet how wicked art thou in this also, though not understanding me, in what I said yet, so fouly wronging me with above 30. false charges and slanders from my words, which thou reaches not the know­ledge of, so it will be enough.

Reply, to sum up thy lyes and send them backe to thee to seeke them out, and an evidence for them and the Queries and my Answers shall stand as they are to be judged of by ho­nest [Page 52] men, while we are both silent in our own cause, they are to be seen at large in my first Book, The true faith of the Gospel contended for, &c. in the 26, 27, 28. pages.

And whereas further I speake at the end of my Answers of Christ within the hope of glory and said, it is that mistery which long hath been hid from ages, but now is made manifest and declared, and though the wise of this world cannot receive it, but speaks evill against it, yet it is deare unto us, and so much more precious because despised by such as him and such things are a testimony to us and against you, (viz.) our en­emies, &c. As in my 29. Page of my first may be seen; and most wickedly this, or part of it, he calls bablings, and saies he passes by it.

O horrible impudency! what marvell that he should so be­lye me, when as he hath called the very Scripture truth, spoken forth in righteousnesse, bablings? and these things I leave the Reader to Judge of, and all his lyes thrown upon me impu­dently and consider, what ground this man hath from my an­swers to be seen in my first booke to broach out and belch out such a number of lyes and slanders, in 5. sides of paper, not a­ny one of them (charged against me falsly) were spoken by me, or ever in my thought to speake, or ground given by a­ny of my words for such productions, as it is seen what lodges in the heart of such a fellow even desperate wickednesse who is without any shame or honesty, who dare utter such things against the upright, who hates not his enemies, but while I am clear in the sight of God, from all his false slanders, I matter not what John Bunion say of me, who is as a man given up to wickednesse who in lesse then a sheet of paper hath uttered 30. lyes or more, which I may particularly manifest before he can find evidence; a great wickednesse? can this mans converts be good, while himself is unconverted? is he a minister of Christ? for shame let it not be told so; well I beg not vengeance against him, but leaves my answers to be read, who wil clear me from his lying consequences, most wickedly conceived, and as wickedly uttered (By one of Gogs Army) against a member of Jesus.

Now I come to reckon up his damnable Doctrines, and er­rors, which are contrary to the truth; as will manifestly ap­peare, [Page 53] to him that is spirituall; some of them damnable with­out comparison.

John Bunian said, That Christs second coming, is not his com­ing To this is two witnesses. in Spirit, for his coming in Spirit is no coming. He saith, this (or part of it) is a lye made of him by me; when as severall witnesses, doth testifie in righteousnesse, that those very words were spoken by him, in Paules steeple-house in Bedford towne, May 23. 1656. as is witnessed, and yet this man is so impudent, that he denyes what he spake, (or is a­shamed of his words) and so would cast the lye upon me, who is cleere, and the wickednesse lyes at his door, and where­as he would prove that the second coming of Christ, is not his coming in Spirit, I say I will not begg him to believe it, but as he believes, so be it unto him, and all that he saith doth not prove, but that Christ promised, and fullfilled to his Disciples, John 14. that he would come againe to them, (mark) againe is a se­cond time, If any man hath an ear let him hear. And then he saith he will not trouble himselfe to lay this to my charge in that it was said of him; Christs coming in Spirit is no coming, it may be he repents of what he hath said, being better consi­dered, since he hath already falsly charged me with it, as some in the County of Bedford knows very well, that he hath falsly charged me and denyed his own words, spoken by his own mouth.

