A Breviate of a Sentence given AGAINST JEROME ALEXANDER Esquire, An Utter Barrester of Lincolns-Inne, In the Court of Star-Chamber, the 17 th day of November, in the second yeer of the Raign of our Soveraign Lord King Charls, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, &c. With Exceptions taken to the said Sentence, to unfold the Iniquity thereof. With a short Narrative of divers other passages and Oppressions, wherewith he hath been also grieved in other times of his life, both before and since. Printed for the Satisfaction of his Friends, against those many Calumnies and aspertions raised thereupon to blemish him in their opinion, and in the opinion of all others with whom he hath to do.

PSALM. 118.6, 7, 8, 9.

The Lord is on my side, I will not fear what man can do unto me, the Lord ta­keth my part with them that help me, therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me; It is better to trust in the Lord then to put any confidence in man; it is better to trust in the Lord then to put any confidence in Princes.

PSAL. 9.13, 14.

Have mercy then upon me O Lord, consider my trouble which I suffer of them that hate me, thou that liftest me up from the gates of death; that I may shew forth all thy praise, in the gates of the daughter of Sion.

LONDON, Printed Anno Dom. 1644.

To the Reader.

A Working Vessell is saved from breaking by a vent; a heart oppressed with sorrows eased, when it hath revealed its dis­contents: I have long laboured under many afflictions and oppressions, and to this houre could yet never finde Justice at leisure to examine my Complaint; the vinegar of which delay, hath been as ill to me, as the injustice which I have received: whiles thus my Calamities have been prolonged, encreased too by common Fame, and though in this time my innocence hath cleered the main debt; yet have I been undone, with the Arre­rages of the suspition, which is an arrow of slander, that pierceth the inward parts, men being apt to believe Relations as they come to them; that a good man oftentimes may deliver untruths by here-say, from the credit of one he trusteth, and thereby wrong the reputation of him he knows not, and the innocent thus ma­ny times may suffer reproach undeservedly: For the satisfaction therefore of my acquaintance, I have Printed this Map of my misery, untill the time shall come, that my cause may be rightly judged, Psa. 105.19, 20. and that in the interim I may not lye under the guilt of those slanders wherewith I have been blemished, chosing rather that my enemy should eate my heart, than a friend should grieve it, as it is much better to dye of the meate one liketh not, then to surfet of the meate one loves, a man is not therefore unworthy because he hath had disasters follow him at the heels, for the whistling whirl-wind must blow before Elias be rapt up to heaven: great and mighty fishes, are not bred in small and sweet waters, but in the Salt-sea; as brave Spirits by difficult attempts, become victorious; a fruitfull tree, though the bark be bitter, yet the fruit is sweet, though a man may seem harsh in the more strict performance of his duty, yet is it profitable to the publique, nor shall you ever finde any cudgells thrown at an Apple tree, that bears onely leaves; no man was ever envied for evill, tis vertue that hath so many enemies, for a bad man is to himself the worst, and needs no other enemy to undo him, then his own desires; as Midas made his Idoll become his ruin, thus we hate the Foxes advise thovgh never so current, the Wolfs skin doth detect his Counsell, in persons faulty we suspect truth; and therefore it was observed of Aristides that he was wont to propose such advices as he knew did conduce unto the Publique weal by some other men, and not from himself, lest Themistocles out of hatred of his person, should have with stood and impedimented a generall good: as a fire made of green wood, which is fed with it as fewell, but quenched with it as 'tis green; and thus when the Murtle tree will quickly rot, the Sethim wood cannot be eate with wormes; the Saphire will not crack, when the flint is quickly shivered in peeces: when the evill man like him in the Philosopher, who thought where ever he went that he saw his own picture walk before him; unto a wise man you can do no wrong, who like a good souldier will keep his rank; receive with thanks whatsoever falls, that which is constant we say doth passe for excel­ten, 'tis true in the use of good things, as it is in sufferings for the truth; for [Page]thus the malice and venome of an enemy too may by wisdom be converted into a medicine, and by managing become a benefit, which was by him intended for an injury, or to use the similitude of Plutarch, as healthy and strong beasts do eate and concoct Serpents, whereas weak stomacks do nauseate at delicates, so wise men do exceedingly profit by the hatred of their enemies, whereas fools are corrupted with the love of their friends, and an injury doth one man more good, than a cur­tesie doth another, as wind and thunder, when they trouble the ayre, do withall purge it, whereas a long Calm doth dispose it unto putrifaction, the same whet­stone that takes from a weapon doth likewise give it an edge, 1 Sam. 13.30. and sharpens it, as the Israelites when there was no Smith amongst them, 1 Sam. 13.30. did sharpen their instruments with the Philistims; so an enemy serves to quicken and put an edge upon those vertues which by lying unexercised may contract rust and dulnesse, and many times when the reasons of the thing it self cannot perswade, the fear of giving advantage will over-rule a man, lest hereby he gives his foe matter of insultation, the eye and neerenesse of an Adversary exciteth Caution and diligence, and makes a mans life more fruitfull and orderly then otherwise it would have been; like a sink by a house side it makes all the house the cleaner, as those Roses and Violets are sweetest which grow neer unto Garlick, and other strong sented Herbs, because these draw away to them any fetid or noxious non­rishment: and as vermine do ever devour the purest Corn, and moaths eate into the finest Cloath, and the Cautharides blasts the swetest flowers, so envie doth ever gnaw upon that which is most beautifull in another whom it hateth, poyson never works, where it finds no heat; envie still follows the better part, as the Vulture it draws sicknesse from a persum, a rancorous nature, trouble, from the good it sees in him he hateth; and odiorum acriores causae quando iniquae, when hatred is built upon a bad foundation it commonly raiseth it self the higher, and the reason is because in passions of this nature, the lesse we have from the object, the more we have from our selves, and what is defective to make up malice in the demerit of him whom we hate, it supplyed by the raising of our own stomacks; as we see in the body that thin and empty nourishment, will more often swell it then that which is substantiall; but after the greatest inundation the waters are dryed up, the subtillest lightning hath but his flash; the ratling thunder-bolt hath but his clap: In the fulnesse of time the Israelites shall return out of Babylon, in the mean time we must awaite Gods leisure with patience, Exod. 12.41. stand still and see the Salvation of God: a cheerfull heart makes a strong back, and the well couching together of the pack availes much to the Carrier: by much sufferance comes great ease; the experience of Gods deliverances is a strong Oblation to trust in him for future mercies; the Suns heat will be most comfortable when we are most cold, in the greatst perplexity to finde a deliverer, will be much more wel­come to the distressed; and though disgrace be a tough bit for flesh and blood to digest, yet he that will live godly in this world, must resolve for to endure tribu­lation, for at the best it is full of Cares. Job 5.7. For man is born unto trouble, as the Sparks flyes upwards; Esay 45.7. that it is no wonder if in this world he meets with many miseries, but as that man onely can look upon the Sea with comfort, that hath escapt a shipwrack, so with the Prophet David he onely can the best content himself to have been miserable, Psal. 30.12.13. whose sackcloath God hath put off, and girded his loynes with gladnesse, and if rightly to consider the manner of Gods Husban­dry; most commonly he begins to plow that soyle betimes, which he means so to sow in his season, Jer. 3.27. and tilleth and harroweth it over and over again, from which he doth expect to have a good and plentifull harvest, Psal. 129.1.2. therefore it is good for a [Page]man, that he bear the yoke in his youth; grace cannot go on but with many rubs, Job 18.7 Psal. 22.15. Psa. 119.67. Judg. 3.20. Joh. 5.2, 3. and affliction is the better endured, before the steps of a mans strength be straight­ned, or that he be dryed up like a potsheard: 'tis sicknesse we say, which makes health so much esteemed, for by wanting we deem the thing better, when it is enjoyed; and no man sees himself so clearly, as in the glasse of adversity, when every blow that God layes on, seemes to say as Ehud unto Eglon, I have a mes­sage to thee from God; which if he shall consider, it will make his grief a Bethes­da, to cure him of his infirmities; and thus he will come out of the furnace as pure gold, cleered from the drosse of his corruptions: 'tis very painfull to hide a wound. Then by that which follows I hope I may say without offence, Lam. 3.1 I am the man that have seen affliction, nay like waves in a storme, they have pressed vio­lently in, one upon the neck of another: I accompted it my first unhappinesse, that after I had some good time continued in the University, and obtained some measure of knowledge in those Arts, which contented me, and that for my own part, I had resolved to have fixed there; I was constrained by my friends, upon whom I then depended for livelihood and subsistance, for to forsake that way in which I was, and to apply my self unto the study of the Law; for as every thing lives the best in his proper Element, so he thrives commonly the best, and pro­ceeds with most successe that is setled in that course to which his Genius is most enclined; yet here I accompted it my good hap to fall into such hands for my Education, that in the first place, I was taught this principle of Religion, Pro. 8.7. above all things to buy the truth and sell it not; it being a thing so precious and desired, that Christ himself came to bear witnesse unto it, Joh. 18.37. & 8.32. & 3.21. and by his works mani­fested it to be the thing which should make his followers free: the fashion God so much regards not, as the stuff; and that seed is ever the best, which is the most white within: now it was not long ere I was put upon the tryall, to see if I would hold this ground wherein I stood, retain this Doctrine in which I was instructed; for the silver cannot appear till Benjamins sack be unloosed: A noble friend of mine now in the minority both of my yeers and profession, having conferred upon me by grant, the Stewardship of many hundreds in the County where I lived, and the then Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, being my Country-man, and having purchased the Fee of two of those hundreds, moved me to depart with my interest in two of those Stewardships, for an Officer of his own, without other right, but onely because he desired to have it so; which for that I refused (without the approbation and consent of him that trusted me, who had Letters Pattents thereof for the life of another (which I had no reason to sollicite for to let go, and his Lordship thought was below him to seek after otherwise, and I maintai­ning my right therein in this time against the many disturbances and opposition of those imployed by his Lordship, attempting to have gained the present possession by an User of the Office) therefore he was much displeased with me, and did not forbear in plain termes to tell me so, with other expressions in language cleer enough, to let me know his meaning, that I was to stand upon my guard, for if ever I came in his way, I should be sure of a lash. Now a young beginner doth not so well understand what the Schollers of the upper form do; and this being in the first of my comming forth, in a time when I was fully perswaded that faithful­nesse and truth could not have been over-mastred by an enemy, and that he was not worthy to wear his masters Livery, and bear the name of a Christian, Jer. 9.3. that was not valiant for the truth upon the earth; the Spirit being truth, Jo. 1.5, 6. and know­ing that God made his everlasting Covenant with them onely that love judge­ment, Esay 6.8. and do their works in truth; and being commanded by the Word of truth, [Page]to withdraw from men of corrupt minds, destitute of the truth, who onely suppose gain to be godlinesse; Acts 6.11. yet no sooner did Stephen plead for this truth but some were therefore suborned against him to kill him: no sooner did Paul begin to Preach this truth, Rom. 2.2 but opposers began also to consult how to put him out of the way; for as Origen saith of the Devills, There is ne greater torment to them then to see men addicted to the Scriptures; so the same may be said of truth, The Devill and his Angells cannot endure it, it is so contrary to his nature, who is the father of Lyes.

