WITNESSED In truth and faithfulnesse, to the consciences of all People in it, that they may returne to the Lord, and repent.
ALSO, The great Abominations discovered of this People, who draws near God with their mouths, and professes self-separation, when as their hearts be far from the Lord.
WITH A WARNING to all sorts of People in it, what the Lord requires of them.
By a Lover of all your soules, E. B.
LONDON: Printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black-spread-Eagle, near the West end of Pauls, 1657.
THE Testimony of the Lord concerning LONDON. Witnessed forth in truth and faithfulnesse, to the Consciences of all people in it, that they may returne to the Lord and repent.
O LONDON, thou art weighed in an even ballance, and found too light; thou art measured by an equall line, and found too short, and too narrow, and thy People cannot stand in Judgement; for aboundance of iniquity lodgeth within thee, and thou abounds in all unrighteousnesse, thy sins are grown over thy head, and with transgression thou art covered as with a garment, from the head to the foot thou art corrupted, and there is much unsoundnesse in thee. O how doth pride abound, lightnesse and wantonnesse, and the lust of the eye, and all the works of the flesh is increased to a large sum; Aboundance of Idolatry and vanity springs out of thee, vaine fashions, foolish customes, and all manner of evill hath its abiding in thee; yea the very Seat of Satan is established within thy walls, and works of unrighteousnesse doth proceed out of thee into other Nations. Aboundance of deceitfull Merchandize, and of oppressing Merchants, who grind the face of the poor, doth inhabit thy borders, thy wayes are evill in the [Page 2] sight of the Lord, and his spirit is grieved and his soule is vexed from day to day, every moment of time.
Aboundance of treachery, flattery and hypocrisie, dissimulation, and double heartednesse, posesseth thine Inhabitants, from Teachers to People, high and low, rich and poor, you are fulfilling your own wills, and seeking your own pleasures, and following the Counsells of your own hearts, and doing that which is right in the sight of your own eyes; and your hearts are corrupted before the Lord, and the very best of your works are evill, and the purest of your wayes are filthy. And all your Observations, your dayes of Humiliation, and Thanksgivings, and all your worships and sacrafices, are abomination in the sight of the Lord: For no good fruit can spring forth, for your root is not the vine Christ Jesus, who cannot own the light, with which you are enlightned, and that makes all your Profession vile, and not accepted, but it is wholly unfruitfull in the sight of the Lord. Much Profession there is in thee of righteousnesse, and Religion, and many formes, and gatherings of people, which are but as so many images, and likenesses of divers sorts, which must be overturned, and overthrown by the roots.
You are all measured with the line of true judgement, and your buildings cannot stand, when the Lord comes to try you, and search, and try you for your life, for though you professe much, yet you performe little, your knowledge puffs you up, and you are not sincere hearted, but loose, and unsavoury are you in your wayes and words. There's much wisdome in thee, and many wise men whose wisdome is devi [...]lish, and it doth not lead to God, it must be confounded and trodden down, for it profits you not in the sight of the Lord, but in it you are wise to doe cvill, but to doe good you have no knowledge; And the Lord God is forgotten, and his judgements are not known, vanity, vanity, hath so stollen away your hearts, and after Idolls are you run, worshipping strange Gods, and following strange lovers: Aboundance of subtilty and craft lodges in thee, vaine glory excells above measure, pride, idlenesse; and fulnesse of bread abounds in thee, even as in Sodom, [Page 3] unto whom thou art become equall in transgression. Whoredome, drunkennesse, wrath and envy, gluttony and excesse, spending the creation upon the lust, and all the works of the flesh which are evill, hath their full grouth in thee, and in evill art thou fully ripe.
