The strength and power of God manifested [in the creatures weakness] against the hard judgment and judgments of cruel and unreasonable minded men, (in and of the World, and Worlds spirit, and worldly censures); whose rashness and hastinesse [therein] against the innocent, God hath found out a way to overcome and subject (even patience and endurance [of and under sufferance] in the quiet and meek Life and Spirit of the Lamb of the Fathers Glory) the fury and rage of man, that turneth to the praise and glory of God; and returns the evill and mischief [thereof] on their own heads (as the remainder of what more of the rage and fury [of mans cruelty] than makes for such honour and praise of God and his creatures good) he doth [...] And
The strength and power of God experienced in the Creatures weaknesse.
Introduct. IT alwayes hath been and is manifested in the suffering life (of the Fathers will and wisdome of good pleasure,) wherein the weakness and emptinesse and nothingness [of the creature] doth exalt and magnifie the praise and glory of God [his Maker and Creator,] and is that in which God doth delight to glory, as what makes for his own honour (in the worthiness of that one that debaseth himself to the dust [for the creatures good] to the bringing him back into unity of spirit [with that one] in which is a good and glory that is everlasting, and a rejoycing [therein] that is endless (in God over all blessed for evermore;) that into the sense hereof the creature may come, and in that may dwell and sit down (and count what is before them, and also what is behind) that empties the creature of all, and brings out of all conceitedness and exaltation and heighth of spirit, to see the nothingness and emptiness and worthlessness of the creature in himself (in a state he is fallen in and under, and into the nature of which he is degenerated, and with the spirit and life of which he hath adulterated) that God may be all in all [unto and in the creature] [Page 4]and his honour and glory over all exalted [for ever and ever] that is thus worthy; where that glory [only] can be and is prized and esteemed [that is endless;] and without which [sence] he worth and glory & value thereof remains unknown, or unsought-for.
Therefore, Concerning the sufferance of God [by his spirit] in the creature, consider (in the fear of God) hat nothing is suffered to work against the innocen [...] (in this day,) but what makes for the praise and glory of God (that so suffereth it;) for the remainer (of what more than makes for his praise and glory in sufferance) he did and doth restrain; and then is praised and glorified (in that work of restraint) over the Elements, and other unsensible creatures, that are more obedient to the work of his Spirit and Powers requirings, than his creature Mankind, against whom the Oxe and Ass are called witnesses, and the Sea (that keeps its bounds (when to the proud swelling waves it is said, Ye shall not surpass your limit; for hitherto shall ye go, and no further) and every creature in like manner, and in their place, testifieth against man (in the fall and transgression against God;) as was seen of old, when the waters witnessed against the world they overtook (in the oldness of that state [of sinning and rebelling against God,]) and against Pharoah and his Host (as did the fire against Sodom and Gomorrah;)
And always did the creatures resistance of, and striving against Gods Spirit and Judgment, strengthen it against himself, & Gods Glory appeared in the deliverance of his own Seed (in his own way and time) the more glorious and excellent (for the sake of the patience of his Saints and children (in his Spirit and Spirits work) he suffered the enemy and enemies work to come forth and exalt self in,) that over all glory and excellency that might be exalted (that was and is worthy of endless praise and glory,) which should be satisfaction to all the upright in heart (whose cause is Gods, and left with him to plead) that they may be kept from fretting under the same (the fret of the wicked) in envying their prosperity; but in the midst thereof may rejoyce, that for righteousness sake they are found worthy so to do; and if it be not for that, the less cause have they to be angry and discontented and offended;) for God is praised and glorified (by and in his own works (on his creature) in his and their spirits sufferance (that thereby manifesteth the patience of such his Spirits work, and of his Saints in whom it thus [Page 5]works (in Gods forbearance of executing tht fiercenesse of judgment on the world, and unreasonable minded in their cruelty;) who by sufferance and endurance, is now come forth to conquer that, which by the strength of desire of that life (the glory of God was first concerned in) once awakened the fury of such Gods judgment (in what was the pain and death of the creature;) Mark, the prayer and desire of the righteous [in all ages and generations] moved and awaken'd God [in judgment] against the world (in that state of wickedness it lyes;) and that ministration was glorious, to the awakening a witness for God [in his creature] against what Gods Judgments were bent, and over which they were exalted (which made Christ say to the Pharisees [of old] he could pray the Father, and he would send more than twelve Legions of Angels to deliver him; and to his Disciples (that would have had fire come down from Heaven, and consume their enemies) they knew not what spirits they were of;) for he came not to destroy mens lives; but to save it; and God was in him [mark that,] before the world began, reconciling it to himself. which he suffered to work and come forth (in the world) in enmity against his Spirit, to honour and praise and exalt his Judgment, and the justice and justness thereof (against the offenders, that refused to be warned by gentle and light corrections and afflictions (that are the chastisements of Gods children, and is it which makes chast to God, where a virgin state and birth (thereof) is known and witnessed (in the world) in his Spirits leading and guidance (that learned obedience by the things he suffered.)
And all these things were written for our admonition and instruction )on whom the ends of the earth are come,) that have believed the report of such that gave testimony concerning the work of that Spirit (or of God who is a Spirit): And though by their faith mighty works and things (of old) were done, even Lyons mouths stopt, and the rage of devouring fire quenched, &c. and they all dyed in the faith of the work of God (by and in that Spirit,) yet the work was Gods (even that of the restraining power and wisdome of the worker,) and he only was worthy of, and had the praise thereof, that flesh might not glory; therefore had not they received the promise of God (in the glory of what he determined to rejoyce in) he having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect (mark, without us should not; and a more better thing and glorious day (that they desired to see, [Page 6]and saw not, no not one of those dayes we see) hath appeared, and is manifest (in the world,) and yet the world are under-valuing the glorious appearance of God (in our day and age,) because of their own blindness and hardness of heart, and would make it lesse or the least of and in any Age and Generation of the world; and think the work of God perfected in their faith and belief of somthing already done (without them) many years past, as the work of a body without a spirit (as is their faith (therein) without the work of that Spirit) dead.
This therefore is my advice unto the world and all people (therein), to return to the Lord (in that suffering spirit (which of old carryed many through great tryals and cruel sufferance;) and conquered the power and pain of death, and other grievous afflictions they were called to, and passed through (who were faithful to the requirings thereof;) and they had the joy thereof, as well in sufferance and endurance (of what thereby they were called to (for the tryal of their faith) [...]s in experience of deliverance (by the work of the same (Spirit) through their faith;) wherein was and is deliverance witnessed (under sufferance and endurance of whatever makes for the exalting the judgment of God;) though the thing be suffered and endured (in obedience to the call and requirings of God (by his Spirit) the world & self are taking occation at:) Therefore, haste, haste, to meet the Lord by repentance, that into the suffering life of God all may come to be bended (that hath been exalted over the same) and in it may have a sence and feeling of the work of truth (by the Spirit of God wrought and working in the heart;) and of its sufferance, by what hath darkened the Judgment (of Creatures) and mis-lead their minds (in the spirit of the World, and errour of mis-lead Judgments.)