Having thus truth upon my side, and being therefore loath to let go a Bird in hand for two in the bush; and esteeming a sallet of sowre Herbs with content, bet­ter than a stalled Oxe, Zrch. 8.16. 1 Titus 6.5. & 1.14. Jam. 1.18. Eccles. 3.21, 22.23 1 Sam. 6.19. with trouble and disquietnesse; and having also learned this rule, that confidence built upon such incertain grounds, most commonly faileth the expectation, and that to live farthest from Jupiter, was to be safest from thunder: the truth is, Many great ones in those times, being like Bryers, and unfruitfull Plants, that evermore took something from the fleece that came nighthem, living by other mens Ruines, as some fishes wax big by devouring of others; nay, rather than not to be satisfied, they would feed upon their own Spawns to fill their Maws: the longest robe contracting the greatest soyl; power and au­thority, which have great influence, being seldome so happy as to be imployed and improved readily for God; for not many noble, not many mighty, are called, either to enjoy Salvation in heaven, or to do great services on earth; which was the reason that our Saviour Christ chose poor fishermen for his Disciples, Mat. 5.11. Joh 32.9. Luke 7.22. Jam. 2.5. that could better intend and waite upon his service, then the Scribes and Pharisees, and great Doctors of the Law. But the next news that I heard of him was, that when I was to have brought in my Exercise for the bar in Lincolns Inne, whereof I was a Member, I was required to forbear; whereupon tendring a Certificate of my conformity, and performance of my Exercises, and payment of all Duties in the house as others, I desired to have a like equall favour with the rest of my fellows, that were at that time called with my self, but for a time I was refused, without any publike cause or reason shewn unto me for the same: then addressing my self to Master William Noye, then one of the Benchers of the house, a man then in great esteeme and opinion with the people, both for his learning and integrity, and a great lover of Truth and Justice; he told me plainly, The cause of this stay proceeded from a message sent to them of the Coun­cell of that house, from that Lord Chief Justice, that I had injured him in some things, for which he desired satisfaction before I were admitted to the Bar (and other cause to do this to my remembrance I never gave him, then as aforesaid) but Master Noye so laboured the matter in my behalf, as at last the restraint upon me was taken off, and I performed my Exercise and proceeded accordingly: And not long afterwards one Edmund Bullocke Esquire, an Utter Barrester at Law, of the same House, and my ancient for some years, and my next Neigh­bour in the Country, being grieved at the prosperity which God blessed me withall, and thinking that I began to bud too fast in my Profession, by the wayes and helps which God afforded me; therefore extreamly maligned me, used many Scanda­lous speeches of me behinde my back, to my disparagement, such as were Actiona­ble, thinking to have nipt me in the blossome; and for which words I afterwards brought my Action at Law against him, whereby he perceiving himself pinched to the quick, and faln in danger of a Councell, as sure to be overthrown with good dammages to be given me for the words, as to suffer in his credit and reputa­tion also, that knowing his Masters will, yet would offend against it, to be beaten with many stripes; therefore in the interim before the Tryall, he [Page]raked up some accusations against me in the Country, and thereupon petitioned the then Lord Chiefe Justince Ley to have them heard at the said assizes with my Nisi prius, and thus did raise a divertive war, an old trick of Macha­vells, to keep his enemy from his own quarters, wherein if not to prosper with a victory, yet to raise it as a means to accomplish some Propositions of Peace at least; and herein he had by the help and countenance of my good friend this Lord Chief Justice that I told you of before, who underhand dealt with his brethren, and those of mine own Coat and Country, for their assistance to Master Bullock in this Action, by which means too, Master Bullock had the happinesse to be taken notice of more than ever in his life before, and to gaine that countenance and respect, which for many yeers before he was without (and to deviate a little) I pray observe this much by the way, by this, and that which follows, it hath been most mens haps, that have ever done me wrong, when I sought a legall repair at their hands, they evermore have found means by the helpe of power and greatnesse to save themselves and be protected, and gain also great acquaintance and preferments into the bargaine: but it is no wonder, for as one star riseth another must fall, as one sea floweth, another ebbs; when Rachel dyeth, Benjamin is brought forth: amongst men of the same abilities, one is many times thought disadvantagious to the other: starrs that do agree in light and qualities, the smallest suffers losse by the brightnesse of them above, as one Tradesmans profit, is made lesse by the other: that thus I am sure, by my fals, I have been set for the rising of many, the most and greatest of which notwithstanding, I have lived to see God Almighty taken revenge upon: but to proceed, M. Bullock to save his stake, was apt to follow any advise, might save himself, and preferred a Petition to the said then Lord chief Justice Ley, against me accordingly, as I said before, supposing in Generalls many mis­demeanours I should have committed in the exercise of my Office of Steward­ship, and gained a reference upon it unto two Justices of the Peace in the Country, and which was in effect giving them power to receive any complaints that should come in against me; and the common sort of people being now thereof informed who like tinder, are apt to take fire with every Spark, were some of them drawn and perswaded for to complain, but without cause, all which were first prepared in the Country, and after appointed to be heard at the same Assizes before the Judges, before whom my action against him was also to be tryed: and now these Justices of the Peace had made a certificate for the purpose, but I must tell you, that most of the Justices of the Peace, thought themselves to be jolly Judges, at that time, and ruled the Country as little Kings in their Dominions, all was fish that came into their nets, and their Warrants flew abroad as Bees in July, betwixt party and party, and in whatsoever other thing, though it were besides their Com­mission, and whereof they had not Cognizance, it made no matter: if any man as­sumed the boldnesse to be at Action with them for any such miscarriage or wrong doing, they had every one their relations and dependances to some great Officer or States man here above, who put them in Commission, to do their turnes, that by a Petition at Councell Table, or before themselves, would convent their adversaries, and have their wills of them by hook or by crook; and to speak the truth, those that guided at the Helm of State, and had their designes laid for introducing of an Arbitrary and Tyrannicall Government at that time; it was a part of their work to indeer all the Gentry of the Kingdomes unto their side, by making them Justices of the Peace, and imploying them in Commissions for the Kings occasians, and by putting them in Offices and places under his Majesty and themselves, the de­vils great pollicy to offer men the kingdomes of this world to catch them at the last: [Page]the more for to prepare and fit them for their hands, that very few were left un­ingaged, as now we finde it true, by too wofull experience, how mainly they have obstructed and still do the work of Reformation; and if there were any man whom God had blessed with more than an ordinary understanding or with power in his Country, and who that for Conscience sake would not be wrought up­on to side with that party, and run into the same excesse of riot and disorder with themselves, such were sure to be opposed, oppressed, and persecuted every way unto ruine and destruction; but to proceed: Upon this Certificate of the said referrees, this matter was first caused to be called upon in the publike face of the County at the said Assizes, and all that Rebell rout and crew, which had been so mustred up and gathered together, came with open mouth to charge me before that great assembly: but the accusations being read, and my answers received, the Complaints appeared to be so poor and frivolous, and so false and scandalous, as that my ac­cusers were ashamed of the prosecution, and then means was made to the then Lords Justices of Assizes, the Lord Chief Justice Ley, and Master Justice Dodderidge, that they would take up the matter of Difference betwixt Master Bullocke and my self, that so my tryall might not go on and proceed against him; which upon motion of the Judges, I condescended unto, and they were pleased to make peace betwixt us: And I cannot forget the good Counsell which my Lord Chief Justice Ley gave unto me at that time in his Chamber privately between him and me, advising me for the Future to be evermore of the Defensive part, which, saith he, like an hedge-hog will leave thine Adversary nothing but prickles to fight against; saying, if I should have sought repair, and to have righted my self by law, of every one that hath done me injury by words and deeds, I had had enough to do to right my self, and should never have sate in the place where now I sit; which from that time you will perceive by that which followeth, I have observed as much as possible. There was one at this time also that was an Atturney at the Common Law, that dieted and lodged in my house, who in the course of his practise, had omitted to file an Originall Writ for his Client, which was in an Action of debt upon an Obligation of 200. l. which Sute being proceeded unto Judgement, was afterwards reversed for want of this Writ to warrant the Action; and because a sine of twenty shillings was to have been paid for that Writ if it had been sued forth, this Atturney was therefore called in question, before the then Lord Chiefe Justice of the Common Pleas, and the matter mightily pressed as if it had been done by my direction, and omitted to be sued forth on purpose to have shared the said fine between us, a thing you see but of petty consideration, yet if it could have been made good against me, an Infor­mation was threatned to have been preferred against me into the Court of Star-Chamber: but when it was fully examined and perceived that I had nothing to do with it, presently he was let alone, and nothing done unto him afterwards for it, who at first was threatned with Imprisonment, if not to confesse me guilty with himself, yet for this supposition of an Offence, I was bound over from time to time, from place to place, and vexed to the uttermost, and after quit without any reparation. Then as men that shear Hoggs, you see unto this time, here was a great cry, but little wooll, yet this advantaged Master Bullock in that he sought for at the Assizes, but never wrought that upon him, which he was enjoyned un­to by the Judges, a perfect reconciliation, that we should have lived in Peace and good Neighbour-hood together for the time then to come; but the old Proverb was herein verified, The Devil being sick, the Devil a Monk would be; But the Devil being well, the Devill a Monk was he. For the Sceane [Page]being ended, and the fetters taken off, the man was no more a prisoner, and there was nothing that came in his way afterwards that concerned me, wherein he could do me a discourtesie, I may say a mischiefe, but he imbraced the opportunity as a mercy, with much gladnesse of heart, which I mention not that he had power or meanes to do me very much hurt, but to let you see this other Proverb herein ful­filled also, That a reconciled enemy is never after to be trusted, for the poyson will remaine untill the beast be killed; and therefore beasts of prey that are by nature ravenous, and not to be reclaimed, we kill, as Foxes we knock on the head; onely to beasts of pleasure we give Laws, as to Deer and Hares, &c. For Serpents onely begets Serpents; and in that businesse between Yates and me, the occasion of the ensuing discourse, (as Coppingers Bitch, that albeit she could not turn the Hare, yet did her good will) so he was not wanting in doing his uttermost to promote that sentence unto what it is, brought as many sticks as he was able to bear unto that fire; and in the interim whiles this game was thus a playing, whereof you shall understand more in the sequell of the Story: I had severall other attempts made upon me to destroy me, and not by any men of mean and Ordi­nary Rank and quality, but of the greatest alwayes, and evermore and most espe­cially by those of mine own profession too, and yet by my own Countrymen more peculiarly amongst the rest, of which I could never yet apprehend any reason un­to my self, but this, Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit; for to my knowledge I never administred any just occasion of exception to any man, if not occasio accepta, non data; and as I have spent my years in trouble ever since I came into the world, so it hath gained me much experience I must confesse, and justly warned me to be still upon my guard; but commonly he is accounted a pestilent fellow, that lives out of the length of his enemies sleeve, when 'tis but sit for him not to trust that will not be deceived: and who is it that desires to live well, and will not comply with times, but he shall be subject unto much slander and reproach and opposition in the world, and then that side which is evermore the greatest, that is commonly the worst, will blemish his reputation, whom they op­pose, who having thus gained an ill name, though but amongst themselves: it is like an ill face, which the broader it is drawn, and the more bright it hath about it, it appears the more deformed, as a little gold beaten into thin leaves, and a little water drawn into a thin steem and vapour, seemes wider then it was at first, so lesser Crimes, nay, some made so but in imagination, and fictious, being mul­tiplyed through the mouths of many, do quickly grow into a spreading cloud of infamy and disgrace, and malevolent persons do still look upon mens actions with prejudice: and as Momus when he could not finde fault with the face in the pi­cture of Venus, picked a quarrell at her slipper: so envious men will ever have something to say either in the substance or circumstance of our actions to mis­report and expose to scandall, for spiders do convert to poyson whatsoever they touch; and as a stone the higher the place is from whence it falls, it doth give the more dangerous blow, so the greater the personage is that acts for revenge, it is the more deadly and dangerous by much: there is no wound so mortall as that which is made with a thunder-bolt, so of all hatreds those which makes pretences unto heaven, and which arise from Creatures of the highest nature, are evermore desperate and mortall, and such I have met withall, nor is it a wonder if enmity grows excessive, that hath zeal to kindle it, and pretence of Religion to warrant it, for when that which should restrain, and set limits to a passion is made a party to mannage it, and fewell to foment it, we marvell not if a passion, which hath no bounds from Religion, do impose none upon it self: they know the lest [Page]blemish marrs a Diamond, and therefore laboureth to crack it, and envious men like doggs do bark for company at those they know not too, and in this all doggs agree, whose black months will open fast against those that cannot hurt them, they oft times wound before they understand without honesty or Charity; as the ma­stiffe barks at every noise, when he knows not from whence it comes; nothing but black drops fall from their lips, they even think the worst of a man for his troubles, as if a cloud could make the Sun to lose his light, their tongues are like Doegs which cut like a sharp razor, and like Gnats they sting most in the night when they are unseen, like the Dragon, they bite the Elephant behind the eare, where he can­not reach to help himself; enforceth a man to endure disgrace, because he hath no way to prevent it; he hath no eyes in his own cause, and like the theefe which comes to steal, he puts out the light, and sayes there is no danger, to play with a blinde mans nose; and then with the har lot wipes her mouth, as if she were an honest woman: will be sure to raile of a man behinde his back, when he is well assured he shall not answer for himself; and no marvell if his tongue runs glib that's eyl'd with butter, thus you may know this bird by his feathers, his name is ill will, that never spake well of any man, and as that Painter, which because he could not take the beauty of the faee, therefore onely took the blemishes; will be sure to reckon up all the faults of him against whom he hath any thing to say, and the worst enemies are those of a mans own house; a man hath never worse friends we say, Mat. 10.36. then he brings from home, Davids Companions did him the most hurt; Pual was worst intreated of his kinsmen; and Jeremies friends cast most dirt in his face; but it is no news to finde the Devill in hell; nor for two mil­stones to make the same grist together; for that the Toade and Snake agree, it is no wonder, and herein envious men are worse then Lyons, which will never war amongst themselves, nor will Wolves fall out with one another; like Waspes also, if you anger but one of them neer the nest, you shall be sure to have the whole swarm about your ears, they are unwilling that any thing should be seen within, and their nature is such they will never give over the pursuit so long as there is a sting left in any of their tayles: they will then seeme to be precious stones when they are most counterfeit, will tell you an untruth as a secret, against those they hate, that so they may make the better way for their proceedings; and thus the Devill and mischiefe are ever awake: but observe and you shall finde, that ther's no man would seemè to deal so plainly as a Jugler, when he meaneth nothing lesse: as the theefe when he goether about to steal, would then be thought an honest man, and as he that's ready to turn Bankrupt, will then make the greatest shew: cleanly conveyance thus hiding the iniquity, and as rotten wood in a dark night, seemeth to blaze, when there is neither heate nor fire in it; but like a quag-mire hath onely a green sword upon the top; thus Satan hath been seen as an Angel of light, and when the stone of the Sanctuary hath been turned up, there hath been a great toad found under it; in this Alder tree you shall finde much more pith then strength, many fair feathers upon this Estridge, but much rank flesh under­neath; when you think him to be at peace with you, then he is complotting most mischief against you; thus thunder roareth when a man would think the ayre most cleer, the eye sees all things but it self, he commonly finds most faults in others, when most are usually to be found in him; and like dead men, although they smell most loathsome, yet smell not themselves to stink; and yet this Fox will run as long as he hath feet, would hide it from the world if he could tell how: it were well then if we could take the councell of the Evangelist S. Matthew, To beware of such men, Mat. 10.17. lest they deliver you up to the counsells, to be [Page]scourged in their Synagogues, their wrath being like fire, which will never cease to burn, so long as there is any combustible matter for it to work on: Tis true, some of them are more and lesse angry, as the object is upon which their displeasure acteth; as, put fire to Gunpowder, and tis soon in and soon out; a flash, a report, and away; but when tis in a hot Iron, there it endures long: Implacable natures are never satisfied: non amote, nec possum discere quare: They hate too, because they will do so, and can give no other reason why: And whatsoever other cause they pretend, their despite is against Piety; this is the fuel of that fire; and the disagreement it hath with holinesse, is the contusion and striking of their works to­gether, which kindles the opposition: And sometimes the suggestions of Satan: Sometimes you shall have an Haman to stir up Ahasuerus to destroy the Nation of the Jews. But Arts agree best at a distance; and the Sun and Moon, when fur­thest from one another. The Tradesmans profit is made the lesse by the rest sharing with him. But this blowing of the winde more fastens the root of the tree, and that much more which is planted by the River of waters: So that this sea may rage and swell against the Land, but it cannot overflow the banks. And though, with the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem, they cry, Psal. 13.7. Down with him, down with him, even to the ground, lurking privily to destroy the in­nocent without cause, and to swallow him up alive, as the grave; and whole, Prov. 1.11, 12. as those that go down into the pit; yet, Si Deus nobiscum, quis contra nos? They do but kick against the pricks, swim against the stream, hop against the hill, labour but in vain to confound him whom God upholdeth: Yet what will not Dogs spue out, when they are set to vomit up whats within their bowels, for all that? But Gods Saints have ever fallen under misconstruction, have still been slighted and despised, accounted as the off-scouring of the earth, Psal. 31.22. the fools of the Times; and most commonly too, the better man, the worse esteem: Isa. 8.18. they have been reckoned broken vessels, good for nothing but the dunghill; Psal. 69.12. signes and wonders in Israel, the song of drunkards, the mirth of feasts: And what names have been invented, for to brand and to disgrace them with? Psal. 35.15, 16. what re­proaches and disgraces have been raised on them? as, That they are the Pests of Kingdoms, the Troublers of Israel, Rebellious against the Laws: Acts 26.51 Kings 18.17. not for the profit of the Common-wealth, that they should be permitted to draw in the com­mon breath. What watching for their haltings! how glad of their faults! Jer. 20.10. how joyfull at catching at, and taking up any ill rumour of them! how insulting over their weaknesses! how witty for to receive their old primitive slanders! Psal. 35.15. and 26.16. and how cruelly and mercilesly have they been handled, if once they have but fallen into their enemies Clutches. Plinie, in his Natur all History, saith of the Ty­ger, that his rage is stirred up and exasperated, by smelling the fragrant sent of Spices. Tis true of good men: for doubtlesse, because they abstain from evil, Isa. 59.1. they make themselves a prey unto the wicked. Thus Noah was scorned by the men of his time for preparing the ark, and for urging Repentance to pre­vent the danger of the Deluge then to come; yet is he, by the providence of God 2 Pet. 2.5 2 Sam 6.14, 16, 20, 21, 22. chronicled unto all posterity for a Preacher of Righteousnesse. And David, for dancing before the Ark, was by Michal contemned in her heart; yet was it an act acceptable in heaven. If John come neither eating nor drinking, they say, He hath a Devil: and if the Son of man come eating and drinking, Matt. 11 18, 19. they say, Behold, a glutton, a wine-bibber, a friend of publicans and sinners: This Estridge, having wings to cozen, not to flie withall. If Festus may be judge of Pauls speeches, then Paul is beside himself, Act. 24.6 and said other­while to be a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition. Our Saviour Christ [Page]himself is said to cast out Devils by Beelzebub the Prince of the Devils. But, Matt. 12.24. if the Master of the House be thus abused, how can a man think that his ser­vant can go free? It hath been the devils policie of old, and of all Machavils children, who derive their Pedigree even from that wicked one, their father, still to endeavour to asperse the innocent with Calumnies and Reproaches, and to lay on load enough, that some may abide: for thus slander makes way for violence; and do but taint mens innocence, in the worlds opinion, and then they lie open to any usage whatsoever. We reade of no good man but hath had his falls, hath been foiled, nay, beaten black and blue: for no man at all times can be wise, and no man liveth that sinneth not: Thus the brightest glasse is stained with a little breath; and a little spot in a white paper is quickly made; and as men love me, so they will tell my tale; and though hear say hath no security of truth, yet most men are apt to believe the worst, though of him they know not: a false report being as one Weed in a Nosegay, that oversmells all the Flowers: every man de­siring to have that true he likes the best, and to which his fancie moves; which commonly is according to the first apprehension of things: and being once fixt in the understanding, Isa. 19.29, 20, 21. it is very hardly removed from the judgement afterwards; an ill stomack being thus apt to nauseate at the very best meat, that even wise men oft times do thus their businesse unjustly, making a man an offender for a word, and turning aside the just even for a thing of nought: It being the course of the children of this world to measure every mans Corn by their own Bushel; to mete every mans Measure by their own Yard-wand: And because their Candles shine upon their heads, Job 29.6 Gen. 27.28. and they wash their steps with Butter, and the rock pours them out rivers of Oil, that they enjoy the fatnesse of the earth, and plenty of Corn and Wine, Psa. 37.7 that their eyes stand out again, with that which the marrow of their bones encreaseth; Dan. 4.3. being clothed with Honour and Majestie, as with a Garment, and ha­ving the Command of the People to obey them at every beck, enjoying indeed what their hearts can wish: Seeing the good men debarred of these pleasures, for want of Spirituall eyes, Mal. 3.15 they make them a Spectacle unto the World, to Angels, and to Men, 1 Cor. 4.9, 10, 11, 12. reviling, persecuting, and accounting them the filth of the world, and the off-scowring of all things unto this day: But these good Fortunes unto them are but as Quick-sands to go upon, whereon if we stand, we sink; and these men like Silk-worms, when they have wrought out their Silk, turn into Moths and Butter-flies: That as the Philosopher, being demanded wherein the learned were more happie then the unlearned, answered onely, Spe, in Hope; so Saint Paul makes the Conclusion in this case, That if in this life onely the Saints had Hope, 1 Cor. 15 19. they were of all men the most miserable. But darkest shadows follow the brightest bodies: Diamonds have their blemishes; fair Faces, Moles; the finest Garment soonest gets a Stain; and there is no man that hath had his eyes in his head, but he hath seen clouds in the brightest day: The fairest Lawn is not freed from spots; the Moon, in her brightnesse, is speckled; and tis a choice Co­lour that is not dimmed with the Air; and these men, whatsoever they think of others, can finde, if they please themselves, that they oftentimes do stumble, when they think to set their feet the surest: But, a little wart or spot is soon seen in the face, when a great Bunch is not so easily perceived in the other parts: things ordinary, and commonly practised, go without exception; the custom of the evil taking away the sense of the sin; and the multitude in the mean time warranting the proceeding, because running together into the same excesse of riot; which if any man shall but seem to crosse, he shall be sure to have more fists about his ears then his own: for, he that shall walk in the Sun, cannot avoid the heat; that [Page]gathers thorns shall prick his fingers, that travels in the raine must needs be wet; I have been termed a pestilent fellow, S. Paul was so esteemed of, and yet no man will deny him to have been a Saint; dangers past teacheth men to take heede, and distrust is the sinews of wisdome, and keepes them out, a scar doth warn a man to fear a wound; and he is freest from danger, that feares when he is safe; thus a wise man puts evills to good use, turnes vertue into necessity, and insults over the greatest abuses, and after many shipwracks goes to sea again, and yet be­fore the Play is done, you will see the Philistines did put out Sampsons eyes, and then took him forth to make thein sport, for which notwithstanding he was well revenged of them in the latter end: but the sun is the same though Eclipst, and a Bird is a Bird though her feathers be puld off, onely the Ape is made more easie to be catcht when laden with a clogg, and a breach is soonest made where the wall is crackt, and a staffe is more readily found for to beat a dog; 'tis an easie matter to abuse any man to his face, that must not be once received for to answer for him­selfe, he's blinde that cannot see fire in this straw; and that every coward will run his Launce against a Sarazen of wood: make a man once obnoxious to a State and then whether he speaks or be silent, 'tis all one, malice will grieve if thou grievest not at her: 'tis death to a Jester, not to see his fooleries take. Envie is a spirit-worm, and had rather burst than want her will: so that for a man to under to with patience, to smell sweet under the pestell, not to be daunted at dis­asters, but which way soever he is thrown to light upon his feet, makes him yet more vile and odious in the eyes of his enemies; for tis a great torment to an ad­versary, when he can finde no in let nor advantage against him whom he hateth, so can he not endure to be opposed by him, in that he seeketh, strength then collecting and gathering it self into more excesse; as we see in winds and rivers when they meet with any thing that crosseth their passage, they roare and swell: millions of Graces too are dazelled by one imperfection; and one hour of an Eclipse causeth the Sun to be more gazed at, then in a thousand fair dayes: one Vulcer in a sound body is enough to draw all the flyes unto it; yet 'tis not every spot that taketh away the beauty of the face, nor is it every wound that killeth a man; and herein wise men deale like skilfull Musitians, which do not break their strings that jar, but by Art do bring them to an accord again, and being rightly set, the Musicke is as good as ever, though a good man once offending is never free, for he shall be sure still to have it in his dish; then it seemeth neither manners nor charity, alwayes to lay that in mens dishes, which the voyder, a pretty while since hath clean taken away; a storm will crack in two that Cable which is never so strong, and yet faces about again of those that did flye, and in the second charge will obtain the day; a fault that's pardoned is as though it had never been; the stain taken out of the garment, tis as cleer as at the first, mercy hath not a breath to speak evill of another mans unhappinesse, will grieve to see a scratch in a clear skin, do not throw away its wine for the Lees and grounds, nor the gold because 'tis cove­red with dust; nor the sword for a little rust, but like the good husbandman, if he finds Brambels and Bryers upon his land, will slock them up, and plough and sow it afterwards never a whit the lesse: none so cruell then as he that murthers mercy, with whom all goes for payment but the truth, but mercilesse and blood­thirsty men shall not live out half their dayes, and let him take heede that thinks he lives cleerest from despite, for he may have his stomack pulled down in his dayes; for no arrow is shot but it fals at the highest, as Icharus fell into the wa­ter, but to give his folly a name, for he that casts to reach beyond the Moon, oft maks wise proceedings to be suspected, and though he may be cretp out at a starting [Page]bole, yet may have his fooling found out, those that are best qualified for service are the worst when turbulent; as the wind being moderate doth carry the ship safe, but doth drown it being tempestuous: a cloud can Eclipse that sun which shines the brightest, therefore let him not praise a faire day till it be night, nor the building while it be finished: he is much mistaken that thinks of a man the worse for his afflictions, for it is through many tribulations that we must enter into heaven, Esay 35.4. yet it hath ever been the condition of the best men to be thus censured, they judged the same even of Christ himself, and of Saint Paul, saying, Doubt­lesse this man is a murtherer, whom though he hath escaped the Sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live: Acts 28.4. and the little Boy seeing his Mother pull the Roses and Violets to peeces, and putting them in a morter, and pounding them with a pestle, cryed out, His mother would spoyle all the flowers, when she thereby intended to make them more usefull; by crosses we are conformed to the Image of Christ: stars which appear not by day shine in the night; the more bitter the potion is, the more medicinable, and the sharper the file is, the lesse rust it will leave behinde: Jam. 148 2. the swetest Rose grows from a prickly stem: linnen that's hardest beaten on the block, Rom. 8.10. and washt and wrung most, lookes the whiter; white hath no grace without black; the Musk smells swetest when hardest rub'd: Corn must be ground and bakt before it be eaten, sire burns the hottest in frostie weather, Vines if they be not prun'd and cut will wax wild: straights and goodnesse shuts in doores together: a Plant seasonably cut flourisheth the better: the swetest Grape is hardest prest out, why should we then fear the Lyon, when we shall be sure to finde honey in the Carkasse? but a stratagem it is to charge the truth, and the professors of it with false accusations, thereby to render them odious, either to Princes or people; thus have I been dealt withall, and yet not discomforted; for the Gospell of Christ hath been called Heresie, and King Artaxerxes is told, If the Jews re-build the wall, Ezra 4. they will pay no tole nor tribute: so the Primitive Christians had strange and horrid crimes and accusations laid unto their charges; as the Arrians charged Athanasius with Adultery, Murther, and Witch-craft, the Jews of Persia in the time of Sopores, Willets Pillers of Papi­stry. accused Simeon Bishop of Selusia, as a friend of the Roman Emperours, that gave Intelligence to them of the Per­sian affaires, which was not onely an occasion of his death, but of a generall per­secution against the whole Church; thus deal the Jesuits with the Protestants at this day, and thus the adversaries of the power of godlinesse charge it with He­resie, Faction, Rebellion, and all that can wake it odious either to King or people; but a white cloath is capable of any dye, 'tis the fairest silk, that is thus the soonest soyled; the Pestilence first taints the purest breath; those that are most maligned are not the worst, for a man is pittied for his follies, envied for his vertues; men being most apt to hate that goodnessE they can onely admire; and upon this ground the Ephesians expelled Hermodorus, and the Athenians, Aristides, because they were too just for the rest of the people; mens minds, out of I know not what malignity, being apt too for to suspect, that that will not be used unto good, which might be abused unto evill, for this is all the evill of malevolent persons, to make others to appear worse than they are, that themselves, though they be the worst of men, may not appear so; having Satyricall wits, which make use of other mens names as of whetstones to sharpen themselves upon, so that he which maliciously pursues his brother, doth but snuffe the candle to besmuch his own fingers, and yet so makes the light to burn more cleer, the fire never flaming more, than when the wind seeks to blow it out, and most commonly you shall finde him herein the most forward to condemn another, that is equally culpable, if not more then him whom [Page]he thus accuseth, who never looks to pull out the beam in his own eye; but things that bear the same impression should be bound together in the same bundle, for the theefe that escapes, deserves to be hang'd as well as he that is tane, and suffers for his fact, nor is he alwayes the greatest theef that comes first to the Goale, and yet this Varlet having stript a man of all, would be thought mercifull for not mur­thering a man out-right: but I have oftentimes seen this Bee drowned in her own honey, the man entangled in his own talk, tript in his own play, and 'tis but just that Perillus bull first torments himself, that he falls into the same pit he had digg'd for another; like beasts they hear musick as a sound, not as a harmony, Psal. 5.15. regards not goodnesse in another, but 'tis the course of this world, that if a man be once faln a little into disgrace, every base fellow then takes him for a subject of their contempt and scorn, dealing with such herein as with a nosegay which we keep in our hands so long as it is fresh and sweet, and cast it away when 'tis become a little withered: all will go with our Saviour into Mount Calvery, but will then forsake him when he goeth unto Golgotha: Poverty parts good fellowship, and leaves a man forsaken as a naked tree standing in a wilde plain beaten too and fro with every blast of wind, but no cresse hath ever disgraced a wise man for all that, extremities do but exercise our trust, and when the body is distempred, 'tis the best cure to take away some blood the chaffe comes not from the corn, if the eare be not beaten with the flayle; Incense then perfumes, when 'tis cast into the fire: men commonly learn Gods loveby his wrath: Achimedes had never been so famous, if the City where he dwelt had not been so long, so violently besieged, and a long time preserved onely by his means: there is no craft like to that, to be an honest man; of the purest seeds springs the fairest plants, whose wayes though they be frozen dry, so that no butter will stick upon his bread, yet this Lilly will grow up amongst thornes, this fish will be in the salt Sea, and yet be fresh, this Lot will live in Sodome free from their sins, and though this man be bowed almost together, that his head and heeles be made to meete, yet he will not break, but like unto a twig he will come right again: water will not commix with oyle, piety, with Hypocrisie; this Bee will never gather honey where the Cockatrice hath blasted; nor will any moth or worm breed in this Cedar, and who can disclose his pace so well as he that followeth him at the heels? know those that love truth as he that practiseth it, and when his adversaries playes with it as with a game at Chesse, a pawn before a King, sets their worldly ends before this precious Jewell; there a stander by oftentimes sees more of it, then he that playes the game; a ship­wrack in the haven, we say, is grievous, to be deceived where we trust, is most ab­hominable, although a wise man commonly is onely over-reacht in such cases, by his too much credulity, thinking every man to be honest as himself by whom he knows nothing to the contrary, but ill-favoured complexions the more they are painted, the worser will appeare, for frost and fraud will ever have foul ends, and this man not practising what he professeth, shall at last be sure to have his own dung cast in his face; but as he that hath once swallowed a hedge-hog, needs not to care afterwards what he eates, so he that is hardened and prepared for mischief with a brazen face, can look upon contradiction and never blush; Popularity, the mother of this corruption, being like that venome which makes men laugh to death, they do advise and counsell best, that know most: then try all things, saith Saint Paul, finde out the truth, and accordingly determine for that which is good, and against that which is evill; and give the Ox hay, and Pearls to those that esteem them, and be not peremptory to condemn any man but upon cleer grounds of pregnant Testimonies, for this the Lord teacheth should be so by his [Page]own example he would not proceed against the Sodomites upon the cry that came up, Psal. 105.18, 19. but he would first go down and see, for this is to judge righteous judge­ment, and not according to appearance, then hurt his feet no longer in the stocks, now that once his cause is known, and the man found out to be innocent, I must confesse it is hard to distinguish between the precious and the vile, such as are eminenly good, 1 Tim. 5.24. and notoriously bad; tis hard to discern them, for some persons like the Moon in the change, Jer. 15.19. seemes to have lesse light and worth in them then indeed they have, little in the eye of the world, much in the eye of heaven; o­thers I acknowledge seem better than they are, like blazing stars that make a great shew and look as gloriously as any the stars in heaven, and yet are no stars but sticking Meteors; Therefore, saith one well, that in judging things, we ought to judge Secundum quid sunt, but in judging of persons and actions it it is not alwayes so, in re comperta, in a case that is evident its equally an abo­mination to the Lord, to justify the wicked person or action, as to condemn the just, Prov. 17.15. but in re dubia, its otherwise, for there the rule holds dubia in meliorem partem sunt interpretanda, 1 Cor. 13.7. Charity to the person should sway the judgement, though not absolutely for to determine, yet to think him good, whom we do not know to be bad, but it hath been still my unhappinesse in whatsoever, to have an ill sence put upon my good meanings, and a false interpretation upon whatsoever I have well intended, but men must permit what they cannot remedy; Josephus relates of the Jews, that they were very carefull how they received Proselytes in Solomons time, because the state of the Jews then flourished, they thought every one upon base ends might come in and pretend then, that he would joyne with the God of the Jews, but good men have one and the same will, and as the eyes, one turnes not without the other, and I could wish, that in these times, all men were so just unto the cause, and to themselves as to respect and look upon those that have continued faithfull from the beginning, and have never from the first varied from those right principles, to which there is no exception unto this day: Neh. 2.10. but I see very many now adayes are of Sanballat and Tobiahs minde, Psal. 59.6, 14. grieved exceedingly when but a man appeared that came to seek the welfare of the children of Israel, and if an man be discountenanced by a Patriot and great Magnifico of the times, as a Deer that is once shot; all the rest of the heard do strive to push that man out of their company, and if he be but once branded with a crime (though salfe) when the wound is cured, his credit shall be killed with the scar, and as great pain lyes in the rubbing of an old wound, as in making of a new, nay, he that but rubs the scar, casts fuell on the fire to quench it, Psal. 56.5, 6. the very handling of it more inflames it, and makes it spread the more, there being certain willing mistakes amongst those sons of men, that hunt after the ruine of a man, Psal. 38.16, 19. in his goods or good name; that all birds of the same feather will hold together, Keepe themselve s cose and marke my steps (saith Da­vid) when they Iay waite for my soul; Nay, they willingly trust him which is known to be a common lyar, rather then they will want matter to work mis­chiefe against him they hate, howbeit rumors we know, though they be causes of cautelous Jelousies are no sufficient grounds to undo a man upon, being without witnesse, without Judgement, malicious and deceiveable, but men deal herein with those they love not, as the Romish Writers, who will be sure to defame them that differ from them in opinion, speaking great swelling words, having their persons onely in admiration, Jude 16.1 Sam. 16.7. where they can finde or look for advantage, but since we cannot see as God doth, Jer. 17.10. who looks directly on the heart and so Judgeth, we must finde out a man by his words and actions, as the Naturalists judge of [Page]the forme of a thing by its qualities and operations: we of the habit of the heart by its naturall inclinations, as of a tree by its fruits, Mich. 7.20. not taking up things upon trust, but by examination, before we determine of them, for if a man should judge of the Moon and Starrs by the lustre and splendour that the sun hath cast upon them, we must deem them to be far more glorious creatures then they are indeed; and so some such turbulent tribunes there are in every State, who out of their glo­rious vaing glorious humour of popularity would be accompted Angells though it be but for stirring and troubling of the waters; but Mirons Cow that was coun­terfeit, onely deluded other heards of Cattle, pretexts may colour vice, and dis­guise it, but the painted grapes deceive the birds, for this Nightingale being pulled out of her feathers, you will perceive her to be sound and nothing else, 'tis not the habit that makes the Monke, nor are they most guilty that are most blam'd, and such is we see the over-ruling Providence of the most wise and migh­ty God, that every discent into a lower condition, Deut. 4.20. is oftentimes the means to raise him higher, whom God will exalt;j Gen. 15.17. as it was made unto Joseph a staire to ascend unto that honour which his dreames had promised, Gen. 37.5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Gods glory being most advanced, when his people are at the lowest; the blinde man being so born, Psa. 105. 17, 18. that the work of God might be manifested in him, and it was the greater miracle that Lazarus had layen four dayes dead, before our Saviour restored him unto life again: when the Patriarks bad sold Joseph into Egypt, JO. 9.3. & 11.39. themselves were after in bondage there four hundred years, and every day in a worse condition than other, for before they were Subjects, after they became slaves, and after that esteemed to be such as it was not thought sit for them to live; Exod. 1.16. and therefore care is taken to murther them in their birth, and when Moses came to deliver them, where before they were but dying men, now they stink in the nostrills of their ad­versaries, and when they were delivered yet worse, for where before they were scattered in the Land, and some of them might hope for to escape, Exod. 5.21. now all are gathered together, and thought sit to have the neck of all cut off at once, as Nero desired concerning the people of Rome, then the Sea before them, Exo. 14. and the mountaines on each side, and the Egyptians pursuing, and thus before God de­livered the Israelites from the Philistimes, They were come to that lownesse, 1 Sam. 13 19, 22. that they had neither swords nor spears, nor a Smith to make them any, 1 Sam. 17.8. and at another time God doth not deliver them untill one Goliath had made all the Hoast of Israel run like sheepe, and the famine in the time of Joram was not removed, untill the fourth part of a Cabb of Doves dung was sold for five shekles of silver, yea, till the women eare their own children, 2 kings 25.29. and the people of God were not delivered from the enemie in the time of Jeho­saphat, till he was driven unto such a strait as that he knew not what to do; 2 Kings 18.3. Hezekiah is not delivered from the Assyrians, untill the fenced Cities of Judah are taken; and Christ came not to deliver us untill the Scepter utterly departed from Judah, and that the Nation were made slaves unto the Romans: and yet when Jacob is thus tossed to and fro, Esau is still at rest in Mount Seir encreasing in riches and power; when Saul is on the Throne, David is hunted in the mountaines as a Partridge; when Mordecai is sitting at the gate, Haman is in favour at the Court; and when the Courtiers be at the banquet of wine, Shu­san is perplexed: mis-constructions of such mens wayes, not being the least part of their sufferings, which not onely the innocent but the most deserving must re­solve to bear, till truth which is the daughter of time, make them vanish, for though Judah play the harlot, Israel must not sin, but musT strive, if possible, with Stephen to see a Jesus in the heavens, when the stones flye thickest about [Page]his eares, must resolve to bear off his sufferings with head and shoulders; for ma­ny shall follow these pernicious wayes, 2 Pet. 2.12. by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evill spoken of, though it be of such things as they understand not, wherein they must prevaile, till the time come that they utterly perish, in their own corruptions, Psa. 30.5. and receive the reward of their unrighteousnesse, But howso­ever heavinesse may endure for a night, yet joy commeth in the mor­ning, that albeit a man thus becomes as a Menster unto many; Psal. 71.5, 9. Yet if he puts his sure trust in the Lord, he shall be like Mount Zion, that shall never be removed; for truth hath alwayes a good face, though neere so bad cloathes; will not be ashamed, when irreligious policies will never sTand; ill doings be­ing still guarded with bad successes: and when these men like Ducks will dive un­der water at every stone thats thrown at them; truth, like a River thats still run­ning, will cleanse it selfe, and leave its filth still under his feet; thus a good esteem maintaines credit, and me thinks to a wise man, he should not care who were the messenger of this truth, nor what he were that were intrusted, that were known to be faithfull in the things committed to his care and charge: a Palsie hand ta­keth nothing from the Jewell thats in it: a seal of gold, and a seal of brasse, being cut alike, make the same Impression. I but he hath been tainted, saith the adversary, in the worlds opinion, and therefore to be laid aside. But such as under­stand will know before they take suspition, our lives are mixt with sweet and sowre; no picture is all made of brightest colours; no harmoney doth consist all of trebels, the base in perfect musicke must be one; I may use that a bad man hath, or else a good thing once abused I cannot use: a man may slip, and cannot do with­all; by chance may slip and fall into the mud, and yet not delight for to be there: a broken bone, well set, is strongest in that part, and the sooner set, the sooner at ease: and thus ill luck is good for something; that Cart which is driven the best, may overthrow, and yet be set right again, and after carry his loade never a whit the worse: after an ill crop the Land must be used: one Banckrupt makes not the Change empty; and after shipwracke a man must saile againe; a Song is not judg­ed by one note, nor can you know what the Comedy is by one Sceane, nor the Orati­on by one sentence: he never was a good man that doth not mend, without the black, the white hath no grace: the Diamond is the brighter for his foil, and he that was never crost, thinks there was no other heaven but here, however the Gloworm shineth brightest in the dark; the Damaske Rose is sweeter in the Still than in the stalk, and a good face may be seen in a glasse of Jet: good men are gai­ners by afflictions, but it is the fashion of the world still to go along with the ri­sing sun, and to shift sayles as the wind stands, and when she sees her master ready to mount, then for to commend him above the skies; 'tis a right Dequey which hath for every Bird a baite, and will have his Oare in every boat, his part in every Pageant: these Painters then expresse their skill the best, when they deceive the eyes with best shadowes, like rotten plums upon a tree, they are most beautifull of the rest to look upon, but do but shake this tree a little, and they fall presently: like empty barrels these ever make the greatest sound, and like a whelp will bark loud and run away; and yet this drosse carrieth a shew of silver, but these shaddows stick no where, as empty egge-shels they evermore swim aloft, when those that are full of meate sink to the bottome: and yet for all this, this mans joy, is but as laughter in his sleep, and the chirping of Birds in a sun-shine day; yet when these frogs croak thus far beyond their wont, beware of a tempest; but thus then, a man may know a Kyte by the very feathers that he weares, Bu (saith Haman) he will not bow the knee, therefore he must be destroyed: a Fox I must confesse [Page]will flie at the braying of an Asse, because he knoweth it not to be an Asses voyce, but the Lyon will not do so, because he knows it: a fool is not to be feared for his noyse, and he that pisseth clear needs not care a fig for the Physition: vertue is im­pregnable in the greatest distresse; a pure fish will swim in muddy streams: Deut. 8.5. be not mistaken then, For God correcteth every Son whom he receiveth, Heb. 12.6, 7. and useth not his rod where his sword shall come; the Pillory and scourge are made for such Delinquents as shall escape execution. O but he still out-runs the Consta­ble, Psal. 94.12. and cannot be layd hold on by any meanes. Who is it but will save his head with both his hands? for his wisdome is nothing worth, that is not wise for himself, Prov. 13.14. Therefore Theseus would not go into the Labyrinth without a thread: to be safe, is to keepe us to that Dyet we are prescribed; to flee that evill of which we are fore­warned; 'tis not enough to be honest, but to prevent danger that it doth no harm: and he were very silly, that would not beware that mischiefe were in his eye; you cannot blame the burnt child to dread the fire, nor to condemn him to take heed of falling that stands upon the pits brink, that knows there is a Lyon in the way, were mad to adventure; the best things please not all men; the Scythian was angry at the hearing of musicke, as the envious man is at him he hateth, because he li­veth so that his malice cannot reach him: but Nature teacheth every thing to seek the preservation of it self, and for that purpose hath armed the very Bruite Creatures amongst the rest, as the Bull is furnished with hornes, to oppose the as­sault of a Mastiffe Dog, the Boare with tuskes, the Roe-Buck, the Hart, and Hare, with swiftnesse of feet, to flye away from their pursuers, and with eyes in their heads to looke backwards towards them which hunt for their precious lives, for to avoyd them; the Fox with craftinesse and subtilty for his escape, being en­countred with approaching enemies; and to them, and to all Animalls of that kinde besides, is given sense and motion to apprehend, and one way or other meanes for to free themselves from ruine; and shall not man make use of his Reason and more NObler parts, to quit him from the hand of the destroyer? The Patriarks, the Prophets, the Apostles, nay, Christ himself gave it to us in example, and shall we in this latter times be more nice than they, and think it an unlawfull thing to use lawfull means, to be freed from the oppression and persecution of an adversary? Gen. 20. Abraham thinking that the fear of God was not in the Court of Abimi­lech King of Gerar, and that therefore he should be slain for his wives sake, durst not to own Sarah for his wife, but said, She is my Sister; which was afterwards Isaac's very case concerning Rebecca, being with Abi­milech in Gerar also; And Esau hating Jacob his brother, Gen. 20. because of the blessing wherewith his Father blessed him, and therefore having resol­ved to slay him, Did not he therefore Flye unto Laban his Vncle, from the face of his enraged brother, untill his fury should be turned away? Gen. 27.41, 42, 43 And did not Rachel put her Fathers Images in the Camels furniture, and sate upon them, that Laban could not finde them after all his search into Jacobs stuffe? Which was to prevent the danger of that hot prusuite, Gen. 31.34, 35. which Laban made after him for those fooleries: the Hebrew Midwives too, Exod. 1.17, 18, 19 did not as the King of Egypt commanded them, But saved the men children of Israel alive, contrary to his commandment, excusing the matter with a pretence onely, and yet it was not imputed to them for so great a transgression: 1 Sam. 18 11, 12, 13 When Saul cast his Javelin at David to smite him to the wall, he avoyded twice out of his presence, and because he was afraid of him, he departed from him, and therefore it is said, That he behaved himself wisely in doing it; and as he did afterwards when he was let downe at a window, that he fled and escaped from [Page]his enemy, when he had sent messengers unto his house to slay him, nor do I finde Michael his wife discommended for her Stratagem used at that time, the bet­ter to preserve her husband from destruction; 1 Sam. 19 10, 11, 12, 13, &c. 1 Sam. 20.1, 24. that flight of his also front Natioth in Ramah to Nob at another time upon Jonathans discovery of his Fathers intended mischiefe towards him; his abiding in the wildernesse of Ziph in a wood, in the hill of Hachilah, for to save himself, nor was it ac­counted unlawfull that he sent out Spies, 1 Sam. 23.14, 19. 1 Sam. 26.4. to discover Sauls approach, and that therupon he fled to Gath to secure himself against his fury; nor do I finde it spoken against, that he changed his behaviour and fained himself mad before Achish a King of the Philistims, thereby to procure safety to himself in that time of his danger and extreamity, 1 Sam. 21 13. that child of the Prophets that annointed Jehus King over Israel, was constrained presently to open the doore and flee and tarry not, 2 Kings 9.3. and when evill and great distruction did appear unto Benjamin out of the North, the Prophet Jeremy had them to flee out of the midst of Jerusa­lem, Jer. 6. 1. as the Lord by the same Prophet commanded the Inhabitants of Hazor to do the like, Jer. 49.30. when Nebuchadnezzer King of Babylon had taken Councell, and conceived a purpose against them; thus Joseph fled with our Saviour into Egypt, Mar. 2.13 from the intended destruction that Herod had against him; and when those in the Synagogue of the Galileans were filled with wrath, and would have cast him down headlong from the brow of the hill, whereon their City was built, Lake 4.28, 29, 30.2 Cor. 11.32, 33. Acts 9.23, 24, 25. he passed through the midst of them and went his way; and so when the Jews had taken Councel to kill Saint Paul, when their laying in waite was known, and that they watched the gates day and night to kill him, the Disciples took him by night, and let him down the wall in a Basket: Now all these did outrun the Constalile, and yet what offence, I pray you, was in then, for saving themselves alive from the fury of the destroyer: but you set a detractor hath the Devill in his tongue, and he that applauds it hath his teeth and tongue in his eares; he derides what he understands not, and wrangles with the thing he hath not learned; because the Iron is too hot for his fingers, thus all is not Malt that is cast an the Mill, and he that throws dust at the sun, it lighteth but in his owne eyes: O but saies he again, there cannot be all this smoak, but there is some fire; there would not be a shaddow, if there were no Sun; a man thus evill spoken of cannot be Innocent, but by your leave, an benefit man, that will deal square and aboveboard shall be contemned of the world; Joh. 2 [...].13, 19, 20. Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater then his Lord, if they persecute me, they will also persecute you: and yet a precious stone, that is cast into the mire, doth not lose his beauty: In­nocence cannot protect the just, and he that is down the wind shall be sure take evill spoken of; for when fortune failes, desert oft bleeds with shame, and no good man but shall finde this measure of our Saviour Christ himself; Joh. 7.12 Some said he was a good man, others sayd nay, but he deceiveth the people; But all things are not true that we heare, and therefore wise men beleeve nothing but what they see: but malicious men de the quite contrary, it is a suspitions, apprehensive, and interpreting fancy, ready to pick out injury, where is cannot be justly found, that its anger may be imployed to frame occasions to it selfe; and therefore 'tis a wise advice of Seneca, Non vis esse iracundus: ne sis morosus, he that is too wise in his judgement on other mens errours, will be ca­sily too follish in the nourishing of his own passion, and its commenly seene in matters of cansure and suspition, the more sight and reason goes out, the lesse useth to abide within, and as men which see through a coloured glasse, which [Page]have all objects how different soever represented to the same Colour, so they exa­mining all conclusions by principles forestalled for that purpose, thinketh every thing of what nature soever, to be dyed in the colour of their own conceits; and to carry some proportion unto those principles, like Antipheron, Orites, and others in Aristotle, who did confidently affirme every thing for reall, which their ima­gination framed to it self, and yet when malice hath thus sought to put out the Candle, by snuffing it, many times it hath made it shine the brighter: as in the sale of Joseph, by his brethren, It was not so much you that sold me, Gen. 45.8. (sayes he) as God that sent me, that I might save much people alive, as it is this day; and therefore, as one saith well, God permitted this sale, he withdrew his grace from the sellers, he restrained the sin from an intended mur­ther, to a bare sale; this treachery of his brethren he did not infuse, but use, he used it not as a fale, but as a conveyance; in them 'twas a selling, in him a sen­ding, ayming at their reliefe, an end out-ballancing in good, the evill of the sale, the saving of much people: thus looke but on the corner of a peece of Arras, and it carries no proportion untill you unfold the whole peece, and until then you see but one half of Ezekiels Vision, you see but the wheeles, not the eyes in the wheels: Ezeck. 10.12. thus God oftentimes doth twist many rags into ropes, to lift his Jeremies out of the dungeon; my particular observed will make out the parallell, and to say with the Prophet David, I will praise God because of his Word, Jer. 38.11, 12. Psal. 36, 4. Psal. 37.3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Psal. 113 6, 7. Psal. 107. I have put my trust in God, and will not fear what flesh can do unto me; or he will bring forth the righeousnesse of such as the light, and their judgement as the noon day, for he taketh the simple out of the dust, and lifteh the poore out of the mire, &c. Afflictions thus make mercies to be the more e­steemed, liberty is sweet unto, and desireable of all, but most of all, of those that have known the hardship of a long imprisonment, as the danger and violence of a storme, make a safe harbour the more welcome: thus the woman cured of her issue of blood, after she had suffered many things of many Physitians, Marke 5. 