A DISQUISITION ABOUT THE Final Causes OF NATƲRAL THINGS: Wherein it is Inquir'd, Whether, And (if at all) With what Cautions, a Naturalist should admit Them?

By T.H. R. B. Fellow of the Royal Society.

To which are Subjoyn'd, by way of APPENDIX SOME Ʋncommon Observations ABOUT VITIATED SIGHT.

By the same AƲTHOR.

LONDON: Printed by H. C. for Iohn Taylor, at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1688.



THere are not many Subjects in the whole compass of Natural Philosophy, that better deserve to be Inqui­red into by Christian Phi­losophizers, than That which is Discours'd of in the following Essay. For Certainly it becomes such Men to have Curiosity enough to Try at least, Whether it can be Disco­ver'd, that there are any Knowable Final Causes, to [Page]be Consider'd in the Works of Nature. Since, if we neglect this Inquiry, we live in danger of being Ungrateful, in Overlook­ing those Uses of Things, that may give us Just Cause of Admiring and Thanking the Author of them, and of Losing the Benefits, relating as well to Philosophy as Piety, that the Knowledge of them may afford us. And if there be no such Things, we are more than in dan­ger to Mispend our Labor and Industry, in fruitless [Page]Searching for such Things as are not to be Found. And an Inqury of this kind is now the more Seasonable, because two of the Chief Sects of the modern Philo­sophizers, do both of them, though upon differing Grounds, deny that the Naturalist ought at all to trouble or busie himself a­bout Final Causes. For Epi­curus, * and most of his Fol­lowers (for I except some few late ones, especially the Learned Gassendus) Banish [Page]the Consideration of the Ends of Things; because the World being, accord­ing to them, made by Chance, no Ends of any Thing can be suppos'd to have been intended. And on the contrary, * Monsieur Des Cartes, and most of his Followers, suppose all the Ends of God in Things Corporeal to be so Sublime, that 'twere Presumption in Man to think his Reason [Page]can extend to Discover them. So that, according to these Opposite Sects, 'tis either Impertinent for Us to Seek after Final Causes, or Presumptuous to think We may Find Them. Wherefore, I hope I shall be Excus'd, if, having been engag'd by some Sollicita­tions, (wherewith 'tis need­less to trouble the Reader,) I did not Decline to Try, what the Bare, but Atten­tive, Consideration of the Subject would Suggest to My Own Thoughts. And, tho' 'twas easie to Foresee, [Page]by this means my Friend might miss of receiving in my Essay, divers things that occurr'd not to Me; yet I consider'd on the other side, that such things would, notwithstanding my Si­lence, be found in the Au­thors that deliver'd them: and 'twas very possible, that by the Course I took, I might light upon some Thoughts, that I should have miss'd, if I had prepos­sess'd my Mind with the Opinions of Others; which I was the less Tempted to do, because an easie prospect [Page]of my Theme suffic'd to let me see, I was like to have the Epicureans and Cartesi­ans for my Adersaries, not my Assistants. And for the School-Philosophers; the very Slight Account that their Master Aristotle gives of One of my Four Questions, (for of the rest, as far as I remember, He says little or nothing,) gave me small hopes of being Aided by Them; especi­aily since in This, as in many Other Questions, they proceed upon Grounds that I cannot Assent to. Ana­tomists [Page]indeed, and some Physicians, have done very laudably upon the Uses of the Parts of the Human Body; which I take this Occasion to Declare, that it may not be Suspected, that I do in the least Un­dervalue their happy Indu­stry, because I Transcribe not Passages out of their Books: The Reasons of which Omission are, not only, That I had not any one Book of Anatomy at hand, when I was Writing; but, That the Uses of the Parts of Man's Body rela­ted [Page]but to a small Part of my Discourse: to make which more Comprehensive, I took in the Consideration of more General Questions, besides that which was con­troverted between Aristotle and the Ancienter Philoso­phers, who disputed how Bodies, that were devoid of Knowledg, could Act for Ends.

Those that Relish no Books in Natural Philoso­phy but such as abound in Experiments, are seasonably Advertis'd, that I do not Invite Them to Read this [Page]Treatise; wherein I thought it much more Suitable to the Nature of my Subject and Design, to declare the Works of God, than of Men; and consequently to Deliver rather Observati­ons, than Artificial Expe­riments. And even of the Former of these, tho' per­haps most Readers may find in the ensuing Discourse Several that they have not met with in Classic Au­thors, yet I shall freely ac­knowledge, that, upon the Review I made of what I writ, I find, tho' too Late [Page]to Repair the Omission, that I have left several Things unmentioned, that would have been very per­tinent to my Subject; which may, I hope, be more easily Excus'd, be­cause, the Body of the fol­fowing Disquisition having been Written many years ago, and Thrown by upon the Death of the * Gentle­man that Press'd me for it; I could not then take no­tice of those many Disco­veries in Anatomy, and o­ther [Page]Parts of Physiology, that have since been happily made. But perhaps some will think, I may have more need to Excuse the Large­ness of Some Parts of the following Treatise, com­par'd with the Others. And I should rather Grant than Answer the Objection, if I could not Alledge, that the Contagious Boldness of some Baptiz'd Epicureans, Engag'd me to dwell much longer on the Third Pro­position of the Fourth Se­ction, than I at first Inten­ded. And on the other [Page]hand, the Cartesian Opinion having of late made it Re­quisite to Handle the for­merly Difficult Question, about the Consideration of Final Causes, after a New Manner; I thought it Un­fit, Lightly to Pass over the Paradox Maintain'd by so Great a Man; and Judg'd it Expedient in Some Pla­ces (what I could not do without Enlarging) to Pro­pose Thoughts adjusted to to the Present State of Things in this Affair: in the Management of which, I have had so much more [Page]Regard to some Other Things, than to the Sym­metry of the Parts whereof this Tract consists, that I will not say, That I fear, I have in It but Thrown toge­ther Materials for a Just Di­scourse on my Subject; since to Do so was the Main Thing I Intended. And if the Materials be Good and Solid, they will easily, in so Learned an Age as This, find an Architect, that will Dispose them in a more Artful Way, than I was either at Leisure or Sollici­tous to do.

AN ESSAY, INQUIRING Whether and How a Natu­ralist should Consider Fi­nal Causes.
To my very Learned Friend Mr. F. O.


THough in a Book or two of mine, that you have al­ready been pleas'd to pe­ruse, there are some passages, whence you may easily enough gather, what I thought about your Questions; [Page 2]yet because the Subject is of great moment, as well as difficulty, and you may suspect I have alter'd my opinion, I shall, without referring you to writings, which perhaps neither you nor I have at hand, set down succinctly, but yet as if I had said nothing of any of them before, my present thoughts about these Four Questions.

I. Whether, generally or indefi­nitely speaking, there be any Final Causes of things Corporeal, know­able by Naturalists?

II. Whether, if the first Question be resolv'd in the Affirmative, we may consider Final Causes in all sorts of Bodies, or only in some pe­culiarly qualified ones?

III. Whether, or in what sense, the Acting for Ends may be ascrib'd to an Unintelligent, and even Inani­mate Body?

IV. And lastly, How far, and with what Cautions, Arguments may be fram'd upon the supposition of Final Causes?


TO begin with the first Questi­on; Those that would ex­clude Final Causes from the consi­deration of the Naturalist, are wont to do it (for ought I have observ'd) upon one of these two Accounts: Either, that with Epicurus they think the world was the Production of Atoms and Chance, without any intervention of a Deity; and that consequently 'tis improper and in vain to seek for Final Causes in the effects of Chance: Or, that they judge with Des Cartes, that God being an Omniscient Agent, 'tis rash and presumptuous for men to [Page 4]think, that they know, or can in­vestigate, what Ends he propos'd to himself in his Actings about his Creatures. The Ground on which the Epicureans have rejected Final Causes, has been disallow'd by the Philosophers of almost all other Sects; and some have written suffi­cient Confutations of it, which therefore I shall here forbear to in­sist on; though somethings I shall upon occasion observe, that may help, if not suffice, to discredit so unreasonable an Opinion. But the Cartesian Argument has been so pre­valent among many Learned and Ingenious men, that it will be worth while (if it be but to excite better Pens) to spend some time in the Consideration of it.

Perhaps one thing that alienated that excellent Philosopher, from allowing the Consideration of Final Causes in Physicks, was, that the School-Philosophers, and many other Learned men, are wont to [Page 5]propose it too unwarily, as if there were no Creature in the world that was not solely, or at least chiefly, de­sign'd for the Service or Benefit of Man: Insomuch that I remember I have seen a Body of Divinity, pub­lish'd by a famous Writer, wherein, to prove the opinion he favours, of those that would have the world annihilated after the day of Judge­ment, he urgeth this Argument; That since the World was made for the sake of Man in his travelling Condition (homini viatoris causa,) when once Man is possess'd of his Everlasting State of Happiness or Misery, there will be no further use of the World. The opinion, that gives rise to such presumptu­ous and unwarrantable Expressions, did, as I guess by his objection, more choque Des Cartes, than I won­der that it should displease him. But the indicretion of men ought not to prejudice Truth; which must not be cast away, with the un­warrantable [Page 6]Conceits that some men have pinn'd upon it.

Wherefore, since I cannot entire­ly close, either with the opinion of the Epicureans, or of the Cartesians, I shall leave each party to maintain its own opinion, and proceed to pro­pose mine: For the clearing of which, and indeed of the Disqui­sition of Final Causes, I shall beg leave to premise a Distinction, which, though novel, I shall ven­ture to employ, because it comprises and distinguishes some things, which I think, ought neither to be overlook'd nor confounded.

I conceive then, that when we speak of the Ends which Nature, or rather the Author of Nature, is said to have in things Corporeal, One of these four things may be signi­fy'd, or, if you like that expression better, the End design'd by Nature may be fourfold:

First, there may be some grand and General Ends of the whole World, such as the Exercising and Displaying the Creators immense Power and admirable Wisdom, the Communication of his Goodness, and the Admiration and Thanks due to him from his Intelligent Creatures, for these his divine Ex­cellencies, whose Productions ma­nifest his Glory. And these Ends, because they regard the Creation of the whole Universe, I call the Ʋni­versal Ends of God or Nature.

Secondly, in a somewhat more restrain'd sense, there may be Ends design'd in the number, fabrick, placing, and wayes of moving the great Masses of Matter, that, for their Bulks or Qualities, are con­siderable parts of the World; since 'tis very probable, that these bodies, such as the Sun, Moon, and fixed Stars, and the Terraqueous Globe, and perhaps each of its two chief [Page 8]parts, the Earth and the Sea, were so fram'd and plac'd, as not only to be capable of persevering in their own present state, but also as was most conducive to the Universal Ends of the Creation, and the good of the whole World, whereof they are notable parts. Upon which account these Ends, may, for distinctions sake, be call'd Cos­mical or Systematical, as regarding the Symmetry of the great System of the world.

There is a Third sort of Ends, that do more peculiarly concern the Parts of Animals (and probably Plants too) which are those, that the particular parts of Animals are destinated to, and for the welfare of the whole Animal himself, as he is an entire and distinct System of or­ganiz'd parts, destinated to pre­serve himself and propagate his Species, upon such a Theatre (as the Land, Water or Air) as his Structure and Circumstances de­termine [Page 9]him to act his part on. And these Ends, to discriminate them from others, may be call'd Animal Ends.

Fourthly, and lastly, there is an­other sort of Ends, which, because they relate particularly to Man, may, for brevity's sake, be call'd Human Ends, which are those that are aim'd at by Nature, where she is said to frame Animals and Vege­tables, and other of her producti­ons, for the use of Man. And these Ends themselves may be distin­guish'd into Mental, that relate to His Mind, and Corporeal, that re­late to His Body, not only as He is an Animal fram'd like other Ani­mals, for his own Preservation, and the propagation of his Species (Mankind;) but also as He is fram'd for Dominion over other Animals and works of Nature, and fitted to make them subservi­ent to the Destinations, that one may suppose to have been made [Page 10]of them to His service and benefit.

This Distinction of Final Causes, which I hope will not prove alto­gether useless, being premis'd; I shall begin my intended Discourse, by owning a dissent from both the opposite Opinions; Theirs, that, with the vulgar of Learned Men, will take no notice of Final Causes but those we have stiled Human ones; and theirs, that (as they think, with Descartes) reject Fi­nal Causes altogether; since, tho' I judge it erroneous to say in the strictest sense, that every thing in the Visible World, was made for the Use of Man; yet I think 'tis more erroneous to deny, that any thing was made for ends Investi­gable by Man.

'Tis a known Principle of the Cartesian Philosophy, That there is always just the same quantity of Motion in the World at one time, that there is at another: Of which [Page 11]Assertion this Reason is given; That there is no Cause, why God, who is Immutable, should at the beginning of things, when he first put Matter into Motion, have gi­ven it such a quantity of Motion, as would need to be afterwards augumented or lessen'd. But I see not, how by this Negative way of Arguing, those that imploy it, do not (implicitly at least) take upon them to judge of the Ends, that God may have propos'd to himself in Natural things. For, without a Supposition, that they know what God design'd in set­ting Matter a-moving, 'tis hard for them to shew, that His Design could not be such, as might be best accomplish'd by sometimes adding to, and sometimes taking from, the Quantity of Motion he communi­cated to Matter at first. And I think it may be worth consider­ing, Whether by this Doctrine of theirs, the Cartesians do not more take upon them than other Philo­sophers, [Page 12]to judge of God's De­signs. For, if a Man be known to be very Wise, and have vari­ous ways of compassing his seve­ral Ends, He that, seeing some of those ways have a direct tenden­cy to some Rational End, shall conclude That End to be one of those that is intended, does there­by less presume, and express more respect to that Wise Man, than he that should conclude, that those cannot be his Ends, and that He can have no other Design knowa­ble by us, except a certain Gene­ral one nam'd by the Assertor. And indeed, it seems more easie to know, that this or that particular thing, for which an Engine is pro­per, may be among others, intend­ed by the Artificer, tho' never so Skilful, than to know Negatively, that he can have no other than such or such an End.

And how will a Cartesian assure me, that among the many Ends, [Page 13]that he grants that God may have propos'd to himself in the Produ­ction of his Mundane Creatures; one may not be, That We, whom he has vouchsaf'd to make Intelli­gent Beings, and capable of Admi­ring and Praising him, should find just cause to do so, for the Wisdom and Goodness he has display'd in the World? which Attributes we could not well discern or celebrate, unless we knew as well, that the Creatures were made for such Uses, as that they are exceedingly well fitted for them. I know God's Im­mutability is alledged, to prove that the Quantity of Motion is ne­ver vary'd: But to me 'tis not evi­dent, why God's having particular Ends, tho' some of them seem to require a Change in his way of Acting in Natural Things, must be more inconsistent with his Im­mutability, than his Causing many things to be brought to pass, which tho' abaeterno he decreed to do, are yet not actually done, unless in [Page 14]process of Time. And particular­ly it seems not clear, why God may not as well be Immutable, tho' he should sometimes vary the Quantity of Motion that he has put into the World, as He is, tho', according to the Opinion of most of the Cartesians themselves, he does daily create multitudes of Ra­tional Souls, to unite them to Hu­man Bodies: Especially consider­ing, that these newly created sub­stances, are, according to Des-Cartes, endow'd with a power, to determine and regulate the moti­ons of the Spirits and the Conari­on; which are things clearly Cor­poreal, I say not this, as if I ab­solutely rejected the Cartesian Do­ctrine, about the continuance of the same Quantity of Motion in the whole Mass of Matter. For, whe­ther or no it be a Truth; I think 'tis no unuseful nor improbable Hypothesis: And I have not so much argued against it, as upon the Grounds, on which they argue for it.

Wherefore, to come now to the thing it self, whereas Monsieur Des-Cartes objects, that 'tis a Pre­sumption for Man, to pretend to be able to investigate the Ends, that the Omniscient God propos'd to himself in the making of his Creatures; I consider by way of Answer, That there are two very differing ways, wherein a Man may pretend to know the Ends of God in his visible Works: For, he may either pretend to know only some of God's Ends, in some of his Works; or, he may pretend to know all his Ends. He that arro­gates to himself, to discover God's Ends in this latter sense, will scarce be excus'd from a high Presump­tion, and no less a Folly, from the reason lately intimated in the Car­tesian Objection. But to pretend to know God's Ends in the former sense, is not a Presumption, but rather, to take notice of them is a Duty. For, there are some things in Nature so curiously contrived, [Page 16]and so exquisitly fitted for certain Operations and Uses, that it seems little less than Blindness in Him, that acknowledges with the Carte­sians a most wise Author of things, not to conclude, that, tho' they may have been design'd for other, and perhaps higher Uses; yet they were design'd for this Use. As he that sees the Admirable Fabric of the Coats, Humors, and Muscles of the Eyes, and how excellently all the parts are adapted to the making up of an Organ of Vision, can scarce forbear to believe, that the Author of Nature intended It should serve the Animal, to which it belongs, to See with. The Epi­cureans indeed, that believe the World to have been produc'd but by the casual concourse of Atoms, without the intervention of any In­telligent Being, may have a kind of excuse, whereof other Philoso­phers are destitute, that acknow­ledge a Deity, if not also a Provi­dence. For the very Supposition, [Page 17]for instance, that a mans Eyes were made by Chance, argues, that they need have no relation to a design­ing Agent; and the use that a man makes of them, may be either casual too, or at least may be an effect of His knowledge, not of Na­ture's. But when, upon the Ana­tomical Dissection, and the Optical Consideration, of a Human Eye, we see 'tis as exquisitly fitted to be an organ of Sight, as the best Artificer in the world could have fram'd a little Engine, purposely and mainly design'd for the use of seeing; 'tis very harsh and incongruous to say, that an Artificer, who is too intel­ligent either to do things by chance, or to make a curious piece of work­manship without knowing what uses 'tis fit for, should not design it for an use to which 'tis most fit.

'Tis not to be deny'd that he may have more uses for it than one, and perhaps such uses as we cannot di­vine; but this hinders not, but that, [Page 18]among its several uses, this, to which we see it so admirably a­dapted, should be thought one. And I see not, how it does magni­fie Gods wisdom, or express our Veneration of it, to exclude out of the number of his Ends in framing Human Eyes, that most obvious and ready use which we are sure is made of them, and which they could not be better fitted for. This may perhaps be not unfitly illustra­ted by the following Comparison, whereof the application were su­perfluous: Suppose that a Coun­try Man, being in a clear day brought into the Garden of some famous Mathematician, should see there, one of those curious Gno­monick Instruments, that show at once, the place of the Sun in the Zodiack, his Declination from the Aequator, the Day of the Month, the Length of the Day, &c. It would indeed be presumption in him, be­ing unacquainted both with the Mathematical Disciplines, and the [Page 19]several Intentions of the Artist, to pretend or think himself able, to discover all the Ends, for which so Curious and Elaborate a Piece was framed. But when he sees it furnished with a Stile, with Ho­rary Lines and Numbers, and in short, with all the Requisites of a Sun Dial, and manifestly perceives the Shadow to mark from time time, the Hour of the Day; 'twould be no more a Presumpti­on than an Error in him to con­clude, that (whatever other Uses the Instrument is fit, or was de­sign'd for) it is a Sun- Dial, that was meant to shew the Hour of the Day.

And here I shall demand of those, that will not allow us to think, that any Natural Things are directed to Ends knowable by Men; whether, if the Divine Au­thor of them had really design'd them for such Ends, the things themselves are not so Fram'd and [Page 20]directed, as in that case they should be? And whether the Fabrick and Management of Natural Things, do really countenance or contradict our Supposition?

For my part, after what has been already discours'd, I scruple not to confess, that I see not why it should be reputed a Disparage­ment to the Wisdom of any Agent whatsoever, to think, that his Pro­ductions were design'd for such Ends, among others, as they are excellently fram'd and fitted for; unless it did appear, that those Ends were unworthy to be De­sign'd by the Wise Agent. But that cannot be justly said in our present Case; since 'tis not injuri­ous to the Divine Author of things, to believe that some of the Ends, to which he destinated divers of his Corporeal Works, were; To exert and communicate His Exu­berant Goodness, and to receive from his intelligent Creatures, such [Page 21]as Men, an ardent Love, a high Admiration, and an obsequious Gratitude, for having display'd so much Wisdom and Beneficence, in exquisitly qualifying his Works to be wonderfully serviceable to one another, and a great number of them to be particularly subser­vient to the Necessities and Utili­ties of Man.

And indeed I can by no means assent to that Assertion of Mr. Des-Cartes, That it can­not be said, Nec fingi potest, aliquos Dei Fines, magis quàm alios, in propatulo esse; omnes enim in im­perscrutabili éjus sapientiae Abysso sunt eodem modo reconditi. Resp. Quart. ad Object. Gassendi. that some of Gods Ends (in his Corporeal Works) are more manifest than o­thers; but that all of them lie equally hid in the Abyss of the Divine Wis­dom: since there are many of his Creatures, some of whose Uses are so manifest and obvious, that the generality of Mankind, both [Page 22]Philosophers and Plebeians, have in all Ages, and almost in all Coun­tries, taken Notice of, and Ac­knowledg'd them. And as to what he adds, (by which he seems to intimate the motive that led him to make the foremention'd Asser­tion,) That in Physicks, all things ought to be made out by certain and solid Reasons; to this I an­swer, First, That I see not why the admitting, that the Author of Things design'd some of his Works for these or those Uses, amongst others, may not consist with the Physical Accounts of making of those things; as a Man may give a Mechanical Reason of the Stru­cture of every Wheel and other part of a Watch, and of their way of acting upon one another when they are rightly put toge­ther, and in short, of the Contri­vance and Phoenomena of the little Machine; tho' he suppose, that the Artificer design'd it to show the hours of the day, and tho' he [Page 23]have that intended use in his Eye, whilst he Explicates the Fabrick and Operations of the Watch. I answer, Secondly, That I rea­dily admit, that in Physicks we should indeed ground all things upon as solid Reasons as may be had; But I see no necessity, that those Reasons should be always precisely Physical: Especially if we be treating, not of any parti­cular Phaenomenon, that is produc'd according to the course of Nature establish'd in the World, already constituted as this of ours is: but of the first and general Causes of the World it self; from which Causes, I see not why the Final Causes, or Uses, that appear ma­nifestly enough to have been de­sign'd, should be excluded. And to me 'tis not very material, whe­ther or no, in Physicks or any o­ther Discipline, a thing be prov'd by the peculiar Principles of that Science or Discipline; provided it be firmly proved by the common [Page 24]grounds of Reason. And on this occasion let me observe, that the Fundamental Tenents of Mr. Des-Cartes's own Philosophy, are not by himself prov'd by Arguments strictly Physical; but either by Metaphysical ones, or the more Catholick Dictates of Reason, or the particular testimonies of Ex­perience. For when, for instance, he truly ascribes to God, all the Mo­tion that is found in Matter; and consequently, all the variety of Phoenomenae that occur in the World; he proves not by an Ar­gument precisely Physical, that God, who is an Immaterial Agent, is the efficient cause of Motion in Matter; but only by this, That since Motion does not belong to the Essence and nature of Matter, Matter must owe the Motion it has to some other Being: And then 'tis most agreeable to common Rea­son, to infer, that, since Matter cannot move it self, but it must be mov'd by some other Being, that [Page 25]Being must be Immaterial, since otherwise some Matter must be able to move it self contrary to the Hypothesis. And when Des-Cartes goes to demonstrate, that there is always in the Universe, the self-same quantity of Motion, (that is, just as much at any one time, as at any other) and con­sequently, that as much motion as one Body communicates to ano­ther, it looses it self; he proves it, by the Immutability of God, which is not a Physical Argument strictly so call'd, but rather a Metaphysical One; as he formerly prov'd, God's being the Cause of all Motion in Matter, not by Principles peculiar to Physicks, but by the common grounds of Reason.

Tho' Monsieur Des-Cartes does, C'est une chose qui de soy est ma­nifeste, que nous ne pouvons con­noistre les fins de Dieu, si luy mes­me ne nous les re­vele. Et e [...]core qu'il soit vray en Morale, en egard à nous autres hommes, quetoutes choses ont este fai­tes pour la gloire de Dieu, à cause que les hommes sont obligez de louer Dieu pour tous ses ouvrages; & qu'on puisse aussi dire, que le soleil à este fait pour nous eclairer, pour ce que nous experimentons que le soleil en effet nous eclaire: ce seroit toutes fois une chose puerile & absurde, d'assu­rer en Metaphy­sique, que Dieu, à la facon d'un hom­me superbe, n'au­roit point eu d'au­tre fin en bastis­sant le Monde, que celle destre louè par les hommes; & qu'il n'auroit creè le soleil, qui est plusieurs fois plus grand que la Terre, à autre dessein que d'eclai­rer l'homme, qui n'en occupe qu'une tres-pe­tite partie. as I have formerly shown, speak very Dogmatically and Universally, against [Page 26]Mens endeavouring or pretending to know any Final Causes in Natural things; for which Reason I have, as well as the genera­lity of his other Readers, and even his Disciples, look'd upon the Sense of those positive Ex­pressions as con­taining his Opini­on; yet, since I writ the foregoing part of this Treatise, I lighted on a Passage of his, wherein he seems to speak more cautiously or reser­vedly, opposing His Reasoning to Their [Page 27]Opinion who teach, that God hath no other End in making the World, but that of being prais'd by Men. But in that short Discourse where­of this Passage is a part, there are two or three other things wherein I cannot Acquiesce. As first, that 'tis Self-evident, that we cannot know the Ends of God, unless he Himself reveal them to us; (he must mean in a Supernatural way, if he will not speak impertinent­ly:) For what he says to be evi­dent of it self, is not at all so, to the generality of Mankind, and even of Philosophers; and there­fore I think, it ought not to be barely pronounc'd, but (if it can be) should be prov'd. And next, he does not show how we are ob­lig'd to praise God for his Works, if He had no intention to have us do so, or that we should discover any of the Ends for which He made them. If a judicious Man should see a great Book, written in some Indian Language, which he [Page 28]is utterly a Stranger to, and should know nothing of it, but that 'twas made by a very Intelligent Physi­cian: He might indeed conclude, that the Work was not made by chance, but would have no means to be convinc'd by the In­spection of the Book it self, that it was compos'd with great Skill and Kindness, and deserv'd his Praise and Thanks: Since he could not know any of the particular Ends, to which the several Chap­ters of it were destinated, nor con­sequently discover how skilfully they were fitted to reach such Ends. What Des-Cartes says, that 'tis childish and absurd to think, that God had created the Sun, which is many times bigger than the Earth, only to afford Light to Man, who is but a very small part of It, is somewhat invidiously pro­pos'd; there being few able Wri­ters, that confine the Utility of the Sun directly to the affording Light to Man; and the littleness of his [Page 29]Bulk, ought not to make it thought absurd, that God may have had an especial Eye to his Welfare, in fra­ming that bright Globe; since not only, for ought appears to us, that most excellent Engine of Mans Body, is a more admirable thing than the Sun, but the rational and immortal Soul that resides in it, is incomparably more noble than a thousand Masses of brute Matter, and that not so much as Organiz'd, can be justly reputed, (as will be hereafter more fully declared.) And since in this very Discourse, the accute Author of it confesses, that we may know the ends of God's Corporeal Works, if He reveal them to us; a Christian Philoso­pher may be allow'd, to think the Sun was made, among other pur­poses, to inlighten the Earth, and for the use of Man, since the Scripture teaches us, that not only the Sun and Moon, but the Stars of the Firmament, which Des-Cartes not improbably thinks to be [Page 30]so many Suns, were made to give Light to the Earth, and were divi­ded to all the Nati­ons that inhabit it. Deut. 4.19. Perhaps it were not rash to add, that I see not why the Belief, that a Man may know some of God's Ends in things Corporeal, should more derogate from our Veneration of his Wisdom, than to think we know some of his Ends in other Matters, of which the Scrip­ture furnishes us with a mul­titude of Instances, as (particu­larly) that of Job sacrificing for his Friends; and the declar'd Uses of the Ʋrim and Thumim: Since God may, if He pleases, declare Truths to Men, and instruct them, by his Creatures and his Actions, as well as by his Words: As when He taught Noah by the Rain-bow, and Jonah by a Gourd and a Worm, and regulated the Incamp­ment of the Israelites, by the gui­dance of a Cloud, and a fiery [Page 31]Pillar. Lastly, whereas Monsieur Des-Cartes objects, that those he dissents from, talk as if they look'd upon God as a proud Man, who design'd his Works only to be prais'd for them; I know not, whether in this place he speaks so cautiously and reverently of God, as he ought, and elsewhere is wont to do. For as Humility, tho' it be a Vertue in Men, is extreamly remote from being any of Gods Perfections, so That may be pride in a Man, who is but a Creature, imperfect, dependent, and hath nothing that he has not receiv'd; which would be none at all in God, who is uncapable of Vice, and who may, if he please, justly propose to himself His own Glory for one of his Ends, and both require and delight to be prais'd by Men for his Works; since he is most wor­thy of all praise, and 'tis their du­ty and reasonable service, which he is graciously pleas'd to approve of, to pay it Him.

