A Letter sent from the Major of Bristoll, to the Speaker of the House of COMMONS.
THe Provisions which by a free benevolence hath been gathered in this city, and brought in from part of Gloucecestershire and Somersetshire, is embarkd upon two vessels, the one is the Meremaid of Bristoll, and the other is the Sampson of this place also; the latter whereof is a ship of good defence, and goeth a Convoy unto what we send, and that from Mynhead; they will be ready to set sail on Munday next; we thought good to render the Parliament an account [Page 4]of the quantity and severall sorts of which we have inclosed, sent in Invoice; we hope it will come timely for their relief; It is consigned unto my Lo: Enshaqueen, the Earl of Cork; and to Mr. Richard Ward Commissary, and have left it to their wisdoms to proportion to each place what is fitting: Sir, having this opportunity, we heartily defire you to present to the house of Commons our thankfull acknowledgement of their care of this City, in sending Colonell Fines to command the Forces here: He is a Gentleman of unwearied pains and watchfullnesse, not omitting any thing which may conduce to our safety; our Fortifications are in a good forwardnesse, and hath cost us very much moneys; Mr. Fines is the sole directer thereof, who in person followeth it dayly, which being perfected (we hope under God) may be the preservation of us [Page 5]and our neighbour counties, vvhose assistance in this extraordinary charge (by the favour of the Honorable Houses of Parliament we hope to obtain) craving your furtherance and helpe vvhen the House shall be moved thereunto; for present vve conclude, vvith tender of our humble service, and rest your assured friends and servants
- Richard Aldworth Major,
- John Coming.
- Humphrey Hooke.
- John Tomlinson.
- Joseph Jackson.
- Andrew Charlton.
- Richard Long.
- William Jones.
- Hu: Browne.
- John Locke.
Invoice of severall sorts of provisions, laden upon Shipp Meremaid, William Lambert Master for the reliefe of the Protestants in Ireland, from the City of Bristoll, 14. April, 1643.
- IMprimis, 201. Bushells of white Peas.
- Item, [...]05. Bushels of Gray-Peas.
- Item, 82. Bushells of Beanes.
- Item, 3 Hogsheads, 15 Barrells, and 2 Kinterkins of Beefe.
- Item, 2 Hogsheads and one Butt of dry Fish.
- Item, 10 Bundells of dry Fish.
- Item, 1 Hogshead, one Barrell, and 2 Kinterkins of Corn-Fish.
- Item, 20 couple of Bank-Fish.
- Item, 1 Hogshead, and 2 Barrells of Herrings.
- Item, 5 Tuns of Cheese, being 1684. Cheeses in bulk.
- Item, 2. Hogsheads of Cheese.
- Item, one Hogshead of Bacon.
- Item, 34. Flitches of Bacon.
- Item, one Barrell of Beefe and Bacon.
- [Page 7]Item, one Kinterkin of Porke.
- Item, 7. Kinterkins [...], 7. Ferkins, and one halfe Firkin of D [...]ter.
- Item, one Punchean of Pruans.
- Item, 3. Tuns, and 3 Hogsheads of Beer.
- Item, 47 hundred, 1 quartern, 19 pound weight of Bread.
Invoice of severall sorts of provisions, laden upon Shipp Sampson, Thomas Goodier, Master for the relief of the Protestants in Ireland, from the City of Bristoll 27. April, 1643.
- IMprimis, one Barrell of Beefe.
- Item, one Barrell of Meal,
- Item, 1 Hogshead, and 3 Barrells of Wet Fish.
- Item, one Barrell of dry Fish.
- Item, 2 Kinterkins of Herrings.
- Item, 3 barrells of Bacon.
- Item, 20 Flitches of Bacon.
- Item, one butt of Beefe and bacon.
- Item, 23. Kinterkins, 17 Ferkins, 1 Tub, and 5. [Page 8]pots of butter.
- Item, 80 bushells of white Peas.
- Item, 317 bushells of gray Peas.
- Item, 543 bushells of Mangcorn.
- Item, 3 Tuns 15 hundred of Cheese, being 1369. Cheeses.
- Item, one barrell of Cheese.
- Item, one bag of Hops, 102, 1 quartern, and 2. pound weight.
- Item, 1 barrell, and 11 Kinterkins of Oatmeal.
- Item, one butt of Malt.
- Item one Punchean of Pruans.
- Item, one dry Fatt of Shoes.
- Item, 50. hundred weight of bread.
- Item, 8 hundred of Cornfish.
Item, more in money, thirty pounds which will be layd out in provisions, and sent upon this Shipp: And this day brought in about the Countrey, about five Tuns of Corn, and other provisions.