THE Last Will and Testament OF SVPERSTITION: Eldest Daughter to Antichrist, THE Eldest Sonne to LVCIFER, the Prince of this World, of the Family of Popery, in the Kingdome of Idolatry:

Being fallen into a grievous fit of Sicknesse, with­out all hopes of Recovery.

Made in the Prelates Clymactericall yeer, Anno Domini. 1641.

LONDON Printed by Iohn Hammond. 1642.

THE Last VVill and Testament of Superstition, eldest Daughter to Antichrist, eldest son to Lucifer, the Prince of this World, of the family of Popery, in the Kingdome of Idolatry:

Being fallen into a grievous Fit of sicknesse, with­out all hopes of Recovery, wade, An. Dom. 1641.

IN the name of his Holinesse, Antichrist the Pope, sobeit.

I Superstition, of the Parish of blinde Devotion, in the County of Corrupt Do­ctrine, and in the Kingdome of Idolatry, be­ing infirme and weake of body, crased in me­mory, and worse in Minde, have made this my Testament and last Will in writing, bearing date the Twelfth day of February, in the yeer of my confusion, 1641. Wherein I bequeath as followeth.


I give and bequeath my Annimalls, and in­terioriors, to be disposed of, by Lucifer, the Prince of this World; whom I have devoutly and faithfully served, during my prosperity, as shall please him; whether it be in Purgato­ry, or otherwise; and as for my exterior body, and fleshly Members thereof, I commit and bequeath unto the earth, from whence they came, having been Earthly sensuall and devi­lish, after my Funerall Expences and debts be paid and discharged, in such manner and form as hereafter I shall prescribe, to be therein in­terred, and covered, with perpetuall oblivi­on.

Item, I give and bequeath all my Tene­ments, that are Free-hold, lying or false be­ing, in the Parish of Ignorance, within the County of Blinde Devotion, before mention­ed, with all the Appurtenances thereunto be­longing, commonly called, or knowne by the name, or names of Lack-witt, and Want-Vnderstanding, unto my elder Brother Lit­tle wit, and the heire Males of his body law­fully begootten; and for want of such issue, to his heires female, and their heires; and for want of such issue, to his heires generall at Law.

Item, I give and bequeath all those tene­ments, lying or false being, which are Coppi­hold [Page] within the Parish and County afore­said, commonly called or known by the name of Rash-wit, and Selfe-will, unto my youn­ger brother Obstinate Perversnesse, to have and to hold the same during his Naturall life: and after his extinguishment to my right hei [...]es.

Item, I give and bequeath my Goods and Chattels as followeth.

Imprimis, I give and bequeath my whole Li­brary of Bookes both in Print and Manu­script, containing his Holinesse Traditions, and Inventions, the holy Apocrypha, Prayer Bookes to Saints, Ave Maries, and the Old and New Testament mis-interpreted, and corrupted, and other the like, to my well-be­loved Vncles, Cardinall False-heart, Cardi­nall Would have wit, Cardinall Want-wit, Do­ctor Corrupt-doctrine, Doctor Wrest-scripture, Doctor Canon, and Doctor Ambition, to use and study such things as may be necessary to uphold and maintaine his Holinesses King­dome.

Item, I give and bequeath all those Goods and Chattels placed in my Closet and private Chambers, as Pictures, Images of the Vir­gin Mary, of Christ and the twelve Apo­stles, of Saints and Angels, and the like, un­to my well-beloved Cosens, Newters, halfe Protestant, halfe Papist, or otherwise, to bee [Page] privately conveyed to Rome, there by his Ho­ [...]nesse to be disposed of; or, at my decease to [...]e burned as a sacrifice accompanying me to desolation.

Item, I give and bequeath all those Orna­ments in my house of Divinew or ship, Masses, Diriges, Altars, Bowings, Cringings, Cr [...]e­ping, whipping, Beating, Kneesing, Stand­ing, and all other the appurtenances to that exercise belonging, to bee with me abolished, and for ever buried in everlasting obscurity.

Item, I give and bequeath all my wearing appatrell, both wollen and linnen, my out­ward garments, as Plush, Velvet, Satten, Scar­let, Crimson, Purple, and the like, to my well-beloved friends, Dukes, Earles, Lords, Barons, and other temporall Knights, and to be by them worne for my sake, and not any more by any of the Clergy, whether Cardi­nall, Prelate or Bishop; as heretofore. My o­ther garmen Lawn sleeves, Hoods, Cop [...]s, Bagge, Surpluses, and the like, I give and be­queath unto Drapers, Sempsters, and the like, to be converted to other uses more necessary for the body and profitable for the purse. My Beads, Crosses, shaven Crownes. Leather-pared Friers garments, black and gray, I give and bequeath to Priest, Iesuits, Monkes, Fri­ers, Capuchins, and by them to bee used and exercised in any parts of his Holinesses Do­minions [Page] and Kingdoms of Idolatry, where they can professe the same; and where not imme­diatly after my departure to be expulsed and extirpated.

Item, I give and bequeath towards my Fu­nerall Expences, 3000. Wax Candles, as many Tapers, 10000. pounds to the Singers that shall sing Masse, and Dirges at the same; and 5000. pounds per Annum, for Prayers to be continually used for my resurrection a­gaine, in due time.

Item, I doe nominate and appoint my ill-affected friends, whom otherwise I cannot chuse, but must trust as Executors of this my Last Will and Testament, The Lawes and Ordinances of the High Court of Parliament now assembled in the Kingdom of England, by whom I have received my deadly wound; And the Iustices of Peace, and other Officers within the severall Counties, where I have been affected and prosperous, I doe nominate and appoint to my Overseers, to see this my Will executed and duly performed.

In witnesse whereof I have set to my hand, SVPERSTITION, In the presence of R. P. C.D. P.I. F. &c. Per I. B. Gent.

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