'Tis not without trouble, that I find my self oblig'd by the exigen­cy of my design, so much to op­pose, in several places of this pre­sent Discourse, some Sentiments of Mr. Des-Cartes, for whom other­wise I have a great esteem, and from whom I am not forward to dissent. And this I the rather de­clare to you, because I am not at all of Their mind, that think Mr. Des-Cartes a favourer of Atheism, which, to my apprehension, would subvert the very foundation of those Tenents of Mechanical Phi­losophy, that are particularly his. But judging that his Doctrine (at least as it is understood by several of his Followers, as well as his Ad­versaries;) about the rejection of Final Causes from the consideration of Naturalists, tends much to wea­ken, (as is elsewhere noted) if not quite to deprive us of, one of the best and most successful Argu­ments, to convince Men, that there [Page 33]is a God, and that they ought to Admire, Praise, and Thank him: I think it my duty to prefer an im­portant truth, before my respect to any Man, how eminent soever, that opposes it; and to consider more the Glory of the great Au­thor of Nature, than the Reputa­tion of any one of Her Interpre­ters.

And to strengthen what I have been saying, give me leave to mind you more expresly here, of what I have elsewhere Intimated, viz. That the excellent Contrivance of the great System of the World, and especially the curious Fabrick of the Bodies of Animals, and the Uses of their Sensories, and other parts, have been the great Mo­tives, that in all Ages and Nati­ons induc'd Philosophers to ac­knowledge a Deity, as the Author of these admirable Structures; and that the Noblest and most Intelli­gent Praises, that have been paid [Page 34]Him by the Priests of Nature, have been occasion'd and indited by the Transcending Admiration, which the attentive Contemplation of the Fabrick of the Universe and of the curious Structures of Living Crea­tures, justly produc'd in them. And therefore it seems injurious to God, as well as unwarrantable in it self, to banish from Natural Philosophy, the Consideration of Final Causes; from which chiefly, if not only, I cannot but think (tho' some Learned Men do other­wise) that God must reap the Ho­nour that is due to those glorious Attributes, his Wisdom, and his Goodness. And I confess, I some­what wonder, that the Cartesians, who have generally, and some of them skilfully, maintain'd the Ex­istence of a Deity, should endea­vour to make Men throw away an Argument, which the Experience of all Ages shews to have been the most Successful, (and in some Cases the only prevalent one) to [Page 35]establish among Philosophers the Belief and Veneration of God. I know the Cartesians say, That their Master has demonstrated the Ex­istence of a God, by the Innate Idea that Men have of a Being in­finitely perfect; who left it upon the mind of Man, as the mark of an Artist imprest upon his Work: And also that they ascribe to God, the having made Matter out of nothing, and alone put it into Mo­tion; which sufficiently argue the Immensity of his Power. But, tho' I would by no means weaken the Argument, drawn from the Inbred Notion of God, since I know, that divers Learned Men have Acquiesc'd in it; yet, on the other side, I see not, why we may not reasonably think, that God, who, as themselves confess, has been pleas'd to take care, Men should acknowledge Him, may also have provided for the securing of a Truth of so great Consequence, by stamping Characters, or lea­ving [Page 36]Impresses, that Men may know his Wisdom and Goodness by, as well without, upon the World, as within, upon the Mind. The bare Speculation of the Fa­brick of the World, without con­sidering any part of it as destinated to certain (or determinate) Uses, may still leave Men unconvinc'd, that there is any Intelligent, Wise, and Provident Author and Disposer of Things: Since we see generally the Aristotelians (before some of them were better Instructed by the Christian Religion) did, notwith­standing the Extent, Symmetry, and Beauty of the World, believe it to have been Eternal. And tho' They, whatever their Master thought, did not believe it to have been Created by God; yet, be­cause they asserted that Animals, Plants, &c. act for Ends, they were oblig'd to acknowledge a Provident and Powerful Being, that maintain'd and govern'd the Uni­verse, which they call'd Nature: [Page 37]Tho' they too often dangerously mistook, by sometimes confound­ing this Being with God himself; and at other times, speaking of it as Co-ordinate with him, as in that famous Axiom of Aristotle, Deus & Natura nihil faciunt frusta. I acknowledge therefore, that, as I set a just value upon the Cartesian Proof of God's Existence, so I see no reason, why we should disfur­nish our selves of any other strong Argument to prove so noble and important a Truth; especially, since the Cartesian way of consider­ing the World, is very proper in­deed to shew the Greatness of God's Power, but not, like the way I plead for, to manifest that of his Wisdom and Beneficence. For, whereas a Cartesian does but shew, that God is admirably Wise, upon the supposition of his Exi­stence; in our way, the same thing is manifested by the Effect of a Wisdom, as well as Power, that cannot reasonably be ascribed to [Page 38]any other, than a most intelligent and potent Being: So that by This way, Men may be brought, upon the same account, both to acknow­ledge God, to admire Him, and to thank Him.


TO give you now my thoughts of the second Question, viz. Whether we may consider Final Causes in all sorts of Bodies, or only in some peculiarly Qualify'd Ones. I must divide Natural Bodies into Animate and Inanimate. The former of which Terms, I here take in the larger sense of those, who under it comprehend, not only Animals, but Vegetables; tho' I shall not disdainfully reject the Opinion of those Learned Men, that are un­willing to allow Plants a soul or life, at least as properly so call'd, as that which is confessedly gran­ted to Animals.

Of the Inanimate Bodies of the Universe, the Noblest, and those [Page 40]which on this occasion deserve chiefly to be considered, are the Sun, Planets, and other Coelestial Bodies. For, when Men saw those vast and luminous Globes, and especially the Sun, move so con­stantly, and so regularly, about the Earth, and diffuse on it Light and Heat; and by their various Revo­lutions produce day and night, Summer and Winter, and the Vi­cissitudes of Seasons, that are so opportune for the Inhabitants of the Earth: The observers, I say, of all this concluded, both that these Motions were guided by some Divine Being, and that they were design'd for the benefit of Man Whether this be a demonstrative Collection, I shall not now debate; but I see not, why it may not have thus much of Probability in it; that in case a Man shall think, that the Fabrick of the Coelestial parts of the World, was the curious Pro­duction of an Intelligent and Di­vine Agent, the regular Phaenomena [Page 41]of the Heavens will not contradict him; since there is nothing in that Fabrick that misbecomes a Divine Author; and the Motions and Ope­rations of the Sun and Stars are not such, but that they will allow us to think, that, among other purposes, they were made to Illu­minate the Terrestrial Globe, and bring Heat and other Benefits to the Inhabitants of it: So that the Con­templation of the Heavens, which so manifestly declare the Glory of God, Psal. 19.1. may justly excite Men, both to admire his Power and Wisdom in them, and to return him Thanks and Praises, for the great Benefits that accrue to us by them.

But now, on the other side, it may be said, that in bodies Inani­mate, whether the portions of Mat­ter they consist of be greater or les­ser, the Contrivance is very rarely so Exquisite, but that the various Motions and Occursions of the parts [Page 42]of Matter may be, without much Improbability, suspected to be ca­pable, after many Essays, to cast one another into divers of those Circumvolutions of Matter, that, I remember, Epicurus calls [...] and Des-Cartes Vortices; which being once made, may continue very long, by the means express'd by Cartesius, or by some other as probable Ones. But, without al­lowing this Hypothesis to be more than not very improbable, when I consider, what Causes there may be to fear, that we are not yet sufficiently acquainted with the true System of the World, and are not usually sensible enough, how small a part We, and the Ter­restrial Globe we inhabit, make of the Universe; I am apt to fear too, that Men are wont, with grea­ter Confidence than Evidence, to assign, the Systematical Ends and Uses of the Coelestial Bodies, and to conclude them to be made and moved, only for the service of the [Page 43]Earth and its Inhabitants. And tho', even as a meer Naturalist, I will not deny, that, as Man actu­ally receives Benefits by the esta­blish'd order and motion of the Stars, so one of the several Uses intended by the Author of Nature in them, may particularly respect Men; yet I am apt to think, that by what we hitherto know, 'twill not be easie to be prov'd, that some, at least, of the Coelestial Bodies and Motions, may not be in­tended more for other purposes, than to cast their Beams, or shed their Influences (supposing they have some) upon the Earth. And at least, I cannot but think, that the Situations of the Coelestial Bo­dies, do not afford by far so clear and cogent Arguments, of the Wis­dom and Design of the Author of the World, as do the bodies of Animals and Plants. And for my part I am apt to think, there is more of admirable Contrivance in a Mans Muscles, than in (what [Page 44]we yet know of) the Celestial Orbs; and that the Eye of a Fly is, (at least as far as appears to us,) a more curious piece of Workman­ship, than the Body of the Sun.

As for other Inanimate Bodies, as Stones, Metals &c, whose matter seems not organiz'd; tho' there be no absurdity to think, that they al­so were made for distinct particu­lar purposes, if not also for Human Uses; yet most of them are of such easy and unelaborate contextures, that it seems not absurd to think, that various occursions and justlings of the parts of the Universal matter, may at one time or other have pro­duc'd them; since we see in some Chy­mical Sublimations, and Christalli­zations of Mineral and Mettalline Solutions, and some other Phaeno­mena, where the motions appear not to be Particularly guided and di­rected by an Intelligent Cause, that Bodies of as various Contextures, as those are wont to be, may be pro­duc'd; [Page 45]of which I have elsewhere given some Instances.

If it be objected, that if we allow Chance, or any thing else, without the particular Guidance of a wise and All-disposing Cause, to make a finely shap'd Stone, or a metalline substance, growing, as I have some times seen silver to do, in the form of a Plant; it ought not to be de­nyed, that Chance may also make Vegetables and Animals: I can by no means allow the consequence. There are some effects, that are so easy, and so ready, to be produc'd, that they do not infer any know­ledge or intention in their Causes; but there are others, that require such a number and concourse of conspiring Causes, and such a con­tinued series of motions or operati­ons, that 'tis utterly improbable, they should be produced without the superintendency of a Rational Agent, Wise and Powerfull enough to range and dispose the several in­tervening [Page 46]Agent's and Instruments, after the manner requisite to the production of such a remote effect. And therefore it will not follow, that if Chance could produce a slight contexture in a few parts of matter; we may safely conclude it able to produce so exquisit and ad­mirable a Contrivance, as that of the Body of an Animal. What then, if sometimes in sawing pieces of va­riegated Marble, men happen, tho' rarely, to meet with the Delineati­ons or Pictures (some of which I have beheld with pleasure) of Towns, Woods, and Men? For, besides that the pleasingness and ra­rity of such spectacles inclines the Imagination to favour them, and supply their defects; would any wise man therefore conclude, that a real Town or wood, much less numbers of men, should be made by such a forluitons concourse of matter? What comparison is there, betwixt the workmanship that seems to be expressed in a few ir­regular [Page 47]Lines, drawn upon a plane superficies, and perhaps two or three Colours luckily plac'd; and the great multitude of Nerves, Veins, Arteries, Ligaments, Ten­dons, Membranes, Bones Glan­dules, &c. that are required to the compleating of a human Body; of which numerous parts (for the Bones alone are reckon'd to amount to three hundred) every one must have it's determinate size, figure, consistence, situation, connexi­on, &c. and many or all of them to­gether, must conspire to such and such determinate Functions or uses? And indeed, tho' I keep by me some curious ones, yet I never saw any Inanimate production of Nature, or, as they speak, of Chance, whose contrivance was compara­ble to that of the meanest Limb of the dispicablest Animal: and there is incomparably more Art express'd in the structure of a Doggs foot, then in that of the famous Clock at Strasburg.

And, tho' the Paw of a Dog will be confess'd, to be of a structure far Inferior to that of the Hand of a man: yet even This; however A­ristotle prettily styles it the Instru­ment of Instruments, is a less consi­derable Instance to my present pur­pose, than another Instance, which therefore, since my intended brevi­ty permits me not to consider many, I shall pitch upon, as that which I shall almost only insist on, in the fol­lowing part of this Tract. And this Instance is afforded me by the Eye. For Tho' the parts that con­curr to make up that admirable Or­gan of vision, are very numerous, yet how little any of them could have been spar'd or alter'd, unless for the worse, may appear by that great Number of Diseases, that have been observ'd in that little part of the Body. Since each of those Diseases consist in this, that some of the Coats, Humors, or other parts of the Eye, is brought into a State differing from that whereto [Page 49]Nature had design'd it, and where­into she had put it. 'Twould be tedious so much as to enumerate the several distempers of the Eye, whereunto Physitians have given particular Names; wherefore I shall only mention two or three things, wherein one would scarce imagine, that a small recess from the natural state could bring any considerable, or perhaps sensible, in­convenience. That which we call the Pupil, is not (you know) a substantial part of the Eye, but on­ly a hole of the Ʋvea: which aper­ture is almost perpetually changing it's bigness, according to the differ­ing degrees of Light, that the Eye chances from time to time to be ex­pos'd to. And therefore one would not think, but that, whilst this hole remains open, it performs well e­nough it's part; which is, to give admission to the Incident beams of Light, whether direct or reflected. And yet I lately saw and discours'd with a woman, who after a Feaver, [Page 50]was not able to debate the Pupils of her eyes as formerly; and tho' they were so very little narrower then ordinary, that I should scarce have taken more notice that 'twas at all so, if she had not told me of it, yet she complain'd she had thereby almost lost her sight, seeing Objects in certain Lights but very dimly and imperfectly. And tho' the Prae­ternatural constriction of the Pupil be not a frequent distemper, yet tis not so rare, but that Physitians have given it a place among the Stated diseases of the eye. And on the o­ther side tho' it appear by what hath been newly related, that a competent wideness of the Pupil is requisite to clear and distinct Vi­sion, yet if it's wideness exceed due Limits, there is produced that di­stemper that is call'd Dilatatio pu­pillae; which is worse then the for­mer, because it oftentimes deprives the Patient almost totally of his sight. And, tho' it may seem but a slight circumstance, that the trans­parent [Page 51]coats of the eye should be devoid of colour, and of as little mo­ment, that the cornea should be ve­ry smooth, provided it be transpa­rent: yet when either of these cir­cumstances is wanting, the sight may be much vitiated; as we see that in the Yellow-Jaundies, when 'tis come to a high degree, the ad­ventitious Tincture wherewith the Eye is Imbued, makes men think they see a yellowness in many ob­jects, to which that colour does not belong. And I know an In­genious Gentleman, who, having had a small pustula excited and bro­ken upon the Cornea, tho' the eye have been long whole; yet a very little Inequality or depression that still remains upon the Surface of the Transparent Cornea, does so affect him, that tho' he can read well in a Room, yet when he comes into the open fields or the streets, he for a pretty while (as himself has par­ticularly complain'd to me) thinks many of the Objects he looks on ve­ry [Page 52]Glareing, and sees many others, as men do stones at the bottom of a Brook or running water; which I impute to the want of Uniformi­ty in the refraction of those reflect­ed beams of Light, that fall upon the Cornea, whose surface is not so smooth and equal as it should be.

To give some further Proof, that the Eye was made with design, I shall here take notice of an observa­tion or two, that do not occurr in the dissection of a human Eye, and therefore are not wont to be menti­oned by Anatomists.

I have observed in Frogs, (as I presume some others also may have done) that, besides those parts of the Eye which they have in com­mon with Men, Dogs, Cats, and the most part of other Animals, They have a peculiar, whether mem­brane, or Cartilage, or both, which ordinarily is not perceived; where­with they can at pleasure cover the Eye, without too much hindering the sight, because this membrane [Page 53]is as well Transparent as strong; so that it may pass for a kind of moveable Cornea, and (if I may so call it) a kind of false-scabord to to the Eye. In furnishing frogs with this strong Membrane, the providence of Nature seems to be conspicuous: For they being Am­phibious Animals, design'd to pass their lives in watery places, which for the most part abound with Sedges, and other plants endowed with sharp Edges or points; and the progressive motion of this A­nimal being to be made, not by walking, but by leaping; if his Eyes were not provided of such a sheath as I have been mentioning, he must either shut his Eyes, and so leap blindly, and by consequence dange­rously, or, by leaving them open, must run a venture to have the Corneae cut, prickt, or otherwise of­fended, by the edges or points of the Plants, or what may fall from them upon the Animals Eye: whereas this Membrane, as was [Page 54]said, is like a kind of Spectacle that covers the Eye without taking a­way the sight; and as soon as the need of imploying it is past, the A­nimal at pleasure withdraws it in­to a little Cell, where it Rests out of the way, till there be occasion to use it again. This you may see, if you apply the point of a pin, or a Pen, or any such sharp thing, to the Eye of a frog, whilst you hold his head steady: for to screen his Eye, he will presently cover it (at least for the greatest part) with this Membrane, which when the danger is over he will again with­draw. And, because many if not most sorts of Birds, are wont or destinated to fly, (as more would do if not kept tame) among the Branches of Trees and Bushes; least the Prickles, Twigs, Leaves, or other parts should wound or of­fend their Eye. Nature hath gi­ven them likewise such another kind of horny Membrane, as we have been mentioning in frogs.

'Tis known that Men, and the generality of Four-footed Beasts, and of Birds, have several Muscles belenging to their Eyes; by the help of which Muscles, they can turn them this way, or that way, at pleasure; and so can obvert the Organ of Sense to the Object, whether it be placed on the right hand or the left, or above or be­neath the Eye. But, Nature ha­ving not given that Mobility to the Eyes of Flys, (the reason whereof I shall not now stay to consider) she hath in recompence furnish'd them with a multitude of little protuberant parts, finely rang'd upon the con­vex of their large and Protuberant Eyes: So that by means of the number of these little Studs (if I may so call them) many beams of Light that rebound from Objects placed on either hand, or above, or beneath, the level of the Eye, fall conveniently enough upon that Organ, to make the Objects they come from, visible to the Animal. [Page 56]Which you will the more easily be­lieve, if you contemplate (as I have often done with great plea­sure) even the Eye of an ordina­ry Flesh-Fly, (for Bees and other greater Insects have immoveable Eyes too, but I find them not so pretty) in a good Microscope and a clear Day. For you may reckon some hundreds of these little round Protuberances, curiously rang'd on the Convexity of a single Eye.

But perhaps some, whose parti­ality for Chance makes them wil­ling to ascribe the structures of Animals rather to That, then to a designing Cause; will make them draw an Objection, fit to be here obviated, against our Doctrine, from what we have observ'd of the difference between Human and other Eyes: Since they will pre­tend that all Organs of Sight ought to be conform'd to those of Men, as those that are the best and most perfect. 'Tis true, that Man be­ing [Page 57]justly reputed the most perfect of Animals, it is not strange that he should (as Men generally do) presume, that His Eyes and other parts of his Body, are the best contriv'd of any that are to be found in Nature. But yet I think we cannot from hence safely con­clude, that all Eyes, which in other Animals are of Structures differ­ing from those of Man, are for that reason defective. For I consider, First, That the admirable Wisdom display'd by the Author of Things, in fitting the Eyes and other Or­ganical parts of Animals, for the Uses that seem manifestly to have been design'd in their Fabrick, and for the respective Functions we actually see them exercise, may justly persuade us, that the things whose Reasons or Uses we do not alike discern, are yet most wisely constituted: Such an Author as God, having too much knowledge to do any thing unskilfully; and We having too much presumption, [Page 58]if we think He can have in the framing of his Creatures, no Ends that are beyond our Discovery. And, Secondly, We may represent, that the Eye is not to be consider'd abstractedly as an Instrument of Vision, but as an Instrument be­longing to an Animal of this or that kind; and who is ordinarily to make use of it in such and such Circumstances. And therefore I think it ought not at all to Dispa­rage, but rather highly Recom­mend, the Wisdom and Providence of the great Author of Things; that he has furnish'd various Spe­cies of Animals, with Organs of Sight that are very differingly fram'd and plac'd: Since this di­versity nobly manifests his great Providence, and (if I may so call it) Forecast; that has admirably suited the Eyes of the differing kinds of Animals, both to the rest of their Bodies, and (which I here mainly consider) to those parts of the great Theatre of the World, [Page 59]on which He designs that they shall live and act. Thus though diver. Beasts, as Horses, Oxen, and so [...] others, have their Eyes furnish'd with a seventh Muscle, besides the six they have in common with Men; we must not conclude, ei­ther that the Organs of Vision are Imperfect in Men, or that those of these Beasts have something super­fluous. For Horses, &c. being to feed for the most part on grass and herbs of the Field, and, that they may the better chuse their Food, being oblig'd to make their Eyes look ve­ry long downwards; the seventh Muscle does excellently serve them to do so, without that weariness, which if they were not furnish'd with it, that durably constrain'd Pasture would be sure to give them; whereas Man who has no such ne­cessity of looking assiduously down­wards, would be but incumber'd by a seventh Muscle.

On the other side, the defective­ness observable in the Eyes of some Animals, in comparison of those of Man, may be ascrib'd to the thriftiness (if I may so speak) of Nature, that, on most occasions, declines doing that which is not necessary to the particular Ends, She aims at in the Fabrick of a Part. Thus Moles being design'd to live for the most part under Ground, the Eyes which Nature hath given them, are so little, in proportion to their Bodies, that 'tis commonly believ'd, and even by some Learned Men maintain'd, they have none at all. But tho' by Anatomy, I, as well as some others that have try'd, have found the Contrary; yet their Eyes are very differing from those of other Four­footed Beasts. Which is not to be wonder'd at; considering, that the design of Nature was, that Moles should live under Ground, where a Sight was needless and useless; and where greater Eyes would be [Page 61]more expos'd to danger: And their Sight, as dim as 'tis, is suf­ficient to make them perceive that they are no longer under Ground, (at least so as they are wont to be) which seems to be the most neces­sary use they have of Light and Eyes.

Zoographers observe, That the Camelion has avery uncommon stru­cture of his visive Organs; since, to omit lesser, tho' not inconsiderable, peculiarities, his Eyes often move independantly from one another; so that, for Instance, he may look directly forward with the right Eye, and with the other at the same time, directly backwards to­wards his Tail; or may turn the Pupil of the former straight up­wards, whilst he looks downwards with the other. Which peculiar power seems to have been granted him by Providence, that, being a very low Animal, and destinated to live for the most part in Trees [Page 62]and Bushes, and there chiefly feed on Flys; He may perceive them, which way soever they chance to come within the reach of his long Tongue, by suddenly darting out of which, he catches his nimble Prey.

Whereas it may be observ'd, that many or most, if not all, meer Fishes have the Chrystalline Hu­mours of their Eyes, almost sphe­rical as to Sense, and consequently far more round than that Humour is wont to be found in Man, and other Terrestrial Animals. This difference of Figure, tho' it would be inconvenient in Us, does very well accommodate Fishes; since they living in the Water, which as a thicker Medium, does much more refract the Beams of Light, than the Air through which they pass to our Eyes; 'twas fit, that the Chry­stalline Humour of Fishes should be very Globous, that by the help of their Figure, the Beams already [Page 63]refracted by the Water, should be yet so much refracted and made Convergent, as to Paint the Images so near, as upon the bottom of the Eye.

One that being Curious, had more Opportunity than I have, to survey and reflect on the various Structures of the Organs of Vision in differing Animals, may, if I mistake not, be able to find by com­paring them with the other parts of the same Animal, and the Scene he is design'd to act on, and the uses he is to make of his Eyes in his most ordinary Circumstances; such a Person, I say, may be able to offer a probable Reason of seve­ral differences in those Organs, that, if commonly taken notice of, would seem to the Censorious to be aberrations of Nature, or de­fects: To which purpose I remem­ber, that an ingenious Cultivator of Opticks, gives this Reason, of what both he and I, have taken [Page 64]notice of (tho' it be usually over­look'd) about the Figure of the Pu­pil; namely, that, tho' it be ob­long in Horses, Oxen, and divers other Quadrupeds, as well as in Cats, yet in the former kinds of Animals, the Pupil lies transvers­ly from the right side of the Eye to the left, but in Cats its situati­on is perpendicular; whereof he ingeniously guesses the Reason may be, that Horses and Oxen, being usually to find their Food grow­ing on the Ground, they can more conveniently receive the Images of the laterally neighbouring Grass, &c. by having their Pupils trans­versly plac'd; whereas Cats, being to live chiefly upon Rats and Mice, which are Animals that usually climb up or run down Walls, and other steep Places; the commodiousest situation of their Pupil for readily discovering and following these Ob­jects, was to be Perpendicular. But 'tis time we proceed in our Discourse.