25, 26, 27. Joh. 5.2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered but rather grown worse; and he that after thirty eight years lying by the Poole of Bethesda, was put into the wa­ters and cured of his infirmity; prized their healths the more, as they had the longer layen upon their beds of languishing: if the plaister should be too soon taken off, the sore would fester so much the more; and whiles deliverance is de­layed, patience hath its perfect work; it is the bellows to blow up Gods graces. Christ hid himself from his Spouse, to make her long after him; Samuel was the more dear to Hanna, because she waited long for him; we would not so much praise him for his sweetnesse, if we had not first tasted the cup of bitternesse: that which with more difficulty we obtaine, with more care we keep: the child must pray and intreat, and open every finger of his hand, before he gets the Apple which his father shews: We may not limit the holy One of Israel; Psal. 78.41. we must expect and waite if to have the harvest: there is no ship but is tossed upon the Sea, no Church but is afflicted; Is black, but comely: Cant. 1.5 and therefore Lu­ther, to set forth the condition of the Church, pictured a silly mayd in the wilder­nesse, Psal. 90.10. compassed about with many Wolves and Beares, and raging wilde beasts, to shew the many dangers and troubles that the people of God must inevitably passe through, in this world; so that as there is no Sea without waves, Psal. 46.1 so there is no Saint without sorrows; and these Bees will gather honey from the bitterest Herbs, and yet when this wind blows the most fiercely, then know that it is about to cease; Psal. 44.7. mans greatest extremities are Gods opportunities, Psal. 107.6. when he doth usually deliver those that call upon him; and things that cannot be altered must be [Page]born, for impatience doth but increase the crosse, and as a man in Irons, the more he strives and struggles, the more he hurts himself; for we see 'tis easier by far to tye a knot, then to unloose it, to finde faults in a man, then to make them; a sim­ple man can quickly make a spot, which a wise man cannot so easily clean; 'tis ea­sie for a man to fall into a pit, not so easie to get out; and he liveth the safest, we say, that pockets up his wrongs: rough stormes try good Pylots, the Marriner that then runs on his course, the Lant horn that then keeps his light, that yeelds not under the burthen, but endures the crosse with patience; when now you shall cast up the Cards, it will appear whats Trump: Innocence then is the best Ar­mour that a man can put on against another mans fears, Prov. 28. as Tacitus said of Cae­cina, Ambiguarum rerum sciens, eoque intrepidus; to be acquainted with difficulties, makes men that they are not fearefull of them, knowing that the lon­gest day will have an end; and in the mean time he that suffers the Cedar to grow, permits the lowest shrub to live; and though the Bird may now perchance have many sick feathers to keep her below that she cannot flye up into the tree, yet the time will come, that her feathers will be grown again, and that she shall be able to mount the skies: and what though in the interim Shimei raile, and the Drunkards make songs of me, yet wise men will profit by the prate of fooles, and he that doth not hurt me in this case too, must yet be opposed so far forth is to beware him; for a Scorpion is not then onely supposed to have a sting when he smites, nor do all Horses prove right from the same race, nor is all coyne crurant that hath the Kings stamp upon it, and therefore take heede is a good reed; although innocence hath so cleer a Complexion as she needs no painting, may endure then much hard measure, be belyed notwithstanding: but these men that pursue her so fiercely, do but snuffe the Candle to be smuch their own fingers, and makes the light to burn more cleer at last; and like haile on a tyled house, although it makes a great noise, yet it doth little harme; he that walkes with a right foot is sure to speed; but tis rare if black be made to take any other hue: thus a good cause consisting in matter of fact, when 'tis plainly told is sufficiently proved, but a good man may complain, as the Pro­phet David did in his time, Ps. 102.6 That he was like a Pelican in the Desart, it shall be long enough ere they come to assist him; nay, so far shall he be from help, That the net upon Mizpah and the snare upon Tabor, Hos. 5.1. shall be layd to catch him, as the ambushes which the Idolatrous Priests layd upon those moun­tains, to take up all the passengers that went up to Jerusalem toworship the true God; there will be a Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, ever ready to oppose the Moses and Aaron, Num. 26 that seek but to work good in the Congregation; a Jannes and Jambres, 2 Tim. 3.8. and Egyptians to affront them, thta work in the Lords Vine­yard: but he that fights with Cats, must endure to be claw'd, that creeps through Bryers, shall be scratcht, that fights with Bears, must be paw'd; that contends with mightier men than himself, must blame himself if he suffer wrong; for 'tis not good medling, we say, above the eyes, none ever saw the Altars of Busiris but was posseSSed with sorrow; then for to shoulder a great man that is not sure to put him into the Gutter, doth but light a Candle to see his own nakednesse, for thus he shall cut his fingers that meddles with edged tools, and no marvell if be then cryes that is thus pincht to the quick; the Asses eares must be hornes if the Lyon will have it so, but a great oppressor is the greatest theef, is more ready to offend, because he is without fear of revenge, and no wonder if his usage then makes a wise man mad; and if he that shall oppose one such adversary, shall have his hands full, then he that provokes many like enemies, must expect to be torn in sunder; but if a man must suffer for the truth, Is it not all one to be drowned in the deepest Sea, [Page]as neer the shoar? A magnanimous man must be like a four cornered stone, Deut. 1.17. & 16.19.2 Cor. 19 7. lye upon whatsoever side he lights, must fear no colours that will attempt the Fort, have no respect of persons injudgement; yet he that will thus do his du­ty without connivance or partiality, shall be sure never to want opposition, and the slanders of Malignant men to pursue him, and therefore must resolve with patience, to run through both good and bad reports, and suffer the virulence of these venemous tongues with contempt; 2 Cor. 6.8. and amongst the rest of those enemies that I have met withall of this kinde, there is one whose eyes are so blind with popular applause, that be had rather be a master of Error, then a scholler of truth, and this theif in the Candle makes ill work, this moat more hurts the eye than any part, for commonly he makes Religion his stalking horse, and un­der a seeming sanctity covers over a double iniquity; like the Alder tree, he hath a faire barke, but a bitter rine; this Bee brings honey in his mouth and a sting in his taile, like the Box tree, seeming alwayes green, yet then being full of poy­sonous seeds; is a Syren, which will sing sweetest, when she intends to bite the sharpest; with the dog, will bite sorest when he doth not bark; with the Onix-stone, is hottest when it seemes most white; is a cunning Goldsmith, that will enrich his basest silver with pure gold, then pretend the fairest when he intends most mischief: this Fisher covers his books with the pleasantest baits, and straw his best corn under a pitfall, the sooner to betray those with whom he hath to do; this Canker you shall alwayes finde in the fairest rose, this moath breeding still in the finest wooll, this worme ingendring most in the softest wood, this man continually maligning the best of men, malice driving him forward, and fury suprring him on, that he cannot stay behind, being thus riding post to hell upon the devills back; this Scorpion hath an amiable face, but a poysonous tayle; this sowre crab seemes an apple outwardly, as the sweetest Pipin, 'tis the taste onely makes the difference, his actions which are ever terminate in mischiefe; these waspes have their Combes appearing fair to the eye, but without honey; but we try gold by the touchstone, Jewels by the Lapidary: Locusts by their faces are not known from men; this Bell having a cleer sound, but an iron Clapper, he perfumes his deceipts with the balm of Gilead, hath words in his mouth like Alder flower, very gay, more woth than all the tree besides, like Nazian­zens Country of Ozizalah, which had store of flowers, but was barren of corn; you shall finde his tongue commonly too long for his mouth, which runs ryot like a hunting whelp, goes before his wit, will quest where every Bird and Buzzard sits, and when he doth calumniate a mans good name in a dark corner behind his back, he reacheth out whatsoever comes at his tongues end, and then like a Pecock, spreadeth about his tayle when he woulde be seen, but will not dayne to look upon his black leggs for all that; with the man in the Moone, he vies at all, for his conscience; like Sampsons shoulders, are strong enough to bear out any act, but like the Gander, you shall ever finde him loudest amongst his Geese, tel­ling Stories of strange things, to those that cannot contradict him in his relati­ons, which when rightly understood, are but tales of Robin Hood, by him that never shot in his bow: but in this his multiloquie it fare with him as when a stream over-sloes his bancks, which thereby onely contracts slyme and filth; he is an Hermaphrodite, begotten betwixt Hawk and Buzzard, puts his sickle into every mans harvest, will be medling, what soever comes of it, albeit most times in the conclusion, he finds little thanks for his labour; makes work to have work, and rather than stand out, will spin his tow into a mighty length, make much ado about nothing, that he may be seen to have imployent, when God knowes those [Page]into whose society and businesse he thrusts himself, had rather have his roome than his Company, for this Swan though he hath milkie feathers, yet hath he a black Carcase: with Athalia you shall have him crying treason, treason, when himself is the greatest Traytor; and like a mad dog, you shall finde him as angry barking at the Moon which he cannot reach (at him thats above him) and doth but crosse his humour) as at that man whom he gets presently by the shins, and cannot withstand his fury, like the Raven you shall have him no longer to stay in the Ark, then he hath need of Noah, for his own ends be will shake each man by the hand, and like wax will be pliable to every Print, the sparrows feather serves him as well as the Swans, without check he passeth over his own faults, but doth laugh at all others sinnes, and like a child seeing his visage in a glasse thinks it another babye; like thunder, when he makes the greatest clap, he lets all but a lit­tle stone, his discourse commonly ends in a lye: like a light vessell thats unbal­lanced, he rises and fals with every wave, oderunt, quos metuit, first he hurts, and then he hates, and ever after he lookes upon them as guilty of that shame and sadnesse, which in the sin he hath contracted, and thus makes hatred an Apologie for wrong, and out of the narrownesse, incapacity, and Antipathy of his owne minde he fals to an under-valuing of persons, even to their non entity and existence, as things utterly unusefull, because he sees not what use himselfe can have of them, herein discovering as much absurdity in so peremptory a dis­like as a blind man should do in wishing the sun put out, not considering that he himself receiveth benefit at the second hand from that very light, the beauty whereof he hath no acquaintance withall he will insult over a mans sufferings, and where he finds a Cowardly and faint resistance, will domineer like a pig in Pease-straw, and as a resty jade will then shew his tricks, when he findes his ri­der fearefull to put spurs to his sides; he will be sure to hold in with the Griffin, and great Leviathan, as knowing if he can compound with the Serpent, he will soon crush the little Adders, and yet with these he tyes but a Gipsies knot, that is fast and loose at pleasure, for as a Phisitian to his patient, he will then give him over when he lyes a dying, will leave thee when thou needst him most, he sailes evermore with wind and tyde, and never drinks in empty bottles, non ad amis­sas, h3 carves a peece of his heart to every one that sits next him, because he would he thoght wise, and yet is no better than froth, which appears all above, but is quickly gone and vanished into nothing, though in the interim and mean time while the tale is telling, as a blazing Comes he appeares more glorious than a fixed star; like a Pedlar will shew what is in his pack, though nothing but old fashions and brarded wares be in it; he hath another trick amongst the rest too, which he learned from a Curtezan, that when he findes himsef faulty, and likely to be accused for the fact, he will be sure to cry whore first, will jeer at honest wo­men, seek others where he lay himself, that if it were enough for him to accuse, there were none should be clear: where he meets with a mean understanding, and with one that holds him in esteem, he brings this Pan into a fooles paradise, who straightwayes thinkes to be made free in Wales, for offering a Leek unto this S. Davy at his shrine; he will never bid thee God speed, unlesse he knows thou needest not to care for him; Religion he useth as women use Soape, onely to wash away suspition; he museth as he useth, will not endure to be pulled by the eares, to hear that he hath any faults: he is In Nettle, out Dock; a fickle fellow too, will be found no where, and yet will have his finger in every pye, will give his ver­dict amongst the rest, though he comes of himself uncal'd unto Councell, and then all his Geese are Swans, his Pìgeons are all white, he thinkes he hath a Spirit of [Page]Prophesie and cannot erre, and if Solomon were alive again, he would vye with him, which were the wisest man, he hath a populer spirit, which like a wor­king Sea, which ever breeds trouble in the Port, so doth he make work where ever he becomes, give him but preferment, and he hath no equall, this Parish Priest presently forgets that ever he was a Clark, as Saul being made a King, and Balaam a Prophet, with Judas they are the worse foul stomacks turning whol­some food into gall and corruption, put him upon businesse, which he hath no minde unto, and like a resty Jaae, the more he is suprred, the backwarder he goes; if Ahab had a mid to go up to Ramoth Gilead, he will be one of them will cry, Go up and prosper; if Ahaz will have such an Altar as is at Damas­cus, 1 King. 12.12. He shall finde him an high Priest, that will do according to all that the King commands him, if a Novelty will take the people, he will be one of those will speake perverse things, 2 King 16. to draw Disciples after him; and with the Keilites a-gaine will give up David, betray the best friend be hath to save himself, Act. 20.30. with the Samaritanes he'l challendge kindred of the Jews; whiles their State flou­risheth, but will disclaime them again when afflicted, will imbarke himself in the Churches cause in a Calme, but with the Souldier in the Acts will flye out of the ship in a storm, and although his Conscience be convinced of the right that he should do, yet if any danger be in the way, he will do as those amongst the cheife Rulers that beleeved in Christ, yet because of the Pharisees, dared not to confesse him, least they should have been cast out of the Synagogue; where he is to sit in Judgement he alwaies comes prepossest in opinion, and like a Juror im­braced before hand, resolv'd of his verdict, before he heares the cause, censuring before he sees, and speaking evill of what he doth not understand, he hath the yellow Jaundies in his eyes, and thinkes all yellow that he looks upon, prizes no­thing thats good, because it suites not with his disposition, he is provided ad om­nia quare, He hath for every bird a baite, an Apple for Adam, a wedge for Achan, a Kingdome for Absalon, an Office for Korah, a Bag for Judas, 1 King. 22.6. a world for Demas, a flattering Prophesie for Ahab, can awe the tymerous with dangers, claw and blow up the proud with titles, bait the greedy man with hopes, feed the discontented man with Complaints, melt the compassionate man into Compliances, and like a Camelian change himself into all Colours, to advance himselfe in all conditions: but how can he have a sweet breath, that hath such rotten Lungs, but this Ape though she hath some touches of a mans face, yet is still known to be an Ape, and how could I be safe to have had such men as these to mine enemies, whose malicious conclusions concerning me, have been like those of Logick ever following deteriorem partem, but that Rule ought to be straight that squareth other things; yet if they could but snatch a shadew, or shape a surmise of evill in my actions, of a molehill they have made a mountain and raised a scandall, where there hath been no cause, knowing that the least ble­mish mars a Dyamond, and yet in the midst of all these clamours and loades of slander, this hath born up my heart, God knows my works, and though ignorance and malice heretofore hath set upon my skirts and censured me, yet God I hope will at one time or o ther, put them forth with the Coment of my honest and just meaning, Psal. 37. 6. and dealing upon them, and not as heretofore tortured and drawn with false expositions of mine adversaries, and that which quieted Jobs spirit in the midst of all the mis-apprehensions of his friends hath ever been and shall be still my comfort, Job 16.12. Behold my witnesse is in heaven, and my Record is on high; Act. 12.2 But Festus to do the Jews a pleasure will leave Paul bound, Herod and Agrippa kill James, and imprison Peter under the custody of 16. Soul­diers, [Page]and so the ungodly for his own lust doth persecute the poore; Act. 25.2 Vp Lord disappoint him, and cast him down, and deliver my soul from the un­godly, Psal. 10.2, 6. which is a sword of thine, that the men of the earth may no more oppresse, for when my foot slipt, they rejoyced greatly against me, and though we cannot expect but that we must shift our garments, Psa. 17.3. Psal. 10.18. Psal. 38.16. and some­times weare sack-cloath; yet Lord set my heart in tune, whether to Lachrimae, or Hallalujahs: and thus you my see the discouragement and discountenance that I have had in this world; that if any man hath but chanced to favour me, I have been spoken against as when Christ called Zacheus, Luke 19. the people murmur­ring said, He is gone to be a guest with one that is a sinner; but a Car­ping humour is a signe of a wek judgement; afflictions, you may perceive then, have followed me as Jobs messengers, before the first was dispatched, there ap­peared a second, before that was ansered, a third followed; like Ezechiels Prophesie, Ezek. 7. mischiefe upon mischiefe, and rumour upon rumour; but 'tis too late to mourn when the chance is past, howsoever though few faire dayes have been in my Calender, yet let him that stands take heed lest he falls; for the Hawk that trusts too much unto her wings if she soar too high may so be lost, that gazeth to catch a star too, my easily fall, and let not men be too bold to play with other folks noses, least perchance thereby their own be taken by the end; for he that sets his neighbours house on fire, must take heed least he burnes his own, for whoseoever will speak and do what he list, is like to have and hear more than will please his humour; 'tis hard to cover smoak but it will burst out, the tongue will bewray the intentions of the heart, and thus we shall know how the clock goes, by the striking of the Bell; and if then being forewarned, we be not forearmed against the ensuing danger, there is no man will pitty him, that in such case shall groan under the burthen. I have in my time met with all kindes of opposition, but with no wrath and cruelty like that which hath proceeded from weaknesse and cowar­dize, having had either jealousie, advantage, or despaire, to set it on, and yet those which as the Prophet speaks, do break mens heads with oyle, make a poyson of their own merits, to kill them with praises, are bad enough, that love not to have their bad meanings and actions to be found out, as those also which being displeased with Mordecai think it a scorn to lay hands on him alone, and therefore his whole Nation must suffer with him; with Seianus the storme must light on his family and friends, aswell as on himself, and hatred is so overflowing a passion, that it will sometimes rather strik a friend too, then not to reach an enemy, as Darius, pereat cum inimico amicus, let my friend rather perish with mine enemy, then that mine enemy escape by my friend, and yet again there is scarce a more hatefull quality in the eyes of God and man, then that of the Herodians, to lye in waite to catch an innocent man, and then for to accuse him; and such I have had to deal withall; unlimited desires also will repine to see another have that which himself wanteth, as Dionysius the Tyrant did punish Philopenus the Musitian, because he could sin, and lato the Philosopher because he could dispute better then himself, but Nemo repente fit turpe, no man becomes bad upon a suddaine, for a man may shoot and misse the mark, and yet sot his ayme as straight as he that shoots and hits the white, desire makes us what we are, and affection when it doth expresse its desire is to be conside­red, though by chance it misseth to do what was expected: Apelles was no good Painter at the first, 'tis tract of time that makes things to appear as they are in­deed; the Juniper is sowre when 'tis a twig, and sweet when 'tis a tree; I but saith my adversary, if his innocence had been such as he makes shew of, why then [Page]hath he not in all this time, put the matter unto tryall, to purge himself; you shall perceive by that which follows, that I have neglected no oopportunity to bring this gold unto the touch-stone, my disaster hath been onely in this, that the publike affaires of the kingdome, would to this houre never admit me so much leisure for the examination of this particular, that I could procure it to be heard; besides that, in all this time I have not wanted those that have done me many ill Office in this matter, and that wish it never ended, but that still it may lye as a rod over my head, or as a staffe to beat me withall, upon all occasions behinde my back; besides when fury doth rage and rave, we say there is no putting of truth unto tryall, for so to snuffe the candle, were but to put out the light, and every wise man knows the hen that cakles hath not alwayes layd, will not beleeve every vaine report, that comes aborad; but with those wise Bereans are more nobler minded men, then those of Thessalonica, will first search and see whether those things be so or no, so that though the Serpent Porpherious hath much poyson in him, yet wanting teeth can do little hurt, and therefore as David said concer­ning Sheimei, Let him alone, It may be the Lord will look on my af­fliction, 2 Sam. 16 11.12. and requite good for his cursing this day; so will I not so much look on the lower linkes of this chaine, as to forget him that hath the top of it in his hand; but will look up to God in what I suffer, and say as Eli, It is the Lord elt him do what he will; 1 Sam. 3.18. and with Job, the Lord gives and takes, and blessed be his Name, for it is he that killeth and maketh alive, 1 Sam. 2.6, 7, 8. 9. that brin­geth down to the grave and bringeth up, that maketh poor and maketh rich, that bringeth low, and lifteth up the begger from the dunghill, and set them among Princes, and makes tem to inherit the Throne of glory, and by strength shall no man prevail, Hag. 3.19. saith the Prophet, for in that time I will undo all that afflict thee, and I will save her that halteth, and gather her that was dri­ven out, and I will get them praise and fame in every land, where they have beeng put no shame: And is any man then so whole that he needs not the Physitian? What part hath he then in Christ which came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance? Luke 5.31, 32. is he ever a whit the better of whom all men speaks well, nay, is he not the worse, for so did their fathers of the false Pro­phets: wooll buyers, know wooll sellers; and the shoe will hold together with the sole; Luke 5.27, 28, 29,30. flints hurt not one another, but grow orderly together; brothers in ini­quity seldome falls out: let them then be filled with madnesse that cannot entan­gle me, nor shall it grieve me to be separate from their Company, nor be reproach­ed by such men, nor to have my name cast otu amongst them as evill; Luke 5.7, 22, 23. for these busi-bodies in other mens matters, these Bishops in other mens Diocesses, as they are great strangers to themselves, having in this time their own gardens over grown with noysome weeds, so their tongues are no slander; Psal. 50.19.20. that I care not to be judged of them according to the flesh, so I may but live according to God in the Spirit, 1 Pet. 4.15. Psal. 112.4. thus though the earth be moved, and the hills be car­ried into the midst of the sea; though the waters thereof rage and swell, and the mountaines shake at the tempest of the same, yet will the good man hold his way, and he that hath clean hands shall be stronger and stronger: 1 Pet. 4.5 Psal. 46. 1, 2, 3. no man loves him whom he feares most, Job 17.9. Job 36.14. for he is afraid of him whom he hath injured; Adam first eates and then he hides, assoone as he hath transgressed the Covenant he expects the curse. Albicrades having provoked the Athenians, was afraid to trust them, saying, It is a foolish thing for a man when he may flye, to betray himself into their hands, from whom he cannot flye; Conscience of evill and guiltinesse of minde being like mud in water, Wisd. 17. the more [Page]it is stirred doth the more foul and thicken, therefore this man will use all possible means to be rid of him if he can whom he feareth, which is the reason too, that when a man hath acted his part, far beyond that which was expected, or can be requited, if he be above him that is thus obliged, all his satisfaction shall be neg­lect and contempt of him at the last, he then that stands upon his own legs, can make the wheels to serve the Clock, and the Goose to go on her own feet; provides for himself that which is sufficient, and lives within his compasse, without being chardgeable or burt hensome unto others, when now he perceives the raine in a black cloud, revenge intended in a bended brow, regards not the shoure to come, that hath so good a shelter to run unto in a storme: excesses commonly seldome go alone, great wits and great Errors, but these envious men, are for the most part highly conceipted ot their own excellence, it is a very hard thing, when great abilities and vast hopes shall meet together, to govern them with moderation; private ends being in that case, apt for to engadge a mans parts, and to take them off from publike service, unto particular advantage; men prize their reputati­ons as their lives, and though in some things too blame, yet loath they are to see it, but if faithfull and good men were provided for with imployments suteable to their knowledge, and that might yeeld them a subsistance to continue them in their service, it would make men strive unto perfection, and to be inabled for du­ties, for the keenest edge that hath nothing to cut is nothing woth, 'tis meat keeps men alive: Miners cannot work with hout mettalls, nor can wisdome thrive with­out wherewith; Hercules is nothing without a club in his fist, and if they have done well before, this must more obliege them for the future, for a dog will not leap in his face that gives him meate; Claudius the Emperour was wont greatly to thank such as he had provided for Offices for that they being men worthy and capable of them, would accept them, but of late times it hath been otherwise, Of­fices have been provided for men, that could onely receive the profits of Offices, but unable to execute the charges with which they were intrusted; that it is much better we see now a dayes to be happy then wise, whiles these men onely dance, unto whom fortune pipes; That he labours but to graspe a running stream, saith one, that expects preferment for desert; the torch turn'd downwards is exteinguished with that which caused his light, the best wine makes the sowrest vinegar, Cor­ruptio optimae pessmae, man is the purest of all creatures yet being once dead is the most noysome of all others; that Cambrick which is once staind will scarcely be clean, ripest wits prove most prejudiciall when imployed the worst way, that 'tis ill driving a Cow against the wall, enforcing men unto extremities, for when she can flee no further, she must either turn head or dye; 'tis true, a bow thats long bent waxeth weak, and it may be thought a pollicie to weary out the best men with expectation, but there is not one man amongst a thousand, whom much provoca­tion, will not alter from these first resolves which he hath taken up; a man may tire the best horse; he is a black Swan indeed that will not vary, Vnum ex mille; but Nilus breeds Serpents as well as precious stones, and in all Rivers there's frogs as well as fish, and we know the worst are ever the greatest number, there is no darknesse more formidable than that of an Eclipse, no mallice grows rancker then that which proceeds from the Corruption of love, no taste more unsavory than of sweet things when they are corrups, nothing more dangerous than a sharp wit imployed the wrong way; a Lark we say is worth a Kite, and one peece of a Kid, is worth two of a Cat: to him then that conceipt and custome hath not made good and bad alike, he will choose rather to have one faire flower grow in his gar­den then many stinking weeds, but I have been beholding to some yet further for [Page]their good word, who have been pleased to honour me so far, as to joyn me in the same yoak together with Master Kilvert, and have made it as a wonder that the Parliament should be pleased to make use of two men in their service so in­famous and unworthy a concluson; you may perceive drawn from false premisses, I speake but for my self, for this sentence given against me in the Court of Star-Chamber, is both the Major and Minor propositions to warrant this assertion, which being (manifeste falsum) I may be bold to answer so, without preju­dice to their Judgements: nor are they so well read in Policies howsoever, that shall think States must not imploy men of all rankes and Conditions; for some­thing a man may learn from Simon Magus as from Simon Peter, nay, a man may be counselled of Balaams Asse, Numb. 22.28. and I am confident they shall but leap out of the frying-pan into the fire, that shall bestow imployment upon such men as these, for rayling at another man, more honest then themselves; nay, by thus placing their favours too soon upon such detractors, they may oft be-saint such Serpents as will sting them to death; for nothing but croaking Toads are to be looked for out of pudly Fens destruction and unhappinesse from such malicious men, nor can we look for water out of an empty pot; but because these men do finde it much easier to strike than fence, therefore they are so censorious; but every Puppy will bark at a dead Lyon, so easie a thing it is to give a man a fall, when both his hands are bound behinde his back; 'tis enough to for him to snarl that dare not bite: but the day and night being both alike to him thats blind; a Nettle and a Rose all one to him that knows no difference; I shall intreat my friends for to remember, and I hope (without scandall or prejudice to any man) I may speak it, that Master Kilverts imployment and mint, and the wayes we have lived in, have been of a far diffe­rent condition; he was a Courtier, which I never was; he solicited for the times against such as were then honest men, and averse to their proceedings, but I had the happinesse to be still on the Defensive part for such, and had work enough to do besides, for to keep me but upon my own leggs, and he that rows against wind and tyde, to be sure must have his hands full; Psal. 71.18, 19. But O what great troubles and adversities hast thou shewed me, and yet didst thou turn and refresh me, yea and broughtest me from the deep of the earth again, and comfortedst me on every side; who knows his strength that was never tryed? and how can that Virgin be said to be chaste that was never tempted; 'tis the fire that purifies the gold, and afflictions that differenceth the precious from the vile, Therefore it is good for me faith David, that I have been in trouble, that I may learn thy Statutes. Psal. 119. Thus we consider the Vineyard first in the trees, but afterwards we deem it in the fruits, for 'tis not the rush, but the Dyamond that is in it set, which makes it valuable; it is a mans good conversation, which makes him to be well esteemed; and although in the winter of this workd, the good an bad tree seemes much alike; the Cockle and the Darnell grow up together with the good wheat untill the harvest, yet a piercing eye will discover vice in the ha­bite of vertue, for the Asse cannot dance to the Harpe, nor can the Lyons skin teach a man to roare, to see a sow wallow in the mire is no news, but to see an Ermyne to do so were rare: he may judge of colours that is not blind, and though sometimes by accident, he may chance to be deceived in his judgement thereof, yet 'tis not ordinary to be so, we see the sun cannot shine without his beames, and that if the fountain cease, the River is dryed up, and that tree withereth whose root decreaseth, and one man is known and differenced from another, by the Actions they performe; so that although I have been unfortunate, yet I must be content, for it is not every mans hap to attain the end of his desires, for many bends the [Page]bow, that kills not the game, layeth the snare that never catch the fowle, laboureth without reward, or regard many times, though his service be never so profitable and acceptable; but the labourer must have his hire; the Devill his due, doe him right hath done thee service, least bare walls drive away good huswives, whoso­ever is imployed in the vineyard, of common right ought to have his penny.