Also he said, Take notice that I affirme that there is nothing in me nor in any man to he taken notice of, These are his own words spoken by him Aprill 12. 1656. at Patnam, witnessed by three men, who heard it from his mouth, and this charge he doth not fully deny, but in a great measure he assents to it, yet would cover his shame a little with a lye, in saying, Di­rectly in this forme of words he did not lay them downe, but this will not serve to hide his reprobate state, for to his face it maybe testified he spoke the words, as I have laid them down, and therefore consider against whom I am yoaked, against one that is a reprobate, and without Christ in him, one that have denyed Christ in him, or else thinks Christ not worth taking notice of. O abominable ignorance, why should such a fellow take the things of God in his mouth, who hath denyed Christ [Page 54] in him, and the Spirit of Christ indeed it appears that he doth take notice of nothing in him, else he would have been woun­ded with the light in his own conscience, before he had brought forth thus many lyes, it seems he takes notice of no­thing in him, but is past feeling, damnable doctrine indeed, without comparison, that ever one professing a Minister of Christ, should be so stark blind and wicked, yea, we have ta­ken notice of what thou hast said and it shall be recorded for ignorance of the greatest sort, but he would evade the thing and give a sence upon his words, and in such a sence he ownes, and in such a sence he denyes it, but what is this to the pur­pose, except he confesse it, (as it is) that he is unregenerate, and if so, he confesses the light of God is in him and then to be taken notice of, if it be but to condemne him.

O blindnesse to be marked! well, this mans folly hath ap­peared sufficiently, who confesses this light in every man is the light of Christ as Gód, and yet saith, he affirmes there is no­thing in him, nor any man, (regenerate or unregenerate) without exception) his words here spoken, worth the taking notice of.

The rest of the particulars charged upon his fellowes is pas­sed by with the excuse of wanting the names expressed, may be he is glad to be ignorant in this thing, but lets search, John Burion said, That Christ had two bodyes, one our of the sight of the Saints, in Bedford, May 23. 1656. And to this John Bunian confesses but would excuse it if he could, and would manifest that Christ hath two bodies, cleane contrary to the Scripture which affirms Ephes. 4. 4. Now no marvell that he gain-sayes me, when as he hath gain saied the Apostle, who saith expresly, There is one body, but they say two bodies; let them be ashamed for ever, thus to contradict Scrip­ture,

John Spencly, (one of the Testators of this lying scrole, a May 23. 1656 I [...] Bedford. member of the same supposed Church) said that Christ and the word of life were two things, and so would divide Christ con­trary to the 6 th. of John 48. where Christ saith he is the bread of life, and contrary to 1 John 1. 2. The 23. of the 8. month, 1656.. John Bunion and one Fer. and J. Child laid down.

[Page 55] 1. That God dyed, And that very God, and the everlast­ing Father dyed contrary to many Scriptures, as Dan. 4. 34. Dan. 12. 7.

2. They affirmed, That the word that was in the beginning was crucified upon the Crosse, contrary to the 1 Peter 1. 23.

3. They affirmed, That justification is without obedience, But yet say I, None is justified in disobedience but all condem­ned in it, let them mark that, and there is but either in obedi­ence, or in disobedience, and he that is a Believer and justified, is not without obedience.

4. That There is a light which convinceth of sin, besides the light of Christ, and John Bunian in all his Booke cannot prove any is convinced of sin, that hath not the light of Christ or that any thing besides the light of Christ doth convince of sin, so that his consusion doth appeare,

5, That There is no saving knowledge but what comes with­out from Heaven, contrary to 2 Cor. 4. 6, 7. where it is said the light shone in their hearts out of darknesse, J. Child denyed that the man Christ Jesus had given a light to every man that comes into the world, contrary to Joh. 1. 9.

Also he denyed, That every man was lighted, that they might believe, contrary to Jo. 12. 36. 35. Jo. Burton said, That a man might be upon the foundation and yet deny Christ, Now the Scripture saith, Matth. 10. 33. He that denyes Christ shall be denyed of the Father, and the Father denyes not any that are on the foundotion as they affirme.

Another of them said, That the word that was hid in Davids heart was the outward Scriptures.

Another of them affirmed, That he was justified from all his sins, past, present and to come and said there was Scripture in the Acts to prove it.

John Burton said, That a man is not justified by the Spirit, John Bunian said, the 30. of the 11. month, That the Spirit of Christ doth nothing (Mark) within man as to justification, he affirmed, That the flesh of Christ is not within any man, then there is no man that hath life in him if Christs words be true, Jo. 6. 53. and Christs words is true, and therefore Jo. Bnnions doctrine is, he said, That by the Kingdome of Heaven, within [Page 56] the Pharisees Luke▪ 17. Christ speakes of himselfe there as a per­sonall This is wit­nessed by ma­ny. man to be that Kingdome of heaven, Mark here what the substance of this is, doth he meane that the person of Christ was in the Pharisees.