Other Instances to the same pur­pose with this are elsewhere deli­ver'd: and therefore I shall now, to strengthen the Apology for Di­vine providence, take notice, that the differing structures and Situ­ations of the Eyes in several Ani­mals, are very fit to shew the foe­cundity of the Divine Authors Skill, (if I may so speak,) in being able to frame so great a Variety of ex­quisite Instruments of Vision. And indeed, if I may presume to guess at any of Gods Ends that are not manifest, (for some others of his Ends seem Conspicuous;) I should think, that this delightful and won­derful Variety that we may observe, not only in Animals themselves con­sider'd as entire Systemes, but in those parts of them that appear de­stinated for the same Function, as particularly that of Seeing, was de­sign'd, at least among other Ends, to display the multiplicity of the great Creators Wisdom, and Shew his intelligent Creatures, that his Skill [Page 66]is not confin'd to one sort of Living Engines; nor in the parts of the same kind, (as Eyes, Ears, Teeth, &c.) to the same Contrivances: but is able to make for the same use, a mul­titude of surprising Organs or In­struments, tho' not perhaps all equal­ly Perfect, (since to do so, we may think he must make no Animals but Men,) yet all of them curious and exquisite in their kinds, and in or­der to their differing Ends. To be able to frame both Clocks, and Watches, and Ships, and Rockets, and Granadoes, and Pumps, and Mills, &c. argues and manifests a far greater Skill in an Artificer, than he could display in making but one of those sorts of Engines, how artificially soever he contriv'd it. And the same superiority of know­ledge would be display'd, by con­triving Engines of the same kind, or for the same purposes after very dif­fering manners. As Weights indeed are of great use and necessity in the famous Clock of Strasburg; and [Page 67]therefore it recommends the Inven­tors of Watches, not only that they can make Clocks of a very little and easily portable Bulk, which the Strasburg Machine is not, but can make a Clock without weights, and by means of a Spring perform their Office. And thus, tho' to fly, it seems absolutely necessary that an Animal should be furnisht with Feathers; the Wise Creator hath shewn that he is not confin'd to make use of them for that purpose: since a Flying Fish is able to move a great way in the Air; and the Indies have lately furnisht us with a sort of flying Squirrils (whereof I saw one alive at White-Hall.) And tho' the flight of these is not long, yet there is another kind of Animals without Feathers that can fly long enough, namely the Batt; tho' some of these, as I have seen, be little less then Hens: and I have been assurd by a credible Eye-wit­ness, that in the kingdom of Gol­conda, He had seen much bigger.

But tho' this consideration may suffice to justify the Wisdom of the Creator, who being an Agent most Free, as well as most Wise; Men ought not to find fault, if he think fit to Recommend his Wisdom by displaying it in very different man­ners: yet this is not all that may be said on this occasion. For there are many Cases, and perhaps far more than we imagine, wherein the peculiar, and in some regards less perfect, fabrick or situation of an Eye or other Organical part, may be more convenient than the corres­pondent Organ of Man, to attain the Ends for which was given to an Animal that was to act upon such a Theatre, and live by such Provi­sion. Besides that an Organical part may, in some Animals, be intended for more uses than in others, and therefore may require a differing structure; as in Moles, the Feet are otherwise fram'd or situated than in other Quadrupeds; because the chief use they were to make of [Page 69]them was to walk upon the Ground, but to Dig themselves ways Under Ground. The provident [...] wisely suiting the Fabrick of the Parts, to the Uses that were to be made of them: as a mechanist im­ploys another Contrivance of his Wheels, Pinions, &c. when he is to grind corn with a Mill that is to be driven by Water, than when he is to do the same thing by a Mill that is to be mov'd by the Wind. And the Camelion has a Tongue, both pecurliarly shap'd, and of a length disproportionate to that of his Body, because he was to take his Prey, by shooting out (if I may so speak) his Tongue at the Flies he was to live upon, and could not often approach them very near without frighting them away. And in many Cases in which this Reflection does not so properly take place, we may ob­serve, that there is a wonderful Compensation made, for that which seems a desect in the parts of an Animal of this or that particular spe­cies, [Page 70]compar'd with the correspon­dent ones of a Man, or an Animal of some other species.

Thus Birds, that (except the Bat and one or two more) want Teeth to chew their food, are not only fur­nish'd with hard Bills to break it; and Birds of prey, as Hawks, &c. with crooked ones to tear it; but, which is more considerable, have Crops to prepare and soften it, and very strong Muscular Stomachs to digest and grind it: In which work they are usually help'd by gravel and little stones that they are led by Instinct to swallow, and which are often found (and sometimes in a­mazing numbers,) in their Stomachs where they may prove a vicarious kind of Teeth.

I shall hereafter have occasion to say somewhat more against Their Opinion, that find fault with those Animated Structures that we think to be Productions of the Divine Wisdom, under pretence that the [Page 71]Parts of some living Creatures are not so curious and Symmetrical, as not to have been casually produci­ble. But in the mean time, I shall here note, for those that ascribe so much to Chance; that Chance is really no natural Cause or Agent, but a Creature of Man's Intellect. For the things that are done in the Corporeal World, are really done by the parts of the Universal Mat­ter, acting and suffering according to the Laws of Motion, establish'd by the Author of Nature. But we Men, looking upon some of these parts as directed in their Mo­tions by God, or at least by Na­ture, and dispos'd to the attain­ment of certain Ends; if by the intervention of other Causes, that we are not aware of, an Effect be produc'd very differing from that which we suppos'd was intended; we say, that such an Effect was produc'd by Chance. So that Chance is indeed but a Notion of Ours, and such a thing as a School­man [Page 72]man might call an Extrinsecal De­nomination, and signifies but this; that in our apprehensions, the Phy­sical Causes of an Effect, did not Intend the Production of what they nevertheless produc'd. And there­fore I wonder not, that the Philo­sophers that preceded Aristotle, should not treat of Chance, among Natural Causes; As we may learn from Aristotle himself; who is more just to Them in Suspecting they own'd not such a Cause, than in Taxing them of an Omission for not having Treated of it.

And on this occasion, I shall on­ly add, before I proceed, that whereas some of the most curious­ly shap'd kind of Stones, as the Astroites, have embolden'd many of the Favourers of Epicurus, to bring them into Competition with these Animals, or Parts of Ani­mals, from their likeness to which, they have receiv'd their Names; it is fit to be consider'd, First, that [Page 73]some Learned Men have of late made it very probable, that some of the curiousest sorts of these Stones were once really the Ani­mals whose shapes they bear, or those Parts of Animals which they resemble; which Animal substances were afterwards turned into Stones, by the supervening of some Petre­scent Matter, or Petrifying Cause; of which Metamorphosis I have met with, and do elsewhere mention, more Instances than are fit to be so much as named in this place. Se­condly, Though some of those sorts of Stones were the Production of the Mineral Kingdom; (for I will not be Dogmatical in this Point) yet, besides that it would not clearly follow, that they owe their shapes to Chance, since there is no absur­dity to admit Seminal Principles in some more elaborate sorts of Fos­siles; I think it would be very injurious to make these Producti­ons vye with the Animals, to which they are Compared.

For the Resemblance of shapes, wherein alone they and the Ani­mals Agree, being but the Outward Figure, is but a Superficial thing, and not worthy to be mention'd, in comparison of that wherein they differ: The rude and slight Contex­ture of the best shap'd Stones, being incomparably inferior to the Internal contrivance of an Animal; which must consist of a multitude of Parts, of such a Figure, Bulk, Texture, Situation, &c. as cannot but be obvious to any that have seen Dissections skilfully made. And 'tis not only in the Stable and Quiescent parts, that this great In­ternal Difference between Stones, and the Animals they resemble, is to be found; but there is in a Living Animal a greater difference, than a­ny of the Knives of Anatomists can shew us in a Dead one betwixt a Stone, tho'never so curiously Figur'd, and an Animal. For there are, I know not how many, Liquors, Spirits, Digestions, Secretions, Coagulati­ons, [Page 75]and Motions of the whole Body, and of the Limbs and other parts, which are lodged and per­form'd in a Living Body, and not in a Cadaver; and are perchance far more admirable, even than the structure of the stable and quiescent Parts themselves. So that, tho' a Stone, outwardly very like a Shell­fish, were made by Chance; yet from thence to Conclude, that Chance may make a real Living Shell-fish, would be to argue worse than he that should contend, that, because even an unskilful Smith may make a hollow piece of Metal, like a Watch Case, tho' he can fill it but with filings of Iron, or some other rude Stuff, he must be able to make a Watch; there being less difference betwixt the skill ex­press'd in making the Case of a Watch, and the Movement, than in making a Body like a Shell, and the Internal parts of a real Fish: Or to say, that, because Putrefa­ction and Winds, have sometimes [Page 76]made Trees hollow, and blown them down into the Water, where they swim like Boats, therefore the like Causes may make a Galley built and contriv'd, as well within as without, according to the Laws of Naval Architecture, and furnish'd with Mariners to Row it, Steer it, and, in a word, to excite and guide all its Motions to the best Advan­tage, for the Preservation and va­rious Uses of the Vessel. In short, if Chance sometimes does some strange things, 'tis in reference to what She her self, but not to what Nature, uses to perform.

And now, to give you the Sum­mary of my Thoughts, about the Second Question; 1. I think, that from the Ends and Uses of the Parts of Living Bodies, the Natu­ralist may draw Arguments, pro­vided he do it with due Cautions, of which I shall speak under the fourth Question. 2. That the In­animate Bodies here below, that [Page 77]proceed not from Seminal Princi­ples, have but a more parable Tex­ture, (if I may so speak) as Earths, Liquors, Flints, Pebbles, and will not easily warrant Ratiocinations, drawn from their supposed Ends. 3. I think, the Coelestial Bodies do abundantly declare God's Power and Greatness, by the Immensity of their Bulk, and (if the Earth stand still) the Celerity of their Motions, and also argue his Wis­dom and general Providence as to them; because He has for so many Ages, kept so many vast Vortices, or other Masses of Matter, in scarce conceivably rapid Motions, with­out destroying one another, or loosing their Regularity. And I see no Absurdity in supposing, that, among other Uses of the Sun, and of the Stars, the Service of Man might be intended; but yet I doubt, whether, from the bare Contemplation of the Heavens and their Motions, it may be cogently inferr'd, at least so strongly as Fi­nal [Page 78]Causes, may be from the stru­cture of Animals, that either the sole, or the chief, End of them all, is to enlighten the Earth, and bring Benefits to the Creatures that live upon it.

In what has been hitherto said on our Second Question, 'tis plain, that I suppose the Naturalist to dis­course meerly upon Physical Grounds. But if the Revelations, contain'd in the Holy Scriptures, be admitted, we may rationally be­lieve More, and speak less Haesi­tantly, of the Ends of God, than bare Philosophy will warrant us to do. For, if God is pleased to de­clare to us any thing concerning His Intentions, in the making of his Creatures, we ought to believe it; tho' the Consideration of the things themselves, did not give us the least suspicion of it; which yet in our case they do. And therefore a late Ingenious Author did caus­lessly reflect upon me, for having [Page 79]mention'd the Enlightning of the Earth, and the Service of Men, among the Ends of God, which he thought undiscoverable by us. For whether or no we can discover them by meer Reason, as divers of the Heathen Philosophers thought they did; yet sure we may know Those that God is pleas'd to Reveal to us: And the Persons, I argu'd with, were apparently such as ad­mitted the Authority of the Scrip­tures; which expresly teach us, Gen. 1.16. that God made the two great Luminaries, (for so I should render the Hebrew words [...]) the greater for the rule of the Day, and the les­ser for the rule of the Night. And that He made the Stars also, and set them in the Firmament, or rather Expansum of the Heaven, to give Light upon the Earth. And a little above, among the Uses of the Lu­minaries these are rec­kon'd, ver. 14. to divide the Day [Page 80]from the Night, and to be for Signs, and for Seasons, and for Days and Years. And in another place, the Prophet Moses dehorting the Isra­elites from Worshiping the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars, tells them, that the Lord, had im­parted them unto all na­tions under the whole Hea­ven. Deut. 4.19. And therefore those Carte­sians, that being Divines, Admit the Authority of Holy Scripture; should not reject the Consideration of such Final Causes, as Revelation discovers to us; since 'tis certainly no presumption to think we know Gods Ends, when he himself ac­quaints us with them; nor to be­leive that the Sun, tho' it be gene­rally esteem'd to be a nobler Body than the Terrestrial Globe, was made, among other Purposes, to give Light to its Inhabitants. 'Tis recorded in the Book of Genesis, Gen. 1.26, 27, 28. the Design of God in making man, was, that men should Subdue the [Page 81]Earth (as vast a Globe as 'tis) and have dominion over the Fish of the Sea, and over the Fowle of the Air, and over the Cattle, and over all the Earth, and (to speak Summarily) over every living thing that moveth upon the Earth. Gen 9.23. And the same Book informs us, that after the Deluge, God deliver'd all Terrestrial Beasts, and Fowle, and Fishes, and every moving thing that lives, into the hands of Men; and intended that they should eat Animals, Gen. 1.29. as before the Flood, He had appointed them all the sorts of wholsome Ve­getables for their Food. And since God was pleased to appoint that men should live on these Creatures, it cannot be absurd to say, that, a­mong other Purposes to which he destinated the Sun, His Shining upon the Earth was one; since with­out His Light and Heat, men could not provide for, or enjoy them­selves; and neither those Plants that Men and Cattel must live upon, [Page 82]could grow and ripen; nor (con­sequently) those Animals that were to be their principal Food, and serve them for many other uses, could be sustain'd and provided for. Many other Texts that show, how much God was pleas'd to intend mans wel­fare, and Dominion over many of his Fellow-creatures, might be here al­ledg'd. But I shall content my self to mention, what the Kingly Prophet sayes in the 8th Psalm, Psal. 8.56. where speaking of Man to his Maker, he sayes; Thou hast made him, a little lower than the Angels, and hast crown'd him with Glory and Honour. Thou mad'st him to have dominion over the works of thine hands, and hast put all things un­der his Feet. Indeed if in Man we consider only that Visible Part, his Body; the smallness of it may make it thought improbable, that Portions of the Universe incomparably great­er than He, should be at all intended to be serviceable to Him. But Chri­stians ought not to think this incre­dible, [Page 83]if they consider Man, as he chiefly consists of a Rational Mind; which proceeds immediately from God, and is capable of knowing him, loving him, and being Eternal­ly happy with him. They that des­pise Man consider'd in this capacity, do very little know the worth of a Rational Soul; and estimate things like Masons, and not like Jewellers, who justly value a Diamond no big­ger than a Bean, more than a whole Quarry of ordinary Stones. And particularly to those Undervaluers of their own Species that are Divines; it may be represented, that God, who will not be deny'd to be the best Judge in this case, as in all others; was pleas'd to consider Men so much, as to give David cause to admire it in the words lately cited; and not only to endow them with his Image at their first Creation, but when they had criminally lost and forfei­ted it, he vouchsaf'd to Redeem them by no less than the Sufferings and Death of his own Son; who is in­comparably [Page 84]more excellent than the whole World. And 'tis not incredi­ble that God should have intended, that many of his other works should be serviceable to Man; since by Miraculous Operations he hath some times Suspended the Laws of Na­ture, and sometimes Over rul'd them, upon the account of Man: as may appear by Noahs Flood; by the pas­sage of the Israelites on dry Land through the Red Sea, and the River of Jordan; by the standing still of the Sun and Moon (or the Terestrial Globe) at Joshua's command; by the in efficacy of the burning Fiery Fur­nace, on Daniels three Companions; and (to be short) by the stupendious Ecclipse of the Sun at the full Moon, at the Crucifixion of the Messias. To which I might add, that the chief part of Mankind, namely the Chil­dren of God, will by their most bountiful Remunerator, be thought fit to inhabit the New World (for that by an Hebraism is meant by the new Heavens and the new Earth [Page 85]St. Peter speaks of) which shall succeed the Renova­tion and Refinement of the Present World by the last Fire, 2 Pet. 3.10, 11, 12, 13. that will not only Dissolve, but, if I may so so speak, Transfigure it.

And we shall the less scruple to admit that such vast and bright Bodies as the Sun and Moon, may be design'd (among other things) to be serviceable to Men; if we con­sider, that 'tis so far from being a constant Rule, That a Thing more excellent cannot (by a wise Agent) be imploy'd for the good of one that is less so; that not only the first Angel whose Apparition we read of in the Scrip­ture, Gen. 16.9. &c. was sent to relieve Hagar, a Slave wandring in a Wil­derness; another had regard to the life of a Sooth-sayers Asse; Numb. 22.23. Gen. 32.1, 2. 2 Kings 6.17. and many others (and sometimes Com­panies of them) were imployd on Earth to do good Offi­ces [Page 86]to particular persons: but of all the Angels in general; the Excel­lent Epistle to to the He­brews informs us, Heb. 1.14. That they are Ministring Spi­rits, sent forth to Minister unto them who shall be Heirs of Salvation.


TO handle the Third Que­stion, viz. Whether, and in what sense, the Acting for Ends may be ascri­bed to an Ʋnintel­ligent, and even Inanimate Body? It will be necessa­ry for us to clear the grand Difficulty that has, ever since Aristotles time, and even before that, Perplex'd those that allow in Natural ral Philosophy, the Consi [...]eration of Final Causes. The Difficulty is obvious enough: For, much the greater part of Bodies being [...]o [...]d of Knowledge, and most of them (as all Inanimate Bodies) of Life it self, it seems not conceivable, how they should act constantly for Ends, they are not capable of pre [...] ­signing; and appositely imp [...]oy M [...] [Page 88]that they have no Knowledge wherewith to make choice of.

Aristotle, who expresly teaches, that Nature does nothing in vain, and rightly judg'd, that the Acti­ons of Natural A­gents tended to cer­tain Ends, vid. Aristot. De Coelo, lib. II. c. 5. & eund. De Gen. & Interitu lib. II. cap. 10. takes no­tice of this Difficul­ty; but seems rather to Shift it off than Resolve it; The Solution he frames regarding so peculiarly the Words wherein he has express'd the Ob­jection, that I much doubt, whe­ther it would signifie much to clear the same Difficulty propos'd in other Terms. And to me he seems to speak so darkly, not only in his Translators Latine, but in his own Greek, that, if he have given a good Solution of the Difficulty, I must ingenuously confess my Dull­ness, in not being able to under­stand it.

But, to consider the Difficulty it self, there are two Accounts, on which the Actions of natural A­gents may be said to tend to a cer­tain End: One, when the Agent has a Knowledge of that End, and acts with an Intention to obtain it; as, when a man shoots an Arrow to hit a mark: The Other is, when the Action of the Proximate A­gent, is indeed so directed as it ought to be to obtain an End, and yet that End is neither Known nor Intended by the Proximate Agent, but by a Remoter Agent that is In­telligent. In the former of these Senses, I cannot admit that (not now to Examine whether any Liv­ing, but not Rational, Works of Na­ture May) any Inanimate Bodies Can, act for an End; for, to do so, presupposes, that the Agent both Knows the End he is to attain, and Purposes to attain it; which are things whereof Inanimate Bodies are uncapable. And to fancy with [Page 90]some, that they may have a Know­ledge sui generis (as they speak,) which, tho' confin'd to the actions proper to this or that particular kind of Body, is yet sufficient to de­termine to those Actions; is to of­fend against that rational and re­ceiv'd Rule of Philosophizing, En­tia non sunt multiplicanda sine neces­sitate, and to introduce a sort of Knowledge, which I fear the Pro­posers do not well conceive; or at least, I am sure I do not.

It remains then, that I embrace the second Sense, in which we for­merly said, that Natural things may be said to to work for an End; tho' indeed in this Case, we must speak somewhat improperly: For, by him that Considers, the Action will be oftentimes more justly attributed to the Intelligent, but Remoter, than to the Immediate, Agent, which is but, as it were, the Instrument of the other. But how this is possible to done, appears difficult to be ex­plain'd. [Page 91]To me it seems, it may be thus conceiv'd: The most Wise and Powerful Author of Nature, whose peircing sight is able to pene­trate the whole Universe, & survey all the parts of it at once, did at the Beginning of Things, Frame things Corporeal into such a System, and Settled among them such Laws of Motion, as he judg'd sutable to the Ends he propos'd to Himself, in ma­king the World. And as by vertue of his vast and boundless Intellect that he at first imploy'd, he was able not only to See the Present State of things he had made, but to Fore­see all the Effects, that particular Bodies so and so qualify'd, and acting according to the Laws of Motion by him establish'd, could in such and such circumstances, have on one another: So by the same Omniscient Power, he was able to contrive the whole Fabrick, and all the parts of it, in such manner, that, whilst his general Concourse main­tain'd the Order of Nature, each [Page 92]Part of this great Engine, the World, should without either Intention or Knowledge, as regularly and con­stantly Act towards the attainment of the respective Ends which he de­sign'd them for, as if themselves really understood, and industriously prosecuted, those Ends. Just as in a well made Clock, the Spring, the Wheels, the Ballance, and the other parts, tho' each of them Act accor­ding to the Impulses it receives, and the Determination that is given it, by the other pieces of the En­gine, without knowing what the Neighbouring Parts, or what them­selves do; yet their Tendencies are so Determin'd, and sometimes Over­rul'd, and their Motions so Quickn'd, by the structure of the Clock, that they would not move more conve­niently, nor better perform the Functions of a Clock, if they knew that they were to make the Index truly mark the Hours, and intended to make it do so. 'Tis true, that 'tis not easie to conceive how One [Page 93]Agent should, by so sim plean In­strument as Local motion, be able to Direct a Multitude of Agents, as nu­merous as the Bodies that make up a World, to Act as regularly, as if each of them Acted upon its own particular Design, and yet all of them Conspir'd to obey the Laws of Nature. But if we consider, that 'tis to God, that is an Omniseient and Almighty Agent, that this Great Work is ascrib'd, we shall not think it incredible; especially if we con­sider, that, whereas 'tis manifest enough, that a Multitude of Bo­dies Act, as we have suppos'd; if we will not ascribe the Direction and Superintendence of the Motions, that are manifestly fitted for the attainment of Ends, unto God, we must do it to Nature; which will not Lessen but Increase the Difficulty: And when I have seen, as sometimes I have with pleasure, a great En­gine, wherein the Works of I know not how many Trades, and a great many other Motions, were perform­ed [Page 94]by little Puppets, that manag'd the Tools of the Artifficers; and all these were set a work by one Spring, which communicated Motions that were regulated and determined by the particular structure of the little Statues and other Bodies: when, I say, I consider such things as these, I cannot think it impossi­ble that the Divine and Great [...], Heb. 11.10. as both Phi­losophers and sacred Writers have styl'd the Worlds Creator; should be able by the Motions and Struc­tures of Matter, to set a work very many Partial and Subordinate En­gines. For 'twill not, I hope, be de­ny'd, that the Multitude of These does not any thing near so much sur­pass the number of Those, which I saw in the hand of an illiterate Tradesman, as the Narrow Know­ledge of that Artifficer is surpass'd by the Boundless Understanding of an Omniscient Artist. And 'tis more, in the making so many and so vari­ous Bodys act according to their [Page 95]particular Designations, & yet all of them Conspire to the General Ends of the Universe, that Gods Wisdom, and (if I may so speak) his Skill is display'd, than barely in the mak­ing Bodies Act Appositely for Ends to themselves Unknown. For, if Moving Bodies be duly display'd, and have a sufficient connection, 'tis not difficult to Direct a few of them to the attainment of an End propos'd by an Understanding A­gent, tho' Unknown to the Immedi­ate Agents: As anciently among the Jewish Husband-men, (and at this day in some parts of the East) the Ox, that intended no such mat­ter, did by Treading the Corn as well Separate the Grain from the Straw, as our Plowmen do, when they thresh it purposely to make that Separation: And a Horse or an Ass in a Mill, may as well by his going round Grind the Corn, as the Miller himself could do.

Nor is this Doctrine inconsistent with the beleif of any True Miracle; for, it supposes the Ordinary and Settled Course of Nature to be maintain'd, without at all deny­ing, that the most Free and Power­ful Author of Nature is able, when­ever he thinks fit, to Suspend, Alter, or Contradict those Laws of Motion, which He alone at first Establish'd, and which need His perpetual Con­course to be Upheld.

The Laws of Method would ob­lige me to conclude here this Secti­on, and pass on to another: But in regard that all I thought my self oblig'd to say about it, leaves it so very short, as to be very Dispro­portionate in Bulk to the other Se­ctions of this Discourse; I will crave leave to lengthen it in this place, with Something, which, tho' it may be judg'd to belong more properly to Another, will not perhaps be thought to be impertinent Here; [Page 81]and much less to be useless to the design of this Discourse.

Here then you may please to take notice, that in all that I have dis­cours'd in the second Section, or may elsewhere have occasion to say, against the receiv'd Opinion, that the whole material World was made for Man; I would not be under­stood to speak either too dogmati­cally, or too exclusively: my de­sign being to deliver, what I thought might probably be represented, to take off the Prejudice, that Men are generally prepossess'd with in their own favour. For, tho' the Argu­ments I alledge Against the vulgar Opinion, seem as yet to me more probable than those I have hitherto met with For it, especially as it re­lates to the vast Caelestial Region of the World; yet I am not only wil­ling to grant, that, among the Ends design'd by the Authour of Nature in several of his Works, especially Plants, Animals and Metals, the [Page 82]Utility of men may be one, and per­haps one of the principal: but I am not averse from thinking, that Hu­mane Ends, (or Uses that relate to Men,) may have been design'd by God in several Creatures, whose Humane Ʋses Men are not yet a ware of: And that he may have intend­ed, that of several of his Creatures, whereof Men do already know, and make some Uses, they shall hereaf­ter discover other Utilities, and perhaps nobler Ones.

Those that reflect on the Provi­dence of God, whilst they repre­sent what they call Nature as a Step-mother to Man, whom She brings Naked, Toothless, and Help­less into the World; whilst She furnishes the new Born Foetus's of Brutes with Wooll or other Cloth­ing, and both with a Power to Walk and Seek their Food, and (as to many of them) with Teeth to Eat it: Those men, I say, have been long ago answer'd by the Eloquent [Page 83] Lactantius, and other Champions of Providence. And therefore I shall only add this, that God by giving Man Necessity and Reason, has ef­fectually Excited him, and richly Furnisht Him with Ability, to procure for himself far greater Ac­commodations and Advantages, than those Beasts come into the world with; and by vouchsafing him that Noble Faculty of Understand­ing, He has put it in his Power to convert to his own use those very Things, for which Profane Wits would have the Condition of Beasts preferable to His. For Man, by his Reason imploying skilfully such Admirable Instruments as his Hands, is able to Master and Apply to his own Uses, the fierceness of several Wild Beasts, as Leopards (which the Persians Hunt with,) the vast strength of Elephants, the huge bulk of Whales, the Sagacity of Spaniels, Hounds, and Setters, the Swiftness of Grey-Hounds, the Suttlety of Tumblers, and the Furs of Beavers, [Page 84]Martins, &c. To omit a Multitude of others, which God, by the single Gift of Reason to Man, has inabled him to master and make use of to his own advantage. And tho' at first he be helpless enough, and un­able to exercise his Dominion over inferiour Creatures; yet God has sufficiently provided for Him, by giving his Parents whilst he needs them, that [...] Natural affection for Him, which engages them to take care of him, till he be in a condition to take care of himself; and become qualify'd to obtain such knowledge and Industry, as may make him Pos­sessor of the advantages, whereof his Indulgent and Bountiful Crea­tour made him capable.

