A true RELATION Of the Taking of Grafton House by the Par­liaments Forces, under the Command of Sergeant Major Skipton. With the Demands of Sir IOHN DIGBY upon a surrender. And the Resolute Answer of Sergeant Major Skipton, to the said Demands. As it was sent in a Letter from a Commander in the ser­vice, to his Friend in London. With the Names of the Chiefe Commanders that were taken Prisoners.

The Names of the Chiefe Commanders that were taken prisoners.
  • Sir Iohn Digby.
  • Captaine Iohn Clarke.
  • Lieutenant Lonfield.
  • Quarter master Doswell.
  • Corporall Thorogood.
  • Major Brookebancke.
  • Captaine Longfield.
  • Quarter master Collenrigge.
  • Corporall Haynes.
  • And 80 Troopers, all with swords, pistols, and Carbines.

Decemb. 29. Printed for Iohn Wright in the Old-Bailey 1643.

Sir John Digby his demands.


AS we are determined to carry our selves [...] men, and men of honour; so if you will please to con­sent to conditions, fit for such we shall surrender this place unto you.

The conditions we desire are these.

1. That we may march forth with our Armes, Horses, and Baggage, and as well those that have not borne Armes, as those that have, may martch forth to Oxford, in the afore­said manner, without any violence to be offered, till they arrive at Oxford, and have a safe conduct to Banbury.

2. That both the Souldiers, and the people of the house, may have two dayes liberty after the surrender of the place, to carry away their goods, and the Carts of the Country allowed them in, and the Souldiers may have six houres li­berty, and the house to remove Bag and Baggage, if you con­sent that this be made good, by those that are here.

John Digby.

Major Generall Skiptons Answer.

1. To surrender all your persons Prisoners, and all Arms, Horses, Standards, Colours, and all Provisions of Warre whatsoever, withall that is within the house.

2. That you deliver all those Souldiers of ours, which have been taken prisoners by you, and that if any of our Soldiers, Prisoners, taken by you, have suffered in any sort by you, that your Souldiers shall expect the like usage from me.

3. And these things being performed, I shall preserve and set at liberty, all Women, Children, and such other persons as have not bin in armes against us.

4. And all these to be performed by you in one houre, or else present advertisement within one quarter of an houre, after the delivery of these Articles.

Philip Skipton.
The names of those that are taken prisoners, of the Horse.
  • Sir John Digby.
  • Captaine John Clerke.
  • Lieutenant Longfield.
  • Quartermaster Doswell.
  • Corporall Thorogood.
  • Major Brookbanck.
  • Captaine Longfield.
  • Quartermaster Collenrigge.
  • Corporall Haynes.

And 80 Troopers all with Swords, Pistols, and Carbins.

Prisoners taken of the Foot.
  • Captaine Bullar.
  • Lieutenant Wacham.
  • Lieutenant Bigley.
  • Two Ensignes, one Ensigne Owner.
Besides many other Gentlemen that came voluntarily:
  • Henry Ratcliffe.
  • An Ensigne Reformado.
  • Arch-Deacon Beeley.
  • Parson Crompton.
  • Parson Baning.

And 100 Foot Armed with musquets.

This is Printed according to Order.


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