Thus as with Ariadnes thred, I have led you into the Labarinth of my mise­rable life, and by which you may finde the way out again, after you have once viewed and seen those many Meanders, and windings of destructions threatned, and chambers of death opened, wherein to enclose, and to have buried a poore in­nocent man alive: but can any man imagine why all this stir and much ado should be about nothing, to hunt after such a flea; if there were not something more in the winde then is visible; or that I can imagine to my self, what should be the cause of my persecution, for in all this time I have had neither power nor office in the Common wealth, whereby it hath been possible for me in a publique way ever to oppose or hinder any of these mens proceedings, and designes who have thus cryed me down, and so strongly laboured to ruine and blemish me in the worlds opinion; but if I be so base a fellow, the scorn and contempt of men, and unworthy of all humane society as I have been very lately traduced and blanced to be by some, it is in the opinion of such assuredly, who like cupping glasses onely draw out the vitious humors of the body unto them, and like flies that are over­come with the Spirits of wine, but nourished with the froath, or like those wormes, which receive their life from the corruption of the dead; and with the Prince of Devills may well have their names given them from flyes, because as they re­sort unto soares, so these take most pleasure in the wounds and vulcers of men; that if I am become thus a Monster unto many, sure it is unto such as in the lan­guage of the Prophet David, made Songs of him in the gate, or of those, which Solomon speakes of, Psal. 61.6. Psal. 69.12. Prov. 1.22. & 15.12. &13.1. & 24.12. Gal. 4.16 Esay 51.7, 8. Mat. 5.10 11, 12. Joh. 9.28 29. Neh. 1.7. Pro. 12.13. & 13.3. & 14.33. & 15.2 & 16.13. that delight in scorning, and loveth not him that reproveth, for it is not he that telleth thee the truth, that is become thine enemy; but my comfort against this affliction, shall be that which I have recei­ved from the Prophet Esay, Not to fear the reproach of men neither to be afraid of their revilings; for when they shall say all manner of evill against me falsly; it shall be the cause of my rejoycing as the surety of a better reward, and then to be reviled for being his Disciple, though such shall say, as for this fellow, we know not from whence he is, yet herein shall be my confidence, the Lord knoweth who are his, yea whiles the wicked shall be thus snared by the transgression of his lips, the just shall come out of trouble at the last; and when such a fool is said to lay open his folly, he shall be beloved that speaketh right; and now would not Rabanus tongue be clipt for telling tales and that like Joshuahs Spies brings an evill report upon the Land without cause; you cannot make the Wolf and Lamb to love; the Lo­cust dies at the sight of the Polipus, and I protest it is a miracle to me, for to conceive that men so full of State and greatnesse, should waste and consum so much pretious time, from their more weighty and great imployments, as once to foul their fingers, or spend their breath about so poor and inconsiderable an ob­ject in their estimation and esteem; and it were much more for the praise of their wisdome, and for my ease and quiet I am sure, if I might be so much beholding unto them as they professe, that they would be pleased to let me alone to move a­mong the stars, that cannot attain to be as glorious as the sun: but they know what it is to offer wrong to a Dove or sheep, that will not resist again, though pressed to death: and I thank my God I have no ambitious thoughts, for if I [Page]may but live to keep the Wolf from the door, enjoy a competency to live after the way and manner in which I have been bred, I professe seriously, I look not af­ter eminency, and those great honours and preferments in this life, which as Solomon saith, are but meer burthens and nothing else; Eccles. 1.18. for that man can hardly be master of his passions, that is not master of his imployments, a mind ever burthened being as a bow alwayes bent, which must needs grow impo­tent and weary, so that our minds as our vessels must be unloaded if they would not have a tempest hurt them; there being far more content to be found in a mean and poor Cottage, than in a rich and stately Pallace; Pro. 15.16, 17. & 16.8. poor quiet being the truest riches; that as the fig tree, though least beautifull and beares no flowers, yet is far from thunder: and tell me, is not the dog more to be praised that hunts till he be spent amongst the bushes and bryers, then he that onely can run at gaze, and over the plaines and Champion fields, and cannot endure that his tender skin should be scratcht; there is no wooll so course, but it will take some dye, no creature that God hath made in vain, and therefore I shall not think so meanly of my self, as mine enemies would have the world for to beleeve of me, untill more than words make the bargain, for such vain speaking is but as a shot of powder without a pellet, a great storm and nothing but wind; for where there is onely a bare report to convince a man of an offence, though Cato were the Author of the relation, it will not be credited of wise men for all that; he that justles another shakes himself, and if he take snot the better heede, may have his luck that rides a Colt with a naughty bridle, to be quickly set besides the Saddle, or as he that walkes in the dark, which stumbles and catcheth an ill turn ere he be aware. I have now almost eaten up my loaf unto the pin, and cannot recall that stone which is already cast; but if I were to begin my dayes again, by that wofull experience which I have had of things, I should weigh the scale a little better, and make the ballance more even before I dealt out my commodities, for opinion I see can tra­vell through the world without a pasport, but truth cannot do so, for whom fame hath advanced lives uncontrol'd, and when he stands still none must go forward, and he needs must swim that hath Neptune for his guide, whiles a strong brain without preferment must be deprest with despight as a dangerous creature, and then to be lookt upon with wonder, as the Sun in his Ecclipse, and as upon the Moon in her Wain; and if that will not serve the turn, more wayes shall be found out yet to kill a dog than by hanging: this man having an Art like the vertue of that River in Arabia, that turneth dirt to silver, and gold to drosse; but 'tis a blind Goose, we say, that knows not a Fox from a Fern-bush; the man from the master, by the Livery that he wears; and though old trees do but live to gather Mosse, yet gray hayres, by a long experience, can difference Brasse and Cop­per from gold, and tell, that though the first makes the greater sound, and are heard farther off, yet the latter is the more precious mettall: But for the com­fort of the upright in heart, there can never be such an emptinesse in the crea­ture, Hab. 3.18. of those that do belong unto the Covenant of Grace, but even then it is supplyed with fulnesse from heaven, when it is least visible to flesh and blood, as when there was no corn in Canaan, Gen. 41.57. & 8.42. & 2.14. then Joseph unexpectedly sent before into Egypt, had provided sufficient for his father and his bre­thren, when they were ready to famish: and Christ had meat to eate which his Disciples knew not of, when they thought he was read to have perished for want of food; so when David returned from Aphek to Ziklag, and found it burnt with fire, and his two wives, and all that he had, and the women and children of his followers taken Captives, 1 Sam. 30. so [Page]that he and the people who were with him, Esay 25.5. lift up their voyce and wept, un­till they had no more power to weep, and that David was so distressed that the people spake of stoning him, yet then he encouraged himself in the Lord his God, 2 Chron. 20.12. and pursued the enemy, overtooke them, and re­scued and took the whole prey out of their hands again; and so was it in the case of Jehoshaphat when the children of Moab and Ammon came out against him to battell in multitudes, when he knew not otherwise what to do, his eyes were upon his God, and he delivered him; so that though the sun be hid in a cloud, yet his glory and power is no whit diminished, and it will appear and shine again: and though the streames be dry, yet the fountaine is still the same, and will fill the Channels: that although in the winter of ma­ny infortunities, there be neither leaves nor blos?somes that do appear upon this tree, yet whiles there is sap sufficient left in the root, it will make both boughs and branches to flourish and grow green, when the spring time of favour shall approach; Acts 3.19. and when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord: no man knows so well where the shoe wrings, as he that wears it; a sturdy Beggar gets no almes, because he will not ac­knowledge his wants: but whatsoever my adversaries may report, or other men think of my Estate, I may not be ashamed to enforme my Necessities, and to open those sores which may procure your Charity, and herein I will not be found a Lyer, let malice and the black mouths of detraction say what they can against it.