Those Moderns that think it re­diculous to Imagine, that, in fram­ing such Vast Bodies as the Earth, and some of the Caelestial Globes, their Creatour should have any Re­gard to so small a Part of the Earth as Man, and design'd that They [Page 85]should be some way or other ser­viceable to him, look upon Things rather as Surveyers, who consider mainly their Extent, than as Philo­sophers, that Estimate them by their Intrinsick Value. For tho' it be true, that Man consider'd barely as an Ani­mal, is a Creature little enough to be Contemptible; yet as He is endow'd with a Soul Immaterial, Rational, and Immortal, he is a Creature much more Noble and Excellent than the whole Terraqueous Globe, or a much vaster Masse of Corporeal Substance that is Stupid and Inani­mate. For the Rational Soul is capa­of Understanding and Willing, (which are higher Faculties than meer Matter can reach to) and which is more, of Knowing, Serving and Enjoying God. And Man being the only Visible Creature, that is capable to Understand the Wisdom, Power, and Beneficence of God in the Creation, and in many ways to Subdue a great Variety of the other Creatures, and Apply them to his [Page 86]Uses: it ought not to seem strange, that the Wise Author of the Uni­verse, that made all things so as to bring Glory to himself, should have a more especial regard to so Noble a Piece of his Workmanship, than to any, that being meerly Corporeal, can neither Understand his Wisdom and his Power, nor Render him thanks nor Praises for the Manifold and admirable Effects of them. And that Littleness that is alledged to make Man a Contemptible Crea­ture, is so far from being a Dispa­ragement to that Noble part of him, the Soul, which makes him a Man, that is, a Rational Creature; that its Excellency consists in being less than the Minutest Body; Since not having Extension, it is not Divisible; which is the Prerogative of Substan­ces, which, for that reason, are Im­material and Immortal.

This mention of the Human Mind leads me to a further Reflexion, which is, That many parts of the [Page 87]Material World, whereof Man has not been known to make any ad­vantage, in the Capacity of a meer Animal, may yet be highly useful to him, as he is a Rational Creature, that is, Capable, by Contemplating the great and Admirable Works of God, to Raise his Mind to the ac­knowledgment of the Divine Ar­chitects Power, Wisdom, and Bene­ficence, and thereby Find produc'd in him due Sentiments of Venerati­on, Gratitude and Love. And These may be safely reckon'd among those Ends or Uses, which in the first Sec­tion we have Styl'd Human Ones; Since some of the Heathen Philoso­phers themselves call'd the World a Temple, and one of the more Phi­losophical Fathers of the Church loftily Styles it, [...].

And indeed we find, that the Psal­mist alone may furnish us with di­vers Instances to our present purpose. Psal. xix. 1, 2, 3. For not only He teaches us [Page 88]that the Heavens declare the Glory of God, and that in a Language, that, notwithstanding what happen'd at Babel, reaches to all the Nations of the World; but He imploys the Contemplation of Gods Visible Works, to excite in himself and o­thers true Sentiments, both of De­votion and of particular Vertues. Thus the Consideration of his having been won­derfully form'd in his Mothers Womb, Ps. CXXXIX. 14. moves Him to Re­vere and Celebrate the admirable Skill of the Opificer. Psal. civ. thorow­out especially v. 24. Elsewhere the Consideration of the Regular Vicissitudes observable in the course of Nature, invite him to Admire and Extoll the Providence of God. And when in another place, He beholds those Vast Bodies and Shining Ones, Psa. viij. 3.4. that com­pose and adorn the Coe­lestial part of the World, he justly falls into Sentiments of great [Page 89]Humility and deserved Grati­tude.

And as to This Use, the Distance; and Vastness of the fixt Starrs, the Im­mensity of the Heavens, and the Re­gular Motion of the Superiour Pla­nets, (supposing they can bring Man no other advantage) may do him good Service; since they afford him Rational and Solid Grounds to believe, admire, adore, and obey the Deity. For by thus Spirituali­zing (if I may so speak) the Corpo­real works of God, there may accrew to the Pious Soul, Uses far more va­luable than they can afford the Bo­dy; since they will Perfectionate the Mind here, and Continue to be ad­vantagious to it, when the Body will not need the World, and the World it self, as to its present Con­stitution, shall be destroy'd.

But to proceed from this Use of the World, which is Theological, to a Humane Use, that is more Phy­sical, [Page 90]as relating to the present wel­fare of Man, as he is an Animal, as well as a Rational Creature: I shall represent That, as a Nation is often­times, in the account of Providence, consider'd as one Man, notwith­standing Its various dispersions, and perhaps long continuance; as the Israelitish People, during many A­ges, notwithstanding its Divisions and Captivities, was address'd to and treated, by the Prophets and Apostles commission'd by God, as one Person, nam'd Israel, whom God som­times in the Scripture is pleas'd to call his Son: Exod. 4.22. Hos. 11.1. so perhaps it will not be absurd to conceive, that Mankind it self may in some regards, or as to some purposes, be lookt upon by its Author as one Man, who, by Suc­cessive Improvements of his know­ledge, may from time to time be enabled to make New and conside­rable Uses of the things, that the Wise and bountiful Providence of his Maker had fram'd, with a Fore­sight [Page 91]that he would, and with In­tention that he might, make them advantagious to him. And therefore it cannot safely be concluded That every thing whose Usefulness to Man is not yet obvious, nay, That every thing that seems hurtful to him, can never be made beneficial to him. For we see that Opium was for many ages look'd on only as a Poyson, but now is imploy'd as a Noble Remedy, (as indeed it is, if skilfully prepar'd & Judiciously ex­hibited) in many Violent, and often­times Dangerous, Distempers. Vipers are Venemous Animals; but yet their Flesh is a main Ingredient of that famous Antidote Treacle; and be­ing in great part Dissolv'd in Tract of Time in good Spanish Wine, I have try'd it with Surprizing Suc­cess, in an uncommon and very dif­ficult Case. Scorpions also afford, by bare Infusion, an Oyl that not only Cures their own Stings, but is very available in several Distem­pers. And I remember, that a learn­ed [Page 92]Professor of Padua, having Cured the Widow of a Soveraigne Prince of a Fit of the Stone, answer'd me some few Days after, that the chief Remedy he Imploy'd and Rely'd on, was a Preparation (which he in­timated to Consist mainly in a light kind of Calcination) of Scorpions, which, somewhat to my Wonder, he made his Patient take inwardly. And, tho' the Roots of Maudioca be reckon'd among Poysons, when the Juice is in them, of which I else­where relate a Notable Instance; yet, when the Juice is Press'd out, and the Firm part reduc'd to Meal, it affords the Cassava, which is the Common Bread of a great Part of the Americans: and I did not scru­ple to Eat of it here in England. Nay the Poysonous Juice it self, in Divers places of the West Indies, is even by the unskilful Inhabitants turn'd into an Ordinary, and by them beloved Drink. But enough of this sort of Instances; I shall be more Brief in those of another Kind, [Page 93]whereof the first is afforded by the Loadstone, which, tho' for many A­ges admir'd by Greeks and Romans, for what is Commonly call'd its At­tractive Vertue, had not its Direc­tive Vertue known, at least any thing Vulgarly, in these parts of the World, till within less than four Ages; Since when, of what Vast Use this Stone has prov'd to Man­kind, the discovery of the West-Indies, and of the Way of Sailing by the Cape of good Hope to the East-Indies, sufficiently declares. I will say nothing of the Uses of the Silk Worm, and the Sugar-Cane, which were little taken Notice of for many Ages, even by the Civiliz'd and Lux urious Greeks and Romans; but now, together with the lately disco­ver'd Cocheneal, which is but an In­sect, and far less than the Silk Worm, make a good part of the Trade of Europe, and furnishes the Tables of the Delicate with Sweet meats, and the Courts of Princes with many of their Finest Ornaments. [Page 94]But not to insist on such things as these, but to proceed.

It deserves also to be consider'd on this occasion, That many Things that are not thought Useful to Men, because we see not that they direct­ly bring in many Immediate Advan­tages, may yet be of great Use to them, as they Minister to, or are Ne­cessary for, other things that are very serviceable to them. As the ex­cessive Rains that cause the over­flowings of Rivers in divers parts of Africk, and some other Countries, tho' they seem rather Destructive than profitable, do yet, by their sea­sonable Inundations, make Egypt and some other Countries exceed­ing Fertile, that without them would be very Barren: and among Us, those Clouds that do us no Immedi­ate Service, do oftentimes, by Wa­tering our Fields and Gardens in Summer, and by Manuring them, as 'twere, in Winter, do Nourish those Trees, Grass, Corn, Herbs, and [Page 95]other Plants, whereof some Serve immediately for Aliments to Man, and others are necessary for the nou­rishment of Sheep, Oxen, Deer, and other Beasts that Men usually feed upon.

Not only Plants, and Animals, and Stones, and Metals, and such other smaller Bodies as are within Mans reach, are capable of being made use of by Him; but to advance a Step farther, to far greater Masses of Mat­ter, and even some of those remote Caelestial Globes, which he is thought able only to Contemplate; One of those Ends, to which the Indul­gent Creatour destinated them, may be To be serviceable to Man.

To say nothing of the advantage that skilsul Seamen make of the Eb­bing and Flowing of that vast Col­lection of Waters, the Ocean; The Declination of the Mariners Nee­dle, and the Variation of it, which probably depends upon the Moti­tions [Page 96]or changes of some Vast Inter­nal Portion of the Terraqueous Globe, is found to be of great Use by Experienc'd Pilots and Naviga­tors, in their Voyages through those Vast Seas they use to pass, between Europe and the East-Indies; as I learnt by particular Enquiry, from Eminent Persons, that have more than once Sail'd upon those Seas. The Moon, to omit her Light, serves Men, not only to make Moon-Dials by, and to foretell regularly the Times and Quantities of the Vari­ous Ebbings and Flowings of the Sea, the knowledge of which is ve­ry Beneficial, if not necessary, to Mariners, but serves Mathemati­cians for Divers other Purposes. The Sun, not to mention his ordi­nary Light and Heat, and the neces­sity of them to the Plants and Ani­mals that afford Man Food and Me­dicines, and to the Production of many other Effects; whereon his Welfare depends, do inable him, by Concave and convext Glasses, to [Page 97]burn with Coelestial Beams, with­out the help of Culinary Fire; and enable the Gnomonist to make Ac­curate Dials, to know exactly how the Time passes; the Cosmogra­pher, to make very useful Disco­veries of the Elevation of the Pole, and Latitudes of Places; and the heedful Observer of his Rising and Setting, to discover what Artists call his Amplitude, which is of good use to Astronomers, and more to Navigators, by helping them to estimate, among other things, the Variation of the Compass, (from true North and South Points.) And the Conjunction or Opposition of the Sun and Moon in Ecclipses, tho' it be a frightful thing to the Superstitious Vulgar, yet to Know­ing Men, that can Skilfully apply them, these Ecclipses are of great Use, and such as common Heads would never have Imagin'd; Since not only They may, on divers oc­casions, help to settle Chronology, and rectify the Mistakes of Histo­rians, [Page 98]that writ many Ages ago; but, which is, tho' a less Wonder, yet of greater Utility, They are, as things yet stand, necessary to define with competent Certainty, the Longitude of Places or Points as­sign'd on the Terraqueous Globe; which is a thing of very great mo­ment, not only to Geography, but to the most useful and important Art of Navigation. And lastly, at how stupendious a distance so­ever the Fixt Stars are plac'd, yet their remoteness cannot hinder the Industry of Man, from making even These Serviceable to his Uses; Since, if we should admit those de­terminate Coelestial Influences that are little less than the Idols of Astro­logers, they would enable us to pre­dict the Changes of Weather, the Fertility and Dearth, the Sickliness, or Healthiness, of any propos'd Sea­son; and, not to lay any stress up­on so Controverted a Science, 'tis plain that Skilful Navigators can make use of any of the fixt Stars, [Page 99]to know by any of them, what Hour 'tis of the Night: And 'tis more known, that Fishermen and Pilots did generally for many Ages, till within these four last Centuries, make very great use of the Pole-Star, and other of the Northern fixt Ones, to guide them, when nothing else could, in the perilous Courses of their Navigations.

I have seen, and been Master of a Telescope, made in the form of a Walking-Staff, so that it was fit­ted to serve for several purposes; whereof tho' one was very different from the other, yet all of them were in the Idaea of the Artificer, and intended by him. The like may be said of a Concave Metalline Burning-Glass; which, tho' it is imploy'd to magnify the Pictures of Objects, to cast their Images in­to the Air, and to Concenter the Sun-beams to a Focus, in which they will burn several Bodies; yet These and many other things, which, tho' they seem to have little Affinity [Page 100]with these, are perform'd by a Metalline Concave, were before­hand destinated by the Artist, who foresaw and intended, that in such various Junctures of Circumstances, it should produce all those deter­minate Effects.

And indeed, if we consider Gods Omniscience and Providence, and how Indulgent a Creator he has been to Man; it may well seem reason­able to think, that as God foresaw that Men might make very various and profitable Uses of divers of his other Creatures, by the help of that Prerogative of Reason, which he had vouchsaf'd them; So he de­sign'd that Men should reap the Ad­vantages he had made many of his other Works capable of affording them. And I confess, I think this Reflection may justly serve to Re­commend the Doctrine about Final Causes that we embrace, to Philo­sophers that are truly pious: Since it furnishes them with just Argu­ments [Page 101]for Gratitude to the Author of so many good things, as the Corporeal World, by being con­templated or possest, affords them. For to look upon the World, as vast and curious a Work as it is, on­ly as a vast and curious piece of Workmanship; may indeed give a Man a great Idaea of the Power and Skill of the Divine Architect: But will rather exact his Wonder, than his Gratitude. And there­fore the Ancient Aristotelians, who look'd upon the World as Eternal and Self-existent in a Condition like its present System; did not use to Thank God for the Benefits they receiv'd from things Corpo­real: Tho' some of them thought themselves Oblig'd to thank Na­ture; which they look'd upon as acting with Design, and propo­sing to her Self for Ends, the Wel­fare of the Universe, and of Men. To illustrate this with something, whose Application is Obvious. If a Traveller being in some Ill-inha­bited [Page 102]Eastern Country, should come to a large and fair Building, such as One of the most Stately of those they call Caravanzeras; tho' He would esteem, and be delighted with the Magnificence of the Stru­cture, and the Commodiousness of the Apartments; yet supposing it to have been Erected but for the Ho­nour or the Pleasure of the Founder, He would Commend so staely a Fa­brick, without thanking him for it. But if he were Satisfied that this Commodious Building was design'd by the Founder, as a Receptacle for Passengers, who were freely to have the Use of the many Conve­niencies the Apartments afforded; he would then think himself ob­lig'd, not only to Praise the Mag­nificence, but with Gratitude to acknowledge the Bounty, and the Philanthropy of so Munificent a Benefactor.


IT remains now, that we dis­course a while of the Fourth and last Question, propos'd at the beginning of this Tract; which was, With what Cautions Final Causes are to be Consider'd by the Naturalist?

But the Cases whereto this Que­stion may relate, are so many and so differing, that, what I shall en­deavour upon so diffus'd and diffi­cult a Subject, will be rather to point you out some Sea-Marks, that may direct you to shun those latent Rocks, against which divers Learn­ed Men have dash'd; than to pre­sent you with a Mariners Compass, and a Sea-Card, that may constant­ly guide you in the Courses of your [Page 104]Navigation, through so unfrequen­ted a Sea.

And, to make way for what I am to offer by a Distinction, the want of which seems to have con­tributed to the Obscurity of my Subject; I shall observe to you, that there are two ways of Rea­soning from the Final Causes of Natural Things, that ought not to be Confounded. For, Sometimes from the Uses of things Men draw Arguments that relate to the Au­thor of Nature, and the General Ends he is suppos'd to have intend­ed in things Corporeal: As, when from the manifest Usefulness of the Eyes, and all its parts, to the Fun­ction of Seeing, Men infer, that at the Beginning of Things the Eye was fram'd by a very Intelligent Being, that had a particular care, that Animals, especially Men, should be furnish'd with the fittest Organ of so necessary a Sense as that of Sight. And Sometimes also, upon [Page 105]the supposed Ends of things Men Ground Arguments, both Affir­mative and Negative, about the peculiar Nature of the Things themselves; and Conclude, that This Affection of a Natural Body or Part ought to be granted, or That to be denyed, because by This, and not by That, or by This more than by That, the End de­sign'd by Nature may be best and most conveniently attain'd. This latter sort of Arguments I am wont to call purely or simply, Physical Ones; and those of the former sorts may, for distinctions sake, be styl'd Physico-Theological Ones; or (if we will with Verulamius refer Final Causes to the Metaphysicks,) by a somewhat shorter name, Metaphy­sical Ones.

What has been premised about these Two Ways of Arguing, al­lows me to proceed to what I shall venture, tho' not without much [Page 106]diffidence, to offer you, concer­ning our Grand Questtion about; which I shall refer my present Thoughts to the Five ensueing Pro­positions.


AS to the Generality of Celestial Bodys, it seems not safe to pro­pound Arguments of their Nature, from the supposition of particular Ends, at least of the Human ones, design'd by the Author of Nature in framing them.

I will not only Allow you, but Encourage you, to take a Rise from the Contemplation of the Celestial Part of the World, and the Shining Globes that Adorn it, and especially the Sun and Moon; To Admire the Stupendious Power and Wisdom of Him that was able to frame such Immense Bodys, and, notwithstand­ing their Vast Bulk, and (if the Earth stand still) scarce conceive­able [Page 108]Rapidity, keep them for so ma-Ages, so Constant, both to the Lines and Paces of their Motion, with­out justling or interfereing with one another. And I shall most willing­ly joyn with you, in returning Thanks and Praises to the Divine Providence and Goodness, for ha­ving so plac'd the Sun and Moon, and determin'd the former (or the Earth) to move in such Lines, un­der that Oblique Circle Astrono­mers call the Ecliptick, that there needs Skill in Cosmography to be able to Apprehend, how useful these Situations and Motions are, for the Good of Men and other Ani­mals; and how disadvantageous it would have been to the Inhabitants of the Earth, if the Luminaries had been otherwise plac'd or moved than they are. But for all this, I dare not imitate Their Boldness, that not only affirm, that the Sun and Moon, and all the Stars, and other Celestial Bodys, were made solely for the use of Man; but Presume [Page 109]to ground Arguments, to evince such a System of the World to be True, and such another Erroneous, because the Former is, as they think, better fitted to the Conveniency of Man­kind, or the other less suited to that End, or perhaps altogether Use­less or unnecessary to it: As when they Argue, that the Sun and other vast Globes of Light, ought to be in perpetual Motion to Shine upon the Earth; because, as They fancy, 'tis more convenient for Man, that those Distant Bodys, than that the Earth, which is His Habi­tation, should be kept in Motion. But, considering things as meer Na­turalists, it seems not very likely, that a most Wise Agent should have Made such vast Bodys, as the Sun and the fixt Stars, especially if we suppose them to Move with that Inconceiveable Rapidity that Vul­gar Astronomers Do and Must as­sign them; Only or Chiefly to Il­luminate a little Globe, that with­out Hyperbole is but a Physical Point, [Page 110]in comparison of the Immense Spaces compris'd under the Name of Hea­ven; whose Lights might as well Illuminate the Earth, if They were a thousand times Lesser than they are, provided they were plac'd at a proportionably Less Distance from It. And 'twill be very hard to Assign, what considerable Use the Terres­trial Globe or its Inhabitants Derive, from that Multitude of Celestial Globes that make the Milky Way; since each of those Stars is so far from being singly able to Inlighten the Earth, that Aristotle, and the generality of Philosophers for many Ages, (therein followd by divers of the Peripatetick Schools at this day) took the whole Aggregate of them for a Meteor. And what Light, or other known Advantage, can the Earth or its Inhabitants De­rive from those many Fixt Stars that the Telescope only can discover, (and which for that reason I some­times call Telescopical Stars) among the six or seven Conspicuous Ones [Page 111]of the Pleiades, or among those that the Naked Eye can see in the Belt or Girdle of Orion? which (Constel­lations) I scarce ever look upon, through a good Telescope, without Wonder.

I foresee, it may be said, that These and other the like Celestial Bodys may be at least Thus far Use­ful to Man, as to Discover to him, and give him a Rise to Admire and Praise, the Greatness and Power of the Divine Maker: And if this be said, I shall not quarrel with the Allegation, but readily grant, that, tho' perhaps his Wisdom shines as bright to Us Men, in the Structure of a Gloworm, as in the Disposition of the unseen Stars that make up the Galaxy; yet the Immensity of his Power could not perhaps be so well declar'd by less Vast Producti­ons of it. But still these Arguments are not purely Physical, but of that sort that I call Physico-Theological, whose Inferences Relate to the Ge­neral Intendments of God in the [Page 112]Universe, which I therefore Style Cosmical Ends; but do not reach to Prove any thing about the determi­nate Nature of particular Bodys. And since the Utmost that Philosophy teaches us, is, that in general the Good of Man was One of the Ends design'd by God, in so framing the World as we see it is fram'd: There may be other Ends designd by the same Omniscient Author of Na­ture, of those Telescopical and o­ther Small or Remote Stars, whose Uses to Us are doubtful or incon­siderable; towards the attainment of which Ends, those Celestial Bo­dies and Motions may be admira­bly contriv'd and directed. And, We not being able by meer Rea­son to Investigate what those Ends are, tho' we have not near so much Reason to assure us that there may not be such Ends, as the Infiniteness of God's Wisdom gives us to think there may be; 'tis Presumptuous for Us to Judge of the System of the World, and of the Destinations of [Page 129]Fixt Stars so Remote, that, tho' they be probably like so many Suns, We cannot so much as Discern them without good Telescopes. By That Systtems Greater or Lesser A [...]van­tageousness to Us: Especially, since tho' it were certain that, among o­ther Uses, God intended they should be in some sort Serviceable to Us, yet he has no way declared to us, in what Capacity, or to what De­gree, they shall be Useful to Us. And therefore if they be so in any Measure (as for example Mental­ly,) they are So, for what we know, as much as He design'd they should be: and That it self being an unmerited Favor, deserves our humble Thanks. And it seems very likely, that God did not de­sign to all the parts of the Earth it self, Equal, and consequently not the Greatest, Advantages by the present Systeme of the Universe; since the Countries Inhabited by the Sa­moids and Novazemblans, and o­ther Nations that like very near the [Page 114] Arctick Pole, want many Conveni­encies and Advantages enjoy'd by the Inhabitants of the Temperate Zones, that lye nearer the Way in which the Sun moves.

But, tho' bare Philosophy does not favour the Bold Opinion I dare not assent to; yet I know, 'twill be pretended, that Revelation does. And I readily confess, that the Terraqueous Globe, and its Pro­ductions, (among which per­haps the Atmosphere may be reck­oned) and especially the Plants and Animals 'tis furnish'd with, do by the Scripture appear to have been design'd for the Use and Bene­fit of Man, who has therefore a Right to Imploy as many of them, as he is able to Subdue: and that the two Luminaries themselves, the Sun and Moon, Ps. 104.19. were ap­pointed by God to give Light upon the Earth, and be useful to all the Nations that Inhabit it: And that therefore the Kingly Prophet had reason to ex­claim, [Page 114] How manifold are thy works O Lord! How wisely hast thou made them all! Psal. 104.24. when in the precedent and subsequent words, he applys this to the Terraqueous Globe, and its Inhabitants. And He might justly say, as he elsewhere did, That the Heavens declare the Glo­ry of God, and the Firmament shew­eth his handy Work. But these General Declarati­ons, Psal. 19.1. tho' they be just Mo­tives of our Wonder and Thank­fulness; yet I fear they are not good Topicks to draw such Physical Conclusions from, in particular Ca­ses, as some Learned Men adven­ture to do. For I do not remem­bar, that 'tis any where declar'd in the Scripture, that the Service of Man was the Only, or perhaps so much as the Chief, Use of all the Celestial Lights, and other Bodys of that Immense Part of the World. And This Single Consideration ought to oblige us, to be very wary [Page 132]in making Ascriptions to our selves, as if the Great System of the World were to be estimated by Our Conveniencies. And if it be said, that Things meerly Corporeal have not, and Man alone has, a Ra­tional faculty, whereby to Refer the great & wonderful Works of God to the Glory of their Maker; I shall take the Liberty to answer, that, tho this has been Affirm'd by Many, if not also Assented to by All, yet I have not found it prov'd by Any. And I somewhat wonder, that Di­vines should on this Occasion over­look that passage in the 38th. Chap­ter of Job, which they generally in­terpret of the Angels. For the Question, which God there puts to Job, Job. may be justly apply­ed to Adam himself; Where wast thou when I laid the Foundations of the Earth? Declare if thou hast under­standing. When the Morning Starrs sang together and all the Sons of God shouted for joy. And indeed, if [Page 133]We even may presume to Con­jecture of such things, it seems to me reasonable to think, that God created the Angels before the Ma­terial World, thar He might have Intelligent Beings to pay him the just Tribute of Praises, for so Admi­rable a Spectacle as That of the Riseing World, or rather the Be­ginning and Progress of the Crea­tion. However by the words last Cited out of the Book of Job, it ap­pears, that before Man was made (for that he was not till the 6th. day) God wanted not Intelligent Spectators and Applauders of his Corporeal Works. And since the Angels are a Nobler Order of Intel­lectual Creatures than Men, and are not Unconcern'd Spectators of the Works of God: How do we know, but that in the Systeme of That Part of Heaven, of which we need Telescopes to Know that there is such a thing in rerum Natura; and in the Plants, Animals, or o­ther furniture, what ever it be, of [Page 132] [...] [Page 133] [...] [Page 117]those Particular, and to Our naked Eyes Invisible, Stars, that serve Us men barely for Declarations of their Makers Power; such Intel­ligent Spirits as Angels may discern as Wise Destinations, and as Admi­rable Contrivances, as Those, which at the forming of the Earth and its Furniture, invited their devout Hymns and Acclamations? And in this Case, God will not loose any thing of the Glory due to the Di­vine Attributes, display'd in the Fabrick of the Celestial part of the World, tho the fixt Stars, should be neither Only nor Principally de­sign'd for the Service of Men.

