A CONCEALMENT DISCOVERED FOR THE PUBLIQUE ADVANTAGE, BEING The effect of a Petition directed to the Right Honorable the Councell of State for the Common-wealth of England, by Will. Bagwell and John Brockedon, Discoverers and Plaintiffes in the behalfe of the said Common-wealth, which was delivered to the Lord Generall Cromwell, to be presented &c. the 17 th day of Aprill last, 1652.
THat the said Bagwell and Brockedon had discovered 5097 l. 2 s. besides the value of Armes and Furniture for 28. Harquebushiers men and horse, that served less then the number of 300 raised, under the Command of S r John Norwich Collonel, to be maintained at the charge of the Inhabitants of the County of Hartford, from the 17 th of August 1643, to the 25 th of March 1644.
That for that purpose Moneys were collected and received of the said Inhabitants of the said County (to satisfie the pay of the said 300 Horse &c. for 31 weeks and 3 days,) by the Committee of Hartford, their Treasurer and Pay-master &c. then in being for the said County.
That they the said Committee or some or one of them &c. have detained the said 5097 l. 2 s. &c. ever since the 25 th of March 1644, of the moneys so collected, and have left the Souldery unpaid, for 13 weeks and 3 daies.
All which the Petitioners prove by severall witnesses sworn before a Master of the Chancery, and by the accompt, whereof an abstract is at the foot hereof.
That the said Petitioners having addressed themselves to the Hon ble Committee for the taking and receiving of accompts for the said Common-wealth, and finding no reliefe, as by a Narrative to be presented when called for, appears at large.
Therefore their prayer was to the Right Hon ble the Councell of State, upon their serious consideration to nominate some worthy persons (Commissioners) that are experienced in the Military affaires, to hear, examine, and determine the businesse, &c.
The said discovery of 5097l. 2s. &c. arising in 31. week and 3 daies time upon 300 horse onely, there serving likewise Dragoons and foot souldiers in the same County, and all of them for severall years, and consequently the like, or more, in all other Counties of this Common-wealth, if some effectuall Authority were setled to cause the severall Counties to produce their severall accompts and Muster-rolls &c. There would be without doubt vast summes of money discovered that is concealed from the Common-wealth, in most (if not in all) of the Counties throughout the whole Nation, to the great benefit of the said Common-wealth. And the said Bagwell and Brockedon, doe conceive and verily beleeve (by the sundry addresses and complaints of many of the Souldiers, and others of severall Counties) That there may be discovered of concealments (as above) more then will satisfie the Arears of the Souldery and the Publique Faith, if incouragement may be given to their just endeavours. And therefore (in the behalfe of many thousands, Souldiers and others, Creditors to the Common-wealth) they humbly desire that an Act may issue forth for the effecting of the premisses, &c.
- Will: Bagwell.
- John Brockedon.
London, Printed by James Flesher, for Nicholas Bourne, at the south entrance of the Royal-Exchange. 1652.