I have lost by the Rebellion in Ireland, in personall Estate, five thou­sand seven hundred sixty nine pound; the particulars whereof I can make appear by the Oathes of divers, which I have ready to produce upon occa­sion; I lost the possession of a Mannor, and two thousand Acres of as good Land, Meadow, and Pasture, as any in the County of Meath, there where I dwelt, which was under a part of this stock, of which I had a Lease for forty one yeeres of some, and sixty one yeeres of another part of it, and within those Leases had the Tithes of as many out Parishes as paid the whole Rent reserved and more, and so I enjoyed the Land free: And upon which I had built, and otherwise improved it, in which I expended above one thousand two hundred pound, besides the scituation of the place for Markets, and every accommodation whatsoever, that no man could dwell in a more Commodious seat.I lost the possession of another Man­nor, and of five thousand twenty two Acres of Land, Meadow, and Pasture by Surveigh, all within a hedge, being my Inheritance and Fee-sim­ple Estate, which did yeeld me in present Rent six hundred pound per an­num, or there abouts, was never improved by reason of my absence here in England, for four yeeres together upon the late Earle of Straffords perse­cution: there is above one thousand five hundred Acres of this is as good Meadow and Meadowable Pasture as any is in that Kingdome, two thousand Acres more of it is as good Wheat Land, as Grain can be sown upon; the rest good land to feed sheep upon; that I am sure, valuing the losse of my yeer­ly revenew in Rent, but at one thousand pound per annum, I am no Lyer, let malice say what it can unto the contrary, and all this taken from me by the Rebells, the 24. of October 1641. the next day after that bloody and traiterous design was to have been executed at Dublin; but God Almighty gi­ving me my life for a prey, and the lives of my Wife and Family, being mira­culously delivered from the Enemies surprize in the dead time of that night [Page]attempting it, hath answered all these my losses, and bound me to a perpetuall thankesgiving and acknowledgement thereof unto God for this deliverance; I lost the use of my profession also, by which I profited yeerly more than all the revenew of my Estate besides, and for all this, I shall not be ashamed to say with the Patriarch Jacob, With my staffe I passed over this Jordan, Gen. 32.10. by which I became those two Bands: and being dispoiled of all this again, as I went, I returned, in a disconsolate Estate; yet with holy Job, looking up unto heaven, from whence commeth my help; after this I had no sooner set the sole of my foot upon my Native soyle here again, but I met with many Comforters, and was offered a competent livelihood for my self and family, to have absented this City, but was disswaded to embrace those of­fers, with promise of a sufficient supply, if to plant here and assist the common cause; and truely my affection to the service and the assurance I had for my subsistance, was from men so eminent in places and authority that I had no reason to doubt of the performance, but being once engaged; God Almigh­ty, to let me see there is no dependance, but upon himself alone; tooke these men away, and left me onely to awaite upon his Providence; and having now served the State this three yeeres space and more, here in severall Com­mittees and otherwise, to the best of my abilities, you will see in the se­quell of the Story, what my reward hath been, for all my labours and faith­full performances herein; and I have been informed that some have not been ashamed to give out, that I have gotten ten thousand pound in this time, in these imployments, which is a thing so grosse and noteriously false, that all men that but understands what I have had to do, will cry him down for a son of Belial, that shall have such a fiction in his mouth; I protest upon the faith of an honest man, that I have not in this time, had so much allowed me in the places and Offices wherein I have served for Salary in the over sight of some Treasuries for the Irish account, as hath given me and my family bread, and more then what hath been freely given me for my paines, I defie any man to charge me with, and all which is visible and to be seen, upon record to be much under three hundred pound, and I have spent four hunded pound more in this time, which hath been the benevolence of my friends; and were I not bereaved of my whole Estate and fortune by that Rebellion as I said before, I should as freely serve without reward in this Cause, as any man alive, and shall as willingly contribute what I am able to it, as any man what­soever: but those that asperse me have dealt with me herein, Jo. Paul. Herin. de Albing. l. 1. c. 2. as the Pope an­ciently did with the Albingenses in France, Who having a minde for to ruine them, entertained them in Treaties and Conferences, that in the mean time he might prepare his great Armies the more suddenly to destroy them: so are they such who made fair weather with me a long time, till they had served their own turns, and gained their own ends, Ecces. and then have requited me with this bad language onely for my labour, and now it is but justice to do him right, that hath suffered all this wrong, and but Christian compassion now at last to take that burthen from my back, which hath so long, so heavily laine upon my shoulders, but if my time of rest and quiet, be not yet come, since vengeance is onely Gods Prerogative, I shall leave Joves thun­der-bolt in his own hands, and in the mean time scorn the wrong, and so shall sufficiently be revenged of the injury, and shall thus conclude with that of Jethro unto Moses, Blessed be the Lord who hath delivered me out of the hands of the Egyptians, and out of the hands of Pharaoh, Exod. 18.10, 11. [Page] for thus I know, Psal. 9.16, 17, 18. Rev. 15.3. Psal. 31.26. 1 Pet. 2.12. Tit. 2.8. the Lord is greater than all Gods, for in the thing wherein they have dealt proudly, he was above them, and the needy shall not alwayes be forgotten; the expectation of the poore shall not perish for ever; in which assurance I shall still labour, and by a good conversation strive to shame the Gain-sayer, that he that is of the contrary part, may so be ashamed in the latter end, as having nbo evill thing upon just cause to say against me: These are the mites I tender to your Corban, the Turtles I have to offer at your Altar; and having no better to bring, I hope my good meaning shall supply the rest, and if I have dwelt too long upon this Subject, excuse me, it being an errour of affection, that in my own cause may thus haply mislead my Judgement, and it being in my first en­trance upon such a taske, it is no wonder if you shall finde me to deserve your reprehension: he may mar many an Instrument at the first that learnes Musick, but S. Austin saith, Non est multiloquium, quando necessaria, &c. But the Judgement is, and my self