O horrid blindnesse! not to be parrelelled.

He said, The best thing in a naturall man is Impure, and yet in this Book confesses that the light of God is in all men, so that must be impure, else J. Bunians doctrine is a lye; but the light of God is pure, and therefore Jo. Bunians doctrine is a lye,

He said, that the Scripture, In every place doth not mean as it speakes, and instanced that in Peter, not to mean as it speaks, where it is said, yea, as lively stones are built up a spirituall house, and where it is said, have salt in your selves, He asked if a mans belly must be filled with salt, Mark this expositor, and his blindnesse and ignorance, and the cause why he is si­lent, And forbears to aggravate sin is, least hard thoughts should be entertained against him, Let men judge, whether this be not an unfaithfull man to the Lord, who rather then harsh thoughts should be against him in the wicked, he will be His own book holds this forth. silent, and hide and cover sin in sinners. O wickednesse in­deed!

He saith, that Christ Ascended into Heaven in our nature, (viz.) in his nature, and they that are one with him, and he and they are proved to be in corrupt nature, as they will con­fesse it. O what wickednesse to hold forth that Christ is at the right hand of God in sinfull nature, as his words holds forth from his owne mouth.

Jo. Burton said, That men may depend too much upon some­thing called Christ, and the righteousnesse of Christ with­in.

He saith, that the Devil Knowes how to take the Childrens bread (viz.) Christ Jesus who onely is the Childrens bread) and give him to dogs. O sad error and damnable.

He saith, That the Devill deceives soules by bidding them follow the light which they brought into the world with them.

And he confesses that light is the light of Christ (as God) [Page 57] O unutterable ignorance! can a sober man read this, and not be ashamed, to hold forth that the Devil deceives soules by bidding them follow the light of Christ (as God)?

He saith, they that follow Christ aright, must follow him without, to the crosse without for justification, or mount Calvery without; they must seek for justification without, and the Spirit of Christ it leads to Christ without.

Reader, see if this be not near unto Poperey, or enquire else what he meanes, as if he would have people to goe a Pilgri­mage, and this is contrary to Rom. 10. 6, 7, 8.

He saith, That the soule of man is the light wherewith every man is lighted by Christ as God, and this is the light that every man brought into the world with him, and the Devil deceives soules by this light (viz.) by the soule, this is true from his owne words, let it be marked by sober men, what damnable doctrines these are, hardly fit to be raked in.

He saith further, That the Devil deceives soules by perswa­ding them to follow the light within, which he confesses is the light of Christ, and that all men hath it.

He saith, Conscience is the light of God, and yet in another place saith, Conscience is defiled, what concurrence is here, let the Reader judge, to hold forth that the light of God is defi­led, his words plainly shewes, to say that the law is the School­master to bring to Christ.

He saith, This is a frothy argument.

And to make up his wickednesse he saith, He is ruled by Scripture, consider whether those doctrins and lyes be not quite contrary to Scripture, what impudency is in this mans heart to say he is ruled by Scripture, he saith, They that look up­on Compare this doctrin with Heb. 13. 8. and his doct­rine is proved to be damna­ble. Christ no otherwayes then as he was before the world was, he dare to be bold to say they are no Christians but Antichristians, he saith, That Contrary to John [...]. [...]. Christ as he is Mediater, so he doth not lighten every man that comes into the world though as he is God, he doth, Markhere, he would divide Christ, not to be the same, the Son, as he is the Father; yet he confesses in his Book, What the Fa­ther doth, the Son doth also, see what contradiction here is? not worth the raking in, O blindnesse that may be felt in the grossest darknesse he inhabits. He saith, That the Devil hath [Page 58] more experience of the knowledge of the eternall power, and God­head, then unregenerate men; Mark, the word more signifies something. He saith, The light of Christ as God, is conscience and nature it selfe, Mark, nature is sinfull, and wicked, and all are children of wrath, in it so are all by the light of Christ as God; wicked & children of wrath if Jo. Bunions doctrin be true, let him make it good as he can: O wonderful trash & muddy stuff, unheard of before. He saith, The Devil deceives souls, by bid­ding them listen within, and see if there be not that which doth con­vince of sin, Mark his doctrin well. He denyes, That Paul bids listen within, contrary to that Scripture, Rom. 10. 8, 9. He saith, conscience may be hardned and seared, and is naturally e­vill, and yet saith, Conscience is the light of Christ as God, see what an agreement is here, the light of Christ as God, is hard­ened and seared, and evil, else J. Bunion must revoke his doct­rine, or else prove this, Consider what stuff this is, which is held forth by him.