O London! Consider, and be awakened ye Inhabitants thereof, for the Lord is grieved day by day, and his soule is vexed every moment, the weight of thy transgression is upon him, thou even makest him to serve with thy sins; hath there been any evill committed by any Nation which is not in thee? hath there been any abomination brought forth, which is not in this day to be found in thee? Oh what haughtinesse, and stretched out necks! oh what pride, and vaine glory appears in thee, even thy Infants are nourished up in vanity, and thy old men are over-grown with craft, and deceit; Thy young men gives their strength to folly, and thy Maidens are trimd in wantonnesse: all sorts of People are prophane in their way, old and young, rich and poor, are abounding in evill, all seeking their own things, and few the things of Gods Kingdome, the way of truth is even despised, and they that depart from iniquity are become a prey to the mouths of the ungodly, who are grievously prophane, as though the Lord took no notice, or as though no day of account were to come, so great is the iniquity committed in thee, words reaches not to manifest it, what lying, what swearing, what vaine talking, and what scorning, and what double dealing appears in thee at every corner, what pride, what wantonnesse, and wickednesse is manifest in all thy streets. Teachers and People are out of the way, given to deceit, and to deceiving, oppressors, and oppressing one another, such is the Devills power amongst you ruling, it cannot easily be overcome; and so deep is wickednesse seated in thee, that it cannot easily be plucked up; so strong is the lust of the flesh grown in thee, that it cannot easily be removed: How is the glorious name of the Lord continually dishonoured, and polluted, through thy wickednesse, which is grown into a numberlesse sum. But the Lord will be avenged on all you his enemies, and will meet you with judgements, plagues, [Page 4] and vengeance, and the wicked shall not escape.
And as concerning all thy profession of God, and the Scriptures in a blind zeale, it is but abomination to the Lord, and all thy severall Sects, and gatherings of people, and separate Congregations, who is not separated by the Spirit of the Lord, they are but like so many molten and carved Images, which the Lord will overthrow. All thy offerings and oblations, preaching praying, and performances, Gods soule hath no pleasure in them, but they are a burden and wearinesse to him; and though thou wash thee never so clean, and make thy selfe never so faire through thine own labour, yet cannot thy iniquities be washed away, nor thy sin covered, for thy iniquities are marked before the Lord, and thy sin is written as with a pen of iron, and as with the point of a Diamond, all thy Steeple-house worship is nought but vanity before the Lord, all thy publick exercises, all thy Sabboath keeping, all thy set dayes of humiliation, and all thy private duties, and all that ever thou performest unto God, is not regarded of him, while the hearts of thy people is not aright in his sight, and upright before him. So the best of thy Sacrafices are but as the cutting off of a dogs neck, and the offering of Swines blood, for in thee is found the great abomination, open prophanesse abounds, and secret hypocrisie super-abounds, and thou art as abominable in the eyes of the Lord in thy hypocriticall profession of righteousnesse, as thou art in thy open sins.
In thee is found the abomination of Israel, mercy and truth, justice and true judgement is neglected: Doe not thy Heads judge for reward? and doe not thy Priests preach for hire? and doe not thy Prophets prophesie falsly? and doe not they divine for money? and doe not thy People love to have these things so? Oh how art thou deceived by thy Teachers, and led blind by the blind leaders, even they that lead thee cause thee to erre, and they that should instruct thee teaches thee vaine things. Woe unto them, the Lords wrath is against them? how doe they make a prey upon the people? how doe they feed themselves, and cloath themselves, each one of them having a quarter from which they seek their [Page 5] gaine, and through covetousnesse making Merchandize of soules; the false Prophets of Israel was their example, and they follow in the path of unrighteōusnesse, having run and was never sent of God, and therefore the people are not profited at all, nor turned to God, but from year to year, and time to time, ever learning, but cannot come to the knowledge of the truth.
