A VINDICATION OF THE CHRISTIAN QUAKERS, FROM THE Malicious Insinuations, in a late PAMPHLET, said to be Signed on their Behalf by D.S.
WHEREAS there is a Scandalous and Malicious Libel, or Pamphlet, lately Published, Intituled, An Answer to several Passages, Citations, or Charges, in a late Book of F. Bugg's, Stiled, New Rome Arraigned, &c. and said to be given forth, and Signed in Behalf of the Christian Quakers, without any Name, but only the Letters, D. S. to it. We, who are of that Christian People, called Quakers, and have walked in Society with them for many Years, do hereby declare, That the said Pamphlet was not written by any, that had Direction or Leave from us, or any in Unity with, or owned, by us, or any Meeting of ours; but that it is a meer Trick put upon us, by some Malicious Adversary, to MisreĀpresent and Abuse us, under pretence of Writing on our Behalf; and that we are thereby greatly Wronged, and very injuriously Dealt with: Of which we think fit to give this Publick Notice, that none, for want of due Information, may be Misled by that Pamphlet into an ill Opinion of us. For we sincerely declare, That we do firmly believe all Things recorded in the Holy Scriptures, which we acknowledge to have been given forth by Divine Inspiration: And we do utterly deny and disown all Doctrines contrary thereunto, however Misrepresented by our Adversaries.
In witness whereof, we do for our selves, and our Friends and Brethren, in Scorn called Quakers, hereunto set our Names, subscribing our selves, as in Truth we are, well Wishers to all Men.
- Edward Brush,
- Walter Miers,
- Thomas Cox,
- Charles Bathurst,
- Gilbert Latey,
- Thomas Lower.
- William Phillips,
- Thomas Mincks,
- John Vaughton,
- Nathanael Markes,
- John Cooper,
- William Bingley,
- Charles Marshall,
- Timothy Emerson,
- William Sanders,
- George Bowles,
- John Feild,
- Michael Russel,
- John Knight,
- Henry Gouldney,
- John Tomkins.
- Thomas Hutson,
- John Evered
- Daniel Wharley,