To what has been hitherto said, to let you see the Reasonableness of my first Caution, which represents the Making Particular and meerly Physical Inferences from the sup­posed Destinations of Celestial Bo­dyes, as a thing Unsafe, I shall now add in the Second place;

That 'tis yet more unsafe, to ground Arguments of the Nature of particular Bodies that are Ina­nimate in the Sublunary World, upon the Uses we think they were design'd for.

This will not appear an unrea­sonable Caution if we consider, How little we know of the Parti­cular Purposes of Nature in those Bodies here below, which not be­ing Organical, like those of Ani­mals and Plants, cannot by the Curiousness of their Structure dis­close to us the Particular Ends to which they were ordained. And as for their Motions, since they are extremely far from being so con­stant and Regular as those of the Celestial Bodies, the Caution we gave about drawing Arguments from the System of the Heavens, will not, sure, be thought unfit to take place when we speak of the Clays, Chalks, and Stones, and the like Terrestrial Bodies, whose Tex­tures [Page 136]are, comparatively to those of Living Creatures, very Simple, and Slight, and seldom more Curious than may be made by Art, See the Tract of the Origine and Vertues of Gems. by Dissolving Stones and Metals in Chymical Menstruums, and afterwards Chrystal­lizing the Solutions; of which I elsewhere give Examples. Tis true, that, tho' Revelation speaks rather of Gods having destinated Animals and Vegetables, than In­animate Bodyes, to the Service of Men; yet there is no absurdity to conceive, that generally speaking, That may be one of the Ends de­sign'd by the Author of Nature, in making Metals, Stones, and those other Inanimate parts of the Ter­restrial Globe that Man is able to master and make use of. But where­as in this Globe the Surface is di­stant from the Center, above three thousand and five hundred Miles; and I do not find that either Mens Spades or their Plumming Lines [Page 137]have reach'd above one Mile of that great number; Nor is it very like­ly, that Human Industry will ever make its way down to the Thou­sandth part of that vast Depth: it seems very improbable, that the re­maining Internal part of the Earth, that is above seven thousand Miles thick, and may, for ought we know, contain great varieties of Fossils and other Creatures, should be made Chiefly or Only for the service of Men, from whose sight they lye hid in a deeper Well than that of De­mocritus; and who do not so much as know what kind of Bodies they are. And tho' it will not hence fol­low, that the Terraqueous Globe was made by Chance, no more than that any of the other Planets was so; because the Admirable Structure of Plants and Animals evinces the Existence and Providence of a most Wise and Powerful Author of things, who may justly be suppos'd to have made nothing in Vain, even among the Inanimate portions of [Page 121]our Globe, whose Animated por­tions are so wisely and exquisitely framed: yet, that those Inanimate Bodies were made for determinate Ends, is more easy to be deduc'd from the knowledge we have by o­other Mediums, that they are the Productions of a Wise and Provi­dent Author, than by the Contem­plation of these Inanimate Bodies themselves. And perhaps it may be worth Inquriry, whether some things may not be made, even by a wise Agent, not out of a Primary Intention, but as Productions that will naturally follow upon the Esta­blishment and Preservation of those grand Laws and Rules of Motion, that were most fit to be setled a­mong Things Corporeal. And 'tis very possible, that according to that Cosmical Establishment (if I may so call it,) many parts of the Ter­restrial Globe should be so plac'd or dispos'd of, as not to be servicea­ble to Men; because the whole Aggregate, or Globulous Mass, could [Page 122]not otherwise be so wel suited to the General Destinations of the U­niverse, which, if otherwise Con­triv'd would perhaps have been less serviceable than now it is to Man himself. To Countenance which Consideration, I shall observe, that, tho the Eclipses of the Sun and Moon be usually Unwelcom, and if Astrologers may be credited, often very Prejudicial to Multitudes of Men; Jotzer haccol Jer. x. 16. &. L. 1.12. yet the great Former of all things, or as the Original will bear it, of the whole, did not think fit to alter the Tracts or Lines of Motion, that he assign­ed the Luminaries, to avoid the Ecclipses that must yearly ensue up­on their Moveing in such Lines. Whence we may also learn, that some Phoenomena may not belong to the Primary Intention of Nature, but are only the necessary Conse­quences and Effects, of the Primi­tive Constitution of the World, and the Catholick Laws of Motion. [Page 140]And if it be here demanded, what the Ends are, for which the Deep and hidden parts of the Terraqueous Globe, and the Telescopical Stars of the Firmament, were made; if they were not made for the Use of Man: I shall frankly answer, that I cannot tell: And I know not but such an Answer may be more ex­pressive of the profound Reverence we owe the great Author of Na­ture, than Their Opinion is, that would have all these made for the Use of Man: since, To say that we know not why some Part of a Work is made by an Artist, whom other parts proclaim to be most Wise and Skillful, does both Acknowledge our own Ignorance, and leave it highly probable that such Pieces of Work are suited to Purposes worthy of Him, and suitable to Them; and seems therefore a saf­er and more respectful Opinion, than to suppose Him to have made such things for a Particu­lar [Page 141]End, which we cannot make out to be in any considerable mea­sure worthy of his Wisdom, and attainable by them.


IN the Bodies of Animals 'tis often­times allowable for a Naturalist, from the manifest and apposite Ʋses of the Parts, to Collect some of the Par­ticular Ends to which Nature, desti­nated them. And in some cases we may, from the known Natures as well as from the Structure, of the Parts, ground probable Conjectures (both Affirmative and Negative) about the Particular Offices of the parts,

To obviate mistakes, you may please to take notice, both That in this Proposition, I speak only of those Ends and Uses of the Parts of an Animal, that relate to the Wel­fare and Propagation of the Animal it self, and which therefore I former­ly [Page 126]call'd Animals Ends: and yet that I do not thereby deny any Decla­ration that is made in the H. Scrip­tures, That God design'd that the Entire Animals, as well as their Parts, should be in several ways ser­viceable to Man. And haveing premis'd this to explain my mean­ing in the Proposition, I shall now consider distinctly the two parts whereof it consists.

And 1. There is no Part of Nature known to us, wherein the Conside­ration of Final Causes may so justly take place, as in the Structure of the Bodies of Animals. And I con­fess, that when I assist at a well-ad­minister'd Anatomy, I do so won­der at the admirable Contrivance of a Humane Body, that I cannot but somewhat wonder, that there should be found among Philosophers, men that can ascribe it to blind Chance The Stoick, that in Cicero asked an E­picurean, why Chance did not make Palaces and other Buildings, seems not to me to have made an imper­tinent [Page 144]Question. For the commo­diousest Houses Mens Bodies dwell in, are far less curious Structures, than the Mansions their Souls reside in: which you will not think a groundless Paradox, if you consider, that, whereas even in a Palace, the Materials being Wood, Stone, Brick, Mortar, Glass, and four or five Metals, are but Few in compa­rison of the Parts of differing Tex­tures, as Bones, Nerves, Ligaments, Membranes, Muscles, Veins, Arteries, Grissels, Glandules, Jellys, Humours, and their Disposition is ex­ceeding Slight, in comparison of the curious and elaborate Contrivance of the numerous Parts, both solid and fluid, of the Human Body: whereof tho' the Stable Parts alone have been reckon'd to amount to some Hundreds; yet in Every One of these parts, the Bulk, Figure, Consistence, Texture, Situation, Connexion and Aptness for motion, is the most Commodious that can be devised; and All of them are [Page 145]wonderfully Symmetrical, both to, one another and the whole Body; To divers of whose Motions, as Leap­ing, Running Speaking, Swimming, Sneezing &c. a great Number of them conspire. And this Number of Parts is so artificially contrived and pack'd together, that tho' in a Body where no room is lost, many Parts do at the same time exercise very differing Motions, yet each of them moves freely, and does not at all Hinder another, but rather they Promote each others Motions.

I will not suffer Indignation to transport me so far as to wish, That those that deny the Usefulness of all the Parts of their Bodys may fall Sick, or receive some Wound, to be thereby at once Convinc'd and Pun­ish'd: But I will venture to say, that Diseases or Hurts alone may shew, how excellently all the Parts of our Bodys are Contriv'd in order to our Welfare. For, if so much as a Finger be made Bigger by Tu­mors, [Page 146]or Displac'd by being put out of Joynt, or kept in a Wrong Po­sture by Contractions, or have its Continuity violated by Cutting, or its Tone chang'd by Strains or Con­tusions, or its Sense or Motion ta­ken away by the Palsey, or its Membranes fretted by Sharp Hu­mors, or its Motions Disorder'd by the Cramp or Convulsions, In any of these Cases we quickly find, how Commodiously the Parts Affected were Framed or Dispos'd, when any Disease or Hurt gives them a Pre­ternatural Constitution; that is, changes that Figure, Connexion, Tone, &c, which, according to the Institution of Nature, whilst the Body is in full Health, does belong to it.

The Eye (to single out again that Part for an Instance) is so lit­tle fitted for almost any other Use in the Body, and is so exquisitely adapted for the Use of Seeing, and That Use is so necessary for the wel­fare [Page 147]of the Animal, that it may well be doubted, whether any Consider­ing Man can really think, that It was not destinated to that Use. The six or seven Muscles that move the whole Bulbe of the Eye, up­wards, downwards, to the right Hand, to the left, and to various oblique Positions; and the several Coats and Humors that make up the Sensory, Have not only their Big­ness, Shape, Consistence, Situation and Connexion admirably Adapted to that End; but the Transparency of the Cornea and the Humors, the Opacity of the Ʋvea, and the Semi­opacity of the Retina, and the se­veral Motions of the Parts of the Eye, being requisite to Receive, Transmit, Refract, and Dispose the Visive Beams that come from the Object, after the manner requisite to make the Liveliest Picture of it in the Bottom of the Eye, Do no less concur to Compleat this matchless Organ of Vision: which is so rarely Contrived in order to That Use, and [Page 148]comparatively so little to any Other, that there is no more Rashness to say, that an Eye, than that a Tele­scope, was made for an Instrument to See with; that is, to Discover the Colours, Magnitudes, Shapes and Motions of Distant Objects. And in that admirable Perforation of the Ʋvea, which we call the Pupil, Na­ture has much outdone Art. For whereas We are fain to apply to the Object Glasses of Telescopes, Opa­cous Bodys with several Circular Apertures, that Some may let in less Light, and Others more, accord­ing as the Objects are more or less Bright or Inlighten'd; That part of the Ʋvea that hangs in the Aque­ous Humor, is an Aperture, as the Artists call it, that Narrows and O­pens it self in a trice, according to the exigency of the Objects we look on; Which if they be so constitu­ted or plac'd, that they Reflect but a Dim Light, the Curtain is pre­sently drawn Open, and the Pupil circularly Widen'd, to let in the more [Page 149]Beams of Light; and the Contrary happens, as often as the Object, be­ing too Luminous or Illustrated, would offend the Organ, or di­sturb the Sight, if the Contraction of the Pupil did not shut out some of Its Beams. But for the Uses of the several parts of the Eye, I shall referr you to the Industrious Jesuit Scheiner's Oculus, and Des Cartes his excellent Dioptricks; where you will easily perceive, that, in Framing the Eye, Nature did not only act with Design, but with so much Skill in Opticks, that a more than ordinary insight into that Science, is necessary to Understand the Wis­dom of the Contrivances; and per­haps no degree of Skill in it, would enable a man to Alter them for the better. 'Twere tedious to mention the Other Parts of the Body, that manifestly appear to have been pre­ordain'd to certain Uses. The Books of Anatomists are full of Pas­sages applicable to this purpose; of which I shall say in general, that, [Page 150]tho' what they deliver suffices to shew, That all the Parts of the Bo­dy are the Effects of an Intelligent Cause: yet, unless their Descripti­ons and Reflexions be improv'd by Men vers'd in Mathematicks and Mechanicks, and, I shall venture to add, in Chymistry too; we shall but imperfectly understand, how Intelligent that Cause is, or how much Wisdom it has display'd, in the Structure of a Human Body and each of its parts.

I know 'tis object­ed by the Epicure­ans, Illud in his rebus vitium vehementer inesto Effugere, illo­rum (que) errorem pre­meditemur, Lumi­na qui faciunt O­culorum clara crea­ta Prospicere ut pos­simus, Lucret. de Nat. l. iv. Nihil ideo quoni­am natum est in Corpore ut uti possemus, sed quod natum est, id pro­creat Ʋsum. Ibid. that the Parts of Animals were first made, and their U­ses afterwards found out by mens Sagaci­ty. But this is a So­phistical Objection. For, first, as to many of the Inner parts, as, the Heart, Liver, Spleen, Kidneys, &c, [Page 151]They perform their Functious without so much as Our Knowledge of their Structure, or perhaps their Situation; so far are they from be­ing applyed to such Uses by Our Sa­gacity. And as for the Limbs and other Parts, which we can Move at pleasure; 'tis true, that they cannot be actually Imployed to the respec­tive Uses, till they be actually Form'd; but That hinders not but that in their Formation they were therefore so Formed, that they may be in due time fit for such Uses. And therefore we see, that the Chick is furnished with compleat Eyes, and with Wings and Feathers, be­fore he be Hatch'd; tho' whilst he is yet inclos'd in the Egg, he can not make use of them to See or Flye. And why was it, do the Epi­cureans think, that Nature provid­ed a whole Set of Temporary Parts for Pregnant Females, and Animals in the Womb, which, when they are come into a freer state, partly fall away of themselves, and partly [Page 152]turn to a Ligament, fitted no longer for the former, but for a more sea­sonable Use? And 'tis to be noted, that the Production of these Umbi­lical Vessels, and the Placenta or A­nalogous Body in the Womb to which they are fasten'd, is of no Necessity nor Use to the Female be­fore Conception; and thereby those Temporary Parts appear to have bin Design'd by Nature, not so much for the Personal Preservation of the Fe­male as for the Propagation of the Species: Which Destination not coming to be accomplished, till a Woman, for instance, has attain'd to a compe­tent Age, appears to have been pre­ordain'd by the Author of Man­kind for the Continuation of It.

And tho' it be true, that the Sagaci­ty of men may have found out some Uses of some Parts of their Bodys, that cannot be made appear to have been Primarily Intended by the Au­thor of Nature; yet That is no good Argument, that those Uses were not Intended, which either are made [Page 153]Within us, or do, as it were obtrude themselves Upon Us. And as for other Uses, the Prescience and Good­ness of God are such, that it ought not to appear incredible, That He that gave man both the Limbs of his Body, and the Rational Endow­ments of his Mind, and that has made many Parts, as the Eyes and the Ears, Double, that One may supply the want of the Other; Did both Foresee what Uses men might, according to their Sagacitys and E­mergencies, make of these Parts, and so Contrive the Parts that they should be applicable to such Uses. Suppose, a Wise man should send his Son to Travel, and among other things give him a Pocket-Dyal with a Magnetic Needle; and this Tra­veller having lost his way in some wild Plain, or being at Sea in a Ves­sel, whose Compass was broken or spoyl'd by a Storm, or some other Mischance: If, I say, in this case tho' the Traveller Ordinarily Imployed his Dyal only to find the Hour of the [Page 154]Day, He shall now Imploy it to Guide his Course, or Steer the Ves­sel, by the help of the Needles point­ing Northward; tho' this would be an Effect of His own Sagacity, yet his Father being a Wise and Experienced Man, may reasona bly enough be suppos'd to have Fore­seen, that his Son might have need of knowing the Northern and Sou­thern Points of the Horizon. And accordingly may have given him a Dial furnish'd with a Magnetic Nee­dle, rather than an Ordinary Gno­monic Dial. And so a Man that has taught another to Paint Land­skips, when he gives him a Pencil and a Pallet furnish'd with Colours, to draw a Particular Prospect, is not to be suppos'd to have Design'd, that he should not Imploy them to any other purpose, if Urgent Cir­cumstances made it requisite for him to do so.

Having insisted longer than I in­tended upon the former part of my [Page 155]Proposition, I now proceed to the latter; namely, That in some cases we may from the known Ends of Nature, as well as from the Struct­ure of the Parts, ground Probable Conjectures, both Affirmative and Negative, about the particular Offi­ces of the Parts. Which I could not seasonably doe before, because the Arguments, that were founded on the Uses of the Parts of Animals, suppose, not only that those Parts were destinated to Particular Uses knowable by Us, but that the seve­ral Parts of the Body were Contri­ved as Wisely and Commodiously as Men are able to Devise, in order to the Ends of Nature; which is always to be understood to have. United in her Designs, the Uses of the Parts, and the Welfare of the Whole.

And indeed if we consider, how admirable a Fitness there is in the Parts of the Human Body, for in­stance, to those Particular Ends we can discover them to have been Pre­design'd [Page 156]for; it seems allowable to Conjecture, that such a Part was not Primarily Design'd to such an Use, because it is, on the account of its Structure or otherwise, less Fitted for it, than the constant Wis­dom of Nature seems to require; especially if there be any Other Parts, by which That Office may be more commodiously perform'd. And on the other side, it may be a Probable Ground, tho' not altoge­ther so Probable as the former, to Conclude that such a Part was De­stinated to such an Use, if the Use it self appear to be necessary, and the Part better fitted for it than any Other is.

Thus, tho' Anatomical and Opti­cal Writers, as well as the Schools, did for many ages unanimously con­clude, the Crystalline Humor to be the Principal Seat of Vision; yet the industrious Scheiner, in his useful Tract intituled Oculus, does Justly enough reject that receiv'd Opinion, [Page 157]by shewing, that it Suits not with the Skill and Providence of Nature, to make that Part the Seat (or chief Organ) of Vision, for which it wants divers requisite Qualifica­tions, especially most of these being to be found in the Retina. And I remember that when I asked our famous Harvey, in the only Dis­course I had with him, (which was but a while be fore he dyed) What were the things that induc'd him to think of a Circulation of the Blood? He answer'd me, that when he took notice that the Valves in the Veins of so many several Parts of the Bo­dy, were so Plac'd that they gave free passage to the Blood Towards the Heart, but oppos'd the passage of the Venal Blood the Contrary way: He was invited to imagine, that so Provident a Cause as Nature had not so Plac'd so many Valves without Design: and no Design seem'd more probable, than That, since the Blood could not well, be­cause of the interposing Valves, be Sent by the Veins to the Limbs; it [Page 158]should be Sent through the Arteries, and Return through the Veins, whose Valves did not oppose its course that way.

Thus, whereas former Anato­mists and Physicians generally be­lieved the Nutrition of the Parts by the Venal Blood, the more Recent Writers are wont to teach, that the Parts are nourish'd by the Blood in its passage through the Arteries. Not that they Think, the Blood that runs through the Veins altogether unfit to Irrigate the Parts with that Vital Liquor; but that they Judge the Veins to be less fit than the Ar­teries, into which the Blood comes immediately from the left Ventricle of the Heart, Agitated and Spiritu­ous, and with a brisk Impulse, which forces out the Particles of the Blood, at those Pores of the Arteries that they find Congruous to their Shape and Size, and which answer to the se­veral Parts that are to be nourished by Corpuscles so Qualified. 'Twere [Page 159]not Difficult, if 'twere Necessary, to accumulate Instances to the same purposes with those already menti­oned; there being nothing more fre­quent in the Books of Anatomists, and those that treat of the Physio­logical and Pathological parts of Physick, than to draw Arguments, as well Affirmative as Negative, a­bout the Use of the Parts of the Bo­dy, from their Fitness or Unfitness, or their greater or lesser Fitness, to attain such Ends as are suppos'd to have been Design'd by Nature. And indeed these Argumentations oc­cur so frequently, that I think there is less need of my Increasing them, than of my Proceeding to give you a Caution about them, which I shall do in the following Proposition.


IT is Rational, from the Manifest Fitness of some things to Cosmical or Animal Ends or Ʋses, to Infer that they were Fram'd or Ordain'd in refe­rence thereunto, by an Intelligent and Designing Agent.

Divers things have Incidentally been said in this Paper, especially in the first Section of it, and others may hereafter be Occasionally add­ed, that may justly be imploy'd a­gainst that part of the Epicurean Hy­pothesis, which Ascribes the Origine of Things to Chance, and Rejects the Interest of a Deity, and the De­signing of Ends, in the Production and Management of Natural things. But because I observe, not without grief, that of late years too many, [Page 161]otherwise perhaps Ingenious Men, have with the Innocent Opinions of Epicurus, embrac'd those Irreligi­ous ones, wherein (as I was say­ing) the Deity and Providence are quite Excluded from having any In­fluence upon the Motions of Matter, all whose Productions are refer'd to the Casual Concourse of Atoms: For this Reason, I say, I thought it a part of my Duty, as well to the most Wise Author of Things, as to Their Excellent Contrivance, and Mutual Subserviency, to say Some­thing, tho' but briefly, yet distinct­ly and expresly, to shew, That, at least in the Structure and Na­ture of Animals, there are Things that argue a far Higher and Nobler Principle, than is Blind Chance. But, that I may do what I here intend, with as much brevity as I can, I will do little more than name some Par­ticulars, that I have not observed to be so usually reflected on, to the Purpose for which I mention them. And I shall Confirm these Conside­rations [Page 162]but with One Instance, and That too, taken from a Sort of Parts that are as little Elaborate, and therefore seem to be as little Fit for my Purpose, as almost any in the Humane Body.

I will not now inculcate what has been delivered, and may be farther said, of that Exquisite Structure of the Bodies of Dead A­nimals, that is discoverable by the Knives of Anatomists; (tho' I shall not Scrupulously forbear to touch lightly on a few things of that kind, that are requisite to my Purpose:) My present Design being, to set down very briefly a few Argu­ments, to Strengthen the Proposi­tion lately delivered.

First then, I observe, That there seems to have been Care ta­ken, that the Body of an Animal should be furnished, not only with all things that are Ordinarily Ne­cessary and Convenient, but with [Page 163]some Superabundant Provision for Casualties. Thus, tho' a Man may Live very well, and Propagate his Kind, (as many do,) tho' he have but One Eye; yet Nature is wont to furnish Men with Two Eyes, that, if One be Destroyed or Diseased, the Other may suffice for Vision. And so, if One Ear grow Deaf, a Man may be Conversed with, by the help of the Other that remains Sound. In short, Nature has furnished Men with Double Parts of the same Kind, where that Duplicity may be highly Useful, and can be permitted without In­congruity to the rest of the Body. And this is the more Considerable, because in Other Parts Nature ap­pears to Husband things, so, as to Shun doing things Superfluous: As within the Skull, some Vessels that would in other Parts of the Bo­dy have Double Coats like other Arteries, are much Thinner, almost like Veins; the Thickness of the Skull being ordinarily a sufficient [Page 164]Fence to them from External Inju­ries.

Another Argument, That di­vers Things that Nature does about Animals, are done with Design, may be taken from what Anato­mists Observe of Those Parts of the Womb or the Foetus, that are to be found but at Certain Times, at which there is Need of them, and not at Others, when they would be Useless. Thus, when a Woman is with Child, the Vasa Ʋmbilicalia are produc'd, to be Channels either for the Blood or Alimental Juice and Spirits, that then ought to pass be­tween the Womb and the Foetus; which is to be Nourished, either on­ly or chiefly, by the Liquors derived to It through those Vessels, assisted by the Placenta, that Supply to it the want of Eating with the Mouth, which the Unborn Infant either does not at all, or does but very im­perfectly, employ to Feed himself. And though, as long as he continues [Page 165]Imprison'd in the Womb-state, these Temporary Parts, (if I may so call them) continue with him; yet, as soon as he comes abroad into the World, these Umbilical Vessels, par­ticularly the Two Arteries and the Vein, together with the Membranes they are wrapt up in, and Those (commonly call'd the Chorion and the Amnios,) that Involve the Foe­tus, are Thrown off, as Unnecessa­ry to the Born Infant's New State; and when It has quitted the Womb, are Expell'd after it, whence they are call'd the After-birth; there remain­ing only that Part of the Umbilical Vessels that lies within the Child's Abdomen, between the Navel and the Liver, where its Use is Consi­derable, tho' New; it Serving no more to convey Blood, or an Ali­mental Liquor, to and fro, but De­generating into a Ligament.

To the same Purpose with this Contrivance, we may mention that other, wherein Nature employs the [Page 166] Foramen Ovale, that gives Passage to the Blood from the Right Ven­tricle of the Heart to the Left; that the Circulation of It may be main­tain'd, tho' It cannot in the Embryo, as it does in a Born Child, pass through the Vessels of the Lungs from One of the Ventricles to the Other. For this Formen Ovale be­ing but (if I may so call it) an Ex­pedient that Nature Employs, as long as that which is Intended to be an Infant, remains an Embryo; this Temporary Conformation is Obli­terated, when the Child Breathing the free Air, is in a Condition to make the Blood Circulate through the Pulmonick Vessels, according to the Primary Intention of Nature. From which and the like Instances we may infer, That these Tempo­rary Parts were Fram'd by a Fore­casting, as well as a Designing, A­gent, who Intended they should Serve for such a Turn, and then be laid Aside; it being utterly Impro­bable, that an Undesigning Agent [Page 167]should so Appositely and Exquisite­ly Frame Scaffolds for the future Buildings, if he did not before-hand Destinate both the One and the O­ther, to concur to the same ultimate Effect.

Another Argument for our pre­sent purpose may be drawn, from the Consideration of those things that in Animals are commonly call'd Instincts; whereof Some more directly regard the Welfare of the Individuals they belong to, Others the Propagation of their Species, and Some again respect both. The Writers of Voyages, and those that professedly deliver Natural History, recount strange, and scarce credible, Instances, of the Instincts observable in certain Animals. But we need not lay the stress of our Argument upon dubious, or suspected Rela­tions; since what I have met with in Authors of good Authority, or re­ceiv'd from the mouths of Travel­lers of good Credit, may serve my [Page 168]present turn; especially if it be al­low'd, (as I see not why it may not be,) to take the word Instinct in a latitude, so as to comprise those Un­taught Shifts and Methods, that are made use of by some Animals, to shun or escape Dangers, or to pro­vide for their future Necessities, or to catch their Preys.