Ignorance abounds in thy old men, and rudenesse, and wildnesse in thy youths, and thy people are without the knowledge of God, and perishes for lack of knowledge; thou art even as a wild untilled garden, which bringeth forth no pleasant fruit, thy vines are as the vines of Sodem, and thy fruit is loathsome to the Lords tast, wild grapes, and soure grapes is brought forth in thee, which the Lord hath no pleasure in, ye bring forth fruit unto your selves, and not unto the Lord, ye kindle a fire, and warmes your selves with your own sparks, ye sacrafice to your own net, and ye think to be heard for your much babling, and your many performances: Abundance of the first mans wisdome is among you, it leads you, and guides you, and not the Spirit of God, and through your own wisdome which is devillish you conforme to the Saints words, and to their practises in outward appearance, and makes your selves like the Saints, and bowes unto your own Images, and likenesses which ye make, and are grown wise and full of knowledge, but it is not the wisdome of God, nor the knowledge that will endure for ever, For you neglect the one thing which onely needfull to eternall life. Your buildings are high, but they are not upon the true foundation, for many of you stumbles at the corner stone; your sprinkling of Infants is a very cheat, and all that believe therein are deceived; and your singing of Davids experiences in rime and meeter, is a very lie unto you; your worship is but Idolatry, and it will not cover you in the day of the Lord, though none be like unto thee O London in profession, nor any City hardly can compare with thee, in respect of the Multitude of thy gathered assemblies, and self-separates, yet all this will not availe thee, when the Lord searcheth thy heart, which is [Page 6] found not perfect before the Lord, but full of vaine glory, and lust, and pleasures of the flesh, and dissimulation, and guile, with the wrath of God will be revealed against; a single and an upright heart, is of greater price with the Lord, then all the performances of selfe-righteousnesse that is done in thee, while your hearts are given to vanity, and continue therein.
Wherefore O London, this is a Warning to thee, Let thy Inhabitants repent, the dreadfull day of the Lord is coming, I have heard the voyce of war against thee, and not of peace, the cry of howling, and bitter Lamentation, and not of gladnes, nor joy of heart, what wilt thou doe in the day of thy visitation, when the the Lord stretcheth forth his hand to smite thee, to whom wilt thou flee, and where wilt thou be hid when the Lord shewes himselfe thy Enemy, and appears to take an accout of thee, what will become of all thy treasures, how will thy vaine glory become a stink, how will the dayes of thy mirth be turned into grievous sorrow, in stead of thy pleasures, and delicacies, and mirth, and wantonnesse, shall be sighing, and mourning, and wofull Lamentation, all thy Gods shall not be able to deliver thee, nor all thy profession shall not justifie thee, nor all thy selfe-separating people shall not be able to stand in the gap to stay the hand of the destroyer, none of thy carved Images shall stay his fury, nor none of thy severall Sects shall be a Mountaine to hide thee, when the Lord strips thee naked, and layes thee bare, and gives thee to know what is in thy heart, which will come upon thee in a day not looked for.
Wherefore repent all sorts of people, and turne to the Lord if there may be mercy found. Cease your wickednesse ye wicked, and learne to live righteously. Woe unto you drunkards. Woe unto you whoremongers. Woe unto you coveteous. Woe unto you Lyars, Swearers, and Scorners. Woe unto you dissemblers, and deceitfull dealers. Woe unto you proud, and vaine glorious. Woe unto you lustfull people. The Lord will plead with you all, and give unto you the fruit of doings, and reward according to your works; his hand shall [Page 7] not spare, nor his eye shall not pity in the day that he comes to Judgement, when he takes vengeance upon all the seed of cvill doers, and to pluck up the wild branches, and to cast them into the fire. Sackcloath shall be put on instead of gay Apparell, and all thy Idolls shall vanish away; as for all thy profession, where is it? all thy many Sermons, and long Prayers, what is become of them? and all thy publique and private duties, where are they? shall it be said, Ye shall all know that there is a God that will execute judgement and justice, and that will plead with all flesh, and in his sight shall no flesh be justified.
And all ye who thirsteth for the Lord, and desireth after the knowledge of his wayes, unto whom iniquity is a burden, by you desired to be freed from, who have long sought the Lord, and have not yet found him, who have prayed, and had no answer, and have been weary, and heavy laden, and found no rest: I say unto you, Save your selves from this untoward generation, come ye out of these abominations, that you may be delivered from the wrath; Fear ye the Lord, and doe not offend him in any thing, stand in awe, and transgresse not, love righteousnes and truth, touch no unclean thing, and the Lord will receive you, meddle not with their worships, nor bow not to their Images, nor sacrifice not to their Idoll gods, have no fellowship with them in their prophanesse, nor yet in their hypocrisie, but hearken ye to the voyce of the Lord, that you may know his judgements in your hearts, and his Law and Covenant established with you; depart from all iniquity, and cast away all your Idolls, and forsake all your lovers. Give not your selves to the wayes and pleasures of this world, but give your selves to chastity, to sobernesse, and meeknesse, and above all things be upright in heart towards God, and towards man, speak the truth one to another, and let no guile dwell in your lips, nor a deceitfull tongue in your mouth. And cease from all vaine glory, and vaine customes, and fashions of the world, which are evill.
