Exceeding good NEWES FROM IRELAND: BEING A perfect RELATION of the late great Over­throw given to the Rebels, by the Forces of Vlster, under the Command of Col. Conoway, and Lieut. Col. Oconally: With the manner of their routing and defeating them in the Counties of Cavon, Monakon, Louth, and Westmeath; taking 1200. Cowes, 400. Horse, 1000. Sheep, with all their Arms and Ammunition.

Also, their surprizing of all the Magazine and Provisions, that were prepared for Generall Preston, and Owen Macharts Armies at the Siege against DUBLIN.

Together with the Lord Inchiquins taking the Field with 5000. Horse and Foot. And the raising of the Siege at DUBLIN.

Certified by severall Letters, Novemb. 13. 1646.

London, Printed for Richard Woodnoth, and are to be sold at his shop at the Signe of the Starre in Cornwall, 1646

Exceeding good Newes FROM IRELAND.

THE vigilant endeavours, and in­expressable care and industrious paines of these under-named Wor­thies, and ever renowned Patriots of their Country, hath not been wanting in the Province of Vlster, since the time of their recei­ving the Great Trust reposed in them (by the Parliament of England,) but with all faithful­nesse▪ active spirits, and undanted hearts hath endeavoured the preservation of that Country, [Page 2] and hath sought by all meanes possible the ad­vancing of the Protestant party, and the utter extirpation of the Popish; and to that end hath been very active against the blood-thirsty and barbarous Rebels; as will appear by this ensu­ing Letter.


ON Thursday the 27 of October, 1646. Arthur Anslo Esquire, Sonne and Heire to the right ho­nourable, Francis Lord Mountnorris, Viscount Valentia, and Collonel William Beal of the City of Lon­don, being Commissioners for the Parliament in Ulster, sent out a Party (resolute and gallantly armed) consist­ing of seven hundred Horse and Dragoones of the Brit­tish Army, under the command of Collonel Edward Conoway, Son to the Lord Vicount Conoway, accompani­ed with Lieutenant Colonell Oconally, and other Offi­cers, who marched out on Tuesday the seven and twen­tieth of October, 1646. from Lisuegarner, with intenti­on to divert the Rebels from Dublin, and to spoyl Owen Macharts Quarters while hee was attending that City; they continued abroad almost fourteen dayes, burning and spoyling the Counties of Cavon, Monakan, Louth, and Westmeath, with so good successe, that the Corne they burned could not be valued at lesse then fifty thousand [Page 3] pounds, and many Townes and Villages were burned that had not tasted of this Rebellion.

Severall Magazines of provisions for Owen Macharts Army was surprised, and burnt by them; and at length they returned with a prey of twelve hundred Cowes, four hundred horse, one thousand sheep, and as much of other plunder as they could carry, and were forced to leave much behind them of all sorts, for want of drivers for the Cattell and Carriage horses to bring away their spoyle, being fain to give some of the Rebels their lives to assist them to bring away what they did.

They had the better opportunity to do this good ser­vice, by reason that Owen Machart had perswaded the Inhabitants, that they had made a Cessation with the Parliaments Forces in Vlster, which the cillie people were so confident of, that when they perceived their ap­proach in a hostile manner, they betook themselves to their hills and bogs, and there rayled, as treacherous breakers of the Cessation till our men satisfied them of their delusion, Owen-Machart prevailed so farre upon this deceitfull assurance of a Cessation that almost all the fighting men were marched with him to Dublin, so that our forces could have no great slaughter of them, killing onely about forty men.

Amongst other places, Carick Mac-Roso was burned and the Rebels strong Workes there quitted: As also, se­verall other places very defensible; which our Forces being onely horse, were not in condition to garrison, but they demolished their Workes, and quite disabled the Enemy of bearing any armes.

There was one Scottish woman returned with our men, who had continued with the Rebels from the be­gining, [Page 4] and could not have opportunity to come from them.

Thus it hath pleased the great God of Heaven, so to blesse and prosper the endeavours and undertakings of the Worthies of England (the High and Honourable Court of Parliament) that by their vigilant care, and unwearied pains, in seeking the preseruation of that poor distressed, and bleeding Kingdome of Ireland, by taking care, and sending over, some eminent and faithfull Pa­triots of their Country (who by the assistance of the Al­mighty) have beene Instruments of clearing severall Counties in that Kingdome, and taken in many of the Rebels strong Garrisons and Holds; so that for a great distance, the Rebels have but very little shelter.

These Worthies having spent these foureteen months as Commissioners in ordering the Armies in Ireland, are returned safe to London on Tuesday the three and twentieth of November 1646. with this glad newes, and assuring the Parliament that there was no great doubt of Dublin, they being in a good condition to re­sist the enemy, their workes being finished, and ex­pecting dayly forces from England, and the enemy, Owen, Machant and Generall Preston being not very u­nanimous in their designes. It is said that the Lord Digby endeavouring to revenge himselfe of the Rebels, by di­viding the old English and Irish was hunted after by the Popes Nuntio, who vowed his death, whereupon dis­guising himselfe, he was forced to lurke from place to place, and unlesse he had escaped safe to the Earle of Clenrickard, it is not knowne what is become of him.

Sir Charles Coote the Lord president of Conath is re­turned out of Vister to Conath with his Horse, and will [Page 5] speedily fall upon the Rebels in wonted manner, but is so scanted of provisions for his men, that without spee­dy and plentifull reliefe, there will be suddenly an end both of his Service and Army.

Thus having acquainted you with the remarkablest passages that hath happened these many weekes, I hum­bly take my leave, and remain

Your ever true and faithfull friend, E. G.

But to proceed a little further, and to give you a hint of the victorious, and gallant atchievements, of the e­ver renowned and undanted Generall, the Lord Inchi­quin, which for your better satisfaction, I shall here in­sert, as followeth:

By letters from Corke in Ireland, it is also certified, that the Lord Inchiqueene hath lately mustered his for­ces, both horse and foote which doth consist of 5000. in number, most of them being old Souldiers, and gal­lantly armed, are now marched towards the Re­bels quarters and Garisons: they march in two seve­rall bodies, but at no great distance, and coming neere to one of the Rebels Garisons, a place of great strength, the Generall gave command, that a party of horse and foote should be drawn forth, to advance nearer to that Garison for the sudden surprisall of the enemy, if any were in the adjacent Townes; Whereupon they ad­vanced, and drawing neere to the place, met with some opposition, of the Rebels, where they began a hot en­counter, [Page 6] but being overpowred by the Rebels, the Pro­testants were forced to retreat, the Rebels pursuing them; but immediately the whole body came on, and fell violently upon the enemy, killing a great number and put the rest to flight, and pursued them to their Ga­rison, where the Rebels had much Corne and provisi­on together with great store of Ammunition; and with­in few houres, they fired all their Corne and Ammuni­tion, with Granadoes, doing great execution upon the Rebels within the Castle.

Whereupon Generall Preston, and Oneale, present­ly called a Councel of warre, and there concluded, that all the forces, both horse and foote, that were at the Siege of Dublin, should presently be commanded to draw off, and to reside and keepe their head quarters within 18. miles of the said City, where as yet they re­maine.


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