The Address presented to His Majesty at Kensington the 11th. day of June 1700. by the Lord Ross, and the Lairds of Grubbet, Torwoodlie and Dollary, Commissioners appointed by the other Members of Parliament, who subscribed the same.

VVE Your Majesty's most Loyal and Dutiful Subjects, the Subscribing Noblemen, Barons, and Burgesses of this your An­cient Kingdom of SCOTLAND, Members of the same Parliament which happily Settled Your Majesty's Govern­ment over Us, and has ever since given continued Proofs of Zeal and Affection to your Majesty's Service in the several Sessi­ons thereof: Do humbly Represent to Your Majesty, that having according to Your Majesty's Royal Appointment, met together in Parliament, with full Resolution to have proceeded in the like good Intentions, for the Honour and Interest of your Majesty and People;

It is to Our unspeakable Grief and Disappointment, that not only there has been no Return given to the Unanimous Address of the last Session of Parliament, Expressing the whole Nation's Concern in the INDIAN and AFRICAN Company: But also after a Motion made in this Session of Parliament for a Resolve, That Our Colony of CALEDONIA in DARIEN, is a Legal and Rightful Settlement, in the Terms of the Act of Parliament 1965. And that the Parliament would Mantain and Support the same. Members beginning to Reason thereupon, were Inter­rupted by an Adjournment, which We Humbly Conceive is not agreeable to the 40 Act of the 11th, Parliament of King James the 6. Where it is promitted, That nothing shall be done or Commanded, which might Directly or Indirectly Prejudge the Liberty of free Voting, and Reasoning of the E­states of Parliament, or any of them in all time coming.

And thereafter, by a Subsequent Adjournment, from the Thirtieth day of May instant, to the Twentieth day of June next, the Parliament was not permitted to come to any Resolution, in the pressing Concerns of the Nation; which we cannot think consistent with that Article of Our Claim of Right, whereby it is Declared, That for the Redress of all Grievances, and for the Amending, Strengthning, and Preserving of the Laws, Par­liaments ought to be frequently called and allowed to Sit, and the Freedom of Speech and Debate secured to the Members.

We do therefore in all Humility and Earnestness, Intreat, That Your Majesty will be graciously pleased, to allow your Parliament to Meet at the Day to which it is now Adjourned; and to fit as long as may be Necessary, for Redressing the Grievances of the Na­tion, Asserting its just Rights and Priviledges, as well at Home as Abroad, in its Colony of CALEDONIA, And for En­acting such Laws as may be for the Advancement and Security of Religion, the Honour of your Majesty, and the true Interest of this Nation. We are

May it please your Majesty, Your Majesty's most Dutiful, most Loyal, and most Obedient Subjects and Servants.
  • Robert Chieslie for Edinburgh
  • Robert Smith Perth
  • Robert Cruikshanks Aberdeen
  • Walter Stewart Linlithgow
  • James Smith St. Andrews
  • Patrick Murray A [...]ather-Easter
  • John Cuthbert Inversess
  • Alexander Gedd Bruntisland
  • Francis Molison Brechin
  • James Hamilton Dumfermling
  • George Smith Pittenweem,
  • Robert Faa Dumbar
  • John Muir Peebles
  • James Stewart Elgin
  • Patrick Steven Aberbrothock
  • John Lyon Forfar
  • Robert Stewart Rothsay
  • James Scott Rutherglen
  • Robert Cleilland Anstruther-Wester
  • Alexander Stevenson Kilrenny
  • Daniel Simpson Fortross
  • William Beatie Bervie
  • Patrick Murray Stranrawer
  • Adam Ainsly Jedburgh
  • William Hamilton Queensferry
  • William Brodie Forres
  • Alexander Edgar Haddingtoun
  • Robert Stewart Dingwall
  • Alexander Gilmore of Craigmillar.
  • William Hepburn of Beenstoun
  • John Home of Blackader
  • George Baillie of Jerviswood
  • William Bennet of Grubbet
  • Francis Scott of Thirlestane
  • James Pringle of Torwoodlie
  • Alexander Murray of Blackbarrony
  • William Baillie of Lamington
  • James Hamilton of Aikenhead
  • Alexander Johnston of Elshishiels
  • William Mackdowal of Garthland
  • John Craford of Kilbirny.
  • Robert Pollock of that Ilk
  • Alexander Monro of Bear Crofts
  • Patrick Murray of Livingston
  • Thomas Sharp of Houston
  • James Craigie younger of Dumbarny
  • Thomas Burnet of Lees.
  • Alexander Arbuthnet of Knox
  • James More of Stonywood
  • Ludovick Grant of that Ilk
  • Duncan Forbes of Collodin
  • George Brodie of Aslisk
  • James Kilpatrick of Closburn:
  • William Enster of Anstru [...]her
  • James Carnagie of Finhaven.
  • James Scot of Logie Junior
  • Thomas Abercromby of Birkinbog
  • Alexander Duff of Braceo
  • Adam Gordon of Dalfolly
  • Alexander Gordon of Garthie
  • Alexander Brodie of that Ilk
  • Patrick Murray of Pennyland
  • William Craigie of Gairsie
  • John Erskine of Alva
  • John Swinton of that Ilk
  • Jame. Scott of Logie.
  • John Scott of Well
  • James Scott of Galla
  • Robert Craig of Rickerton
  • William Morison of Prestoungrange
  • John Lauder of Fountainhall
  • William Steward of Ambrismore
  • ROSS

Memorandum, That several other Mem­bers of Parliament, who happen'd not to be present at the Signing of this Address, did not only previously agree to it, but did moreover Sign the last National Address, which in express terms concurrs with this.

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