And cease from all Men-teachers, which deceives the People by flattering words, who cries peace when the Lord hath [Page 8] not spoken peace, and daubes with untempered Morter, such hath not profited you at all, but your soules are starved under your Ministry, and leannesse is upon you, though you ever learne of them, yet you cannot come to the knowledge of the truth by them. Cease from them all, and from all your gathered and selfe-separate Congregations, and waite upon the Lord that you may know him to be your Teacher, who is the Teacher of all his people, and he teacheth in the perfect way of peace and truth, and gives peace unto all that waite upon him, and causeth the heart of the upright to rejoyce, he taketh away sin, and removes it from his people, and he forgiveth all their iniquities, and healeth all their back-slidings, and blessed are all they that put their trust in him, for he is a God near at hand, for he dwells in his people, and he is worshipped onely in the Spirit, and in the truth. He dwells not in Temples made with hands, neither is he worshipped in outward observations, his soule hath no pleasure among any selfe-separate People, who cryes I am holier then another, neither is he well pleased with a Sacrafice of the proud; all their Baptismes, and Fellowships, and Meetings, is but a wearinesse to the Lords soule, and he hath no pleasure in any of their works, who follows their own spirit, and are not led with the pure Spirit of God alone, but unto every one of such will he look, who is poor in spirit, and of a contrite heart, and of a single and upright mind, he gives regard unto every one that feares his Name, who thirsts and hungers after him in truth and righteousnesse, and this is of exceeding great prize in the sight of the Lord, yea more then all offerings and oblations whatsoever, even more then thousands of rames, and ten thousands of river of Oyle. Therefore hearken diligently to the voyce of the Lord, and seek him with an upright heart, and thirst for him as for your daily food, I ose not your precious time, but call upon his name while he is near, for he is come near unto many; he stands at the door, if any will open, he will come in, and will dwell with them for evermore.
All sorts of People be awakened, be awakened, how doth the Lord wait to be gracious unto you, he even tarries for you [Page 9] till you returne to him, that his soule may have pleasure in you, who hath long been grieved by you. Therefore search your own hearts, and see how you stand prepared to meet the Lord by following of his Counsell, who hath so loved you, and all man kind, that he hath given his Son into the world to be a light unto you all, and every one of you is lightned by him, and with the light you will know your evill deeds, and are convinced of them, and reproved for them, and with this Light Jesus Christ calls you sinners to Repentance, to turne from your evills that you may be restored.
If you love this Light, you love Christ, who will save you from all your sins, and from condemnation: If you hate this Light you hate Christ, and you remaine in your sins to be everlastingly condemned. And thus is the way of life, and the way of death set before you all: if you follow the light of Christ Jesus, it will teach you to deny this world, and all the vanities of it, it will teach you to deny your own wills, and the counsells of your own hearts, and whatsoever is contrary to God in thought, word, or action, and in all things it will teach to follow Jesus Christ, that you may be justified by him; But if you follow not the light, then you chuse your own wayes to follow your own wills, and your own lusts, and all temptations, and you deny Christ and the way of truth, and so the wrath of God abides upon you, for you continue in unbeliefe, and in hardnesse of heart, and are the servants of sin unto death, if you follow not the light which Christ hath enlightned you withall, who lighteth every man that comes into the world, that they may believe and be saved. Therefore take heed to the light, if you be guided by it, you shall not transgresse against God, but you will receive the power of God to overcome all evill; all sin and iniquity will be condemned in you, and your hearts will be made clean for the Lord to dwell in, whose dwelling is in his people, and you must all cease from professing of what you doe not posesse, and from talking of what you doe not enjoy, for that is hypocrifie, and to be judged. So all ye Professours be awakened, Christ without you will not justifie you, except yee know [Page 10] Christ within you, the Profession of him will not take away sin, nor justifie in the sight of God, except you come to witnesse the operation of his Spirit in you, and to teach you, from all evill, and into all good.
