A BREIF ACCOUNT OF THE Severe usage of Sir John Trevor to his Eldest Son.

THE Petitioner, Edward Trevor, had the misfortune not to be belov'd by his Mother, from his Infancy, who was Possest with an Opinion of his being an Idiot; at the Age of Fourteen he was placed at the Minister's of Chiswick, for near Four Years, least being a Fool he might Disgrace the Family; but finding that he would not pass for such, and that Place being too publick, he was taken from thence, and remov'd to his Fathers Country-house, at Hamstead, where having been instructed in the Principles of Religion, he thought it his Duty to Receive the Blessed Sacrament, which he did, with the Approbation of the Minister of the Place.

This being an Act no ways proper for an Idiot to perform, his Mother Barbarously Misused him, and because he would not be a Fool, Resolved he should be Mad, and took occasion, from this Act, to say, That the Consideration of what he had done had driven him to Despair and Frenzy; Whereupon your Petitioner was, by his Mother, carried in a Coach to a Private Mad-house, near More-Fields, kept by one Mrs. Woodford, who is now living, where he was Confin'd Three Years and a half, and so Ill Used, that he had one of his Fore-Teeth broke out, by forceing things down his Throat, and ordered to go by the Name of Edwards, but several times offered his Liberty if he would Sign a Parchment without Reading it.

This your Petitioner refusing to do, he was, one Evening, desired by Mrs. Woodford to go buy something for her, (which was the only time he was suffer'd to go out of doors by himself) but, in the Street, he was Siezed by two Ruffians, hurried in a Coach to the Water-side, put into a Boat with Menaces of Murthering him if he cry'd out, and carried on board a Vessel at Green­wich, which Sailed that very Night, but whether bound your Petitioner is to this day unac­quainted.

But the Vessel being Persu'd by a French Privateer, put into Ostend, where your Petitioner escap'd from them (though without Money, and half Naked) and beg'd his way to Rotterdam, where your Petitioner, for want of Necessaries, was forc'd to enter himself as a Servant at a Publick-house for Six Weeks, in which time he had got so much Money as Enabled him to get for England, which your Petitioner did (upon finding himself describ'd in the London Gazette, with an offer of Five Pounds Reward to any body that could give any account of him Alive or Dead) being in hopes that his Parents were unacquainted with this part of his Misfortunes, but having the ill luck to be Stript of Money and Cloaths, upon his Arrival in England he was forc'd to desire a Pass for London, which was granted him by the Mayor of Harwich, and Signed by Justice Rebow, of Colchester.

When he came to London, your Petitioner well knowing the Ill Will of his Mother towards him, would not goe to his Father's for fear of falling into her hands, but went to the Mini­ster's of Chiswick, who happen'd to be from home, and his Brother, who was in the house would not Receive him, which compelled him to seek Relief of Mr. Haines a Gentleman of that Place.

But your Petitioner was there but one Day before his Mother, having notice of him, took him from thence, and sent him a second time to the Mad-house aforesaid, where he was Chain'd to the Floor, and had only one Arm at liberty for a considerable time; there he remain'd Three Years longer, but at last found means to escape from thence, and went again to the Minister's of Chiswick, where, much against the will of his Mother, his Father paid for his Board, for one Year, though without any Mony in his Pocket, or ever being permitted to see his Father, tho' above Seven Years since he had had that happiness; the last Six Months, indeed, he had a Servant allow'd, occasioned by the ill stare of Health, which the Minister at that time labour'd under.

But before this last Year was Expir'd, your Petitioner had notice from Sir. Roger Puelliston (his Brother by the Mother) that there was a Designe formed, to send him again beyond Sea, (Which your Petitioner's Mother confirm'd when he saw her) to Obviate which, Your Petitioner was Ad­vised to Marry, as the best Expedient to secure him from these Unnatural attempts; Which he accordingly did.

But upon his Marrying, his Father was so incens'd, that he would not for some time allow him Bread till Counsellour Sloan upbraided him with Cruelty and Barbarity to his Eldest Son, and threatn'd to Sue him for a Maintainnace, to prevent which, he has ever since allow'd your Petitioner 20 Shil­lings a Week to be received Weekly.

Nor was this all, but when his Wife, (who is a Virtuous Woman, and of a good Family) was with Child, his Mother sent your Petitioner word, by her own Foot-man, that She was assur'd that he could have no Children being an Evnuch, upon which your Petitioner was Advis'd (to Vindicate the Reputation of his Wife and Children) to Suffer himself to be Search'd by Surgeons; which he Submitted to, and has their Certificae under Hand and Seal to Produce.

Your Petitioner, could not for upwards of seventeen Years, have maintain'd his Family in Sick­ness and in health, by this poor allowance, without contracting larger Debts then he has, had it not been for a small Legacy left him by an Aunt, which has so far help'd him, that he is at pre­sent But 60 l. in Debt, or thereabouts; which is now so pressing upon him, that he is Daily in danger to be Flung into Goal, which would be the utter Ruin of himself and Family.

Your Petitioner has Represented his miserable circumstances to his Father, by the most moving and Pathetick Letters he was capable; and has also gott Gentlemen of worth and Honour to speake to him to consider his Urgent necessities and the great Fortune viz. upwards of 40000 l. which his Mother brought; both which, he hoped would have Induced him to have allow'd him a Com­petency in some measure answerable to her Fortune, But all this without any effect:

Your Majesty is the Patroness of injur'd innocence.

Your Petitioner therefore most Humbly beggs leave, to throw himself at your Royall Feet, and to Implore Your Majesty so far, to cosider the hardships your Petitioner has, and does still undergo, As to make use of your Authority with his Father, to allow him a Maintenance fitt for the Heir of 1500 l. per Annum. (Which has been Entail'd in the Family for several hundred Years) and en­able him to afford his only Child such Accomplishments as her Age requires.

And your Petitioner shall ever Pray.

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