He saith, he preaches not for hire, indeed, he had no need to receive mony for such doctrin as these.

He saith Christ is some four or five foot long, This is more then he can tell.

He reckons the doctrin of Christ within a false, (or among false) opinions.

He saith, It is contrary to Scripture to say the measure (or manifestation) of the Spirit is given to every man, though Paul saith so plainly to the Corinthians, 1 Cor. 12. 7.

Mark here he hath spoken quite contrary to Scripture, de­nyed that which Paul affirmed or else counted Pauls words against Scripture.

He saith, They that are borne of God doe daily sin, absolute contrary to the 1 John 3. 9. And therefore he would give the Apostle the lye.

Now Reader consider, whether thou wilt believe John Bunian, or the Apostle John, for they are at ods, and speaks quite contrary one to the other.

He saith, That the light that shewes thee there is a God, and that this God is eternall, would lead to life, then might the De­vils be delivered from damnation, and the Devils knowes God as a Creator, &c.

[Page 59] He saith, That the light spoken of John the 3 [...] is the man Christ Jesus, and yet saith, that the man Christ Jesus, is not a condemning light.

Mark that Scripture, saith that light was condemnation to them that did evill, he saith not, who must you believe.

He saith, That the lyar and slanderer is an unbeliever, and his condition is sad.

Consider here, how out of his owne mouth he is condem­ned, who is at large proved a lyar and slanderer, out of his own mouth will the Lord condemn him.

He saith, That a man cannot give a more right description of a false Prophet, then the Prophets, Christ, and the Apostles did give. Reply, In this thou hast truly said. Now lets consider, how thou hast▪ confessed to thy own shame, and laid open thy own nakednesse, the Prophets said such was false Prophets as preached for hire, and divi­ned for mony, and fed themselves, and clothed themselves with the woole, and that used their tongues, and said the Lord saith it, when God had not spoken to them, and that cryed peace to the wicked, and Christ said such were deceivers, who had the chiefest place in the assembly, and stood praying in the Synagogues, and loved the uppermost rooms at feasts, and that were called of men master, and such like, and the A­postle said such were deceivers, to take gifts and rewards, and lucre, and that loved unrighteous wages, and that were back­biters, and false accusers, and covetous, and having a forme of Godlinesse, but denying the power, who ever taught, and the people were not able to come to the knowledge of the truth, with many other such like. Now this is my appeale to all mens consciences, in the sight of God, whether thou art not found under some of these carrectars (at least) or whether thou art not one in union and fellowship, with such who act these things, yea, thou art▪ among them and not crying against them, and so art guilty of their sin, though not as fully in the act as are some, may be; so that I doubt not, but they who have not hardened their hearts, and blinded their eyes will see, how thou hast condemned thy self in confessing the truth, and the time is coming that further it will be made manifest concer­ning [Page 60] thee, only at present thou art sufficiently discovered, to be out of the truth in the way of perdition, and how ever though thou hast covered thy selfe, as much as is possible▪ from the stroke of thy owne hand, and from the guilt of thy own confession, yet Jo. Burton, thou hast condemned an hundred, I thinke of Independant Ministers, (so called) thy brethren, who are known to be found guilty of those things, all or most of them, which thou confesses are marks of a false Prophet, and while thou bids us examine our selves, thou art the man (or a­mong them) that are proved truly guilty.