PAge 3. line 49. read Interrogatories, p. 7. l. 37. add they, p. 8. l. 2. omit be, ibid. l. 27. read excessive, ibid. l. 47. read adversary, p. 20. l. 20. read at, ibid. l. 34. add as, p. 13. l. 49. read Interrogatories, p. 23. l. 2. read to, ibid. l. 37. read that, p. 25. in the Affidavit read is, p. 28. l. 7. for his read this, p. 28. l. 43. for 100. l. read 130. l. p 32. l. 4. for an read and, ibid. p. 24. for into read unto, ibid. l. 42. for me read one, p. 33. l. 42. for than, read that, p. 35. l. 40. omit the, p. 39. l. 39. for in read into, p. 38. should be, p. 40. l. 26. for the word for read from, p. 41. add one in the title of certificate, p. 50. l. 37. for agust read against, p. 53. l. 1. add him, p. 59. l. 7. for with read to, p. 66. l. 42. for recount read account, p. 71. l. 12. for these words an Act of Common Councell read an Act at Councell Table, p. 82. l. 35. for they read the, p. 83. l. 26. for all his witnesses read all the depositions of his witnesses, p. 84. l. 25. for into what sad a condition read into what a sad condition, p. 87. l. 26. omit to, p. 100. l. 33. for us read as, p. 109. l. 1. the first word read endeavoured, p. 115. in the last line but one, for both read but.

