A Brief RELATION OF THE PROCEEDINGS IN THE Kingdom of Scotland, As it is certified by LETTERS From Persons of quallity residing in EDINBURGH. Dated June the 20. 1648.
LONDON, Printed for R. B. 1648.
THE TRVE COPY OF A LETTER SENT Vnto a Member of the honorable House of Commons from a Gentleman of quallity now in Edinburgh in Scotland bearing date the 20 of this instant June, 1648.
THis serves as to acknowledge your former favors, so to put you in mind that now things being come to the [Page 4]height, its time with hart and hand to be seen valiant for God and his cause; And doubtless he himself will appear when the oppression of his people, and the pride and cruelty of the enemy is at the height; for never the like pride and oppression was ever seen here in Scotland, these papers inclosed will shew the particulars: Present my service to your brother my honored friend.
A Paper dated at Edinburgh the 13 June 1648.
THe Parliament at eleven of the clock at night on saturday last adjourned for two years; they have left a Committee of States with the same power the Parliament had: It is conceived by many of themselves that they adjourned so hastily in fear least that the Parliament of England should have sent them their resolutions and consent to a Treaty with the King, which to avoyd they brake up the Parliament.
This week all active instruments have been imployed to raise an Army, all opposers are imprisoned or plundred or both, and as fast as a Troop is raised they are sent to a Roundheads house there to quarter, and in a few days they devour him quite; this hope of free quarter and plunder raises Troops apace, especially since they are assured of much better when they come into England.
An act passed in the Parliament that all men shall be imprisoned and their goods seized that should not assist in the raising of this Army; whereupon thousands run away, some to one place, some to another, and many are dayly imprisoned and plundred to nothing, and this happens only upon the godly and religious Party, who make conscience of the cause of God, the Covenant, and will not go against it.
Another act was made that all men must swear to obey and execute all the acts made by this Parliament; whereupon divers Lords and others of quallity are gone, and at this instant several Troops are plundering their goods and ruinating their houses.
The Malignant Party here hope in one moneth to make ready an army to march into England, which they will [Page 6]do certainly if no force appear upon the borders to oppose them, but if any opposition be made them the Malignants will find work enough on both sides.
The Assembly of the Kirk made an act the same day that the Parliament made theirs for the raising of their Army, that whasoever Minister in Scotland should not warn their Congregation of the unlawfulnesse of this War and Engagement against England & the Covenant, and do not let their people know that this War is against the caus of God, in which both Kingdoms are engaged in one solemn Covenant, should be suspended and deprived from their Ministry; and in order thereunto never did any Ministers shew such valour and courage even to the faces of the greatest in Scotland, and that upon the very last Lords day.
The Marquesse of Argile is safely armed in his own Country, there are two Regiments of Foot that have deserted the Army, are gone unto him, they were first raised by him; and thousands in Scotland expect that Lords stirring, but indeed should any place or party rise whilst the whole Army is thus upon them, nothing can be done to their advantage, but if a considerable Force come once upon the borders from [Page 7]England, certainly there will be strange turnings here.
To conclude, you never saw the Cavaleirs and deboist party in England, when they were at their highest, so scoff at and revile the religious Ministry, the cause and Covenant of God, as these do here that are of Hamiltons party; and it is verily beleeved, that many godly Ministers will be compelled to flee into England speedily for safety and protection.
A Paper of the 20th of June. 1648.
The inclosed was intended for you the last week, but was stayed with other Letters by order from the State, since which time here is very little alteration; the Force that is raised, and can be spared by this Kingdom, are now sent to quarter at Dunfreese, 24. miles from Carlyle, and many suppose they intend to joyn speedily with Langdale, they are in number thirteen hundred Horse, and twenty five hundred Foot, and by this you may easily see who gave order to Langdale to take Barwick and Carlyle, and if Langdale be no speedily relieved by them, he and his Fellow Cavaliers will blaze out all the truth, And declare upon whose order and Commission they were sent thither, but a few days [Page 8]will shew very much of their wicked design against all that have taken the Covenant, and engaged in both Kingdoms in this cause of God and his truth against the Antichristian enemy, and a very smal body of souldiers upon the borders wil destroy all their design, and make them not dare to leave their own Country, however the Ministers deserve high commendations, and do strange things, they fear no Forces, but protest against the proceedings of the great Duke and his party, and no doubt but God in a very short time will here their prayers, and be avenged of this ungodly party that are like those of ours in England, professed enemies to the Gospel of Christ, and the ways of holinesse and truth.