Divers Strange Things are deli­ver'd, not only by Poets, but by more Credible Writers, about the wonderful Sagacity and Govern­ment of Bees, in point not only of Oeconomy, but of Politicks too. But tho' I shall not build any thing upon the Authorities that I my self Suspect, yet, having had the Curio­sity to keep for a good while in my Closet a Transparent Hive, whence there was a free passage into a neigh­bouring Garden; and having there­by had the opporunity to make fre­quent Observations of the Actions of these little Animals, and parti­cularly to see them at work about [Page 169]making their Combs, and filling them with Honey: I confess I dis­cover'd some things that I did not believe before, and was induc'd to look upon them as very fit Instances, of Creatures endow'd with natu­ral Instincts and Providence. For 'twere hard for a Mathematician, in contriving so many Cells, as They make in the Area of one of their Combs, to husband so little space more Skilfully, than They are wont to do. And not only They Careful­ly and Seasonably lay up their Ho­ney, to serve them all the Winter, but Curiously close up the particu­lar Cells with Covers of Wax, that keep the included Liquor from Spil­ling, and from External Injuries. I do not here mention the Progno­stication of Weathers, that may be made in the morning by Their keep­ing within their Hives, or flying early abroad to furnish themselves with Wax or Honey, or by their unexpected Return before a Storm unforeseen by Men; because I sus­pect [Page 170]that these things may not be so much the Effects of Instincts, as of a Tenderness and Quickness of Sense, such as may be seen in a good Weather-glass, and found in divers Wounded and Crazy Persons, that are affected with such Beginnings of the Changes of the Air, as are not yet perceiv'd by other men. But among the Peculiarities to be ob­serv'd in the Conduct of Bees, I cannot but take notice, that after a Fight, I have, not without some wonder, seen them take up the Dead that lay on the Ground, and fly away wirh them to I know not what distance from their Hive.

Another obvious Instance of the Instinct that Nature has given even to some despicable Insects, may be taken from Ants, to whom Solomon sends the Sluggard to School, to learn the Providence of making Sea­sonable Provision for the Future. For 'tis known, that these little Creatures do in the Summer Hoard [Page 171]up Grains of Corn against the Win­ter. And their Sagacity is the more Considerable, if it be true, what divers learned Persons affirm, that they eat or bite off the Germens of the Grains of Corn they lay up, least the Moisture of the Earth ex­pos'd to the Rains, should make it Sprout. But whatever become of this Tradition, these Insects do some other Actions, resembling Sa­gacity and Industry, that are not so contemptible as their Bulk, tho' I must not stay to mention them particularly in this Place.

The Untaught Skill of Spiders, in Weaving their Curious Webs, that are so Fitly Contrived, both to Catch their Flying Prey, and give them immediate Notice of its being Caught, is a Thing, which, if it were not Familiar, would be look'd upon as Admirable. And this Skill is not, as Some Imagine, an Effect of Imitation of their Parents: For if the Eggs be taken away and en­clos'd [Page 172]in a Glass, when they come to be Hatch'd by the Heat of the Sun, the little Creature will Imme­diately fall to Spinning in the Glass itself, as was related to me, by an Eminent Mathematician that made the Experiment. And I saw the less reason to Distrust it, because, having by an External Heat Hatch'd many Eggs of Silk-worms, in a Place where there had not been any of a long time before, nor probably ever till then, yet the Worms pro­puc'd by these Eggs, did in Autumn, of their own accord, Climb up to those convenient Places I had pre­par'd for Them, and there Weave those Curious Oval Prisons in which they enclose themselves, and which are Unrevel'd into Silk, of whose extreme Fineness or Slenderness I have elsewhere given an Account.

Nor is the provident Industry of Animals confin'd to Insects, of whom the Poet, (if his words be [Page 173]taken in a Popular Sence,) truly saith; Ingentes Animos angusto in Pe­ctore versant.

Since 'tis to be found in divers of the Greater Animals, particularly in Beavers; of whom tho' Some things that are recounted by Au­thors and Travellers, are but Fabu­lous; yet what has been related to me by Sober and Judicious Persons, that were either Born or Liv'd in New England, where these Animals abounding, they had the Opportu­nity to observe Them; is sufficient to Confirm such Relations, as may give One just Cause of Wonder. For these Credible Persons affirm'd, That the Beavers with their sharp Teeth, (whose Shape and Strength I have Admir'd,) Cut pieces of Wood so as to make them Fit for their Purpose: That by Associating their Labours, they lay these toge­ther so as to Build themselves Strong [Page 174]Winter-houses, in which there is sometimes a kind of Second Story, for the Inhabitants to retire to, when the Water chances to Over­flow: That for These Houses, they chuse a very Convenient Situation, just by some River, or other Wa­ter, that can furnish Them with Fish: And, That the Overture or Hole that belongs to each of these Houses, is plac'd just by the Wa­ter, that they may immediately Flounce into It, and so Save them­selves when their Houses are At­taqu'd. And to Facilitate their Swimming away, and the Catch­ing of their Prey in the Waters, Nature has furnish'd them, as I have Observ'd with pleasure in a Live Beaver, with two Feet not made like Those of Dogs, or Cats, or like their Own two Other Feet, but furnish'd with broad Mem­branes betwixt the Toes, like the Feet of Geese, Ducks, and other A­quatick Animals, that are to use them as Oars, to Thrust away the [Page 175]Water, and Facilitate their Motions upon It, and in It.

'Twere easie to accumulate In­stances of the Sagacity and Indu­stry of Animals, for their own Pre­servation: But 'tis more easie to find Notable Ones, among those Actions that concern the Propaga­tion of their Species.

The various Arts employ'd by Animals of differing Kinds about the Materials, the Construction, and the Situation of their Nests, is usually Remarkable, and some­times Wonderful. Of this Skill, we have divers Eminent Instances, some of which I have been delight­ed to See, but have not time to Recount. Yet One there is, whose Oddness will not suffer me to pre­termit it. For in a Country that abounds with Apes and Mon­keys, that are very Greedy of Birds Eggs, and oftentimes Climb Trees to come at Them; there is a Sort [Page 176]of Birds, whose Eggs they pecu­liarly affect, that do as it were Hang their Nests at or near the end of some long Flexible Branch or Wand, that grows Over the Water; by which means their Insidious Ene­mies, who do not Swim, cannot come at them Underneath; and by reason of the Yielding of the Flexi­ble Branch or Twigs whereto the Nest is fastened, they are Frighted from venturing to pass on, for want of a Firm Support.

The Structure of the Nests of Wasps, which they often make un­der Ground to Secure them, I have observ'd to be very Curious and Artificial, especially when the Young Ones are Form'd in the little Cells, where they lye Hid and Shelter'd till they are ready to Fly away.

I might here multiply Examples of this Kind, but I think it fitter to proceed, by telling you, That the [Page 177]Instincts that Nature has Implanted in Animals to Preserve themselves, tho' they would seem Admirable if they were less Familiar, are much Infetiour to That Providence that She has furnish'd Animals with, for the Propagation of their Species.

There are diverse Notable Things to be met with in the Nests of seve-Birds, both as to their Materials, their Structure, and the very Situa­tions of the Places pitch'd upon to Build them in. I have seen some Nests, especially Indian Ones, which would make a Man Wonder, how the Birds that Built them, should seek and find such Odd, and yet, all Circumstances consider'd, Com­modious Materials to Build with. Of which we have an Eminent In­stance in the Nests of certain Eastern Birds, whose Names I remember not, that make their Nests of a White Substance, (which has been Presented me by some of our East-India Merchants,) that looks almost [Page 178]like Icthyocolla, in the Shops com­monly call'd Isinglass, and is Disso­luble in Liquors, and so very well Tasted, that it makes the chief Sawce that they use in the Southern Parts of India at their Feasts. The Structure also of the Nests of di­vers Birds, both as to their Figure, their Capacity suitable to the Bulk of the Builders, and the Accommo­dations they are furnish'd with for Warmth and Softness, may deserve to be Applauded by Mathematicians themselves: especially if it be con­sider'd, that these little Untaught Architects had no Tools to make their Curious Buildings with, save their Beaks and their Feet. And yet much more of Providence and Foresight appears in the Situation of the Places, that some Birds make Choice of to Build their Nests in: As may be observ'd, not only in the Pendulous Nests of Swallows, and the Crafty Hidden Ones of some European Birds, but very conspicuously in the Hanging and [Page 179]Moveable Nests, that we lately men­tion'd to be so Oddly plac'd by some Birds, to secure their Eggs from Apes and Monkeys; and by the Situation of the well Tasted Nests I was newly speaking of, which are to be found only upon high and steep Rocks, and are so fastned to those Concave Parts of them that look downwards, and, for the most part, hang directly over the Sea, that there is no getting Them with­out much Trouble and Danger, by the help of Boats and Poles: Upon which Account, as well as That of their Deliciousness, they are very Dear in the East Indies themselves. The like Care to Contrive their Nests Advantageously, and make them in Secure Places, is taken by divers Infects themselves, as may be observ'd in the Subterraneal Nests of the Wasps formerly men­tioned, and in the Eggs of Snails, which I have sometimes found Hid under Ground, and had the Curio­sity to Hatch in Glasses furnish'd [Page 180]with the same Earth they were sound in.

If I should here reckon up and display the several Effects, and con­sequently Arguments, of the Won­derful Providence, that the most Wise Author of Nature exercises about the Propagation of Animals, by distinguishing them into Male and Female: By furnishing both Sexes with Mutual Appetites and Organs, exquisitely adapted to the Increase of their Kind: By the ad­mirable Formation of the Foetus in the Womb, without the Females Knowledge How it is perform'd: By the strange Subtilties and Cou­rage that Several of them, either Oviparous or Viviparous, have, to Hide and Defend their Young: By the full Provision that is made for the Nourishment of the Foetus, and the Welfare of the Female after She has brought It forth: And by di­vers other Ways that I must not now stay to specifie. If, I say, I [Page 181]should venture to do this, I might indeed, much enrich and adorn my Argument, but should make this Discourse too much exceed the Li­mits that my Design, and small Stock either of Ability or Leisure, would allow. And therefore, in­stead of pursuing a Speculation, that would lead me a great deal too far, I shall look back upon the Intima­tion I gave not long since, that even those Meaner Parts of Animals which seem to have been Fram'd with the least Care or Contrivance, are yet not Unworthy of their Au­thor.

For Proof of which, I shall now observe, That tho' the Teeth be some of the least Elaborate Parts of the Humane Body; yet even These afford more Observations appliable to our present Purpose, than my In­tended Brevity will permit me to take Notice of. And therefore I shall only, and that little more than transiently, consider a few of Them [Page 182]here; and some of the Others else­where, on those particular Occasi­ons, on which it will be more Pro­per to bring them in.

I. And First, 'Tis considerable, That whereas, when a Man is come to his full Stature, all the Other Bones of the Body cease to Grow, the Teeth continue to Grow in Length, during a Man's whole Life.

This Growth of the Teeth ap­pears, not only by their Continuing so many Years of the Same Length, but by the Unsightly Length of One Tooth, when That which was op­posite to It in the other Jaw hap­pening to Fall out or be Pulld out, the Tooth we speak of has liberty, to Grow into the Gap made by the Removal of the Other. Of this Dif­ference in point of Growth betwixt the Teeth and other Bones, What Reason can be so probably given, as, That 'tis design'd to repair the Waste that is daily made of the [Page 183]Substance of the Teeth, by the fre­quent Atritions that are made, be­tween the upper and lower Tyre, in Mastication?

II. Whereas the Other Bones of the Body (some sew Small Ones excepted) are Invested with a very thin and sensible Membrane, which, for its close adhesion to the Bone, is by Anatomists call'd the Periosteum: That Part of each Tooth which is not cover'd by the Gums, has none of this Membrane, which would be subject to frequent and very pain­ful Compressions and Lacerations.

III. To enable the Teeth to Break, and make Comminutions of the more Solid kind of Aliments, Na­ture has providently Fram'd them of a Closer and Harder Substance, than almost any other Bones of the whole Body; tho' these be so Nu­merous, that Anatomists reckon above Three Hundred of them. And I have met with Relation [...] in [Page 184]Authors of good Credit, That Some Men's Teeth have been so Hard, as, when struck with another Fit Body, to produce Sparks of Fire.

IV. That These Bones, whose Use (to Prepare Aliments for Nu­trition) is so Great, and almost Ne­cessary, may themselves be conti­nually Fed and Cherish'd, tho' they Grow in Other Bones; the All­wise Author of Things has admira­bly Contriv'd an Unseen Cavity in each side of the Jaw-bone, in which Greater Channel are lodg'd an Ar­tery, a Vein, and a Nerve, which thorough Lesser Cavities, or as it were Gutters, send their Twigs to each particular Tooth; which by These little Vessels that reach to It, receives a continual Supply of Nou­rishment and Strength.

V. In regard that Babes are, ac­cording to Nature's Institution, to Feed for a considerable time on Milk, for which there is no need of Teeth, [Page 185]and which would also Hurt the Nipples of Her that gives them Suck: Nature forbears for many Months to produce Teeth in Hu­mane Infants: whereas the Foetus's of divers Brute Animals, that are oftentimes reduc'd Early to seek out Aliments that are not Fluid, nor very Soft, are Born with Teeth al­ready Form'd in their Jaws.

VI. The Bony Substance appoin­ted for the Comminution of Ali­ments, ought not for several Rea­sons, (which for Brevity's sake I here omit,) to be in either Jaw Entire, or all of one Piece: And therefore Nature has providently made for that Use, a competent Number of distinct Bones in either Jaw. And, because Men may of­ten have Occasion, to feed upon very differing Sorts of Aliments, and usually the Same Aliment may require Differing Preparations in the Mouth, to Facilitate the Di­gestion of It in the Stomach: Na­ture [Page 186]has provided Men with Two Rows or Sets of Teeth, equal for the most part in Number, (each Jaw in Men usually having Sixteen, and in Women Fourteen or Fifteen,) and answering to each other, but yet of differing Shapes, for differing Uses. For Some, as the Fore-teeth, are Broader, and with a kind of Edge, to Cut the more Yielding Sort of Aliments; whence these Teeth are called Incisorii. Others are Stronger, and more fitly Shap'd to Tear the more Tough and Re­sisting Sort of Aliments: These are They that by the Vulgar are in English call'd Eye-Teeth, and which, for their Resemblance to Those of Dogs, are by Anatomists calld Ca­nini. And then there is a Third Sort, whose principal Office is to Grind the Aliments that are Cut or Torn by the Others; and for this Purpose they are made much Broader, and somewhat Flattish, but yet with their Upper Surfaces Uneven and Rugged, that by their [Page 187]Knobs and little Cavities, they may the better Retain, Grind and Com­mixe the Aliments, that are to be Chew'd by Them: And for this Reason they are call'd Molares.

VII. And because the Operations to be perform'd by the Teeth, often­times require a considerable Firm­ness and Strength, partly in the Teeth themselves, and partly in the Instruments that Move the Jaw wherein the Lower Set of them is fix'd: Nature has provided the Lower Jaw, (which alone is Mo­veable, unless, as Some affirm, in Crocodiles,) with Strong Muscles, to make it bear forcibly against the Upper Jaw: And has not only Plac'd each Tooth in a distinct Ca­vity of the Jaw bone, as it were in a Close, Strong, and Deep Socket, but has furnish'd the several Sorts of Teeth with Hold-fasts, suitable to the Stress, that, by reason of their Differing Offices, they are to be put to. And therefore, whereas [Page 188]the Other Teeth (the Cutters and the Dog-teeth) have usually but One Root, (which in these last nam'd is wont to be very Long;) the Grinders, that on many Occasions are employed to Crack Nuts, Bones, or Other Hard Bodies, before they can be Ground; are furnish'd with Three Roots, and oftentimes with Four, in the Upper Jaw, whose Substance is somewhat Softer, and whose Grinders Serve as so many little Anvils, for Those of the Lower to Strike or Press against. On which Account, as hath been alrea­dy Intimated, the Lower Jaw, (for the Other belongs to the Immovea­ble Part of the Skull,) is furnish'd with a strong Muscle on either side, capable of Moving It, and conse­quently the Teeth in It, with great Force against the Upper Jaw.

If some Favourer of Epicurus's Doctrine shall here Object, that, tho' Man indeed be Advantagiously furnish'd with Teeth, yet there are [Page 189]many Other Animals, and even Quadrupeds, whereof some have not near so Many Teeth as Man, nor so Commodiously Shap'd and Plac'd as His; and Others are not fur­nish'd with any Teeth at all: And that likewise there are many Other Animals, that have some of their Other Parts less Convenient in their Kind, or otherwise are not near so well provided for, as they would be, if they were not rather Casual Productions, than those of an Intel­ligent and Designing Opificer: If These things, I say, be Objected, I must own myself of a very differing Opinion from the Objector. And I think I could add much about the Final Causes of Things Corporeal, as the Consideration of them leads to a high Veneration of their Divine Author, and as it tends to manifest, that, when His Providence is De­ny'd or Condemn'd, 'tis for want of Its having been sufficiently Under­stood, and duely Consider'd. But, besides that this Third Proposition [Page 190]ought to be but One Part of our Di­scourse of Final Causes; I have in great Part prevented myself alrea­dy, by what I have formerly said, to Obviate or Answer some Excep­tions, relating to the Eyes of Man, and Differing Animals. For Most of the Considerations, if not All, that have been Alledg'd on the Oc­casion of those Organs of Sight, may well be, Mutatis Mutandis, ap­plied to the Varieties that are to be found in the Teeth, and other Parts, of differing Kinds of Animals. For I may justly represent, That the Reason why This or That Organi­cal Part of This or That Species of Living Creatures, has not such a Structure, or is not so Plac'd, as We might think most convenient, may often be, That in this Case it would be less proper for Other Ends, of more Importance to the Welfare of the Animal, than such a Fabrick and Situation of the Part as We Prefer, would be. And there are also many Cases, wherein the Thing [Page 191]that We make bold to think Want­ing or Amiss, is provided for by Other Contrivances in the Same Animal; by which Provision, the Part under Consideration is made more Serviceable and Symmetrical to the rest of the Body: And so, performing Other Offices beside the Main, is, upon the whole Matter, more Useful to the Animal, than Otherwise it would be.

'Tis known that Oxen and Sheep, and many Other Ruminating Beasts, are not furnish'd with near so ma­ny Teeth as Men are, and as are to be found in Dogs, Cats, Horses, and many other Quadrupeds. But for the Paucity of Teeth Amends is made, in most of those Animals, partly, by the Power and Instinct They have to Chew the Cud, and thereby make a Second Attrition of their already much Softned Ali­ments; and partly, by the Successive Cavities or Stomachs, (distinguish'd by the Names of Primus, Venter, [Page 192]Reticulum, Omasus and Abomasus,) through which the Aliment is Transmitted, and more and more Elaborated, to make it Fit for fur­ther Uses. The Mouths (especially the Inward Parts of them,) of the Beaver, the Tortoise, the Bee, the Humming Bird that Feeds on Flowers, whose Exudations with his long little Bill He Sucks like the Bee: These, I say, and many Other Animals, (to omit the Elephant himself,) have their Mouth, and their Ways of Preparing their Ali­ments for the Stomach, very Diffe­rent from what is observ'd in Men, and yet very Convenient for them respectively, all Circumstances con­sider'd.

These and the like, whether Com­pensations or Expedients, are in many Animals such, that there is no Cause to tax the Author of Nature, for not having given Some Animals, all the same Parts that Others are furnish'd with: But rather the [Page 193]Thrifty Providence, (if I may so speak,) and Designing Wisdom of God, in the Contrivance of his Vi­sible Works, may be as well disco­ver'd by the seeming Omission of This or That Part, that is Useful to Other Animals, but is not Necessa­ry to Those wherin it is not found, as, by Granting Those Parts to the Animals, to whose Compleatness or Welfare they are Necessary, or highly Conducive. On which account 'tis not to be thought Strange, that He has not to Men, as to Frogs, and many sorts of Birds, given such Tough, Transparent, and Moveable Membranes, as these Animals are provided of to Cover their Eyes, from Harms that Those of Men are not usually expos'd to. And 'tis not an Omission, not to have given Girls Swelling Breasts, before they are capable of Genera­tion, more than 'tis, not to continue to them, after their being grown Mothers, the Placenta Ʋterina, when they are not with Child.

Though Batts be look'd upon as a Contemptible sort of Creatures, yet I think they may afford Us no Contemptible Argument to Our present Purpose. For in this He­teroclite Animal, you may discern the Foecundity of the Divine Arti­ficers Skill, which has in this Form'd an Animal that Flies like Birds, and yet is not only Unfurnish'd with Feathers, but is of a Fabrick quite differing from that of Other Birds. And in this little Animal We may also observe, both the Compensa­tion that is made for Parts, that seem either Deficient, or less Ad­vantag'd than Those of the same Denomination in Other Birds: and the Regard, which the Divine Ar­tist appears to have to the Symme­try of Parts, in His Animated Works, and to their Fitness for the Places they are to Live in or Fre­quent. For the Batt, being to act sometimes like a Bird, that Flies freely to and fro in the Air, and on some Occasions like a Terrestrial [Page 195]Animal, such as is that little Qua­druped a Mouse; ought to be fur­nish'd with Parts suitable to such Differing Destinations. And there­fore, to fit him to Answer the First of These, the want of Feathers in the Wings is supply'd by a broad Membranous Expansion, and a kind of Toes furnish'd with Articulati­ons, that make up the Wings: And, because this Animal was to be able, like Other Birds, to for­bear Settling on the Ground, other­wise than his Occasions requir'd: Each of his Wings is furnish'd with a strong Crook, like the Claw of a Bird's Foot, by the Help of which he can fasten himself to Trees, Walls, and divers Other Erected Bodies, and keep himself Suspen­ded in the Air, and continue at what Distances he pleases from the Ground. And because he is furnisht with Teeth, which other Birds want, to Chew his Food, and thereby pre­pare it for Digestion: He needs not have a Crop, or such a Strong and [Page 196]Muscular Stomach, as is usually found in Birds: And (in short) to Omit the peculiar Structure of Other Internal Parts, wherein the Batt differs from Other Birds: Since the Female was not, like Them, to be Oviparous, but, like Mice and Other Quadrupeds, that bring forth their Young Ones alive: She is not only furnish'd with an Ʋterus fitted for that Purpose, but, in regard She does not, like Birds that lay Eggs, Exclude, together with the Faetus, a competent Stock of Aliment to Nourish It, till it can Shift for Itself: The Batt is fur­nish'd with Dugs, to give Suck to her Young Ones: And by Zoogra­phers 'tis observ'd, That, as she has but Two Teats, so she brings forth but Two Young Ones at a Birth; whereas Mice are much more Pro­liffick.

The Writings of Zoographers, and the Relations of Travellers, af­ford divers other Instances of the [Page 197]Various, and yet Excellent, Con­trivances, that are to be sound in several Animals that differ from Man, (who is an Animal endow'd with numerous Teeth,) in the Fa­brick of the Mouth, and Other Parts inservient to the Reception of Ali­ments, and their Preparation for Digestion.

But passing by the Mouths of Tortoises, Camelions, and Other Animals, the Hardness of whose Gums, in reference to their Ordi­nary Aliments, suffices to make A­mends for their Want of Teeth. There is one American Beast, which I think, I ought not to forbear men­tioning here, as a Notable Instance, to manifest how the Wise Archi­tect can Compensate the Want of Teeth, by the rare Structure of the Mouth and Tongue, and Their Fitness to Seize on and make Use of those Aliments, which, tho' Un­common for a Beast of His Bulk, He seems to have been destinated [Page 198]to Live upon. The Animals of this Kind are by Hernandus, who re­tains their American Names, call'd Achoas and Tamendoas; and of These, and particularly of the Parts they are provided of to Eat with, he gives us this Account. Offenduntur apud Yu­catenses Quadrupedes quidam, Vid. Schotti Phys. Curios. l. 8. c. 5. dorso praedu­ro & fulvi, agnorum magnitudine, sed qui ventre circiter Terram attin­gant, dentium omnino expertes sint, & solo formicarum venatu vivant, quarum cumulos duobus magnis un­guibus quibus singuli anteriores pedes armantur, excavant turbantque; ac dein exerta lingua, quae dotranto longior est, scabra tores ac pennam anserinam orassa, formicas eam con­scendentes ac densantes suscipiunt, eademque contracta, & in os, quod mirum in modum angustum ac par­vum est, recepta, gratum sibi pabulum capiunt, & innocentium Animalium praeda potiuntur. Of the same sort of Beasts, the Ingenious Piso, in [Page 199]his Hist. of Brasile, (where he Prac­tis'd Physick) mentions Two kinds, the Greater and the Less, which He, like Hernandus, calls Tamanduas, but adds the new coin'd Name of Myr­mecophaga; and of Both gives this Account. Gulielmus Piso l. 5. Hist. Nat. & Med. c. 22. Vtraeque (says he) sunt noctambulae pabuli causa; Cicuratae carne quoque vescuntur, sed minutim concisa quia non solum capite, promuscide, sed & ore sunt angusto, accuminato, edentuloque, lingua denique, instar chrassior is Chor­dae, tereti adeoque longa praesertim: in Tamandua majori, ut duorum pedum longitudinem excedat, atque proinde duplicata (quod notatu sane dignum) quasi canali incumbit inter inferiores genas, quam esuriens madidam exerit, & arborum truncis diu imponit, mox formicis opertam repente retrahit. Si alte fodiendo latebrae earum detegi postulant, Ʋnguibus id praestat com­mode, quibus pedes posteriores instructi sunt satis validis & longis numero quinque, anteriores quatuor, iisque re­curvis [Page 200]duobus in medio maximis.

'Tis also to be consider'd, That Divers Things may be Useful in an Organical Part, besides That where­by its Function is primarily and mainly exercis'd: As, tho' the Eye-lids and their Motions, together with the little Glandules that be­long to them (most of which lye conceal'd under the Edges) are not at all necessary to the Act of Vision, (no more than Curtains are to a Window;) yet they are to the Compleatness and Welfare of the Eye, which is the necessary Organ of Vision: As is manifest by the Pain and Prejudice the Eye receives, if the Eye-lids, which are subject to more than One Distemper, be con­siderably Disaffected.

I may hereafter have occasion to take notice, that, besides those U­les of the Parts of a Human Body, which I venture to call Anatomical, because they are such as Anatomists [Page 201]have discover'd by meer Dissections; there may be of several Parts Other Uses, which I call Chymical, be­cause These Parts do Elaborate Spi­rits of several Sorts, and perhaps Ex­ercise some other Spagyrical Fun­ctions of great Importance, if not of Necessity to the Welfare of a Living Man.

