IT hath bene signified at large (according to the power and truth of the living word of God) unto the Army now on foote in England; by letters unto their Generall Fairfax, and the Generall Councell of the Army, that they, to wit, the Souldiers, are in their unjust designe, and false judgement deeper subjected unto the Devill, then those, over whom they have by force and violence set up themselves as Iudges, without and against God.
And since the Inhabitants of those three Kingdomes, are alltogether, because of the great sinnes, abominations, perjuries, shedding of blood, and wicked Oathes, (which have taken deepe rootes therein from a great while since) guilty of the outward punishments and plagues, wherewith God hath now a time hitherto visited other nations also: Therefore the blood which hath bene shed for this cause, and from this roote of sinnes and abominations, (being the fruits thereof) can with no right nor justice be cast upon one onely man, as the Souldiers there in England, according to their presumtuousnes doe pretend, and upon such false grounds have traiterously taken away the life of their King, the very Devill having lifted up himself for a judge, for to kindle by this meanes the fire more fiercely, in the whole Country and Kingdome.
For when God intends to punish a Country or Kingdome, for the abundance of sinnes, and transgressions, committed therein; then he giveth, or permitteth them such superiours, by whom the punishments may breake [Page] out, or be introduced: But at last he can change them a [...]o, according unto his Divine Councell, and remedy the destruction according to his justice.
Because now for this reason there is a singular judgement at the doore over the Nations of this present world in generall; therefore the Souldiers there should have served God according to his justice, and taken into serious consideration within their consciences, this present and last time.
But the Devill hath broke out by meanes of them, intending totally to overthrow that which God hath decreed in his eternall onely wise Councell, concerning the execution of his judgement. For those men that doe not heare with the internall eares of the spirit, or of faith, nor have desired to doe according to the Councell, or will of God, they are under the power of the Prince of darknesse, by whom their hearts, with their bodies, soules, and spirits are throughly blinded.
Given at CLEVE the principall City of the Dutchie of that name, belonging unto the Prince Elector of Brandenburgh. Anno 1649.