AFter Our hearty Commendations; Whereas by the Act of Parliament now lately Passed, for Granting a Supply to His MAJESTY of 206462 l 17 s 3 d for Paying off, and Disbanding the Forces Raised since the 29 th of September 1677, We are Authorized to Issue the Money thereby Granted without any Privy Seal or other Warrant from the KING, to the end the same may be Paid with most Expedition: And whereas [...] Thomas [...] Knt, and Cole Roger Whitley⟩ Commissioners named in the said Act for Disbanding the said Forces, by a Debenture, or Certificate Signed and Sealed by them, bearing Date the 31 st of May last and Directed to Us pursuant to the said Act, have Certified Us, That upon Examination they finde that there is due to ⟨Eliza Howard of Egham from [...]e [...]ral of Caplaure Clifford [...]oloress in [...] Rupert Rog [...]men [...] the Sum of ⟨four pounds sixteene shillings⟩ for their Quarters for ⟨seberall⟩ days; which said Sum they have Deducted out of their Pay, accord­ing to the Rules of the said Act; and desire that an Order may be drawn and Signed for the said Sum, with Interest as by the said Act is directed: These are therefore to pray and require you by virtue of the said Act, forthwith to draw an Order for Payment of the said Sum of ⟨four pounds sixteene shillings⟩ to the said ⟨Eliza Howard⟩ or his Assigns, in full of the said Quarters, together with Interest every Three Months after the Rate of Eight pound per Cent. per Annum. And let the said Order be Registred and Paid in course out of such Money as shall come into the Re­ceipt of His Majesties Exchequer, of the said Sum of 206462 l 17 s 3 d according to the Direction of the said Act of Par­liament: For which this shall be your Warrant. Whitehall Treasury Chambers the ⟨30 th day of ⟨June⟩ 1679.

To Our very loving Friend, Sir Robert Howard Kt. Auditor of the Receipt of His Majesties Exchequer.

⟨Eliza Howard 4 th, 16 8 for Quarten.⟩

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