And, besides, the Anatomical and Chymical Uses, there may be others very fit to be consider'd in some parts of a Human Body; as the Mechanical Advantages, for which the Various Shapes and Structures of differing Muscles, and the seeming Irregular, and as it 'twere Casual Fabrick of the Bones, and especially of the Processes and Protuberances, are admirably Fitted. And there are also in some Parts, as the Eyes, Optical Reasons to be consider'd, before One can other­wise than Rashly Censure, what the Author of Nature has done about them: As, tho' the figure of the [Page 202]Chrystalline Humour be much more Globous in most Fishes, than in Men and Terestrial Animals, yet he that understands the Doctrine of Refractions, and considers that Fi­shes under Water are to see Objects through a far thicker Medium than Air, will readily acknowledge, that this Difference between the Eyes of Fishes and those of Men, is not an Imperfection in the former; but whilst those Creatures are in their own Element, a great Advan­tage. And, to be short, I think there are so many Sciences, and other Parts of Knowledge, some of them perhaps scarce yet Discover'd, that may be required to warrant a man, to Censure the Ends of God in the Bodies of Animals, that very Few have Knowledge enough to be ca­pable of Condemning them without Rashness: And they that have Knowledge enough to Judge aright, will not be forward to Condemn them, but Admire them. But, tho' this Consideration be not here display'd, [Page 203]yet the now mention'd Intimation of it may afford us this Reflexion, That Men may easily be too Rash, if they think a part Bunglingly Fram'd, upon Supposition that, by the Anatomical Inspection of it, they know all the Uses that the Skill of the Divine Opificer could Design it for.

Nor will it necessarily follow, that, because in some Particular Bird, or Beast, or Fish, we may not be able to give an account, Why this or that Part is not to be found, or Why it is otherwise Fram'd or Si­tuated than that which is Analo­gous to it in Man; it must there­fore be Casually or Improvidently Fram'd or Plac'd: Since we cannot expect from Brute Animals, An­swers to those proper Questions a­bout their own Bodies, which we can receive from Men about their Human Ones. And yet, notwith­standing the great Assiduity, with which the more curious Physicians [Page 204]are oblig'd to Cultivate Anatomy, and the frequent Opportunities they have to do it, and to ask Li­ving Men Questions about what they find, when the Natural Use of their Parts is Hindred or Perverted: Our Sagacious Moderns are to this day at a Loss, as to the True Uses of the Visible Parts of the Body; to say nothing of the Invisible, such as Spirits, Salts, &c. So that it ought to be no Wonder, if in Ani­mals, whose Fabrick we have much less Concern to Inquire into, and and much less Opportunity to Exa­mine, we sometimes find Parts, of whose Uses and their Fitness for them, Men are not yet able to give a satisfactory Account. For I con­sider, that even in Man himself, tho' there be numerous Valves found in his Veins, yet for those many Ages that the True Uses of them lay Hid, an Asclepiades, or some Other bold Epicurean Physi­cian, might have thought himself well grounded, to look upon them [Page 205]as Superfluous Parts: Which, now that the Circulation of the Blood is discover'd, they are acknowledg'd to be far from being.

On this Occasion it may help us if it be consider'd, That, since God is both a most Free and a most Wise Agent, it need not seem Strange that He should Adorn some Animals, with Parts or Qualities that are not Necessary to their Welfare, but seem'd Design'd for their Beauty: Such as are the Dis­position of the Camelion to Change Colours; and the lovely Greens, Blews, Yellows, and Other Vivid Colours, that Adorn some sorts of Pigeons, and of Parrots, and divers Lesser Birds, as Gold-finches, Canary-Birds, and especially those admirably little Winged Creatures Humming Birds. And on the O­ther side, sometimes God's Wisdom seems to be as it were Thrifty, and Solicitous not to bestow on an Ani­mal, or a Part of it, more than [Page 206]is Necessary for the Use for which 'tis Design'd. As the Veins are by Anatomists observ'd to have but One Coat or Membrane, and usually to lye more Expos'd than the Arteries that accompany them; These having Stronger and Double Coats, because they are to convey a more Important Liquor, (the Ar­terial Blood,) which besides that 'tis more Agitated and Spirituous, is forcibly impell'd into Those Ves­sels by the Muscular Contraction, or Strong Impulse of the Heart. And to the same purpose it may be observ'd. That the Arteries within the Skull are far more Thinly Coat­ed than elsewhere; the Solidity of that Bony Part being a Fence to the Vessels that it covers. And to add That on This Occasion, we may observe, That, tho' the Nerves usually lye Deep in the Parts, to be kept both Safe and Warm, being very lyable to be offended both by Cold, and the Contact of Exter­nal Bodies; yet, it being necessary [Page 207]that the Optick Nerve should Ex­pand itself into the Eye, the Mem­branes that Invest the Nerve and Other Coats of the Eye, (except the Retina, which seems to consist of the Medullar Fibres,) are made by great Odds more Firm than the Dura and the Pia Mater, whence they proceed; and tho' Expos'd to the Free Air, are less sensible of the Cold than most Parts of the Body, and will bear, without Dan­ger, divers Liquors, and Other Offensive Things, whose Pungency would put Other Nerves of the Bo­dy into Convulsive, and perhaps very Dangerous Motions. This (Conduct) looks as if God, like an Excellent Writing-Master, did, in the great Volume of his Creatures, Intend to bestow on some of These, Things rather Ornamental than Necessary, as Flourishes on the Capital Letters of the Alphabet of Nature; and sometimes, to Imploy Characters, and divers of them very differingly Shap'd, (as the [Page 208] Latin are from those of the Greek, the Hebrew, the Saxon, &c.) to Express the Same Letter; and sometimes also, to Imply Abbrevia­tions, as a Stroke or a Dash, in­stead of a Letter or a Syllable, to Express Compendiously that which might be very Justifiable, had it been more Fully set down or De­lineated.

If That be admitted, which We have formerly propos'd as very Likely, that God Design'd, by the great Variety of His Works, to Display to their Intelligent Consi­derers, the Faecundity (if I may so speak) of His Wisdom; One may readily conceive, that a great part of the Variety Observable in the Analogous Parts of Animals, as their Eyes, their Mouths, &c. may be very Conducive to so Reaching and Comprehensive a Design; to which the Beauty of some Creatures and Parts, as well as their more Necessary or Convenient Structure, [Page 209]may be subservient; especially if the Innocent Delight of Man be also Intended, as it may seem to be in the Curious Colours and Shapes of divers Flowers, and in the Melo­dious Musick of Singing Birds, and in the Vivid and Curiously Varie­gated Colours of the Feathers of several Winged Animals, particu­larly those that make up the Pea­cocks Train.

We are not near so Competent Judges of Wisdom, as we are of Justice and Veracity: For These last named are to be Estimated by Eternal and Fixed Bounds or Rules, which are very Intelligible to a Moderate Understanding. But as for Wisdom; the more Pro­found it is, the less we are able to Look through it, and penetrating to the bottom of that, to Judge know­ingly of its Actions. And there­fore, tho' we may safely Conclude that God Acts Wisely, when he does something that has an Admi­rable [Page 210]Tendency to those Ends we justly suppose him to have Design'd; yet we cannot safely conclude in a Negative way, That this or that is Unwise, because we cannot Di­scern in it such a Tendency. For so Wise an Agent may have Other Designs than we know of, and fur­ther Aims than we can Discern, or perhaps Suspect: And may have at hand, or furnish himself with, such Means to compass his Ends, and that even by the Co-operation of those Means we think Useless or Improper, as are far above the reach of our Conjectures, and with­out the knowledge of which we but Rashly Censure the Wisdom of his Proceedings.

In the Double Horizontal Dial formerly mention'd, it would be Rashly done of those, who should Condemn or Despise the various Lines they find trac'd upon that useful Instrument, because they see that they are not necessary to shew the Hour of the day; since the Ma­thematician [Page 211]that drew those Lines so curiously, may be well suppos'd to have had more Ends than One or Two in making the Instrument, and not to have drawn them by Chance or Unskilfully; tho' the Inconsiderate Censurers do not know, for what Other or Further Purposes the Artist may have De­sign'd them.

Suppose some Indian Fisherman, unacquainted with European Arts and Affairs, should happen to come aboard a Man of War under Sail: Tho' he would quickly perceive by the use that was made of the Ropes, Pulley, &c. that this. Floating Building was very artificially Con­triv'd: Yet if he should fix his Eyes upon one of the Guns, and the Anchors, and perceive that no use was made nor like to be made of them in Sailing, He would be strongly tempted to think, that those heavy Masses were useless Clogs and Burdens to the Vessel. But if he were told the Necessity and Use­fulness [Page 212]of the Guns for Defence, and of the Anchors to stay the Ship in Convenient Places in Storms; he would easily Alter his mind, and Confess, that he Blam'd the Buil­ders and Furnishers of the Ship, for That which nothing but his Igno­rance kept him from highly Com­mending.

I have dwelt much longer than I intended on this Third Propo­sition, because I think it a Du­ty our Reason owes to its Author, to endeavour to Vindicate his ma­nifold Wisdom, in this Libertine Age; wherein too many Men, that have more Wit than Philosophy or Piety, have upon Epicurean, and some also even upon Cartesian, Principles, labour'd to Depreciate the Wisdom of God, and some of them presum'd to Censure the Con­trivances of these living Automata, that (in their Protoplasts) were Originally His. And it was not only the Seasonableness of saying, [Page 213]about so Important a Subject, some­things that possibly have not yet been met with, or at least duly Con­sider'd, That has made me thus Prolix; but a Desire, that my Reader should not barely observe the Wisdom of God, but be in some measure Affectively Convinc'd of it. To which purpose in my O­pinion, 'tis very Conducive, if not Necessary, besides General Notions, to observe with Attention some Particular Instances of the Divine Skill, wherein it is Conspicuously Display'd. 'Tis true, that in the Idea of a Being Infinitely Perfect, Boundless Wisdom is One of the Attributes that is Included. But for my part, I shall take leave to think, that this General and Inde­finite Idea of the Divine Wisdom, will not give us so great a Wonder and Veneration for it, as may be produc'd in our minds, by Know­ing and Considering the Admira­ble Contrivance of the Particular Productions of that Immense Wis­dom, [Page 214]and their Exquisite Fitness for those Ends and Uses, to which they appear to have been Desti­nated.


That we be not Over hasty in Con­cluding, nor too Positive in Asserting, that This or That must be, or is, the particular Destinated Ʋse of such a Thing, or the Motive that induc'd the Author of Nature to Frame it thus.

IT has been above declar'd, That some Parts are so Excellently, and so Manifestly, Fitted for a cer­tain Use, as the Eye for Seeing; and so much better Fitted for That, than for any Other; that 'twere little less than Heedlesness or Per­verseness, to Doubt of Its being [Page 215]Destinated Thereto. But the like cannot be said of all the Other Parts of the Body, especially of the In­ternal. And there are divers Uses, either Necessary, or highly Condu­cive, to the Welfare of the Ani­mal, to which no One Part is so much more conspicuously Fitted than any Other, but that 'tis more Difficult than many think, to de­termine the True and Primary U­ses or Offices of some Parts, espe­cially with so much Certainty, as thereon to ground Physiological Inferences: And of this Difficulty I conceive there may be four Rea­sons, tho' they do not All, nor per­haps Most of them, occurr in Each particular Case.

And First, the whole Animal it self, the Use of whose particular Parts is under inquiry, is but a Part of that greater Body, the Ʋniverse; and therefore cannot easily be sup­pos'd, to have been fram'd and fur­nish'd with the Parts it consists of, [Page 216]meerly for its own sake. And when we say, that all its Parts are Contriv'd for the best Advantage for the Animal, I conceive it is to be understood in this Limited Sense; That the Parts are excellently fram'd for the Welfare of the Ani­mal, as far forth as That Welfare is consistent with the General Ends of the Author of Nature, in the Constitution and Government of the Universe: which Ends, because they relate to the whole World, or to very considerable Masses of it, as the Terraqueous Globe, the Pla­nets, and other Stars, I have former­ly, for brevity's sake, styl'd Cosmical: And tho' it has not been prov'd, that None of these Cosmical Ends are investigable by us: yet to dis­cover them All, is not an easie Task. And yet it seems presump­tuous to suppose, that the Welfare of particular Animals is any fur­ther design'd and provided for, than will consist with the Cosmical Ends of the Universe, and the Course of [Page 217]Gods General Providence; to which his Special or Particular Providence, about this or that meer Animal, ought in reason to be Su­bordinated. And tho' I think it a great Rashness for us men to De­termine positively, and exclusively to others, what Ends the Omni­scient Creator propos'd to himself, in giving to the World the Frame we see it has; yet, as far as I can hitherto discern, I see nothing that is more likely to have been One Grand Motive of so great a Variety as we may observe in his Corpo­real Works, especially in Animals, than that which hath in part been elsewhere intimated, viz. That He might, by so many and so very differing Contrivances, as are to be met with in the Structure of Men, Four-footed Beasts, Birds, Fishes, Reptiles, &c. Exercise and Dis­play (what could not be by a less Variety so fully manifested) that which an Apostle, Ephes. 3.10. speak­ing of things of ano­ther [Page 218]Order, Emphatically styles the [...] (the Multifarious or Manifold Wisdom of God.) Man being acknowledg'd, upon the account of his very Body, the most Perfect of Animals; if God had simply Design'd the giving of every Animal, the most Advan­tageous Structure that could be de­vis'd, it seems that He should have Made no Other Animals than Men. But then there could not have been that Diversity of Contrivance a­mong Living Automata, that does so much recommend the Wisdom of Him, that could Frame so Many and so Differing Animals, tho' not All of them equally Perfect, yet All of them admirably Furnish'd for those Purposes to which He De­stinated them. And therefore it does not argue any Want of Provi­dence, that He has not Furnish'd Man with Wings, as he hath Birds; nor Fishes with four Feet; nor Birds with Fins and Scales: be­cause these Parts would have been [Page 219]either Superfluous and Burthensom, or would not have Suited with his Design, of making Some Animals Live on the Earth, and Some in the Water: And if He Design'd any to Live, tho' not equally, in Both, He furnish'd Them with Parts of a Peculiar Structure, as I have else­where noted of the Beaver and the Frog. If it were not for the fore­mentioned Consideration, 'twould be hard to give a Reason, why Ve­getables were not made the Food of all Animals; But Some should be Carnivorous, and furnish'd with Appetites and Organs to Devour Others, and Live, as Birds and Beasts of Prey do, upon the De­struction of the Weaker. And 'twill be hard to shew, why, even in Animals of the same Kind, the Safety of Some should be so much better Provided for than that of Others; as We see, that some Ants, and some Glow-worms, are Furnish'd with Wings; and Some not. And in Mankind [Page 220]itself, Those of the Female Sex are not so happily Fram'd, in order to their own Welfare, as Those of the Masculine: Since the Womb, and other Things peculiar to Women, which are not Necessary to the Good of Individual Persons, but to the Propagation of their Spe­cies, subject that tender Sex to a whole Set of Diseases, belonging to them either peculiarly, as they are Women, or as they are with Child, or brought to Bed; from all which Men are exempt. So that, to apply these Things to Our present Purpose; Men may some­times Mistake, when they peremp­torily Conclude, that This or That Part of an Animal Must, or Can­not, have been Fram'd for such an Use, without Considering the Cos­mical, and therefore Primary and Over-ruling, Ends, that may have been Design'd by Nature in the Construction of the whole Ani­mal.

Secondly, Men sometimes erro­neously Conclude, that such an Of­fice cannot belong to such a Part, because they think, It is not so Commodiously Framed for it, as may be wish'd or devis'd; with­out considering, whether the Stru­cture which they Fancy would do Better for that Particular Use, would not, in some Other as considerable Regard, Oppose the Welfare of the Animal: Or, whether it would be consistent with the Other Uses de­sign'd by Nature in that sort of Living Creatures. For in the Li­ving Works of so Excellent an In­geneer as Nature, it must not be expected, that any Particular End should be prosecuted to the Preju­dice of the Whole; but rather it must be suppos'd, that She Aims not only at Particular Expedients, but Universal Symmetry; and does indeed excellently Fit the several Parts, for their respective Offices; but yet only as far forth as a due Regard to the Design and Welfare [Page 222]of the Whole will permit. The Reasonableness of this Observation, One need but be moderately Exer­cis'd in Zootomy (as That is di­stinguish'd from Androtomy) to discern. For, tho' Man be confess'd to be the most Perfectly Fram'd Animal in the World; yet, His Body is not made the Model, on which Nature has Fram'd the Cor­respondent Parts of Other Animals. The Lungs of Dogs, of Birds, of Frogs and Vipers, and I know not how many Others, are of a Stru­cture very differing from Those of Man. He is not furnish'd with so many Stomachs as an Oxe or a Sheep, because Nature Intended not He should Ruminate like Them. Tho' His Gall be lodg'd in a pecu­liar Bag, so Plac'd in the Liver, as to give Helmont a colour to call it Nucleus Hepatis; yet 'twere unad­vis'd to say, That the Secretion of Gall is none of the Uses of Those Livers, wherein Such a Cystis is not to be met with: Since in Some A­mals, [Page 223]as in Horses and Pigeons, that Bitter Humour, (which in Frogs I have often oberved to be of a Deep and Transparent Green,) is not usually, as in Man, collected into one Bag: And in Vipers, tho' it be included in one Cystis, yet, as far as I have observed, That Bag does not at all touch the Liver: And store of such Instances may be met with among the Remarks of Zootomists: Wherefore I pass on to Observe,

That, in the Third place, 'Tis Difficult to Determine the True and Primary Use of a Part, because Nature does often Fit One Part for Several Uses. To which I shall add,

In the Fourth place, That the Difficulty is sometimes Increas'd, because Nature may compass the Same End by Several Means, each of them Sufficiently, tho' not E­qually, Commodious. I joyn these Two together, because in Effect [Page 224]they do often Concur, in making it Difficult to determin the True Use of a Part. And the latter of the Two is sometimes Increas'd by this, that Nature does not as Con­stantly, as some Men presume She does, Imploy only one Part to perform such an Office; but the Intended Effect is sometimes pro­duc'd by a Series of successive Ope­rations, to which several Parts may in Differing manners Contribute.

And here I observe, (what per­haps has not been Consider'd,) that neither the Mechanism of a Human Body, nor that of very Considera­ble Parts of It, is to be judg'd of, only by the Structure of the Visible Parts, whether they be those Solid or Stable Ones that the Anatomist's Knife is wont to expose to Sight; or even by the Texture of those Fluid Ones, which are to be found in the Vessels and Cavities of a Dead Body when Dissected, tho' never so Skilfully. For I take the [Page 225]Body of a Living Man to be a very Compounded Engine, such as Me­chanicians would call Hydraulico-Pneumatical: Many of whose Fun­ctions, (if not the Chiefest,) are perform'd, not by the Blood and other Visible Fluids barely as they are Liquors; but partly by their Circulating and other Motions; and partly by a very Agile and In­visible sort of Fluids, call'd Spirits, Vital and Animal; and partly per­haps, (as I have sometimes gues'd,) by little Springy Particles; and perhaps too, by somewhat that may be call'd the Vital Portion of the Air; and by Things Analogous to Local Ferments: the Important Operations of all which are wont to Cease with Life, and the Agents themselves are not to be Discern'd in a Dead Body. So that, besides those Manifest Uses, which the Vi­sible Fabrick of the Engine may suggest to an Anatomist; there may be Chymical Uses (if I may so call them) of some Parts, that [Page 226]serve for the Elaboration of Spirits and other Fluids: Which Uses, (as 'twas formerly Observ'd, and yet ought to be Inculcated,) are not suggested to the Anatomists, as Such, by the Inspection of the Stru­cture of the Parts; but to Discern them may require no mean Skill in Spagyrical Principles and Ope­rations.

Such Considerations as the fore­going, make me think it more dif­ficult than many do, to determin with any certainty the Main Use of divers Particular Parts, [for in some Others it seems manifest e­nough;] especially if it be done with the Exclusion of Other Uses. Nor is it enough, to Secure us that we know the Chief Function and End of a Part, to Know that it is contrived for such a Purpose. For upon the things I have lately repre­sented, One may ground this An­swer, that this Fitness hinders not, but that the Primary Use of the [Page 227]Part may be another, (as not Ana­tomical but Chymical, or Vice Ver­sa,) more Conducive to the Gene­ral Welfare of the Animal, or else to the Cosmical Ends of Nature. And it ought not to seem Strange, that some Pieces of Workmanship, that consist of many Parts, all of them Curiously Contriv'd, may by One Learned Man be guess'd to be Intended for This Use, and by Others for That Use, and yet Both these Uses may be worthy of the Artificer.

When some very Politick Prince does some Great Thing, without de­claring Why; the Guesses of the States Men are often very differing, whilst yet none of them ascribe to Him a Design mis-becoming a Wise Man. And so, when a Learned Author Expresses himself, as sometimes it happens, Ambi­guously, tho' One Reader Inter­prets his words to This Sense, and Another to That, yet Both the [Page 228]Senses pitch'd on, may fairly com­port with the Context, and the main Scope of the Writer. These things, I say, because I would by no means Disparage the Wisdom of Nature, by proposing the Difficul­ties I have hitherto mentioned; tho' I confess, that, upon the ac­count of These and some Others, I look upon many of the Argu­ments that several Authors have made bold to draw from Final Cau­ses, but as Conjectural Things. And in divers Cases, I allow what is suggested to me upon the Suppo­sition of the Intended Uses of Parti­cular Parts, rather as good Hints to Excite, and give some Aim to, a Severer Inquiry, than as safe Grounds to build Physical Conclu­sions on.


I come now to the Last Caution I would recommend to you, about the Consideration of Final Causes; and I shall present it you in this Proposition: That the Naturalist should not suffer the Search or the Discovery of a Final Cause of Na­ture's Works, to make him Ʋndervalue or Neglect the studious Indagation of their Efficient Causes.

'TIs true, that to Inquire, To what Purpose Nature would have such or such Effects produc'd, is a Curiosity worthy of a Rational Creature, upon the score of his being so. But this is not the pro­per Task of a Naturalist, whose Work, as he is Such, is not so much to Discover why, as how, Particular [Page 230]Effects are Produc'd. A Country-Fellow here in England knows something of a Watch, because he is able to tell you, that 'tis an In­strument that an Artificer made to Measure Time by: and That is more than every American Savage would be able to tell you; and more than those Civiliz'd Chineses knew, that took the first Watch the Jesuit brought thither, for a Living Creature. But the English Countryman, that knows no more of a Watch, than that't was made to shew the Hour of the Day, does very little understand the Nature of It. And whereas the two Scopes, that Men are wont to Aim at in the Study of Physicks, are to Under­stand, how and after what man­ner Nature Produces the Phaenome­non we Contemplate; and, in case it be Imitable by Us, how We may, if Occasion require, Produce the Like Effect, or come as Near it as may be: These Ends cannot be attained by the bare Knowledg of [Page 231]the Final Causes of Things, nor of the General Efficient. But to Answer those Aims, we must know the Particular Efficients, and the Manner and Progress of their Ope­rating, and what Dispositions they either Find or Produce in the Mat­ter they work upon: as, He that would throughly understand the Nature of a Watch, must not rest satisfied with knowing in General, that a Man Made it, and that he Made it for such Uses; but he must Particularly know, of what Mate­rials, the Spring, the Wheels, the String or Chain, and the Ballance, are made: He must know the Num­ber of the Wheels, their Bigness, their Shape, their Situation and Connexion in the Engine, and af­ter what manner One Part Moves the Other in the whole Series of Motions, from the Expansive Ea­deavour of the Spring, to the Mo­tion of the Index that Points at the Hours. And much more must a [Page 232]Mechanician know this, if he means to be able to Make a Watch Himself, or Give sufficient Instru­ctions to Another Man, that is more Handy, to do it for him. In short, the Neglect of Efficient Causes would render Physiology Useless: But the studious Indaga­tion of them, will not Prejudice the Contemplation of Final Causes. For, since 'tis Truly said, if it be rightly understood, that Opus Na­turae est opus Intelligentiae; the Wise Author of Nature has so excellently Contriv'd the Universe, that the more Clearly and Particularly we Discern, how Congruous the Means are to the Ends to be obtain'd by them, the more Plainly we Discern the Admirable Wisdom of the Omniscient Author of Things; of whom it is Truly said by a Prophet, that He is Wonderful in Counsel, Isa. 20.29. and Excellent in Working. Nor will the Sufficiency of the Intermediate [Page 233]Causes, make it needless to admit a First and Supreme Cause: Since (to inculcate on this Occasion what I more fully deliver in another Pa­per,) That Order of Things, by ver­tue of which these Means become sufficient to such Ends, must have been at first Instituted by an Intel­ligent Cause. And if it be Irratio­nal to Ascribe the Excellent Fa­brick of the Universe, such as it now is, and the Actions that have manifest Tendencies to Determi­nate Useful Ends, To so Blind a Cause as Chance; it will be rather More than Less Irrational, to A­scribe to Chance the First Formation of the Universe, of which the Pre­sent State of Things is but the Na­tural Consequence or Effect. For it may indeed be plausibly said, that in the Present State of Things, the several Patts of the Universe are by the Contrivance of the Whole de­termin'd, and thereby qualify'd, to Attain their Ends. But it cannot [Page 234]be Rationally Pretended, that at the First Framing of the World, there was a Sufficiency in the Stupid Materials of It, without any Par­ticular Guidance of a most Wise Su­perintendent, to Frame Bodies so Excellently Contriv'd and Fitted to their respective Ends.


THe Result of what has been hitherto Discours'd, upon the Four Questions Propos'd at the Beginning of this Small Treatise, amounts in short to this:

That all Consideration of Final Causes is not to be Banish'd from Natural Philosophy: but that 'tis rather Allowable, and in some Cases Commendable, to Observe and Argue from the Manifest Uses of Things, that the Author of Na­ture Pre-ordain'd those Ends and Uses.

That the Sun, Moon, and other Coelestial Bodies, excellently De­clare [Page 236]the Power and Wisdom, and consequently the Glory of God; and were Some of Them, among Other Purposes, made to be Ser­viceable to Man.

That from the Supposed Ends of Inanimate Bodies, whether Coele­stial or Sublunary, 'tis very Unsafe to Draw Arguments to Prove the Particular Nature of Those Bo­dies, or the True System of the Universe.

That as to Animals, and the more Perfect Sorts of Vegetables; 'tis Warrantable, not Presump­tuous, to Say, That such and such Parts were Pre-ordained to such and such Uses, relating to the Welfare of the Animal (or Plant) itself, or the Species it belongs to: But that Such Arguments may easi­ly Deceive, if Those that Frame them are not very Cautious, and Careful to avoid Mistaking, among the various Ends that Nature may [Page 237]have in the Contrivance of an Ani­mal's Body, and the various Ways which she may successfully take to compass the same Ends. And,

That however, a Naturalist, who would Deserve that Name, must not let the Search or Knowledge of Final Causes, make him Neglect the Industrious Indagation of Effi­cients.



LONDON: Printed for J. Taylor, at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1688.


