A true Copie of a Letter sent from Mr VVILLIAM BVLWARKE, a Grand Recusant in his Maiesties Arms, to a friend of his, one Mr. Iohn Greenall in Drury Lane. Which letter on the 16. of this Moneth of November was intercepted, and in which is manifestly expressed the horrible designes of the Papists and Cavaliers for the surprizing of the Citie of London, and the destruction of the Parliament.

SIR, I had well hoped, there should not have been any need of sending any more letters to our friends in Lon­don, but in the stead of your enjoying me by paper, that wee should have enjoyed one another in person, where our loves should have feared neither interception nor suspition; how soever I have ventured this last by the safest hand I could, and I hope it will arrive as safe as it is meant. What successe our designes had on last Saturday, being the 12. of November, you well understand: all the hopes and promises from you, and the failings of them, we know not which way to impute either to your feare, or to the misreport of what had happened in our Army. This for a certaine, that the Catholique cause could never find a better opportunity to advance it selfe, had you but the spirits to conceive it. The best Regiment that the Parliament had, and stoutest, was that day sorely distressed, they had fire and water enough; and from the fury of one element, they plunged themselves into the mercy of the other. The other Regiments that came in to their rescue, were quickly weary of their taske. In the mean time the City was in a tumult, their Generals distracted, their Forces scattered, neither could there have been a greater advantage, had we then but hands & hearts to follow it. This bearer can truly possesse you how sensible we are what a losse by your neglect, the Catholique cause then received. Let us understand by this bearer, the reason of it: and because his me­mory is but weake, let us partake it in some letter. We are sorry to understand of the Captivity of our friend who was taken at Mile-End, & do much lame at his [...]ni fortune, that so great a head should be overtaken by so weak agents. Remember me kindly to your brother Nicol [...]s, & if no further good can be done with you, advise him to haste to the army. Our army is not so weak either in number or in courage, as it is reported in the City, and some three hundred of the Parliaments Forces are reported this day to be united to ours. It is commonly reported, that all the vaults and close wayes under ground, from S. Pauls unto Westminster, are discovered unto the inhabitants, who have made it knowne unto the Parliament. I pray be carefull to send direct word of it: for upon that (as you sufficiently know) the chiefest of our designes depend. Let me not faile to heare of you by the returne of honest Thomas: for though we are so neer unto intelligence, yet we heare nothing certaine, some affirming one thing, some another; and oftentimes we have more newes from a Round-head then a Catholique. I have no good newes from Yorke, if you heare any, I pray impart it. We are now at Kingstone, where we beleeve we shall reside a while. Some of our Cavaliers did weare the Earle of Es­sex his colours, and by that meanes we found an easier admittance into the towne. Remember to fend me true word what is become of our friends in Summersetshire. We hope within these few dayes to kisse the hand of the good Queen againe, whose presence will be a great encouragement to the whole Army; but especially to him who is

Your most affectionate friend who prayes for the happines of your soule and body, William Bulwarke.

This Letter was intercepted by one Thomas Harland, and delivered to Mr. Greenall as from the abovesaid Messenger, who although (it seemes) he something did suspect him, did give unto it this reply as followeth.

SIR, I am most sorry in hope to receive you, to receive your Letter: And I more wonder, that you shou'd write now to me by such a Messenger in so dangerous a time, whose face before I never saw, nor ever heard of his name; but because that you are p [...]eased to repose so much trust in him, I have done so too, and as necre as I can, to give you sa­tisfaction to the materials of your Letter. If you knew in earnest, how thin our numbers are here, how much wee are of late discountananced and cryed downe, there would remaine no further ground for your wonder of our neg­lect. For my part, the Catholique and our cause are growne so odiou unto the Cirie, with the most narrow eye they are so much sought after, and sentenced, that we scarce dare hold any commerce in private, our numbers are every day grown lesse and lesse, and I am almost afraid to see my own face in the glasse. What could be expected where there is so little to be done; and where, if that little was done, it would put the whole cause into a greater distresse and ieopardy then as yet it is. The Forces of the Parliament were that night most carefull that no opportunity should be neglected, the fields and the City were filled withar­med men; and there wanted, I beleeve, no resolution to their numbers: even their women (forsooth) were so full of courage, that in that tumult and alarme, they would seeme to put new courage into the men, and were as busie in arming their friends, as they were of late in assisting their workes against us. To confirme your beliefe in this truth, the other night there was a false an alarme rai­sed, I beleeve on purpose in the City, and it is a wonder to consider, what multitudes in every street were immediatly gathered to­gether, whereby their resolution, by those who raised the coyle, might easily be observed. The day following, our friends house on Clarkenwell Green, who belonged sometimes to the Spanish Embassador, was plundred by their Souldiers. You would won­der to see how all his moveables were torne from him, and made a prey to the violence and greedinesse of the Souldiers. I much lament the taking of our brave friend at Mile-End, and justly partake in his sufferings with you. I heare nothing of the discove­ry of any vaults, and I much wonder that you would intrust so great a secrer unto paper, and from such a bearer, who although hee told me his name was Thomas, yet is not that Thomas I expected from you. Our affaires at Yorke doe move but slowly forward, neither doe I beleeve are there those Heroicke spirits which was conceived there had been. If I be not much mistaken in your bro­ther Nicolas, who hath been lately there, and last night intended to be with you, can give you a true and exact rel [...]tion of all things that have happened there, and the Countries thereabouts. I am glad with you to partake of the good newes of her Ma [...]esties re­turne to England, which in these manifold afflictions and daily feares which doe surround me, brings some ease and comfort to

Your true distressed friend, Iohn Greenall.

Printed for Francis Wright, 1642.

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