To the present Assembly, Members of Parliament at Westminster.
The Considerations of a servant of the Lord, upon the present state of Affairs, presented unto you for to read and consider, as Informations unto you, concerning present proceedings in this Nation.


ALl these overturnings, and almost wonderfull changings, that do come to passe in this Nation, they are all effected through the justice of the Lords Hand, and his Hand; and Power, is in and over all these things, and if all particulars which hath hapned since your first appearing on the throne were accounted, what hath come to passe, but hath been accomplished and suffered, to be by the hand of the Lord, but particularly of the present state of things, and this last interruption which happened unto you, was it not a just reproof upon you from the Lord? though effected in ambition, and by corrupted Instruments, for have not you promised great things unto this Nation in matters of freedom and liberty, but what have you done? even left this Nation travelling under great and sore vexations, and undelivered from the bondage of oppressions, though you have had time after time put into your hands, wherein you might have done good things for the Lord, and for this Nation, and righteousnesse might have bin established amongst you, and in the Nation, But you negle [...]ed many pretious dayes, and essected not many good things. It would be large to instance the particular oppressions, that yet remains upon almost all souls of people in this Land, which might have been removed long ere this day, had you been faithful to God; But because from day to day you have been rather carelesse, and served your selves more then the Lord; therefore hath he suffered you to be interrupted once, and again, and reproved by a generation of men, as unfaithful as your selves.

Well but to passe all this, though much might be said, you are now again at the stern of Government, and on the Throne; and I dare not but say, it is even of and by the Lord, and that it is he that hath done it, contrary to the expectations of many, and what his end is in it remaines with him; But I am sure one cause is, that you may execute part of his wrath upon that treacherous generation of hipocritical and deceit­ful men, some of the Army I mean) some of whom have bin deceitful to God, and treacherous to the Nation; and who have been feareful hipocrites by a shew of religion more then others: and have mocked God as it were, and his People; I need not say to you how that many of them were raised up from a low estate, and instead of serving the Nation, became their Lords and Oppressors, and they have abused the Lords Mercy to them, and exalted themselves, and became as great oppressors, and as grievous to the Nation, as ever t ey were that went before them, and some of them took the very titles, and estates of their enemies: and followed their tyrannical spirit also, though the Lord was long suffering to them, and gave them a­day, and put opportunities into their hands, wherein they might have done good, but they also neglected to serve God, and the Nation to serve them­selves, and because of the ambition & pride of some of them, the Lord suffered them to make this last interruption upon you, which was great treachery [...]n mens account, that thereby their measure might be filled up, & that he might give you occasion against them, and suffer you to be filled with indigna­tion towards them, to break them to peices; and what you do to some of them in casting them out, and afflicting them, you are but Gods executioner [...] [...]herein, you are the executioners of his anger in what you do to them, and who shall prevent you, or forbid you to go on, for they have long enough dissem­bled with the Nation, in professing more then others, & doing less, & their downfal is now come, & God hath looked upon you, to be hard hearted, & [...]ruel enough, & very fit executioners of vengeance, upon such men as I have mentioned. But now concerning you, & your present state, as you are in presen [...] place and power, I have something to say to you, though they are fallen, and you yet stand, and you have a little time after them: but this [...] [...]ay, do not glory over their fall, neither glory as though you should stand for ever, for they were not greater sinners then you are, neither ar [...] you one whit more righteous then some of them, but you are as sure to fall, as they are fallen, with no less measure of dishonour and affliction then is come upon them, and you are in your last hour: And I dare not say that God expects much more from you, then for the end aforesaid (viz.) to be the executioners of Justice upon men as sinful as your selves, so do not glory over them that are fallen, but know that your time also is but short, and your fall may prove to your destruction, and theirs may prove to make them better, and refine them: And if God hath chosen you to execute some part of his wrath upon them for their wickedness, he will doubtless find Instruments to execute his wrath upon you, else he will do it with his own hand, for he purposeth not to spare you, for your sins cries as loud as the sins of any other people, and the oppres­sions are as great under you, as under them whom you condemn: And I desire if there be any good men amongst you, that such who are wise may consider, and mind the hand of the Lord in and through all these things that are come to pass, for God is a working as well as you, he is seek­ing to set up a Kingdome as well as you, and his Government and yours cannot stand together, and he will make you know that he is stronger, and his Government of more force, and your Kingdome cannot stand in place with his: Therefore oh that you would take heed! oh that you would be wise! if so be some of you may be spared, and be not too zealous in your way, nor too furious in your proceedings, do but to others, as you in­tend to receive from others, and from the Lord; and go not beyond your Commission, for a permission you have (at least) from God, even to scourge hypocrites, and to be a Judgment upon that hypocritical seeming religious generation of men aforesaid, which have many times as it were mocked God, and pretended love to him with their lips, when their hearts have yearned after self-honour, and treasures of this world; I say your present hour and permission is for this end, but not to persecute the people of the Lord, nor to destroy Gods Heritage; but if you shall extend your power unto such a work, and if you do persecute the Innocent without cause, and make war against the Lamb and his followers, and make Laws and execute them to the oppression of the Saints of the most High, then you go beyond your Commission, for God hath not called you unto this, but to be instruments in another cause; and the Children of Zion, they trust in the living God, and fears not the terror of mighty men, neither can they be afraid at the roaring of the Sea, nor at the present threatning of the Heathen, for God is with them.

And I say to you, the servant of the Lord hath pondered and considered all these proceedings, and viewed the present state of things at this day, and there is no Vision from God unto you, of peace and comfort, nor of a happy and lasting Government, as you now stand; if any Prophet shall divine this unto you, he speaks what he hath not from the Lord, but the vision of his own heart, and he deceives you and himself, for you are not established upon a right foundation, neither are you acted by a right spirit, which can truly govern for God; but the spirit of wrath and fury is put into you, for the work for which you are called: and I know not how to warn you, that you do not persecute the people of God, for why? it may be you must fill up your measure of wickedness thereby, that God may break you perpetually, yet the less will be your judgement if you do it not, but and if you do it, the Lord will take occasion against you, to wound you, and you shall never be healed; and as you do afflict others, so, and much more shall it be done unto you from the Lord: Wherefore consider what I have said, for this is the vision of the Almighty unto you, that shall not go unfulfilled; and what you do, you must do it quickly, for your time is short, and your power will God subdue, and his Power and Kingdome will he speedily exalt over your heads, and make you and the whole Nations know, that he is God, and that all power is with him, and that he can do whatsoever he will, and it is his right alone to reign, and his childrens portion to possess the Kingdome with him: Let the whole earth, and all the powers thereof bow and tremble before him, let not your hearts be stout and rebellious against him, for he can grind you to powder, and sink you into confusion and misery, as a stone into the Sea.


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