Therefore come to the feeling of the Spirit of Jesus in you, and the working of it, which changeth, reneweth, and sanctifieth, and brings to witnesse the same truth to be manifest in the heart, which the Scripture speaks of without; and as you receive the same Spirit which gave forth the Scriptures, so you will understand the Scriptures, and by no other means; For all your Preaching, and talking of the Scriptures without the Spirit is but vaine babling, and that mouth is to be stopt, for God is not known where the operation of his Spirit is not felt in the heart, nor he cannot be worshipped in truth, but where his Spirit leads and guides. Much vaine Profession ther's in thee O City, in which the Lord hath no delight: And this is the Testimony of the Lord which I give concerning thee, and doe yet once more call unto thee, as often I have done, and doe seale the Lords Testimony against thee, even against all thy righteousnesse, and against all thy sin, which are both alike unto God, and both to be condemned. Thou hast been warned, and thy people, and the day of a glorious Visitation hath passed over thee, the Lord hath reached unto many, and striked many who have not grieved, but carelesly walked, and slighted the day of their visitation, and have not hearkned to the Lords call, unto thousands hath the word of the Lord been declared, and the Kingdome of God preached nigh at hand, and the very way of life and death hath been set before you, for the Lord hath sent unto thee to warne thee, and to shew unto thee what the Counsell of the Lord is; and thousands have been reached with the power of God, and convinced of the way of life & peace, who yet continues in hardnes of heart, and disobedience, following the counsell of their own heart, and the desire of their own minds, which are wholly evil continually, and the condemnation of such will be just in the day of the Lord, and greater then theirs to whom the way of the Lord hath not been known. And yet amongst thy thousands [Page 11] who are in the way to destruction, the Lord hath a remnant, a few among so many, which are precious unto him, and whom his soule delighteth in, who are despised in thee, and set at nought, and cast out of the favour of all men; yet is the Lords presence amongst them, and his fear in their hearts, and his encrease is unto them, and his power with them, till all their enemies be vanished as a cloud, for they are of the true seed, and of the true birth, which the Lord will blesse, though they be accounted as thy slaves, and bondmen, yet are they free in the Lord; and this is the very fulfilling of thy wickednesse, and the height of the transgression of thy Rulers, Teachers and People, in that some of them that feares the Lord, and walks with him are persecuted in thee, even they are made a prey unto the wicked, to the slanderers, to the drunkards, to the scorners, to unjust and cruell men, the people of the Lord are become a very prey in thee, even as meat for the devourers. Oh what wilt thou do in the day of thy visitation, when the righteous Judge numbers up these things against thee? thystaffe shall faile thee, thy Physitians shall be of no value, and all thy comforters shall be miserable at that day. I have truly considered thy condition, and measured thy state, and I have often seriously weighed thy wickednesse, and pondered what would be the end thereof, and there is no vision of peace unto thee, but even the day of desperate sorrow, a recompence for all thy works from the hand of the Lord. I have often truly lamented thee, and seriously hath thy condition entred into my heart, thy iniquities have often pressed my soule, and my Spirit hath been grieved within me, when I have viewed thy great abominations, and how thousands in thee wholly perish for lack of knowledge, and even resists, and will not be instructed, despightfully using such as doth warne them, even loving and delighting in their abominations; These things have often made my heart sad, who have walked in thee as a stranger, and measured thee with the line of true judgement, and this is thy height, and length, and depth, Iniquity lodgeth in thee, and Iniquity covers thee, and Iniquity compasseth thee about.
[Page 12] And this is a Warning to thee, from the Lord in faithfulnesse declared unto thee, whether thou resist, or receive, and thus far I am clear of the Blood of all men in thee, who seeketh not any thing in thee for my selfe, but seeketh, and hath often, to the Lord for thee, that thy people might know him, and worship him alone, who gives unto them all good things, and hath caused the fulnesse of all good Creatures to abound, and hath given plenty of all things, abundance of which is spent vainly upon the lust, to the dishonour of God who gives it; how much is vainly spent upon vanity in meats, and drinks, and apparell? Its hard to be declared what abundance of the good creatures of God is vainely destroyed in thee upon the lust in the excesse, more then what satisfies pure nature, your gluttony and high minds devoureth in abundance the good creatures which God gives, and he is thereby grieved with you, who hath taken notice of this your sin, which is not the least of your transgressions, and he will plead with you for it, even in all things great is your wickednesse, and the Lord hath numbred it. And above all things that is done in thee, thy deceitfull profession and pretence of worship of God, is the Lord most grieved with, who hates all your Meetings of gathered assemblies, which is not gathered by his Spirit, he will confound your wisdome, and overthrow all your buildings; Wherefore repent ye, and cease from Idolls, and all Idolatry, and cease for ever to warme your selves at your own sparks, for this shall you have at the Lords hands, Ye shall lie down in sorrow.