He saith, He is not come to one of the dayes of the thousand yeares, of Satans being chained, and this is truly confessed, and so he is in the reigne and government of the Devill, and Satan is not bound but at liberty in him, (as it well appeares) and Christs reigne is not known, and so it must needs be true, that he is of the Army of the Draggon against the Lamb.

Some of the same members with him said, in Bedford, That they scorned that light which convinceth of sin, (which the Quakers speaks of)

Further, most falsly I am charged by him with railing against the Lord Jesus, which is absolute false; my words are spoken in feare and reverence of the Lord Jesus. Reader, these things I leave to thee, to be judged of, his false slanders and his dam­nable doctrins, and wicked lying accusations; and contradicti­ons which his 9 sheets of paper is filled with, as if he had set himself to lye, and slander and speak wickedly against the truth which is over him, and is a testimony against him, and though opposed by him, yet not confounded, but him it confounds, and by it he shall be judged and condemned; and the time comes when further he may be made manifest, if this be not sufficient ▪out of the abundance of his heart, hath his wicked tongue tered these things, which are but a little of what lodges in him, but let him prove these things first, and then utter more.

AND now John Bunian, thou and thy false witnesses▪ and all thy company and brethren in iniquity, Remember and repent for the day of your visitation is upon you, blessed were you, if you could receive it, before it be spent, not to be [Page 61] recalled; and before the long suffering of God come to an end and you be shut up in utter darknesse, and indeed friends the day hastens wherein every man shall receive according to his deeds; he that hath done evill shall not be cloaked, and he that hath done good shall not be uncovered, in that day when the secrets of all hearts shall be laid open, and searched with the eternall eye; the end of my worke is to clear the truth, and the way thereof, (God is witnesse) from thy slanderous and lying and perverting tongue, and onely I reproove thee, by the Spirit of the Lord, and so leaves thee to receive thy re­ward from the just God of righteous judgement; who upon thy head will render vengeance in flames of fire, in his dread­full day, which upon thee comes suddenly, even when thou and you cries peace, peace, then shall destruction come as an armed man from which thou shalt not fly to escape, though now you all be hardened against the Lord and his way and truth, and hath even bent thy tongue for lyes, and hath reproached the innocent, to the peirceing of thy own soule, and one day shalt thou know it, therefore bow and tremble before the Lord God, thou and all thy companions, a lyar and slanderer thou art, a perverter and wrester of the right way of God, and of the Scriptures, a hipocrite and dissembler, a holder forth of damnable doctrines an envious man, and false accuser, condem­ning another falsly in what thy selfe is fully guilty of; these things I lay to thy charge justly in the presence of the Lord God, and upon thy account are they reckoned by him, and proved by testimony in the sight of man (and may be more fully hereafter if any thing be wanting) and one day shalt thou feele the burthen of them, though now thou be above shame; and all thy lyes, slanders, deceits, confusions, hypocrisies, con­tradictions, and damnable doctrines of Devils, with impuden­cy held forth by thee, shall be consumed in the Pit of venge­ance, and then shall the witnesse in thy conscience justifie the Lord (in condemning thee) & me, to be true in reproving thee, and this I say to thee, and you all, the liveing God you know not, nor his Son Jesus Christ; but are enemies to God and Witnesse one of their brethren a Justice of peace (so cal­led who im­prisoned fal­sly the Inno­cent to all their shame. persecuters of the Lord of life, and shall perish among the un­circumcised, yee false witnesses, and wicked helpers; you may [Page 62] be ashamed of your testimony subscribed at the beginning of his lying scribble, will you yet say through Grace, those things are true; the father stop your mouthes in the dust, who hath offended the Lord, more then defended him, or your selves; and be ashamed in the presence of God and man, much more may be said hereafter, to lay you further open, if you yet hard­en your hearts in your wickednesse, but I doe rather reprove you, then strive with you, and rather desires your return to God, then your condemnation by him, and with this I shall end, and by what is said in short is sufficient to manifest you, and John Bunian to all honest people, what generation you are of, and that you are guided by a lying and unclean spirit, and that you are doing the Devils worke in gain-saying the way of truth and righteousnesse, by your multitude of lyes and slanders, and damnable doctrines, and whatever you account or falsly judge of me, yet am I true (though as a deceiver) and the Lords servants, and a witnesse for him and against all your lyes and slanders, and wickednesse hatched amongst you and brought forth by a lyeing orator whom you have made your mouth into the view of the world, even a cursed birth, and the father of it; and the womb that conceived it, and it shall rot, and perish as the dunge and not accomplish any part of the end, of your desire, for so loathsome it is, being truly searched and laid open that it hath not obtained neither the praise of God nor man, but is defamed by men, and con­demned of God; alas, alas, for thee John Bunian thy severall months travell in griefe and paine, is a fruitlesse birth, and per­ishes as an untimely fig, and its praise is blotted out among men, and its passed away as smoak; Truth, is a top of thee, and out-reaches thee, and thy formed weapons cannot prosper, and it shall stand for ever to confound thee, and all its enemies; and though thou wilt not subject thy mind to serve it willing­ly, yet a slave to it must thou be and what thou dost in thy wickednesse against it, the end thereof brings forth the glory of it, and thy owne confounding and shame; and now be wise and learned, and put of thy armour, for thou maist understand the more thou strives, the more thou art entangled, and the higher thou arises in envy, the deeper is thy fall into confusion [Page 63] and the more thy arguments are, the more increased is thy folly, let experience teach thee, and thy own wickednesse correct thee, and thus, I leave thee, and if thou wilt not owne the light of Christ in thy owne conscience, now to reprove thee and convince thee, yet in the day of judgement thou shalt owne it, and it shall witnesse the justnesse of the judge­ments of the Lord, when for thy iniquities he pleads with thee, and behold as a theife in the night, when thou art not awarre, he will come, and then woe unto thee that art poluted,