THe Following Obser­vations were not written, with Inten­tion that they Should be An­nex'd to the Foregoing Essay, but to Gratify a Philosophi­cal Physician. Which is the Reason why, besides those things that are more purely Optical, I thought fit to mention Some Others, that might be either Ʋseful or [Page]Grateful to an Inquisitive Man of his Profession. But having allow'd the Stationer to Expect, that this Book, tho' it have for Title but an Essay, should not be of too inconsider­able a Bulk; I made choice of these Papers, among Several that lay by me, to in­crease the Bigness of the Book, Because that, the Eyes being those Parts of the Bodies of Men and other Animals, that I pitch'd upon in the Foregoing Treatise, to Strengthen the Doctrine de­liver'd in it about Final [Page]Causes; it seem'd Suitable E­nough to my Subject and Design, to mention some Ʋn­common Things that related to Ʋision or the Organs of it, that We may be invited both to Admire the Wisdom of God, which, to furnish Man with a Sense that requires the Concourse of so very many things, has, if I may so speak, Crowded them into so Small an Engine as an Eye; and to Celebrate his Goodness too, which has been Display'd in that, notwithstanding that the Eye is so very Com­pounded [Page]a Part, and the Sight so easily Ʋitiated yet the most part of Men by far do, from their Cradles to their Graves, enjoy the Be­nefit and Comfort of so Ne­cessary and Noble a Sense.



EXamining a Gentleman, that was already Almost Blind, and fear'd to grow Altogether so, about the Symptoms of his Disease, (which came with a Stroke upon his Head) I found, as I ex­pected, by his Answers, that, tho' he could not any thing well dis­tinguish Objects of Other Colors, Yet he could well perceive those [Page 246]that were White, to be of That Colour. Which confirms what I mention in the History of Colours, concerning the great Quantity of Light, that is Reflected by White Objects, in comparison of those that are otherwise Colour'd. And this Observation it Self was con­firm'd by another Patient, who, tho' almost Blind, could yet dis­cern White Objects.


I Knew a Gentleman that had a Cataract growing, which, when I look'd on his Eye in a lightsom place, appear'd to cover almost just the Upper Part of the Pupil; and tho' He were a Young Vigorous Person, and the Weather was ve­ry Clear, he could not well discern Men from Women cross the Street. But this Gentlemans Mis­fortune came by a great Stroke he received on that Side of his Head, where of heshew'd me the Scar; [Page 247]which Circumstance I therefore Note, because when no Outward Violence has been offer'd to the Eye, it has been observed by a good Oculist, and, if I misremember not, I have Seen an Instance of it, That a small Part of the Pupil, left un­cover'd by the Cataract, would serve for more Sight than the Gen­tleman enjoy'd. In him likewise I had a further Confirmation, of what I was lately Observing about the Conspicuousness of White Ob­jects. For tho' he could not, as I was saying, discern Men and Women that pass'd by, on the o­ther Side of the Street, yet, having once desired him to tell me, if he could distinguish any Object there, he told me that he could; and that I might no longer Doubt of it, when I asked him what he saw, he said that it was a Woman that pass'd by with a White Apron, which Apron he saw directly, and therefore might easily con­clude, without distinctly seeing the [Page 248]Wearer, that the Person that Wore it was a Woman.


MEeting accidentally with a Man, by Profession a Far­rier, whose Eyes look'd very odly, I questioned him about his Distem­per; and found by his answers, that he had had Cataracts in both his Eyes, but either had them ill Couch'd, or had not behaved him­self orderly afterwards. For there Seemed still to be ragged Films, that cover'd considerable portions of his Pupils; in so much that I som­what wonder'd to see him go free­ly about, as he did, without requi­ring any body to help him, so much as up or down Stairs: and I hereupon asking him, whether he were able to Read in a large Print, he told me he was, with the help of his Cataract Spectacles, as they call them, which I doubting of, brought him a Book, whose Title Page he was not able to [Page 249]Read; this he Excus'd by saying that the place was too Lightsom, which tho' it did not Seem to O­thers, yet, considering that it was about Noon, I caus'd the Room to be a little darken'd, and then per­ceived that indeed he could Read well Enough.


A Gentleman, having in a quar­rel receiv'd a Stroke on one Side of his Head, which knock'd him down, found afterwards a great Weakness and dimness in his Eyes; into which when I look'd atten­tively, I plainly discern'd, that tho' above one half of his Pupil was yet uncover'd, so that when he look'd downwards, he could See well e­nough with That Eye, yet there was grown in it no less than two Ca­taracts, which, when I look'd on them attentively, and in a good Light, I could manifestly perceive to be Distinct; the One of them [Page 250]seeming to be smooth spread, as if its Circular Edge adher'd closely to the inside of the Eye; and the Other, that seem'd not altogether of the same Colour, hanging loosely, and as it were a Rag, at some distance above it. What afterwards be­came of this Gedtleman I could not learn, tho' I would gladly have done it; Two Cataracts at a time in one Eye being some what Extraor­dinary.


A Learned Gentleman coming once to visit me, with design, as I afterward's perceive'd, to hear my Opinion concerning an odd Dis­temper he had in his Eyes; I found, by Discoursing with him concer­ning the Phaenomena of his Disease, that tho', when he look'd on Ob­jects near at hand, he Saw them somewhat Dimly, but yet Single, yet, there were some Objects, par­ticularly Posts and Rails, which, [Page 251]when he beheld at a certain di­stance (which was not very great) they appear'd to him both more Dark and Double. I found also that he complained of divers Black Flyes and litle Leaves, that pass'd now and then before his Eyes; which, tho' they do not always fore-bode a True Cataract, since Others and I also have observ'd them to continue many years without being more than a Bastard Suffusion (as Phy­sicians Speake) yet in him they were probably Forerunners of a True Cataract; in regard that I have known it observ'd by a skil­ful Oculist, that some Persons, be­fore their Cataract, have complain'd that at some Distances they saw Objects almost Double; so that loo­king at ones Head, they thought they Saw a great part of a Dark Head a little above it: which De­scription, whether it proceeded from some Refractions made by the yet not Uniformly Opacous Matter of the Cataract, not having oppor­tunity [Page 252]to examine those Persons my self, I dare not Venture to say.


IT may be worth Observing, How long The better sort of Ca­taracts, tho' they hinder Sight for a time, as a thick Curtain drawn cross the Pupil, yet may remain in the Eye, without Spoiling the Optic Nerve or hindring Vision when once the Cataract is remov'd; Of which I remember, among other Instan­ces, I took notice in the Case of a Woman, who told me she had Ca­taracts in her Eyes so long, that she was brought a Bed of Six Chil­dren consecutively, without being able to See any one of them, till after she was Cur'd by having the Cataracts Couched. But then she saw so well, that with Spectacles she could read in a portable Bible of a small Print. And divers consi­derable Persons of my Acquaintance saw One of Eighteen years Old, [Page 253]born with Cataracts in both her Eyes, Who not naturally Wanting the Faculty of Seeing, tho' thus Hin­der'd of the Exercise of it, had been so happily Couched, as afterwards to have the benefit of Sight in them both.


IT has been of late the Opinion of very Learned men, that tho Both our Eyes be Open and turn'd towards an Object, yet 'tis but One of them at a time that is effectually Imployed in giving us the Repre­sentation of it. Which Opinion, in this place where I am writing but Observations, it were not proper to Discuss; especially because what is suppos'd to be Observ'd, will not always Uniformly happen, but may much Vary in particular Per­sons, according to their several Customs, and the Constitution of their Eyes. For I have, by an Ex­periment purposely made, several [Page 254]times found, that my Two Eyes Together see an Object in another Situation, than Either of them Apart would do. On the other side; I met with a Person, who told me he had a Cataract in his Eye for two Years, without discer­ning that he had any such Impedi­ment in either of his Eyes; and when I ask'd him, how he knew that, he answer'd me, that others had taken notice of a white Filme that cross'd his Eye, so long before he himself did. But not knowing what a Cataract was, and not find­ing him to complain of it at all him­self, the Thing remain'd unheeded, till the Patient, having one day oc­casion to Rub his Sound Eye, whilst the Lid cover'd it, was sadly Sur­priz'd to find himself altogether in the Dark; and then resorting to an Oculist, was assur'd it was a Cataract, which, a while before I met with him, had been Couch'd. But notwithstanding this Relation, what I had try'd about the Using [Page 255]of Both Eyes, made me ask of a very Ingenious Person, that by an Accident had some months before one of his Eyes struck out, whether he did not observe, that upon the being confin'd to the use of One Eye he was apt to mistake the Situati­on and Distances of things. To which he answer'd me, that have­ing frequently occasion to pour Distill'd Waters and other Liquors out of one Vial into an other, after this Accident he often Spilt his Liquors, by pouring quite Besides the necks of the Vials he thought he was pouring them directly Into. Afterwards inquiring of a Gentle­man that was a Goodfellow, and had by a Wound a while before lost the use of One of his Eyes; he confess'd to me, that divers times pouring the Wine out of one Vessel into another, he would miss the Orifice of the Bottle or Glass that should receive it, and expose him­self to the merriment of the Com­pany. A yet more considerable In­stance [Page 256]of Such Mistakes, I after­wards had from a Noble Person, who having in a Fight, where he play'd the Hero, had one of his Eyes strangely Shot out, by a Mus­quet-Bullet that came out at his Mouth; answer'd me, that not only he could not well Pour Drink out of one Vessel into another, but had Broken many Glasses, by let­ting them fall out of His Hand, when he thought he had put them into Anothers, or set them down up­on a Table. And he added, that this aptnesse to misjudge of Di­stances and Situations continued with him, tho' not in the same De­gree, for little less than Two Years. But on this occasion I shall take notice that, I have often imployed a Dextrous Artificer, whose Right Eye (for in his Left there is nothing more remarkable) is constantly drawn so much a side towards the greater Angle of the Eye, that the Edge of the Pupil does almost touch it and one would think it [Page 157]scarce possible, but that he should see the Object double with two Eyes that seem so very differingly turn'd; and yet he answer'd me, that he does not see at all, nor that he finds any Inconvenience, save the Defor­mity of this Unusual Situation of his Right Eye, which hinders him not from Reading as freely as other Men. This Accident happend to him by an unwary Mistake of Sub­limate for another thing; after which, it seems one of the Muscles that mov'd the Eye, remain'd Con­tracted. But this having happen'd to him, as I found by Inquiry, ever since he was two Years of Age; he could not remember whether he had seen Objects Double, before he was accustom'd to judge of them by the help of his other Senses, and the Information of Others.


IT may be worth while to Observe, that a very great Distention may be made of the Parts of the [Page 258]Eye, without Spoiling the Sight; of which I lately saw an Instance in a Patient of that Ingenious and Experienced Oculist, Dr. Turber­vill. This was a Gentlewoman about one or two and twenty years of Age, Whose Complexion and Features would have made her Handsom, if she had not had that sort of Eyes, which tho' rarely met with, some call Ox-Eyes; for Hers were swell'd much be­yond the size of Human Eyes, in so much, that she complain'd, they often frighted those that saw Her, and were indeed so Big, that she could not move them to the Right Hand or the Left, but was con­strain'd to look strait forward; or if she would see an Object that lay Aside, she was oblig'd to turn her Whole Head that way. And so she answer'd me she was, when she set herself to Read in a Book, unless she did with her Hand move the Book from one side to another, to bring the ends of the Lines di­rectly [Page 259]before her Eyes. She told me her Eyes did not always retain the same measure of Tumidness, and that the very day I saw them, they had been in the Morning much more Swell'd than when I look'd upon Her. But that which was more remarkable, was, that not only she could, for all this, See very well and distinctly, and, as I just now intimated, could Read Books, but her Sight had continued good, tho' she had this Distemper these twelve years. And, which is more strange, she answer'd me, that her Visive Power was so little Prejudic'd by this Distemper, when it first came upon her, that she ne­ver knew any thing was amiss in her Eyes, till her Friends told her of it, when they found it had con­tinued too long to be a meerly Ca­sual and Transient Tumor. But, tho' this odd Accident did not Im­pair her Sight, it occasion'd great Pains in her Eyes, for which she took Purging and other Medicines, [Page 260]with so little Success, that both she and her former Physicians, thought her case Desperate; there appear­ing no way of dislodging a Humour so long settled there. Upon which I propos'd Salivation, as the least unlikely way that remain'd, to Re­solve and carry off the Peccant Humour. But this, tho' much ap­prov'd by her Dostor, the Modest Patient would by no means con­sent to.


I Once look'd into the Eyes of a Gentlewoman, where I could discern nothing that was Amiss, or any thing that was unusual, save the Narrowness of her Pupils, which is often esteem'd a good Sign. And yet this Woman was much troubled with Fumes and Weak­nesses of the Head, and had a Dis­affection of Sight very Uncommon; for she told me, that, whereas in the Day time her Sight was so Dimm that she could hardly dis­cern [Page 261]her way; soon after Sun-set, and during the Twilight, she could discern things far better. And in this Condition she had continued a good while: In which odd Case, whether the smallness of her Pupils, which might possibly be Contract­ed too much by the Day-light, and might be Expanded by the Recess of so much Light; or the grea­ter Dissipation of the Visive Spirits at one time than at the other, may have any Intrest, I shall not now stay to Enquire. But this Patient brings into my mind the rare Case of a Lear­ned old Divine, who complain'd to me that he was forced to write his Letters and Books by Night, because, during the Day-time, his Right Hand shook so much that he could not manage a Pen, and therefore was forc'd to make use of it only by Candle-light. And I remem­ber that, upon his pressing me to propose some Possible Cause of so odd a Phaenomenon, I told him, to put him off, that perchance the [Page 252]few Animal Spirits that he had to Move his Hands with, were so Sub­tile as to be Dissipated or Exhal'd by the Warmth of the Day, but were kept in by the Coldness of the Night, that somewhat constipated his Pores; and commended to him the use of strengthning things, and, among the rest, of Chocolate; which when for sometime he had continu'd to drink; he came to me, and told me with joy, that he began again to be able to Write in the Day, and so I think he can do yet. But this upon the by.


BEing acquainted with two La­dies of very distant Ages, but very near of Kin, who were both of them troubled with Distempers, that made me guess their Eyes might somtimes be oddly Affected, I Enquired of them, whether they were not troubled with sudden Ap­paritions of Flame or Fire? to which [Page 253]one of them answer'd me, that often­times there would appear to her Multitudes, as she fancied, of Sparks of Fire, that were very unwelcome to her. And the other Lady, that was subject to Convulsive, but not Epileptick, Fits, told me, she di­vers times saw, as she fancied, such Flashes of Fire as I had mentioned, pass before her Eyes, which at first did not a little Frighten her.


THe following Observation is odd enough, to give rise to some curious Speculations and Dis­putes: And therefore I chose to set it down as I found it among my Adversaria, tho' I suspect part of it to have been lost, that the Rela­tion may be the more Unbiass'd, tho' if I had another opportu­nity to Discourse with the Patient, I should upon second Thoughts, have ask'd some Questions, and Written down some Circumstan­ces, [Page 265]that I now wish had not been omitted.

The Gentlewoman I saw to day, seems to be about 18 or twenty years old, and is of a fine Complex­ion, accompanied with good Fea­tures. Looking into her Eyes, which are Gray, I could not dis­cern any thing that was unusual or amiss; tho' her Eye-lids were som­what Red, whether from Heat, or which seemed more likely, from her precedent Weeping. During the very little time that the Com­pany allowed me to speak with her, the Questions I propos'd to her were answered to this Effect.

That about five years ago, ha­ving been upon a certain Occasion immoderately tormented with Bli­sters, applied to her Neck and other Parts, she was quit deprived of her sight.

That sometime after she began to perceive the Light, but nothing by the help of it: That then she could see a Window, without dis­cerning the Panes or the Barrs: That afterwards she grew able to distinguish the Shapes of Bodies, and some of their Colours: And that at last she came to be able to see the Minutest Object; which when I seemed to doubt of, and presented her a Book, she not only without hesitancy Read in it a line or two, (fot her Eyes are quickly weary) but having pointed with my Finger at a part of the Margent, near which there was the part of a very little Speck, that might almost be covered with the point of a Pin; she not only readily enough found it out, but shewed me at some di­stance off another Speck, that was yet more Minute, and required a sharp Sight to Discern it. And yet, whereas this was done about Noon, she told me, that she could see much better in the Evening, than [Page 256]in any Lighter time of the day.

While she was looking upon the Printed Paper I shew'd her, I ask'd her whether It did not appear White to her, and the Letters Black? To which she answer'd' that they did so; but that she saw as it were a White Glass laid over both the Objects. But the things that were mostparticular and odd in this womans case, were these two. The first is, that she is not unfre­quently troubled with flashes of Lightning, that seem to issue out like Flames about the External Angle of her Eye, which often make her start, and put her into Frights and Melancholy Thoughts. But the other, which is more Strange and Singular, is this, that she can distin­guish some Colours, as Black and White, but is not able to distin­guish others, especially Red and Green: And when I brought her a Bag of a fine and glossie Red, with Tufts of Sky-colour'd Silk; she [Page 257]look'd attentively upon it, but told me, that to her it did not seem Red, but of another Colour, which one would guess by her Description to be a Dark or Dirty one: and the Tufts of Silk that were finely Co­lour'd, she took in her Hand, and told me they seem'd to be a Light­colour, but could not tell me which; only she compar'd it to the Colour of the Silken Stuff of the Lac'd Peti­coat of a Lady that brought her to me; and indeed the Blews were ve­ry much alike. And when I ask'd her, whether in the Evenings, when she went abroad to walk in the Fields, which she much deligh­ted to do, the Meadows did not appear to her Cloathed in Green? she told me they did not, but seem'd to be of an odd Darkish Colour; and added, that when she had a mind to gather Violets, tho' she kneel'd in that Place where they grew, she was not able to distin­guish them by the Colour from the neighbouring Grass, but only by [Page 268]the Shape, or by feeling them. And the Lady that was with her, took thence occasion to tell me, that when she looks upon a Turky Carpet, she cannot distinguish the Colours, unless of those parts that are White or Black. I ask'd the Lady whe­ther she were not troubled with Female Obstructions? To which she Answer'd me, she was not now, but that formerly she had been much subject to them, having been obstinately troubled with the Green­sickness.


I Shall add on this Occasion som­thing, that, tho' not so odd as It, has yet an Affinity with the newly recited Case, and so may make it the more Credible. And it is, That I lately convers'd with a Ma­thematician, Eminent for his skill in Opticks, and therefore a very com­petent Relator of Phaenomena be­longing to that Science? whose Or­gans [Page 269]of Vision are so constituted, that, tho' in his Eyes I could discern nothing Amiss, and tho' he makes much and excellent use of them in Astronomical Observations and Op­tical Experiments; yet he confes­ses to me, that there are some Co­lours that he constantly sees Amiss, and particularly Instanc'd in one, which in a clear day, (for so it was when we Discours'd together of this Matter) seem'd to him to be the same with that of a darkish sort of Cloath that he then wore, whil'st to Me and Other Men, it appear'd of a quite differing Colour.


DIscoursing with a Lady, who had been very long troubled with a very Unusual Indisposition in her Head, and, tho' She looks well, is never without Pain in it; tho' looking into her Eyes, I per­ceived nothing Amiss, yet conjectu­ring that so Obstinate a Distemper [Page 270]must have had some Unusual Influ­ence upon her Sight; I learn'd by Inquiry that after the Violent Fits of Pain and Disorder she had from time to time in her Head, if she did but cast her Eyes, or turn them suddenly, from one side to the other, there would presently ensue a Con­vulsive Motion in One of them, whereby it would notonly bedrawn away, but, which was very strange, All White Things, and most other Objects, that she look'd on with that Eye, appear'd Green to her: And yet this was not a Transient Discomposure that would go quick­ly off, but would Molest her for a good while, and frequently Return'd upon her for a whole year; so that she dispaired of Recovering the use of that Eye, vvherevvith yet she novv sees very vvell, tho' her Cephalick Distempers vvere rather Mitagated than quite Cur'd. And vvhen I ask'd her, vvhether, vvhilest the Convulsion of her Eye lasted, she did not see Objects Dou­ble? [Page 271]She ansvver'd, that vvhilest that Distemper vvas upon her, if she vvent to Read in a Book, the Letters vvere so apt to appear Dou­ble, that when she vvas bent upon Reading, she vvas fain to shut the Distemper'd Eye, and Imploy only the Other.


SOme may think that a Man has rather an Excellent, than a Viti­ated Sight, who can See Octjects with a far less degree of Light than other Men have need of to Discern them. But tho' an Extraordinary Tenderness may be a kind of Per­fection in the Eyes of Bats and Owls, whose usual Food may be more ea­sily Purchased by Twilight: Yet as to Man, the main part of whose Actions is to be perform'd by the Light of the Day, or some other almost Equivalent; it may Argue the provident goodness of the Author of Nature, to have given Him Eyes Constituted as those of [Page 272]Men generally are: Since, That a very great Tenderness of the Retina, or principal part of the Organ of Sight, would be, if not an Imper­fection, at least a great Inconve­nience, may appear by the Memo­rable Story I am going to Relate.

In the Army of the late King of Hapy Memory, (Charles the First) there was a Gentleman of great Courage and good Parts, that was Major to one of the Regiments; who being after­wards by the prevailing Usurpers forc'd to seek his Fortune abroad, ventur'd to do his King a piece of Service at Madrid, which was of an Extraordinary Nature and Conse­quence, and there judg'd very Ir­regular. Upon this he was com­mitted to an Uncommon Prison, which, tho' otherwise Tolerable e­nough, had no Window at all be­longing to it, but a Hole in the thickness of the Wall, at which the Keeper once or twice a day put [Page 273]in liberal provision of Victuals and Wine, and presently Clos'd the Window, if it may be so call'd, on the Out side, but not perhaps very Solicitously. For some Weeks this poor Gentleman continu'd in the Dark, very Disconsolate. But afterwards he began to think he saw some little Glimering of Light, which from time to time Increased; insomuch, that he could not only Discover the Parts of his Bed, and other such large Objects, but at length came to Discover things so Minute, that he could Perceive the Mice that frequented his Cham­ber, to eat the Crumbs of Bread that fell upon the Ground, and Discern their Motions very well. Several other Effects of his Sight in that Dark Place He Related. And that which Confirms that this Pro­ceeded mainly from the great Ten­derness the Visive Organ had acqui­red, by so long a stay in so Obscure a Place, was, that when after some Months, the Face of Affairs Abroad [Page 274]being somwhat Chang'd, His Li­berty was restor'd him, he durst not leave his Prison Abruptly, for fear of losing his Sight by the Daz­ling Light of the Day; and there­fore was fain to Accustom his Eyes by slow degrees to the Light. This Strange, as well as once Famous Story, I the less Scruple to set down in this Place, because I had the Curiosity to learn it from the Gent­tleman's own Mouth, who acquain­ted me with other Particulars about it, that, for want of the Notes I then took, I shall not now venture to speak of.



PAge 5. line 4. read Benefit, l. 14. r. hominis, p. 14. l. 18. r. Corporeal. I say not this, p. 16. l. 20. r. Eye, p. 21. l. 20. r. scil ad Object. p. 26. l. 2. r. eu egare, p. 42. l. 6. r. [...], p. 46. l. 24. r. fortuitous, p. 48. l. 26. r. are brought, p. 50. l. 1. r. di­late, l. 5. r. any notice, p. 53. l. 23. r. Cor­nea, p. 58. l. 20. r. notably, p. 59. l. 20. r. Posture, p. 61. l. 10. r. Cameleon, l. 25. r. slow, p. 68. l. 17. r. it was, p. 79. l. 1. r. it was not p. 79. l. 17. r. [...], p. 90. l. 27. r. to be done, p. 89. dele (;) p. 105. l. 15. r. sort, p. 106. l. 2. r. Question; a­bout which, p. 129. l. 27. r. live, p 139. l. 14. dele & L. 1, 2. p. 143. l. 23. [...]. Chance. The, p. 151. l. 1. r. Functions, p. 172. [...]. r. produc'd, p. 177. l. 5. r. Inferiour, l. [...]. r. several, p. 198. r. teres, p. 199. l. 14. r. crassioris.

A Catalogue of Books, Printed for and Sold by John Taylor at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-Yard.

1. THe Travels of Monsieur de Theve­not into the Levant; in Three Parts, viz. I. Into Turkie, II. Persia, III. The East-Indies; New done out of French, in Folio.

2. A Free Enquiry into the Vulgarly Receiv'd Notion of Nature; made in an Essay, Address'd to a Friend. By the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society. The same is also in Latin, for the Benefit of Forreigners.

3. The Martyrdom of Theodora and of Didymus. By a Person of Honour.

4. The Declamations of Quintilian, being an Exercitation or Praxis upon his Twelve Books, concerning the In­stitution of an Orator. Translated (from the Oxford Theatre Edition) into [Page] English, by a Learned and Ingenious Hand, with the Approbation of several Eminent School-Masters in the City of London.

5. England's Happiness, in a Lineal Succession, and the Deplorable Miseries which ever attended Doubtful Titles to the Crown; Historically demonstrated from the Wars between the Two Hou­ses of York and Lancaster.

6. Academia Scientiarum: Or, The Academy of Sciences. Being a Short and Easie Introduction to the Know­ledge of the Liberal Arts and Sciences; with the Names of those Famous Au­thors that have written on every parti­cular Science. In Latin and English. By D. Abercromby, M. D.

7. Publick Devotion, and the Com­mon-Service of the Church of England Justified and Recommended to all Honest and Well-meaning (however Prejudic'd) Dissenters. By a Lover of his Country, and the Protestant Religion.

8. The Best Exercise. To which is added, a Letter to a Person of Quality, concerning the Holy Lives of the Pri­mitive [Page]Christians. By Anthony Horneck, Preacher at the Savoy.

9. The Mother's Blessing: Or, The Godly Counsel of a Gentlewoman not long since Deceas'd, left behind for her Children. By Mrs. Dorothy Leigh.

10. The Inchanted Lover: Or, The Amours of Narcissus and Aurelia. A Novel. By Peter Bellon, Author of the Pilgrim.

11. Reasons why a Protestant should not Turn Papist, in a Letter to a Roman Priest.

12. Curious Enquiries, being Six brief Discourses, viz. I. Of the Longi­tude. II. The Tricks of Astrological Quacks. III. Of the Depth of the Sea. IV. Of Tobacco. V. Of Europes being too full of People. VI. The Various Opinions concerning the Time of Keep­ing the Sabbath.

13. The Works of Dr Thomas Com­ber, in Four Parts, Folio.

14. Weekly Memorials for the Inge­nious; or an Account of Books lately [Page]set forth in several Languages, with other Accounts relating to Arts and Sciences.

15. Legrand's Historia Sacra.

16. Poetical Histories. By Galtru­chius.

17. London Dispensatory. By Ni­cholas Culpeper.

18. Father Simon's Critical History of the Eastern Nations.

19. —History of the Progress of Ecclesiastical Revenues.

20. The Several Ways of Resolving Faith by the Controvertists of the Church of England and the Church of Rome.

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