A WARNING to you all sorts of People.
YE Merchants, and traders, and trafiquers, and all ye that buy and sell, be plaine and upright hearted, and lie not, swear not, dissemble not for gaine unto your selves, for that is cursed of the Lord, and the gaine that is thereby received; but speak the truth every man to his neighbour, flatter not such with whom you deale by feigned words of guile, whilst secret over-reaching lodgeth in your hearts, to make a prey upon your neighbour or brother, for this is evill in the sight of the Lord, but speak the truth in all things, and let your yea be yea, and your nay nay, in all your common occasions, for whatsoever is more is evill, and what is advantaged unto you through deceit, or lying, or multitude of vaine words, it shall be a curse unto you, and not a blessing unto you, or to your children; let the truth guide you in all your dealings one with another, and let the fear of God be in your hearts in all your enterprizes at Sea and Land. I warne you all, seek not by any evill means to enrich your selves, neither oppresse one another in any thing wherein you deale, for you know not how long your time shall be upon earth, nor how soon the day of account will come, wherein every word and every work shall be brought to Judgement, yea for every idle word shall ye give an account, and all those words are idle which are not spoken in the fear of the Lord, therefore live and act in the fear of God, that you may be blessed in all that you doe. And all ye whom the Lord hath blessed with riches and increase, see that you abuse not that which God hath blessed you withall, but in all things that it be used to the glory of the Lord, and not wasted in excesse upon the lust of your own minds, for the creation is the Lords, and all things are given by him, and taken away at his pleasure, and he maketh rich, and he maketh poor whomsoever he will. Therefore every man be content with his own, and covet not one [Page 14] anothers, nor defraud not one another to enrich your selves, for it is cursed of the Lord.
And all ye handicrafts people, and labouring people, fear ye the Lord continually, and use no deceit, nor craft, nor policy in what you doe in labour, seek not to blind mens eyes by faire outsides, neither to cozen and cheat the simple by slighty work, but let the truth guide you, and that will teach you to doe for all men as you would they should doe for you, and this is acceptable in the sight of God; let your commodities be just and right, and let all your labour be with a single heart, and do all things as in the sight of the Lord, and then you cannot doe evill if the fear of God be before your eyes, and the evill in all things will be denyed, and the corruption that is entred into all callings and trades, will be judged out, and be examples one to another of truth and righteousnesse and cozen not nor cheat not one another, nor use not many words, nor vaine gestures, but own the Lord to be your Teacher, which will teach you truth to do it, and to speak it in all things.
And all ye young men, and Prentises, Learn ye the fear of the Lord, and take heed of temptations, least ye be destroyed both soule and body by them; learn not to dissemble, nor to defraud, nor take not instructions how to cozen and cheat, but first seek the kingdome of God and its righteousnesse, and then all outwards things shall be added unto you. Give not your selves to any evill, beware of Wine and Women, which steales away the hearts of many, give not your selves to vanity, nor fulfill not the desire of your own minds in any thing, covet not after riches, neither study how to be pround and vaine glorious, give not your selves to craft and humane policies, nor to deceive any people, but fear God and keep his Commandments, and be subject to your Masters, and obey them in all things that is good, and be dutifull to them in that which is just and righteous, but deny them in whatsoever is evill: Learn not craft aud policy from them, neither whoredome, nor vice, nor drunkennesse, nor cozenning, nor any other thing which is evill, but rather reprove those things, then in the least to follow them; and if you doe the truth, [Page 15] and speak the truth in all things, and keep your selves from whatsoever is evill, then will the Lord blesse you outwardly, and inwardly, and the knowledge of God will be your crown in old age; and cease from all gamings, and vain sportings, and from all wantonnesse, and vaine pleasures, and from all the works of the flesh, for they that follow such things shall neither prosper in this world, nor be blessed in the world to come. Wherefore take heed unto your selves all ye that are young in the world, be not overcome of evill, nor follow not evill devices, but stand in awe continually, and offend not God, who gives you life, and health, and all good things.