IN Page the 2. line 2. for o, r, to, and l. the 20, r. and before the dra­gon, in P. 4. l. 5. for helped, r. belyed, take notice of it; in Page 5. line 17. r. and before all, In Page 6. l. 16. for here r. they, and line 34. for tis, r. is, Page 7. l. 7. for doe r doth, for falfly, r. salsly, Page, 9. l. 12, after Ranters, r. they would professe they, P. 11. l. 11. for rested, read wreasted, P. 12. l. 2. for upan t. upon, and l. 9. for simpli­city, read, simple policy, and line 11. for lyed, r. laid, and l. 25. for maes, r. mans, and l, 26, for fight r. sight, and l. 30. for fight r. sight, and l: 33. for therefare r: therefore, P: 13. l: 30. for impuden ce r impudent, P: 19. l: 24. for Ja, r: Jo, and P: 20. l: last, after feet, r: and to confound thy selfe thou saist, P: 21. l: 36. for the world r: thou, P: 22. l: 10. for are r. art, P: 23. l: 1. for judged, r: judge, and l: 17. before for, r: nay, P: 24. l: 7. for therefore, r: therefrom, l: 31. for it: r: yet, P: 25. l. 13. after coufesses, r: is the light of God, l: 30. for wit­nesse, r. witnesses, P: 27. l: 16. for of read to, and leave out to; P: 28. l: 29. for why it, r: who yet; p: 30. l: 16. for saith, r: faith, l: 28. for it, r: what, P: 32. l: 26. for speak, r. appeare, l: 28. for further, r: for­mer, P: 33. l: 10. for what r. that, l: 31. for so, r: see P: 24. l: 19. r: I, before have; and for prover r: reprover, l: 28. stood r. stand, and l: 29. for fight r: fights, P: 36. l: 30. for that r: the, l: 34. after but, omit is, P: 38. l: 8. for you, r: thou, P: 41. l: 6. for soules, r: soule, l: 9. for set, r: let, l: 27. for answered, r: fnared, l: 29. for urgeing r: rage­ing, P: 42. l: 12. for thee, r: the, P: 45. l: 4. for yet r: yes, P: 46. l: 15. for that r: the, P: 48. l: 17. for not, r: no, l, 37. for wayes r; wages P; 51. l; 15. before are, r; as. P; 55. l; last; r. damnable after is, P. 58. l; 29. for against r; no, in P. 49. l; 6. for he hath r; hath he not, so it is in the manuscript.

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