Errata in the Epistle.

FOr oblation, p. 2. l. 37. read obligation, p. 3. l. 27. for wherein read whereon p. 11. l. 34. for receive read review, p. 20. l. 37. for brarded read braided.

EXCEPTIONS taken by the said Jerome Alexander Esq; unto the Dis­mission, Decree and Proceeding of the Court of Star-Chamber against him, touching the said pretended blotting out of these two words ( that and did) in the Paper-copie of one John Warrens Deposition, taken in the Cause wherein he was Plaintiff in the said Court against John Yates and others Defendants: In anno secundo Caroli Regis.

First, against the Dismission:

1 THat it was given against him, notwithstanding good cause and proof appearing within the Books to have sentenced the Defendant Yates for that offence of terrifying of Witnesses and tampering with them, albeit John Warrens Deposition to the nine and thirtieth Article had been wholly set aside; and albeit John Warren, in his Deposition to other Articles, proves in effect the said Yates guilty of the said offence.

2 That albeit Yates, upon the said Hearing, was once fined for the said Offence; yet he was afterwards dismissed, when sufficient matter thus appeared against him.

3 That the Dismission was given, and costs awarded against him, when he had proved some part of his complaint against some other of the Defendants besides Yates, who dying before the hearing thereof, esca­ped a censure: for which cause (the act of God onely intervening) he ought to have had his costs, and not paid costs.

4 That this Dismission was given, when it appeared to the Court by so much of the causes as was already heard, that he had probabilem causam litigandi; and therefore if he should have had no costs, ought by the course of the Court to have paid no costs.

5 That 130 l. Costs was taxed by the late Lord Coventry, then Lord Keeper, against him, whenas by the Bill of costs it doth appear, that they are very immoderate and extreme:

1 First, by the sum and totall thereof, summoned up in the foot of the said Bill of costs, there appears to be 36 l. 10 s. or thereabouts, cast into the totall of the said Bill, more then (re vera) the same do amount unto, by the particulars of the said Bill; which must of ne­cessity be done, to give colour to tax and allow the more costs a­gainst the Petitioner.

2 That there is 76 l. 10.4. set down for the Defendants travelling, charges, and sometimes 8 l. and 12 l. and more in a Term, when in all that time, after the appearance and answers put in, their cause was commonly followed by their Agent and Attorney, who have their Fees allowed them in the Bill of costs besides.

3 That in the Bill of costs 40 l. and more is set down at least, for coun­sel-Fees in nine Terms, and sometimes 12 l. in a Term; when, by the ordinary Rules of the Court, the Defendants should have had allow­ed but one counsel in every of these nine Terms, and but 10 s. a Fee in every Term; for, what is given more, is of the clients own super­fluity, and not to have been charged upon him: So there is 116 l. 10 s. and more set down for travelling, charges and counsel-Fees.

Secondly, against the Sentence:

That it is illegal and without foundation, for the matter and manner of the said Sentence: besides, That the Paper-copie of that Deposition in which the words are supposed to be blotted he could never see to this day, to be satisfied that it was so; it being taken from his servant in his absence: nor had he perused it of neer three yeers before that time, but were with his Sollicitour attending for a hearing.

First, for the matter of it.

It is alleadged in the Sentence to be done by him for his own advan­tage; which is not so:

1 Because it appears he had no need to help the testimony of that Wit­nesse by so indirect a course, because it appears clearly in the Books, that there is sufficient testimony besides, for the proof of that Charge.

2 It cannot be presumed that he, who had probabilem causam litigandi, and therefore by the course of that Court was to have paid costs, albeit the Defendant had not been fined, would commit a Misdemeanour which would not redound any thing to his benefit.

3 It cannot be presumed that he would have done that act, which must of necessity have been controlled by the Defendants copie then present in Court, and by the Record it self.

4 It cannot be presumed any such act would have been done so grosly, a mark of eminence being made in the Margent, which would have made the thing the more remarkable.

Secondly, 1 Paper-copies of Depositions and Records are not credited till be justified for true copies upon Oath; which he never did do, as appears by the Sentence.

2 The common-Law (and that Court of Star-chamber imitating the Law in that) have never punished offences of this nature with more then the losse of the fruit of that thing intended in it.

3 If Offences of this nature begin but by the tender of them to be read, it cannot be applied to him as an Offence; for Nevile his Sollici­tour in the cause had the Books and managing of the cause at the hear­ing, and delivered them to Master Jones his Master, and Atturney in the cause, to read.

Thirdly, In all causes criminall, if the supposed Delinquent deny the fact, there ought to be no proceeding without Bill, or Information, Answer and Examination of Witnesses, so that the party may make his De­fence in this case: He did upon his Oath deny the fact objected, yet [Page 8]the Court proceeded without Information, Bill, Answer or Examinati­on of Witnesses, whereby he lost the be benefit of making his just De­fence.

Fourthly, against the ground of the Sentence, viz. the proof of the fact objected.

1 First, he did upon his Oath deny the fact, and there is no proof at all, either by confession, deposition or otherwise, to convince him.

2 That testimonie which is produced is then such, upon whom the crime must have fallen in case he were not guilty, so that testimony onely ten­ded to purge such as deposed it, Nevil himself.

3 That M. Alexander, against all ordinary proceedings of Justice, after he had purged himself upon his Oath, was again enforced to be sworn and reexamined upon his Oath, to have accused himself; and this his reex­amination pressed against him in the Sentence, against the truth thereof.

4 Matters extrajudicial and diverse from the thing in question, is recei­ved and deposed against him, and inverted in the Sentence, contrary to all ordinary Rules of proceeding, and to the truth it self.

Fifthly, against the sentence it self.

1 It is given against him without any legal notice, and in his absence, necessitated upon reall occasions, whereby he was disabled to make his Defence.

2 It was interlaced with divers scandalous and impertinent suggestions, thereby to render him causlesly odious, and with some untrue surmises, viz. of proof of the crime, and of contradiction in his Examinations; neither of which are so.

3 In case the Proceedings had been legal, and the Fact had been proved; yet the Sentence is excessive:

1 Excissive, in respect he had suffered before, viz. the reversall of a Sentence pronounced for him, and taxing of 130 l. costs to the Defendant.

2 Excessive in it self, disabling him to use his profession, either publike­ly at the Bar, or privately in his chamber.

3 Fining him 500 l. to His Majestie.

4 In adjudging him to Imprisonment till he should make a publike Submission in Court, and confesse himself guilty of the Offence whereof he was innocent.

5 In inviting his expulsion out of the Society of Lincolns-Inne, where­of he was a Member; which thereupon was done, and his cham­ber seized and taken from him, for no other cause.

6 In giving 50 l. damages to Nevile, who was the wrong-doer, and guilty of the said Offence.

Sixthly, against the Proceedings after the Sentence.

1 That the Fine was passed under the Great Seal to one Master Humfrey Fulwood, then Master Secretary Cokes servant, and the greatest part of it paid without such Instalment as is usually allowed of course in such cases,

2 That by means of the late Lord Coventry, then Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, his great advesary, and of the late Earl of Straf­ford, as ill affected to him; His Majesties Grace and Favour for pardon, being then all the means left to give him being in the world, was conti­nually interrupted and kept from him, that by many yeers sollicitation [Page 9]of hisfriends in his absence in Ireland, and of many noble Personages at Court, it could not be obtained. And when at length his father in law, with much ado, prevailed with His Majestie for it; yet the said Lord Coventry so prevailed with His Majestie, that he caused a Conditi­on to be inserted in it, That he should not have liberty to use his Pro­fession here in this Kingdom, to put him out of all hopes of returning; well knowing that he was resolved to question his injustice, whereof there needed little other proof then the very Sentence it self.


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