And all ye Masters and heads of Families, this is a Warning to you, be examples of all good in your Families unto your children and servants, rule in Authority in the fear of God, but not in tyranny, nor a rigorous mind, teach and instruct in fear, and not in cruelty, give no bad example in pride, vaine glory, drunkennesse, whoredome, dissimulation, nor any other thing, but stand as a terrour over all evill, and as encouragers of all good, bind not the conscience of any under your power, curb sin onely, and reprove not righteousnesse; seek ye to be taught of God, and then may you instruct all under you in his way; be pittifull towards your children, and servants, and passe by offences rather then punish them with cruelty, and make not a prey upon your Servants to serve your own ends onely, seeking your own good onely and not theirs, for such things are evill in the sight of God, and it is to be condemned: Let no excesse, neither let want, be in your Families, but that which is honest and right, love that in all things, and follow it; let not your anger and passion exceed when offence is given you, and doe not correct in cruelty, but in a good understanding, and walk in the truth, and fulfill the will of God, and not your own, and this is of great prize and acceptable in the sight of the Lord.
And all ye Tavern keepers, and Inn-keepers, fear the Lord God, and oppresse not your guests neither feed the lust of any til they be drunk, for that is cursed of God both in you & them, and that which he will be avenged of. Oh great is that abomination [Page 16] among you, much of the good creatures is vainly and wickedly spent, and abused in your dwellings, and your advantage stands in the abuse of the creatures by excesse, and the Lord is grieved with you because of that.
And all sorts of People, rich and poor, high and low, Masters and Servants, Parents and children, buyers and sellers, Trades men and labourers, Hearken to the counsell of God, and seek to know his will to you in all things that you may doe it, in following all that which is good, and denying all that which is evill, that your soules may live; Let not the Devill lead you, nor his temptations overcome you in any thing, but resist him in whatsoever he would lead you into which is against God and contrary to him.
Repent of all evill that ever you have acted, & let the Lord be your guide that you may not utterly perish, and your City be destroyed for your sakes, the Lords love is towards you, and he waits to be gracious unto you, and desireth your returne, rather then your destruction, and would heale you if ye did waite upon him, and would blesse your City, and make you happy in it, if you doe his will, and deny your own.
I am a friend unto all your soules, and a publisher of peace, and of glad tidings to all that thirst for the Lord, and he hath given me to warne you of all your Iniquities, and abominations to deny them, and of all that which is good to follow it. And oh that ye knew in this your day the things which belongs to your peace, which now ye may know, before they be totally hid from your eyes, and there be no place for Repentance, nor time of returning, and this day will come upon many, and they cannot escape it, who now hardens their hearts against the way of your own peace, and even scornes to be reproved for their transgression, and such my soule pitties who are going in the way of destruction, and runs hastily into perdition; I have many times been made sad by reason of such, when I have measured the condition of all people; upon my bed, I have pondered what abomination was in thee, and what would be the end thereof, and I have desired nothing so much, as that I might faithfully warne thee, and free [Page 17] my selfe, and the Lord from the blood of all men; deep thoughts have been upon me concerning what the counsell of the Lord is unto you all, that I might manifest the truth, and discover the abominations, and I have not spared to cry repentance unto sinners, that sinners might be converted, and turne unto the Lord, and thus farre I am clear of the blood of all men, and the Lord is cleare, and if the wicked perish, it is because of their unbeliefe, and gainsaying of the Lord, and this is the Testimony that I give unto thee, and unto all thy people, O London hearken, and consider this is the only day of your visitation, and there is not another way to life, nor to escape everlasting death, and destruction then that which the Lord hath shewed you, Blessed is he that can receive it, and they that deny it doth utterly perish without mercy.
London the 15 of the 6 moneth, 1657.I am as a stranger among you, yet well known to the Lord, and the Testimony of God concerning you shall stand for ever; for it is true, and shall not be confounded, though the wicked reject it to their own destruction.