By the Mayor.
WHereas the slow comming in of the moneys upon the Ordinance of Parliament of the sixteenth of October last for the releif of Ireland, is like to prove a great hinderance to this summer service against the Rebells of that Kingdome, by reason that the proportion of money to be levyed in London and Middlesex (which is designed for the supplying of the Officers and souldiers, with that little which is allotted for their present encouragement, and to furnish them necessaries for their taking of the field) comes in more slowly then was expected, notwithstanding that some weekes agoe this hath been represented in all the Churches of London. It is therefore againe desired by the Lord Major, in compliance with an Order of the Committee of both Kingdomes of the seventeenth of Aprill last, and in Commiseration of our distressed Brethren, the Protestants of Ireland That the Ministers of the severall Churches and Chappels within the City of London and the Liberties thereof, would earnestly recommend to their Parishoners the speedy advance of their whole Assessment for the twelve months (whereof very neare 10 are now elapsed) as they tender the preservation of that poore Kingdome, and welfare of this, and as they would testifie their thankfullnes to God for his late mercy and successe against our enemies here. By assisting our Bretheren that were first in the same trial of Affliction & are fighting in the same Cause, against a most Barbarous and Cruell Enemy, and as they desire to shew their good affections to the Parliament and Protestant partie, which we may expect (through Gods Blessing) will begin to lift up the head, even in Ireland also, (If the Protestant Forces there be in any competent measure supplied) that wee by this meanes here may bee freed from the Apprehension of any more Rebells to come over out of Ireland; Nor can the advancing of so small a proportion of Money, bee a great burthen to any, it being only the Assessment of two Moneths more then what is already due, which ought to bee cheerefully advanced by every one, it being of no lesse concernment then the saving of a Kingdome.
And the Collectors in every Ward, are hereby warned to bring into Grocers Hall an Accompt of their proceedings herein, upon Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday come seven-night, being the last of Iune, and first and second of Iuly, as they will answer the contrary at their Perills, together with the Names of such Persons as shall shew themselves backward in furthering so pious a work. On which dayes some Persons of trust shall bee appointed, who shall take speciall notice of their neglect, or dilligence in this matter, as also of the good or bad affection of the Assessed to a worke wherein the welfare and safety of both Kingdomes are so nerely concerned.
Old-Iury London, 20 of June, 1645.